Home General issues How to brew coffee in a coffee maker. How to brew strong coffee in Turkish, recipes? Geyser devices - favorite coffee makers of Italians

How to brew coffee in a coffee maker. How to brew strong coffee in Turkish, recipes? Geyser devices - favorite coffee makers of Italians

Coffee makers greatly facilitate the process of making coffee, and in the morning they also save precious minutes of our time. As you know, coffee makers come in different types, therefore, they work using different technologies. Therefore, in order to brew a delicious drink, you must first understand the device and functions of your miracle technique. As a rule, the box contains detailed instructions for the coffee maker, but it is not always possible to figure it out the first time. We will tell you how best to use the coffee maker, depending on what type it belongs to.

Preparation of coffee, like any drink, usually begins with the preparation of the right amount of water. Inside the design of the coffee machine there is a heating element, on the surface of which plaque or, in other words, scale can form. Therefore, manufacturers insist on the use of purified, filtered water. This can be done using an ordinary household filter, boiling or freezing water.

Remember that untreated tap water is highly discouraged for brewing coffee.

This type of device is the most common because of its ease of use and low cost. Coffee in a drip coffee maker is tasty and aromatic, and in 10-15 minutes you can prepare up to 12 small cups.

If you are using a coffee maker that you just bought, the first step you should take is to clean up its design by starting the process “idle”.

To do this, you need to pour water into the tank without adding the coffee powder itself to the filter. Start the machine, wait 5 minutes and turn off. This must be repeated two more times to thoroughly flush all parts of the system.

Brewing coffee in a drip coffee maker is not at all difficult. The main thing is to have at home ground coffee. You can make it yourself if you have a coffee grinder, or you can buy it ready-made in the store. To make the drink rich, it is recommended to put up to three tablespoons of coffee in one cup.

  1. Pour water into the reservoir.
  2. Pour the ground coffee into the funnel filter.
  3. Turn on the coffee maker by pressing the "on" button.
  4. Watch the drink flow into the tank and wait for the ready signal.

To improve the quality of brewed coffee, many manufacturers equip drip machines additional features: built-in coffee grinder, coffee strength control, automatic heating, etc. Similar models can be found in Philips, Mulineks, Bosch brands.


We've covered how to use a drip coffee maker, but there are a few more advanced types. For example, a geyser. It is also easy to brew coffee in it if you know the sequence of actions and the general arrangement of the device. Before using the equipment for the first time, it must also be thoroughly rinsed.

To find out how the coffee maker works, read the instructions for use. The design consists of three parts:

  • lower compartment for water;
  • middle - a filter into which you need to pour ground coffee;
  • upper part for the received drink.

Here is a step-by-step diagram of how to prepare a drink in a geyser apparatus:

  1. Pour purified water into the lower part to the desired mark (depending on whether you want to brew espresso or cappuccino).
  2. Load ground coffee into the filter.
  3. Twist all parts of the coffee maker tightly.
  4. Put the appliance on a slow fire.
  5. The finished drink will rise to the top. After 5-6 minutes, the coffee maker can be removed from the heat.

Geyser models are produced by such large brands as Bialetti, Bosch, Bork.


A distinctive feature of this device is that it has a horn in its design. It is through it that the finished coffee is delivered. Also this type of coffee machine has cappuccinatore, with which you can get foam. The most famous manufacturers of carob coffee makers: Delonghi, Bosch, Krups.

Let's take a closer look at how to brew delicious coffee in a carob coffee maker:

  1. Prepare ground coffee. Some models, such as the Delonghi brand, have a built-in coffee grinder.
  2. Pour coffee into the bowl of the cone. There it must be compressed into the form of a dense tablet.
  3. Place the horn firmly in place. A small working chamber is formed.
  4. Start the car. Water under strong pressure (up to 15 atm.) will enter the horn and pass through the tablet.
  5. The formed tablet is disposable, so after preparing the product, the remaining cake is best thrown away.

Carob coffee makers vary greatly in their technical characteristics. Here it all depends from the manufacturer technology. For example, Delonghi and Bosch have models that have the functions of adjusting temperature, pressure, strength, and the amount of water per cycle.

If you want to save time, pay attention to fully automated models, where all you have to do to create coffee is fill in the beans and press a button.

The owners of such machines rarely have the question of how to brew coffee in a coffee maker and whether it is necessary to grind grains. For example, models of the Delonghi Magnifica series have a built-in container for grinding coffee beans. Full control over the preparation of the drink is carried out through the control panel located on the body. Magnifica coffee makers are not cheap, but as a rule, their price is fully justified.

The main feature of this type of coffee maker is the use of capsules for making coffee. The design implies the presence of a compartment with piercing surface. A capsule is placed inside the compartment, and a special needle pierces its contents. The most popular manufacturers of capsule devices: Delonghi, Bosch, Krups. They work with different types of consumables, mainly Nespresso, Tassimo, Dolce Gusto. So, Delolngi and Kraps have developed their coffee machines for several types of capsules.

How to make a drink in this type of machine? Note that there is no boiler or water heater in the design of the capsule coffee machine. All you need to do is load the capsule into the compartment and start the unit.

There is no need to care how many spoons or grains to send inside. The capsule is designed for one cycle of work. Usually there are 16 pieces in a package.

After preparing the drink, carefully clean parts devices. Some coffee makers (for example, Bosch, Magnifica) are equipped with a self-cleaning function or contain descaling tablets.


We have made a brief overview of coffee preparation techniques. To understand how to make coffee in your machine, you need to know its type and general design. Some models have an application with interesting coffee recipes that will help you to use all the features available in the coffee maker. Before work, carefully read the instructions, follow the safety precautions and take care of the equipment - and then you will not have any difficulties creating your favorite drink.

Updated 09/24/2017

Immediately talking about the process of brewing a drink is not very appropriate. At a minimum, to brew good coffee, you need to know which beans to use and what grind should be.

There are 2 types of coffee:

  • Arabica (Arabian);
  • Robusta (Congolese).

The highest grade of coffee is made exclusively from Arabica. The second and first grade is made from Arabica beans or from a mixture of Robusta and Arabica beans. By itself, robusta is not used in the manufacture of coffee, because. this type is not fragrant. In a coffee blend, it adds strength to the drink. From this it follows: ideally, you need to choose the highest grade of coffee - Arabica.

Also, coffee can be supplied to the market in beans or in ground form. Ground is cheaper, and it includes different varieties of coffee, often from different crops. It is best to choose coffee beans and grind them just before brewing. Important: do not stockpile ground coffee, always grind one serving and store the remaining coffee beans.

The floor can be:

  • Rough and big. If you have a piston-type coffee maker or a geyser, then such grinding is suitable for them;
  • Medium is universal. Suitable for almost any coffee maker;
  • Thin - for drip-type coffee makers and coffee machines;
  • Very thin espresso. For espresso coffee makers, where brewing occurs due to a steam jet;
  • Ultra-fine - when the coffee turns almost to dust. This “dust” is prepared in automatic cezve coffee makers.

How to brew coffee in drip coffee makers?

Because These coffee makers are the most common, let's start with them. Drip coffee makers are called filter coffee makers, because. inside there is a filter (paper, nylon or "gold") filled with ground coffee. Hot water passes through it and absorbs the aroma of coffee.

Brewing coffee in this coffee maker is easy:

  1. Pour coffee into the filter;
  2. Pour water into the reservoir. The calculation is approximately as follows: 1 cup of cold water for 2-3 tablespoons of coffee;
  3. Turn on the coffee maker.

Further, coffee is brewed automatically and nothing depends on you. Leaking through the filter with ground coffee, the finished drink will flow into the coffee pot. Whether you get a delicious coffee or not depends on the degree of grinding, the quality of the beans and the water. It also depends on the quality of the coffee maker itself.

Video of brewing coffee in a drip coffee maker, and quite funny:

Brewing in geyser coffee makers

In Italy, geyser coffee makers are the most popular. This device consists of two parts and a filter between them. Earlier, we examined in detail the principle of operation of a geyser coffee maker, but here we will briefly repeat:

  1. Cold water is poured into the lower part to the mark;
  2. Ground coffee is poured into the filter;
  3. The upper part is tightly screwed to the bottom;
  4. Then the coffee maker turns on if it is an electric model. There are also geyser coffee makers that need to be placed on a gas stove. It does not change the essence;
  5. Coffee is brewing: in the lower part, the water quickly heats up, turns into steam, the pressure increases over time, and the steam, together with the water, passes through the filter with coffee, capturing the aroma and taste along the way.

Actually, who is too lazy to read:

The narrower the "waist" of the geyser coffee maker, the tastier the coffee will be.

Important: if you like foam, then geyser-type coffee makers are not for you. Making coffee with foam will not work, alas.

Preparing coffee in a carob coffee maker

Rozhkovy coffee makers - for people who prefer a variety of tastes. Here you can make cappuccino with fine foam. It is called a carob coffee maker because the filters here look like horns.

Making coffee is very easy:

  1. The boiler is filled with water;
  2. Pour coffee into the cone. Remember: for a carob coffee maker, the grind must be fine;
  3. Turn on the coffee maker, the drink is prepared. During cooking, the steam jet passes through the filter (horn) and then enters the coffee pot.

Most often, carob coffee makers have the function of preheating the coffee pot. If there is one, be sure to use it. The coffee is strong and frothy.

Brewing coffee in an automatic cezve

An automatic cezve is an electric coffee pot that makes good coffee.

The process of preparing a drink is no different from brewing coffee in a regular Turk, so we won’t tell anything new here:

  1. Fall asleep coffee;
  2. Fill with water;
  3. Turn on the coffee maker. After 2 minutes, the coffee will be ready, the coffee maker will automatically turn off and let you know about it.

These coffee makers are cheap and practical. Ideal for travel, for example.

Instead of a conclusion: there are no specific techniques for making good coffee in coffee makers, because. they themselves do everything according to the existing algorithm. You can influence the taste, choose a quality coffee of the highest quality, using the right grind depending on the type of coffee maker and using quality water. The coffee maker takes care of the rest.

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To get real pleasure from drinking a cup of coffee, you need to skillfully brew it. Previously, to reveal the taste and aroma of this ancient drink, numerous trainings were required, since Turkish coffee was prepared. Now this procedure is less laborious, thanks to modern coffee makers that provide optimal conditions for the extraction of flavoring substances.

Which coffee to choose for your coffee maker

The first thing to do is to choose a good aromatic coffee. In nature, there are only two types of coffee beans - Arabica and Robusta. The first type gives the drink a noble aroma and delicate sourness, and the second one is responsible for the strength and richness of taste. Therefore, the ideal choice would be a mix of these two types, which harmoniously complement each other.

In order for coffee to be fully brewed in a coffee maker, you need to select the grinding beans required for your appliance model. There are several of them:

  • Large. This grind is suitable for geyser or piston type coffee pots. The grains are crushed into grains 2-3 mm in size, so it is very difficult to brew them in any other way.
  • Middle. This is a universal type of grinding that can be used for any coffee machine or Turks.
  • Thin. This is a fine grind that is appropriate for coffee machines or drip coffee makers.
  • Espresso. Suitable for making coffee in an espresso coffee maker.
  • Ultrathin. In fact, this is coffee dust, which is made for the preparation of a coffee drink in automatic cezves.

How to make coffee in a drip coffee maker

These are probably the most popular coffee makers in the kitchen. Their principle of operation is to filter hot water through a tightly compressed layer of ground coffee, which is located in the filter bag.

The preparation of a drink in such a coffee maker should be started by studying the instructions, since each model may have its own characteristics. But in general, their principle of operation boils down to the following actions:

  • Pour the coffee into the filter bag (about 2 teaspoons per cup).
  • Fill the fluid reservoir with water.
  • Turn on the device.
  • In a few minutes your coffee will be ready.

How to make coffee in a geyser coffee maker

In this coffee maker, coffee is brewed by circulating boiling water throughout the appliance, but thanks to the filter grate, the grounds do not come out.

How to handle this coffee maker:

  • Unscrew the device, pour water into the lower compartment.
  • Pour coffee into the filter grill, connect all parts of the coffee maker.
  • Now, turn on the machine, if it is electric, or put it on a gas burner.
  • After boiling, steam with water will pass through the filter and enter the upper tank of the coffee maker. When this happens, turn off the machine and pour coffee into cups.

How to make coffee in a capsule coffee maker

Capsule-type coffee makers deprive you of the need to calculate the strength of the drink, select the degree of grinding or the quality of the filter bags. You just need to buy compressed tablets with ground coffee and put them in the coffee maker.

How to do it:

  • Place the coffee capsule in the special compartment.
  • Fill the tank with cold water up to the mark.
  • Turn on the machine.
  • At this point, the capsule is pierced and hot steam is passed through it.

How to make coffee in a carob coffee maker

This type of coffee maker is great for lovers of different types of coffee and cappuccino. This name of the device is determined by its carob filter shape.

Brewing coffee occurs in this way:

  • Fill the boiler with water.
  • Remove the horn and pour coffee into it.
  • Turn on the machine and wait for the preparation of delicious coffee.

Since all coffee makers work according to a given algorithm of actions, it is simply impossible to influence the quality of coffee. The only thing that really depends on you is choosing a good coffee with an appropriate grind.

In order for the taste to always be pleasant and bring joy, you need to know how to brew coffee in a coffee maker and follow two simple rules:

  • do not boil the drink;
  • use only purified water.

For brewing coffee, you can use any coffee maker: drip, geyser, carob or capsule.

There are about a hundred coffee trees in the world. For the preparation of the drink, only two cultures are taken:

  • the Arabian tree, which gave the name to the type of coffee "arabica";
  • Congolese tree, known to everyone as the Robusta coffee variety.

Arabica beans contain a large amount of aromatic oils. Coffee of this variety has a refined taste, piquant sourness and exquisite aroma. Robusta beans are high in caffeine. Robusta drink is less fragrant, but strong, with bitterness and earthy aftertaste. In its pure form, this coffee is not consumed. The combination of these two types of coffee in different proportions allows you to get unique and delicious drinks.

Coffee enters the market in the following form:

  • in the hammer - it is cheaper, but it quickly loses its aroma, there are several types of grinding: from ultra-fine to coarse;
  • in grains - it is a mixture of several varieties and different crops, there are several degrees of roasting: from light (Scandinavian) to the darkest (Italian).

The taste of the drink depends on the degree of roasting. Heavily roasted beans impart a bitter taste, medium roasted beans contribute richness, and lightly roasted beans are responsible for aroma and subtle flavor.

The method of preparing the drink depends on the type of grinding:

  1. Large. Coffee beans, ground into grains with a diameter of 3 mm, will be brewed only in geyser or piston coffee makers.
  2. Middle. Ground coffee is considered a universal type and will brew perfectly in coffee grinders of any type.
  3. Thin. Fine-grained coffee will brew well in drip coffee makers.
  4. Espresso. Used in espresso machines.
  5. Ultra thin. Coffee, which looks like dust, is brewed in carob coffee makers, cezve or Turk.

Features of making coffee in a drip coffee maker

Drip coffee makers are a device consisting of a glass container mounted on a stand with an electric heater. The principle of its operation is based on the passage of hot water through a layer of ground coffee in the filter.

In the process of heating, water from the container rises through the tube and, evaporating, enters the filter in the form of drops. After passing through the coffee mass, it enters in a thin stream into the receiving tank, which is installed on the heating platform. After the end of the coffee preparation process, the electric heating is turned on, thanks to which the drink in the coffee pot will cool down slowly. Coffee in a drip coffee maker is prepared in minutes and has a delicate taste.

Drip coffee makers are equipped with a durable plastic filter. But there are models without it. Under such conditions, it becomes necessary to purchase disposable paper filters. This simplifies filter maintenance as the coffee grounds are thrown away with the filter material.

Coffee makers with a reusable filter must be cleaned after each coffee preparation. To do this, remove the filter and carefully clean it with a brush under running water with detergent. If this is not done, plaque will gradually settle on the walls of the filter, which will give the coffee a bad smell and a rancid taste.

How to make coffee in a geyser coffee maker?

A geyser coffee maker consists of two funnel-shaped vessels connected in the middle by a filter. Coffee is brewed in it according to the principle of a geyser: hot steam forms a liquid, which, passing under pressure through a filter with coffee, forms an aromatic and tasty drink. The filter has a metal removable grid, thanks to which the coffee grounds remain in the container.

Coffee in a geyser coffee maker is prepared as follows:

  • water is poured into the lower tank to the level of the safety valve;
  • coffee is placed in the filter, but not rammed;
  • the upper tank is screwed to the lower vessel;
  • the coffee maker is put on fire;
  • as the coffee maker heats up, steam with water passes through the filter with coffee and through the tube enters the upper vessel already with a drink;
  • when a characteristic hiss appears, the coffee maker should be removed from the heat and pour coffee into cups.

Coffee is prepared in a few minutes. Then the coffee maker should be disassembled, the coffee grounds removed from the filter and both tanks washed.

It is important to understand that all the positive properties of drinking coffee are quite short-lived.

Carob coffee makers: preparing espresso

Carob coffee makers are just like a regular coffee machine, but instead of a coffee filter, they use plastic or metal horns. The process of brewing the drink takes place by means of steam, which passes under pressure through ground coffee. The coffee preparation time is 30 seconds.

The strength of the resulting product will be determined by the type of grinding: when using ground coffee of an average degree, a softer drink is obtained, and if superfine coffee powder is brewed, a strong and rich drink will be obtained. Unlike other devices, the carob coffee maker can create thick and fluffy foam.

How to brew coffee in a carob coffee maker:

  • fill the tank with water;
  • pour and tamp the crushed coffee beans into the horn;
  • turn on the coffee maker, turn the lever and wait for the drink to appear.

In carob coffee makers, the process of compacting the coffee powder is fundamental. Strongly pressed coffee will add bitterness and strength to the drink, insufficiently compacted product will make the drink watery and tasteless.

Therefore, in order to do the pressing correctly, you will have to practice for some time. To facilitate this process, tamper will help - a small tool for tamping ground coffee beans.

How to make coffee in a capsule coffee maker

Capsule-type coffee makers are usually installed in offices. The process of brewing coffee is carried out by passing hot water through a capsule with pressed coffee of the desired variety.

The preparation of the drink is very simple: you need to fill the container with water, insert the capsule into a special compartment and turn on the coffee maker. In a minute, an invigorating and tonic drink is ready. When the device is finished, the used capsule should be discarded.

The advantage of a capsule coffee maker is easy maintenance, as there is no need to clean the filter.

Alternative way to make coffee

Unfortunately, there are times when your favorite coffee maker breaks down or the power goes out suddenly. In order not to be left without your favorite coffee, it is better to have an alternative to an electrical device. This is a cezve, otherwise called a Turk. In it, you can make coffee on fire or hot sand.

In appearance, a cezve is a conical vessel with a narrow neck, a long handle and a flat, wide bottom. This form allows you to quickly heat the contents of the Turks. Because of the conical walls, the coffee grounds quickly settle to the bottom, and the narrow neck of the cezve keeps the foam of the drink.

The process of brewing coffee in Turkish is simple:

  • pour crushed coffee beans (the finer the grind, the better);
  • add spices and sugar to them;
  • pour cold water into about 3/4 of the container;
  • put on fire and wait for the appearance of foam;
  • remove from the stove, wait for the foam to settle and put it back on the burner (repeat the process 3 times);
  • let the drink brew in a Turk and pour into cups.

Video: how to make coffee in a coffee maker

It's nice to wake up in the morning from the smell of strong, invigorating black coffee, freshly brewed by your loved one. An electric coffee maker will help you prepare a delicious, aromatic drink correctly. With its help, not only the cooking process is facilitated, but it also becomes possible to diversify its taste with many new, interesting recipes.

Coffee is grown and used in two varieties:

  • arabica;
  • robusta.

Coffee Arabica (arabica) is the most popular and most sought-after type of coffee in the world, appreciated for its exquisite aroma and indescribable taste.

Robusta - takes second place in the use and preparation of a wonderful drink. Differs in the high content of caffeine, gives a fortress.

In the trading network, coffee is sold in beans and ground. The latter is much cheaper, since it includes various types and varieties of this wonderful plant. To brew a truly unforgettable spicy elixir, it is better to take whole grains and grind them just before use. Grinding depends on the type of electric coffee maker, the method of preparation and the desired recipe.

There are grinding methods:

  • Small (fine grind). Used to prepare a classic recipe for coffee in Turkish or oriental in Turku (cezve).
  • Medium (medium grind) is more homogeneous. Suitable for brewing a quality drink in a carob-type coffee maker. It helps to prevent clogging of the filter holes.
  • Large (coarse grind). This type of grinding delays the passage of grains through the French press screens and filters. Use for a drip coffee machine or in a French press.
  • Fine espresso grind. Suitable for preparation of an invigorating drink in electric espresso coffee makers by passing a jet of hot steam through the ground beans.
  • Medium fine or coarse grinding (medium fine, coarse grind).
  • Super fine (powder) grinding (pulverized).

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