Home A fish How to crack a Manchurian nut at home. How to properly peel and open a walnut? How to get a walnut out of the shell

How to crack a Manchurian nut at home. How to properly peel and open a walnut? How to get a walnut out of the shell

This recipe will tell you how you can easily and quickly peel walnuts from the shell at home. The fruits of walnuts contain a plural amount of a useful element for the body - iodine, so they must be eaten without fail. If you are not interested in eating them in their pure form, you can cook something delicious with walnuts. For example, or.

- walnuts - 1 kg.

Necessary information:
Elongated walnuts of large sizes are cracked with tools more easily. An alternative way to split: put two fruits on top of each other and press with all your strength with your palm. There is pressure, the shell bursts.

How to cook with a photo step by step

1. First of all, take a deep saucepan, pour water and boil. Next, dip the nuts in boiling water for about 15 minutes. Thanks to the described method, the nutshell will become soft and easier to crack.

2. We take the nuts out of the water, put them on a paper towel for drying. Then take a walnut in one hand and a knife in the other. We insert the tool into a small slot, which is located at the top point between the two doors. With gentle movements of the hand, we kind of open the halves of the shell a little.
Tip: The knife and nut should be parallel to each other.

3. After that, take a wooden mallet for beating meat, put the nut on a flat surface. Lightly knock, wait until the nut starts to crack.
Tip: Nutcrackers are great for those who often try to crack nuts.
Tip: You can crush the shell at home with a bottle of champagne. The nut is placed on the neck with a sharp end down, then hit with a hammer on the walnut. As a result, the shell cracks into several parts and you can get the fruit.

4. The walnut is split, it remains only to get the core out of the shell. For this, a regular knife or a metal stick with a blunt end is suitable.
Tip: When using a knife, you should carefully remove the kernel of the nut so as not to accidentally injure the limb.

5. So, the cores are taken out, it remains to clean the nuts from films and partitions.

6. Put the peeled walnuts in a bowl, now they can be eaten whole or used in the preparation of many dishes.
Tip: Unshelled nuts have a shelf life shorter than the whole fruit in the shell. Store only in a dark sealed container in the refrigerator or any cool place.
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Usually, when I ask someone to name from memory any nut that comes to mind, they immediately answer me, almost without hesitation: “Walnut!” And this despite the fact that in Primorsky Krai and throughout the south of the Far East, you can often meet his closest relative, who, moreover, is in no way inferior to his southern brother, and in some aspects even significantly ahead of him! I assure you, you will be amazed when you learn about all the properties of this precious nut that you would never guess in your life. So, in this article I will tell you about the wonderful and beautiful, amazing and incredible - Manchurian Nut!

Blossoms simultaneously with the blooming of leaves, at the end of May. The fruits ripen in September and immediately fall off. Yellowing of leaves begins in mid-September, leaf fall ends in the first half of October. In good conditions of natural growth, fruiting begins at the age of six to eight years, in cultures - sometimes four to five years, and on poor soils and in dense stands - from 12 to 15 years. Productive years alternate with two or three lean or low-yielding years. In sparse plantations growing on fertile soils, crops occur almost annually. The yield of pure nuts from harvested fruits is 70%. Seed germination lasts up to two years.

The Manchurian walnut is a valuable decorative and ameliorative species. It is recommended to be planted in valley and group plantings in parks, gardens, squares and boulevards. As a reclamation rock, it is used to fix ravines, in field protection and roadside strips.

Under natural conditions, there are trees with fruits of various shapes and sizes. These individual features of the trees can be used for breeding by selecting the best forms of Manchurian walnut. The quantitative and qualitative indicators of more than 5000 walnut fruits collected in the forests of various regions of the Primorsky Territory were studied. The following preliminary conclusions were obtained:

Chemical analysis of walnut fruits collected in different regions of Primorsky Krai showed that proteins, fats, carbohydrates and other macromolecular compounds accumulate in walnut kernels in different regions of Primorsky Krai in approximately the same proportions. At the same time, the accumulation of heavy metals, pesticides, radionuclides and other toxic substances is either not detected at all, or is noted in quantities that are many times less than the maximum allowable concentrations. Many authors note the healing properties of all parts of the Manchurian walnut, in which the main medicinal raw materials are leaves (plucked by hands on young shoots during flowering), unripe fruits and pericarp.

The leaves contain a lot of ascorbic acid, tannins, a small number of alkaloids, carotene and phytoncides. In folk medicine, the bark of the trunk and young branches has long been used for rheumatism, skin itching, eczema or shaws. Fresh leaves in the form of decoctions and tinctures were used to treat diabetes, various skin diseases, and peptic ulcers. In everyday life, dried leaves placed in a closet, like mothballs, protect fur and woolen products from moths. In recent years, more and more new folk recipes have appeared for various internal and skin diseases of a person, where various parts of this plant are used to prepare medicines. For example, a decoction of Manchurian walnut leaves is effective for sore throats and other colds - they should gargle several times a day. They drink a decoction of the leaves as a hemostatic agent for internal bleeding, and also as a fixative for diarrhea, rickets and diathesis. To do this, pour 20 g of chopped leaves with a glass of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes and drink a tablespoon three times a day.

An infusion of the leaves is also used for sclerosis of cerebral and cardiac vessels, to improve metabolism and reduce blood sugar. A tincture of the leaves, containing a significant amount of vitamin C, can also be used to strengthen hair.

Fresh walnut leaves are widely used in everyday life. When working on a garden plot, many gardeners rub their hands with fresh leaves before taking on a shovel, chopper and other tools. By doing this, they save themselves from future calluses, as the skin of their hands becomes brown and rough, thereby playing the role of protective gloves. Another useful property of fresh Manchurian walnut leaves was also found - they are put in new tight shoes and after a few days of “heavy trials” the shoes will be “broken in”, and the brown tint on the skin of the legs will quickly wash off.

The indigenous population of Primorsky Krai used walnut leaves for catching (baiting) fish in streams. In recent decades, Chinese workers have been secretly using this method when they arrive in the Far East region of our country for seasonal work.

In addition to the leaves, unripe fruits and pericarp of the Manchurian walnut are widely used in folk medicine. Specialists have published several recipes for the treatment of patients using unripe (June or July collections) Manchurian walnut fruits. For the treatment of cancer patients in the Primorsky Territory, a composition prepared from the July Manchurian walnut is used. Nuts are placed in a 3-liter jar and sugar is poured to the top of the jar. The composition is placed in a dark place until the nut dissolves. In the future, the composition is used before meals, 1 teaspoon 3 times a day. Depending on the patient's condition, the dose can be increased to 1 tablespoon.

For the treatment of cancer patients, as a tonic after chemotherapy, as well as for the treatment of goiter, the composition of the Manchurian nut prepared on the basis of honey is used. The nut, harvested in June, is ground in a meat grinder and dissolved in honey. The ratios are different. The immature fruits of the Manchurian walnut are also used as an immunostimulant. 40 nuts are taken, the nuts are ground through a meat grinder. 1 kg of sugar is added to the crushed nut mass, the mass is thoroughly mixed. Then vodka is added in such an amount that a layer of 5 cm is formed above the mixture. Infuse for 21 days. Drink 1 tsp. on an empty stomach in the morning. Naturally, before self-treatment using various published recipes, you should definitely consult with your doctor.

How to crack a Manchurian nut

Many Manchurian nut growers do not eat the fruit because they cannot extract the kernels from the shell. But the agronomist and gardener Anton Ivanovich Makunas found a way to crack the shell and not damage the grain.

Once I read an article that in China excellent oil is made from the fruits of the Manchurian walnut, and then I became interested in how they extract the kernel from it, because oil will not work with the shell. I began to try various methods, but none of them gave a good result - the shell scattered into crumbs, and with it the core.

But after a while, I still managed to find a way to extract the nucleolus, practically without damaging it. I will share my secret.

I harvest nuts at the end of September, by this time the upper shell dries up and they become lighter. I collect them in bags, because I love them very much. Until December, I keep the bags in the basement, and at the end of gardening, you can start splitting. Yes, and after a while it is much easier to do this, because in a freshly picked nut, the kernel fits snugly against the walls of the shell. When the nuts dry out, the grains are easier to remove. But it is also impossible to overdry, otherwise, at the slightest blow to them, they scatter into particles. So that the nuts do not dry out, I do not peel them from the outer shell.

To extract the core of the Manchurian walnut, you will need a birch log about 70 cm high and 30 cm in diameter and a medium-sized hammer (its working surface should not be rounded, otherwise it may slip off the nut and injure your fingers on impact). It is best to use birch, because with a more rigid support, the nut will shatter into pieces, and if you take a log of soft wood, it will penetrate deeper into it with each blow.

On the cut of the log I make a small depression into which I insert the nut with the sharp part. It is very important to place the "nose" down, if you put it the other way around, it will crumble. Holding the nut vertically, with a hammer, without much effort, I strike several blows on its rear part.

You should not try to crack the nut with one blow, it is better to do it with several moderate ones, so the shell cracks, and does not scatter, the inner partition also collapses at the same time, after which it is no longer difficult to get the core.

Manchurian nuts are much tastier than walnuts, more fragrant and have no bitterness. We especially like to melt white chocolate and pour it over the nucleoli - it turns out an unusual dessert. It is also very good to use in the preparation of various pastries, and wherever a walnut is used.

How to extract the Manchurian nut kernel

Tough Manchurian nut

Have you tried Manchurian Walnut Kernel? Not? Try it. It is very tasty. Definitely tastier than walnut. But you are unlikely to succeed. This nut cannot be cracked with teeth, crushed with tongs, smashed with a hammer. After being hit with a hammer or stone, the shell and the core scatter to the sides in small crumbs.

In the village of Altaisky, Altaisky District, Altai Territory, there are walnut plantations in the form of windbreaks in old orchards. The trees have long reached fruiting age, and the total harvest annually is about 10 tons.

Despite such an abundance of harvest, the local population practically does not collect it and does not use it for food, although the kernel in the nut makes up 30 percent of the total weight and is a valuable food and dietary product.

The reason for this is the very thick and hard shell of the nut, and its rather thick internal partition. In one note, I read that in China, nuts are somehow successfully cracked, and the resulting grains are used in nutrition, including for the production of high-quality nut butter.

After many attempts, I finally managed to find a reliable way to crack the Manchurian nuts. The method is quite simple. I will share my secrets.

I usually harvest the nuts themselves at the end of September. At this time, the juicy upper shell of the nuts becomes dry and it is more convenient to collect such nuts, they weigh less. I crack nuts in December. Until that time, I store the collected nuts in bags in the underground.

To extract the core, you need a high birch log 30x70 cm and a medium-sized hammer. Logs, both hard and softwood, are not suitable as a stand. Birch is the best. On the end section of the log, we make a small depression into which we insert the nose (sharp part) of the nut and with a hammer, without much effort, we make several blows to its rear part. When splitting with the fingers of the left hand, it is necessary to hold the nut in a vertical position.

Do not try to crack the nut with one blow, the result may be unexpected: the nut will be crushed into small pieces, and the fingers of the hand may suffer greatly from such a blow. From several moderate blows with a hammer, the nut shell cracks, but does not fly apart, but collapses, at the same time the internal partition of the nut is destroyed, after which it is no longer difficult to get the kernel.

As strange as it may seem, time, or rather, the physical condition of the nut during the removal of grain, is also of great importance. The fact is that the core of a freshly picked Manchurian walnut occupies all the space in the shell and fits snugly against the walls. When the nuts dry out, it is much easier to remove from the shell. It is also impossible to overdry the nuts, because then the kernel of the nut crumbles into small pieces at the slightest blow. In order for the nuts not to dry out, they should be stored without peeling from the soft outer shell until splitting.

And one more note - about the hammer. The working surface of the hammer should not be rounded. A hammer with a rounded face often slips off the nut when struck and can injure fingers.

Good luck in mining the golden core!

Anton Makunas , agronomist, Altaiskoye village

Other works of Anton Ivanovich can be found on the page Makunas Anton Ivanovich, gardener and variety tester

Other materials on nuts can be found in the title section Nut crops

Look for planting material of nuts in the section "Nurseries. Saplings"

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Nuts are delicious and nutritious foods. They can be consumed in pure form or added to various dishes. On the modern market you can find a large assortment of nuts. They differ in their taste and useful properties. Thanks to this, everyone can choose the one that will suit their taste.

Particular attention should be paid to the walnut, since for the citizens of our country this nut is the most familiar. It grows well on the lands of Russia. Many grow it in their summer cottages. The climatic conditions of our region favorably influence this process. The tree bears fruit well.

A feature of this nut is a hard and strong shell. To get to the kernel that you can eat, you need to get rid of it. This is not an easy task. It requires extra effort and time.

At the same time, it is important to carefully remove it so that you do not have to eat nuts with shell particles. It is tough and unpleasant in taste. Thus, you will not be able to get real pleasure from the nut. Today, there are various ways that will help you extract the core unharmed. If you love walnuts, then you should definitely know about them.

Peeling walnut kernels is not easy, as they are reliably protected from various environmental influences on the inside. To remove it, it will take time or additional tools.

The second option allows you to solve the problem much faster, so it is often used. Its only drawback is the high probability of damage to the core. It is unlikely that it will be possible to maintain its integrity. Therefore, before proceeding with the cleaning, it is necessary to determine in what form the nut is needed. Whole grains are mainly used for sale or for decorating various dishes.

How to quickly clean

At home, you can quickly peel walnuts. An ordinary door will help with this. This method has been practiced for a long time and has proven its effectiveness in practice. It consists in the fact that the nut is placed in the gap between the jamb and the door. After that, slowly close it. As soon as a crunch is heard, the procedure can be stopped. It indicates that the nut is split. It can be removed from the doorway and then cleaned by hand. This will be easy and simple to do.

The main thing in this method is not to overdo it. If you close the door hard, the nut will be completely crushed. It will also negatively affect the condition of the door. She will scratch.

Another way to peel a walnut is to use a knife. Its sharp tip must be inserted between the halves of the fetus, and then rotate it. This will cause the nut to split in two. Then you need to pry with a knife and get the core. This method is unsafe, as the knife can injure your hand.

For this work, a hammer, pliers, a special nutcracker and much more are perfect. They effectively cope with the task. Allow to clean the walnut kernel. But there is one drawback that is characteristic of all these methods. During their use, it is difficult to maintain the integrity of the fetus. This must be taken into account.


Quite often, the hostess is faced with the task of keeping the walnut kernel intact. It is quite realistic to do this. You just need to use other methods for cleaning. One of them is to soften the shell and the inner partition.

To do this, you need to follow a simple procedure. First, put the nut in hot water and leave it in it for half an hour. Then, using a knife, divide it into two parts and detach the partitions. It will be easy and simple to do this, as they have become much softer.

If there is no way to prepare boiling water, then you should not be upset. Brine is perfect for this job. It's easy to prepare. Take one liter of water and add two tablespoons of salt to it. Stir the resulting mixture and put nuts in it. Leave them on for about 30 minutes. During this time, the shell and partitions will soften. Then remove the nuts and put them on a napkin to dry. With a knife, do the same activities as in the previous method.

Exposure to high temperatures

Not everyone has a nutcracker at home. But it's not a problem. You can also clean walnut kernels using a conventional oven. But this method will take a little longer, but it will keep the fruits intact.

For this procedure, it is necessary to preheat the oven to 200 degrees. After that, put the nuts on a baking sheet and place them inside the oven for fifteen minutes. At the same time, it is necessary to stir them periodically, which will allow the fruits to dry well. Once the time has elapsed, the nuts are removed from the oven and left to cool. Then tap them lightly with a hammer. The shell can be easily removed this way.

There are many recommendations to help you peel walnut kernels easily. If you buy them in a store, then you need to choose the right product. Take two nuts in your hand and squeeze them tightly. It will be great if their shell immediately cracks. This is a guarantee that cleaning the product is not difficult.

You can also ask the seller to personally clean the nut in front of you. You can see how this process goes for her. Check with the seller about the best ways to chop nuts. They may be useful to you later.

Walnuts are a great treat. They are nutritious, tasty and healthy. Doctors recommend their use in order to prevent various diseases. But for many, peeling nuts from the shell becomes a real problem, so they rarely use them.

If you know how to properly peel nuts, then this process will be easy and simple. It will require a minimum of effort and time. Walnuts can be consumed both in pure form and added to various dishes. It will make them tastier and more original.

People were invited to take part in an interesting experiment. To do this, you need to solve a simple problem. There is a flask on the table, which is securely fixed to the base.

There is a walnut inside. All subjects had to get the nut out of the flask. With the task set, none of the people coped. But the most amazing thing is that the monkey was able to solve this problem. How? See for yourself!

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In the store, the hand reaches for ready-to-eat, shelled walnuts, but their cost is often twice as much as regular ones. It is much more profitable to peel and peel walnuts yourself, especially since it will be easy to do with the methods listed below.

Mechanical methods of shell removal

Walnuts are easy to peel with a little physical effort. For this you can use:

  • hammer;
  • nutcracker;
  • pliers or pincers;
  • Door;
  • knife (you can use a canning knife or a screwdriver).

These methods are good for their accessibility - in every house there is a heavy object that can crack nuts. If you have interior doors installed, you can gently squeeze the fruit between the jamb and the sash. Efforts from you in this case will not be required - just push the door so that it closes, and the shell will easily crack. You should not use this method often, because the beauty of the door may suffer, and the hinges may loosen.

It is good to have a special device for chopping nuts in the house, it is often called a nutcracker. If you often make salads or pastries with the kernels of these fruits, go to any hardware store and purchase this item. You should not replace the nutcracker with a press for making garlic gruel, as these are completely different tools. The design of the press may not withstand the load of hard shells.

Instead of a nutcracker, walnuts will help you crack ordinary pliers or tongs. Just a little effort is enough - and the shell will easily crack. However, you should not use tools often, as their handles can become loose from hard work. When you crack nuts with this tool, place the pliers with them in your palm. So, the shell will not scatter throughout the room, but will remain in your hand.

If you need to clean the fruits of a wild tree (they are distinguished by a very dense shell, small size and elongated shape), then it is best to use a hammer. They should hit the nuts to break the shell. In order not to litter the entire kitchen with shells and not lose the kernels, put the fruits in a small canvas bag or a tight plastic bag. It will also help you speed up the cleansing process.

Another way to ease the process of splitting with a hammer is for those who recently had a celebration with champagne. Do not throw away the bottle, it will come in handy as an ideal stand for nuts - place them on the neck and hit the shell with a hammer. If you did everything right, then the hard shell will fall apart into several even parts. The main thing is that the blow is accurate, then the cleaning process will be quick and safe.

Another quick but traumatic way is to crack the shell with a knife. To do this, select a knife with a blade made of dense thick steel and insert its tip into the gap between the halves of the shell. Turn the knife slightly and remove the hard shell. The advantage of this method is that the kernels are even and neat. You can also take them out with a knife. The disadvantage of this method is the possibility of injury from a slipped blade.

Thermal methods for easier cleaning

Experienced housewives know that with the help of high temperature, you can soften the shell of any nut. After that, the problem of splitting it will not arise. Walnuts can be processed as follows:

  1. Dip in boiling water and hold in it for about 30 minutes. During this time, the hard shell will soak well and can be removed with a fork or a simple knife. If you use this method, find a barely visible slit at the top and bottom of the fruit, insert the blade there and gently twist.
  2. If you need to peel a large batch of nuts, then it is best to choose a different method - scatter them on a baking sheet and heat up to 200 degrees in the oven. You need to bake the fruits for 10 minutes, after which you can break the thick shell even with an ordinary wooden board. Please note that you need to start cleaning only after the fruit has completely cooled.

These methods are best chosen if you do not want to scare your neighbors with frightening sounds and you do not have enough strength to use mechanical methods for removing the shell.

How to remove brown husk and why to do it

Each core is covered with a thin film of dark color. It can be used to determine how much the nut was stored after being harvested from the tree:

  • in fresh fruits it is beige;
  • in stale ones it is dark brown.

This thin film can give the kernel an unpleasant bitter taste that many people dislike. If the shell was removed industrially, then the film, as a rule, remains on the core. It is almost impossible to remove it from peeled kernels bought in a store, since during transportation they knead and turn into crumbs.

It is easiest to peel young walnuts from this husk. Their kernels can be washed in boiling water, which is enough to completely remove the thin skin. As a result, you will get light nucleoli with a pleasant milky aftertaste. It is these nuts that should be added to pastries and salads.

Stale fruits after release from the shell require a longer processing. You can clean the husk in one of the following ways:

  • soaking in boiling water;
  • frying in a pan;
  • baking in the oven.

For any of these procedures, only 5 minutes are enough, after which the removal of the skin can be carried out quickly. In extreme cases, use a small brush to help remove particles of dark husks.

Storage of finished kernels

If you want to always have peeled kernels on hand, then you need to learn how to store them correctly. It is not recommended to leave kernels without shells and especially husks for a long time, since walnuts lose some of their vitamins and minerals during storage.

In the refrigerator, the finished kernels will not spoil for 9 months, but by the end of this period they will no longer be a source of a large amount of vitamins. It's a good idea to put the shelled nuts in the freezer, then they can be used within two years. Clean kernels must be put in any container (preferably glass or plastic) and put in the refrigerator. Remember, if you washed the kernels, then you should dry them before storing them.

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