Home Nutrition Cook spaghetti in a leran slow cooker. How to cook pasta in a Redmond slow cooker

Cook spaghetti in a leran slow cooker. How to cook pasta in a Redmond slow cooker

What a question? - you will be indignant. Like, what is so unusual here. But, as practice shows, boiling pasta in a slow cooker is still a kind of process. And if you do not follow the recommendations, then you can get either raw products or porridge at the exit.

Why cook pasta in this way when there is an old, proven one? But the multicooker is super convenient. After all, here you don’t have to check the specific amount of liquid, bring it to a boil, stir the pasta all the time so that they don’t stick together and stick to the bottom of the pan. And no need to rinse.

Cooking time: 25 minutes

Complexity: very simple

For cooking pasta:

    durum pasta - 100 g

    water - 175 ml

    salt and spices - to taste

For frying:


Directly into the bowl of the multicooker, where there was already melted butter, we send pasta, and these can be shells, and spirals, and other products of pasta origin.

Pour pasta with water, salt, season with spices if desired. How much water to take? Since the bowls, or rather, their sizes, are different, the amount of water may be different. Those. we need to make sure that the water covers the products, is just a little higher than them. By the way, the oil is being put right now, because. it will not allow pasta to stick together, save us from the tedious procedure - washing with water.

Let's mix everything. And turn on the appropriate mode. I have a wonderful "Pasta, spaghetti, dumplings" mode, designed to evaporate the liquid. I turned it on and set the cooking time to 10 minutes. If you do not have such a mode, select "Pilaf" or multi-cook (set one hundred degrees, cook pasta for 8-12 minutes). As soon as the multicooker signals you that the process is complete, open the lid. Pasta is ready, you don't even have to drain the water.

But ordinary pasta, even delicious, is boring. I decided to continue the process, i.e. add something bright, tasty, satisfying. So I cut a smoked sausage, a leek and a tomato.

And then you can do so. In parallel with cooking, fry everything (put the tomatoes a minute or two before the end of cooking this frying) in a frying pan or in a cartoon in the “Frying” mode - select the pasta from the bowl and fry in oil, in which the garlic straw was fried before. This will take 5-10 minutes.

I added this beauty to the finished pasta. Mixed. Seasoned with spices. I held it on the "Heating" mode for two minutes.

The site already has one recipe for how to cook pasta in a slow cooker. But it suggests doing this using the "Paste" mode. True, not all models can boast the presence of such a function. One of the readers of the site even complained about this. For her and not only, of course, we offer another recipe for "Pasta" in a slow cooker, where a different mode is used.

Put the pasta into the multicooker pan. Any will do - horns, feathers, shells or scallops. You can also cook spaghetti, but they will need to be broken in half. But too small pasta or vermicelli will not work, most likely it will boil. And the main condition for pasta must be of high quality, only from durum wheat.

Pour in enough water to just barely cover the pasta. Add salt and vegetable oil and mix. Select the "Pilaf" mode in the menu. The meal will take about one hour to prepare. And one more important note - you can not use the Timer or delayed start, as the paste will simply get wet.

Cooking pasta in a slow cooker is even easier than on the stove. And most importantly, they do not boil at all. Of course, many may argue, why cook them for an hour when on the stove it can be done much faster. But apparently they always manage to boil pasta or there is no baby scurrying under their feet. Young mothers already know exactly how convenient it is to cook dishes in a slow cooker.

Pasta is a versatile product. Both side dishes and independent hearty dishes are prepared from them.

But, before telling you how to cook pasta in the Redmond slow cooker, let's draw your attention to an important feature of the device: you can cook any dish deliciously only if you respect the weight and volume selected in the recipes.

Unit mode options are in parentheses. In some models, the modes are indicated in English. To cook pasta, select the "Pasta" command.

Recipe number 1. A simple side dish

You will need:

  • pasta (about 200 g)
  • butter (one tablespoon)
  • water (two liters)
  • salt (about 10 g)

We measure and put the pasta in a bowl, fill it with water, salt.

Cooking time - a quarter of an hour ("Pasta"). If there is no such mode in your model, select the "Soup" option. Mix the finished side dish with butter.

Recipe number 2. With naval stew

It will take

  • pasta (400 g)
  • jar of meat stew
  • water (one liter)
  • chopped fresh herbs
  • salt, pepper, spices

We open the jar, put the stew on the bottom of the bowl. Throw in the pasta. We add salt, pepper and spices, taking into account the fact that the stew is already seasoned with them during manufacture.

We turn on for three quarters of an hour (“Pilaf”).

We lay out the finished dish on plates, sprinkle with herbs. We serve fresh tomatoes, cucumbers, young garlic to the table.

Recipe number 3. Neapolitan style

Italians are especially famous for their pasta dishes. Here is one of the recipes of Neapolitan cuisine - Carbonara pasta. Cooking pasta is more difficult, but the dish is worth it. Its aroma and creamy cheese taste will be remembered by the household for a long time.

It will take

  • spaghetti (300 g)
  • bacon (300 g)
  • grated Parmesan cheese (200 g)
  • glass of cream
  • two glasses of water
  • egg
  • two cloves of garlic
  • dried basil
  • basil sprigs for garnish
  • sweet bulb
  • olive oil (two tablespoons)
  • salt (to taste)

Finely chop the onion, cut the bacon into cubes.

Pour oil into the bowl, put the onion. Tomim six to eight minutes (“Frying”, “Baking”). We watch, do not let the onion fry. It must become transparent.

Add bacon to the onion, cook for another five minutes in the same mode. Mix with a spatula.

We skip the garlic through the press, send it to fry. Pour in the cream and water. Sprinkle basil, salt. Cooking for a quarter of an hour ("Soup").

Place the spaghetti into the boiling liquid. They can be broken into two or three parts. We set the timer for twenty minutes (“Pilaf”).

We carefully break the egg, separate the protein, we do not need it. In a bowl, mix the grated cheese with the yolk.

We spread the cheese mass on the cooked spaghetti, close the multicooker, turn on the “Heating” for three minutes.

Serve garnished with basil sprigs.

Pasta in the Polaris slow cooker is prepared in just a matter of minutes. That is why such a side dish is very popular among those who do not like to stand at the stove for a long time. It is also worth noting that this dish can not only be boiled in a modern kitchen device, but also fried in butter with the addition of any sauces.

naval pasta

To prepare such a popular and very tasty lunch, you can purchase any form. We decided to take "feathers". To prepare the dish, you need to prepare the following components:

  • drinking water - 450 ml;
  • butter - 70 g;
  • pasta "feathers" from durum wheat - 1-1.5 cups;
  • fine table salt, allspice - add to taste;
  • pork without fat - 200 g;
  • bulbs - 2 heads;
  • hard cheese - 120 g.

The process of boiling products

Pasta is just as delicious as it is on a gas stove. However, in a modern kitchen device, cooking them is much easier. To do this, pour ordinary drinking water into the bowl of the device and add table salt to taste. Next, the multicooker must be closed and immediately set to Pasta mode for 8 minutes. After this time, the device should signal that the water is boiling. After that, put the pasta into the hot liquid, mix them thoroughly and repeat the heat treatment, but already for 10 minutes. At the end of cooking, the side dish must be discarded in a colander, rinsed under cold running water and wait until it drains completely.

How to make sauce for a side dish?

Pasta in the Polaris slow cooker turns out much tastier and more satisfying if made with minced meat and cheese. To do this, you need to take lean pork pulp, wash it well and grind it in a meat grinder. Next, the finished minced meat must be put into the bowl of the device along with chopped onions, salt, butter, pepper and fry in the appropriate program ("Frying") for 16-20 minutes.

The final step in preparing this dish

As you can see, cooking pasta in the Polaris slow cooker does not take much time. After all the components of the dish are prepared, you need to add boiled products to the fried minced meat, mix them thoroughly, and sprinkle generously with grated cheese on top. In this composition, it is advisable to leave lunch in the "Frying" mode for another 4-7 minutes.

How to serve?

Cooked pasta in the Polaris slow cooker should be served hot along with ketchup and fresh salad. And you can make the sauce according to the original recipe and pour it over this dish.

How to cook a delicious casserole?

You can cook pasta in the Polaris slow cooker not only to serve a hearty side dish to fried chicken or goulash. It would be nice to cook for your loved ones such a delicious dish as a casserole. It should be noted that children especially love it. That is why, once again thinking about what to do quickly and tasty for your beloved child, be sure to remember this recipe.

So, for the pasta casserole, we need:

  • drinking water - 500 ml;
  • butter - 40 g;
  • pasta of any shape (from durum wheat) - 1-1.5 cups;
  • fine table salt, allspice - add to taste;
  • large chicken eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • cream 20% - 100 ml;
  • hard cheese - 50 g.

We cook the base

Pasta in the Polaris-0517AD slow cooker is prepared in almost the same way as in the previous recipe. To do this, pour salt to taste into the bowl of the device and pour in ordinary drinking water. Having set the "Paste" mode, it is necessary to wait for the liquid to boil, and then pour pasta into it (it is advisable to purchase those made from durum wheat). Resuming the same program (for 5-6 minutes), the products should be cooked until they are partially soft. Next, the pasta needs to be thrown into a colander and rinsed thoroughly in cold water.

Preparing the egg filling

In order to grab well, pasta should be poured with self-made dressing. To do this, you need to whip 20% cream strongly, and then add chicken eggs, table salt, allspice and other favorite seasonings to them. Stir - you should get a liquid egg mass with a pleasant aroma of spices.

Forming and baking process

After the filling and pasta are prepared, you should proceed to the direct formation of the dish. To do this, put a piece of butter in the bowl of the device and melt it in the “Frying” program. Next, you need to place the boiled pasta in the bowl and, without stirring, level their surface with a spoon. After that, the side dish should be completely poured with creamy egg dressing, sprinkle with a small amount of grated cheese, close tightly and set the baking mode for 20 minutes. During this time, the dish should completely seize.

How to properly serve to the table?

After the casserole is ready, it must be cooled slightly, and then cut into portions and put on plates. Serve this dish preferably with tomato or cream sauce.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated about cooking pasta in a slow cooker. If your kitchen device does not have a special program "Pasta", then you can cook the side dish in the pilaf or stew mode. But in this case, the cooking time should be increased by a few minutes.

Pasta has long been one of the most sought-after garnish options, however, with the help of a saucepan, it is not so easy to cook something delicious from them. If you figure out how to cook pasta in a slow cooker, this problem can be quickly solved. Housewives using modern appliances of the Redmond, Polaris, Tefal or Panasonic brands are able to prepare a real culinary masterpiece even from such a simple component. With this approach, it is not necessary to be limited to the banal boiling of the product; sauces, vegetables, meat, and various dressings are used.

Regardless of which device is used - Polaris, Redmond or their analogues, you need to follow the basic recommendations for boiling the product:

  1. Pasta is first immersed in the bowl of the device, after which they are filled with water. The liquid must completely cover the product.
  2. Without fail, a tablespoon of vegetable oil is added to the water, otherwise the dish will turn into a sticky lump.
  3. In multicookers Redmond, Polaris and most others, the Pasta, Pilaf, Steam cooking modes are suitable for processing pasta.
  4. The processing time depends on the recommended time on the product packaging and averages 7-12 minutes. Add 2 minutes to the indicated indicator.

Despite the existence of basic rules, it is possible to obtain a qualitative result only through the regular use of methods and their self-correction. It is best to start with the basic options for boiling the product, after which the complication of approaches is already allowed by introducing additional components.

The original shellfish recipe

  • For 400 g of shells we take 0.5 kg of minced chicken, one onion, a glass of hard grated cheese, 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil, a little greens and salt.
  • First, prepare the filling for pasta by frying minced meat with finely chopped onions. Add salt and spices to taste. Processing is carried out until ready.

Tip: For slow cooker cooking, it's best to use large pasta varieties that so often go undercooked when using the pot. They quickly reach readiness and at the same time are not digested.

  • We fill each element of pasta with cooked minced meat and put it in the Redmond slow cooker. Carefully fill the blanks with cold water, covering no more than a couple of centimeters. Salt the liquid, you can put a couple of bay leaves on its surface.
  • The best version of the program is "Pilaf". If the pasta is large and dense, then processing is carried out within 40 minutes. Otherwise, first you need to set the timer for 20 minutes and then act according to circumstances.

Put the finished product on plates and sprinkle with grated cheese mixed with chopped herbs. Serve hot.

Classic pasta recipe

In the Polaris slow cooker, if desired, you can cook a wide variety of pasta dishes, but it is recommended to start with basic approaches.

  • For 250 g of any pasta, we take 350 ml of water, a teaspoon of butter and a little salt.
  • Put the macaroni into a bowl. Finely chop the butter, put the pieces on the workpiece. Next, pour water along the wall. The liquid must cover the product completely. We add the whole mass and close the lid.
  • In the Polaris multicooker there is a "Paste" mode, in which the product can be cooked due to the slow evaporation of water, so that it cooks evenly. Processing time is 7 to 9 minutes depending on the type of pasta.
  • If the design of the device allows you to install a grate, then you can steam vegetables at the same time as pasta.

Season the finished products with spices, sprinkle with grated cheese, serve with cheese or cream sauce.

How can you cook pasta in the form of nests?

Nests, which are not at all easy to boil in an ordinary pot of water, can be prepared using a Panasonic multicooker or other similar devices.

  • For 8 nests, we need 300 g of minced chicken, two-thirds of a glass of grated hard cheese, water, 3 tablespoons of ketchup or tomato paste, a couple of small onions, spices and salt to taste.
  • We place the nests in the multicooker so that the distance between them is minimal, but the products do not touch. Mix minced meat with chopped onion, salt, add spices. We spread the filling in the nests, grease the top with ketchup.
  • Pour water into the bowl along the wall and add salt. The liquid should only reach the middle of the socket height.
  • We select the “Pilaf” mode, which will first start the steaming process, and then lightly fry the workpieces. We choose the time ourselves. Depending on the density and thickness of the products, it can be from 12 to 25 minutes.

Put the finished nests on plates, sprinkle with grated cheese, you can additionally decorate the dish with herbs. In this case, you should not try to replace the minced chicken with beef, it may remain raw. And if you increase the exposure time, the texture of the pasta will noticeably suffer.

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