Home A fish Prepare a jelly cake. Cooking step by step with photos. Baking biscuit cakes - cake basics

Prepare a jelly cake. Cooking step by step with photos. Baking biscuit cakes - cake basics

Layered cakes with a gelatin layer on top always attract attention more than their relatives with cream or other types of decoration. It seems to many that such desserts are very difficult to prepare and have a rather laborious preparation process. It's actually very easy to make jelly on top of the cake. How to do it at home from available products, this article will tell.

Types of cakes

There are several options for cakes with jelly on top:

  1. The base is made of dough, then a layer of cream or soufflé, and on top it is directly the minus of such a cake is that it is quite high-calorie and takes a long time to cook (considering all the layers). A significant plus is the stunning appearance and taste.
  2. A no-bake cake based on a layer of crushed biscuits mixed with butter or condensed milk or dried fruit. Such a dessert can also have a layer of cottage cheese, yogurt or cream, which is crowned with a layer of jelly.
  3. Fruit cake or, as restaurant workers call it, “seasonal cake”. The base of such a dessert is often made of shortcrust pastry, and rather thin, and the entire space inside is occupied by whole fruits and berries or their pieces, which are filled with a gelling mass from above. Sometimes it is a thick layer (at least 4 cm), and sometimes fruits are simply covered with thick jelly with a brush so that they have an attractive appearance and are easier to transport.

Biscuit based

The basic jelly cake recipe looks like this:

  • To begin with, a biscuit base of six eggs is baked. To do this, beat the eggs with 1 cup of sugar until they increase in volume by at least 3 times.
  • The mass should become almost white, lush and thick.
  • At this point, the oven should already be preheated to 200 ° C, and the baking dish is lined with parchment, lightly oiled.
  • Next, add 1 cup of flour to the egg mass with a spoon, moving the spoon in one direction from the bottom up (this is very important if you do not want the biscuit to turn into a lifeless cake).

  • Pour the dough into the prepared form and send it to the oven.
  • Bake for at least 40 minutes, without opening the oven door for the first half hour, so that the dough does not settle.
  • When the biscuit is ready, let it cool in the mold, then remove it and cut the base into 2 layers lengthwise using a sharp knife.
  • Next, soak the layers with cream, fold one on top of the other, and cover the top with a small layer of cream (no more than 1 cm) to level the surface, bringing it to perfection. In the future, jelly on it will look perfect.
  • Chill the cake in the refrigerator to thicken the cream.

Several Important Aspects

Many uninformed people who have tried with jelly on top have failed only because they did not know some of the nuances of preparation. The most common situation: jelly dripped from the cake along with the cream, and if there was no cream at all (there were such attempts), then the top layer was simply absorbed into the biscuit, turning it into something unintelligible.

Also, many fruit jelly did not freeze at all, although the proportions of cooking were maintained correctly. What are the mistakes?

  1. Most importantly, at the time of pouring, the jelly must be absolutely chilled to such a state that the first signs of thickening, that is, gelling, appear.
  2. It is also important to use a thick cream, preferably oil or cream based. Custard, as well as whipped cream, are completely incompatible with jelly, as they have a too watery structure, which, in combination with the jelly mass that has not yet solidified, becomes more liquid and flows off the cake.
  3. And one more thing: if fruits are planned in the jelly on top of the cake, then these should not be pineapples and kiwi - they are incompatible with gelatin, since they neutralize their properties with their enzymes. Therefore, if you want to make jelly with fruits inside, you need to opt for other options, or use canned ones. Fruits that have undergone heat treatment are deprived of enzymes.

Cream preparation

It is for this reason that those who have never made such desserts should start with an easier option, such as cherry jelly cake. From above it will be possible to decorate it with whole berries, if desired, covering them with a thin layer of sweet mass.

So, for a biscuit of six eggs, you can make a cream of whipped sour cream with sugar, in a ratio of 3: 1, adding a little vanillin to them for a better flavor. The mass is whipped to a lush, stable foam, but it is important not to overdo it, otherwise the sour cream may turn into butter. When the cream begins to thicken, you need to watch carefully and slow down the mixer.

Next, the layers of the biscuit are smeared with the resulting cream, as well as the upper part, which should be smoothed with a knife. Place the cake in the cold for at least an hour so that the cream becomes more solid, then the jelly on it will be more stable and harden faster.

Pouring jelly

To prepare you need to take:

  • 2 tbsp. cherry juice;
  • 4-6 art. l. sugar (depending on taste preferences);
  • 25 g gelatin and 150 g cold water to dilute it.

Let the gelatin swell, and then dilute it in cherry juice, add sugar and heat until completely dissolved. In no case do not let the liquid boil, otherwise the gelatin will lose its properties. After that, it should be cooled to a state, and when signs of thickening appear, pour the jelly on top of the biscuit cake.

How to pour jelly on a cake?

Probably, every novice confectioner had such an oversight: jelly, when trying to pour it into a detachable form (for further convenient extraction of the cake), poured out through the connection of the walls or did not find a suitable shape at all. How to avoid it?

  1. If there is no suitable size mold for pouring jelly, then you can use an ordinary wide bowl, which is slightly larger in diameter than the biscuit base. Line it with cling film, pour over the jelly, let it harden completely, and then take it out, place the biscuit base on top, and cut off the excess edges with a knife slightly warmed over the fire.
  2. If a suitable springform is available, but not tall enough to fill the jelly, then its height can always be increased with the help of foil or oiled baking paper, which must be folded several times to give greater density (after all, they must withstand the pressure of the gelatinous mass).
  3. How to make a cake with jelly on top if the connector in the mold allows liquid to pass through? The output is still the same: a thick ring of oiled paper that will wrap around the biscuit layer and rise above the edge of the mold. It is the dense structure of the paper form that is important, so you should be scrupulous about the process of preparing this ring. And do not forget that jelly is poured already at the first stage of solidification.

Cake without baking

For those who do not like to mess around in the kitchen for a long time, and even bake something, the cake recipe (with photo) with jelly on top, but without baking and with a minimal dough base will be to your liking. It is especially pleasant that such desserts are lower in calories than their biscuit counterparts, and they are also easier to digest.

For cooking you will need the following ingredients:

  • 300 g of simple cookies;
  • 150 g butter and the same amount of cottage cheese;
  • 700 g sour cream or heavy cream;
  • 180 g of granulated sugar;
  • two bags of jelly;
  • 55 g gelatin;
  • vanilla;

Fruits are added based on the color of the jelly: lime - if the jelly is green or yellow, orange - if orange, strawberry - if red.


  1. Grind cookies into crumbs and mix with butter. If the mass is not plastic enough, then you can add a couple of tablespoons of condensed milk or cream.
  2. At the bottom of the detachable form, lay out the resulting mass in the form of an even layer, pressing firmly with your hands, and then send it to the refrigerator.
  3. Dilute the gelatin in a glass of cold water, and when it swells, heat it on a steam bath until dissolved.
  4. Grind cottage cheese with sugar and vanilla with a blender until creamy. It is important that there are absolutely no small curd grains (therefore, some cooks recommend wiping the cottage cheese through a sieve).
  5. Add sour cream and beat a little more and, stirring constantly, pour in gelatin. Quickly grind and pour over the biscuit base.
  6. The mass will harden quickly, so you need to act quickly to make the top layer even.

Since the cake was planned with jelly on top, it means that you need to prepare the top layer:

  • In a small saucepan, dilute the contents of the jelly sachets in 600 grams of water and heat a little so that everything dissolves well.
  • Place the mass in a cool place and, stirring occasionally, check its condition: when the mass begins to thicken slightly, it's time to pour the top.

Fruits in jelly on the cake

The most crucial moment remains: how to pour jelly on top of the cake so that fruits are beautifully laid out inside?

One of the main rules: do not make too thick a layer of the jelly itself, then when pouring, the fruits will not pop up in random order, which sometimes happens with a large volume of the top layer.

So, the chilled jelly for the top layer has already begun to show signs of gelling, which means it's time to cut the fruit:

  • If the cake is with an orange or lime layer, cut them into circles 5 mm thick along with the skin. It is important to use a really sharp knife so that the cut is nice and even.
  • We spread them with a picturesque pattern on the curd layer of the cake, which is already well frozen (it is better to make sure and try with your finger for elasticity).
  • Then carefully pour the jelly on top in small portions so that the fruit pattern is not disturbed. At the same time, it is worth making sure that the level of the orange layer is not much higher than the fruit itself.
  • We immediately return it back to the refrigerator until the top layer has completely solidified, and when serving, decorate with a few mint leaves or large chocolate chips.

If strawberries are used for the cake

When half a portion of the prepared jelly is poured onto the cake, lay out the whole berries, with the sharp part up, placing them tightly to each other. It is worth noting that the berries should be picked up in advance so that they are intact and of the same size.

When all the berries are laid out in a row, put the cake in the cold for 10-15 minutes so that this layer becomes more elastic and fixes them. It is important not to let it harden completely, otherwise the uniformity of the top layer will be lost. This does not affect the taste in any way, but aesthetics are also important.

You can make a cake with jelly and fruits from milk, kefir or water, with layers of sand or waffle cakes. Everyone chooses fruit filler according to their taste - fresh fruit, quick-frozen, canned or dried.

Such jelly recipes do not require serious cooking training, and a novice hostess can handle it. Moreover, cakes can be taken not only baked at home, but ready-made store ones. To make the cake colorful and appetizing, you must strictly follow the recipe below.

Cake with jelly and fruits - general principles of preparation

To prepare jelly, you can take gelatin powder or in the form of plates. In the first case, gelatin is soaked longer, about half an hour. But if you take quick-setting gelatin, then it will simply need to be dissolved in hot water or by heating cold water. In the second case, gelatin swells in a quarter of an hour, it will also need to be warmed up a little.

In addition to fruit in jelly cakes, ground nuts give an original taste. It is advisable to purchase soft types of nuts: cashews, walnuts or pecans. In walnuts, before grinding and introducing into jelly, the dark skin must be removed. To do this, they simply need to be fried in a dry frying pan.

Instead of fresh fruit, you can use canned fruit to make these cakes. It is better to lay them out a little bit directly on the cake, and only then fill them with jelly mass. In turn, it is advisable to add syrup from the selected canned food to the jelly mass, so the cake will turn out even more delicious.

Cake with jelly and fruits - a classic recipe


1 liter of milk;

100 ml of cold water;

1 g vanillin or 1 tsp. vanilla syrup;

50 g of gelatin;

One glass of sugar;

A pound of fresh fruit.

Cooking method:

1. Pour gelatin powder with cool boiled water. Mix and let stand.

2. Rinse and peel fruits. Suitable mangoes, apples, pears, plums, grapes, peaches or apricots. Only ripe soft fruits or berries are needed. Peel them from the skin or seeds, depending on the selected types of fruit. Cut into small pieces.

3. Warm up the milk. If an ultra pasteurized product is taken, do not boil it. Bring regular milk to a boil and cool slightly.

4. Add vanilla and sugar to the milk. The latter will quickly dissolve in a hot environment.

5. Mix hot (but not boiling water) milk with gelatin. Mix. Strain through a sieve.

6. Put fruits into a jelly mold. The cake will be more interesting if you put a multi-colored pattern of pieces on the bottom of the silicone mold.

7. Gently pour gelatin milk over the drawing and let it cool on the table. Then send to the refrigerator to solidify completely.

8. Already after 3-4 hours the cake can be pulled out of the mold. Put a dish on it and turn it over. Slowly remove the form. If it doesn't work out well, soak the cake pan in warm water. But make sure that no liquid is poured into it.

Cake with jelly and fruits on a waffle cake


One cake (Viennese waffle);

Half a liter of cream;

2 tbsp. l. gelatin powder;

150 ml of water;

A glass of sugar;

a pinch of cardamom;

1 g ground star anise;

two peaches;

Two apricots.

Cooking method:

1. Mix powdered gelatin with water and leave for a quarter of an hour. If not powder is taken, but plates, they swell a little longer.

2. Pour sugar, cardamom and star anise into the cream. Put on heat. Do not bring to a boil.

3. Remove cream from heat and add to gelatin. Stir so that the swollen grains of jelly disperse. Allow mixture to cool to room temperature.

4. Rinse the peaches and fruits and separate from the pits. Cut the pulp into thin slices.

5. Take a cake mold - not curly, with a flat bottom. Put the waffle cake on the bottom. The diameter of the cake and the bottom of the form must match.

6. Put pieces of fruit on the cake and pour over the creamy mass.

7. Place on the shelf of the refrigerator for 3-4 hours.

8. Pull out carefully from the mold and serve.

Cake with jelly and fruits on homemade cake


50 g margarine;

20 g butter;

200 g of sugar;

One egg;

1.5 st. wheat flour (high quality);

5-6 g baking powder;

1 g vanillin or extract;

5-6 ripe plums;

A pinch of dry mint or lemon balm;

20 g of gelatin;

Glass of water.

Cooking method:

1. Grind soft margarine with sugar (100 g) and egg. Add flour and baking powder. Knead the dough.

2. Lubricate the cake baking dish well with butter. The cake will be prepared in it later, so choose a detachable or silicone mold. It will be easier to pull out the finished cake from these.

3. Put the form with the dough in a hot oven and bake at a temperature of 180-200˚С for about 20 minutes.

4. Then let the cake cool well. It is better to leave it for 5-6 hours.

5. In the meantime, rinse the plums and remove the seeds from them. Grind the pulp in a blender into a puree. Mix with sugar, lemon balm and vanilla.

6. Mix gelatin with water in an enameled bowl. Mix and let swell for 15-20 minutes. Put on fire and heat until the grains dissolve. Be sure to stir and do not let it boil. Let the mixture cool slightly.

7. Strain the gelatin directly into the plum puree through a fine sieve. Stir and leave to cool naturally. Then you can keep it in the fridge for a bit.

8. Put more watery plum-gelatin puree on the cake and put it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

Cake with jelly and fruit without baking


400 g of cookies "Anniversary";

50 g butter;

100 ml sour cream;

100 g of cottage cheese;

1-2 pears;

50 g of gelatin;

One glass of granulated sugar or powdered sugar.

Cooking method:

1. Mash the cookies into crumbs, you can use a blender or a spoon. Mix with soft butter.

2. Cover the cake mold with food foil, and the bottom and sides.

3. Put cookies on the bottom and tamp down so that the base for the cake comes out.

4. Thoroughly mix sour cream and cottage cheese with sugar (take only 100 g). You can rub the mixture through a sieve. Transfer to base and level. Place the mold in the refrigerator for 20-30 minutes.

5. In the meantime, pour jelly with water in a volume of 150 ml. Mix and leave to swell.

6. Peel kiwi and pears. Spread the pulp in two bowls, in one kiwi, in another pear. Separately grind the fruit into a puree.

7. Mix the gelatin again and heat on the stove until a homogeneous liquid structure. Avoid boiling. Cool slightly and divide into two equal parts. Mix one part with kiwi puree, the other with pear puree.

8. Now get the mold with the base of the cake. Pour first one fruit puree with jelly. Put in refrigerator.

9. When the first jelly hardens, pour the second one on top. Remove again to cool.

10. Then put a plate on the form and turn the form over. Take it off. And then carefully remove the layers of food foil from the cake.

Cake with jelly and fruits on sour cream


Half a kilo of cottage cheese;

150 g sour cream;

25 g gelatin (instant);

Two apples;

100 g blueberries;

150 g sugar.

Cooking method:

1. Mix cottage cheese with sour cream and half the indicated amount of sugar. Beat with a blender until a smooth, gentle mass structure.

2. Mix gelatin with water (60 ml) and heat until it is completely dissolved. Strain.

3. Prepare apple pulp and blueberries. Grind into puree. Mix with sugar.

4. Mix the curd mass and fruit-apple puree. Add cooled gelatin and beat for a couple of seconds until smooth.

5. Cover the form with cling film or foil. Spread out the prepared mass. Smooth out the top.

6. Put in the refrigerator, and after 4-5 hours, take out the finished cake. It remains only to pull it out of the form.

Cake with jelly and fruit pulp


500 g fruit pulp;

Half a liter of heavy cream;

300 g shortbread cookies;

25 g gelatin;

A glass of sugar.

Cooking method:

1. Gelatin pour 90-100 ml of water. After a quarter of an hour, stir and heat. Pour through a sieve.

2. Grind cookies to fine crumbs. You can grind with a rolling pin, blender or just pass through a meat grinder. Suitable for both store-bought and homemade cookies.

3. Puree the fruit pulp into a shaped mass.

4. Mix the cream with sugar and beat with a mixer until a fluffy cream. Use a spatula to mix cream with fruit puree.

5. Introduce cooled jelly into butter cream. Mix gently.

6. Pour one third of the jelly mass into the mold. Remove to the top shelf of the refrigerator until firm.

7. Sprinkle with cookie crumbs and pour over the second layer of jelly. Wait for it to freeze again. Then another layer of cookies and a layer of jelly.

8. When the cake is completely ready, pull it out of the mold and serve. Do not keep warm for a long time, otherwise the dessert will begin to melt.

Fruit Jelly Cake - Tricks and Useful Tips

To make it easier to pull the jelly cake out of the mold, you must first cover it with a layer of oiled food foil or film.

If the liquid jelly in the recipe is poured onto the cake, it must be cold in the state of the first stage of solidification.

Do you want to make a cake from kefir or fermented baked milk? Beat it with fruit or berry puree and add gelatin diluted in water and cooled. After hardening, your cake will have a delicate sweet taste.

To decorate the finished cake, products from his recipe are suitable. If there are pineapple pieces in it, they can also decorate the top of the dessert.

In order for the cooled jelly to come out well from the mold, it must be held in hot water.

Gelatin in dishes can be replaced with regular agar-agar.

There are many reasons to cook a delicious cake. Only in the summer, in the heat, you don’t want to stand at the stove at all. In this case, no-bake cakes may be appropriate. Recipes (photos of such desserts are presented below) are sure to be found in any culinary notebook. But a special place among them is occupied by jelly cakes with fruit. And it's all about their lightness and freshness. This is what you need on a hot summer day.

Cake "Broken glass"

This easy-to-make no-bake recipe could well lay claim to being a culinary masterpiece. And all thanks to its stunning appearance, reminiscent of either marble or glass. To prepare it you will need:

100-150 grams of fresh berries or fruits (take those that suit canned taste);

9 sheets of gelatin;

9 grams (1 sachet) gelatin powder.

How to cook?

Line an 18 cm springform pan with cling film. Instead, you can take any container with a volume of 1.5-2 liters, and then you can make a jelly cake with fruits by changing the order of the layers. Remove fruits from compote, add stevia and 2 tablespoons of compote to them. Grind in a blender. Soak separately in water for 10 minutes. Squeeze well and dissolve over low heat in 50 ml of liquid. Add still hot to the fruit mass and beat until it increases in volume and brightens. Then add and mix well. Pour into a mold and wait until it cools down. It usually takes about 2-3 hours.

Just like other fruit jelly cakes (photo above), it is multi-layered. For the second layer, wash fruits and berries well, sort and put on top of the curd soufflé. It is advisable to do this carefully and as beautifully as possible, because they will be perfectly visible in a transparent mass. From the remaining compote and powdered gelatin, prepare jelly according to the instructions on the package. You can also use semi-finished products. Pour the fruit and put it back in the refrigerator, until completely solidified.

Of course, it takes time to make no-bake jelly cakes. The recipes (photos of desserts are always amazing) will require some skill, but you don't need to turn on the oven on a hot day. Yes, and eating them in the heat is much more pleasant.

Jelly cake with biscuit and fruit is a beautiful and very tasty dessert that can be a worthy end to any gala dinner. It is prepared according to several different recipes, the best of which will be presented in today's article.

The basis for creating such desserts are store-bought or homemade biscuit cakes baked from ordinary dough mixed with flour, sugar and eggs. They are divided into parts or cut into small cubes and laid out in a detachable form. Subsequently, they are soaked in juice or smeared with cream.

As for the layer, it is made from agar-agar or instant gelatin. Depending on the chosen recipe, cream, sour cream, yogurt or fruit juices are added there. Fruits can be absolutely anything. But most often bananas, kiwi, oranges, pineapples or apples are used for these purposes.

With lemon curd

This sweet delicacy is prepared on the basis of purchased cakes, which can significantly speed up the process. To pamper your family and friends with it, you will need:

  • 500 ml sour cream.
  • 40 g gelatin.
  • ½ cup water (+ 1 tablespoon for syrup)
  • 2 tbsp. l. lemon curd.
  • 1 cup sugar (+ 1/2 cup for syrup)
  • 2 bananas.
  • 4 kiwis.
  • Biscuit cake.
  • 40 g kiwi flavored jelly.
  • Vanillin.

You need to start cooking a jelly cake with biscuit, fruit and sour cream by boiling the syrup. To do this, combine the required amount of water and sugar in one container. Kiwi circles are also sent there. All this is sent to the stove, brought to a boil and cooled.

The biscuit is cut into two parts. One of them is packed in polyethylene and put away in a closet until the next time. The second is laid out in a detachable form and soaked with lemon curd. Sour cream, whipped with the addition of vanillin, sugar and gelatin diluted in water, is distributed on top. All this is briefly sent to the refrigerator. After half an hour, the sour cream layer is covered with banana slices and slices of kiwi boiled in syrup. All this is poured into fruit-flavoured jelly prepared according to the instructions on the package. The finished dessert is kept for several hours in the refrigerator and only then served on the table.

With cream and orange jam

This fruit jelly cake recipe will be a real boon for many working women who try to treat their loved ones with homemade desserts more often. To play it you will need:

  • Biscuit cake.
  • 2 oranges.
  • 50 g gelatin.
  • 600 ml 33% cream.
  • 200 g of powdered sugar.
  • 90 g orange flavored jelly.
  • 100 g orange jam.
  • Water.

Preparing such a fruit-jelly cake is quite simple. The lower part of the cut biscuit is laid out in a detachable form and soaked with citrus jam. Spread on top two-thirds of a cream made from sweetened whipped cream and gelatin dissolved in 100 ml of water. All this is removed for half an hour in the refrigerator. After the specified time has elapsed, the remaining cake is laid out on the surface of the future dessert and smeared with the remains of jam. All this is covered with a part of the buttercream and again sent to the cold. After another half an hour, the homemade jelly cake is decorated with circles of oranges. Before this, citrus fruits must be rinsed under the tap and dried. On top of the dessert, pour orange jelly, prepared in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. After a couple of hours, the frozen cake is decorated with the rest of the cream and briefly returned to the refrigerator.

With apples and orange

This jelly cake with biscuit and fruit has not only a presentable appearance, but also a rich taste. To prepare it you will need:

  • 950 g sour cream.
  • 200 g flour.
  • 380 g brown sugar.
  • 3 tsp agar-agar.
  • 1 tsp soda.
  • 4 eggs.
  • 50 ml of water.
  • Packet of fruit jelly.
  • 100 g raspberries.
  • Ripe apple.
  • Large orange.
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract.

It is better to start preparing a jelly cake with biscuit, fruit and sour cream by kneading the dough from which the base will be baked. To do this, eggs and 300 g of sugar are combined in a deep container. All this is processed with a mixer, and then supplemented with flour and slaked soda. The finished dough is poured into a mold lined with parchment and baked at 200 0C for about 15 minutes. The cooled biscuit is cut into small cubes and put into a container, which already contains a part of the cream made from sour cream, whipped with vanilla extract and 80 g of sugar, and agar-agar dissolved in hot water. Pieces of fruit jelly, diluted in accordance with the instructions on the package, are also placed there. All this is poured with the remaining cream and decorated with apples, raspberries and oranges. The almost ready fruit-jelly cake is covered with cling film and put in the refrigerator for several hours.

With pineapple, kiwi and yogurt

This interesting dessert is one of the most successful combinations of soft biscuit cakes, delicious cream and exotic fruits. To prepare it you will need:

  • A glass of flour.
  • 4 eggs.
  • A glass of sugar.

To make yogurt cream, you will need:

  • ¼ cup sugar.
  • A glass of pineapple yogurt.

To whip the protein cream, you should have at hand:

  • ¾ cup sugar.
  • 2 egg whites.

To make jelly, you will need:

  • A glass of pineapple juice.
  • 15 g instant gelatin.

In addition, you will have to stock up on half a can of pineapple and a couple of kiwis.


You need to start cooking a cake with a jelly layer by baking the cake. Beat eggs with sugar, add flour and mix thoroughly. The resulting dough is poured into a greased mold and baked at 180 0C for about 35 minutes. The finished biscuit is completely cooled and cut in half. One of the cakes is laid out in a suitable form and soaked in syrup, strained from canned pineapples.

Part of the chopped fruit is distributed on top and poured over with yogurt cream. All this is covered with a second biscuit cake and put in the refrigerator. An hour later, the future dessert is decorated with the remaining fruits and filled with gelatin diluted in pineapple juice. After some time, the side surfaces of the cake are decorated with protein cream.

With citrus and bananas

This original dessert can be safely offered to connoisseurs of the exotic. Since this recipe for fruit jelly cake involves the use of a specific food set, make sure that you have everything you need in your kitchen in advance. In this case, you will need:

  • ½ cup sugar.
  • 3 eggs.
  • A cup of flour.
  • 1 tsp soda.

To prepare the cream with which the jelly cake with biscuit and fruit will be soaked, you must have at hand:

  • 900 g sour cream.
  • 50 g gelatin.
  • A glass of sugar.
  • Vanillin sachet.

In addition, you will have to stock up on fruits. Make sure you have:

  • 150 g of pineapples and bananas.
  • 3 tangerines and oranges.

Process description

Before you make a jelly cake, you need to do a biscuit. To prepare it, eggs, sugar, flour and soda are combined in one container. Everything is mixed well, poured into a suitable form and baked in a preheated oven. The cooled cake is cut into small cubes and removed to the side.

After that, you need to do gelatin. It is poured into a deep bowl, filled with water and left to swell. Not earlier than an hour later, it is heated until the grains are completely dissolved and cooled. After some time, it is supplemented with sour cream, whipped with vanilla and sugar.

Now it's time to assemble the jelly cake with biscuit and fruit. At the bottom of a detachable form lay out a part of chopped pineapples, tangerines, bananas and oranges. Slices of baked cake are distributed on top. All this is covered with another layer of fruit and poured with cream. Then the dessert is again supplemented with biscuit slices, citrus slices, pineapples and bananas. A practically formed cake is decorated with the remnants of the cream, carefully covered with food polyethylene and put in the refrigerator for several hours. C After some time, the dessert is carefully freed from the film and served with tea, previously cut into portions.

Jelly Cake

It seemed like a simple idea. The jelly cake is delicious, prepared in haste, from available products, everyone likes it. I recommend the perfect dessert for any holiday table, light and tasty.

  • 2 packs of dry jelly in different colors, such as raspberry and orange. You can also make jelly from juice, homemade compotes, frozen fruits and berries, or fresh ones.
  • 500 ml sour cream, any will do (10-25% depending on the tastes of your family).
  • Gelatin 2 tablespoons
  • Vanilla sugar

You will also need a cake mold. You can use portion molds. Molds for cupcakes or plastic molds from yogurt, cottage cheese, etc. are quite suitable.


  1. First, prepare the fruit and berry jelly according to the instructions on the package.
  2. I make jelly from homemade compote or juice, so I will briefly describe how best.
  3. I use instant gelatin, but for some reason it does not dissolve completely. Therefore, I recommend the old method.
  4. Soak gelatin in cold water for 20 minutes.
  5. Heat up, stirring until completely dissolved.
  6. Add dissolved gelatin at the rate of a tablespoon per glass of juice or compote.
  7. We send it to the freezer for 30 minutes.
  8. We cut the jelly into cubes of arbitrary size.
  9. Add sugar, vanillin to sour cream, beat with a combine or mixer until bubbles form for about a minute.
  10. Add gelatin, dissolved as described earlier (two tablespoons per half liter of sour cream).
  11. At this point, the mixture begins to solidify, so the mold (or molds) must be prepared in advance.
  12. Pour half of the sour cream into the mold.
  13. We lay out cubes of multi-colored jelly.
  14. Pour the remaining sour cream jelly and send to the refrigerator.
  15. The cake is best prepared on the eve of the holiday. Or it will take at least four hours to set.
  16. So that the jelly cake comes out well, hold it in a container of hot water for a few seconds, then cover the mold with a plate and turn it over.

If you're making a Valentine's Day cake, use a heart shape. Success is guaranteed.
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