Home Main dishes Food and calories table in 100 grams. Energy value of vegetables and mushrooms. Three categories of products

Food and calories table in 100 grams. Energy value of vegetables and mushrooms. Three categories of products

Hello dear readers! I will tell you about such a necessary tool as a 100 gram food calorie table, the full version will become your indispensable assistant for weight loss and for the rest of your life.

Also waiting for you nice bonus! You can download the food diary in a convenient .pdf format and use it to your health.

Using this complete version of the calorie table, you will learn how to choose the right products in the store, you will eat a balanced diet in terms of vitamins and minerals, and begin to maintain the correct balance of fats, proteins and carbohydrates.

You can find out about the correct ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates just for you in the article "".

How to use the food calorie table?

First of all, I would like to note that for ease of use, the calorie table is divided into categories. You can easily and quickly find the section and product you need.

You may notice some deviation between the data in the calorie table and the information on the 100 gram product packaging or on the Internet. This is not rare, because different varieties cereals (for example, rice) are not the same in composition. They may have different nutrient content depending on where they are grown.

In the last column of the full version of the table you will find the glycemic index of the product.
The glycemic index (GI) shows how the consumption of certain foods affects the level of sugar in a person's blood.

Opt for foods with a low glycemic index.

For example, choosing a pear for lunch (glycemic index - 30), your body will receive and absorb less sugar (glucose) than eating chocolate wafers (glycemic index, which is 75).

The glycemic index is calculated as follows:

— High, if the value is above 50 units;
- Medium, if the value is within 35-50 units;
- Low if the value is below 35 units.

Section "Vegetables and greens" (calories per 100 grams)







Brussels sprouts



Green onion

Onion (turnip)





lettuce green

Iceberg lettuce



- Buy in small quantities (so there will always be fresh vegetables and herbs on your table);

- Choose smooth and juicy vegetables, without dents and punctures (only such will benefit your body), fresh herbs without yellow leaves;

- Choose vegetables that are in season and medium in size (suspiciously large, like vegetables out of season, are grown using chemicals).

Section "Fruits and berries" (calories per 100 grams)











passion fruit


- Buy fragrant fruits (lack of smell indicates improper cultivation or unripe fruit);

- Choose fruits according to the season (they have more vitamins and less harmful substances);

- Look for fruits with a whole peel, without dimples (pathogenic bacteria can get into fruits with a broken top layer);

- Check if the fruit is heavy (light oversized pomegranate or orange, most likely just dry inside).

Want to lose weight fast at home? Don't know where to start?
Take a free test and in 5 minutes find out how to start losing weight for you:

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1. Enter your gender

2. How much weight do you want to lose? (kg)

3. Is there a predisposition to weight gain in your family?

4. At what age did you become overweight?

5. How do you feel about sweets, fast food, pastries?

6. How often do you snack?

7. Do you leave food on your plate when you feel full?

8. How much do you move during the day (at work/school)?

10. How many hours do you sleep?

11. Are you often nervous?

12. Have you tried to lose weight? If so, how?

Section "Nuts and dried fruits" (calories per 100 grams)



Pineapple (dried)



Dried cherries


dried pear

Dried melon

Dried figs


Dried strawberries

dried cranberries

dried coconut

Dried peach

sunflower seeds

pumpkin seeds



Dried rosehip

Dried apples

- It is better to choose dark raisins (light ones undergo chemical treatment);

- Figs choose beige or brown with a slight white bloom;

- Dried apricots or apricots are more useful dark ones;

- Nuts are best chosen in the shell, because they do not store for a long time and become rancid.

- Look at the labels for the date of manufacture and the manufacturer:
Walnuts - France or the south of Russia;
Pine nuts - Siberia or the Far East;
Pistachios - Iran.

Pay special attention to nuts and foods rich in magnesium, because it is involved in many metabolic processes, helps to increase muscle mass, which in turn affects the reduction of body fat.
You will learn about this in the article:.

Section "Porridges, cereals, legumes" (calorie content per 100 grams)




Buckwheat (core)


Oat groats

Pearl barley

millet groats

Corn (flakes)

Rice white

Rice wild black

rice brown

White beans

Red beans

Black beans


Barley grits

- Give preference to green buckwheat, if there is none in the store, then choose fried buckwheat marked “unground” and not “threaded”;

- more useful oatmeal, naked oats (you can buy it at a pharmacy and grind it);

- Choose black rice, instead of white (black rice is the most useful, contains amino acids);
Soak grains overnight before cooking.

Section "Flour and flour products" (calorie content per 100 grams)



Macaroni 1 grade

Egg pasta

pancake flour

Oat bran flour

spelled flour

Corn flour

Flaxseed flour

Wheat flour

Wheat flour premium

Wheat flour 1C (grade 1)

(grain-coated, finely ground)

Wheat flour 2 C
(grade 2)

(as part of flour - 8% bran)

Whole wheat flour.

Coarse rye flour

Peeled rye flour

Rye flour

rice flour

barley flour



Bakery products:

Wheat baguette

Rye baguette

Sliced ​​loaf

Wheat loaf with bran

hamburger bun

Butter bun

White bread croutons

Rye croutons

Bread without gluten

Bread Borodinsky

Bread Darnitsky

Bread Multicereal

Rye bread

Bread with bran

Bread Toast

Waffle crispbread

Rye bread

- Get past the pain premium. There are very few vitamins in it, because only the very core of the grain is used in its manufacture, which means that there is nothing useful in it. This flour is mainly used for sweet pastries.

- In the flour of the first grade, a very small percentage of the crushed grain shell is used. It is mostly baked from sweet pastries.

— Choose whole grain flour, it is made from the germ and shell of the seed, and these are the most useful parts of the grain.

Section "Meat products" (calorie content per 100 grams)










Beef (shoulder)










Minced lamb

minced turkey


Sausage boiled Doktorskaya

Sausage boiled-smoked Servelat

Pork sausages

Dairy sausages

- Look at appearance piece. After pressing, the meat should immediately return to its original shape, this indicates its freshness.

- If the meat has a thin dried film on top, it means that it lay for several hours without polyethylene and was not processed with liquids that prolong its shelf life.

- The fat layers of meat should be light, a yellow tint indicates the old age of the animal.

- Choose sausages and sausages according to the number of products in the composition ( the best composition: meat, spices).

Section "Fish and seafood" (calories per 100 grams)



Fresh squid

Dried squids

sea ​​cocktail

Crab meat

Crab sticks

Shrimp, peeled

sea ​​kale


silver carp

- Choose a fish with a head (the eyes should be bulging and moist, if the eyes are cloudy, then the fish is old, if dry, the fish has been on the counter for a long time);

- The gills must be clean, bright red (if there is a white coating on the gills, the fish is infected with bacteria);

- Look at the body (if the fish is fresh, the scales do not fall off when touched, and when pressed with your fingers, the dent quickly disappears);

- Feel free to smell the fish.
If the fish is marine (salmon, salmon, trout, cod, mackerel, herring), it has a slight smell of herring.
River fish (perch, perch, ruff, pike, bream, carp, minnow, sterlet) - there is practically no smell.
Pond fish (carp, crucian carp, tench, silver carp) have the smell of mud.

— When choosing frozen fish or seafood, pay attention to the color of the ice:
If the ice is transparent with whiteness, it is fresh;
If the ice has a yellow tint, it is old.

Section "Fresh mushrooms" (calorie content per 100 grams)




Aspen mushrooms


- If you buy mushrooms at the food market or from mushroom pickers, choose only one variety of mushrooms (unknown ones may be found in the assortment);

- When choosing mushrooms in the store, look at the expiration date on the package (mushrooms do not last long);

- Buy small and elastic mushrooms, without dark spots on the hat (this indicates their freshness and benefits).

Section "Dairy products" (calories per 100 grams)



Yoghurt 1.5%

Yoghurt 3.2%

Fat-free yogurt

Milk 2.5%

Milk 3.2%

Condensed milk

Curdled milk 3.2%

Ryazhenka 4%

Cream 10%

Cream 20%

Cream 35%

Sour cream 10%

Sour cream 20%

Cheese Adyghe

Gouda cheese

Dutch cheese

Mozzarella cheese

Parmesan cheese

Processed cheese

Cheese Russian

Curd curds

- Buy dairy products with a short shelf life:
Milk up to 3-5 days;
Baked milk up to 5 days;
Sour cream up to 14 days;
Cottage cheese up to 5 days;
Kefir up to 7 days;
Yogurt up to 7 days.

- Check if the fermented milk product complies with GOST (the content of beneficial bacteria should be 107 CFU per 1 g of product).

Section "Eggs" (calories per 100 grams)

- Choose clean eggs, without cracks (if there are traces of chicken manure or cracks on the eggs, this is a sign of improper storage);

- Look at the date of manufacture (eggs are stored for no more than 25 days).

Section "Oils and fats" (calories per 100 grams)




Linseed oil

Olive oil

Sunflower oil


- Buy oil with at least 82.5% fat content and better in foil packaging (it protects the oil from sunlight, thereby retaining more vitamins than paper);

- Pay attention to the labeling (should be GOST R52969-2008 or R52253-2004, if the oil is “made according to GOST” R52178-2003, then this is margarine);

- Best before date good oil no more than 30 days.

Section "Seasonings and spices" (calories per 100 grams)



Bay leaf

dried parsley

Soy sauce

dried dill

- Give preference to coarser grinding, such spices are more aromatic;

- Fresh herbs are better, more preferable to dried counterparts.

Section "Candies, sweets, ice cream" (calories per 100 grams)




Fondant sweets

Chocolate candies


ice cream ice cream

sugar cookies

Kurabye cookies

Honey cake

Cake Sour cream

bitter chocolate

milk chocolate

- Read the ingredients carefully. The fewer ingredients in the composition, the better. For example, for chocolate - cocoa, cocoa butter, sugar.

- It is best to buy dark chocolate, it is more useful.

- Sweet foods have a long shelf life, choose the product with the closest production date.

- Pay attention to the GOST / TU marking, for example, ice cream according to GOST is made from natural milk, and according to TU - add milk fat substitutes of vegetable origin.

Section "Alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks" (calorie content per 100 grams)



Wine red semi-sweet

Coca Cola

Coffee without milk and sugar

Coffee with milk and sugar

Tea green and black

Apple juice

- Study the ingredients. Refuse drinks containing E additives (the danger of E additives will soon be a separate article);

- Choose non-carbonated drinks (if you regularly drink carbonated drinks, mechanical damage to the stomach occurs, which contributes to the development of urolithiasis);

- Give preference to 100% juice (nectar or juice-containing drink do not carry any benefit).


In this article, you have read the table of caloric content of foods per 100 grams. This full version will allow you to always choose the right foods, and most importantly, make a balanced diet.

To always have this table at hand, it is enough to bookmark it (press the key combination Ctrl + D).

As promised, a bonus for you! You can take this tablet for yourself and use it to your health!
You can download it here: Food calorie table per 100 grams full version

And I say goodbye to you! See you soon friends!
Ekaterina Lavrova

When it comes to nutrition or weight loss, everyone thinks about calories. They are counted, memorized, determined, and in general they do everything so that there are no more of them than the required number. What for? Then, having exceeded their limit, we run the risk of gaining excess fat, and with it, acquiring health problems. In such cases, a calorie table for all products comes to our aid. Thanks to her, we can competently think over our diet without harming the figure and body.

Where did the word "calorie" come from? From Latin, of course. Translated, it means "warmth". Energy is measured in calories. By eating a dish, we get a certain number of calories. To calculate their number, we need to know how many kcal can be contained in 100 grams of the product we use. Especially these indicators are important for weight loss, when a person needs constant monitoring of his diet.

For good nutrition, which is the basis for the stable uninterrupted operation of our body, proteins, carbohydrates and fats are required. All of them are expressed in calories. 1 g fat = 9 kcal, 1 g protein = 4 kcal, 1 g carbohydrate = 4 kcal

Knowing these data and how many calories per 100 grams of product, we are able to literally blind our figure, while not forgetting about sports and other attributes of an active healthy life.

To determine how many calories we got during a meal, starting with morning breakfast, ending with an evening dinner, you need to refer to the table of caloric content of products. You can download it for free, print it and use it when you need it (there is a download link at the end of the article).

For convenience, I divided all products into groups according to the degree of calorie content.

"No-calorie" products. This group includes products with a calorie content of up to 30 kcal per 100 g. Why did I name these products like that? Read the article on calorie-free food. They are even sometimes called products with negative calorie 🙂

Product calories(Kcal per 100 g)
A pineapple10
Rhubarb (petioles)21
Green onion24
cherry plum28

Low calorie foods - 30 - 70 kcal per 100 gr. These products are perfect for preparing low-calorie meals. This and the previous group of products will be your best friends when losing weight.

Product calories(Kcal per 100 g)
Honey mushrooms31
green beans31
Sea buckthorn31
Skimmed milk32
Green beans32
Beef thigh32
Aspen mushrooms33
beef tenderloin34
Sweet pepper"34
White cabbage35
Celery (root)36
Sour cream 20% fat42
White mushrooms44
Cream 20% fat44
Chicken egg (protein)44
Wheat flour, premium46
Wheat flour, 1 grade47
Parsnip (root)57
Cow's milk (paste)59
Goat milk (raw)68
chicken liver68

Moderate calorie foods. In this group, I collected foods with a calorie content of 70 to 200 kcal per 100 g. This is perhaps the most basic group of products from which you can cook. great meals for healthy and diet food. You will not be able to get fat on these products 🙂

Product calories(Kcal per 100 g)
Corn flour74
Green peas77
chicken heart78
river perch82
Low-fat cottage cheese85
Beef kidneys86
beef heart96
Veal 1 category97
beef liver105
Pork liver109
Chicken fillet113
Horse mackerel115
Pork tenderloin142
Chicken stomach144
Pink salmon147
Bold cottage cheese156
Chicken egg (white and yolk)157
quail egg168
beef tongue173
rabbit meat183
chicken leg185
Lamb thigh198

High calorie foods- 200 - 450 kcal per 100 gr. These are not forbidden foods for the diet, but you should not overeat them.

Product calories(Kcal per 100 g)
Lamb 1 category209
Beef 1 category218
Fat cottage cheese229
beef brisket234
Pork legs234
Chickens of the 1st category241
Fresh herring246
barley flour249
Lamb loin257
Turkeys 1st category276
Dried apricots284
lamb brisket288
Dried apricots290
Peeled rye flour297
Barley groats303
Pork thigh305
Seeded rye flour309
Wheat flour, 2nd grade320
Pearl barley342
Corn grits344
Long grain rice346
Chicken egg (yolk)350
Pork meat354
Pork loin383
soy flour384

Probably, now there is no such person who would not hear the word "calorie". But not everyone understands what exactly it means. The term was first introduced by Swedish physicists back in the 18th century and was used to determine the heat of combustion of fuel. Now the concept of "calorie" is used in utilities and energy, as well as to denote the value of products. The word acquired the greatest popularity in the latter sense. Calories in foods are the amount of energy that enters the body when they are digested and fully assimilated. A person spends it on maintaining the work of his body, on daily activities, and spends it constantly, even in sleep. This energy is usually measured in kilocalories (abbreviated as kcal). It is also possible to calculate in kilojoules (kJ), units of measurement that are close in value.

calories in foods

Of greatest interest is the energy contained in food products. In production, their exact value is measured in a special device, a calorimeter, by burning in its sealed chamber. The amount of heat released in this case is the energy value. This is how the manufacturer determines how many calories are in the food. To inform buyers, this value is applied to the packaging in which the product will be sold. The number of calories in products is usually indicated per 100 grams of weight.

food and weight

Having found out that calories in foods are energy entering the body, it is not so difficult to understand that its excess can lead to weight gain. But it is also important the nutritional value, that is, the amount of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. These concepts are interrelated. No wonder it is believed that excessive consumption of fatty and sweet (high-carbohydrate) foods leads to weight gain. Just look at the calories in foods. The table per 100 grams for carbohydrates, fats and proteins is given below.

That is why the labels indicate not only the energy, but also the nutritional value of products. Knowing how many calories are in foods, the amount of carbohydrates, proteins and fats, it is easy to lose or increase body weight. It is enough just to determine your correct weight and the dose of energy and nutrients necessary for the body.

Calories in products, table per 100 grams

Keeping track of your diet, the energy value of the diet is a good habit for a person who leads a healthy lifestyle and keeps fit. Counting calories in foods is easy, and you don't have to memorize information from every product label. It is enough to use the already accumulated knowledge. They will easily answer the question of how many calories are in foods. A table of the main foodstuffs with average values ​​is given below. The number of calories per 100 g of the product is given in the second column, proteins - in the third, fats - in the fourth, carbohydrates - in the fifth.

Bakery products unsweetened

Baton simple

bran long loaf

Unsweetened bun

Bread Borodino

Whole grain bread

White wheat bread

bran bread

Rye bread

Confectionery and pastries

Sugar dragee ("Sea pebbles", etc.)

Marshmallow white

Caramel (lollipops)

Caramel (with filling)

candy fudge

Chocolate candies


Cookies in glaze

Cookies with nuts

Butter cookies

chocolate biscuits

puff pastry

Biscuit cake

shortbread cake

Yeast muffin (buns)


At flour products, sweets, especially stuffed or soaked in fat cream, the greatest energy value. It is enough to avoid them to maintain normal weight. Sweet carbonated drinks and juices are in second place in the ranking of hazards. Calories in products, table per 100 grams with the continuation of the list below.

Natural juices and carbonated drinks

apricot juice

pineapple juice

orange juice

Grape juice (with apple)

cherry juice

pomegranate juice

grapefruit juice

pear juice

peach juice

beetroot juice

plum juice

Tomato juice

Apple juice

Coca Cola and Pepsi

Gas water with sugar

At first glance it seems that the numbers are small, but since the calories in foods are given per 100 grams, and the consumption of drinks occurs in much larger volumes, it is worth considering.

Butter products and sausage products are next. Their energy value also inspires concern.

Mayonnaise, oils, fats

Cooking fat

Mayonnaise "Provencal"

Mayonnaise low-calorie 20% fat


Peanut butter

Sunflower oil

Olive oil

Sweet cream butter

Ready meat products

smoked bacon

Natural ham

Sausage ham

chicken sausage

Sausage "Doctor"

Sausage boiled-smoked

Raw-smoked sausage

Sausage "Milk"


Dairy sausages

Sausages with cheese

Creamy sausages

In general, all sausages are rich in fat, and, as a rule, its amount prevails over protein. When choosing the products of meat processing plants, you should pay special attention to this. Most useful choice there will be chicken and beef boiled sausage. The carbohydrate group, cereals and pasta are quite useful, as they guarantee long-term saturation. It is important to cook them correctly, without excess fat, taking into account the calories in the products (a table per 100 grams for cereals and pasta is presented below). The weight of raw products is taken into account.

Cereals, pasta


Corn (groats)

pasta from durum varieties wheat

Pearl barley

Natural meat, fish and milk are the most useful products in the human body. They are rich in protein, which means they saturate for a long time, contribute to the development of muscles, strengthen bones and tissues.

Vegetables and fruits are also helpful. Their calorie content is low, and the taste is attractive. By making these types of staples in your daily menu, you can maintain health for many years and forget about being overweight.

The number of calories in products of the listed categories is given below.

Milk products

Milk 0.5%

Milk 1.5%

Milk 2.5%

Milk 3.2%

Sour cream 15%

Sour cream 20%




beef liver

chicken liver

Pork fat

Lean pork


beef tongue


goose carcass

Turkey carcass

Chicken liver

chicken heart

chicken stomach

duck carcass

chicken thigh

Chicken drumstick

chicken breast

chicken carcass

egg, protein

Egg, yolk

Chicken egg (1 piece)

A fish

Low fat herring


Horse mackerel

sea ​​trout



White cabbage

mature potatoes


Green onion


Sweet pepper

red radish

celery root

Green beans






Now you know more about the energy value of foods. Choose the right foods for your diet and be healthy!

We talk a lot about calories and that in order to lose weight, you need to reasonably reduce the calorie content of the diet.

But what do those calories look like in physical terms?
Really, can you imagine a 100 calorie slice of bread or cheese? I think that for most it is quite difficult. At least in the beginning :o)

The skill of automatically counting calories without using weights appears after some practice. Today we will develop this skill.

Study the pictures I have prepared for you and try to remember what 100 calories looks like. different products on a small plate with a diameter of 22 cm.

At the same time, remember once again that all products differ not only in calorie content, but also in saturating ability.

So, fatty foods are very high in calories, but saturate poorly. And lean meat, poultry, fish are less high-calorie, but they saturate very well. Therefore, for the prevention of hunger during the period of weight loss, it is very beneficial to include them in every meal.

In addition, the more voluminous the food, the faster it saturates. By bulk and low-calorie food, we include almost all vegetables and fruits (with the exception of bananas and grapes, potatoes fried in oil). Supplementing lean protein foods with vegetables, we enrich our diet with fiber, vitamins and minerals, fill the volume of the stomach faster, which means we will feel full faster.

100 calories is...

This is what 100 calories of vegetables look like on a plate with a diameter of 22 cm

This is what 100 calories of fruit look like on a plate with a diameter of 22 cm

This is what 100 calories of bread looks like on a plate with a diameter of 22 cm

This is what 100 calories of nuts and seeds look like on a plate with a diameter of 22 cm

This is what 100 calories of protein food looks like on a plate with a diameter of 22 cm

This is what 100 calories of cheese and cottage cheese look like on a plate with a diameter of 22 cm


Another picture, but very informative, clearly showing how much fruit you can eat per 100 calories

To make it easier to navigate the choice of products and know their quantity, below is a list that indicates how much of which food is 100 k / cal.

1. Brown rice

Brown rice is a great source of magnesium, iron, and B vitamins. For more benefits, cook rice with black beans. Both brown rice and black beans are high in protein. Such a dish provides all nine essential amino acids that our body needs.

100 calories = 1/3 cup brown rice

2. Blueberries

This berry is often called the berry of youth. It is high in antioxidants, as well as high in quercetin and flavonoids, which boost immunity and have a beneficial effect on the liver and brain. In addition, blueberries prevent urinary tract infections.

100 calories = 1 and 1/4 cups fresh or frozen blueberries

3. Broccoli

Broccoli contains one of the most easily absorbed forms of calcium. Like all cruciferous vegetables, it contains the substance sulforaphane, which protects against cancer by stopping its development by activating certain enzymes.

100 calories = 3.5 cups of broccoli

4. Cucumber

This vegetable is an excellent source of nutrients such as vitamin C and magnesium. In addition, cucumber acts as a natural diuretic, which means that you do not face bloating and excess water retention in the body. It is recommended to eat a cucumber with a peel, because it contains silicon, which is very useful for connective tissue, the rigid structure of which will favorably affect the skin of your face.

100 calories = 3 and ¼ fresh cucumbers medium size

5. Almond

This nut is a natural antioxidant, a source of protein and omega-3 fatty acids. It also contains a high content of vitamin E, which makes the skin moisturized and soft by maintaining the required level of moisture in the cells.

100 calories = 15 almonds

6. Apple

These fruits contain powerful antioxidants and pectin, which help lower cholesterol levels. In addition, apple peel contains quercetin, a substance that prevents inflammation in the vascular wall.

100 calories = 1 medium apple

7. Apple juice

Freshly squeezed Apple juice improves lung function, and also prevents the loss of acetylcholine, the most important neurotransmitter in the human nervous system. It is this substance that is necessary for memory and concentration.

100 calories = 1 glass of apple juice

8. Potato chips

Potato chips are a harmful product that must be gradually removed from your diet. Flavorings contained in potato chips, affect the pleasure centers of the brain, so it is not surprising that after eating a couple of things, you want more and more.

100 calories = 8 potato chips

9. Chocolate bar

Chocolate is made from cocoa beans, which act on the body as powerful antioxidants, reduce arterial pressure soften the skin, improve mood and strengthen the immune system. But so that all these beneficial features worked for you, buy chocolate with at least 70% cocoa.

100 calories = 1.5 candy bars

10. Sour cream

Of course, as an additive to salads, sour cream is healthier than mayonnaise. But since this product is very fatty, it is still recommended to abandon it and season chopped vegetables, for example, Greek yogurt, which is much lower in calories.

100 calories = 45 grams of sour cream

11. Coffee and cream

If you pour cream or milk into your coffee, you automatically add extra calories to yourself. Especially high-calorie such types coffee drinks like cappuccino and latte. Drink coffee without milk or with skim milk.

100 calories = 50 milliliters of cream

Fish, meat, eggs
80 grams of beef or pork (raw, escalope), 150 grams of low-fat cod or 50 grams of fatty sturgeon, three slices (1 cm thick) of boiled sausage, two sausages, one egg, five to six slices of smoked sausage.

Milk products
A glass of milk, 25 - 50 grams of cottage cheese (depending on fat content), 4 - 5 tablespoons of sour cream, half a glass of cream, a glass of kefir, two thin slices of cheese, 100 grams of yogurt.

One banana (small), two apples, one orange, four tangerines, one grapefruit, one pear, 25 grapes.

A kilogram of cabbage, two medium potatoes, three onions, one beet, 3 - 4 medium carrots.

Bread, cereals
A piece of white or black bread, a small portion of noodles or pasta, five to six tablespoons of any porridge (on water), peas, beans - three to four tablespoons of boiled product.

A tablespoon of condensed milk, two - three tablespoons of jam, five teaspoons of sugar, 50 - 70 grams of ice cream, three pieces of cookies, three - four pieces of dried apricots, prunes, dates.

nuts- any, about two tablespoons

Sauces, fats
Butter- a small piece (15 grams) 2/3 the size of a matchbox. Butter can be spread on two thin slices of bread. Margarine - 15 grams, lard - 10 grams (thin slice), tablespoon vegetable oil, three - four tablespoons of ketchup, two tablespoons of mayonnaise.
Based on materials

The human need for energy contained in foods is an important factor in the existence of the whole organism as a whole. Human life is impossible without energy consumption, and in order to replenish strength, one or another individual needs a different set of basic nutrients. Knowledge about the nutritional value of products will be useful not only for athletes, but also for those who wish to lead a healthy lifestyle. The main sources of energy found in any food are proteins, carbohydrates and fats. The right combination of these nutrients will help keep your body functioning at a high level.

What is the nutritional value of food

This is a complex property of food, containing a certain amount of energy, which is formed during the oxidation of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. It is necessary for the basic physiological and chemical functions of the body. Any element of food consumed by a person, whether it is of animal or vegetable origin, has its own calorie content, which is measured in kilocalories or kilojoules. The complex, which lies in the nutritional value of food, consists of the following elements:

  • the energy value;
  • biological effectiveness;
  • glycemic index;
  • physiological value.

The energy value

EC - the amount of energy released in the human body when eating a particular food. The energy value(caloric content) should approximately coincide with its costs. Changes to a greater or lesser extent are bound to lead to unpleasant consequences. For example, the regular accumulation of food energy that exceeds the daily needs of the body is a path to obesity, so it is important to calculate the proportion of fats, proteins and carbohydrates consumed depending on personal activity. This can be done online at most nutrition websites.

Biological efficiency

This definition means an indicator of the quality of fatty components in food, the content of polyunsaturated acids, vitamins, and other essential minerals in it. There are many of these substances in nature, but only 22 of them are needed to build the body. Eight amino acids are essential (they are not synthesized on their own):

  • methionine;
  • leucine;
  • tryptophan;
  • phenylalanine;
  • lysine;
  • isoleucine;
  • valine;
  • threonine.

Glycemic index

In addition to calories, any product consumed by a person has a glycemic index (GI). This is a conditional definition of the rate of breakdown of carbohydrate-containing food. The GI of glucose is considered to be 100 units. The faster the process of splitting any product, the greater its glycemic index. Dietitians divide food into groups with high (empty carbohydrates) and low (slow) GI.

Physiological value

This element of nutritional value is determined by the ability of products to influence important systems of the human body:

  • Pectin and fiber (ballast substances) favorably affect the digestion of food and intestinal patency.
  • Coffee and tea alkaloids stimulate the cardiovascular and nervous system.
  • The vitamins contained in the products adjust the immunity of the human body.

Food value and calorie table

Having carefully considered all the tables below, you have the opportunity to quickly plan your diet, filling it with healthy products with a known calorie content and composition. The benefits of such an action will be unequivocal: the body will receive everything it needs, but not in excess, but exactly as much as it can spend in a day. The division into groups is convenient, because it is immediately clear what is best combined with what.

The food elements of this group are the basis of nutrition for people who prefer a healthy lifestyle. Milk is rich in calcium, vitamins and minerals, and is well absorbed in the body. A large amount of proteins in cheese, kefir, fermented baked milk or cottage cheese is the main value of these products. A diet based on dairy products helps to stabilize the gastrointestinal tract due to the natural bacteria in the composition.

Products (per 100 grams)


Calorie content (Kcal)

Condensed milk

Low fat cream

Cream 20%

Dutch cheese

goat cheese

Low-fat cottage cheese 0%

Fat cottage cheese 18%

Sour cream 15%

Butter 72.5%

Butter 82.5%


Ryazhenka 2.5%

Meat, eggs

Meat products are essential suppliers of proteins. They also contain many vitamins and minerals - taurine, creatine, and others. Meat is the most sought-after product in the human diet, and dishes made from it number in the thousands. The muscle and adipose tissues of animals do not contain much fat, however, in the cooking process (frying, boiling, stewing), the use of oil or sauces, which replace the ratio of proteins / fats / carbohydrates, is of great importance.

Products (per 100 grams)


Calorie content (Kcal)

Pork neck

Pork ham

Pork brisket

beef ham

beef tongue

beef brisket

Lamb ham

Lamb shoulder

Veal ham

Veal tenderloin

Turkey breast

Turkey leg

Turkey wings

chicken fillet

chicken ham

chicken wings

Chicken egg

quail egg

  • Fish and seafood

Dishes made from products of this category occupy a large place in human life due to their high nutritional value, their palatability. Seafood meat contains many vitamins, important trace elements (calcium, phosphorus, etc.). Proteins found in fish dishes (river, sea) are easier to digest than animal meat - a big plus for the functioning of the human body.

Products (per 100 grams)


Calorie content (Kcal)

river perch



  • Bakery products and cereals

Cereals are another important element of the human diet. Grains serve as a source of carbohydrates and vegetable protein. Use bakery products obtained from cereals, adversely affects the figure. The calorie content of bread is very high, and due to the fact that its nutritional value is built on “fast” carbohydrates, an unpleasant process occurs - the level of glucose in the blood rises, thereby actively contributing to the formation of subcutaneous fat. For people who carefully monitor their figure, the use of bakery products is contraindicated.

Products (per 100 grams)


Calorie content (Kcal)

Bun city

Bread Borodino

wheat bread

Rye bread


rice brown



Pearl barley

Barley groats

  • Fruits vegetables

A large share in the compilation proper nutrition occupied by fruits and vegetables. These products are the main suppliers of vitamins, mineral salts, carotene, a number of carbohydrates and phytoncides. Vegetables and fruits actively contribute to the preparation of the digestive system for the adoption of fatty and protein foods. Due to the high water content in the composition, the energy value of these elements of the food chain is much lower than that of other products.

Products (per 100 grams)


Calorie content (Kcal)


White cabbage

boiled corn

Green onion


Sweet pepper





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