Home Preparations for the winter 3 percent vinegar out of 9 percent. How to dilute vinegar from vinegar essence

3 percent vinegar out of 9 percent. How to dilute vinegar from vinegar essence

Vinegar is a fairly ancient spice used in cooking. Usually, it is colorless, but sometimes, it can be slightly colored.

There are a huge number of food recipes. And, in whatever country the food is prepared, one of the dishes will definitely contain vinegar. Another thing is that for the preparation of different foods, you need vinegar of different strengths. To cook some dishes, you need 70% vinegar, while for others, 9% is enough.

There is a situation when only 70% vinegar (essence) is available, but 9% is needed. To make 9% vinegar from essence, you need the essence itself and water. Given that there are not so many ingredients for manipulation, it is not difficult to guess that they will need to be mixed together.

Making 9 Percent Vinegar

To obtain an essence with a pure vinegar content of 9%, it is necessary to add water to 70% vinegar in a ratio of 1 part vinegar to 7 parts water. For example, we can take 2 tablespoons of vinegar and dilute it with 14 tablespoons of plain water. That's all that needed to be done. Now you have 9% vinegar.

It should be clarified that some cooks mix not only vinegar with water, but also different types vinegars among themselves. For many people, this is a kind of pastime - a hobby. By mixing different types of vinegars, they develop new "varieties". But, if you do not want to turn vinegar into your hobby, then the most elementary knowledge is enough for you.

measuring table

You never know what strength of vinegar will be needed tomorrow and it is not known for what purposes it may be needed (if you did not know, vinegar is used not only for cooking).

A certain solution can also serve for disinfection purposes (at least it was so in ancient times), but a modern person can take note of this (after all, you never know what conditions you will find yourself in). Perhaps vinegar will be the only remedy that can help in resolving any problems or problems.

To obtain the desired consistency, you can easily measure the proportions in the number of spoons. Let's figure out below how much water you need to add to 1 tablespoon of 70 percent vinegar:

  • 3% solution - 22.5 tablespoons of water;
  • 4% solution - 17 tablespoons of water;
  • 5% solution - 13 tablespoons of water;
  • 6% solution - 11 tablespoons of water;
  • 7% solution - 9 tablespoons of water;
  • 8% solution - 8 tablespoons of water;
  • 9% solution - 7 tablespoons of water;
  • 10% solution - 6 tablespoons of water;
  • 30% solution - 1.5 tablespoons of water.

The raw material for the production of vinegar is ethanol. Vinegar is used in culinary recipes for many dishes - and that's not all. It is impossible to do without it when cooking various kinds of seasonings and marinades. The popularity of vinegar is so high that it is even added to hot dishes (while improving their taste). It can be produced both in artificial conditions and natural. It is present in ketchup, mustard and mayonnaise - that is, in our daily food.

Faceted glass - as a measure

There is knowledge that has been gained through repeated experiences. It consists in the fact that faceted glass contains 17 tablespoons of water. This means that if you need to make 9% vinegar from vinegar essence, then it will be enough to add 2 tablespoons of 70 percent essence to one faceted glass of water.

Vinegar Concentration Calculator

What is in the recipe:

What is a Vinegar Concentration Calculator?

This online calculator allows you to calculate the amount of vinegar if the recipe calls for one concentration ("strength") of vinegar, but the store (or at home) has a different strength of vinegar. Or if you want to replace the vinegar essence indicated in the recipe with environmentally friendly and healthy natural vinegar.

Suppose the recipe says to use 15 ml of 70% vinegar essence and 2 liters of water, and you want to use the 5% apple cider vinegar you have. It is intuitively clear that since the concentration apple cider vinegar 14 times less than in essence (because 70=5x14), then it will need to be taken about 14 times more (15x14=210 ml, i.e. a little more than a glass), while reducing the amount of water intended for diluting the essence by about a glass (because along with vinegar you add an additional glass of water to the marinade filling). But this is only an approximate estimate, and for an accurate calculation it is necessary to take into account the difference in the density of vinegar solutions from the density of water and the dependence of the density of solutions on concentration. You also need to accurately consider the amount of water present in the original solution (specified in the recipe) and in the replacement solution.

How to use the vinegar calculator

Entering calculated data and viewing results

For the calculation, you need to enter the following data:

  • concentration of the first solution(indicated in the recipe, you want to replace it with another solution), indicated as a percentage. The concentration should be more than 0% and not more than 100%.
  • amount of first solution(indicated in units - milliliters, grams, liters, kilograms, teaspoons, tablespoons, glasses, indicated in the list on the right). A teaspoon is considered equal to 5 milliliters, a tablespoon - 15 milliliters, a glass - 200 milliliters. Please note that in Australian cooking recipes, a teaspoon is considered equal to 20 milliliters, not 15. Quantity must be a positive number.
  • concentration of the second solution(replacing the first solution, indicated as a percentage, must be more than 0% and not more than 100%

If incorrect data is entered, the fields are colored red and a corresponding message is displayed. To separate the integer and fractional part, it is preferable to use the symbol "." (period), but you can also use a comma (symbol ","). Re-entering the decimal separator or entering any non-numeric character (letter, space) stops number entry (previously entered digits will be taken into account). For example, the calculator will understand the entered data "5.5abc" as the number "five and a half". If the entered data cannot be recognized as a number at all, the calculator will ask you to enter the correct data.

The calculation will be done in about one second and the results will be displayed in units that you can select from the lists to the right of the results. If the concentration of the first and second solutions is different, then you will need to change the amount of water compared to that indicated in the recipe. So, in 100 gr. 70% of the essence contains 70 gr. clean acetic acid(CH3COOH) and 30 gr. water (H2O), and in 100 gr. 5% vinegar - 5 gr. acetic acid and 95 gr. water. Therefore, when you replace the essence with vinegar, you need to reduce the amount of water indicated in the recipe. Conversely, if you replace vinegar with essence, you must add water in such a way that the content of acetic acid and water does not change. Read more about the calculation method here.

If you specify the same concentration of vinegar indicated in the recipe and used as a substitute, our calculator can be used to convert the amount of vinegar indicated in different units (taking into account the densities of aqueous solutions of acetic acid). Yes, 100g. 80% vinegar essence will be about 93 ml (because its density is 1070 g / l), and ten tablespoons of 6% vinegar weigh 151 grams. When replacing concentrated vinegar (essence) with diluted one, the calculator will indicate the need to reduce water, while in the original recipe the presence of water may not be provided at all, or provided in an amount less than that displayed in the calculator's response. In such situations, one must either reduce the amount of moisture given, for example, by vegetable juice, or, not being able to reduce the amount of water, simply agree that the marinade obtained with such a replacement will contain more liquid than was provided for in the original recipe.

Illustration: How to change the unit of measurement

When using the calculator, you may notice that sometimes the sum of the volumes of vinegar and water from the recipe is somewhat different from the sum of the volumes of the replacement vinegar and water. There is no mistake in this, because when two liquids are mixed, their total volume may change due to the fact that the density of the solution depends on the concentration. The densities of the solutions also slightly depend on temperature, our calculator calculates assuming that the temperature of the solutions is 20 degrees Celsius. This dependence of the density of solutions on temperature has almost no effect on the accuracy of calculations for the needs of home canning.

Posted on 03/12/2018

How to make 3% vinegar from 9%?

food and cooking



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6 answers:


3 days ago

To make 3% vinegar from 9% vinegar, you need to dilute the vinegar with water. This must be done so that the percentage of vinegar content becomes three times less. To do this, you need to take one part of 9% vinegar and two parts of water, which is called diluting one to two.

For example, if you take 100 grams (we assume that one part is equal to 100 grams) of 9% vinegar, then two parts or 200 grams of water should be taken (2 x 100 grams = 200 grams). As a result, we get 300 grams of 3% vinegar.

Very often, vinegar in canning recipes is added in tablespoons. You can take one tablespoon of 9% vinegar and add two tablespoons of water, we get three tablespoons of 3% vinegar.


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5 days ago

Simply put, it is necessary to dilute the existing solution three times (9% and 3% ratio). This can be achieved if two similar volumes of water are added to the existing volume of a 9% solution: then the existing 9% vinegar is distributed into three equivalent volumes and a 3% solution is obtained.

You can look at an example.

If there is 100 g of a 9% solution of vinegar, then it contains 9 g of vinegar itself. We add two volumes of water (i.e. 200 g) and we get the total volume of the solution - 300 g. The same 9 g remains in them. We find how many percent of the vinegar is in the solution: 9/300 * 100% \u003d 3%.

As you can see, the calculation is confirmed.


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3 days ago

If we approach the matter formally, then we can make the following considerations - 100 ml of vinegar in a 9% concentration give 9 ml of vinegar directly in its pure form. In a solution of 3% concentration, these 9 ml will be 3%. To find out how much it is in ml, you need 100 * 9% \u003d x * 3%, which means x \u003d 100 * 9/3 or 9 / 0.03 \u003d 300. This means that water must be added 300-100 = 200 ml or in a ratio of 1:2.

The calculation is suitable for use when substituting in a cooking recipe, since the error between the densities of 9% and 3% solutions will not be as significant as, for example, when preparing an electrolyte solution for a sulfuric acid accumulator, where additional densities of both concentrations are required.

A bottle of vinegar is present in the kitchen of any housewife. But here's the problem: vinegar of different concentrations is used for different purposes. Which vinegar is better to buy and how to dilute the vinegar essence to the percentage you need, consider below.

What is vinegar essence

First, let's clarify what vinegar essence is. This is a 70% aqueous solution of acetic acid. This solution contains 7 parts of acid and 3 parts of water. Sometimes you can find 80% and 30% essence on sale. Accordingly, in the first, the ratio of acid and water will be 8:2, and in the second - 3:7. Such concentrated solutions are dangerous; when taken orally, they cause burns of the mucous membranes of the digestive tract. V industrial production he bears the name food additive E260, and housewives use it in the kitchen and for domestic purposes in the form of a diluted table vinegar. Table vinegar is also sold in stores, its concentration ranges from 3% to 9%. In addition, on the shelves you can find vinegar obtained from natural raw materials: apple, wine, malt, balsamic, sherry and even coconut. Such a product is used for cooking culinary dishes.

And yet, for domestic needs, the essence is most in demand. After all, from one teaspoon you can cook a whole glass of table vinegar. Before we learn how to dilute vinegar essence 70%, let's dwell on the quality of the original product.

How to buy good quality vinegar

Quality essence is sold only in glass bottles. There should be three convex rings on the neck of the bottle - to warn visually impaired people that the product is dangerous for ingestion. Also on the bottle there are four horizontal stripes, between the lower two on the inner surface of the glass there is a stamp of the manufacturer. The label indicates the concentration of vinegar - 70%. When shaking, the contents foam up, then within two to three seconds it becomes the same. If the bottle is fake, the foam will last longer than ten seconds. Do not buy fakes, they are harmful to health and, at best, will spoil your cooked dishes and preservation.

Usually the label gives very brief instructions on how to dilute the vinegar essence. Manufacturers write that you need to dilute the original product with water one to twenty. To obtain a solution of different concentrations, the amount of initial ingredients will be different. You can use a mathematical formula.

Mathematical calculation

For those who are friends with mathematics, it is easiest to dilute the essence to the required concentration according to the formula:

  • The amount of essence needed to obtain table vinegar \u003d desired concentration of the solution * the volume of the finished solution we need / the concentration of the essence.

for instance: how to dilute vinegar essence to get 200 ml of 9% table vinegar.

9% * 200 ml / 70% = 25.7 ml of essence, dilute with water to 200 ml.

In another option, you can go from the opposite.

  • Amount of water needed for dilution = amount of essence * concentration of essence / desired concentration of the solution.

for instance: it is necessary to dilute 15 ml of 70% vinegar essence to 6% table vinegar.

This requires the following amount of water: 15 ml * 70% / 6% = 175 ml of water.

To measure the volume, you can use a measuring cup or focus on the following numbers:

1 teaspoon = 5 ml, 1 dessert spoon = 10 ml, 1 tablespoon = 15-20 ml (depending on its depth). Classic faceted glass: full = 250 ml, rim = 200 ml, vodka glass = 50 ml.

For those who are reluctant to mess with the calculations, we suggest using standard coefficients.

How to get nine percent vinegar

Table vinegar of this concentration is used for canning products. How to dilute vinegar essence to obtain a solution with a concentration of 9%? It is necessary to dilute the essence with 70% water in the ratio: 1 part concentrate and 7 parts water. That is, for 0.5 liters of water, you need to add 75 ml of essence (one and a half piles).

A solution of table vinegar is recommended to be used as a rubdown for diseases accompanied by an increase in body temperature. How to dilute vinegar essence at a temperature? One liter of water is poured into enameled dishes and 2 tbsp. l. 9% table or apple cider vinegar.

How to get six percent vinegar

Six percent table vinegar is added to meat marinades. How to dilute vinegar essence: 10.5 parts of water for 1 part of the concentrate. To obtain 0.5 liters of solution, take 45 ml of essence (three tablespoons).

How to get 3% vinegar

Table vinegar with a concentration of 3% is used for dressing ready meals: salads, dumplings, pickled mushrooms, onions, sauces, etc.

How to properly dilute vinegar essence and get a three percent solution: 22 parts of water are taken for one part of the essence. To prepare 0.5 liters of table vinegar, you need 20 ml of vinegar essence 70%.

Dilute the essence in a glass or enamel bowl. First, the right amount of clean drinking water is measured into it. The water must be cool. Then add the calculated amount of vinegar essence. Avoid contact with the concentrate on the skin and especially on the mucous membranes of the eyes and mouth. But if, nevertheless, such a nuisance occurs, rinse the place of contact under a stream of cool running water. Store vinegar essence in a dark place out of the reach of children. Remember - it's an acid and if mishandled it can be harmful to your health.

Vinegar in the household - an indispensable assistant, especially in the kitchen. This is a very popular culinary seasoning that is used for harvesting canned vegetables for the winter, preparing dressings and marinades. Vinegar can also be used as a disinfectant, due to its high acidity, it is able to kill all bacteria on kitchen surfaces or children's toys.

As a rule, housewives use vinegar at a concentration of 3%, 6% and 9%. Prudent owners for household needs recommend purchasing vinegar essence (or acetic acid), the strength of which is 70%. The purchase of this product is a very economical option, since it allows you to get a glass of vinegar from a tablespoon of essence. The main thing is to dilute the vinegar essence, observing certain proportions, in order to obtain vinegar of the required concentration as a result.

Too high a strength of vinegar can not only spoil the taste of the dish, but also provoke the development of severe poisoning. not only to improve the taste of the cooked dish, but also not to harm the body. Moreover, many manufacturers do not provide any information on the required proportions of vinegar essence and water for dilution.

How to dilute vinegar essence?

For breeding, you will need cold, filtered or boiled water. In the process of breeding, we will take one tablespoon as a conventional unit (1st part).

Getting 3% Vinegar

This low-strength vinegar has a mild, pleasant acidity and is commonly used to make salad dressings. To obtain 3% vinegar from concentrated essence, you need to dilute a tablespoon of essence in 22 parts (tablespoons) of water, that is, use a ratio of 1:22.

Getting 6% vinegar

Vinegar of this concentration is often used in the preparation of various marinades for fish and meat. To make vinegar of such a strength, you need to dilute a tablespoon of vinegar essence in 11 parts of water, that is, in a ratio of 1:11.

Getting 9% Vinegar

Usually used when preserving vegetables for the winter. To obtain it, a tablespoon of essence is diluted in 7 parts of water, that is, in a ratio of 1: 7.

Important! Store vinegar essence in a glass container with a tightly closed stopper, away from children, since this liquid is unsafe to use - it can corrode tissues and cause burns.

When breeding, you must also follow certain rules. Pour the essence from the bottle without splashing, carefully and carefully. Always pour essence into water, never the other way around. In the process of transfusion, one should not lean too close to a container with a concentrated liquid in order to prevent inhalation of its harmful vapors, which is fraught with burns of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract.

If vinegar essence comes into contact with the skin, it should be washed immediately with plenty of water.

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