Home Product Ratings Canned olives: benefits and harms to the human body. Olives and black olives: healthy Mediterranean pickles on your table

Canned olives: benefits and harms to the human body. Olives and black olives: healthy Mediterranean pickles on your table

The homeland of the olive tree is considered to be the southeastern Mediterranean. Today it grows in Africa, Australia and in some regions of Europe and Asia. Its fruits are called olives, which, depending on the time of harvest, are either black or green. In our country, it is customary to call black fruits olives, and green ones - olives. However, the color differences are only due to their degree of maturity: greens are harvested earlier, while blacks are harvested at full maturity.

Olives are widely used in the industrial industry. They are used in cooking, cosmetology, industry, nutrition, alternative medicine, and even in soap making. What useful properties these fruits have, and how to use them for various purposes, we will consider further.

Composition and calories

Useful properties of olives are due to the rich natural composition. However, the usefulness of the product varies depending on the type. Olive fruits can be fresh, oilseed or canned. For medicinal purposes, all types of olives are used, as well as leaves and olive fruit oil.

calories olives low: 115..140 calories per 100 g of product. Ripe, fresh fruits are more high-calorie. They contain from 150 to 180 kcal per 100 g of product. The nutritional value olives differs depending on the variety and the place of harvest.

Chemical composition very extensive. They contain:

  • vitamins - E, A, C, PP, choline, beta-carotene and a number of elements of group B;
  • macro- and microelements - sodium, calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus and in small quantities - iron, selenium, zinc and manganese;
  • acids - almitic, linoleic, oleic, arachidic, stearic, etc.

100 grams contains: 1 g of protein, 6.9 g of fat, 3.1 g of carbohydrates and 2.5 g of insoluble fiber.

The rich composition explains the huge number of useful properties of olive fruits. The highest quality canned olive retains its nutrients. About the benefits of its use brings the body, we will consider further.

Olives vs Olives - What's the difference?

Olives and black olives are the fruits of the same tree. They differ in the degree of maturity. Green young olives and black ripe fruits contain a lot of useful substances.

There are two types of black olives arriving on store shelves. Some ripen naturally on the tree, others are picked green and artificially dyed black.

Natural black olives are not uniform in color and can be brown, reddish, or have a purple hue. During the canning of fruits, manufacturers do not remove the seeds, since the structure of the fruit becomes soft during processing and is not able to keep its shape.

There are some companies that deliberately color olives. In the process of a chemical reaction, the fruit becomes black, then it is packaged in jars. High content of preservatives and food coloring can harm the body, so you should purchase a quality, proven product.

Beneficial features

The properties of olives contribute to their widespread use in the food industry in canned form. They are also used fresh in medicinal and cosmetic purposes. The benefits of raspberries for the body are more extensive than it might seem at first glance.

Useful properties of olives:

  • Remove bad cholesterol, improve blood formula.
  • Eliminate allergic and inflammatory reactions at the cellular level.
  • Improve the work of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • They remove toxins, heavy metals and toxins from the body.
  • Normalize digestion, cleanse the intestines and improve microflora.
  • Saturate the body nutritional properties and energy.

The pulp of the olive fruit is enriched with many vitamins. The use of this product in food is recommended for beriberi, as well as during diets and weight loss.

The antioxidant properties contained in the olive prevent the growth of cancer cells. What makes their use especially useful for preventive purposes.

A small amount of canned olives eaten strengthens the walls of blood vessels and prevents the development of blood clots.

This fruit, surprising by its nature, is useful even for a child's body. It contains linoleic acid, which is very important for the formation of a healthy nervous system.

olive oil has a healing effect:

  • When applied externally, it heals wounds, cuts, burns and other skin lesions.
  • When taken internally, it improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, rejuvenates and cleanses the body of harmful substances.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the benefits of olives for a woman's body. This product is recommended for weight loss. Since it is during this period that the woman's body needs vitamins. Perfectly saturate, dull the feeling of hunger. They give the body a large supply of strength and energy.

It's very important to say about the benefits of canned olive pits. Their properties are due to the healing composition. They are used for both indoor and outdoor use. For example, people recommend swallowing one small bone when eating a fruit.

In the Mediterranean countries, eating an olive with a bone is considered the norm: this cleanses the intestines and removes harmful substances from it. But the opinions of experts on this matter differ.


Olives are widely used in various industries. The main one is the food industry. Olive fruits are canned and supplied to the world market. In our country, store shelves are full of canned olives, which differ in type, quality and manufacturer.

The oil industry produces high-quality olive oil from olive fruits, which is of particular value and high demand.

Olive fruits are especially valued in cosmetology. Hundreds of cosmetic companies use olives to produce skin and hair care products: shampoos, creams, gels and balms.

Alternative medicine offers various healthy recipes using the fruits of the olive tree.

In home cosmetology

Home cosmetology offers many recipes that include olive oil (olives). For example, skin mask recipe: take 10 ml of olive oil and 1 tsp. lemon juice. Mix everything and apply on the face for 15 minutes. Then we wash off. The mask perfectly nourishes the skin, removes signs of fatigue, brightens and eliminates minor flaws and irregularities.

You can make a body scrub:

  • Take two tablespoons of small sea ​​salt.
  • Mix with two tbsp. l. olive oil and lemon juice.
  • The resulting scrub is applied to the steamed skin, using massaging movements.

This tool produces a lifting effect, cleanses the deep layers of the skin. The mask also has an anti-cellulite effect.

For hair growth and strengthening We heat 50-60 ml of oil in a water bath (up to 35 degrees). Add 1 tbsp. l. (no top) mustard powder and one st. l. mayonnaise. Mix everything well until smooth and apply to the hair. Wrap a plastic bag over your head and then wrap yourself in a towel. Keep the mask for 15-20 minutes.

Mustard can cause slight tingling - this is normal, but if you can't stand it, then it's better to wash off the mask.

In folk medicine

ethnoscience uses the olive for medicinal and preventive purposes. Some recipes include olive leaves, olive oil, or fresh olives themselves.

folk recipe for hypertension:

  • We take 45-50 grams of dried raspberry leaves.
  • Fill with a liter of boiling water.
  • Cover with lid and wrap.
  • We let it brew for a day, filter.
  • We use three times a day, 20 ml, 20 minutes before meals.

The course of treatment is two weeks. This tool is considered an excellent tool for the treatment and prevention of atherosclerosis and hypertension.

With severe cough take one tablespoon of olive oil, one teaspoon of natural honey and one egg yolk. Mix all ingredients thoroughly until a homogeneous consistency is formed. We use within five days. Dosage - one dessert spoon twice a day (morning and evening).

For ulcers, wounds and boils You will need the pulp of a fresh olive. Grind five fruits to the state of gruel and add a spoonful of vinegar to them. Mix and apply to damaged areas of the skin.

We prepare a medicinal infusion for atherosclerosis:

  • Grind 200 grams of olive fruit and put in a thermos.
  • We take olive oil and heat it up to a temperature of 60 degrees.
  • Pour into a thermos with chopped olives.
  • We insist 24 hours.
  • We use the finished product 15-20 grams before three times a day before the main meals.

Infusion from puffiness: two tablespoons of olive leaves, grind them and pour 300 ml of boiling water. Let's brew all night. We use 20 ml 2-3 times a day until complete recovery.

In cooking

The use of canned olives in cooking is explained by the unique, piquant taste of this product. Olives are part of many recipes. They are used to decorate dishes, and are also used in hot and cold appetizers, and even in salads and sauces.

Black olives and olives look very beautiful. Chefs all over the world use them to add visual aesthetics to dishes. Their elegant, oval shape complements cold appetizers and cuts of any kind.

The fruits of the olive tree are combined with cheese, meat products and seafood, are part of pizza and, in combination with other ingredients, give a special spicy aroma and taste.

Olive fruits are also used to make sauces and salads. The taste qualities of olives allow you to give dishes a touch of piquancy and sophistication. For example, by adding olives to a soup (hodgepodge or kharcho soup), you can get a very bright, pronounced taste.

Traditional "Greek Salad"

To prepare everyone's favorite " Greek salad" on traditional recipe ingredients needed:

  • feta cheese (or cheese) - 75 g;
  • tomatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • long cucumbers - 1 pc;
  • red onion - ¼;
  • olives - 100 g;
  • salad greens;
  • olive oil;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • ground pepper and oregano.

Cut the cheese into cubes, onion rings and tomatoes into large slices. We spread salad greens on a plate, pour onions, tomatoes, feta and olives on top. Next, sprinkle with olive oil, sprinkle with oregano, salt and pepper. Salad ready!

Appetizing cheese pie with olives

To prepare unusual snack to festive table, you will need separate ingredients for the dough and filling.

For test:

For filling:

  • hard cheese - 150 g;
  • cottage cheese - 100 g;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • milk - 100 ml;
  • olives or olives (pitted) - 150 g;
  • eggs - 3 pcs;
  • ground black pepper to taste;

Rub the butter into crumbs with flour, salt. Add water and knead the dough. Then we roll it out, put it in a baking dish and make small indentations with a fork (so that the dough does not swell during baking). Lubricate the form first vegetable oil.

Grate cheese and divide into two parts. Put the first part on the dough. Then add chopped olives. Beat the eggs, mix them with cottage cheese and milk. Pour over olives and sprinkle with remaining cheese. We bake the cake for 30-35 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees. A sign of readiness is a ruddy bottom of the pie.

Harm of olives for the body

Canned olives, if consumed too often, can cause serious harm to the body in the form of various side effects. A very rich, salty marinade can impair stomach function. Despite their beneficial features, canned olives and olives have a number of contraindications:

  • pregnancy and lactation period;
  • increased acidity of the stomach;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (ulcer, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, gastritis);
  • cholelithiasis;
  • cystitis;
  • individual intolerance;
  • tendency to allergic reactions;
  • obesity and overweight;
  • also not recommended for children under 6-7 years old and people with excess salt in the body.

Olives in jars that contain ferrous gluconate (an oxidized substance that gives the fruit its black color) can seriously harm the body. It is recommended to buy only high-quality olives.

Daily rate for an adult is 2-3 fruits per day. It is not recommended to use the product daily.

Selection and storage

Greece and Spain are considered the main suppliers of olives and olives, less often Italy. They are usually packaged depending on the size of the fruit. The size (caliber) of the fruit is indicated on the bottom of the can. The higher the number, the larger the size.

It is very difficult to find high quality olives in our country. Basically, canned goods of medium and low quality are supplied to the shelves. Accordingly, the price of the product is also low.

When choosing olives, pay attention to:

  • The color should not be saturated black.
  • Buy olives with pits.
  • The absence of iron gluconate or stabilizer E579.
  • Best before date.

Usually cheap brands use chemical dyes to give green olives a black, uniform hue. Natural olives are not uniform in their range and have a brown or reddish color. They are unevenly colored: paler on one side, darker on the other.

For long-term storage it is better to wash the olives and put a glass sealed container, after sprinkling them olive oil and lemon juice. After that, you need to twist the jar well so that the olive fruits are well saturated with oil.

It is better to store olives for no more than two weeks. It is recommended to keep an open tin can in the refrigerator for no more than three days, otherwise spoiled fruits can harm the body.

The olive is a tree known to mankind since time immemorial. It is mentioned many times in the Bible. Wreaths made from its branches were awarded to the winners of the Olympic Games in Ancient Greece. Its branch is the first plant that the dove brought to Noah after the Great Flood.

Although the Mediterranean is the birthplace of the European olive, it has taken root in America and Africa. The fruits and oil are exported all over the world. Living in Alaska, Iceland or in the north of the Eurasian continent, you can easily enjoy original dishes Mediterranean cuisine, which is simply impossible to imagine without olives or olive oil.

Where and how do they grow

The homeland of the olive is the southeastern Mediterranean. The tree was first cultivated in ancient Greece, from where it spread throughout the world. The tree begins to bear fruit about two decades after germination. The fruit of the tree in the botanical classification is called a drupe.
The olive is known as a long-lived plant. The lifetime of some individual trees is not even measured in centuries.

Residents of modern Israel claim that in Gethsemane, the place where Jesus was captured, eight olive trees still grow, which were already bearing fruit in those distant times.

There is an olive tree in the Nikitsky Botanical Garden, which is 2000 years old.

Did you know? The fruits of the black olive tree are called "olives" only in the territory of the post-Soviet space. Throughout the rest of the world, a drupe of varying degrees of maturity is called an olive, adding a clarification - color.

The olive tree blooms once every two years. Depending on the specific climatic conditions, the tree blooms from early May to late June. Fruits ripen 120-150 days after flowering.

Difference between olives and black olives

There is no difference as such between an olive and an olive. We can say that olives are the fruits of the olive tree that have reached their full degree of maturity.

Conversely, olives are not fully ripened olives. The green fruit (olive) has a firmer texture but contains less oil.

change color when preserving only olives of the Halkidiki variety. Other varieties do not change color during processing and preservation. It should be understood that the familiar “black” color of olives is obtained as a result of processing with preservatives before they go to jars.

Those olives that ripen on the tree on their own have different shades - from brown to purple, almost black.

How olives are made

From the entire harvest of olives harvested in the world, produce:

  • oil - 90% of the crop;
  • pickled olives and olives - 10%.

A fresh olive, just plucked from a tree, has a not very pleasant, bitter taste. Therefore, they are eaten only in canned form.

If you have a jar of pitted black olives in front of you, then these are oxidized olives - black oxidized olives. The fruit of this variety was harvested green, but changed color in the process of preparation, salting and conservation.
With the help of caustic soda, olives get rid of bitterness, while oxidation occurs - enrichment with oxygen.

A drupe that has ripened naturally on a tree can be of a different color, even red. In such olives, the stone is not removed during conservation. Their flesh is too tender.

Important! Olives grown in Greece are pickled for a period of six months to a year, as a result of which they have spicy taste. In Spain, the fruits are harvested green, treated with alkali and oxidized olives are obtained.

Types of olives

All varieties of olives can be divided into three main categories:

  • oilseeds - olive oil is pressed from such fruits;
  • universal - suitable both for eating and for obtaining oil;
  • table (canning) - this type of olive is used for canning, pickling and eating.

In turn, canned olives can be:

  • Whole - whole fruits with a stone;
  • Pitted - pitted olives;
  • Cracked - crushed;
  • Sliced ​​- cut;
  • Stuffed - stuffed with various fillers.

Depending on the color and time of collection, the fruits are divided into:

  • green and light yellow - the collection is made just before ripening;
  • combined (from slightly red to brown) - harvested before full ripening;
  • black - collect fully ripe fruits;
  • black oxidized - harvested unripe, black color is obtained after chemical treatment.

Another characteristic of olives is the caliber, or indicator of the size of the fruit.

In accordance with accepted standards, olives are:

  • especially large - from 70 to 110 pieces. in 1 kg;
  • large - from 111 to 160, respectively;
  • medium - from 161 to 260;
  • small - from 261 to 380 pieces.
There are also varieties of olives depending on where they are grown.

Composition and energy value

The fruits of the olive tree contain the following substances:

  • water: olives 60-80%; olives 50-70%;
  • fat, respectively: 6-30%; 10-29%;
  • sugar: 2-6%; 0%;
  • protein: 1-3%; 1-1.5%;
  • : 1-4%; 1,4-2,1%;
  • ash content: 0.6-1%; 4.2-5.5%.

Minerals contained in 100 g of olives:

  • - 740 mg;
  • - 9 mg;
  • - 85 mg;
  • copper - 250 mcg;
  • - 3.2 mg;
  • - 4 mg;
  • - 20 mcg;
  • - 3 mg;
  • - 1 mcg;
  • - 0.21 mg.

Green pitted fruits have a calorie content of 113 kcal / 100 g. The pit contains many different fatty acids. They account for more than half of all chemical composition bones.

Did you know? The olive tree came to the New World in 1560, where it is successfully grown to this day, mainly in Peru and Mexico.

The calorie content of canned pitted olives is about 130 kcal. The energy value a fruit that has reached its maturity on a tree - 155 kcal.

But the same mature olives, but pitted, have a slightly lower calorie content - 130 kcal.

Beneficial features

  • Antioxidants contained in the olive tree prevent the oxidation of fat and cholesterol, thereby reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease, including heart attack.
  • The fatty acids found in olives are monounsaturated. Such fats have the ability to break down intracellular fat, which helps to get rid of excess weight.

  • Eating the fruits of the olive tree daily helps to quickly satisfy the feeling of hunger without overeating.
  • Antioxidants and significantly reduce the negative effects of free radicals, neutralizing oxidative processes in the body. As a result, the likelihood of developing oncological processes decreases markedly.
  • Anti-inflammatory substances and antioxidants can have an analgesic effect. The reason is oleocanthal, a substance whose action is similar to that of non-steroidal analgesics. 2-3 tbsp. tablespoons of oil in their action are similar to the action of the Nurofen tablet.
  • Vitamin E contained in fruits perfectly protects, nourishes and regenerates the skin and hair.
  • Olive oil is a natural blocker of histamine receptors, reduces allergic reactions of the body. The oil is used in anti-allergic diets. The anti-inflammatory properties can increase blood circulation and make it easier to breathe in asthma.
  • Beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract. 250 g of olives contain 1/6 of the amount of fiber needed for proper intestinal motility. The same fiber creates favorable conditions for the development and vital activity of the necessary microflora.

  • The iron contained in olives is necessary for our body for oxygen metabolism. And as you know, all the processes of our life are connected with oxygen.
  • Vitamin A prevents the formation of age-related degenerative changes in our eyes. A jar of olives (300 ml) contains a tenth of the required daily allowance of retinol (vitamin A).
  • Glutathione has a beneficial effect on the immune system, prevents toxins from entering the cell, improves the quality of lymphocytes.
  • Linoleic acid has a healing effect, helps regenerate the skin.

Warnings, harmful properties

There are some restrictions on the use of olives. One of them is cholecystitis and other manifestations of gallstone disease.

Important! The bark of the olive tree is used instead of cinchona, the oldest remedy for malaria, and the infusion of the leaves normalizes arterial pressure and breath.

The high fat content of olives can have a laxative effect.
And, of course, you should not get carried away with olives with individual intolerance and allergic reactions. As you can see, there are very few restrictions and contraindications.

Man has been cultivating the olive for a very long time, eating its fruits, crushing the oil. In the countries located on the eastern and northeastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea, a kind of cult of honoring the olive tree has developed over several millennia. There, the attitude to the olive is similar to our attitude to bread.

And although the bread on our tables is indispensable and more familiar, let's join the culture of the ancient civilizations of Rome and Greece, sometimes pampering ourselves with the fruits of the noble olive.

This time we will confidently keep silent about the benefits of the vaunted olive oil, but let's turn to the "original source" and find out what is more useful - olives or olives.


Many people know that olives and black olives are the fruits of the same tree, the olive. Interestingly, the term "olives" exists only in Russian. At home, it's just black (black olives) And green olives.

There is also a widespread opinion about the color of olives. We are sure that green ones are unripe fruits, and olives are already fully ripe olives that have turned black. Not certainly in that way. Green and dark olives are indeed the fruits of the same tree, harvested in different time and maturity period. However, depending on the cultivar and where it is grown, olives can be reddish-brown or deep purple when ripe. The black color of the vast majority of olives is unnatural, the result of a chemical process of oxidation and the addition of an artificial color - iron gluconate "E579".

Usually olives for eating are harvested while still green and sorted by size, but such berries, due to their low oil content, are tough and bitter. Bitterness gives a useful substance oletropin, to remove which olives were traditionally soaked in salt water. That is why they go on sale already marinated, salted and stuffed, for example, with lemon, almonds or anchovies.

As the olives ripen, they become softer and their oil content increases. Therefore, ripe fruits of dark color, as a rule, go for further processing and pressing to obtain olive oil.


Olives and black olives are very rich in vitamins and minerals. They include pectins, proteins, vitamins C, E, B, sugars, P-active catechins, as well as macro and microelements: phosphorus, iron and potassium salts.

Pectins: Remove various toxins from the body, up to salts of heavy metals. Therefore, pectins are necessary for people living in conditions of poor ecology. Thanks to pectins, the intestinal microflora improves.

unsaturated fatty acids(oleic, linoleic and lanolin): Unlike animal fats, they have a beneficial effect on our body, prevent the development of atherosclerosis, heart disease and blood vessels. According to recent data, the percentage of women in the Mediterranean countries suffering from breast cancer is significantly lower than in other regions, precisely because of oleic acid, which has a powerful antioxidant effect.

B vitamins: have a positive effect on nervous system, improving mood and giving a charge of vivacity.

Vitamins C and E: The combination of these vitamins has a powerful antioxidant effect. They help prevent various body failures, including cancer. By protecting against oxidation, olives have an anti-inflammatory effect, and also help reduce swelling and pain.

According to researchers, the combination of antioxidants and healthy fats makes olive oil an anti-cancer agent for breast, colon, and skin tumors. The use of olive oil improves the functioning of the biliary tract, eliminates constipation, and restores the gastric mucosa. Canned olives also contain oil, which means they have a beneficial effect on our body.

Essential oils: They protect the skin from the inside from exposure to ultraviolet radiation, the appearance of wrinkles and age spots.

Manganese and calcium: These two components in tandem have a positive effect on bones and joints, helping in the treatment of arthritis and osteochondrosis, and strengthening bone tissue. And manganese itself is responsible for regulating muscle tone.

Olives have practically no contraindications. However, olive oil should not be used for cholecystitis, as it has a choleretic effect. Particular care should be taken if you are overweight, as olives are very high in calories.

Do not forget about unnaturally black olives tinted with a special solution - such a product can harm the body. Ferrous gluconate ( E579) as food additive can cause diarrhea and is also toxic to the liver and stomach. Iron, on its own, is essential for our bodies, but an overdose of it can cause damage to the liver, heart, or kidneys.


If we talk about the usefulness of green and black olives, then you should pay attention to olives. It is from them that olive oil is made, and it is in their composition that there are a lot of useful substances. Olives in this sense are slightly inferior to olives.

You also need to adhere to the basic rule: the less levels of processing the olives have undergone, the healthier they are. Therefore, in the first place in value are green and dark olives with a stone. The pulp near the stone is especially rich in useful trace elements that can be stored in fruits for a long time.

In second place are pitted olives, followed by stuffed ones. The fact is that, as a rule, olives are not stuffed right on the spot. Often they are transported to another plant (which may be located in another country), the filling is delivered from the third plant - and only then the packaging takes place. So that the filling, for example, anchovies, does not deteriorate and does not fall out of the olives, additional preservatives are added to the brine.

Finally, the most “useless” are black, oxygenated and “seasoned” with ferrous gluconate, black sawdust in cans. With such processing, the lion's share of valuable trace elements is lost.


1. Olives made using accelerated, "harmful" technology are usually cheaper, and they are more often produced in iron cans (unfortunately, there are exceptions to this rule).

2 . Read the composition - artificial black olives are distinguished by ferrous gluconate (E 579). A sign of tinted olives is an unnatural black color. Natural olives are never uniformly dark in color, always grading from dark purple to brown and green, depending on the variety and degree of maturity. Traditional olives are even pinkish. These are medium ripe olives.

3. When choosing olives, pay attention to the country of origin. Greek ones, for example, are usually larger and saltier, but Spanish ones are unusual and delicious marinades. Greek olives are often not sold in brine - they are simply poured into jars, often with a little oil added. They have a slightly bitter taste.

4. Try to choose pitted olives. Usually they are a little more expensive, but they are more juicy and oily. But it is better to refuse olives with additives in the form of almonds or anchovies, since more preservatives are used in their production.

5. Olives in a glass container will show themselves better. But if you still made a choice in favor of a tin, pay attention to the can - it should not have any dents or defects. With such transformations, a chemical reaction can occur, and the olives will absorb salts of heavy metals and other toxic substances.

Sources: kitchenmag.ru, www.aif.ru, edaplus.info. Photo: Google search.

European olive (lat. Olea europaea) is a woody, evergreen tall tree of the olive family ( Oleaceae), the origin of which is considered the Mediterranean. The olive tree is also called "European olive tree" or "Cultural olive tree". This tree can be called a long-liver, as it can last for about two thousand years. However, it begins to bear fruit only after forty years of age.

The height of an adult tree on average can reach from 5-6 meters, but sometimes you can also find a 10-11 meter trunk. Its bark is grayish in color, slightly curved. The branches of this tree are long. The leaves are narrow and have an elongated shape, they are gray-green in color. With the advent of winter, the tree does not shed its leaves, they are renewed gradually, within two to three years. European olive blooms with very fragrant, white flowers of small size. The fruits of this tree, depending on the variety, are light green or black in color, oval in shape, fleshy with a stone inside.

Composition of olives

The fruits of the olive tree are endowed with a rich composition of micro and macro elements, vitamins, polyunsaturated fatty acids, and vegetable oil. All these substances make olives the most valuable product for our health. 100 grams of the product contains about 115 kcal.

12 health benefits of olives and olive oil

Since ancient times, people have known and appreciated the olive tree for its most beneficial properties, and they have grown it specifically to make various food products from it, for example, olive oil. But not only because of this, people began to respect and love olives, they were also used to cure many diseases. Nowadays, the relevance of this product has not faded, it is actively used both in home and in official medicine.

  1. Heart health. Olives help lower bad (low-density lipoprotein - LDL) cholesterol levels in the blood without altering good (high-density lipoprotein - HDL) cholesterol levels. HDL takes cholesterol from the walls of blood vessels and transfers it to the liver, thereby preventing the formation of plaques, coronary artery disease and angina pectoris.
  2. Lowering blood pressure. Recent studies show that regular consumption of olive oil can help lower both systolic and diastolic blood pressure.
  3. Cancer Prevention. Olives are rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory nutrients. Oleocanthal, oleuropein, and its hydroxytyrosol derivatives are the most powerful antioxidants. Studies have shown a decrease in cancer cells in stomach and breast cancer. Also, the antioxidant phytonutrients in olives are able to protect DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) from oxygen damage, which also reduces the likelihood of cancer. Olive oil contributes to the prevention of malignant melanoma. This type of cancer can be slowed down by a diet rich in antioxidant olive oil.
  4. Stomach health. Olives and olive oil help protect your stomach from ulcers. Olive oil has an antibacterial effect and is able to fight the bacteria responsible for stomach ulcers. Studies have shown that the polyphenols present in the composition are able to protect the stomach from eight strains of intestinal bacteria, three of which are even resistant to antibiotics.
  5. brain health. As a result of a five-year study conducted by French scientists in which 7,625 people over the age of 65 participated, it was found that people who regularly consume olives and olive oil are 41% less at risk of stroke. Therefore, olives are one of the most inexpensive and easy way to help prevent stroke. Oleuropein aglycone, the main polyphenol found in olive oil, has been shown to improve cognitive function in the brain and prevent Alzheimer's disease.
  6. Rich source of iron. Olives contain significant amounts of iron, which is a key factor in the formation of hemoglobin and myoglobin, the protein that carries oxygen throughout the body. Iron is also involved in the production of enzymes responsible for regulating immune function and cognitive development.
  7. Reducing joint pain. Olives contain a compound called oleocanthal, which has strong anti-inflammatory properties, mimicking the action of ibuprofen. Olive oil naturally reduces the pain of chronic inflammatory conditions such as arthritis and can be added to your daily diet to help reduce pain. Studies have also shown that people who regularly eat olives and olive oil are less likely to develop arthritis.
  8. Prevention and care for diabetics. Studies have shown that a diet rich in monounsaturated fats, such as those

    What else is useful?

Where do olives grow

green olives Black olives (black olives)
calories 145 kcal 115 kcal
Squirrels 1 g 0.84 g
Fats 15.3 g 10.68 g
Carbohydrates 3.8 g 6.26 g
Cellulose 3.3 g 3.2 g
Vitamin A 0.019 mg 0.02 mg
beta carotene 0.231 mg 0.237 mg
Beta cryptoxanthin 0.009 mg 0.009 mg
Lutein + Zeaxanthin 0.51 mg 0.51 mg
Vitamin B1 0.021 mg 0.003 mg
Vitamin B2 0.007 mg -
Vitamin B4 14.2 mg 10.3 mg
Vitamin B5 0.023 mg 0.015 mg
Vitamin B6 0.031 mg 0.012 mg
Vitamin B9 0.003 mg -
Vitamin C - 1.5 mg
Vitamin E 3.81 mg 1.65 mg
Vitamin K 0.001 mg 0.001 mg
Vitamin PP 0.237 mg 0.037 mg
Potassium 42 mg 9 mg
Calcium 52 mg 94 mg
Magnesium 11 mg 4 mg
Sodium 1566 mg 735 mg
Phosphorus 4 mg 3 mg
Iron 0.49 mg 3.32 mg
Manganese - 0.02 mg
Copper 0.12 mg 0.25 mg
Selenium 0.001 mg 0.001 mg
Zinc 0.04 mg 0.22 mg
Fatty acid
Omega 3 fatty acids 0.092 g 0.065 g
Omega 6 fatty acids 1.215 g 0.847 g
palmitic 1.691 g 1.179 g
Stearic 0.338 0.236 g
Palmitoleic 0.123 g 0.086 g
Oleic 11.144 g 7.77 g
Gadoleic 0.146 g 0.032 g
Linoleic 1.215 g 0.847 g
Linolenic 0.092 g 0.064 g

For men

For women

The benefits of different forms

Application methods

Harm of olives


  • with pancreatitis;
  • with cholecystitis;

Why do you want olives?

Most Mediterranean dishes use olives in their composition - good and excellent taste qualities of these fruits allow you to add them to many recipes. European olive is recommended for both men and women due to its healing effects.

Where do olives grow

European olive, the fruits of which are olives, is a heat-loving plant growing in southern countries. It is most often found in Mediterranean states: Greece, Turkey, Israel, Italy and Spain. Spain is the main supplier of olives on the world market, not inferior to superiority for many years.

In addition to the main habitat, olive trees are grown in Iraq and Iran, Turkmenistan, India, Peru and Mexico. IN Soviet times the European olive was grown on the Black Sea coast and in the Crimea, as well as in Abkhazia, Georgia and Azerbaijan.

Are olives a fruit, vegetable or berry?

Olives are often referred to as berries and fruits: this is a small seed fruit that resembles cherries or plums. From the point of view of botany, they belong to the group of drupes: these are fruits that have only one stone and are not considered berries.

Olives belong to the group of drupes

Olives are like berries in size, like fruits in structure, like vegetables in taste. But at the same time, they do not belong to any of these groups: the fruits of the olive are allocated to a separate family "Olive". The genus of this plant is "Olive", and the species is "European Olive".

Why are olives black and olives green?

Olives and black olives are the fruits of the same tree, which is called the European Olive. The difference between them lies in the degree of maturity: green color indicates immaturity, and dark color indicates the full ripeness of the fruit.

Olives, known as “black olives” in Europe, are not actually black in color: their rich dark hue is closer to purple or brown tones. One side of olives is often darker than the other, and the stone is not removed from them.

Olives and black olives grow on the same tree

On sale, you can often find olives of a uniform blue-black color without pits. This shade is obtained artificially by adding to unripe green olives chemical preservatives. After such processing, no useful properties remain in pseudo-olives.

The chemical composition of olives and BJU

The beneficial effect of olive fruits on the body is due to the components in their composition.

A table with the composition of black and green fruits, which takes into account calories, BJU, the amount of vitamins, minerals and fatty acids.

green olives Black olives (black olives)
calories 145 kcal 115 kcal
Squirrels 1 g 0.84 g
Fats 15.3 g 10.68 g
Carbohydrates 3.8 g 6.26 g
Cellulose 3.3 g 3.2 g
Vitamin A 0.019 mg 0.02 mg
beta carotene 0.231 mg 0.237 mg
Beta cryptoxanthin 0.009 mg 0.009 mg
Lutein + Zeaxanthin 0.51 mg 0.51 mg
Vitamin B1 0.021 mg 0.003 mg
Vitamin B2 0.007 mg -
Vitamin B4 14.2 mg 10.3 mg
Vitamin B5 0.023 mg 0.015 mg
Vitamin B6 0.031 mg 0.012 mg
Vitamin B9 0.003 mg -
Vitamin C - 1.5 mg
Vitamin E 3.81 mg 1.65 mg
Vitamin K 0.001 mg 0.001 mg
Vitamin PP 0.237 mg 0.037 mg
Potassium 42 mg 9 mg
Calcium 52 mg 94 mg
Magnesium 11 mg 4 mg
Sodium 1566 mg 735 mg
Phosphorus 4 mg 3 mg
Iron 0.49 mg 3.32 mg
Manganese - 0.02 mg
Copper 0.12 mg 0.25 mg
Selenium 0.001 mg 0.001 mg
Zinc 0.04 mg 0.22 mg
Fatty acid
Omega 3 fatty acids 0.092 g 0.065 g
Omega 6 fatty acids 1.215 g 0.847 g
palmitic 1.691 g 1.179 g
Stearic 0.338 0.236 g
Palmitoleic 0.123 g 0.086 g
Oleic 11.144 g 7.77 g
Gadoleic 0.146 g 0.032 g
Linoleic 1.215 g 0.847 g
Linolenic 0.092 g 0.064 g

The chemical composition depends on the particular variety of fruit and on the method of their processing. Canned, pickled and salted olives contain fewer nutrients than fresh ones. Useful properties of olives

The benefits of olive fruits for the human body are invaluable.

Due to the composition, saturated with fatty acids, vitamins and minerals, they are indispensable for many diseases:

  1. In atherosclerosis: vitamin PP and fiber regulate the amount of cholesterol in the blood, helping to cope with its excess.
  2. In cardiovascular diseases: high content of potassium, vitamins B6 and PP lowers blood pressure, strengthens the vascular walls.
  3. In case of metabolic disorders: it contains little sugar, a lot of fatty acids, as well as vitamins B6, C and E, which reduce blood sugar levels and speed up metabolism.
  4. With disorders of the nervous system: they normalize cerebral circulation and have a slight sedative effect, improve the functioning of the central nervous system and PNS.
  5. With anemia: black fruits contain a lot of iron and vitamin C, which improves its absorption and increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood.
  6. With arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis and gout: phosphorus and calcium in the composition strengthen bones and joints.
  7. For digestive problems: fiber improves the digestion and absorption of food, helps with constipation and other gastrointestinal disorders.
  8. When losing weight: low calorie product, as well as vitamins B6 and C in its composition, which regulate metabolism, allow you to quickly get rid of excess weight.
  9. In infectious diseases: vitamins C and E increase the activity of the immune system, providing a preventive and curative effect in case of colds.

Olives are also very useful for children and adolescents: fatty acids have a beneficial effect on a growing body.

For men

The benefits of olives for men are as follows:

  1. Vitamin E improves blood circulation and sperm quality, and also prevents the destruction of testosterone by insulin.
  2. Fatty acids cleanse blood vessels, improve blood flow to all parts of the body - including the genitals.
  3. Vitamin B9 prevents early baldness and stimulates new hair growth.
  4. Vitamin B6 strengthens the walls of blood vessels, eliminating circulatory insufficiency.
  5. Zinc increases the level of testosterone in the blood.

To achieve the best effect in the fight against erectile dysfunction, men should consume 10-15 fruits per day.

Olives cleanse the blood vessels

For women

The benefits of olive fruit for women's health are due to the following:

  1. Vitamins C, E and selenium prevent the spread of free radicals, slowing down aging and reducing the risk of developing cancer.
  2. Vitamins A and B improve the condition of hair and skin: hide wrinkles and inflammation, strengthen hair, accelerate its growth and give it shine.
  3. Calcium and phosphorus strengthen the nail plates and teeth.
  4. Monounsaturated fats, vitamins A and E promote fertility and increase the chances of conceiving a child.
  5. Vitamin B6 thins the blood and strengthens blood vessels, prevents varicose veins and thrombosis during pregnancy.
  6. Low calorie content allows you to use the fruit on a diet.

Olives for women are useful not only when taken orally: the fruits and oil from them can be used externally as part of homemade masks for the face, hair and body.

Olives prevent thrombosis

The benefits of different forms

Regardless of the form in which olives are sold, they have a beneficial effect on the body.

Each storage method has its own advantages:

  1. Fresh olives: contain the maximum amount of nutrients, but are unsuitable for food. Fresh fruits are strongly bitter, have an astringent property.
  2. Cured: Prepared by drying in the sun. Unlike pickled and salted fruits, they do not contain salt and potentially harmful preservatives, and retain the greatest amount of vitamins and minerals.
  3. Pickled: less healthy than fresh or dried fruits, but with the right cooking technique, they retain most of the useful properties. Canned and salted fruits last longer, taste better, and often contain healthy spices.
  4. Olive oil: used internally both on its own and as part of various dishes. It is also used in face and hair masks, creams and scrubs, for wiping and cleansing the skin, as part of cleansing enemas.
  5. Olive leaves: used in cooking as a seasoning, also brewed as a tea. They relieve tension and anxiety, prevent cardiovascular diseases, tone up and strengthen the immune system.

Olive leaf tea is good for the cardiovascular system

Application methods

Olive fruit is the most common ingredient in Mediterranean cuisine, found in almost every recipe. Their uses are unlimited: olives are used in recipes for pizza, pasta and focaccia, in many salads and soups, in pesto and a variety of meat and fish dishes, fried or oven baked.

Olive fruits are often used as a decorative element for hot dishes - they look aesthetically pleasing and do not interrupt the taste of the dish. They also decorate alcoholic cocktails: if you eat alcohol with olives, they will begin to resist toxins and reduce hangovers.

Olives resist alcohol toxins

Another use of olives is as a snack. They can be present in canapés or used independently: in canned, dried or salted form. It is permissible to eat 7-10 fruits per day.

Harm of olives

Black olives in a jar can harm the body. If these are not real olives, but artificially colored fruits, they contain harmful additives. These are caustic soda, in the solution of which the olives are kept for a week, and ferrous glutonate, which gives the blackened pseudo-olives a stable color.

Both of these additives can cause allergies in the consumer, in addition, after prolonged treatment with them, the beneficial properties of olives disappear. If a color stabilizing additive E579 is present in the composition of the canned product, it should not be purchased.

Also, the excessively salty brine in which they are stored can harm the body.


Due to the choleretic properties of olives, you can not use:

  • with pancreatitis;
  • with cholecystitis;
  • with exacerbation of gallstone disease.

Also, canned olives, containing a large amount of salt, should not be eaten with hyperacid gastritis, children under 3 years old and women who are breastfeeding.

Olives should not be consumed if there are stones in the bile ducts

Q&A Which olives are healthier - green or black?

Black olives, or olives, contain vitamin C and manganese, which are absent in green fruits. Also, olives are less caloric, and they have more copper, zinc, calcium and vitamin A. Otherwise, green olives are superior to black fruits: they contain more vitamins, macro- and microelements, and various fatty acids.

It is preferable to eat both types of olive fruits: this way the body will receive the greatest amount of useful elements.

Why do you want olives?

Cravings for certain foods can occur due to disease and nutritional deficiencies. The desire to eat olives appears as a result of a lack of sodium salts in the body.

It may also indicate a dysfunction of the thyroid gland.

A strong desire to eat olives may indicate disorders in the thyroid gland.

Can you eat olives with pits?

Olive pits are considered a very useful product: they contain no less useful substances than the fruit itself. Due to their large size, they are inconvenient to swallow, and they are poorly digested, so most often the bones are consumed orally after grinding with a blender or coffee grinder.

Olive pits are rich in useful elements

Black and green olives are useful fruits that have a beneficial effect on the body. They positively influence his work, have great taste and fit perfectly into a variety of dishes.

More than 20 years ago, canned olives appeared on the shelves of our stores and immediately gained popularity among consumers. Many do not know that black and green olives are the fruits of the same tree - European olives (or olives), harvested and preserved at different stages of maturity. Only in Russia, mature olives that acquire a black color after conservation are called olives; all over the world, fruits of any color are called olives.

For canning, universal and table varieties are used, the content of vegetable fats in which is less than that of oilseed varieties, from which very healthy olive oil is made.

The benefits of canned olives

Useful properties of the fruits of the olive tree practically do not depend on their degree of maturity. Their pulp is rich in oil, which contains a lot of fatty acids belonging to the omega-6 and omega-9 groups. Olives also contain plant sterols, B vitamins, ascorbic acid, and tocopherol. All these substances have a beneficial effect on the state of the cardiovascular system.

Phytosterols reduce the absorption of fats in the intestines, unsaturated fatty acids and vitamin E are involved in fat metabolism. Thus, the complex of these substances contained in the fruits of the olive tree stimulates the metabolism of fats and helps to reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood.

The pulp of olives contains quite a lot of fiber, which makes them useful for the digestive system. The calorie content of olives depends on the degree of maturity, in 100 g of green canned fruits there are about 160 kcal, and in the same amount of black ones - about 130-150 kcal.

Some studies have shown that phytosterols have anti-cancer properties, so regular consumption of olives and oil from them is useful for the prevention of cancer.

Which olives are healthier?

Before you buy canned olives, you should make sure that it is a fresh and high-quality product.

Today on sale you can find more than a dozen various kinds canned olives, they are harvested with and without pits, stuffed with paprika, lemon, almonds, anchovies and other fillers. With such an abundance, it is not easy to figure out which olives are the most useful, and whether there is a difference between black and green canned fruits. It turns out that the benefits of olives directly depend on the way they are preserved.

Black olives (black olives)

To begin with, I would like to deal with black olives, which we usually call black olives. The fact is that fruits that are fully ripe on a tree are never such a rich black color as we see them in jars. Their color can be brown, brown, dark purple, but not completely black. Coal black olives acquire in the process of conservation.

These black olives can be produced at any level of maturity, which is why many growers use green olives without waiting for them to ripen. They are placed in a solution of caustic soda, where they are saturated with oxygen, then soaked in water for several days, after which the resulting black color of the olives is fixed with ferrous gluconate. This method of production is the fastest and cheapest, but the finished product is of poor quality. Unripe olives are very easy to remove the stone, ripened fruits are too soft for this. That is why pitted black olives in iron cans, which have a relatively low price, are most likely the product obtained by the above method.

Green and ripe olives

Green olives with pits are considered healthier.

There is another way to preserve olives, which does not use chemicals and better preserves the beneficial properties of the product. But it, of course, requires much more time and costs. Both green and ripe fruits are preserved in this way. They are placed in containers (it is better if they are wooden barrels) and poured with a 5% solution of ordinary table salt. To activate the fermentation process, add to the solution tomato juice, sugar or some cultures of lactobacilli. The fermentation process lasts at least one and a half months, after which the olives are washed with clean water, placed in glass jars, filled with 7% saline and sterilized.

stuffed olives

Usually green olives are stuffed, from which it is easier to remove the stone, thus freeing up space for the filling. You will not find stuffed olives in stores, as they are more loose and fragile. However, the products that fill the fruits of the olive tree may be of poor quality. Unscrupulous manufacturers can use spoiled fish, nuts, fruits, etc. For example, when purchasing olives with red fish, we, unfortunately, cannot be sure of its freshness, and the taste of olives and salt pickle, in which they are stored, can successfully mask the taste of low-quality seafood.

Given all of the above, we can conclude that not all olives are equally useful. The most valuable for us are green stuffed olives. If you really want to try stuffed olives, then it is better to choose a product with lemon, garlic, pepper and other vegetables or fruits. The least useful, and perhaps even harmful product is coal-black olives in iron cans.

Harm of canned olives

Individual intolerance to this product is extremely rare.

Canned olives should be used with caution in people suffering from arterial hypertension and kidney disease, as they contain a very large amount of sodium.

You should not buy cheap olives, a low price indicates a low quality of the product, the fruits can be poorly cleaned after chemical processing and the content of chemicals in them may exceed the allowable rate. Also, do not eat this product if it contains monosodium glutamate, flavorings, preservatives and other similar additives. Buying olives in glass jars, you need to pay attention to the expiration date and tightness of the package. Expired or improperly stored product can lead to serious poisoning.

Channel One, the program “Expertise of things. Quality Control Department”, issue on the topic “Canned Olives”:

RIA Novosti, program "Fresh Food", issue on the topic "How to choose olives and black olives":

"Fresh food" - How to choose olives and black olives

The benefits of olives

Useful composition of olives

Olives for beauty

Harm of olives

Today, olive oil is cultivated everywhere, and for good reason. in olives and natural oil contains a huge variety of fats and vitamins. The olive branch has always been considered a symbol of peace and good intentions. The rulers of ancient states brought it to their neighbors as a sign of an offer of friendship and cooperation. In addition, an olive branch has always adorned the heads of Olympic champions, which symbolized fair sports competitions between countries.

The evergreen olive tree can grow for thousands of years, but yields a crop only 10-20 years after planting. Olive fruits can be of various sizes and colors - from dark green to yellow and even burgundy. The color depends on the variety of olives and the degree of ripening of the fruit. Large olives are valued much more - the fewer olives per kilogram of the product, the higher the price you can ask for the product. Fresh olives are not eaten - they have a characteristic bitter taste. This bitterness is removed different ways- olives are pickled, treated with oxygen. Surprisingly, after such treatments, the olive does not lose its beneficial properties, it can be stored for a very long time. It's all about the oily juice of olive fruits - it is a natural preservative. To uncover the true benefits of olives, let's talk about how the fruits affect the functioning of the body, consider contraindications for taking olives and find out how to eat olives correctly to get the most out of them.

Useful properties of olives for the human body

Many people wonder - what is the difference between olives and olives? In fact, they are essentially the same thing. The olives first take on a minty green hue. They are hand-picked and subjected to a special treatment - usually dipped in a solution of caustic soda to get rid of the characteristic bitterness. After that, the olives turn black, they are called olives only in the post-Soviet space, in the rest of the world the olive is both a black and a green fruit. But sometimes green olives are left to ripen on the tree - if they are subsequently going to be turned into oil. Black olives are softer and more oily.

The composition of olive fruits is very diverse. They contain a large amount of polyunsaturated fats, olives have carbohydrates, proteins and dietary fiber. The composition is rich in trace elements - sodium, calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus. Olives contain vitamins - a lot of tocopherol (vitamin E), which is an indispensable antioxidant against skin aging. In addition, olives contain folic acid and a full complex of B vitamins. The calorie content of olives is quite high, so you should not abuse the product. The Greeks claim that just 7 olives a day will help to significantly improve human health and give him longevity. Let's try to figure out how olive fruits act on the human body.

The oil composition of the olive gently lines the walls of the stomach, relieving inflammation and irritation. If you eat 3-4 olives before each meal, you can completely get rid of the signs of gastritis and ulcers.

A large amount of B vitamins makes the product indispensable for the functioning of the nervous system. After a couple of weeks of regular consumption of olives, you will notice that you are getting better sleep, anxiety and insomnia are gone, you have become more stress resistant.

Calcium in olives makes bones, nails and teeth stronger, this is an excellent prevention of osteoporosis.

Olives contain folic acid, which is so necessary in early pregnancy. Folic acid reduces the risk of developing neural tube defects in the fetus, so olives should be consumed before a planned pregnancy and in the early stages of its course.

The product is very useful for the gallbladder, it is able to remove small stones.

Polyphenols in the composition of olives prevent the formation of blood clots, thin the blood.

A sufficient amount of potassium ensures the excellent functioning of the cardiovascular system. With regular intake of olives, the level of cholesterol in the blood decreases, blood pressure normalizes.

According to scientists, olive oil, when consumed regularly, reduces the risk of developing diabetes by 20%.

Olive fruits have been found to be able to fight certain types of cancer. The skin of olives contains special acids that protect a person from colon cancer. Polyphenols reduce the risk of developing breast cancer. And the squalene in olives slows down the reproduction of any cancer cells.

Vitamins C and E have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the musculoskeletal system. Olives relieve inflammation and help get rid of joint pain in arthritis, gout and osteochondrosis. In addition, increased consumption of olives helps to recover from injuries and sprains much faster.

Olives in general have a very positive effect on the state of the body - they tone it up, relieve drowsiness and loss of strength, and give vigor for the whole day. But olives and olive oil are not always consumed only inside.

the benefits and harms of black caviar

External use of olive oil

Everyone knows that olive oil is very beneficial for the body. But few people know that the product has pronounced bactericidal and antiseptic properties. The oil is often used in the fight against various wounds, cuts, abrasions. It softens the skin and stimulates it to regenerate. Olive oil can be used in the fight against scars and scars. But burns should not be lubricated with oil - otherwise a thin greasy film forms on the surface, which prevents oxygen from reaching the wound.

Very often olive oil is used in cosmetology. A large amount of vitamin E makes the product literally indispensable for the beauty of hair and skin. Olive oil perfectly fights dry and scorched hair, it is effective in the fight against dry and chapped skin. The oil is used to restore hair after curling, dyeing and bleaching. The oil effectively moisturizes and maintains aging skin, preventing premature aging. The bactericidal properties of the product make it possible to use olive oil in the fight against acne and blackheads.

Contraindications to the use of olives

Any food product has its own beneficial properties, but only if consumed in moderation. At the same time, any product has its contraindications, and olives are no exception.

First of all, we must not forget that olives are quite high in calories. With their small consumption - no more than 5 pieces per day, olives are really useful for the figure - they speed up metabolic processes, saturate the body healthy fats. But if you use olives in large quantities, you can say goodbye to a slender figure.

For people with kidney disease and urolithiasis, it is better to refuse olives - this can provoke the movement of stones.

Olives quite often can be the cause of individual intolerance to the product. If you experience nausea, vomiting, or indigestion after eating olives, you should avoid them. Moreover, an allergy to olive oil can also be from its external use. When applied to the skin, a rash, redness or swelling may occur.

The benefits of canned olives are very doubtful - they contain a lot of acid and salt. Dried olives are considered the most useful - they are dried in the shade and in the sun, getting rid of the characteristic bitter taste and retaining their beneficial components. Pickled olives, as noted above, are not a valuable ecological product, since producers process olives with various chemicals. Remember that the blue hue of olives indicates the numerous chemical effects on the product. Olives can be eaten ready-made - they perfectly complement the taste various salads, olives can be eaten with a side dish and even just eaten with bread.

If you cannot get fresh and whole olives due to geographical location, it is better to eat olive oil. It will give you a delicate taste of olive, and most importantly, it will retain all useful and valuable components in its composition. Eat olives and be filled with the power and wisdom of the ancient Greek gods!

the benefits and harms of olives

Video: how to choose olives and black olives

That is why the olive tree is considered the personification of life, and its fruits are valued and protected. Olives and black olives came to us along with the peoples of the Mediterranean and began to be grown on the Crimean shores, where the climate is less severe and warm, and, therefore, more suitable for this plant.

There are two types of olives: black and green, both of which are equally useful and valuable for the body. The only difference is in the way they are processed. Black olives, which we often call black olives, are processed with chemical mixtures during preservation, as a result of which they acquire such a specific color. Green olives are unripe fruits that do not change color as they are processed in a different way. Processing of olives is necessary to eliminate the bitterness of unripe fruits, but they fully retain all their properties. Canning olives in sea water is less common. They are of great value and differ in taste from the olives we are used to.

Whatever type of olives you choose for yourself, they will certainly have a positive effect on your body, because it was not in vain that in ancient Greece olive oil was compared with gold and was valued no less than gold bars. In addition, the benefits of olives have long been discovered by the Caucasian peoples, who included them in their diet and thanks to this they are famous for their incredible longevity. Russian chefs, who have appreciated not only the properties, but also the taste of these fruits, add them to various dishes. Olives are found in both first and second courses, appetizers, sauces and salads. Their piquant and unusual taste will make it exquisite and add zest to any dish you cook. But do not forget that even the most healthy foods can become dangerous if used in excess. This also applies to olives. The benefits of olives depend entirely on the amount eaten. That is why it is recommended to consume no more than 7-10 pieces of both fresh and canned olives daily.

The benefits of olives

Let's talk more specifically about the benefits of olives. They will be especially useful for those who suffer from diseases of the digestive system. Regular consumption of olives can get rid of ulcers and gastritis, improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, speed up metabolism, reduce the risk of kidney stones, increase the production of bile by the body, as well as the functioning of the gallbladder. Under the influence of the oil contained in olives, the production of gastric juice decreases, fats and salts are absorbed faster and do not accumulate in the body. Olives also have a positive effect on the kidneys. The substances included in their composition help to get rid of toxins and toxins, removing them from the body in a natural, painless way. The fruits of the olive tree are a natural remedy that lowers blood pressure, so they will be a salvation for people suffering from high blood pressure and those with problems with the cardiovascular system. In addition, olives can restore the nervous system and improve eyesight. But the main advantage of olives is their ability to fight tumors, both benign and malignant. They will protect people who have tumors in the intestines from their further development and prevent the formation of breast cancer in women.

Useful composition of olives

Despite the fact that the olive at first glance is a fairly ordinary and unremarkable product, it is rich in various vitamins and minerals that have a healing effect on the body. The composition of these fruits includes vitamins A, C, D, E, F and K, calcium, manganese, linolenic, linoleic and oleic acid. Thanks to this, you can be calm about your skeletal system, as regular consumption of olives will restore it and return it to normal in a short time. You can forget about arthritis, osteochondrosis and other diseases of the musculoskeletal system. The production of connective tissues, as well as articular cartilage cells, will be restored and normalized, which will relieve you of joint pain. The condition of muscle tissues will improve, and they will always be in good shape. Thanks to linoleic acid, coordination of movements will improve, which is very important for both the elderly and young children, who will also be very useful for olives. The vitamins that make up the olives will help solve the problem of conception, filling the body with the missing trace elements and normalizing the work of almost all internal organs. For pregnant women, the use of olives will help restore the loss of sodium salts, which are intensively occurring at this time in the body. For men, olives can act as aphrodisiacs and have a positive effect on potency.

Olives for beauty

Do not forget about the effect olives and olive oil have on appearance especially on the condition of the skin, hair and nails. That is why olive oil is one of the main components of healing and regenerating cosmetics. It slows down the aging of the skin, intensively smoothes fine wrinkles, makes the skin soft, supple and elastic, giving it a fresh and blooming look. In addition, olive oil protects the skin from harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun, so do not neglect the use of olive-based cosmetics in the summer. if you are not sure about the quality of ready-made cosmetics, you can make them yourself at home, using only high-quality products. One of these remedies can be a fairly simple mask based on olive oil. Mix in equal proportions freshly squeezed lemon juice and olive oil and apply the mask on your face several times a week for 20 minutes. In a couple of weeks you will see a great result that will please you.

As for hair, the vitamins contained in olives make them several times thicker, stronger and healthier. In addition, hair growth is accelerated, they become shiny and obedient. To achieve this effect, special cosmetics or homemade hair poppies will help. The most elementary mask will be slightly warmed olive oil, which must be applied to the hair from the very roots to the tips and left there for 30-40 minutes, then rinse the hair thoroughly with warm water without using shampoo. For another recipe, you will need olive oil, runny flower honey, egg yolk, and cognac. Take each of the ingredients in equal proportions, mix thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is obtained and apply the mask on wet hair, distributing along their entire length. After 40 minutes, wash off the mask with warm water. Regularly making such masks, you can forget about brittleness and hair loss and enjoy luxurious hair.

Olives will also help to cope with the problem of brittle nails. By doing special nail baths only once a week, you will save yourself from this annoying phenomenon. So, for a bath, ordinary warm olive oil may be enough, in which you need to hold your nails for 10 minutes, then wipe with iodized alcohol. But to get more effect, it is recommended to combine the oil with additional ingredients such as milk. Mix equal amounts of olive oil with warm milk and soak your hands in it for 30 minutes. After such procedures, you will not only get rid of brittle nails, but also restore elasticity and smoothness to the skin of your hands.

Harm of olives

Despite the huge number of advantages, olives still have their disadvantages. One of them, the most significant and significant, is their high calorie content, so people who want to lose weight are advised to limit the use of these fruits. Fresh olives contain a large amount of oil, which, in fact, makes them high in calories, so pay attention to how much and in what form you consume them. Remember that olive oil loses most of its properties when heated intensively, so you should not use it when cooking hot dishes in a pan. It is better to dress salads with olive oil. Olives do not mix well and are much less digestible when combined with dairy products. if you plan to consume any dairy or dairy products, then eliminate olives from your daily diet. Please note that olives are contraindicated in people suffering from cholecystitis, as they have a choleretic effect. In addition, canned olives can cause allergies in the form of skin rashes. When eating fresh fruits, such a reaction is less likely, because the cause of the allergy is most often the marinade in which they are preserved. No matter how useful olives are, always remember that any products are beneficial only when used in moderation and following all recommendations.


Useful properties of canned olives

The main benefit of canned olives is their composition, which includes a lot of healthy minerals and nutrients. With natural preservation, all their natural richness is preserved in the fruits of the olive tree:

  • saturated fatty acids, which have a stimulating, regenerating, restorative and healing effect, their highest concentration is found in olive oil, but there is also a sufficient amount of them in canned fruits;
  • dietary fiber, which has a beneficial effect on metabolism and the functioning of the digestive system;
  • rich composition of minerals - sodium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, iron, zinc, selenium, manganese, calcium, copper;
  • a wide range of B vitamins, youth vitamin E, vitamins C, A, PP, choline, beta-carotene.

The calorie content of canned olives is 145 kcal, olives - 115 kcal. With proper use and the right choice, these products can significantly compensate for the lack of nutrients in the body, strengthen immunity, bone and muscle tissue, improve digestion and enrich the diet.

Canned olives can harm people who suffer from kidney disease and a tendency to edema. This is due to the fact that they contain a fairly large amount of sodium salts. Nutritionists do not advise buying olives with various fillers, since the shelf life of such products and the safety of the vitamin and mineral composition are rather low.


What are the benefits of green olives?

Now it is quite difficult to find fresh representatives of this family, but canned green olives, the benefits and harms of which are of interest to many, will not be difficult to buy. Olives are rich in proteins, sugars, pectin, vitamins C, E, B, P, potassium, iron, phosphorus and many other useful elements. In addition, it is worth paying special attention to phenolcarboxylic acids, carbohydrates and triterpene saponins.

With regular use of olives, the risk of oncological and cardiovascular diseases, as well as angina pectoris, is reduced. This is due to the content of unsaturated fatty acids in these fruits, which help reduce bad cholesterol in the blood without affecting its healthy variety. In addition, for residents living in areas with a humid or, conversely, very dry climate, olives act as a kind of biochemical regulator that helps the body absorb salts and fats.

The benefits and harms of olives for our body

Olives are very helpful. They contain almost all the vitamins that are vital for human health. Therefore, it is very important to include this product in the diet. In addition, the pulp of olives is 80% composed of a unique oil composition. Thanks to the linoleic, oleic and linolenic acids included in it, the development of cardiovascular diseases and atherosclerosis can be prevented.

The benefits of olives for women are due to the fact that they are rich in vitamin E, which maintains beauty and youth. Olives are an excellent assistant in matters of reproduction. Pregnant women are advised to consume these miraculous berries, because during this period the body loses a lot of sodium salts, and olives help restore balance.

Moreover, the benefits of olives and olive oil for women have been noted by oncologists. After regular observations, they concluded that with the regular use of these products, the risk of breast cancer is reduced. Olives are quite a popular product. Therefore, it is very important to know how to avoid health problems by eating olives.

With moderate use, the benefits of olives will be guaranteed, harm is possible only when choosing chemically processed berries. In addition, you should not use olives in marinade, vinegar and spices for those who have stones in the liver and gallbladder, as they can provoke their removal along with increased bile secretion.


Harm from olives - myth or reality?

Harvested from the tree and processed olive fruits, regardless of their ripeness, are always useful. The oil obtained from them is considered one of the most valuable food products. However, there are situations where caution in their use does not hurt.

Of course, if you are allergic to them, which is quite rare, this product becomes forbidden for a person. And if there is a disease such as cholecystitis, olives can cause damage to the body. The thing is that they have a choleretic effect, and although in other conditions this is also the benefit of olives, in the case of this disease it is harmful.

It is worth beingware of eating olives and those who are undergoing a course of treatment in which retinol is used. After all, vitamin A is found in olives, and with its excess, various side effects characteristic of hypervitaminosis. In this situation, the benefits and harms of canned olives depend only on the amount eaten, but it is better to avoid such risks.

But the most dangerous product today may be green olives, which are dyed black with ferrous gluconate for marketing purposes. Despite the fact that these canned olives are nutritionally safe, the dye itself can cause acute allergic reactions and, if consumed in large quantities, can cause stomach ulcers.


Olives for children: useful or harmful

Olives can be consumed from early childhood. For children, the big role of olives is to regulate the absorption of calcium and the formation of bones, muscle and joint tissue. Olives are useful for children as a source of vitamin E and A to maintain the organs of vision and elasticity of the skin.

Olive oil can replace baby cream, but there are corresponding organic cosmetics based on olives.

Both olives and oil from them are not contraindicated for children, unless there is an individual intolerance. Contrary to the claims of the manufacturers, there is no "baby olive oil" - it is identical to high-quality "adult" types of the product.

All the beneficial properties of olives for the body are manifested only with regular daily use..

The benefits and harms of olives for the body

The olive tree is considered the personification of life, and its fruits are valued and protected.
Olives and black olives came to us along with the peoples of the Mediterranean and began to be grown on the Crimean shores, where the climate is less severe and warm, and, therefore, more suitable for this plant.
There are 2 types of olives: black and green, both of which are equally useful and valuable for the body.
The only difference is in the way they are processed.

Black olives, which we often call black olives, are processed with chemical mixtures during preservation, as a result of which they acquire such a specific color.

Green olives are unripe fruits that do not change color as they are processed in a different way.
Processing of olives is necessary to eliminate the bitterness of unripe fruits, but they fully retain all their properties.
Canning olives in sea water is less common.
They are of great value and differ in taste from the olives we are used to.

Whatever type of olives you choose for yourself, they will certainly have a positive effect on your body, because it was not in vain that in ancient Greece olive oil was compared with gold and was valued no less than gold bars.
In addition, the benefits of olives have long been discovered by the Caucasian peoples, who included them in their diet and thanks to this they are famous for their incredible longevity.
Russian chefs, who have appreciated not only the properties, but also the taste of these fruits, add them to various dishes.
Olives are found both in the 1st and 2nd courses, in appetizers, sauces and salads.
Their piquant and unusual taste will make it exquisite and add zest to any dish you cook.
But do not forget that even the most healthy foods can become dangerous when consumed excessively.
This also applies to olives.
The benefits of olives depend entirely on the amount eaten.
That is why it is recommended to consume no more than 7-10 pieces of both fresh and canned olives daily.

The benefits of olives They will be especially useful for those who suffer from diseases of the digestive system.

Regular consumption of olives can get rid of ulcers and gastritis, improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, speed up metabolism, reduce the risk of kidney stones, increase the production of bile by the body, as well as the functioning of the gallbladder.
Under the influence of the oil contained in olives, the production of gastric juice decreases, fats and salts are absorbed faster and do not accumulate in the body.

Olives also have a positive effect on the kidneys.

The substances included in their composition help to get rid of toxins and toxins, removing them from the body in a natural, painless way.
The fruits of the olive tree are a natural remedy that lowers blood pressure, so they will be a salvation for people suffering from high blood pressure and having problems with the cardiovascular system.

In addition, olives can restore the nervous system and improve eyesight.

But the main advantage of olives is their ability to fight tumors, both benign and malignant.
They will protect people who have tumors in the intestines from their further development and prevent the formation of breast cancer in women.

Useful composition of olives Despite the fact that the olive at first glance is a fairly common and unremarkable product, it is rich in various vitamins and minerals that have a healing effect on the body.

The composition of these fruits includes vitamins A, C, D, E, F and K, calcium, manganese, linolenic, linoleic and oleic acid.
Thanks to this, you can be calm about your skeletal system, as regular consumption of olives will restore it and return it to normal in a short time.
You can forget about arthritis, osteochondrosis and other diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
The production of connective tissues, as well as articular cartilage cells, will be restored and normalized, which will relieve you of joint pain.
The condition of muscle tissues will improve, and they will always be in good shape.

Thanks to linoleic acid, coordination of movements will improve, which is very important for both the elderly and young children, who will also be very useful for olives.

The vitamins that make up the olives will help solve the problem of conception, filling the body with the missing trace elements and normalizing the work of almost all internal organs.
For pregnant women, the use of olives will help restore the loss of sodium salts, which are intensively occurring at this time in the body.
For men, olives can act as aphrodisiacs and have a positive effect on potency.

Olives for beauty Do not forget about the effect olives and olive oil have on the appearance, and in particular on the condition of the skin, hair and nails.

That is why olive oil is one of the main components of healing and regenerating cosmetics.

It slows down the aging of the skin, intensively smoothes fine wrinkles, makes the skin soft, supple and elastic, giving it a fresh and blooming look.

In addition, olive oil protects the skin from harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun, so do not neglect the use of olive-based cosmetics in the summer. if you are not sure about the quality of ready-made cosmetics, you can make them yourself at home, using only high-quality products.

One of these remedies can be a fairly simple mask based on olive oil.

Mix equal proportions of freshly squeezed lemon juice and olive oil and apply the mask on your face several times a week for 20 minutes.
In a couple of weeks you will see a great result that will please you.

As for hair, the vitamins contained in olives make them several times thicker, stronger and healthier.

In addition, hair growth is accelerated, they become shiny and obedient. To achieve this effect, special cosmetics or homemade hair poppies will help.
The most elementary mask will be slightly warmed olive oil, which must be applied to the hair from the very roots to the tips and left there for 30-40 minutes, then rinse the hair thoroughly with warm water without using shampoo.

For another recipe, you will need olive oil, runny flower honey, egg yolk, and cognac.

Take each of the ingredients in equal proportions, mix thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is obtained and apply the mask on wet hair, distributing along their entire length.
After 40 minutes, wash off the mask with warm water.
Regularly making such masks, you can forget about brittleness and hair loss and enjoy luxurious hair.

Olives will also help to cope with the problem of brittle nails.

By doing special nail baths only once a week, you will save yourself from this annoying phenomenon.
So, for a bath, ordinary warm olive oil may be enough, in which you need to hold your nails for 10 minutes, then wipe with iodized alcohol.

Mix equal amounts of olive oil with warm milk and soak your hands in it for 30 minutes.
After such procedures, you will not only get rid of brittle nails, but also restore elasticity and smoothness to the skin of your hands.

Harm of olives Despite the huge number of advantages, olives still have their disadvantages.

One of them, the most significant and significant, is their high calorie content, so people who want to lose weight are advised to limit the use of these fruits.
Fresh olives contain a large amount of oil, which, in fact, makes them high in calories, so pay attention to how much and in what form you consume them.

Remember that olive oil loses most of its properties when heated intensively, so you should not use it when cooking hot dishes in a pan.

It is better to dress salads with olive oil.

Olives do not mix well and are much less digestible when combined with dairy products.

If you plan to consume any dairy or sour-milk products, then exclude olives from your daily diet.

Please note that olives are contraindicated in people suffering from cholecystitis, as they have a choleretic effect.

In addition, canned olives can cause allergies in the form of skin rashes.

When eating fresh fruits, such a reaction is less likely, because the cause of the allergy is most often the marinade in which they are preserved.

No matter how useful olives are, always remember that any products are beneficial only when used in moderation and following all recommendations.

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