Home Drinks and cocktails Recipe for delicious sausages in the oven. Homemade sausage in the oven: prepare a chic appetizer for Easter

Recipe for delicious sausages in the oven. Homemade sausage in the oven: prepare a chic appetizer for Easter

Homemade sausage in the oven- a wonderful delicacy that you can cook at home. Using this recipe with step-by-step photos, you can easily make a delicious, juicy and fragrant sausage that will not be inferior to a store-bought one. Rather, on the contrary, it will be much better.

You can make this dish not only from pork, chicken or turkey is perfect. You can also cook at home liverwurst. But the shell is still better to choose an organic one (that is, intestines). Before cooking, this product should be thoroughly washed and soaked in warm water for 20 minutes.

If you don’t have a meat grinder at home with a special nozzle that helps stuff the intestines, then use an ordinary plastic bottle. If you put the intestine on a plastic bottle, it will be very convenient to fill the gut with minced meat.

To ready meal it turned out juicy, it is better to add cream or lard to it. Also a great option is mixed minced meat. For example, homemade pork and chicken sausages are moderately fatty and very tender. Spices add flavor to the dish. If the products will be eaten only by adults, then do not spare spices and seasonings.

At first it may seem that the dish is difficult to prepare, but it is not. And if you carefully read this recipe, which is accompanied by step by step photos cooking will be quick and easy.

KBJU and composition for the whole dish



    Rinse the intestines thoroughly inside and out, soak them in warm water and leave for 20 minutes.

    Peel the garlic, cut into small pieces and put in a mortar. Add black to it ground pepper and a bay leaf, which you first break with your hands. Add salt and grind all these ingredients until a homogeneous gruel (you can use a blender, but the option with a mortar will better preserve all the aromas and taste of spices).

    Wash the pork and cut into small cubes. For the right homemade sausage, it is better to cut the meat with a knife. The same pieces should be cut into fat. If the meat is fatty, then you do not need to add extra fat. Keep a balance to make the product tasty. By the way, it will be much better if the meat and fat are cold. Mix the meat, lard and spice mixture prepared earlier. Mix the minced meat well with your hands. This step should be given at least 5-10 minutes so that all the ingredients exchange flavors. The longer you knead, the better and juicier the stuffing will be.

    When the minced meat and intestines are ready, you can begin to form sausages. To do this, put the intestine on the nozzle of the meat grinder for cooking sausages (be careful and carefully put on the casing: it is thin and can be torn very easily). Start filling the gut with minced meat, forming a ring. Each ring must be tied with a rope (but not too tight). If you are worried that the product will burst during cooking, poke a few punctures with a fork. Put the finished product on a baking sheet, which is better to cover with foil (or put in a baking sleeve, which will need to be opened 20 minutes before cooking, so that the product is browned), and send to bake in the oven. It is not necessary to fry in a frying pan first, in the oven everything will be perfectly baked and browned.

    It is difficult to say how long it will take to bake this yummy. It all depends on the size and thickness of the product. On average, the process takes 25-40 minutes. When the sausage is reduced in size and becomes golden, it can be taken out of the oven. Such meat dish will decorate any festive table. We hope this step by step recipe with a photo that can be realized at home was helpful. Bon Appetit!

Sometimes you really want to treat yourself and your household with real meat without soy, preservatives and other fillers. There is only one thing left - to cook the dish yourself. Homemade sausage in foil in the oven is the very option that one day is definitely worth doing.

Classic oven recipe

A versatile dish that cooks quickly and effortlessly.

To prepare it, you should prepare:

  • 1 kg of pork pulp;
  • 50 ml of water;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 200 g of fresh fat;
  • 3 art. l. vegetable oil;
  • ground black pepper;
  • coriander;
  • celery.

Action algorithm:

  1. Cut the pulp into small pieces. Spread in a container, sprinkle with spices, cover with a flat plate and shake well. Leave for 20 minutes so that the pork is saturated with seasonings.
  2. Salo cut into small cubes, combine with meat. Drain excess liquid and stir.
  3. Lubricate the foil with oil and spread the resulting composition on it, giving it the shape of small sausages with your hands. We wrap the meat product like sweets and put it in a baking sleeve, which we tie on both sides.
  4. Bake in the oven for 30 minutes at 200°C. Then remove the sleeve, unfold the foil and hold for another 10 minutes.

Pork sausage in the oven goes well with various side dishes and goes well with any sauce.

Cooking with herbs de Provence

Most delicious recipe sausages, involves the use of pomegranate seeds, which give the dish an extraordinary and very original taste.

To perform such a dish, you need:

  • 1 tsp provencal herbs;
  • 2 onions;
  • 500 g pork ham;
  • 1 tsp Sahara;
  • half a pomegranate;
  • 1 meter of pork intestine;
  • salt, spices.

Cooking steps:

  1. We cut the meat into small pieces, we do the same with lard.
  2. Grind the onion on a grater.
  3. We add pomegranate seeds, sugar, salt, spices to the meat, Provencal herbs and onion porridge. Pour the finished composition with a glass of water and mix the resulting mass.
  4. We wash the intestines, tie a knot on one side and stuff them with a plastic bottle. We make another knot at the end.
  5. We wrap the sausage in food foil (preferably in two layers), place it in a heat-resistant dish and send it to the oven. The temperature regime is set to 160 ° C. We bake for an hour.

For the dish, you need to collect the following ingredients:

  • 2 pods of bell pepper;
  • 2 onions;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 2 potatoes;
  • 2 kg of pork pulp;
  • 750 g of fat;
  • salt, spices - to taste.

We act step by step:

  1. Wash the meat, dry it with a paper towel and, together with the bacon, pass it through a meat grinder. A little pork can be cut into simple pieces - so the sausage will be tastier.
  2. We clean the vegetables, rub on a grater with small holes and add to the minced meat. Season the mass with your favorite spices and knead.
  3. We spread a portion of the mixture on the foil and form a small sausage about the size of a sausage. We wrap it in the form of a candy (it is desirable to wrap it in 2 - 3 layers). From the rest of the minced meat we make similar sausages.
  4. On an iron sheet, lay parchment paper and lay out sausages. Place the tray in the oven for 50 minutes. Set the temperature to 170 degrees. In order for the sausage to be fried, it is necessary to unfold the foil 10 minutes before the end of baking.

This dish is sure to be a decoration holiday table and will delight everyone present with its juiciness and taste.

The dish is prepared from:

  • 700 g chicken fillet;
  • 250 g of fat;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 4 garlic cloves;
  • 3 art. l. starch;
  • 1.5 tsp salt;
  • seasoning to taste.
  1. Wash the chicken fillet, pat dry and cut into small pieces. We chop the salo with a knife. We combine the ingredients in a bowl.
  2. Beat the eggs, add salt, spices, finely chopped garlic to them.
  3. Carefully add starch to the egg mixture, knead so that there are no lumps. And we add this mass to the meat.
  4. We spread the finished minced meat on a piece of foil and wrap it like a candy, we twist the edges of the sausage especially tightly so that the juice does not leak out during baking.
  5. We put the sausages on a baking sheet and put in the oven, heated to 190 degrees for 1 hour.

Sausage recipe at home - the best alternative to products industrial production. Cooking a dish is not at all difficult, the main thing is to follow the instructions.

Any boiled sausage can be perfectly baked in the oven (baking is one of the healthiest cooking methods). You can bake in the oven ready boiled sausages and sausages produced by large enterprises of the meat industry, raw small semi-finished sausages prepared and sold by local catering establishments (house kitchens, etc.), as well as various homemade sausages. Homemade sausages are often prepared according to traditional recipes non-lazy residents of villages and small towns for the rational beneficial use of domestic animal meat.

For those who love sausage with a known content (that is, such, in the quality and safety of which he is sure), we offer you to tinker with the independent production of sausage. To do this, you can find special nozzles for meat grinders on sale, as well as prepared cleaned and washed intestines of domestic animals (meat rows in the markets). An easier way is to cook and bake homemade sausage in foil.

Homemade chicken and potato sausage baked in the oven


  • chicken meat (breast, chicken legs);
  • potato;
  • garlic;
  • dry ground spices (saffron, red, allspice and black pepper, cloves, coriander, cumin, grated nutmeg etc.) can be used ready mixes ground spices without salt and monosodium glutamate;
  • strong Madeira or fruit brandy, sherry, light vermouth;
  • fresh greens (parsley, cilantro) - an optional component;
  • salt.


Cook chicken meat in a small amount of water with an onion and the usual spices for the broth. Cool the meat in the broth until room temperature, we extract and remove it from the bones, we also separate the skin and cartilage. We use only clean meat - we pass it through a meat grinder with a medium nozzle. Season and add to taste, add Madeira (or brandy) as well. Now you can add finely chopped garlic and chopped herbs.

In the rest, boil the potatoes cut into small cubes, it is important not to overcook. Once the potatoes are ready, drain them in a colander and mix with minced meat. Mix carefully.

Now you can actually make sausage. We clean and wash the intestines, and fill it with the filling using a meat grinder with a nozzle, twisting the intestine and tying the sausages with twine through a distance convenient for us. Or put the filling in foil and form a sausage in foil (so it can be baked in the oven for 20-25 minutes at medium temperature). The preferred diameter of sausages in foil is about 4-6 cm. Before unrolling the foil, let the sausage cool slightly, then unfold and cut into slices. Sausages in natural casings should be pierced in several places with a fork or toothpick before baking.

The baking sheet or form in which we will bake sausages must be greased. Sausages in the intestines of medium thickness will be baked for 35-40 minutes. We store sausages with potatoes in the refrigerator and use for no more than 3 days.

Of course, the filling for homemade sausages can be from meat and fat of other animals and birds and, of course, without potatoes. Such sausages are stored much longer, this largely depends on the amount of salt, as well as the presence of spices, fat and gelling agents in the filling.

Home blood sausage sold ready-to-eat, but can be baked in the oven to enhance the flavor and increase confidence in its readiness.

Homemade black pudding in the oven


Using a sharp knife with a thin tip and a narrow blade, stuff the sausage with small pieces of garlic and bake in the oven for about 20 minutes. The baking tray, of course, must be greased.

Of course, in the same way, you can cook not only black pudding, but also, for example, sausages, sausages and other boiled sausages.

Do-it-yourself sausage baked in the oven is tasty, juicy and fragrant.

Today you will learn how to cook sausage in the oven, because organic products always better than store bought.

The sausage of our own production in our article is prepared in two ways: in foil and a baking sleeve.

The recipe for making homemade sausage in the oven is not at all complicated. The main thing is to buy good meat and get shells for stuffing minced meat.

Homemade sausage baked in the oven in the sleeve


  • meat - 1.8 kg
  • lard - 300 g
  • garlic - 2 cloves
  • salt - 35 g
  • pepper and spices - to taste
  • pork or lamb intestines

How to bake sausage in the oven:

1. Prepare the intestines. Clean them well and then wash them very thoroughly.

2. Wash the meat too. Cut the meat into very small pieces.

You can pass the meat through a meat grinder, but tastier sausage will be if the meat is chopped.

3. Pass the fat through a meat grinder. Send to minced meat.

If you took a fatty piece of pork, then you can not add lard, otherwise the sausage will turn out to be very fatty.

4. Peel the garlic and pass through the press, also send it to the minced meat. Add salt and spices to taste.

On average, one kilogram of pork needs one tablespoon of salt without a slide.

5. Stir the minced meat until smooth.

6. Now you need to fill the intestines. It is best to use a special nozzle for this, which is worn on a meat grinder. Tie one end of the intestine and pierce it. Stuff the intestines, turning them occasionally. Make a few holes. Tie off the other end of the intestine.

7. Place the sausage in the roasting sleeve. Add 2 tablespoons of water to the sleeve and close it tightly on both sides.

8. Bake the sausage at 180 degrees for the first 15 minutes. Then lower the temperature to 150 degrees.

9. Bake the sausage for another 20 minutes until it becomes golden brown. Then turn off the oven and leave the sausage in the oven for 10-15 minutes.

Recipe for homemade sausage in the oven in foil


  • pork - 1 kg
  • lard - 200 g
  • beef - 500 g
  • milk - 50 ml
  • nutmeg
  • ground black pepper
  • granulated sugar
  • paprika
  • pig intestines
  • vegetable oil - 2-3 tbsp.
  • garlic - 4-5 cloves

How to cook homemade sausage in the oven:

1. Cut pork and beef meat into medium pieces. Place the chopped meat in a bowl.

2. Sprinkle it with a little sugar as well as spices. send the meat to marinate in the refrigerator overnight.

3. In the morning, take out the meat and pass it through a meat grinder. Salo also pass through a meat grinder.

4. Peel the garlic and, first passing through the press, add to the minced meat. Also add milk to the bowl.

5. Mix the minced meat well with your hands until smooth. Tie one end of the intestine with a thread.

6. Use or even a pastry bag to stuff the guts. Tie the other end as well. In several places, make punctures in the sausage.

7. Wrap the sausage in foil. Place the sausage in a baking sheet, on the bottom of which pour half a glass of water and vegetable oil.

8. Bake the sausage for 1 hour at a temperature of 180-200 degrees.

9. 15 minutes before the end of cooking, open the foil to make the sausage brown.

In the same way, you can bake homemade sausage in the form, like, on a baking sheet or oven grate.

Bon Appetit!

Delicious Ukrainian fried sausage is made from pork pulp mixed with lard. Instead of these two ingredients, you can take meat with layers of fat. The final preparation is baking in the oven. This moment of preparation is the most difficult, because it fills the whole house with unique aromas.

How to make homemade Ukrainian sausage in the oven.

Start cooking by taking 1 kg of such meat so that the fat layer in it is from 30 to 50%. Twist the meat in a meat grinder, the holes in the mesh of which should be from 14 to 20 mm.

Mix minced meat with spices: chopped garlic - 10 grams, ground black pepper - 2.5 grams, salt - 18 grams. Add a little sugar (2 g) to the minced meat - it is needed to enhance the meat taste.

Screw a special nozzle with a wide tube onto the mouth of the meat grinder, which is designed for stuffing sausages. On the tube, put on the pork intestine, cleaned of mucus and fat - secure it with a rubber band.

Transfer the minced meat to the meat receiver of the electric meat grinder and turn on the device. Spread the minced meat that enters the intestine with your hands - make sure that it does not come out from the back. If you doubt that you can keep track of the stuffing, then tie the gut at the end with a harsh thread.

Remove the stuffed intestine from the tube and tie off the other end.

Roll the raw sausage into the shape of a snail and tie it crosswise with strong twine.

Lubricate a baking sheet with pork fat and place sausage rings on it. Make sure that the individual snails do not touch each other. Fry the sausage in the oven first on one side - this will take you 25 minutes. Then, turn the rings over to the other side and fry the product for another 30 minutes.

If too much fat forms on the baking sheet, drain it when turning the sausage.

Remove the baking sheet from the oven and transfer it to a cool place along with the sausages. It will take 7 hours of time and 0-10 degrees of room temperature to cool them down.

Ukrainian fried sausage can be stored for up to one and a half months, but placed in the freezer. Before that, wrap each ring in parchment.

You can also watch a video from Lubomir S, where he simply and quickly tells about his recipe for such a delicious homemade sausage.

Video: Ukrainian fried sausage in accordance with GOST:

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