Home Product Ratings Technology of production of natural meat semi-finished products. We open a shop for semi-finished meat products. Certification of finished products

Technology of production of natural meat semi-finished products. We open a shop for semi-finished meat products. Certification of finished products

Meat semi-finished products, which are also called chopped, are very popular among consumers. Semi-prepared foods that take minutes to prepare are a great alternative to "full" meals. Meat semi-finished products also have certain advantages in production: they help to facilitate and simplify the work of procurement shops, reduce the time required to prepare a meat dish or snack, and increase the throughput of an enterprise.

According to statistics, the production and consumption of meat and products based on it in our country is increasing every year. According to forecasts for the next few years, this market will grow by 10% annually. Moreover, experts note the highest growth rates in the segment of chilled semi-finished meat products. Approximately 45% of the total volume of meat produced in our country or imported from abroad is sold raw. About 30% is used for the preparation of sausages, about 20% is used for the preparation of semi-finished products and the remaining 5% for the production of canned food. The sausage market has hardly grown over the past few years, but the semi-finished meat segment is steadily increasing its share by 10-15% every year. This is due to the fact that consumers are switching from frozen meat products to chilled ones (first of all, this concerns the segment of chilled meat, poultry and semi-finished products).

So, what kind of products are semi-finished meat products? Meat chopped semi-finished products are a portioned product that is made from minced meat raw materials (minced meat) with various additives. As a rule, such products are classified according to the method of processing. There are natural, chopped semi-finished products, dumplings. Also often there is a classification according to the type of meat used - beef, pork, lamb, poultry, rabbit; thermal state - chilled and frozen. Experts also divide the market of chilled semi-finished products into two separate segments - natural and processed products. In turn, the first segment is divided into several subgroups: large-sized, meat-and-bone, chopped, small-sized, portioned, marinated, meat sets (for example, soup, for barbecue), etc. Processed semi-finished products include cutlet products (this group includes various types of cutlets , meatballs, meatballs and other processed meat and minced meat). As the main raw material for the preparation of chopped semi-finished products, cervical, scapular and femoral muscles are used, which contain coarser and tougher connective tissue. The meat is carefully minced on special equipment, and then fat, spices and eggs are added to the minced meat. Consider the technology of preparation in more detail. First, frozen meat raw materials in the form of blocks are crushed in a crusher. Sometimes mechanically deboned meat is used to prepare minced meat, which is prepared on a meat and bone separator. After grinding, minced meat is passed through a top. Then, pork fat, pre-crushed on a top or on special equipment, salt, pre-chilled water, spices and other additives are added to it. The whole mass is thoroughly mixed on a meat mixer or using a cutter. The cutter is designed for grinding thin meat soft raw materials and turning it into a homogeneous mass.

Ready stuffing is loaded into the bunker of the machine for molding semi-finished products. It is here that the product is given the required shape with a certain weight of each serving. For this, depending on the volume of production, a screw or rotary product molding system is used. In the molding machine, cutlets are given a given shape, after which the semi-finished products are laid out on a conveyor belt. Then, depending on the recipe, the products are sent either to the ice creaming machine and then (or immediately) to the breading machine for liquid and dry breading. Finally, the finished semi-finished products are stacked in trolleys and transported to the blast freezer or fed automatically along the conveyor to the spiral quick freezer.

Freeze time may vary. For example, the duration of freezing a cutlet weighing 85 grams in a shock freezing chamber is two hours, and in a spiral quick freezer this time is reduced to 45 minutes. At the last stage, semi-finished products are packed in plastic bags and cardboard boxes, and then moved to a low-temperature refrigerator.

Recipes for the preparation of various semi-finished products vary depending on the type of product. So, for example, Moscow cutlets are made from beef meat with the addition of raw lard and wheat bread, onions, peppers, salt and water. The prepared minced meat is given an oval-flattened shape. Pozharsky pork cutlets are made from semi-fat pork with the addition of pork melange, wheat bread, salt, pepper and water. Sometimes onions are also added. Amateur cutlets are made from meat of beef carcasses with fatty, above average and medium fat content.

The pre-prepared pulp is crushed, mixed with spices, wheat bread and other ingredients, and then a large cutlet is formed from it, which is then breaded in ground breadcrumbs. For the preparation of Kiev cutlets, pork with a fat content of not more than 30% is used. Beef schnitzel is made from minced beef meat, which is shaped like a flat oval cake. Meatballs, which are prepared using the same technology as Moscow cutlets, are shaped like a ball. For the production of zraz, ground beef stuffed with hard chopped eggs mixed with fried onions and ground breadcrumbs is used. A rump steak is a lightly beaten piece of meat weighing about 115 grams, which is cut from a thick edge or fillet moistened with a beaten mixture of fresh eggs, water and salt. Beefsteak is a type of steak from the head of the tenderloin. Chopped beefsteak is similar in cooking technology to a cutlet. Quenelles are balls of minced meat, chicken or fish with the addition of cream and eggs. Meatballs are called small round cutlets made of minced meat, and meatballs are balls of minced meat or fish with the addition of finely chopped onions, herbs and spices. Kyufta is a national dish similar to meatballs, but made from lamb. Frozen semi-finished meat products also include dumplings, which are made from dough stuffed with minced meat from a mixture of beef and pork in an amount of 55-57% by weight of dumplings with the addition of eggs, onions, peppers, salt, sugar.

The main raw materials for the production of semi-finished products are beef, pork, poultry and fish, less often mutton, horse meat. Double-frozen meat and pork with darkened bacon are not allowed for use. Also used are protein preparations of plant and animal origin (soy products, milk proteins, etc.), melange, egg powder, vegetables and other components.

To organize your own production of semi-finished meat products, first of all, you need to draw up a detailed business plan. When making calculations and making forecasts, one cannot do without marketing research data. You will also have to carefully study the market for raw materials, the sales market, and the offers of equipment suppliers. After analyzing and comparing the prices and characteristics of various equipment, one or more suppliers can be selected. In addition, you will need to carry out large-scale work on the selection of regulatory and technical documentation that exists for meat products, or develop your own specifications for semi-finished meat products if you plan to produce products according to unique recipes. Do not forget to coordinate all the nuances with the SES and go through the certification procedure. However, some equipment suppliers are ready for an additional fee not only to equip your meat processing plant, but also to advise on the main issues that you will have in the process.

However, before contacting companies that sell equipment, consult with specialists. Thus, you can save yourself from unnecessary expenses. A meat processing or culinary workshop, depending on the planned range of products, should be equipped with the following equipment: cutting presses and band saws for meat preparation, meat grinders for chopping, slicers for cutting semi-finished products, dumplings and cutlet units for forming semi-finished meat products, packaging machines. In addition, if you are also going to produce, for example, dumplings, you will need flour sifters, kneading machines for tough dough, and a dumpling machine. You can’t do without a freezing chamber, storage rooms for raw materials and finished products (they must be separate), ice cream machines, scales, production tables, a meat mixer, a meat grinder, a cutlet machine, a universal kitchen machine, a washing bath, cutting boards and knives, bactericidal lamps for disinfection of working surfaces. The meat processing shop with a capacity of about 1000 kg of products per shift occupies an area of ​​​​about 16 square meters. meters. Power consumption is 12.47 kW. Experienced manufacturers advise locating workshops close to farms and peasant farms, which will significantly reduce transport and other costs.

However, if you are not going to also organize a cattle slaughterhouse, which, on the one hand, helps to solve the problem of supplying raw materials and increase profitability, and on the other hand, will require large investments, you can open an independent enterprise for the production of semi-finished meat products. But in the latter case, a lot of effort will have to be made to find suppliers of inexpensive and at the same time high-quality raw materials. After all, the quality of your products and the reputation of your company will directly depend on the quality of the latter.

Basement premises where there is no or limited natural light, premises in residential buildings or near residential premises, premises with limited installation capacity, premises where the input of gas networks is excluded, with a limited ceiling height are not suitable for organizing a meat processing workshop (recommended ceiling height is more than three meters). Also, you should not consider premises with complex architectural and planning solutions, premises where it is impossible to connect to existing networks of flow-through ventilation, where the interconnections of individual groups of production premises with the disposal of food waste are excluded (waste containers should be located from the building where production is carried out, at a distance of no more than 25 meters).

For maintenance of equipment in a small enterprise, two or three people per shift are enough. In addition to production workers, the staffing of your enterprise will include the director of the management company, production director, financial manager, logistics, accountant, chef, chief technologist, quality inspector, HR specialist, IT engineer, cleaners, raw material purchasing managers , sales managers of finished products.

As you know, the technology of preparing meat semi-finished products consists of a number of operations (cutting carcasses, deboning and trimming of meat, mechanical and refrigeration processing). At each of these stages it is necessary to carry out quality control. For example, for the manufacture of semi-finished products, it is impossible to use raw materials of dubious freshness, with the presence of pollution, injuries, bruises, and darkening of individual areas of muscle tissue. The quality of cutting carcasses is checked by the master, technologist and controller. Separation of muscle and fat tissues from bones (boning) is carried out in a room with an air temperature of no more than 12°C. When separating tendons, fat, blood vessels from meat, all waste is immediately removed from the workshop, and the trimmed meat itself is immediately sent for further processing and cooling.

The temperature of finished semi-finished products must be maintained at a level of less than 8°C. To increase the duration of their storage and preserve the quality, special packaging is used - vacuum, hermetic, packaging and laying in a bag with subsequent sealing, wrapping in a polymer film. The packaging of such products must be airtight, durable, transparent and colorless. At the same time, the necessary information about the product must be applied to its surface.

The profitability of the workshop for the production of semi-finished meat products is about 30%. However, many manufacturers manage to increase the profitability of their enterprise up to 80% by changing the recipe (introducing various ingredients that reduce the amount of minced meat in the product) and/or by saving on raw materials. Both options are hardly suitable if you plan long-term work and care about the reputation of your company.

Lily Sysoeva
- portal of business plans and guidelines

The technology for the production of semi-finished meat products provides for the manufacture of various types of meat products and, accordingly, the availability of certain technological equipment used for its production. The production process for the production of semi-finished meat products can be carried out both centrally at specialized enterprises, and locally in any supermarket equipped with special equipment for the production of semi-finished products.

Cutting process

In the case of the sale of meat products directly at retail outlets, the technology for the production of semi-finished meat products provides for the presence of the following devices at the distributor:

Upon completion of the cutting stage and the preparation of raw materials, it is possible to start manufacturing semi-finished products, the production process of which will be determined depending on the type of manufactured products and the equipment used for this.

The meat raw material frozen in the form of blocks is crushed by means of a special crusher. In some cases, meat raw materials made by means of a meat-and-bone separator can be used to make minced meat, but this minced meat will be of lower quality. Upon completion of the grinding procedure, the prepared minced meat is passed through a special grinder, followed by the addition of pork fat, prepared water, salt, spices and other additives provided for in the recipe.

Upon completion of the procedure for grinding and mixing minced meat, the finished mass is placed in the hopper of the semi-finished product molding device, with the help of which the minced meat is shaped into a finished product with a given weight for each portion. Depending on the volume of production, this procedure is carried out by means of a rotary or screw molding system for the finished product. So, for example, in the molding unit, cutlets are given the necessary shape, followed by laying out the semi-finished product on a conveyor belt. After that, depending on the recipe for the manufacture of each specific semi-finished product, the products are fed either to the ice creaming unit, followed by dry or liquid breading to the breading plant, or directly to the breading plant, bypassing the ice creaming procedure. At the final stage of the technology for the production of meat semi-finished products, the finished products are placed on special trolleys with subsequent transportation to a special shock freezing chamber or, alternatively, automatic feeding by a belt conveyor to a spiral quick-freezing unit.

The duration of freezing of ready-made semi-finished products in various freezers can vary significantly, for example, in a shock freezing chamber, the freezing time for a cutlet weighing 85g will be at least 2 hours. While in a spiral, quick-freezing unit, the freezing time of the same cutlet will be no more than 45 minutes. Upon completion of the freezing procedure, ready-made semi-finished products are to be packed in special plastic bags and cardboard containers of the required size, followed by storage in a low-temperature refrigerating chamber.

Meat semi-finished products from minced meat

The technology for the production of semi-finished meat products provides for the production of these products in the widest range using various manufacturing recipes.

Moscow cutlets
An example is Moscow cutlets, the raw material for manufacturing, which is ground beef with the addition of the following ingredients:

  • wheat bread;
  • raw fat;
  • pepper;
  • salt;
  • water.

Ready cutlets have an oval-flattened shape.

Fire cutlets
For the production of Pozharsky cutlets, semi-fat pork is used as the main raw material with the addition of the following ingredients to minced meat:

  • wheat bread;
  • pork melange;
  • pepper;
  • salt;
  • water;
  • in some cases, onions.

amateur cutlets
For the preparation of amateur cutlets, minced meat is used, made from semi-medium, medium and high-fat beef with the addition of the following components to the prepared minced meat:

  • wheat bread;
  • pepper;
  • salt;
  • water and other ingredients.

During the production process, a large cutlet is formed and wrapped in breadcrumbs.

beef schnitzels
The main raw material for the production of beef schnitzels is minced beef meat with shaping the product into a flat, oval cake.

The Kiev's cutlets
For the manufacture of cutlets in Kiev, pork with a fat content of at least 30% is used with the addition of the following ingredients to the minced meat:

The recipe for making meatballs is similar to the preparation of Moscow cutlets with the difference that the meatballs are shaped like balls.

The recipe for making zrazy involves the use of ground beef with the addition of hard chopped eggs mixed with ground breadcrumbs and fried onions.

Rump steak
Such a meat product as a rump steak is a slightly beaten piece of meat weighing 115 g cut from a meat fillet or a thick edge, followed by wetting in a whipped mixture of water, fresh chicken eggs and salt, it is also possible to add allspice.

Beefsteak is one of the varieties of steak made from the head part of the tenderloin, while chopped beefsteak is similar in its manufacturing recipe to the recipe for making cutlets.

Quenelles are balls with minced eggs and cream, made from minced meat, fish or chicken.

Such a meat product as meatballs are small round cutlets made from minced meat.

In our fast paced age, time is the most valuable thing. The accelerated pace of life and a great desire to be in time everywhere and do everything radically changed the food culture. Today, it is much less common to meet people who prefer a leisurely lunch or dinner, accompanied by a long friendly conversation.

In general, a meal takes from ten to twenty minutes. In a short time, we strive to get enough and satisfy the body's need for energy and vital biologically active substances. Not surprisingly, interest in frozen foods is growing every year. Many catering establishments, in an effort to take into account the wishes of customers, introduce heated dishes into their menu that do not require long cooking.

Several large enterprises specializing in the production of deep-frozen semi-finished products operate on the Russian market.


Miratorg is one of the largest Russian enterprises selling meat and semi-finished meat products.

The brand positions itself as the market leader in the production of pork. Founded in 1995 by brothers Alexander and Viktor Linnik. Entrepreneurs began their activities with the import of imported food products.

From 1993 to 1994, milk powder, beef, poultry and pork were imported into Russia. After the foundation of the brand, the brothers switched to organizing their own production. In the Belgorod region, they built twelve pig farms. Exactly two years later, a branch was opened in Kaliningrad. In 1999, the already well-known company began to enter into profitable partnership agreements. Its first partner was the domestic "Golden Petushok" - a brand engaged in the production of poultry meat. In 2000, the company began cooperation with the South American beef producer Minerva. Since 2004, the Miratorg branch in St. Petersburg has been successfully operating. Investments were made in the agricultural sector. In 2008, the company was recognized as one of the backbone enterprises of the Russian Federation.

The company produces more than 280,000 tons of pork per year. It owns feed mills, elevators, 23 pig complexes, breeding herds, warehouses, a transport company (about 1,000 units of special equipment), automated warehouses.

In the Kaliningrad region there is a plant that produces frozen semi-finished products, with production line capacity of 60 tons per year.

From beef, lamb, pork and veal at the procurement enterprises produce large-sized, portioned, small-sized and chopped semi-finished products.

Large-sized semi-finished products are obtained by dividing the carcass of an animal into parts that have a relatively homogeneous morphological structure of the connective tissue, the features of which determine their culinary use.

Portion semi-finished products - pieces of a certain shape and mass, intended for the preparation of one serving of a dish. They can be natural and breaded, that is, covered with breadcrumbs or other types of breading. Some semi-finished products from the meat of the carcasses of small livestock are cut with bones.

Small-sized semi-finished products are small pieces of muscle tissue of various shapes and masses. Some semi-finished products are chopped with bones.

The basis of minced meat semi-finished products is minced (chopped) muscle tissue. In accordance with the recipe, chopped muscle tissue is mixed with pork fat, wheat flour bread, water or milk, and some other products and flavorings. The share of minced meat accounts for at least 50% of the total mass of semi-finished products. Semi-finished products can be natural and breaded.

The content of the article:

Semi-finished products meat natural large-sized

The raw material for semi-finished products is cooled or chilled beef and lamb of categories I and II, trimmed meat pork, dairy veal. In addition, it is allowed to use thawed meat.

The technological process for the production of large-sized semi-finished products provides for: 1. Defrosting. 2. Washing and drying. 3. Cutting carcasses: a) division into cuts, b) deboning of cuts, separation of large-sized parts, their trimming and stripping. 4. Packaging, packaging, labeling, transportation. 5. Storage and implementation.

Frozen meat usually has a temperature of 18 to -8 ° C. At harvesting enterprises, it is subjected to rapid or slow defrosting. With slow defrosting, the temperature in the chamber is gradually increased from 0 to 6-8 ° C.

Under these conditions, it takes 2-3 days to thaw mutton carcasses and pork carcasses, 3-4 days for beef carcasses and pork carcasses. By the end of defrosting, the temperature in the thickness of the muscles reaches 0-1°C. Rapid defrosting is carried out in two stages. First, the meat is thawed at a temperature of 20-25 ° C with heated and humidified air for 12-24 hours. .

Then the thawed meat is kept at a temperature of 0-2 ° C for at least 24 hours. , which is necessary for better restoration of its structure and reduction of juice losses during subsequent cutting. Total defrost time is approx. 48 hours .

To remove dirt, blood clots, veterinary inspection marks, and to reduce bacterial contamination, carcasses, half carcasses or quarters are trimmed and then washed. Washing is done with special brushes (brush-shower, herbal). First, water with a temperature of 20 to 30 ° C is used, and before the end of washing (to cool the carcass), it is lowered to 12-15 ° C.

So that during subsequent cutting the meat does not slip in the hands, it is dried with a cotton cloth or air. The disadvantage of the second method is its duration.

The beef carcass is divided into cuts in a certain sequence, taking into account the structure and various culinary uses of individual parts.

Cattle meat is supplied to catering establishments in the form of carcasses, half carcasses (most often) and quarters.

Carcasses and half carcasses are divided into front and back halves (or quarters) by cutting the muscle tissue along the last rib and cutting the spine between the 13th and 14th vertebrae (Fig. 10). From the front half carcass (quarter) the following cuts are distinguished: shoulder blade, neck and dorso-thoracic part. The tenderloin, as well as the lumbar and posterior pelvic parts, are isolated from the back half carcass (quarters).

Rice. 10. Beef carcass cutting scheme:
I - shoulder blade (a - shoulder part; b - shoulder part); II - neck; III-dorsal part (thick edge); IV - hem; V - brisket; VI-cut; VII - posterior pelvic part (a - internal; b - lateral; c - external; d - upper); VIII - lumbar part (thin edge); IX - flank; X - subscapular part

To obtain large-sized semi-finished products, cuts are deboned, and muscle tissue is trimmed and trimmed. Deboning - separation of muscle tissue from bones; stripping - removal of tendons, rough surface films, cartilage, excess fat from muscle tissue, alignment of pieces in order to give them a certain shape; trimming - removal of small bones, tendons, cartilage, blood vessels, films, fat from small pieces of meat, which are obtained by deboning cuts. The yield of semi-finished products and the amount of waste depend on the thoroughness of these operations.

Fore quarter. After removing the muscle tissue from the bones, the shoulder blade is divided into two large pieces - the shoulder and shoulder parts. The muscle tissue of the neck is cut from the vertebrae in a whole layer. Cut from the vertebrae and ribs, the muscle tissue of the dorsal-thoracic part is divided into four large pieces: the chest part (brisket), the dorsal part (thick edge), the subscapular part and the hem.

Back quarter. The tenderloin does not contain bones, so it is not rolled, but only cleaned. The lumbar part is cut off from the vertebrae and divided into a thin edge (lumbar part), a hem and a flank. From category II beef, you don't have to cut ­ divide, and divide the lumbar part into a thin edge and flank.

After deboning, the muscle tissue of the posterior pelvic part is divided into four large pieces: lateral, outer, upper and inner parts. Cutting carcasses of small livestock (pork, sheep, veal) in operations does not differ from cutting beef carcasses.

Carcasses or half carcasses are divided into front and back halves by cutting the muscle tissue along the contour of the hind leg and cutting the spine between the last lumbar and sacral vertebrae. From the front half carcass (quarter) the following cuts are distinguished: shoulder, neck, loin and brisket. The back of the carcass is cut into two hams (Fig. 11, 12).

Rice. 12. Scheme for cutting pork carcasses:
I - scapula (front leg); II - brisket; III - neck; IV - loin; V - ham (hind leg)
Rice. 11. Lamb carcass cutting scheme:
1-scapula (front leg): II - neck; III - loin; IV - brisket; V - ham (hind leg)

Excess fat is cut off from the pork carcass before deboning, leaving it on the meat with a layer of no more than 1 cm . The shoulder and ham are completely deboned and, after stripping the muscle tissue, two large pieces are obtained: the shoulder and the ham. If the weight of the pieces of lamb and veal carcasses exceeds 5 kg, they are additionally divided in the same way as the corresponding parts of the beef carcass.

When deboning the loin, only the transverse processes of the dorsal and lumbar vertebrae are removed, and the ribs are not cut out. The brisket is not deboned. Only the sternum bone is removed, if this has not been done before, and a part of the coarse flank is cut off. Muscle tissue is cut from the neck in a whole layer.

Semi-finished products portioned (natural, breaded) and small pieces

From large-sized semi-finished products, portioned semi-finished products are first cut, and small-sized ones are cut from the remaining raw materials. Cut portioned semi-finished products across the fibers obliquely or perpendicularly. Under this condition, it is easier to maintain the shape and partly the mass of the semi-finished product.

During heat treatment, a piece of meat is less deformed and, therefore, warms up more evenly, and the finished product is easier to cut and chew.

Preparation of portioned semi-finished products natural. Beef is cut into: steaks, langets, entrecote, rump steaks without breading, meat for natural zrazy, oven beef. The mass of semi-finished products is 80 and 125 g (rump steak without breading - 70 and 110 g). Before use, natural semi-finished products are beaten off (except for the fillet, which is made from the most tender part of the muscle tissue).

Beefsteak, fillet and langet cut respectively from the thickened (head), middle and thin parts of the tenderloin into oval-shaped pieces 20-30, 40-50 and 10-12 thick mm. Two pieces are used per serving of the splint. Entrecote is cut from a thick and thin edge at an angle of 40-50 ° with a piece of oval-oblong shape 15-20 mm thick.

For rump steaks without breading, in addition to the thick and thin edges, the top and inner pieces are used. Pieces of meat are cut into 8-10 thick mm. Natural zrazy is cut from the upper and inner pieces of the posterior part; cutting thickness - 10-15 mm .

Beef wind is cut from the side or outer pieces of the posterior part; cutting thickness - 20-25 mm . From lamb, veal and pork cut: escalopes, natural cutlets, schnitzels, lamb and oven pork. The escalope is cut from the lumbar part of the loin in 1-2 pieces per serving; cutting thickness - 10-15 mm .

Natural cutlets are cut from the rib part of the loin. Depending on the size of the loin and the weight of the cutlets, they can be cut with or without the rib bone. Schnitzel is cut from ham into pieces of oval-oblong shape; cutting thickness -20-50 mm .

The lamb is cut from the shoulder blade, the pork is cut from the neck and shoulder. Pieces are cut at an angle and used 1-2 pieces. per serving; cutting thickness - 20-25 mm .

Preparation of portioned semi-finished breaded products. The manufacturing process of these semi-finished products includes additional operations: beating, loosening, breading. The meat is beaten off on both sides with a chopper held flat (a chopper is a metal plate with a handle; the thickness of the chopper is about 1 cm, area about 100 cm 2 ).

When beating, the connective tissue is loosened, the thickness of the product is leveled, its surface is smoothed, which ensures uniform heating of the semi-finished product and better preservation of the shape of the finished product.

Loosening - cutting pieces of meat on both sides using a special mechanism. When loosening, the unity of the connective tissue is disturbed and the surface of the semi-finished product increases two to three times.

Breading - covering the surface of pieces of meat and other products with a thin layer of flour, ground wheat bread crumbs, grated stale wheat bread crumbs (white breading) and other types of breading. Breading reduces the loss of moisture in the product and contributes to the formation of a ruddy fried crust on it, which gives the product a peculiar smell and color.

To better keep the breading on the surface of the semi-finished product, it is pre-moistened in a lezon, which is a whipped mixture of eggs, milk or water, salt and pepper (75-100 g of milk or water is taken for 1 egg).

Breaded portioned semi-finished products are made of the following types: rump steaks, chops, schnitzels. The mass of breaded semi-finished products (80 and 125 g) consists of the mass of non-breaded semi-finished products (70 and 110 g), breading (7 and 10 g) and lezon (3 and 5 g), respectively.

Rump steak is cut from large pieces of beef (see rump steak without breading), then loosened or beaten, moistened in lezon and breaded in breadcrumbs.

Chops cutlets are cut from the rib part of the loin of the carcasses of small livestock, beaten off, moistened in a lezon and breaded.

Schnitzels are cut from the hams of small livestock carcasses, beaten and breaded like chops.

Preparation of small-sized semi-finished products. For small-sized semi-finished products, the muscle tissue of large pieces of meat is cut into pieces in the transverse direction.

Semi-finished minced meat

Semi-finished products are prepared from beef, pork and lamb cutlet meat, which consists of pieces of muscle tissue of unequal mass and shape, remaining during the stripping of large lumpy and portioned semi-finished products from the pulp of the neck, flank and hem of beef (the latter from category II carcasses), as well as from the neck lamb and veal.

The increased content of connective tissue in cutlet meat and the complexity of its structure necessitate its grinding. When the connective tissue is crushed, its structure is destroyed, and significant compression and the resulting extrusion of moisture from the muscle tissue are eliminated.

In addition, when grinding muscle tissue, the surface of the protein systems that form it and the water-retaining capacity sharply increase, especially when salt is added, which makes it possible, by adding water or milk to minced meat, to increase the juiciness of finished products.

Products made from natural minced meat (without the addition of bread) have a porous-spongy structure, are well chewed, but are characterized by excessive density and "rubbery". Therefore, to increase the juiciness and tenderness of minced meat products, bread is added to it.

Since fresh bread is lumpy and unevenly distributed in the cutlet mass, stale bread is added to it, which has a crumbly texture, absorbs moisture well and is evenly distributed in the minced meat.

The melange is thawed and filtered, the breading is sifted, the salt is used dry or dissolved and filtered. The bacon for steaks is crushed on bacon cutters or by hand.

Minced meat is prepared in meat mixers of periodic or continuous action. Stirring minced meat continues 4-6 minutes . To reduce the temperature of the finished minced meat, part of the water laid down according to the recipe is replaced with food ice. Automatic machines are used to form cutlets and steaks. Finished semi-finished products are round-flattened, without torn and broken edges.

The surface of the steak is even, unbreaded, cutlets - covered with breadcrumbs. The taste and smell are characteristic of high-quality raw materials.

Packaging, transportation and storage of semi-finished products

Portioned, natural and breaded semi-finished products are packed in special boxes. Semi-finished products are stacked in one row so that one piece partially lies on the other. Chopped semi-finished products are placed in boxes with liners.

Large-sized and small-sized semi-finished products are placed in boxes without liners. Semi-finished products of the same name and weight, made from meat of a certain type and at the same time, are placed in each box (gross weight should not exceed 20 kg ).

Large-sized semi-finished products can be of different names, but must have the same price. The tenderloin can also be produced in frozen blocks weighing up to 20 kg . The labels placed in boxes with semi-finished products or pasted on them indicate the name of the semi-finished products, the number of pieces and weight, the time of manufacture, the period of storage and sale, and some other data that allow you to control their quality.

Packaged semi-finished products are cooled to a temperature of 6 ° C, and then stored and sold in accordance with the data in Table. 24.

Semi-finished products are transported by transport with a refrigerated or isothermal body within two hours.

Semi-finished products from chickens and chickens

Procurement enterprises produce from chickens - cut carcasses, natural fillet, breaded fillet, chicken legs, offal, soup set, chopped cutlets, bones; from chickens - carcasses butchered.

The raw materials for the manufacture of semi-finished products are hens and chickens of categories I and II, half-gutted or gutted, cooled, chilled or frozen. Natural fillet is made in portions of 90 g , breaded fillet - 110 each, chopped cutlets - 63 and 94 a each; other semi-finished products by weight.

The technological process for the manufacture of semi-finished products from chickens and chickens provides for: 1. Defrosting. 2. Singeing. 3. Removal of heads, necks, legs. 4. Evisceration. 5. Wash. 6. Forming cut carcasses. 7. Processing offal. 8. Production of semi-finished products. 9. Cooling. 10. Packing and packing. 11. Marking. 12. Storage. 13. Transportation.

Carcasses are thawed in a chilled room at a temperature of 0 to 8 ° C. To do this, they are laid out on racks so that they do not touch each other. The defrosting process lasts 10-20 hours .

Singeing is done to remove the hairs and fluff that remain on the carcasses of the bird after plucking. Before singeing, the carcasses are straightened and dried. The remaining stumps are removed with tweezers. Singe carcasses on a non-smoky flame. After singeing, the heads and necks of the carcasses are cut off separately, the esophagus, trachea, and goiter are removed, the legs are cut off at the heel joint, and in chickens, wings are additionally cut off at the elbow joint.

When gutting, the carcass is cut from the anus to the keel of the chest. Through the hole formed, the omentum, lungs, kidneys are removed from gutted carcasses, and from half-gutted carcasses, additionally the liver, stomach, heart, spleen, ovaries and oviduct. The gutted carcass is washed with water at a temperature not exceeding 15 ° C.

During subsequent processing, the above semi-finished products are obtained. Butchered chicken and chicken carcasses are made without a head and neck, with chopped off legs (up to the heel joint) and wings up to the elbow joint (hens), without entrails, tucked into a pocket or stitched with thread (Fig. 13, 14). The place of the cut of the neck is covered with skin.

Semi-finished products have a clean surface, a soft, dense and elastic texture of muscle tissue, a color and smell characteristic of a benign bird, and a brand on the skin with the image of the numbers "1" or "2", indicating the fatness category of butchered hens and chickens.

Natural chicken fillet - pectoral muscle without skin and surface film with tendons cut in several places. The semi-finished product contains a part of the cleaned humerus and a chopped off head of the shoulder joint. Inside the muscle tissue there may be a small fillet or several pieces (2-3) of another fillet. The shape of the semi-finished product is oval, the consistency of muscle tissue is dense, elastic with the color and smell of fresh chicken meat.

Breaded chicken fillet is a pectoral muscle (left-handed or right-handed), processed as for a natural fillet, and covered with white breading. The breading should not lag behind the fillet and be moist. Chicken legs - tibia and femur with muscles and skin covering them.

Chopped chicken cutlets are products made from cutlet mass of an oval-flattened shape without cracks and broken edges, covered with white breading and having the smell of benign chicken meat.

The mass for chopped cutlets is prepared from the pulp of the legs, fillet trimmings, skin from the legs and fillets, stale wheat bread, milk, raw chicken fat.

The prepared components are ground in a meat grinder with a lattice hole diameter of 2.5-3 mm. , mix thoroughly and add butter and salt. Cutlets are molded and breaded on automatic and semi-automatic machines. Offal - processed food chicken waste without foreign smell and signs of spoilage.

Chicken soup set - processed offal and meat and bone pieces (50-100 g ), remaining after cutting carcasses of chickens. Bones - the sternum and ribs, chopped off from the frame after cutting the carcasses.

Storage of semi-finished products

Manufactured semi-finished products are cooled to a temperature of 6 ° C and packaged. Store at a temperature of 0 to 6°C.

Meat semi-finished products are raw meat products prepared for heat treatment (boiling, frying). The centralized production of semi-finished products at modern enterprises in the form of portions in hygienic packaging leads to a reduction in the cost of portioned dishes, and also increases labor productivity and service culture at commercial and catering enterprises, contributes to the development of progressive methods for the sale of meat products and facilitates the technology of cooking at home

The technological scheme for the centralized production of large-sized, portioned, small-sized, chopped semi-finished products is practically the same as in public catering enterprises operating on raw materials, but additionally includes cooling of semi-finished products, their packaging and transportation.

Portioned (natural and breaded) and chopped semi-finished products are placed on liners of plank, plywood, aluminum, polymer reusable boxes without wrapping in cellophane, in one row, semi-obliquely, so that one semi-finished product is partially above the other. Each box should contain no more than three inserts.

Large-sized and small-sized semi-finished products are placed in the same boxes, but without liners.

A label is put into the container, and a label is stuck on the box, which indicates the name of the manufacturer, the name of the semi-finished products (type of meat), the number of semi-finished products (pieces, kg), the date and hour of their manufacture, the shelf life and sale.

Before sale, semi-finished products are cooled to a temperature of 6-8°C. Shelf life and sale at a temperature not exceeding 8 ° C (in hours): large-sized semi-finished products - 48, portioned natural - 36, portioned breaded - 24, small-sized - 24, chopped (natural and cutlet mass) - 14.

Each batch of semi-finished products must have a quality certificate (certificate). Procurement enterprises produce the same range of large-sized, portioned and small-sized semi-finished products as enterprises operating on raw materials. However, during centralized production on the tenderloin, thick and thin edges, the tendon is not removed from the outside.

Such portioned semi-finished products, such as rump steak, schnitzel, chops, are allowed to be produced without beating, loosening and breading in order to avoid loss of juice and soaking of the breading during transportation and storage. Natural zrazy can be unstuffed. In these cases, beating, loosening, stuffing is carried out at pre-cooking enterprises. Portioned semi-finished products are produced: sliced ​​- weighing 80 or 125 g, rump steaks, schnitzel, cutlets chops without breading - 70 and 110 g each.

With the centralized production of chopped semi-finished products, the cooking technology is somewhat different from that provided for in the Collections of Recipes. So, for chopped steaks, the bacon is crushed on a lard and sent to a meat mixer.

In the centralized production of products from cutlet mass, it is not necessary to squeeze the soaked bread before combining it with meat, since this reduces the acidity of the semi-finished product, increases its pH, and creates favorable conditions for the development of microorganisms. In this case, water is continuously fed into the neck of the meat grinder simultaneously with pieces of bread.

To mechanize the main stages of the production of minced meat products, procurement enterprises install a meat grinder or cutter, a meat mixer, a semi-automatic cutlet, a bath for soaking bread, and a grinding mechanism for making breading.

With the centralized production of products from cutlet mass, it is possible to replace bread with semolina and mold the mass in the form of sausage loaves in the shell.

The range of chopped products produced centrally is as follows: Moscow cutlets, home-made cutlets, Kiev cutlets, lamb cutlets, chopped steak, chopped schnitzel, natural chopped cutlets, lula-kebab.

All semi-finished products must meet the requirements of regulatory and technological documentation for their weight, shape, size, organoleptic characteristics. For some semi-finished products, humidity, fat content, bones, connective tissue are also regulated.

Beef goulash should contain no more than 10% fat, pork - no more than 20%, lamb stew should contain no more than 20% bones, fat - 15%. In meat for lamb skewers, fat should be no more than 16%, from pork - no more than 20%, in roasted pork - 20%, etc.

In cutlets, the moisture content should be no more (in%): in Moscow - 68, homemade - 66, lamb - 65; bread - no more than 18% in home-made and no more than 20% in Moscow cutlets (including breadcrumbs).

The surface of large pieces is even, without tendons. No signs of deterioration, sunburn, sliminess, etc. are allowed. Natural portioned semi-finished products should have a slightly damp, but not sticky surface. The edges of breaded semi-finished products are even; the thickness of the breading layer is not more than 2 mm. The smell is characteristic of this type of meat.

The consistency of muscle tissue on the cut of chilled meat is dense, elastic; thawed - softer. The shape of the pieces of small-sized semi-finished products is correct, the release of juice is not allowed. The color and smell are natural, characteristic of this type of meat. The surface of semi-finished products from minced meat is evenly breaded, without cracks or broken edges.

Compliance with the mass should be monitored by piece weighing at least 10 products. Allowed weight deviation for individual semi-finished products within ± 3%.

Large-sized semi-finished products. Roast beef are made from tenderloin, thick and thin edges.

They are cleaned from surface films, and the tenderloin is cleaned from tendons. For uniform heating, the semi-finished product is formed from two cuts, folding the head with the tail and tying it with twine. Sometimes the semi-finished product is wrapped with a thin layer of bacon to give the dish juiciness. Used for frying.

Canned stewed meat prepared from the upper, inner, side, outer pieces of the hip part weighing 1.5-2 kg.

stuffed meat prepared from the same parts as the stew. Before heat treatment, the meat is stuffed with a lard needle or a knife along the fibers with long sticks of carrots, white roots, bacon.

boiled meat prepared from the scapular, subscapular parts, brisket, hem (meat of category I). Beef intended for cooking is cut into pieces weighing 1.5-2 kg.

Portion semi-finished products. Steak cut at a right angle from the thickened part of the tenderloin (head) 2-3 cm thick, lightly beaten off.

Fillet cut from the middle part of the tenderloin, 4-5 cm thick, sometimes tied with twine to avoid deformation during heat treatment.

Langet cut at an acute angle from a thin part of the tenderloin (tail), two pieces per serving, 1-1.2 cm thick. The semi-finished product is slightly beaten off.

Entrecote cut from thick and thin edges at a right angle, 1.5-2 cm thick. Pieces have an oval-oblong shape.

Rump steak cut from thick and thin edges, upper and inner pieces of the hip part, 0.8-1 cm thick, beaten off, moistened in a lezon, breaded in breadcrumbs.

Zrazy chops cut from the side and outer pieces of the hip part, 1-1.5 cm thick, beat off, put the minced meat in the middle, roll it up in the form of sausages and tie it with a thread or twine. For minced meat, browned onions are combined with boiled chopped eggs or mushrooms, parsley, ground breadcrumbs; add salt, pepper and mix.

beef cut from the side and outer pieces of the hip part, 2-2.5 cm thick. Portion - one or two pieces of pulp of irregular quadrangular or oval shape, approximately equal in weight.

Small-sized semi-finished products. beef stroganoff cut from tenderloin, thick and thin edges, upper and inner pieces of the hip part. From a large piece, layers are cut across the fibers, beaten off and cut into sticks 3-4 cm long, weighing from 5 to 7 g.

Roast cut from the thick and thin edges, from the upper and inner pieces of the hip part into pieces weighing 10-15 g.

Meat for barbecue - slices weighing 30-40 g are cut from the tenderloin, sprinkled with salt, pepper and pricked on a skewer interspersed with pieces of bacon half as thick.

Azu cut from the lateral and outer pieces of the hip part into cubes 3-4 cm long, weighing 10-15 g.

Goulash - from the pulp of the scapular and subscapular parts, brisket, trim pieces weighing 20-30 g. The fat content should not exceed 10%. Before cutting the semi-finished product, large pieces from the surface film are not cleaned.

Prepared from lamb and pork

Large-sized semi-finished products. Pork ham is prepared from pork ham, which is sometimes not skinned. The ham is completely rolled.

For a dish lamb (pork) fried use the pulp of the shoulder blade, which is rolled up, turning inward the upper and lower edges of the shoulder blade. The formed semi-finished product is tied up with twine. They also prepare a spatula for cooking and stewing.

For cooking lamb or pork stew stuffed the pulp of the scapula is preliminarily stuffed with carrots and parsley, chopped sticks, and then rolled up.

Portion semi-finished products. Cutlets natural from lamb and pork cut from a loin with a rib bone. A portion piece is cut obliquely (at an angle of 45 ″) along the costal bone, cutting the pulp 2-3 cm from its lower end. The bone is cleaned from films and pulp residues. The cutlet is beaten off and trimmed, giving an oval shape.

Cutlets chops they are prepared in the same way as natural ones, but the semi-finished products are moistened in a lezon and breaded in breadcrumbs.

Shashlik Karski cut from the kidney part of the loin, one piece per serving. The semi-finished product has a rectangular shape. It is marinated. For pickling, chopped meat is placed in a non-oxidizing

dishes, sprinkle with lemon juice, citric acid or vinegar, sprinkle with finely chopped onions, salt, ground pepper, parsley or dill. You can add vegetable oil. Put in the refrigerator for 4-5 hours. The kidneys are marinated along with the meat. Before frying, half a kidney is put on a skewer, then meat and a medium-sized tomato.

Escalope cut from the ribless (kidney) part of the loin in two pieces per serving, 1-1.5 cm thick. The semi-finished product is given an oval-flat shape.

Schnitzel chop is cut from the ham into pieces 2-2.5 cm thick, oval-oblong in shape. Pieces are beaten off, films and tendons are cut, moistened in lezon and breaded in breadcrumbs.

lamb,porkwind cut from the shoulder part, one or two pieces per serving, 2-2.5 cm thick, without cleaning the surface film.

Small-sized semi-finished products. Meat for barbecue cut from a ham or loin without ribs, into pieces weighing 30-40 g. Before heat treatment, the meat is marinated and then put on a skewer in 5-6 pieces.

Roast cut from the loin and pork ham in the form of sticks weighing 10-15 g.

Goulash cut from the pulp of the scapular and neck parts of pork into pieces weighing 20-30 g, with a fat content of not more than 2% of the weight of a portion of the semi-finished product.

Pilaf cut from the pulp of the shoulder blade of lamb into pieces weighing 10-15 g.

Stew chop lamb or pork brisket into pieces with a bone, weighing 30-40 g. It is allowed to use meat and bone pieces of lamb from the loin from the 1st to the 4th rib.

Semi-finished minced meat

Cutlet meat is the main raw material for the production of chopped semi-finished products. It is ground in a meat grinder or cutter. Minced meat is used to prepare natural semi-finished products and semi-finished products with the addition of bread and other components. Pieces of cutlet meat should be stripped of tendons and coarse connective tissue. To improve the taste and juiciness of finished products, raw fat (5-10% of the mass of meat) is included in the composition of lean cutlet meat. In pork cutlet meat, the content of adipose tissue is allowed not more than 30% and connective tissue - not more than 5%. In cutlet meat from beef, lamb, veal, the content of both fats and connective tissue should not exceed 10%.

Chopped natural semi-finished products. The meat is cut into pieces, combined with raw lard and ground in a meat grinder or cutter. Water (8-12% of the mass of meat), salt, pepper are introduced into the prepared mass, thoroughly mixed and semi-finished products are formed. Semi-finished products can be

Not breaded (steak, natural cutlets, kebab, meatballs) and breaded (natural chopped schnitzel, Poltava cutlets).

Steak chopped made from beef. Bacon cut into cubes (5 × 5 mm) is added to the chopped mass, portioned, and the products are given a flattened-rounded shape. product thickness 2 cm.

Cutlets natural chopped prepared from lamb or pork, giving the products the shape of cutlets - oval-flattened with one pointed end.

Lula kebab prepared from cutlet lamb meat. Pulp with lamb fat (fat tail), raw onions are passed 2-3 times through a meat grinder. Onion not only flavors the meat, but also softens it, as it contains proteolytic enzymes. Add pepper, salt, citric acid to the cabin, mix well and put in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours for pickling. After that, they are portioned, shaped into small sausages.

Meatballs finely chopped onions, raw eggs, ground pepper, salt, water are introduced into minced meat, knead well and cut into balls of 7-10 g each. They are put in soups on vacation.

Schnitzel natural chopped prepared from pork, lamb, beef. The semi-finished product is given a flat-oval shape, moistened in a league zone and breaded in breadcrumbs, the thickness of the products is 1 cm.

Cutlets Poltava made from beef. In the chopped mass, add lard, cut into small cubes, chopped garlic and mix. Then they are portioned, shaped into cutlets and breaded in breadcrumbs.

Chopped semi-finished products with bread(products from cutlet mass). To prepare products with the addition of bread, cutlet meat minced in a meat grinder is combined with stale wheat bread (20-25% by weight of meat) of the 1st or highest grade, pre-soaked in water or milk (total amount of liquid 30-35% by weight of meat) and squeezed, salt, pepper are added and again passed through a meat grinder, water is added and thoroughly kneaded (whipped). From the cutlet mass with a bread content of 25% of the mass of meat, cutlets, meatballs, schnitzels are formed. From the cutlet mass with a slightly smaller amount of bread (about 20% of the mass of meat), meatballs, chopped zrazy, roll, meatballs, Moscow, Kiev, lamb, homemade cutlets are prepared.

cutlets- products of an oval-flattened shape with one pointed end, breaded in breadcrumbs (their thickness is 1-2 cm, width - 5, length - 10-12 cm).

meatballs- flattened-rounded products, 2-2.5 cm thick, 6 cm in diameter, breaded in breadcrumbs.

Schnitzels- products of an oval-flattened shape, 1 cm thick, breaded in breadcrumbs

Meatballs- products in the form of balls with a diameter of 3 cm, breaded in flour. Chopped sautéed onions are added to the cutlet mass. Instead of bread in shredded meat Zrazy chopped- minced meat is placed in the middle of the cake from the cutlet mass 1 cm thick, the edges are connected, breaded in breadcrumbs, molded in the form of a brick with oval edges. For minced meat, they take passivated onions, chopped eggs, parsley, salt, pepper and mix everything. You can also stuff with an omelet cut into small slices.

Roll- on a moistened napkin, gauze or plastic wrap, spread the cutlet mass in the form of a rectangle 1.5-2 cm thick, minced meat is placed in the middle of it along the length. The mass is connected with a napkin so that one edge of it is slightly on the other, after which the roll is rolled from the napkin onto a greased baking sheet, seam down. The surface of the roll is smeared with an egg, sprinkled with breadcrumbs, sprinkled with fat, pierced in several places.

Meatballs- cutlet mass with the addition of raw onions is cut into balls weighing 10-12 g and breaded in flour.

Moscow cutlets are made from cutlet meat of beef with the addition of raw fat and onions.

Cutlets Kiev - pork with raw fat and onions. Breaded in breadcrumbs.

The production of meat semi-finished products centrally helps in the mechanization of labor-intensive work, which increases the efficiency of the use of equipment and improves the organization of labor.

The technology of centralized production of semi-finished meat products differs from the technologies used in public catering establishments in that it includes cooling, packaging and transportation of semi-finished products.

1. Portioned and chopped semi-finished products are put into one on the liners of multi-turn boxes, without wrapping in cellophane.

2. Without liners, large-sized and small-sized semi-finished products are stacked.

The box must be affixed with a label stating:

1. Manufacturer's name;

2. Name of semi-finished products;

3. Number of semi-finished products;

4. Information about the time and date of their manufacture;

5. Terms of implementation and storage.

A label is folded inside the boxes. In order to mechanize the stages of production, a meat grinder, a meat mixer, a cutlet semiautomatic device and other equipment are installed at procurement enterprises. Semi-finished products must comply with the conditions of technological and regulatory documentation. Conditions are imposed on weight, shape, moisture, fat content, size. Each batch of semi-finished products must have a quality certificate.

3.2.3 Centralized production of semi-finished meat products

The centralized production of semi-finished meat products makes it possible to mechanize many labor-intensive tasks that are carried out manually in small enterprises, to increase the efficiency of equipment use, to implement production flow, to apply progressive technology, and to significantly improve the organization of labor. The technological scheme of the centralized production of large-sized semi-finished products is practically the same as in public catering enterprises operating on raw materials, but additionally includes cooling of semi-finished products, their packaging and transportation.

Large-sized semi-finished products are placed in plank, plywood, aluminum, polymer multi-turn boxes without wrapping in cellophane, in one row, semi-inclined, so that one semi-finished product is partially above the other. A label is put into the container, and a label is stuck on the box, which indicates the name of the manufacturer, the name of the semi-finished products (pieces, kg), the date and hour of their manufacture, the shelf life and sale. Before sale, semi-finished products are cooled to a temperature of 6-8 °C.

Shelf life and sale at a temperature not exceeding 8 ° C (in h): large-sized semi-finished products - 48.

Each batch of semi-finished products must have a quality certificate (certificate). Procurement enterprises produce the same assortment of large-sized semi-finished products as enterprises operating on raw materials. All semi-finished products must meet the requirements of regulatory and technological documentation for their weight, shape, size, organoleptic characteristics. The surface of large pieces is even, without tendons. It is not allowed to have any signs of spoilage, sunburn, mucus, etc.

4. Classification and assortment of boiled fish and meat dishes

4.1 Classification and assortment of boiled fish dishes

All types of fish are suitable for cooking fish. However, fish such as silver hake, herring, crucian carp, omul, navaga, bream, vobla are less tasty when boiled than when fried.

Fish is cooked in whole carcasses, links (fish of the sturgeon family), in the form of large pieces (beluga) and portioned pieces.

Prepared fish (small specimens) is cut into portioned pieces without plaiting, together with the backbone; fish weighing 1.0-1.5 kg should be pre-plated along the backbone.

The fish is boiled in fish boilers equipped with grates. The broth obtained by boiling fish is used to make soups and sauces.

When cooking trout and salmon, table vinegar (10 g per 1 liter of water) is added to the water to preserve their color.

Oceanic and sea fish, which has a specific smell and taste, are boiled with the addition of cucumber pickle, dill or fresh sweet pepper.

On vacation, the fish is placed on a portioned dish or plate, garnished, the sauce is served separately or poured over the fish.

4.1.1 Fish (fillet) boiled

Cut fish (captain fish, sea bass, pike, cod, whiting) from semi-finished products (captain fish cod, pike or mackerel of the Indian Ocean) into fillets with skin and costal bones. Then cut into portions and make two or three cuts on the surface of each piece. Lay the pieces in one row in a dish with the skin up, pour hot boiled water. Peel the onions and carrots, rinse the parsley root and add to the fish. After the liquid boils, remove the foam and cook until tender over low heat for 5-7 minutes. 10 minutes before the end of cooking, add bay leaf, black peppercorns and salt. As a side dish for boiled fish, you can serve boiled potatoes, mashed potatoes, vegetable stew. Sauces - tomato, sour cream, Polish.

4.1.2 Fish (unpacked in pieces) boiled

Cut the processed non-plastered fish (pink salmon, chum salmon, chinook salmon, pike perch, spotted catfish, Azov-Black Sea mackerel, black halibut, oceanic horse mackerel, oceanic eelpout) from semi-finished products (marcurus, Far Eastern mackerel) into pieces, one per serving. Lay the pieces in one row in a dish with the skin up, pour hot boiled water. Peel the onions and carrots, rinse the parsley root and add to the fish. After the liquid boils, remove the foam and cook until tender over low heat for 5-7 minutes. 10 minutes before the end of cooking, add bay leaf, black peppercorns and salt. As a side dish for boiled fish, you can serve boiled potatoes, mashed potatoes, vegetable stew. Sauces - tomato, sour cream, Polish.

4.1.3 Fish (whole head) boiled

Fish (a trifle of the 1st group or Mexican and Moroccan sardines), clean, then gut and remove the gills. Put the fish in a bowl and pour hot boiled water over it. Peel the onions and carrots, rinse the parsley root and add to the fish. Boil for 15 minutes. 5 minutes before the end of cooking, add bay leaf, black peppercorns and salt. As a side dish for boiled fish, you can serve boiled potatoes, mashed potatoes, vegetable stew.

4.1.4 Fish (sturgeon family) boiled

Fish (sturgeon, stellate sturgeon or beluga) are layered into links, scalded, bugs removed and cleaned. Rinse the links, bandage them and lay skin side down on the fish cauldron insert and cover with cold water. Peel the onions and carrots, rinse the parsley root and add to the fish. Boil for 30-45 minutes at a temperature of 85-90 °C. 10 minutes before the end of cooking, add black peppercorns, salt and bay leaf. The finished fish is removed from the broth, cartilage, protein clots are removed, cut into portions and stored until vacation in a small amount of broth at a temperature of 50-60 ° C for no more than 30-40 minutes. As a side dish for boiled fish, you can serve boiled potatoes, mashed potatoes.

4.1.5 Boiled salted fish

Place salted fish (spotted catfish, sea bass or cod) from semi-finished products (spotted catfish) in cold water for 30-50 minutes to swell muscle tissue. Then remove the scales, fins, head and entrails. Rinse the gutted fish, cut into portions and pour cold water (with a temperature of 12 ° C). Continue soaking for 12 hours. Change the water every 1, 2, 3 and 6 hours after the start of soaking. At the end of the soaking, put the fish in a bowl and pour hot boiled water over it. Peel the onions and carrots, rinse the parsley root and add to the fish. After the liquid boils, remove the foam and cook until tender over low heat for 5-7 minutes. 10 minutes before the end of cooking, add bay leaf, black peppercorns and salt. As a side dish for boiled fish, you can serve boiled potatoes, mashed potatoes.

4.2 Classification and assortment of boiled meat dishes

For the preparation of dishes from boiled meat, beef is used (shoulder and sub-shoulder parts, hem of carcasses of the 1st category, brisket pulp, as well as lateral and outer pieces of the hip part), lamb, goat meat, pork, veal (brisket and shoulder part of each type of meat), as well as by-products (tongues, brains, udders, etc.), sausages (sausages, sausages, sausage) and salted smoked (ham, roll, loin, brisket) products. The meat is cut into pieces weighing 1.5-2 kg. The shoulder part and the edge are rolled up. In pork, lamb and veal brisket, films are cut on the inside of the ribs to facilitate the removal of bones after cooking. Prepared meat is placed in hot water (1 - 1.5 liters of water per 1 kg of meat) and boiled without boiling (97 - 98 ° C) until cooked, which is determined using a chef's needle. It should easily enter the cooked meat, and the juice that stands out should be colorless. In order to improve the taste and aroma of meat, roots and onions are put into the water during cooking. Salt and spices are added to the broth 15-20 minutes before the meat is ready, bay leaf - 5 minutes before. On average, the cooking time is: beef - 2-2.5 hours, lamb - 1-1.5, pork - 2-2.5, veal - 1.5 hours. Boiled meat is cut across the fibers in 1-2 pieces per serving, poured with a small amount of broth, brought to a boil and stored in broth until tempered (but not more than 3 hours) at a temperature of 50-60 °C. If the meat needs to be stored for a longer time, then after cooking it is cooled without removing it from the broth, otherwise the surface will darken and dry out. Chilled meat is cut into pieces and heated in broth before serving. It is recommended to serve boiled or poached vegetables, mashed potatoes, stewed cabbage, as well as stewed rice, crumbly cereals as a side dish for boiled meat products. Boiled meat products are sold with various sauces: white base, tomato, steam, sour cream with horseradish, red base, onion.

Meat semi-finished products are raw meat products prepared for heat treatment (boiling, frying). The centralized production of semi-finished products at modern enterprises in the form of portions in hygienic packaging leads to a reduction in the cost of portioned dishes, and also increases labor productivity and service culture at commercial and catering enterprises, promotes the development of progressive methods for the sale of meat products and facilitates the technology of cooking poultry at home

Raw material requirements

Meat is one of the most valuable human food products. It is necessary for a person as a material for building body tissues, synthesis and metabolism, as a source of energy.

The need to meet the growing needs of the population for high-quality products (with good presentation, taste, culinary and technological properties, as well as high nutritional value) requires in-depth research on the properties of meat as a raw material for the production of meat products using modern laboratory (physicochemical, microbiological, toxicological, etc.) methods.

To assess the quality of meat and meat products, various indicators have been proposed and used in practice:

characterizing the nutritional value - the content of proteins, fat, vitamins (especially group B), carbohydrates, macro- and microelements;

organoleptic - appearance, color, marbling, structure, taste, smell, consistency, juiciness;

sanitary and hygienic, which determine the safety of the product, - the absence of pathogenic microflora, salts of heavy metals, nitrite, pesticides and other harmful substances;

technological - water-binding capacity, consistency, pH, content of connective tissue and fat.

The consumer makes a primary judgment about the quality according to the following features: appearance, color, smell, sample weight, packaging.

The quality and consumer advantages of meat and meat products are determined, first of all, by the properties of the raw materials. At present, the science of meat and meat products has experimental and analytical data that make it possible to explain the essence and significance of many important and complex technological processes, as well as to foresee the direction of their further improvement in order to obtain high-quality products.

For the production of meat semi-finished products, it is allowed to use meat raw materials recognized as fit in accordance with the requirements of the “Rules for the pre-slaughter veterinary inspection of animals and veterinary and sanitary examination of meat and meat products” (Order of the Sovereign Department of Veterinary Medicine No. 28 dated 07.06.2002) and other regulatory and technical documentation.

Upon receipt of raw materials (beef, pork, lamb, offal, poultry, etc.) from other enterprises, the veterinary medicine doctor carefully checks the accompanying documents (veterinary certificate and quality certificate), which must indicate the sanitary well-being and quality of the delivered raw materials .

After reviewing the documentation, the veterinarian examines the entire batch of incoming raw materials, determines its freshness, color, consistency, smell of muscle tissue on the cut, the presence of contamination and pathological changes in the tissues. Measures the temperature of raw materials in the thickness of the muscle of the femoral part at a depth of at least 6 cm from the surface. Chilled meat products should have a temperature in the thickness of 0 to 4°C. To measure the temperature, an electric thermometer (SP-17) is used, mounted in a metal frame or other similar devices.

The results of the control of the received documentation and the primary inspection of raw materials are recorded in a special journal.

When unloading meat from freight cars (refrigerators) or refrigerated trucks, the veterinarian of the enterprise conducts a more detailed examination of individual carcasses, half carcasses, parts of carcasses. Particular attention is paid to the condition of the surface of the meat (color of the drying crust, smell, cut, consistency). In the carcasses of cattle, the occipital cavity, the lower surface of the neck and the scapular region, the abdominal muscles, the posterior edge of the thigh, the pleura and the peritoneum are examined.

In lamb and pork carcasses, the serous membranes of the chest and abdominal cavities, the place of the cut and the surface of the carcass between the limbs, the neck area and the cutting line of the pork half carcasses are examined.

In the carcasses of birds, they examine the areas in the groin and near the tail, as well as areas of contamination or rupture of the skin, removal of the feather.

By-products must be carefully processed, washed and cleaned of cuts. The freshness of by-products is determined by their appearance: the type and color of the product on the surface and inside, texture, smell and color, the state of fat, tendons and other tissues.

In addition, the veterinarian determines the presence of signs of veterinary sanitary examination (brands) on the carcasses, as well as their compliance with their specific and commercial characteristics.

After examination and final acceptance of meat products on the refrigerator, the doctor indicates in the acceptance documents the direction of the product, the terms and mode of its storage before processing, and the observance of the necessary sanitary and hygienic measures. During storage, the products are subjected to daily sanitary inspection, selectively measuring the temperature (0-4°C) in the deep layers of the cooled raw materials. Exceeding these temperatures contributes to the development of microflora and the appearance of primary signs of meat spoilage.

In addition to meat raw materials, various types of auxiliary raw materials are used for meat semi-finished products. These raw materials include curing ingredients, protein stabilizers, dairy products, spices, egg products and a number of other types. These types of raw materials can be a source of contamination of finished products with microorganisms, cause the appearance of a specific unpleasant taste and smell. Therefore, each batch of auxiliary food types of raw materials and materials is controlled. At the same time, they check the documents of suppliers, the quality and compliance of products and materials with the requirements of GOSTs and TUs, and in cases of doubt about their good quality, samples are taken and sent to the laboratory for analysis.

Requirements for premises and equipment

The production of semi-finished products and culinary products requires systematic compliance with a high sanitary culture in the workshops. Violation of sanitary and hygienic requirements affects the quality of food products. Their shelf life is reduced, and in some cases they lead to illness in people who eat such products.

Therefore, along with the daily control of the general sanitary regime, it is necessary to pay attention to the implementation of sanitary and hygienic standards related to the design, construction, installation and technical equipment of production facilities and equipment of semi-finished shops and departments.

Premises should be provided with sufficient lighting, mechanical or mixed ventilation with good air exchange and clean outdoor air supply. In workshops adjacent to the refrigerator, walls, floors and ceilings must be thermally insulated.

In production premises, in the manufacture of semi-finished products, it is necessary to observe the appropriate temperature regimes: in the raw material department - 0-4 ° C, in the technological department - 12 ° C, in the expedition - no higher than 6 ° C, relative humidity is maintained within 75%.

Due to high hygienic requirements at all stages of production, workplaces where the hands of personnel, tools come into contact with unpackaged products should be equipped with mixers with sinks and hot and cold water supply, as well as devices for sanitizing tools. The personnel working on it is responsible for the cleanliness of the workplace and its equipment. Each shift is obliged to keep the equipment clean and to transfer, under the supervision of the foreman, to another shift, workplaces in good sanitary condition.

In addition to daily washing and treatment of floors, equipment and inventory with hot water and alkaline solutions, preventive disinfection plays an important role in workshops and departments, which should be carried out at least once a week.

After cleaning and disinfection (before starting work), swabs are taken from equipment, inventory, tools, overalls and hands of workers for bacteriological analysis with a preventive purpose. These studies are practiced at least twice a month or more often at the request of sanitary supervision.

If a significant microbial contamination is detected, and especially E. coli and Proteus, the work of the department (areas) that threatens the good quality of the products is stopped until the unsanitary condition is eliminated, as well as the temperature, humidity of the premises and the entire technological process are brought back to normal.

A special place in the quality control of finished products is occupied by preventing the ingress of foreign objects (metal, nuts, glass, paper, tiles, plaster, etc.) into products. So, for the period of repair of premises, they stop producing products or block out places

about repair screens.

Unpack materials, spices, melange and other products outside the production premises and immediately remove containers, bags, paper and other packaging materials.

At least once a week, they check the procedure for carrying out disinfection and deratization measures in the workshops: the screening of windows, the sealing of holes, the destruction of breeding centers of flies, skin beetles, moths and other pests.

All glass breakable objects: electric lamps, ceiling lamps, lampshades, thermometers, glassware, window and door glass, cisterns, mugs, etc. in the premises must be registered with the head of the shop.

In case of detection of foreign objects, a suspicious batch of raw materials, semi-finished products or finished products is detained, the issue of selling these products is resolved by a commission with the participation of sanitary supervision.

Requirements for technological processes

The technology for manufacturing semi-finished meat products consists of a number of operations: carcass cutting, deboning and trimming of meat, mechanical and refrigeration processing.

Raw materials for the production of semi-finished products are subject to high requirements. Upon receipt from the refrigerator, chilled meat (carcasses) is subject to mandatory veterinary examination, sanitization, stamps are cut off from the carcasses. When producing semi-finished products, it is not allowed to use raw materials of dubious freshness, with darkening of muscle tissue, the presence of contamination, bruising and injuries.

After inspection and sanitization, the carcasses are cut into parts or bran, depending on the production purpose of the batch of meat. The quality of cutting carcasses is checked by the master, technologist and controller of the veterinary medicine service.

Deboning (separation of muscle and adipose tissue from bones) is done manually in a room with an air temperature of up to 12°C. When deboning, the accumulation of processed meat is not allowed, since the cut surface of the muscle tissue is a good nutrient medium for the development of microflora. In case of detection of pathological changes (hemorrhages, abscesses, tumors, etc.), the affected areas are removed, the meat is stripped and, after examination by a veterinarian, is sent for further processing.

When trimming, tendons, fat and blood vessels are separated from the muscle tissue. At the same time, the accumulation of trimmed raw materials in the shops is not allowed. Since during the trimming and after its completion there is a large contact of meat with equipment, inventory and other items. Favorable conditions for the development of microorganisms are created in the workshops. Usually, muscle tissue, with its integrity intact, is a significant obstacle to the introduction of microbes from the surface of the meat carcass into the thickness. When performing various operations, the muscle tissue is exposed and crushed, as a result of which the area of ​​​​contact with the external environment increases and various saprophytic and opportunistic pathogens (E. microbes. Microorganisms get into the meat through the hands of workers, overalls, tools, so trimmed meat must be quickly sent for further processing and immediate cooling.

In the manufacture of semi-finished products, the correct separation of cuts, cutting into portions, compliance with the mass of the portion, the ratio of meat, bones and connective tissue in portions, the quality of packaging and packaging are important. Processing techniques such as sawing and splitting carcasses, slicing and chopping increase the surface to volume ratio. At the same time, the surface of the raw material is additionally seeded, physical and chemical processes take place on it, contributing to a decrease in the resistance of the finished product. When comparing the shelf life of sliced, chopped and minced meat, it was found that minced meat withstands the minimum shelf life.

According to the type of meat, semi-finished products are classified into beef, lamb, pork, veal and poultry meat. According to the method of pre-treatment and culinary purpose, semi-finished products are divided into natural, breaded, chopped, meatballs, dumplings and minced meat. For public catering enterprises, large-sized semi-finished products are produced, which are parts of carcasses from which bones, tendons and coarse connective tissue have been removed.

Natural semi-finished products are made from meat of the best quality and chilled to the required temperature, they are divided into portions and small pieces.

Portions consist of one or two pieces of meat of the same size and weight. They are cut across the fibers or at an angle of 45°. With such cutting, cooking is accelerated and cutting and chewing of finished products is facilitated. For the manufacture of portioned semi-finished products, the most tender parts of the carcass are used: loin tenderloin, the longest muscle of the back and some muscles of the posterior pelvic part. Small-sized semi-finished products are prepared from meat left after cutting portioned or other products. They are packaged with a weight of 250, 500 and 1000 g and packed in transparent film materials.

Breaded semi-finished products are made from chilled or thawed meat. Portions cut across the fibers are somewhat loosened with a beating to give them great tenderness. To prevent leakage of meat juice during frying, the products are moistened with beaten egg mass, and then rolled in breadcrumbs (breaded). When fried on meat, a crust is formed from the egg mass and crackers, which keeps the meat juice from flowing out, evaporation and contributes to a greater juiciness of the fried product. Chopped semi-finished products are products made from minced meat with or without the addition of bread. Frozen semi-finished meat products include dumplings and meatballs. Dumplings are made from dough stuffed with minced beef and pork in the amount of 55-57% by weight of dumplings. To improve the taste properties, eggs, onions, pepper, salt and sugar are added to the minced meat.

The temperature of finished semi-finished products (especially chopped after molding) must be maintained no higher than 8°C. Packaging is an additional technical tool that allows you to increase the duration of storage and preserve the quality of meat products, as well as chilled and frozen meat. Several methods of packaging are used: vacuum, hermetic, packaging of meat placed in a bag, packaging and laying meat in a bag with subsequent sealing, wrapping meat in a polymer film.

The packaging of semi-finished products must be strong and airtight in order to isolate the product from undesirable external factors, as well as transparent and colorless, which allows the buyer to control the quality of the product. At the same time, the packaging should be attractively designed with all the necessary information about the product printed on the surface.

In recent years, the range of packaging materials has expanded significantly. Along with traditional cellophane and polyethylene, new materials are used: polyvinyl chloride, polystyrene, crechanol and combined multilayer materials.

The use of packaging allows reducing the shrinkage of semi-finished meat products during storage. To extend the shelf life, transportation over long distances, the production of natural quick-frozen semi-finished products packed in polymer films is of particular importance. Progressive packaging methods are used on mechanized packaging equipment.

Veterinary and sanitary control of finished products of semi-finished products is based mainly on the assessment of organoleptic indicators. When assessing the quality, at least 10% of the boxes in the batch are examined. Products must be fresh, and their surface is not weathered. The thickness and shape of portioned semi-finished products must comply with OST and TU. It is forbidden to produce products with a moist or sticky surface, unusual color and smell. All semi-finished products produced during the shift are tasted. Upon receipt of an unsatisfactory assessment of organoleptic indicators, a second study of the product is carried out. Physico-chemical and microbiological laboratory studies are carried out periodically or when comments are detected during organoleptic evaluation.

For semi-finished products that meet the requirements of regulatory and technical documentation, the veterinary service of the enterprise issues a certificate of quality or puts a stamp on invoices confirming good quality, date and hour of issue, shelf life and sale.

The terms of storage and sale for semi-finished meat products (in hours) at 4-8 ° C are different: large-sized - 48; portioned and packaged meat - 36; small-sized and marinated shish kebab - 24; cutlets - 12; a set of poultry meat - 48.

The total shelf life (at a temperature not exceeding 6 ° C) is calculated from the moment the technological process of manufacturing products at the enterprise is completed. It includes the duration of storage of products at the manufacturing plant, being in transit during transportation, storage in warehouses and bases of the distribution network, in stores or at public catering establishments until the moment of release to the consumer.

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