Home Vegetables Potato pancakes recipe easy way. Correct pancakes. What do we need

Potato pancakes recipe easy way. Correct pancakes. What do we need

This simple and very tasty dish has many names - in Ukraine - potato pancakes, in Belarus - pancakes, in some regions of Ukraine - teruny, and more simply - pancakes from raw potatoes.

Cooking potato pancakes is very simple, but to make them tasty, you need to try a little and know a few secrets.
How to cook potato pancakes, what should they be?
Delicious potato pancakes are ruddy fluffy pancakes potatoes, crispy on the outside and tender on the inside. The same principle is used for batter - crispy crust and tender middle. M mmmm...
They are usually served with sour cream mushroom gravy or with minced meat. Draniki go well with this spicy snack, like , even on the festive table. And also together with - you get a full meal.

The main mistakes in the preparation of potato pancakes:

The dough darkens, to avoid this, three potatoes on a grater or pass through a meat grinder last, when the rest of the ingredients are already prepared.
Pancakes sometimes turn out thin and watery. To prevent this from happening
you need to first squeeze out some of the potato juice, some try to add more flour to thicken the dough. I categorically do not advise doing this - the taste will deteriorate greatly, and the potato pancakes themselves will seem “rubber”. Flour, in general, should be added to a minimum (for 1 kg of potatoes - no more than 2 tablespoons of flour).
And one more secret of cooking potato pancakes, without knowing which, you can nullify all previous efforts. Pancakes should be fried in a hot frying pan until crispy. If you put the dough for potato pancakes in a cold pan, we get something with the taste of burnt boiled potatoes, and has nothing to do with real potato pancakes.

Cooking potato pancakes - products

Potato - 1 kg
Onions - 2-3 pcs.
Egg - 2 pcs.
Flour - 1-2 tbsp.
Garlic - 1-2 cloves
Sour cream or milk - 1 tbsp.
Salt, ground black pepper - to taste
As I said earlier, first we prepare all the ingredients except for the potatoes.

Beat the eggs with salt and pepper, add the garlic, passed through the garlic or grated on a fine grater.

We pass the onion through a meat grinder with the smallest holes or three on a fine grater, we also chop the potatoes.

Squeeze the juice and drain, and quickly mix the potatoes with onions. Next, to be sure that the dough does not darken, add a little sour cream or milk to the mixture of onions and potatoes.
Next is the turn of milk and beaten eggs - mix everything thoroughly and add a little flour.
If the consistency of the dough suits you (pancakes, when laid out in a pan, should not “blur”), you can not add flour. I’ll add on my own that I myself put 1 tbsp for 1 kg of potatoes. a spoonful of flour Mom's potato pancakes are not friendly with flour at all, she does it a little differently - she pours potato juice into a separate bowl, when starch settles to the bottom, drains the liquid, and adds starch to the dough to get even more crispy.
True, at the same time, additional time is needed for starch, and I usually do not have enough of it.
Now that the dough for pancakes is ready, you need to heat up a pan with vegetable oil or lard well, on which we put our potato pancakes - potato pancakes.
We fry in a hot frying pan on both sides, do not cover with a lid, but at the same time I spread the dough not in the dining room, but dessert spoon, i.e. pancakes are medium in size. Then I put them on a napkin to remove fat and serve with sour cream.

True, usually, my process of serving potato pancakes ends at the stage of putting it on a napkin. At the same time, the male population of our family is standing nearby with a jar of sour cream in impatient hands. Potato pancakes disappear without having time to get on the plate. To all my remarks that it is desirable to eat, nevertheless at the table, they smile guiltily, but the same thing is repeated with a new batch of potato pancakes.
The story with pancakes is almost over, I just want to add that if you want to make them larger, spread the dough with a tablespoon. But, in this case, frying pancakes to golden brown on the one hand, turn them over and, reducing the heat, cover with a lid for 4-5 minutes, otherwise, in the middle, potato pancakes will be raw.
In western Ukraine, pancakes are made, the size of a whole pan, fried like pancakes. Then the filling is laid out on one side (mushrooms, meat, cheese ...), and a net of sour cream is made on top. The dish is called in the singular - "Derun with mushrooms", Derun with meat.
One ate and ate too much.
And pancakes are also cooked in pots, layered with meat or mushrooms and baked with a cheese cap.
Bon Appetit, I wish you to cook potato pancakes, and how to cook them deliciously, I hope there are no questions left.

Grated fritters raw potatoes Belarusians are the best. Therefore, the word draniki is known to the whole world, at least the Slavic one.

Belarusians by part potato dishes in general, they can give odds to all other peoples. There are a lot of potato dishes in Belarusian cuisine: sorcerers, zrazy, dumplings, drachen, babka, etc. From raw potatoes with juice, from potatoes with squeezed juice, from boiled and crushed potatoes ... Potatoes are added to pancakes, pies are made from it, and they are not only used for filling, but also for dough. So you can safely trust Belarusians in potato matters.

How to get very tasty pancakes with a crispy crust? There are several tricks.

Photo: Shutterstock.com


All products for potato pancakes must be taken out before cooking. Prepare everything so that the dough is done as quickly as possible. Do not forget the gauze for squeezing potatoes and a grater.

So that the potatoes do not turn black

You have to rub it last. Squeeze quickly and immediately add a little milk or sour cream. And then add the dough blank, made in advance, to the potatoes.

To make pancakes tender

Potatoes should be grated on the smallest grater. Grate the onion along with the potatoes. Mix. The onion juice will keep the potatoes from browning.

Instead of flour

Draniki will turn out even better if the squeezed liquid from the potatoes is defended, then drained, and the settled starch is added to the dough. And in this case, you can not put flour in the dough.

Even easier

You can fasten the potato mass not with a whole egg, but replace it with two proteins. The pancakes will turn out to be very lush, and although it is somehow strange to remember the calorie content when frying potato pancakes in lard, they are slightly lighter for the stomach and liver than it could be when using yolks.

What to fry

Draniki are best made in lard. It warms up better than meat, and it grabs the potato dough better. And in general it goes very well with the taste of potato pancakes. But, unfortunately, many people cannot stand the smell of roasting fat.

In this case, you can take either odorless vegetable oil or ghee. Regular butter is bad. When heated, it will hiss and “spit”, since water is present in it, and additional impurities, everything that is melted out of the oil, will burn and give a black precipitate.

Preheat the pan

Draniki should be laid out on a very well heated pan. And the fat on it should also warm up, so after pouring the oil (if you cook on it), wait a couple of minutes and lay out the potato mass.

What to serve with

Very hot pancakes with very cold sour cream. If fried in bacon, then you can still sprinkle with cracklings.


The classic Belarusian recipe for potato pancakes does not include eggs and flour. Only potatoes, onion, salt, fat for frying. But now most often eggs are added to pancakes. Usually about 1 egg for 4-5 medium potatoes.

Photo: commons.wikimedia.org


5 potatoes

1 bulb

2 tbsp flour

4 tbsp vegetable oil

Some soda

1 cup sour cream

Salt and pepper

Step 1. Peel potatoes and onions, grate. Drain the juice or squeeze through cheesecloth.

Step 2. Add egg, flour, soda, salt and pepper. Mix everything well.

Step 3. Pour oil into the pan, heat it up properly and lay out the pancakes, forming them with a spoon.

Step 4. Fry over medium heat on both sides, if necessary, add oil.

Step 5. Serve with sour cream.

Draniki with meat or sorcerers

5 large potatoes

1 bulb

2 tbsp flour

200 g minced meat

Salt and pepper

Vegetable oil

Step 1. Wash potatoes and onions, peel, grate on a fine grater. Add eggs, flour, salt and pepper.

Step 2. Salt and pepper minced meat.

Step 3. Heat up a frying pan with oil. Spoon portions of potato dough onto it, flatten to make pancakes.

Step 4. Put a little minced meat on top of each pancake and cover with a spoonful of potato mass.

Step 5. Fry on both sides, then close the lid, reduce heat and simmer for about 15 minutes. Serve hot with sour cream.

Draniki is called potato pancakes. This dish is considered Belarusian, but it is loved and cooked in many countries. Depending on the country in which the dish is prepared, potato pancake has a different name and composition. Plyatski, potato pancakes, tertyukhi, kakorki - all these are the names of the same dish.

Pay attention to several recipes that can diversify your idea of ​​potato pancakes.

This is the main recipe that the hostesses prepare for " hastily". Basically, it was these potato pancakes that our grandmothers and mothers prepared for us.


  • 5 potatoes;
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • 1 head of onion;
  • 3 large spoons of flour;
  • frying oil;
  • spices.

How to cook potato pancakes:

  1. The most difficult thing in cooking pancakes is rubbing potatoes on a grater. Peel the potatoes and rub on a fine grater.
  2. Add the egg, chopped onion, flour and salt to the potatoes.
  3. Mix everything well. Everything, the "dough" for frying is ready.
  4. Heat oil in a frying pan and start spooning pancakes with a spoon. Press them down with a spatula.
  5. Fry for 4 minutes on each side and serve immediately.

Eat with sour cream.

With the addition of mushrooms

Potato pancakes with mushrooms - favourite dish inhabitants of Western Ukraine. They put mushrooms in almost all their dishes, and potato pancakes are no exception.

What is needed:

  • potatoes - 700 g;
  • mushrooms (champignons, porcini, chanterelles - to choose from) - 300 g;
  • onion 1 large head;
  • flour up to 2 tablespoons (how much will take);
  • egg;
  • spices.


  1. First, we will prepare the mushrooms. Finely chop the onion, then the mushrooms and send them to a preheated pan with oil. Salt and fry until the water evaporates.
  2. Now let's cook the potatoes. We clean it and rub it on a medium grater.
  3. We drive in the egg, salt, add spices and mix everything.
  4. Pour the fried mushrooms, flour and mix again.
  5. Now let's start frying. We spread potato pancakes on a hot pan with a spoon and press down on top so that they are flat.
  6. We wait until they acquire a golden color and remove. Serve warm with sour cream.

Potato pancakes with minced meat

This dish is more satisfying and, of course, high-calorie. To taste, this version of potato pancakes resembles belyash. Another name for this dish is sorcerers.


  • 300 g minced meat;
  • 8 potatoes;
  • 1 onion;
  • eggs - 2 pieces;
  • flour 2 tablespoons;
  • spices and oil to fry.


  1. Peel the potatoes and grate on the fine side of the grater. If you have a combine, use the pancake attachment.
  2. Add eggs, flour to potatoes, salt and mix.
  3. Salt minced meat and add chopped onion to it. Knead so that everything is evenly distributed.
  4. In the meantime, we have to warm up the pan with oil.
  5. Now the most interesting thing: put 1.5 tbsp in the pan. composition, on top of a small cake of minced meat, cover with a potato layer.
  6. Fry until golden brown, and when we turn over, we leave it on moderate heat under the lid for 5-6 minutes.
  7. Put the finished pancakes on a paper towel to remove excess fat.
  8. Serve warm.

Recipe without eggs

Who will benefit from this recipe? Maybe for those who are fasting. Vegetarians will also be happy to use the recipe for pancakes without eggs.


  • 8 large potatoes;
  • optional carrots;
  • flour 3 tablespoons;
  • spices;
  • frying oil.

How to cook?

  1. Prepare vegetables: wash, peel.
  2. Three potatoes on a fine grater, salt and let stand for 10 minutes so that the juice comes out.
  3. Grate carrots and add to potatoes.
  4. Add flour, favorite spices and knead everything well.
  5. Now we must heat the pan with oil well. If the oil sizzles, you can cook.
  6. Fry pancakes on both sides until golden brown.
  7. Repeat the action until you run out of the mixture.
  8. Make sure that they are not high, otherwise there is a risk that potato pancakes will not fry.
  9. Serve with lean mayonnaise. Optionally with garlic.

With cheese in the oven

Draniki in the oven are less fat, which means that they are healthier and can be eaten by people who suffer from stomach diseases. And the fact that these pancakes with cheese are cooked gives them a special piquancy.


  • 7 potatoes;
  • hard cheese about 120 g;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • melted butter - 30 g;
  • oregano teaspoon;
  • spices.


  1. Grate the cheese on a coarse grater.
  2. Then mince the garlic.
  3. We rub the potatoes on a coarse grater and pour it cold water. Let it stand for a while, and then wring it out and transfer it to a container.
  4. Mix cheese, potatoes, eggs, butter, garlic and all spices well.
  5. Grease the parchment a little with oil and lay out a thin layer of potato pancakes.
  6. Bake at 200C for about 20 minutes. Bon Appetit!

Lenten potato pancakes

Composition of components:

  • 1 kg of potatoes;
  • 2 bows;
  • flour 2 tablespoons;
  • spices;
  • oil to fry.


  1. We clean the potatoes and three on a grater. Squeeze out the juice.
  2. If possible, also grate the onion and add to the potatoes. Send flour, all spices there and mix.
  3. We spread the potato pancakes in portions on a hot frying pan and press them on top so that they are flat.
  4. Fry for 3 minutes on each side until they are golden.
  5. After holding them on a paper towel to remove the fat.

From potatoes and zucchini

Draniki from zucchini and potatoes is a dish of June-July months. In the summer, when the vegetables are young, they can be used in any dish. But the potatoes must be old.

What is necessary?

  • half a kilo of zucchini;
  • half a kilo of potatoes;
  • one head of onion;
  • one egg;
  • flour about 2 tablespoons;
  • spices and oil.

Let's start cooking:

  1. Wash vegetables, peel and remove seeds.
  2. On a coarse grater, grate potatoes first, then zucchini and onions. If you get a lot of juice, then it should be squeezed out.
  3. We introduce the remaining ingredients into this mixture: egg, flour, spices.
  4. Fry in a hot skillet for 3 minutes on each side.
  5. Stir the mixture constantly in the bowl before each frying batch.
  6. Serve with sour cream or mayonnaise.

With green onions

Green onions will give classic potato pancakes a taste of summer. They will be nice and juicy.

Products for potato pancakes:

  • 8 potatoes;
  • a tablespoon of flour;
  • one egg;
  • a bunch of green onions;
  • spices and oil.


  1. Three potatoes on a grater, which you consider necessary. Many people like it on small cells.
  2. In the "dough" add the egg, flour and salt everything. Mix well and add chopped green onion.
  3. If a lot of liquid stands out - drain.
  4. Now you can fry. Heat up a frying pan with oil and put potato pancakes in portions on it.
  5. Fry until golden brown for 3-4 minutes on each side.

Serve warm.

Diet potato pancakes without flour

There are many reasons for eating diet pancakes. Perhaps someone carefully monitors their figure and does not want to eat extra pounds. Other diet food shown for health reasons. In any case, this recipe will be useful to absolutely everyone.

Products for the preparation of diet pancakes:

  • half a kilo of potatoes;
  • sour cream 2 large spoons;
  • oil 50 ml;
  • egg;
  • spices.


  1. We clean the potatoes, wash them and three on a grater. Juice does not need to be squeezed.
  2. Introduce the egg and sour cream into the potatoes.
  3. Salt, pepper and mix thoroughly.
  4. Now put pancakes in portions on a hot frying pan and crush them on top so that they are flat.
  5. Fry for 2 minutes on each side until golden brown.
  6. Repeat the action until the entire serving of potato dough is finished.

And in the end, we present a few secrets for making perfect potato pancakes:

  • Potatoes for pancakes must be old. Young - excessively starchy, which prevents products from keeping their shape.
  • It is not necessary to rub the potatoes by hand. Progress is moving forward and now this work can be done by blenders, combines, meat grinders.
  • Don't add too much flour. This can turn them into "rubber" pancakes.
  • In addition to the classics of salt and pepper, dilute potato pancakes with various seasonings. Garlic is perfect.
  • You need to fry only on the most hot frying pan. If the dishes are just warm, then your pancakes will look like steamed potato cutlets. There should also be enough oil. Many prefer to fry in lard or melted and sunflower oil simultaneously.

It is difficult to name a country where this dish would not be prepared. It can be found wherever potatoes are eaten. What names were not invented for potato pancakes by different peoples. In Poland they are called pancakes, in Lithuania - pancakes, in Sweden - bristly monk. Most names in Russia: teruny, potato pancakes, potato pancakes, deriki.

If you get to the bottom of the matter, then potato pancakes are the same pancakes or flat cakes. Their name comes from the word "tear" or rub. Which is what we do every time we intend to cook this delicious meal. Grate raw potatoes. Add onion, egg, a little flour. The resulting dough is fried in a pan or baked in the oven.

Classic options are prepared with flour and without adding it. Sometimes only potatoes with egg and onions are taken. The egg is used to bind the components. But there are recipes that include cheese, minced meat, sausage.

There is an opinion that potato pancakes are prepared simply and quickly. But it doesn't always work out that way. Instead of golden products, they often take on a grayish tint. Why? And their internal structure suddenly becomes sticky. Get acquainted with recipes that reveal all the secrets of delicious cooking.

What variant of cooking pancakes can be attributed to the classic? That's a moot point. Someone thinks that it should not contain flour, others oppose eggs. But eggs and flour bind potato chips together. Without them, the cake is difficult to turn over to the other side. It just crumbles in the pan.

All recipes that have come down to us have a long history created by different peoples. And each of them can be called a classic. This variant contains both flour and egg. Products are tender and lush, covered with a thin golden crust.

What we need:

  • 700 g potatoes;
  • 1-2 heads of onion;
  • 1 egg;
  • 2-3 tbsp. l flour;
  • pepper, salt (to taste);

Cooking sequence:

Step 1. Wash and clean the tubers. We rub them with a grater with the smallest cell. For these products, varieties of friable vegetables, which contain more starch, are better suited.

Starch gives finished products volume and splendor, adds softness.

Step 2. Simultaneously with the tubers, turn into gruel and onions. It is better to entrust this process to the blender. Then you won't have to shed any tears.

Why are onions rubbed at the same time as potatoes? The tuber contains the amino acid tyrosine, which is oxidized when combined with air. The colorless substance acquires a bluish-brown color. Onion juice inhibits the oxidation process. The mass retains its color.

Step 3. We shift the potato-onion mass into a bowl.

Step 4. Add an egg. Beat it with a fork, mixing with the mass.

Step 5. Pour the flour, observing the amount indicated in the layout.

Step 6. Mix and get the dough of a semi-liquid delicate consistency. Pepper and salt to taste.

Step 7. We heat the pan with vegetable oil. Spoon out the potato batter.

Step 8. Fry the cakes on both sides until golden brown. Appetizing and crispy potato pancakes are ready!

Serve hot on the table. Cold flatbreads lose their piquant quality and become not tasty. They are good with sour cream and cream sauce.

Potato pancakes with minced meat, on a coarse grater

Delicious, with a crispy crust, it turns out jerks with minced meat. The dish is simple, no frills. Does not contain flour. In addition to raw potatoes and meat, an egg is added to the composition. Curry seasoning gives the dish a sharpness (this is a property of the incoming pepper). Turmeric - golden. And cumin and coriander - aroma and light nutty taste.

Grocery set:

  • 400 g potatoes;
  • 200 g minced meat;
  • 1/2 onion;
  • 1 egg;
  • curry seasoning, salt (to taste);

How we will act:

We rub the potatoes on a coarse grater. After the chips start up the juice, squeeze it and drain it. Add one egg and finely chopped onion to the bowl. Mix in minced meat, a pinch of salt and the same amount of curry seasoning.

We form flat cakes with our palms and put them on a frying pan heated with oil. We brown one barrel. We turn the products over to the other side. We fry until fully cooked.

We spread the finished jerks from the pan on a paper towel. So that it absorbs excess oil from the products.

How to cook potato pancakes with cheese

Delicious tortillas with cheese and fried in a pan will be a delicious addition to tea. The author of this recipe suggests grating the vegetable on a coarse grater.

Who cares, but I like it when the potatoes are grated coarsely. And the onion is cut into half rings. When frying, they do not fit snugly to each other and a kind of layering of the product is formed. And along the edges protrude "bristle". Apparently, that's why in Sweden they were called so - the bristly monk.

Let's prepare the ingredients:

  • 5-6 tubers of raw potatoes;
  • 1 head of onion;
  • 1-2 tbsp. l. flour;
  • 1 egg;
  • 50-70 g of hard cheese;
  • salt pepper:
  • 1-2 cloves of garlic;

How will we cook:

We rub the cheese with a fine grater and send it to a bowl. Next, finely chop the garlic. Lastly, with a grater with large cells, we make potato chips. And while it has not darkened, quickly mix it with onions and cheese.

We beat the egg. Mix well. Salt and pepper to taste. Add finely chopped garlic clove. Sprinkle flour and mix everything. The dough is ready.

Heat up a frying pan with oil. Spread out cakes with a spoon. Press them down lightly to make them flat.

Fry the products on both sides over low heat. After the formation of a golden crust, remove to a plate.

Cooking delicious jerks with cottage cheese

While writing this article, I came across this amazing recipe. Decided to include it in the article. It is unusual in that potato pancakes are prepared with the addition of cottage cheese. But on the other hand, if you think about it, there is nothing unusual about it.

After all, we fry potato cakes with cheese? And cottage cheese is its original product. But the amazing moments don't stop there. We will fry products without flour. So, get acquainted.

We will need:

  • 1 kg of potatoes;
  • 300 g of cottage cheese;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 tsp salt;


We clean the tubers, divide each tuber into several parts. Add an onion cut into quarters. Grind food with an immersion blender.

We filter the mass through cheesecloth, removing excess juice.

Add 300 g of cottage cheese and 2 eggs to the mass. Salt and mix. Everything. The dough is ready.

Heat the pan and fry the products over medium heat until golden brown. Products are tender and juicy. And they have a special taste. Try it!

Potato pancakes in a pan with sausage

This is the same simple and affordable recipe for everyone. Potato cakes are fried with the addition of sausages or sausages. Which makes them more satisfying. Ready meal can replace breakfast or become a light dinner.

Grocery set:

  • 0.5 kg of potatoes;
  • 1 egg;
  • 2 onions;
  • 2 sausages;
  • 1 st. l. flour;
  • salt pepper;
  • green onions - a small bunch.


Potato rubbed on a grater. Add spices, chopped onions and green onions to the mass. We cut sausages into cubes and also send them to the total mass. We beat one egg. Based on the consistency of the resulting mass, sprinkle one or two tablespoons of flour.

Heat up a frying pan with oil. We spread the test mass with a spoon. We fry on one side. Once browned, flip over to the other side.

Ready-made products are best eaten piping hot. So they are much tastier.

Bake potato pancakes in the oven

If you do not like fried products, teruny can be baked in the oven. Healthy cakes are prepared quickly and simply. The ingredients are the simplest. And if the finished products are not lubricated butter, then the dish will be lean. Because it is prepared without eggs. The recipe will come in handy during fasting days.


  • 1 kg of potatoes;
  • 2 onions;
  • 3 art. l. flour;
  • 10 g butter;
  • salt;


We clean the potatoes, three on a grater alternately with onions, so as not to darken. We give a few minutes for the mass to highlight the juice and drain it.

We add the potato-onion mass. Add flour and knead the dough. We form small cakes with our hands and put them on a baking sheet.

Bake in the oven at 200 degrees for about 20 minutes. Lubricate finished products on top with melted butter.

Recipe for Belarusian potato pancakes without eggs

This is the most correct (classic) recipe for Belarusian potato pancakes. And all because they are fried without eggs and flour. The simplest cooking option includes only 2 ingredients: potatoes and onions.

What to prepare:

  • 1 kg of potatoes;
  • half a head of onion;
  • salt, pepper to taste;

How we will act:

We rub the tubers, interspersed with the onion on a fine grater. We shift the mass into a sieve and leave for 10 minutes to drain the juice.

After that, drain the juice. But we save the starch that has settled at the bottom.

In this starch we shift the potato-onion mass and mix.

The return of starch to the potato mass is another secret to delicious potato pancakes. Starch has an important property - viscosity. Binds the ingredients together. Absorbs water, thickens.

Heat up a frying pan with vegetable oil. We spread the mass with a spoon, giving it the shape of cakes. We fry the products on both sides. They turn out to be a beautiful, golden color, because the mass remained white, did not darken. They flip over easily in the pan. They don't fall apart and keep their shape.

Put the finished teruns on a paper towel to drain excess oil.

Cooking potato pancakes with meat

Delicious, beautifully molded dish - potato pancakes with meat. The ingredients are the simplest, but unusual performance. What allows you to serve this dish on festive table. Guests will be delighted with it.

Perfect for a family dinner too. We use chicken as meat. And although the option is clearly not classic, but worthy of attention. Because it's delicious and delicious.

List of ingredients:

  • 4-5 potatoes;
  • 250 g of chicken meat;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 1 onion;
  • 2 tbsp. l. flour;
  • 60 g of cheese;
  • ground pepper, salt, herbs;

Cooking technology:

Finely chop greens and onions. We rub the cheese with a grater with a small cell. Better take hard grade cheese. Fry the onion alternately in a pan until golden brown. Transfer it to another container. Then, fry the cut pieces chicken breast. Don't forget to salt and pepper them.

Three potatoes on a grater, sprinkle with salt to give the juice faster. We squeeze the juice.

Add eggs, flour to the mass and knead the dough.

Heat up a frying pan greased with oil. Spoon out the test mass. Spread it over the entire surface of the pan in a thin layer.

To potato pancake it was convenient to turn over, take a frying pan with a small diameter.

Fry the pancake on one side until golden and turn over to the other. Put the fried meat on one half of the pancake. Sprinkle with onion, cheese shavings and herbs.

We cover the filling with the second half of the pancake, folding it in half. Lightly hold it with a spatula and wait for the cheese inside to melt and glue the product.

Flip over to the other side. We stand for a few seconds and transfer a delicious, fried potato pancake with meat to a plate.

What to add to potato pancakes so that they do not darken?

Potatoes, as noted above, tend to oxidize in air and blacken. What to do so that the grated mass remains white and does not lose its color? After all, then the products themselves are not gray, but golden-ruddy.

One secret of preparing products with a golden crust has already been revealed in the article. For this, potatoes should be rubbed interspersed with onions. Onion juice inhibits the oxidation process. From this recipe you will learn the second secret.

Required components:

  • 600 g potatoes;
  • 1 egg;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 st. l. flour (with a slide);
  • 1/2 tsp lemon juice;
  • salt, pepper to taste;

Cooking process:

Rub the tubers and onions with a grater. Cut the lemon into 2 halves. Squeeze out some juice. Half a teaspoon will suffice.

Lemon juice, like onion juice, retains the color of potatoes, prevents the enzymes that make up its composition from oxidizing. The mass remains perfectly white.

If there is too much juice in it, then it can be drained. To do this, put the mass in a strainer so that the excess juice separates.

After, add salt and pepper. Sprinkle flour and knead the dough.

We fry the cakes in a heated pan with oil. 2-3 minutes on both sides.

To ensure that the products are well fried, cover the pan with a lid.

How to make a delicious meat sauce for potato pancakes?

In addition to recipes, as nice bonus, I post a description of the preparation very delicious sauce. It can be made with any meat you like. We have an option with chicken hearts, onion and ketchup.

Instead of ketchup, you can take tomato paste. Then you will need to season the sauce with herbs or spices.

Cut the hearts into small pieces. We turn the onion into smaller cubes. We heat up the pan. We add a little oil so that the sauce is not greasy. Fry the onion until golden. Put the pieces of meat on top of the onion. Cover with a lid and cook over low heat until cooked through.

Do not forget to periodically lift the lid and stir so that the contents do not burn. If you feel that the mass burns slightly, then add a little water to the pan. Literally 2 tablespoons.

Don't forget to salt. Stir ketchup into finished hearts. We turn off the fire. Simmer for two minutes while stirring. And delicious meat sauce can be served!

How to cook the most delicious potato pancakes?

Despite the fact that the cooking recipes are unusually simple, it is not always possible to get pancakes tasty and appetizing. That potato quickly darkens and finished products instead of ruddy have a bluish or brownish tint. Then the internal structure is too sticky. Then they crumble in a pan when turned over to the other side.

What should beginner housewives pay attention to when preparing this delicious meal?

Some secrets and nuances have already been revealed in the description of recipes. Summarizing what has been said, it can be noted:

So that the potatoes do not darken

When rubbing on a grater, add onion to the mass at the same time. It can also be grated, or chopped with a blender. Onion juice prevents the enzymes contained in the tubers from being oxidized. And the mass remains light.

Adding a little lemon juice or citric acid retains color amazingly. Sometimes it even seems that the mass becomes even lighter.

The situation is saved by mixing a small amount of sour cream, literally a tablespoon.

Another interesting way. Experienced housewives, probably noticed that the peeled tubers do not darken in water. In this regard, there are tips from experienced chefs who offer to grate potatoes by immersing the grater in water. The color, of course, remains the same. But the starch is washed out. It is possible to avoid this annoying situation. It is necessary to drain the water, and return the starch to the potato dough.

What is the best way to grate potatoes on a coarse grater or on a fine grater?

There is no single answer to this question. Most likely, it is necessary to proceed from their personal preferences. The mass, crushed with a blender or grated through a small cell, in a pan looks more like cakes with smooth edges.

Our family love potato pancakes made from large chips. At the same time, onions should also be cut not into cubes, but into half rings or into straws from quarters. When laying out a spoonful of dough mass in a pan, cakes are obtained not with a smooth edge, but with bristles sticking out in all directions.

Is it necessary to return the starch after squeezing the potato mass?

It is believed that the most real (classic) potato pancakes are fried without flour and without eggs. In some cases, starch is added instead of flour. If there is little starch in the potato mass, the potato pancakes will not keep their shape and fall apart in the pan.

Starch binds the ingredients included in the composition, gives viscosity. In addition, the products are softer and more delicate.

Why sometimes finished products are glued and sticky inside?

This happens most often, due to the large amount of flour. When kneading potato dough for potato pancakes, follow the recipe.

Now, you know what needs to be done so that potato pancakes are tasty and their internal structure remains snow-white. These simple products, in the classic version, are served at the family table in weekdays. There is a recipe that helps during fasting days. But you can cook a festive option with meat stuffing that will surprise your guests.

Please yourself and your loved ones with a simple and delicious food! If you saw for yourself interesting recipe, save the article on the pages of your social networks. See you soon, dear readers!

You can make your loved ones happy by doing interesting dish- ordinary potato pancakes. These are pancakes, but chopped potatoes are fried instead of flour-based dough. Simple Belarusian draniki are traditionally made with garlic, onions and eggs, but there are other options for the dish with the addition of minced meat, cheese, mushrooms, zucchini and even cottage cheese.

Recipe 1. Classic

Potato pancakes, the recipe of which is used most often, are liked by almost everyone. This classic version dishes.


  • 1 kg of potato tubers;
  • 3 onions;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 4 cloves of garlic;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of flour or starch;
  • salt and black pepper to taste;
  • olive or any other odorless vegetable oil for frying;
  • 1 st. a spoonful of sour cream or milk.

How to cook, with a photo:

  1. Grate the tubers together with onions on a fine grater.
  2. Drain excess juice.
  3. Beat the eggs, mix them with chopped garlic cloves, black pepper, salt and combine with potato mass.
  4. Add milk or sour cream, starch (flour).
  5. Spoon into skillet and fry on both sides until golden and crispy (about 5 minutes each). You don't need to close the lid.

Advice! If the mass of eggs and potatoes turned out to be thick enough, then flour or starch should not be added.

Classic potato pancakes are served with sour cream. They will be especially tasty with machanka - a traditional Belarusian sauce designed specifically for potato pancakes.

Machanka recipe: cut salted ribs, smoked sausage, melted bacon and ham, put everything in a pot and sweat with sour cream. Take the proportions of the products arbitrarily, to your taste, it is not necessary to add all the listed ingredients.

Recipe 2. Without eggs

Draniki without eggs is the easiest dish to prepare, but very tasty. It will not be difficult even for an inexperienced cook to make such lean potato pancakes, and you will need a minimum set of products.


  • 5 medium sized potatoes;
  • 2 tbsp. l. flour;
  • salt and seasoning to taste;
  • vegetable oil for frying.

Advice! Potato varieties with a high starch content are ideal for cooking. This allows you to get the potato mass of the desired consistency.

Step by step preparation:

  1. Peel the tubers and grate on a fine (until mashed potatoes) or coarse grater. The better the tubers are crushed, the more homogeneous the mass will turn out and the thinner the pancakes. From potatoes grated on a coarse grater, pancakes are obtained with a more crispy crust.
  2. Squeeze out the resulting potato mass, removing excess liquid from it. If this is not done, the pancakes in the pan will blur.
  3. Add salt, flour and spices to potatoes. Mix thoroughly.
  4. Spread the resulting dough with a spoon in a pan with heated vegetable oil. Fry on one side, then on the other, turning the pancakes over.

Serve with sour cream.

Recipe 3. With minced meat

Potato pancakes with minced meat are more satisfying, men especially like their taste. The dish is made simply, although it will take a little longer to prepare it than when cooking according to the classic recipe.


  • 1 kg of potatoes;
  • 2 onions;
  • 300 g of any minced meat;
  • vegetable oil;
  • salt and pepper to taste.

How to cook:

  1. Peel the onions, cut one of them into half rings and fry in a pan in vegetable oil until golden brown.
  2. Finely chop the second onion with a blender or on a grater. Divide the resulting mass into 2 parts.
  3. Add one of the chopped onion parts, salt, pepper to the minced meat.
  4. Peel the tubers from the peel and grate it on a fine grater. Mix the resulting mass with the remaining onion, salt and pepper.
  5. Fry potato pancakes in a pan (preferably with non-stick coating) in vegetable oil. Put the potato mass with a spoon into the preheated pan and level it - the layer should be thin. From above, in the middle of the pancake, put a little minced meat and cover it with potato mass.
  6. Fry first on one side, then turn over and fry on the other. Close the pan with a lid - this will allow the potato pancakes to bake well.
  7. Serve with fried half-rings of onions.

Advice! Without changing the set of products and their proportions, you can make potato and meat pancakes - mix the potato mass with minced meat and fry like regular pancakes.

Recipe 4. With sausage and cheese

Draniki with ordinary boiled sausage and cheese turn out to be hearty, and at the same time they are very tasty. The dish is perfect for lunch or breakfast.


  • 500 g of potato tubers (6 pcs.);
  • 100 g boiled sausage;
  • 100 g of cheese;
  • 1 onion;
  • 3 art. spoons of flour;
  • 2 eggs;
  • salt and black pepper to taste (other spices can be added);
  • sunflower oil for frying.

Step by step recipe how to cook:

  1. Grate peeled potatoes with onions on a coarse grater or chop with a blender.
  2. Squeeze out excess juice.
  3. Cut sausage and cheese into thin slices, mix with potato mass, add egg, flour, spices, salt.
  4. Spread the mass with a spoon in a pan with heated vegetable oil.
  5. Fry on both sides until golden brown (about 5 minutes each).
  6. Pat the finished pancakes dry with a paper towel to remove excess oil.

Serve hot, topped with sour cream.

Recipe 5. In the oven

Draniki can be made not only in a frying pan, they will turn out to be no less tasty if you cook them in the oven. The crust will be just as golden and crispy. In this case, the dish will not come out so greasy, since the amount of vegetable oil used in the cooking process will decrease significantly. We can say that pancakes will turn out dietary.


  • 4 large potatoes;
  • 1 egg;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of mayonnaise;
  • half an onion;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of flour;
  • salt and spices to your taste;
  • vegetable oil.

How to cook:

  1. Grate peeled potato tubers and onions on a coarse grater. Drain or squeeze out excess juice.
  2. Immediately add mayonnaise to the potato-onion mass.
  3. Finely chop the garlic cloves or pass through a special garlic press.
  4. Mix the mass, garlic and egg, salt.
  5. Add flour.
  6. The dough should be quite viscous so that you can form cakes.
  7. Turn on the oven, it should warm up to 200-220 degrees.
  8. Line a baking sheet with pre-greased parchment paper.
  9. Lay out cakes on paper.
  10. For browning potato pancakes, 20 minutes is enough. They will need to be turned once during cooking.

Serve warm with sour cream, ketchup or mayonnaise.

Recipe 6. With zucchini

Delicious potato pancakes are made with zucchini, the addition of which makes the dish tender.


  • 1 kg of potatoes;
  • 1 medium-sized zucchini;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 1 large onion;
  • 3 art. spoons of flour;
  • salt, garlic and seasonings to taste;
  • vegetable oil for frying;
  • sour cream to serve the dish to the table.

Advice! Zucchini is better to take young, with unripened seeds.

How to cook:

  1. Grind the tubers on a fine grater or blender.
  2. Grate the zucchini and the peeled onion on a coarse grater.
  3. Mix potatoes, onion and zucchini.
  4. Add pre-beaten eggs, spices, chopped garlic, salt everything.
  5. Spread with a tablespoon, forming pancakes and fry them in a pan in hot vegetable oil until a crispy golden crust forms. First on one side, then on the other.

Advice! If desired, any greens can be added to the mass.

Serve hot with sour cream. Potato pancakes with zucchini will appeal to adults and children.

Potato pancakes will turn out especially tasty if you use the recommendations for their preparation.

  1. Choose the right potato: it should have a lot of starch. Large potatoes with a rough skin, yellowish inside are ideal. Young tubers do not contain very much starch, so they are not very suitable for making potato pancakes.
  2. Insufficient "starchy" potatoes are easy to eliminate - just add 1-2 tablespoons of starch to the mass.
  3. Grate the tubers on a fine grater at the same time as the onions. This will prevent darkening of the mass. It is not necessary to do this manually, use a blender or food processor. You can grind potatoes with an ordinary juicer - in this case, the juice and pulp must be mixed, but there should not be too much liquid.
  4. In unnecessarily batter add flour, but it is important not to overdo it here, otherwise the potato pancakes will turn out to be slightly “rubber”. It is better to use starch for this purpose.
  5. Spices enhance the taste and aroma of the dish, add them as you wish.
  6. Draniki will turn out with a golden crust, crispy if you fry them in a well-heated pan. Vegetable oil should cover half the thickness of the potato mass.
  7. Too thick potato pancakes may not be fried inside, so when laying out the mass, it must be leveled with a spoon, making them thinner.
  8. You can get rid of excess fat content by laying pancakes immediately not on a plate, but on paper napkins.

Potato pancakes are an easy-to-prepare dish with a minimum set of ingredients, but at the same time very tasty and satisfying. Food can be made completely different in taste by adding various spices.

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