Home Kashi How to cook horseradish tomato appetizer. Here is such Khrenovina "Gouge out the eye" (horseradish appetizer of tomato with horseradish and garlic). Video - cooking horseradish

How to cook horseradish tomato appetizer. Here is such Khrenovina "Gouge out the eye" (horseradish appetizer of tomato with horseradish and garlic). Video - cooking horseradish

Classic horseradish from tomato, horseradish and garlic for the winter, recipe with photo

What is hidden behind the romantic name "crap"? What is it and what is it eaten with? Here it is, the great and mighty Russian language. Do not misunderstand, horseradish is not a bad dish that the unfortunate hostess did not turn out. This is a very tasty spicy seasoning sauce made from tomatoes, garlic and, of course, horseradish. This is a traditional Russian dish, common in Siberia and the Urals. The classic horseradish is similar to raw adjika with tomatoes, the recipe with a photo of which can be viewed at the link. But in adjika, the main ingredient is tomatoes and chili peppers, and in horseradish horseradish is responsible for the piquancy. In addition to horseradish, garlic gives spiciness to the sauce; black and red are added in some recipes. ground pepper. The appetizer is also called horseradish, gorloder, light, cobra, tear out the eye. It is impossible to eat especially spicy versions of the sauce without tears, but how healthy it is! Horseradish is a powerful anti-inflammatory agent, combined with garlic will kill any microbe. True, such spicy snack not everyone can do it: for children and people suffering from gastrointestinal diseases, this spicy sauce contraindicated, therefore, so please be careful. Tomatoes are a source of fiber, pectin, organic acids, vitamins and much more. By increasing the concentration of tomatoes and reducing the amount of horseradish to your liking, you will achieve the spiciness that you like.

How to cook horseradish? As for adjika, fragrant fleshy dark red tomatoes are taken. Ripe tomatoes can be partially replaced with green ones: the benefits are no less, but the taste is spicier. The number of tomatoes regulates the spiciness: the more of them, the softer the horseradish. An important point: it is the horseradish root that is taken, leaves for cucumbers or horseradish in a jar will not work. At home, a spicy snack is prepared very quickly. It is enough to grind vegetables in a meat grinder and add spices. I offer you step by step instructions for cooking horseradish.


  • 1 kg of fleshy tomatoes;
  • 100 g of peeled garlic;
  • 100 g of horseradish root;
  • 2 tsp without a slide of salt;
  • 1 tsp Sahara;
  • 2 tsp 9% vinegar.

Classic recipe for horseradish with tomatoes, horseradish and garlic for the winter

1. Cut the tomatoes a little and immerse them in boiling water for 10 minutes. This will help us quickly separate the skin. Sometimes tomatoes go into the horseradish unpeeled, but we will remove the skin so that it does not get stuck in the meat grinder. And the consistency will turn out to be softer and more uniform, it will be much more pleasant to eat such a sauce.

2. Peel the garlic cloves. How to do it quickly and easily: pour boiling water over the cloves for 3 seconds, but no more, so that the garlic does not boil. Now the skin comes off easily.

3. We clean the garlic from the soaked skin.

4. Now it's the turn of horseradish. It is better to take a freshly dug medium-sized root: about 25 cm long and 3 cm in diameter. It should not be mechanical or other damage. We clean the root with a knife. I had 140 g of root, it became 85 g, and it turned out to be stunningly spicy (and insanely delicious, of course). So you can take less horseradish (or more tomatoes). There is a small culinary trick: if you want to reduce the sharpness of horseradish, pour boiling water over it.

5. We clean the tomatoes from the skin.

6. Cut the fruits into 2-4 parts to remove the hard center.

7. Pass horseradish and garlic through a meat grinder. Horseradish, when crushed, emits caustic essential oils that cause lacrimation. To protect your eyes, you can put a plastic bag over the meat grinder and tie it up. Horseradish will immediately arrive in the package.

8. Next, skip the tomatoes. You can also use a powerful blender.

9. Add salt, sugar, vinegar - preservatives that allow you to store horseradish raw. We put these ingredients to taste, as you like. Sugar and vinegar complement each other: if it turns out sour - add sugar, sweet - vinegar. V traditional recipe vinegar is not used, but we will pour it for safety so that the horseradish does not ferment. And one more thing: if the variety of tomatoes is sweet, then less sugar will be needed.

10. Mix thoroughly. The photo in the recipe shows that it turned out to be a liquid red-white vegetable mass. You can leave the horseradish for an hour so that air bubbles come out. Then you can try and, if necessary, add salt to the snack.

11. Pour the horseradish into sterilized cooled jars. How to do it, see here. It is better to take small containers, for example from under baby food. We take small jars so that the horloder does not turn sour.

12. We twist with sterilized lids. Horseradish without cooking is stored in the refrigerator or in the freezer (after defrosting, the taste is the same). The first month the appetizer retains all its properties, then the spiciness becomes weaker. To cook the workpiece or not? Boiling prolongs the shelf life of horseradish, but there are fewer useful substances after heat treatment. If you decide to play it safe, then cook the horseradish for 15 minutes and immediately roll it up.

13. Horseradish cooked according to classic recipe, combined with dumplings, served with potatoes, meat and fish dishes. Those who do not like a too spicy snack can mix horseradish with honey or sour cream.

Spicy, spicy and incredibly healthy horseradish is ready. Bon Appetit!

Horseradish, gorloder, Siberian adjika, light, gouge your eye, cobra, horseradish appetizer, and of course, HRENOVINA! All these names refer to the same dish - a cold spicy seasoning (sauce) based on fresh tomatoes, horseradish root and garlic. This vegetable preparation for the winter will be an excellent addition to meat dishes, and just on a slice of black bread it will turn out very tasty and piquant.

If you do not know how to cook horseradish for the winter at home, I will be happy to share the recipe with you. In general, in addition to the ingredients listed below, other things are often added to the composition of the horseradish hostess: sweet or bitter peppers, fresh carrots, vinegar. But I offer exactly the option that my grandmother did.

Depending on the amount of horseradish and garlic, the sharpness of the finished horseradish with tomatoes for the winter may decrease or increase. You can at least a kilogram of horseradish per kilogram of tomatoes, if you like very spicy. In this case, a moderately spicy seasoning-sauce is obtained. Whether or not to add salt and sugar is up to you. Also, you can safely vary their quantity depending on your taste preferences.


Cooking step by step with photos:

First of all, we wash and clean the horseradish root - just remove the upper rough part with a knife. If the root is large, cut it into several parts so that it is convenient to pass them through a meat grinder.

We also peel fresh garlic. I have a large one - I used the winter one. If you are young and not very vigorous, you can take more.

Wash fresh tomatoes, dry and cut into quarters, not forgetting to cut the stem. Tomatoes take red, ripe and fleshy. It is better not to use spoiled ones, since horseradish is not subjected to heat treatment.

Now the most unpleasant thing is that we will grind the peeled horseradish through a meat grinder. In order not to cry bitterly (well, I couldn’t do without it anyway), we put a bag on the meat grinder and tie it tightly. I must say that a manual meat grinder copes with horseradish better than an electric one. Horseradish got stuck in my electric meat grinder 2 times and I had to disassemble everything ... I sobbed along with the children who were in the other room - I had such an angry and vigorous horseradish. But with grief in half, I did it!

Now you can skip fresh garlic - everything was done without tears. It turns out here is such a garlic gruel. By the way, you can grind on a fine grater - as you prefer.

In Russia, one of the most popular was a snack called “horseradish”. She achieved her popularity, probably due to the beneficial antimicrobial properties and bright, sharp sensations. This snack is also called boiled horseradish, and this option will allow you to keep the workpiece longer. This recipe for tomato "horseradish" for the winter can be stored for a long time. The main thing is to remove it from the eyes away, because at the sight of such a tasty treat, the hand itself reaches for the jar ...

So, let's prepare:

  • Horseradish, root: 200 g;
  • Tomatoes: 3 kg;
  • Garlic: 2 medium heads or 10 cloves;
  • Bulgarian Bell pepper: 400 g;
  • Salt: 3 tablespoons;
  • Sugar: 2 tablespoons;
  • Black pepper (ground).

Wash the tomatoes, cut into quarters and turn through a meat grinder. Pour into a heavy-bottomed saucepan or cauldron and cook over medium heat for 20 minutes.

Remove the seeds from the bell pepper, cut as convenient. Soak garlic in water and peel. Peel the horseradish and chop coarsely. Grind all this in a meat grinder and combine with tomato puree. Cook for 10 more minutes.

Add salt, pepper, sugar to the horseradish, adjust the taste, boil. Pour hot into sterilized jars and seal.

Bon Appetit!

Horseradish: a recipe for cooking for the winter without cooking with aspirin

The recipe for horseradish without cooking for the winter with aspirin - unusual option snacks, which is guaranteed to be stored in the refrigerator.

The appetizer is so common that it began to be manufactured industrially. But many housewives still prefer to do it on their own. There is a wide variety of recipes for this sauce. It is easy to prepare and does not require a long list of ingredients. The basis is always the use of fresh horseradish root, tomatoes (only red or red and green mixed), and garlic. All elements are ground into a puree, and then salt and pepper are added to them. Due to horseradish and garlic, the seasoning has a long shelf life, even in the refrigerator.


  • horseradish root;
  • Garlic (head);
  • Tomatoes (1kg, ripe, juicy, whole);
  • Sugar

We sterilize dishes. This amount will make about 1 liter of horseradish. It is better to take a container of small capacity.

We take the horseradish root, clean, wash and cut into pieces.

We clean the garlic. You can pre-soak it - it will go faster.

My tomatoes, cut the stalk, cut into 4 parts.

Now the most difficult thing is to chop the horseradish. We put a plastic bag on the meat grinder, under the nut that twists, and another one on top of it. You can get by with one. We close children, husband and pets in the farthest room, otherwise we cannot do without tears. We ourselves will have to cry a little - horseradish is very tearful. We will cover the bowl with horseradish with a package.

Grind the garlic and tomatoes in a meat grinder too. Combine with horseradish, add salt and sugar. We pour into banks. For better storage, add an aspirin tablet. But this is an option (aspirin is not safe). Roll up. We keep it in the refrigerator all winter.

Horseradish for the winter: recipes "Spark"

Such an affectionate name received a completely unchildish spicy dish. It is also called "cobra", "gyurza", "horseradish". This seasoning has long been known in the Urals, in Siberia. It perfectly warms in the cold season, and is also a prevention of SARS. It can be served with all second courses, it goes especially well with dumplings or pasta.

Horseradish recipe for the winter "Spark":

  • Tomatoes red ripe or red with green, proportion 5: 2 (only 5 kg);
  • Bulgarian pepper (10 pcs.);
  • Horseradish, root (500 g is enough);
  • Garlic (300-400 g);
  • Hot pepper (5 pages);
  • Salt (7 tablespoons without a slide).

What are we doing?

  • We clean the horseradish and pump it in cold water. An alternative is to freeze in advance in the freezer.
  • My tomatoes, cut into halves or quarters.
  • Garlic can be soaked and then peeled.
  • We clean the Bulgarian pepper, take out the seeds, wash.
  • Remove seeds from chili peppers.
  • To avoid tearing due to the sharpness of horseradish, put on a meat grinder and tightly fasten the package. We scroll the hell. We do not remove polyethylene. Behind him, grind bitter and sweet peppers and garlic.
  • We put the mass in a large bowl or pan, close the lid tightly. Now we grind the tomatoes and send them there.
  • Salt. We leave for 60 min.
  • Wash and sterilize jars and lids. It is advisable to choose small containers.
  • We unpack and roll up. We store in the refrigerator or on the balcony.

The general rule for all "horseradish" recipes: the ratio of tomatoes and horseradish in the appetizer changes the overall taste and spiciness of the dish. If there is more horseradish, as well as garlic, then horseradish is more spicy. If you need a less spicy seasoning, then you need to add more tomatoes. You can also grate 1 Antonovka apple. The acidity of the sauce can also be adjusted, then sugar should be added to taste.

Often, for better storage, they pour under the lid vegetable oil as a buffer so that microbes do not multiply. When used, the oil is drained. This method is used not only in horseradish, but also in other winter sauces, such as tkemali.

For a change, you can add cucumbers scrolled in a meat grinder to the “light”. To do this, it is better to take large-sized cucumbers, first peel them. Add cucumber puree to taste.

“Spark” with plum

It's already autumn, the time for conservation is coming to an end, and you still don't have a single seasoning? Then the simplest and most common recipe is horseradish! Fast and tasty. Home will appreciate on merit.

Another interesting version of horseradish with plums. This recipe will need:

  • Horseradish (100 g);
  • Tomatoes (1 kg);
  • Plums (100 g);
  • Garlic (1 goal);
  • Salt (to taste);
  • Sugar (2 tablespoons).

You need to remove the skin from the plums (you can first dip in boiling water, then in cold water). Prepare the rest of the ingredients as indicated in the first recipe. And grind them down. Add salt and sugar. Arrange in banks and twist.

Cooking horseradish at home for the winter without tomatoes

Beet-plum horseradish

The combination of beets and plums in a snack gives new taste and consistency. Cooking horseradish at home for the winter without tomatoes is an interesting option, let's cook it?

To do this, take:

  • Horseradish root: 150 g;
  • Plums: 100 g;
  • Beets: 900 g;
  • Vinegar: 3 tablespoons;
  • Sunflower oil: 3 tablespoons;
  • Ground black pepper;
  • Salt and sugar: 2 tbsp each

Let's get started.

  1. We cook young beets directly in the peel for 40 minutes, cool, clean, cut.
  2. We pass the peeled horseradish root through a meat grinder, as indicated in the previous recipe.
  3. We take out the seeds from the plums, peel them and grind them in a meat grinder.
  4. Mix everything, add salt, sugar, pepper, vegetable oil.
  5. Bring the mixture to a boil, remove from heat, drain the excess liquid, pour in the vinegar and mix.
  6. Pour into jars and roll them up. Jars and lids must be sterilized and dried to prevent bacteria from multiplying.
  7. This recipe is interesting in that the sauce can be used on its own, or as a dressing for first courses (borscht, beetroot, cabbage soup).

Lemon horseradish (raw)

Horseradish can be dried and ground into powder. Then the vitamins will be preserved in it. You can use horseradish powder to make lemon horseradish. Then, in terms of the amount of useful substances, it will be a real vitamin bomb! You will need:

  • Dry ground horseradish: 300g;
  • Lemon: 1 piece;
  • Garlic: 6 cloves
  1. Squeeze the juice from the lemon, remove and grate the zest on a fine grater.
  2. Soak horseradish powder in lemon juice.
  3. Mix the mass with zest, mashed garlic and salt.

And in the end, we recall that the cook is a bit of a magician. He knows how to change the taste of the most ordinary dishes by adding a little hot sauce to them. Horseradish is an ideal version of such a seasoning. We wish you bon appetit!

Is it possible to freeze horseradish for the winter?

Horseradish is a very spicy condiment with simple composition. In fact, the obligatory components are tomatoes and horseradish. The combination of fresh vegetables requires a preservative, and the natural question arises, is it possible to freeze horseradish for the winter? Those who have tried it in cold weather say: “This is what a person yearns for in winter!”. They make it like that.

  • We take horseradish root (100 g), clean, wash and grind in a meat grinder.
  • Garlic (100 g) clean, wash, three on a grater.
  • Wash tomatoes (1 kg), dip in boiling water, then in cold water and remove the skin. Grind in a meat grinder.
  • We mix everything. Add 2 tsp. salt and 1 tsp. Sahara. The horseradish is ready!

Experienced hostesses freeze the sauce in the freezer, always in small portions. This is very convenient - it does not pile up the refrigerator with jars, and there is no need to be afraid that the workpiece will ferment. Use plastic bottles of 0.5 or 1 l, mayonnaise buckets. You need to defrost at room temperature. After defrosting, the taste does not change at all, but the sauce becomes a little thinner.

There is another option for freezing. Freeze only grated horseradish gruel. In winter, they take it out, add garlic and pickled or frozen tomatoes. For freezing, choose any tomato horseradish recipe, prepare more of it for the winter - very convenient. And it turns out very tasty!

A spicy horseradish seasoning with the addition of a wide variety of ingredients is called horseradish, horseradish, Russian adjika, spark. Throughout Russia - in Moscow, in the Urals, in Siberia - this snack is incredibly popular, especially in winter. The horseradish won the people's love not only with its spicy sharpness, but also healing properties.

How to make crap

There are many cooking options for gorloder, each housewife uses her own ingredients and tricks to prepare this unusual fragrant seasoning for the winter. Cooking horseradish requires horseradish, garlic and tomatoes (although there are exceptions). The principle of harvesting horseradish is to grind and mix the components. The main components determine the benefits of the finished product:

  • horseradish normalizes bowel function, acts as an anti-cold, anti-inflammatory agent;
  • garlic is a popular antibacterial substance;
  • Tomatoes are rich in trace elements and vitamins.

With cooking for the winter

Horseradish prepared for the winter is ideal for meat, fish, potatoes, pasta, dumplings and many other products. To enjoy piquant taste all winter, you will need a recipe for horseradish for the winter with cooking. The crushed ingredients are turned into a sauce and rolled into jars that must first be sterilized. Maintaining cleanliness will keep the product in proper form until spring.

Without cooking

Heat treatment does not always allow you to save all the benefits of products. Therefore, the horseradish recipe is a way to make a delicious sauce for the winter that retains the maximum benefit. Harvesting horseradish for the winter is possible without boiling, because the rhizome of a spicy-aromatic plant is an excellent preservative. This sauce is stored for a long time, so you can safely cook it in large quantities, serving in weekdays and for holiday feasts. To prevent the spicy mass from sour, it can be frozen in small portions.

horseradish recipe

  • Servings: 20 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 30 kcal per 100 g.
  • Purpose: seasoning.
  • Cuisine: Russian.

A simple horseradish recipe with a minimum of ingredients is a great way to process the rhizome. Saturated odorous mass will add spice to any meat dish or soup. The sauce does not include tomatoes, beets, plums or other softening ingredients, so the horloder will be vigorous. You can store the sauce in the refrigerator or cellar all winter.


  • horseradish - 1 kg;
  • water - 0.5 l;
  • sugar - 40 g;
  • salt - 20 g;
  • vinegar 9% - 50 g;
  • cinnamon, cloves - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Peel the rhizomes of a spicy plant, grate or pass through a meat grinder.
  2. Arrange the mass in sterile jars so that it occupies 2/3 of the container.
  3. Add sugar, salt to water, bring to a boil, put spices.
  4. Cool the liquid to 50 degrees, add vinegar.
  5. Pour marinade into jars and roll up.


  • Cooking time: 30 minutes.
  • Servings: 20 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 34 kcal per 100 g.
  • Purpose: seasoning.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

The traditional recipe for preparing classic horseradish contains only three main components. The main difficulty of the process lies in the pre-treatment of vegetables. You can simplify the procedure if you neglect the removal of seeds from the tomato. In this case, you can not store the finished product for a long time, as the seeds can quickly cause fermentation.


  • tomatoes - 3 kg;
  • garlic - 250 g;
  • horseradish - 250 g;
  • salt - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. a spoon.

Cooking method:

  1. Remove skins and seeds from tomatoes.
  2. Peel the horseradish.
  3. Pass garlic, root, tomatoes through a meat grinder.
  4. Add salt, sugar, mix the fragrant gruel thoroughly.
  5. Distribute a homogeneous mass over sterilized jars, tighten the lids tightly.
  6. For storage, horseradish is sent to a cool place for the winter.

With beets

  • Cooking time: 30 minutes.
  • Servings: 5 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 68 kcal per 100 g.
  • Purpose: seasoning.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

Horseradish with beets is a bright, vigorous seasoning that will reveal the taste of familiar dishes in a new way. horseradish recipe home cooking for the winter is so simple that you can start creating snacks at any time. The most simple products. The main secret delicious sauce- fresh and vigorous root, collected in the fall. By adding a few ingredients to it, you have a treat that you can enjoy all winter long.


  • horseradish - 400 g;
  • beets - 200 g;
  • water - 100 ml;
  • table vinegar(9%) - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • salt - 1 teaspoon.

Cooking method:

  1. Clean, chop the root. It will be difficult to grate strong horseradish, so it is better to do it in a meat grinder or with a blender.
  2. Clean the beets and chop. You can use only beet juice, without pulp.
  3. Combine all the products from the recipe, mix thoroughly.
  4. The amount of water can be adjusted according to the juiciness of the beets.
  5. Place the prepared sauce in pre-sterilized jars, close the lid tightly, and store in the refrigerator.

With tomatoes and garlic

  • Cooking time: 30 minutes.
  • Servings: 10 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 41 kcal per 100 g.
  • Purpose: seasoning.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

Horseradish with tomatoes and garlic for the winter is classic variation, the taste of which is easy to change by adding additional products, such as plums, to the usual components. Horseradish prepared for the winter acquires a special piquancy, sourness and an incredible fruity aroma. Plum horseradish for the winter gives ordinary dishes new flavors. Cooking seasoning-light is simple, but it is better for novice cooks to take detailed recipe with photo.


  • horseradish - 300 g;
  • tomatoes - 1 kg;
  • garlic - 200 g;
  • hot peppers- 1 small pod (optional)
  • sour plums - 200 g;
  • salt - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • vinegar (9%) - 100 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. Products clean, wash, dry.
  2. Pass everything through a meat grinder, mix, add salt, sugar, vinegar.
  3. Arrange in sterilized jars, close with lids, store in the refrigerator for up to 6 months.
  4. If you need to increase the shelf life, you should boil the mixture before laying out the jars.

Without tomatoes

  • Cooking time: 30 minutes.
  • Servings: 10 persons.
  • Purpose: seasoning.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

Horseradish for the winter at home can be prepared without tomatoes. One of original recipes- horseradish without tomato with garlic, bell and hot peppers. This appetizer is unusual, burning and incredibly tasty. Thrill-seekers in cooking will appreciate this interesting product. How to prepare such a unique treat? A novice cook will also cope with the task: keep the proportions and follow the instructions to treat the household original dish.


  • horseradish root - 200 g;
  • bell pepper- 200 g;
  • red hot pepper - 200 g;
  • garlic - 200 g;
  • salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Peel, wash and grind the products in a meat grinder or in a blender.
  2. Mix all ingredients, salt to taste.
  3. Transfer the mixture to sterilized jars with lids and store in the refrigerator for 6 months.

With apples for the winter

  • Cooking time: 15 min.
  • Servings: 2 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 53 kcal per 100 g.
  • Purpose: seasoning.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

Horseradish with an apple for the winter is better than other types of horseradish for cold meat dishes: jelly, boiled pork, jelly. Seasoning is also served with soup, salad, it is also appropriate for a sandwich. If you store horseradish for a short time, then you can do without vinegar. When there is no fresh horseradish at hand, a dry powder prepared from the root in advance will do: for this, the rhizome is rubbed on a coarse grater, dried in the oven and ground in a coffee grinder. Before use, it must be soaked in warm water. You can diversify the recipe with lemon zest, peppers, garlic and other products.


  • apples - 2 pcs.;
  • horseradish root - 50 g;
  • garlic - to taste;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • sugar - to taste;
  • vinegar 9% - 1 teaspoon.

Cooking method:

  1. Peel apples from seeds and peel, bake in the oven or cook in the microwave.
  2. Scrape off the top layer of the skin from the root, grind it together with apples in a meat grinder.
  3. Mix all ingredients and arrange in sterile jars.
  4. Use refrigerator for storage.

without garlic

  • Cooking time: 30 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 8 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 48 kcal per 100 g.
  • Purpose: seasoning.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

Horseradish with tomatoes without garlic becomes especially piquant if you add hot and sweet peppers to it. How to prepare such a sauce? Just grind and mix the ingredients! Ready hot sauce is eaten a little bit, so it is better to store it in small jars. Serve seasoning with meat dishes, giving the Russian spirit to your favorite dish. A sharp, rich horseradish will bring its zest to any feast.


  • horseradish - 200 g;
  • tomatoes - 1 kg;
  • sweet red pepper - 0.5 kg;
  • chili pepper - 1 pod;
  • salt - to taste;
  • vinegar essence- 1 tbsp. a spoon.

Cooking method:

  1. Clean and chop the root.
  2. Peel tomatoes and peppers from the peel and seeds, grind in a meat grinder.
  3. Mix all the ingredients, salt, add vinegar.
  4. Arrange the sauce in sterilized jars under the lids, store in a cool place.

With tomato paste

  • Cooking time: 30 minutes.
  • Servings: 20 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 47 kcal per 100 g.
  • Purpose: seasoning.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

How to cook horseradish if there are no ripe tomatoes at hand? arm yourself tomato paste! This will slightly worsen the benefits of the finished product, but if you choose the right pasta, it will not spoil the taste at all. Give preference to jars that do not contain preservatives, modified starch. Horseradish with tomato paste cooks even faster, because it does not require the preparation of tomatoes.


  • tomato paste - 400 g;
  • horseradish - 1 kg;
  • bell pepper - 1 kg;
  • vegetable oil - 200 g;
  • sugar - 1 cup;
  • salt - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • vinegar 9% - 100 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Peel the root and pepper, pass through a meat grinder.
  2. Mix vegetables with tomato paste and boil for 10 minutes.
  3. Add the rest of the ingredients, boil for another 1-2 minutes.
  4. Arrange in sterilized jars and roll up.

Horseradish appetizer - cooking secrets

When preparing horseradish for the winter, use a few tips so that the seasoning is a success, and you need a minimum of time and effort to cook it:

  1. When choosing the main component for a horloder, give preference to not too small or large pieces. The most delicious will be a rhizome 25 cm long and 3 cm wide. There should be no stains or damage on its surface.
  2. Keep fresh root in the refrigerator can be up to 3 weeks if wrapped in cling film. Freezing of a product is allowed.
  3. In recipes, along with ripe tomatoes, you can use green tomatoes or cook gorloder exclusively with this unripe product.
  4. When storing horseradish, some of the spice is lost, so in the jars that you plan to open by the end of winter, you can put a little more garlic, horseradish and hot pepper.
  5. To store the finished horseradish, you can choose a freezer. Small portions of the sauce will definitely not turn sour, and they only need to be thawed before use.
  6. You can soften the fiery preparation before serving by adding honey or sour cream to the sauce.

Learn how to cook delicious.


Step 1: prepare the horseradish root.

This appetizer sauce is famous for its spiciness, spicy aroma and has several names: Gorloderka, Spark, Cobra, Khrinovina or Horseradish. There are a lot of ways to prepare this dish, and today we will consider one of them. First of all, with the help of a sharp kitchen knife, carefully clean the horseradish from the skin. Then we wash it, put it in a deep bowl, fill it with ordinary running water and leave it to soak in this form. Due to this process, most of the bitterness will come out of the roots, so the time of infusion depends on your desire. Some hostesses keep it in liquid couple of hours, and others all night in the fridge.

Step 2: prepare inventory.

Preparing inventory is also an important step! Since this type of horseradish will be preserved, the dishes must be crystal clear! You can do kitchen utensils during a two-hour infusion of horseradish or the next day. To begin with, we carefully inspect half-liter glass jars and lids for cracks, rust, notches and other damage. Then we thoroughly wash all the dishes with which the process will be carried out using a soft sponge and baking soda or detergent with a minimum amount of chemicals. After that, we pour over small utensils hot water, boil the lids and leave in a saucepan, and sterilize the jars in the usual way and put them on the countertop to dry.

Step 3: Prepare the tomatoes.

Now peel the garlic.

Sweet peppers get rid of the stalks, gutted from the seeds and cut into several parts.

We wash everything together with tomatoes under streams of cold running water and dry with paper kitchen towels.

Then we pass the tomatoes through a meat grinder directly into a deep non-stick, preferably enamel pan, put on medium heat and bring its contents to a boil.

Step 4: prepare the rest of the ingredients.

Then we wash the horseradish again, dry it and grind it together with pepper and garlic in a clean deep bowl in the same way. To avoid pungent odor phytoncides contained in the roots, you can attach a plastic bag to the neck of the kitchen appliance or tighten it together with a bowl of plastic food wrap, so that there are no gaps or, if desired, put on a gauze bandage on the nose and mouth!

Step 5: Cooking boiled horseradish.

After the tomato gruel begins to gurgle, boil it for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally with a wooden spatula. The tomato juice will boil off a little, but don't worry, other vegetables will let it in. After the right time, add the chopped horseradish, garlic and sweet pepper. Still cooking 10 minutes, add sugar, salt, black pepper, mix everything again, keep it on the stove for a couple of minutes, and proceed to the next step.

Step 6: preserve boiled horseradish.

In turn, we install a lid-watering can on each half-liter sterilized jar and, using a ladle, lay out the horseradish on them. We cover the glass containers with metal lids and, if they are screw-type, tightly cork the workpiece with a regular kitchen towel. Do you use regular lids with rubber bands? Then you have to work with a special key for conservation.

As soon as everything is ready, we check the preservation for leaks. Air won't come out? Fine! We put the jars with the lids down on the floor, wrap them in a woolen blanket so that there are no gaps, and cool in this form until room temperature during 2–3 days. After that, we send the horseradish to a cool place: cellar, basement, pantry.

Step 7: serve boiled horseradish.

Boiled horseradish canned, cooled and put in a well-ventilated place where it can be stored for up to 1 year. This appetizer is considered quite spicy, it is served mostly cold in gravy boats or deep bowls. This miracle will ideally complement almost all hot first or second courses, as well as pastries. Enjoy!
Bon Appetit!

If desired, ground hot red pepper and some sweet and sour apples can be added to all the chopped ingredients, which will soften the taste of the finished dish;

Very often, vegetables are chopped with a blender or food processor. These kitchen appliances perfectly protect the eyes and nose from the sharp burning aroma inherent in the root of horseradish;

Contraindication! This snack should not be eaten by people with chronic gastritis, inflammation of the kidneys, peptic ulcers of the intestinal system, as well as pregnant and lactating women. Although, even in a person with perfect health, excessive consumption of horseradish can cause high blood pressure;

If the tomatoes are too sweet, add 1-1.5 tablespoons of vinegar to the horseradish, and if sour, increase the amount of sugar.

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