Home Preparations for the winter Red rowan wine detailed recipe. Recipes for making red rowan wine at home. The effect of rowan berries on the body

Red rowan wine detailed recipe. Recipes for making red rowan wine at home. The effect of rowan berries on the body

Red rowan, which is dedicated to poems, songs and even legends, is one of the medicinal plants. Rowan berries contain not only vitamins A, B, C, E, but also iron, phosphorus, pectins, ascorbic and nicotinic acid.

Benefits and Applications

In medicine, medicinal properties red rowan, have been known for a long time. Juices, tinctures and decoctions, which are made from the berries of the plant, are used to combat beriberi, physical fatigue and mental exhaustion. Thanks to the use of rowan berries in the diet, the metabolic process is normalized. Useful material, which are found in berries, have a beneficial effect on the circulatory and genitourinary systems.

Traditions traditional medicine it is advised to use juice made from red rowan to treat gastritis and fight hemorrhoids. The use of mountain ash, which increases the body's resistance to lack of oxygen, is recommended for people living in the highlands, as well as climbers and divers. The use of mountain ash as culinary products, in which its active components are preserved, contributes to the cleansing of the body? removing toxins from it and lowering cholesterol levels.

It is worth noting that the use of a plant that belongs to the category of "medicinal" has its limitations? it is not recommended for people with increased blood clotting, high acidity and people with heart problems.

Rowan fruits, which have a lot of useful properties, but a bitter taste, are not used in their raw, original form? jams and preserves are made from them, as well as juices, compotes, homemade tinctures, liqueurs and wines.

Is red rowan harvested after the first frost? It is generally accepted that due to cold treatment, excessive bitterness disappears from the fruits. In addition, it is by the beginning of seasonal cooling that the berries of the plant reach full maturity. Is there a recommendation that allows you to cook ripe rowan fruits at home without the onset of the first frost? for this they need to be 1? Place in the freezer for 2 hours, then defrost. Thanks to this procedure, “artificial frosts”, the quality of mountain ash wine will be high.

Before you start making homemade wine, which will be based on red rowan, you need to prepare a starter, "wild yeast". The way to prepare sourdough is not complicated:

  • crush unwashed grapes and place in a jar, covering the neck of the container with gauze;
  • put a vessel with berries in the light in a warm place? after 2-4 days, the sourdough for wine production will be ready.

Instead of grapes, "wild yeast" can you do it with raisins? in this case, the berries will need to be soaked in warm water before use.

Wine based on red rowan, made according to the classic recipe

In order to make homemade wine in this way, the following ingredients will be needed:

  • Rowan? 10 kg;
  • water? 4 l;
  • sugar? 2.5 kg;
  • grapes or raisins (for sourdough)? 100 g


  1. Make a starter for wine based on grapes or raisins.
  2. Put the rowan in a suitable container, pour hot water. After half an hour, drain the sediment of the liquid, pour boiling water over the mountain ash again, let it stand for 30 minutes, drain the water? this procedure is needed in order to get rid of the tannins that are in the berry.
  3. Crush the berries with your hands, with a rolling pin or chop with a meat grinder.
  4. Squeeze juice from the formed mass using a cloth, press or other convenient method.
  5. Squeeze out the berries. Put the pomace in a saucepan (plastic bucket), pour hot water over the mass, stir and leave to cool to room temperature.
  6. Add the resulting juice, half the prepared amount of sugar and add the sourdough prepared in advance. Mix the contents, cover with gauze, put in a dark place at room temperature.
  7. After the fermentation process begins, the wort must be filtered through gauze, poured into a vessel where the liquid will ferment, add the remaining sugar. The mouth of the dishes is closed with a lid, with a hydraulic seal installed, or a rubber glove with a hole on the finger is put on.
  8. The vessel with the material is transferred to a warm room isolated from sunlight for further fermentation, which will continue for several weeks.
  9. When the fermentation is completed, the material is removed from the sediment with a tube, poured into a prepared container, tightly closed (option? a hydraulic lock is re-installed) and the workpiece is transferred to ripen in a cool and dark place for 3-4 months.
  10. 1At the end of the maturation process, the wine is removed from the sediment and bottled.

Thanks to this recipe, you can make from 4 to 5 liters of wine with a strength of 12-14 grams.

Wine made from mountain ash and apples

In order to make wine based on red rowan and apples, you will need:

Recipe for making wine

  • Make a sourdough "wild yeast".
  • Using a juicer (another way), prepare apple juice.
  • Pour the mountain ash into the basin, scald with boiling water, drain the water after half an hour.
  • Chop berries.
  • In a container where the initial fermentation will take place (an enamel pan or a plastic bucket), mix the berries, warm, but not boiled water, half a serving of sugar, apple juice and fermentation starter. Cover the dishes with gauze and put in a warm room for several days.
  • After the mass begins to ferment, the liquid should be drained and filtered.
  • After pouring the wort into a vessel where further fermentation will take place, add the second half of the portion of sugar and install a hydraulic seal (a rubber glove with a hole in the finger) on the neck of the container.
  • Move the vessel with the liquid into the room with room temperature, without access to light for fermentation? this process (depending on the temperature) will last from 2 to 4 weeks.
  • When carbon dioxide bubbles stop coming out of the hydraulic seal tube (the rubber glove falls off), the wine clears and sediment appears at the bottom of the vessel, the liquid is drained using a tube.
  • Young wine is poured into another vessel and closed with a cork (option? with a lid with a hydraulic seal) and placed for the final ripening of the product in a cool and dark room for 2-3 months. After the liquid is completely ripe, the wine is poured into bottles.

The shelf life of wine made on the basis of a recipe using mountain ash and apples is several years. Thanks to this recipe, you can cook from 7 to 8 liters of wine, with a strength of 12-14 grams.

Rowan is delicious and useful berry. Its fruits contain many vitamins, sugars and acids. For example, mountain ash contains a lot of vitamin C and P. But due to its strong bitterness and astringency, it cannot be eaten in its pure form. At the same time, berries are 80% water. Therefore, they are great for making a variety of drinks. Rowan wine is the best option.

Rowan wine has a bright taste and amazing aroma. It preserves all the most useful from fresh berries.

Features of the collection and preparation of berries

There are several points to consider when picking and preparing berries for homemade rowan wine.

  • Wine can be made from home look mountain ash, and wild.
  • In order to get the most intense drink in winemaking, Pomegranate, Liquor or Burka varieties are used.
  • Berries are best picked in autumn after the first frost. Frozen rowan is more sugary. But if there is no time to wait, the raw materials can be frozen in the freezer (3-7 hours), and then thawed at room temperature.
  • In the process of making homemade wine, clean utensils and appliances should be used.
  • Rowan before laying in the must do not wash. The white coating on the surface contains yeast that causes the fermentation process. Dust will settle to the bottom when settling and it will be easy to filter it.
  • In late autumn, the fruits contain little natural yeast. For this reason, raisins or special wine yeast must be added to the must.

Rowan can be mixed with currants, apples or cranberries. Other berries and fruits are not recommended.
The taste of the finished drink largely depends on the process of preparing raw materials for wine. By following these recommendations, you can be sure of the quality of the future drink.

Classic recipe

To make rowan wine at home, you need simple ingredients. Composition and correct proportions:

  • rowan - 10 kg;
  • water - 4 liters;
  • granulated sugar - 3 kg;
  • raisins - 150 grams.

Step-by-step sequence of actions

The process of making wine consists of stages following one after another.

1. Wipe the mountain ash with a clean cloth or gauze from strong contamination, if any. Place the berries in a saucepan and cover with boiling water. After 20 minutes, drain the water and again pour over the raw materials with boiling water. After half an hour, drain the liquid again. It won't be useful in the future.

2. Mash steamed berries with a meat grinder or rolling pin. You can use your hands.

3. Using gauze, squeeze the juice from the mashed mountain ash.

4. Put the resulting pulp into enamel pan. Pour into raw materials hot water(70-80°C). Mix all components thoroughly and leave for 5 hours to cool to room temperature.

5. Pour the rowan juice prepared a little earlier into the cooled wort. Pour 2 kg of sugar and two handfuls of unwashed raisins there.

6. Mix the ingredients thoroughly. From above, tie the container with gauze and place for 2-3 days in a dark room with a temperature of 18 to 25 ° C. Stir the mixture well once a day.

7. When the fermentation process has begun, filter the contents of the container through gauze. Fermentation is identified by hissing, foaming and sour smell.

8. Pour the rest of the sugar into the fermented liquid and mix well. Pour the must into a fermentation vessel. Fill should be 75% of the total volume. Free 25% is required for foam and carbon dioxide. From above, install a water seal or a medical glove with one small hole in any finger.

9. Put the fermentation tank in a dark place with a temperature ranging from 18 to 28 °C for several weeks.

10. After the fermentation process is completed, drain the wine from the sediment into another container using a thin tube. This moment comes when bubbles cease to form, the glove has deflated, sediment has formed at the bottom, and the liquid itself has brightened.

11. Then you need to evaluate the taste of wine. Sugar can be added if desired. You can also make fortified wine at this stage. To do this, vodka or alcohol is added to the drink - 3–15% of the total volume of young wine.

12. In the event that sugar was added, a water seal is installed on the container again.

13. Pour the fermented wine into the bottle to the top and cork tightly. Move the container to a cool place with temperature values ​​​​from 5 to 16 ° C for 3-4 months.

14. Drain the finished wine from the sediment, bottle it and close it tightly with corks.

The result is about 5 liters of delicious house drink. A simple recipe for rowan fruit wine will appeal to many winemakers. The sweet and sour taste of the drink will not leave anyone indifferent. V medicinal purposes it is recommended to use it in small doses.

Red rowan wine is stored in the basement or in the refrigerator. It is better to place the bottles in a horizontal position.

Benefit and harm

The medicinal properties of the plant have long been known. Wine from rowan fruits is useful for:

  • improvement of metabolic processes;
  • increase immunity;
  • normalization of blood microcirculation;
  • stimulation of the heart;
  • fight against vitamin deficiency;
  • recovery after physical and mental overstrain;
  • treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Also, red rowan wine has choleretic, diaphoretic and diuretic properties. Useful substances found in fruits have a beneficial effect on the reproductive system. Wine is often used in cooking and added to various cocktails. Dishes containing mountain ash contribute to the removal of toxins, toxins and lower cholesterol.

The use of mountain ash increases the endurance of the body with a lack of oxygen. Therefore, drinks from it are recommended to people living in the mountains, climbers and divers.

But it should be borne in mind that rowan wine is contraindicated in hemophilia, increased blood clotting, high acidity, as well as problems with the heart and blood vessels.

It is not difficult to make red rowan wine at home. To do this, you need about a bucket of wild berries. From this amount you get 16 or 17 liters of drink. You can make the same wine from black berries or mix and make a blend. This drink has a specific bitterness, but it is very well stored without becoming sour.

Starting to make homemade red rowan wine

A very important question is when to pick berries. There is an opinion that red rowan wine at home should be made from necessarily frozen fruits. But practice refutes this - the same drink is obtained both from a berry beaten down by frost and from a berry untouched by it.

Fruits must be harvested in late autumn. The mountain ash collected in a ten-liter bucket is subsequently placed in a twenty-liter bottle with a narrow neck (an additional volume is needed for water). But first, it must be cleaned of twigs and stalks and proceed with the preparation of the initial wort. The recipe for red rowan wine involves adding water at this stage, since these berries are not as juicy as, for example, cherries or currants.

In no case do not wash the berries before putting them into the must. Red rowan wine at home requires compliance with this important nuance. The whitish coating that covers the fruits contains substances that carry out fermentation. Without them, you are unlikely to get excellent red rowan wine at home. Berries are most often not covered with dirt, and a small amount of dust will settle to the bottom in the process of settling the drink, and it can be drained.

You can transfer the mountain ash for the wort by hand, but this is a very laborious task. It is better to twist in a meat grinder, which is much faster. The stalks will get stuck in the nozzle during the twisting process. So you will have to clean it regularly so that it does not clog too much. The result should be an orange gruel. It should be put in a bowl or pan and pour raw cold water, which should be slightly less than grated rowan. Three or five days, this mixture should stand in a cool place. Stir it daily to keep it from getting moldy.

Next steps

After five days, you need to pour it into a prepared glass container, add half the norm (approximately 2 kg) of sugar, mix and put in heat, covered with gauze. After three days, pour into another container. Add another 2 kg of sugar, install a water seal on the bottle, leave in a warm place. When this mass is fermented, young wine will turn out. It needs to be drained into another bottle and taken out to a dark place (it is desirable that it is also cool - for example, a basement), and a water lock is again installed on the container. The wine will be dark for now - this is its feature. After standing for a year, it will lighten up and be completely ready.

Properties of rowan wine

This drink has a very beautiful yellowish-orange hue, delicate taste with a subtle and pleasant bitterness. Vitamins contained in mountain ash help with diseases of the biliary tract, with atherosclerosis and constipation. Of course, you need to take it in this case, several tablespoons a day.

In late autumn, with the first snows and frosts, you can see attractive red rowan fruits. Most people believe that they are not edible and only serve decorative purposes. In fact, mountain ash is very useful and nutritious. Fruit drinks, jam and delicious homemade wine are prepared from it.

Useful and medicinal properties of red rowan berries

In medicine, not only the berries of the plant are considered useful, but also the leaves, the bark of the plant. In order for rowan to bring maximum benefit, each type of raw material must be collected in different time. Let's say the bark is best cut in the middle of spring, the berries after the first frost, and the leaves in the summer. Red rowan is indispensable for urolithiasis, it is an excellent hemostatic agent.

It should also be mentioned that rowan berries contain a huge amount of useful elements and vitamins, such as:

    zinc, magnesium and silicon;

    iodine, manganese;

    folic acid;

    vitamins A, B, C, E.

Thanks to this balanced composition, with the help of red rowan you can:

    restore the body after an illness;

    cleanse the body of toxins and toxins;

    increase immunity;

    lower the temperature during a cold.

In addition, rowan has an excellent diuretic effect. The juice from its fruits is useful for diseases of the kidneys, liver, and hepatitis.

The benefits and harms of mountain ash wine, cooking at home, contraindications

Homemade rowan wine does not contain preservatives and chemicals, so it is not only safe, but even beneficial for the body. Like any other alcoholic drink, you should not get carried away with such wine, it will not do any good. The drink can be consumed by almost everyone, however, it is better not to even try it for people who suffer from poor blood clotting and hemophilia.

The drink as a whole has a pleasant, slightly tart taste with bitterness. At home, you can quickly make rowan wine. The benefits and harms of this drink are not known to many. Its main value lies in the regulation and restoration of the body's metabolic processes. Rowan wine is recommended to use in the presence of:

Usually, housewives use the standard method to make rowan wine at home. Easy Recipe Includes heat treatment berries. To do this, they are simply poured with boiling water, and left for 20 minutes. After that, the mountain ash is well kneaded by hands. The resulting slurry is placed in gauze and the juice is squeezed out.

Pulp from mountain ash is diluted with water and put in a warm place for fermentation. Sugar is added to wine gradually. It is best to pre-prepare sugar syrup from it. The drink should ferment for about a month.

When to pick rowan berries for making wine drinks, is it possible in winter?

Any housewife will be able to prepare a pleasant tart red rowan wine. Its recipe is simple, but in order for the drink not to be bitter, you need to know exactly when it is best to pick the fruits. It is recommended to do this in late autumn after the first frost.

The fact is that with the advent of frost, the amount of sugar in berries reaches a maximum. If the berries were picked earlier, before frost, they just need to be put in the freezer for a while.

You can pick berries even in winter, if they look great, have a pleasant sweetish taste. If the mountain ash is preserved, why not do it in the winter months as well. Wine can be made both from wild varieties of mountain ash, and from cultivated varieties.

How to make rowan wine with raisins without yeast - a simple detailed step-by-step recipe

Many housewives prefer to use raisins when making red rowan wine. For this you need to prepare:

    5 kg of rowan berries;

    1.5 kg sugar or sugar syrup;

    100 g raisins;

The wine is prepared as follows:

    The mountain ash is softened in a grinder to the state of slurry, the juice is squeezed out of it.

    The rest of the berries are poured with boiling water and cooled, then juice and raisins are added to the mixture.

    The resulting substance is poured into a wide-mouth bottle, covered with gauze, and left in a warm place for 3 days, stirring it constantly.

    When the mixture acquires a sour smell, you need to strain it and pour it into bottles through a funnel with a filter.

    On the neck of each bottle, you will need to put on a purchased water seal or a regular rubber glove that you can buy at a pharmacy.

    A small puncture must be made in the glove to allow the gas to escape.

After some time, usually 7-8 days, you will notice how the glove has dropped, the gas no longer comes out of the bottle, and sediment has formed at the bottom. If this happens, the wine is carefully poured into another bottle with a narrow neck, tightly closed with a cork and placed for 3 months in a dark place. After the allotted time, the wine is poured again to get rid of the sediment. The result is a clean and very tasty hoppy drink.

The best homemade drink made from red rowan, chokeberry and apples with honey instead of sugar

Rowan wine with the addition of various fruits is very popular. Most often, apples are used for these purposes, because they are the most accessible. As the main ingredient, you can use not only red mountain ash, but also chokeberry, mixing them in equal proportions.

As for the method of preparing the drink, it practically does not differ from the previous recipe, except that after the preparation of the wort, apple juice is added to the drink along with rowan juice.

To improve the taste of the drink, and make it even more useful, natural honey is used instead of sugar. Home wine from red rowan and honey is very useful. The fact is that honey does not undergo heat treatment, which means that it retains all its beneficial properties. In addition, unlike sugar, honey is better absorbed by the body, and does not increase body fat.

How to put rowan wine with grape sourdough - cooking steps, proportions per 2 liters

Many are well aware that yeast is the best assistant for making wine drinks. Often, housewives pre-prepare the starter, which helps the wine to ferment faster, and in general the process goes better. The main thing to remember is that the starter must be stored in the refrigerator and used no later than 10 days after preparation.

For its preparation, it is better to use home-made, rather than store-bought grapes. A product from a supermarket is always processed with special means that help fruits to be stored for a long time, but this processing method has a negative effect on the quality and quantity of yeast.

Add sourdough or wine yeast to ready-made raw materials before bottling the drink. To correctly calculate the required amount of sourdough, you need to determine the total volume of sugar and juice. Usually, 3% of the starter from the total amount of wine is added to the wine. If the volume of the drink is 2 liters, then the amount of sourdough is approximately 60 g.

How to make a fortified drink on alcohol or vodka from mountain ash and apple juice with your own hands?

To make the drink strong, you can add alcohol or vodka to it. Perhaps this is the easiest way to make an intoxicating drink, which is used by many beginners. Fortification of wine is easy.

It is necessary to add a little vodka or alcohol to the must, which has been fermenting for several days, and put the drink back on the maturation. At the same time, at the stage of preparation of the wort, you can add a little apple juice to make the taste of wine even more pleasant.

This red rowan wine at home has several advantages:

    ease of preparation;

    environmental friendliness;

    low cost of ingredients;

    ideal for home use.

It should be borne in mind that adding various alcohol tinctures, cognacs, whiskey and brandy to the wort is unacceptable. The fact is that these spirits have a certain aroma that can change the taste of rowan wine, and sometimes even spoil it.

As you can see, it is not difficult to make tasty and healthy red rowan wine. The home-made drink does not contain harmful substances, which means that it can be served with confidence on festive table. Each time you can change the taste of the drink by adding various ingredients such as grapes, apple juice, honey. Taste qualities alcohol from this will only improve, the wine will become more useful and nutritious.

Red rowan is famous for its useful properties, it has a beneficial effect on the work of the heart, improves blood microcirculation, activates the immune system. This berry can be useful for almost everyone, except for people with hemophilia. Among delicious and useful blanks from rowan berries, one of the best may be homemade red rowan wine.

There are several ways to prepare rowan wine, but light bitterness and astringency cannot be avoided, but this can be reduced as much as possible.

Rowan wine is a product of autumn, but no less valuable and tasty

About preparing berries

Before making wine, you need to neutralize the astringency of rowan juice and remove bitterness as much as possible. A few secrets will help reduce bitterness when picking and preparing berries. They will also allow you to get the largest yield of raw materials from berries.

Do not rush to pick berries in the fall, wait until the temperature drops to zero, let the berries freeze, and only then pick. This will help to reduce the level of bitterness significantly.

If the berries have already been picked, and there is no frost yet, place the bag with them in the freezer for 2-3 hours. This method works no worse than frost.

To get more juice, pick the berries, separate from the stalks, rinse and pour over with boiling water. Hold for 5-10 minutes, and then drain the water, it is not needed, do this 2 or even 3 times.

After that, mash the berries with a crush, pass through a meat grinder or chop in a blender (any method will do). It remains only to squeeze the juice.

To get rid of the too bright taste of red mountain ash, it is recommended to increase the aging period to 8-12 months.

Rowan wine of the Cahors type

For the recipes described in this article, red rowan is used, in order to cook, you will need to take other proportions and modify the cooking technology.

For this simple wine recipe you will need:

  • 2.5 kg of juice (this is about 10 kg of berries);
  • 4 liters of clean water;
  • 2-3 kg of sugar;
  • 150 g of unwashed raisins or the same number of ripe grapes (crush).

For this recipe, the cake is not thrown away, but poured with water heated to +80, and left for a day. Then the resulting infusion is drained, mixed with the previously extracted juice. Sugar and raisins are added to the mixture, covered with a clean cloth and left in a warm place (+20–24) for three to four days. When the liquid rises and the fermentation process begins, it is poured into a fermentation container (with a narrow neck) and closed with a water seal. The container is filled only ¾.

Such a must ferments from 4 to 6 weeks. You need to keep it in a dark place with a constant temperature of about +23.

Advice. If there is no dark fermenter, leave the bottle in the pantry, in extreme cases in the kitchen, just cover it with a dark cloth.

When the glove falls off, the wine can be bottled. Do this very carefully so that sediment does not get into the jars.

Exit from 2.5 liters of juice, about 5 liters of rowan wine, strength 10-12 degrees. If you need a stronger wine, then after draining from the sediment, you can add vodka to it at the rate of 1 liter of alcohol per 10 liters of young wine.

After that, the young wine is left in a cold place (+16) for a week, and then bottled and aged for at least 3 months.

Sweet red rowan wine

To prepare this drink, you will need to control the fermentation process.

We take the ingredients in the following proportions:

  • Rowan juice - 2.5-3 liters (10 kg of berries);
  • Water - 4 l;
  • Sugar 3.5 kg;
  • Unwashed grapes - 200 g.

We extract the juice according to the method described in the previous recipe, fill the cake with water and insist for a day. Then we mix the resulting infusion with juice, add grapes (previously crushed), and ½ part of sugar to them.

We put the mixture in heat for several days. The room must be dark. When the fermentation process becomes active, strain the wort through a dense cloth or multi-layer gauze and add sugar to the norm according to the recipe.

Now pour into a fermentation container and put in the designated place. Periodically shake the bottle to activate the fermentation process.

The aging process takes up to 2-3 weeks. Then we drain the young wine (leaving the sediment) and set it for aging.

Red rowan and grapes

Wine from mountain ash and grapes will be tart, with bitterness, while the taste of grapes will only complement the notes of mountain ash, but will not clog them.

  • 3 liters of rowan juice;
  • 5 liters of grape juice;
  • 2-2.5 kg of sugar;
  • 6 liters of water
  • 100 g wine yeast.

To begin with, juice and infusion of mountain ash are prepared, then mountain ash and grape are mixed, water, sugar and yeast are added.

Advice. If you cook yourself grape juice, do not use a juicer (it crushes the bones), only a press. As a last resort, squeeze the juice through a cloth. Juice from mountain ash with bitterness, and there are a lot of tannins in grape seeds - the wine will be tart.

Then the yeast is allowed to activate during the day (the fermentation process will begin), and put on a water seal.

This wine will mature quickly in 1-2 weeks.

Rowan taken by frost is ideal for winemaking - it is juicier this way, and there is less bitterness

After that, it is drained from the sediment, fixed at will and sent for aging.

Important! Do not remove young wine from the water seal until the end of the fermentation process. The gases should stop escaping (the glove will fall off or there will be no bubbles in the glass).

Wine from apple juice and red rowan

This homemade red rowan wine will have a delicate aroma of apples and moderate tartness of rowan. For cooking you will need:

  • Apple juice - 6 l;
  • Rowan - 12 kg;
  • Sugar - 4-5 kg;
  • Grapes - 200-250 g.

Before making wine from red rowan and apple juice, you need to get the maximum juice from rowan. To do this, use the method described at the beginning, and then add apple juice to the resulting composition.

To the resulting mixture, add ½ sugar and mashed grapes (the sweeter they are, the better).

We merge everything into a clean container and leave to activate fermentation in a dark but warm place. Do not forget to cover the container with a cloth to keep insects out.

When gases and foam appear, the wort must be drained, then add the remaining sugar. Pour into a glass bottle and put on a water seal.

Fermentation will take from one to one and a half months. Then the wine is decanted, allowed to settle and bottled.

Exposure not less than 2 months.

Try red rowan wine - perhaps it will become your favorite homemade wine

Red rowan wine at home will lose its bitter taste as it ages. The longer it sits, the more bitterness will leave it.

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