Home General issues Technical and technological map for a dish of grilled vegetables. Grilled dishes - technology and serving rules. Appearance, color

Technical and technological map for a dish of grilled vegetables. Grilled dishes - technology and serving rules. Appearance, color

Collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products along with the standards and specifications in force in the industry, they are the main regulatory and technical documents for catering enterprises. Applicable: Collections of recipes for dishes and culinary products, 1981, 1983, 1994, 1996, 1998; Collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products of the cuisines of the peoples of Russia, 1992

In dietary canteens and departments, the Collection of recipes for dishes and diet food for POP, 1988

The collections contain recipes, cooking technology, as well as the consumption rates of raw materials, the yield of semi-finished products and finished products, recommendations for product interchangeability. The recipes indicate: the names of the products included in the dish, the rate of investment of products by gross and net weight, the yield (weight) of individual finished products and the dish as a whole.

The appendices to the Collection contain tables for calculating the consumption of raw materials, the yield of semi-finished products and ready-made dishes, the amount of losses during the heat treatment of dishes and culinary products, the norms for the interchangeability of products in the preparation of dishes.

In order to best meet consumer demand, catering enterprises can develop new recipes for dishes and culinary products. Recipes for signature dishes are developed taking into account the approved standards of waste and losses during cold and heat processing various products. They must have a novelty of cooking technology, a successful combination of flavors of products. For all dishes with a "new recipe and specialties, it is developed and approved by the head of the enterprise technological documentation: STP TU, technical-technological and technological maps.

Technological maps - a regulatory document for cooks and confectioners. These cards are drawn up for each dish, culinary or pastry based on recipe book. The technological maps indicate: the name of the dishes, the number and option, the attachment of raw materials of the net mass per serving. A brief description of the technological process of cooking and its design is given.

Technical and technological maps (TTK) are developed for new specialties - those that are developed and sold only in this enterprise. The term of the TTC is determined by the enterprise itself. They indicate the exact name of the dish, which cannot be changed without approval: they provide a specific list of enterprises (branches) that have been given the right to produce.

The normative and technological documentation used by PEP also includes: industry standards (OST), enterprise standards (STP), specifications(THAT), technological instructions(TI) for products manufactured by industrial and procurement enterprises for the supply of other enterprises.

Deputy CEO

L.I. Chernysheva

"__" _______________2004


at Salmon al Garbon

1 area of ​​use.

Real techno- routing applies to the dish "Salmon al Garbón", produced by the restaurant.

2. List of raw materials.

To prepare the dish "Salmon al Garbon" use the following raw materials:



Spices for grill…………………………………TU9199-001-53548590-02

Grilled vegetables

Sauce Aurora

Mayonnaise…………………………………………………………GOST 30004.1-93

Sour cream……………………………………………………….GOSTR 52092-2003

Cognac…………………………………………………….…GOST 51618 2000

Green onions……………………………………………………….GOSTR 51828

Cilantro……………………………………………………………….GOSTR 31542

Ketchup……………………………………………..TU 9162-001-57914240-2002

The raw materials used for the preparation of "Salmon al Garbon" must comply with the requirements of GOST standards and quality assurance certificates.

Salmon al Garbón recipe

Exit ready meal - 240/290/50/159

3. Technological process.

The preparation of raw materials for the production of the dish "Salmon al Garbon" is carried out in accordance with the collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products for public catering establishments (1996).

The salmon is defrosted, processed into a portioned piece (steak), spices are added, and marinated. Roast on coals, pouring marinade.

4. Registration, submission, sale and storage.

Dish "Salmon al Garbón" is served on a clay dish, garnished with lemon, grilled vegetables, fresh vegetables, with Aurora sauce.

The shelf life of "Salmon al Garbon" when stored on a food warmer or a hot stove is no more than 3 hours from the end of the technological process.

5. Indicators of quality and safety.

Appearance- evenly fried portioned piece of fish

Consistency - soft, juicy

Color - rose gold

Taste - characteristic of fish

Smell - characteristic of fried fish - grilled

Physical and chemical indicators:

Mass fraction of solids, % (not less than)………………………. 25.2

Mass fraction of fat, % (not less than)………………………………….. 4.3

Mass fraction of salt, % (no more)………………………………….. 0.5

in the mass of the product, g 0.01

in the mass of the product, g 1.0

"I approve"

Deputy CEO

L.I. Chernysheva

"__" _______________2004


to "Igado de res"

Application area.

This technical and technological map applies to the dish "Igado de res" produced by the restaurant.

List of raw materials.

To prepare the dish "Igado de res" use the following raw materials:

Beef liver…………………………………………………GOST 53928

Spices for grill…………………………………TU9199-001-53548590-02


Orange juice………………………………..TU9163-042-51114834-01

Vegetable oil…………………………………………..GOST 1129-93

Dry white wine………………………………………………GOST 7208-93

Spices for grill…………………………………TU9199-001-53548590-02

Grilled vegetables

Bulgarian pepper………………………………………….GOST 8756.21-89

Onion…………………………………………………….GOST 27166

Zucchini…………………………………………………………GOST 26323-84

Tomato…………………………………………………….GOST 8756.10-70

Corn………………………………………………………GOST 26323-84


Greens…………………………………………………………GOST 29187-91

Cucumbers………………………………………………………GOST 8756.10-70

Tomatoes……………………………………………………GOST 8756.10-70

Sweet pepper…………………………………………………GOST 8756.21-89

Lemon………………………………………………………..GOST 25555.0-82

Sauce green

Mayonnaise…………………………………………………… GOST 30004.1-93

Sour cream…………………………………………………..GOSTR 52092-2003

Green onion…………………………………………………. GOST 51828

Cilantro……………………………………………………………GOST 31542

White pepper…………………………………………………..TU-284253845

Vegetable oil…………………………………………..GOST 1129-93

The raw materials used for the preparation of "Igado de res" must comply with the requirements of regulatory documentation, have certificates and quality certificates.


Recipe for "Igado de res"

Output of the finished dish -130/290/50/140

Technological process.

The preparation of raw materials for the production of the "Igado de res" dish is carried out in accordance with the collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products for public catering establishments (1996).

Raw liver is processed into a portioned piece (steak), marinated. Roast on coals, pouring marinade.

Registration, submission, sale and storage.

The Igado de res dish is served on a clay dish with grilled vegetables, fresh vegetables, and green sauce.

The serving temperature must be at least 65°C.

The implementation of the dish "Igado de res" is carried out immediately after preparation.

Quality and safety indicators.

Organoleptic characteristics of the dish:

Appearance - evenly fried portioned piece of liver

Consistency - soft, juicy

Color - dark brown

Taste - peculiar to the liver

Smell - characteristic of fried liver

Physical and chemical indicators:

Mass fraction of solids, % (not less than)………………………. 27.2

Mass fraction of fat, % (not less than)……………………………………5.3

Mass fraction of salt, % (no more)……………………………………. 0.5

Microbiological indicators:

The number of mesophilic aerobic and facultative anaerobic microorganisms, CFU in 1 g of the product, no more than 1x10

Bacteria of the group of Escherichia coli, not allowed

in the mass of the product, g 0.01

Caugulase-positive staphylococci, not allowed

in the mass of the product, g 1.0

Proteus is not allowed in the mass of the product, g 0.1

Pathogenic microorganisms, including salmonella,

not allowed in the mass of the product, g 25


Zucchini, fried in the main way

Recipe No. 184

Sour cream or

Sauce (recipe #384, #388, #389)




Exit: with sour cream


with sauce


Cooking technology.

Eggplants are washed, peeled, cut into circles, salted and left for 10-15 minutes to remove bitterness, then washed, dried, breaded in flour and fried on both sides.

Zucchini with dense pulp, small seeds and pumpkin, peeled, seeds are removed from pumpkin and large zucchini and cut into circles or slices, sprinkled with salt and breaded in flour and fried on both sides. Eggplant and pumpkin are brought to readiness in the oven.

When serving, fried vegetables are poured with sour cream, or milk, sour cream, sour cream with tomato sauces, sprinkled with chopped parsley and dill.


sour cream sauce

Collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products: textbook for the beginning of vocational education / N.E. Kharchenko. - 3rd ed., Ster.-M .: Publishing Center "Academy", 2008.

Recipe No. 388

Cooking technology

To prepare sour cream sauce with the addition of white sauce to hot white sauce put boiled sour cream, salt, cook for 3-5 minutes, filter and bring to a boil.

The sauce is served with meat, vegetable and fish dishes, used for cooking hot appetizers, for baking mushrooms, fish, meat and vegetables.


Basic white sauce

Collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products: textbook for the beginning of vocational education / N.E. Kharchenko. - 3rd ed., Ster.-M .: Publishing Center "Academy", 2008.

Recipe No. 372

Parsley (root) or

Celery (root)







Cooking technology

Sifted flour is poured into the melted fat and sautéed with continuous stirring, avoiding burning. Properly browned flour should have a slightly creamy color. In browned flour, cooled to 60 - 70, pour 4 hot broth and knead until smooth, then gradually add the remaining broth. After that, chopped parsley, celery, onion are put in the sauce and boiled for 25-30 minutes. At the end of cooking add salt, black peppercorns, bay leaf. Then the sauce is filtered, while rubbing the boiled vegetables, and brought to a boil. The finished sauce is used to prepare derivative sauces. If the sauce is used as an independent sauce, it is seasoned with citric acid (1g) and fat (30g).



Collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products: textbook for the beginning of vocational education / N.E. Kharchenko. - 3rd ed., Ster.-M .: Publishing Center "Academy", 2008.

Recipe No. 371

Parsley (root) or

Celery (root)







Cooking technology

The bones, washed and chopped into pieces 5-7 cm long (the bone marrow is removed from the vertebral bones), are poured cold water, bring to a boil, remove the foam and cook at a low boil for 3-4 hours, periodically removing fat. 40-60 minutes before the end of cooking, put vegetables in the broth. Ready broth filter.

Grilled dishes - technology and rules
filing .

Grilled dishes are considered more
healthier than meals prepared on
frying pan. Meat that is cooked on the grill, thanks to
exposure to infrared radiation warms up in two
times faster. Thanks to this, in products that
cooked on the grill remains much more vitamins.
In addition, with such heat treatment, the meat loses 15
% less juice and fat. grilled dishes,
have low cholesterol levels, these meals can
there are even people who suffer from cardiovascular
diseases. In addition, such food has a relatively
low calorie content, and due to this
contributes to the acquisition and maintenance of a slim

Benefits of grilled food :
Seductive smell; unique and incredible
taste; ease of preparation.

Grilled products are filled with aroma
fine seasonings, if the food is cooked at the time
lightly covered with a lid. infrared radiation
penetrate the meat gradually making it easy to digest
absorption by the body. Unlike radiant heat,
cooking on the grill there is direct contact
products, as a result of which fats do not turn into a carcinogen, and vapor into a liquid. Processing of products
grilling is one of the natural, safe and
easy cooking methods.

When it comes to outdoor cooking
fire, then it is necessary to observe certain

Firstly- It is necessary to strictly monitor that the fat,
which results from products or oil, which
products are watered in any case did not fall on the coals
or on the grill surface, because fats can
be generated into unpleasant smelling substances. Same
the most can happen if the flame is small, in
As a result, this negatively affects the quality of the dish.

If the meat is fatty, such pieces of meat are best placed in
special dishes with a drain for fat or in
foil prepared for this purpose. collected at the same time
fat can be added subsequently to sauces, but in very
limited quantity, to preserve the benefits
low calorie food.

Secondly- A very important point is the presence of intensive
heat flow. Cooking temperature
should be around 170 degrees. Main
rule, the thinner the product being cooked, the closer it
placed near a heat source.

Thirdly- The surface of the product to be cooked must not
become brown. Everything needs to be done
possible to avoid burning.

Grilled staples
are: meat, fish or poultry. The same way
you can cook a variety of smoked meats, vegetables and
fruit. Preparing this product group for
grilling requires much less
time. For grilling fruits and vegetables,
have their own recommendations: products need to be slightly
douse with oil to protect them from burning, burning.
Suitable for grilling them in foil or hot

Consider some of the intricacies of grilling.

An important role in the heat treatment on the grill is played by:
Oil - slight spread over the outer
surface of the product - the oil protects the dish from

Beer and sauces - contribute to the formation of crispy

Rules for serving grilled dishes by waiters .

When you leave fried dishes cooked on the grill
(barbecue, grilled meat of wild animals, various steaks
from fish and so on). The waiter must first of all
pre-place on a side table
paper napkins, serving utensils and heated

Cooked to order dish waiter initially
shows the visitor, then puts him on the attached
table. Then the waiter shifts the skewer with the finished
dish on the visitor's plate and puts on it
serving devices.

The waiter holds his left hand with a paper
napkin end of skewer, carefully and slowly
frees the skewer from pieces of meat, meat
sticks with a fork and spoon serving utensil,
which are in the right hand.

With the help of the same serving utensils, the waiter
carefully transfers the removed pieces of meat to a plate,
adds a side dish, sauce and serves to the table for visitors.

Watch the video just don't miss the class

If the grilled dish to be served consists of
from several servings that are impaled on one skewer.
The actions of the waiter will be as follows: First of all
put the finished dish on a large plate, then
divide into portions using serving utensils and
We lay out on table small warmed-up plates.

In this article, we reviewed some technological
Grilling moments.Submission rules
dishes by the waiter. If you liked the article and
was useful to you, leave your comments.

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See you soon.


"Salmon steak with grilled vegetables"


This technical and technological map was developed in accordance with GOST R 53105-2008 and applies to the dish "Salmon Steak with Grilled Vegetables" produced by the "Steak House" restaurant


food raw materials, food products and semi-finished products used for preparation must comply with the requirements of current regulatory and technical documents, have accompanying documents confirming their safety and quality (certificate of conformity, sanitary and epidemiological conclusion, safety and quality certificate, etc.).



Process salmon from scales, head, tail and fins, cut into steaks (leave the tail for salting), salt, sprinkle with lemon juice, olive oil, sprinkle with thyme leaves, sprinkle with spices. Fry until cooked (core temperature - 68C). Cut vegetables into slices, salt, sprinkle with sugar, balsamic dressing, grill. When serving, put a steak next to the vegetables, decorate with the ingredients according to the recipe.

According to the Company's corporate standards, a dish (product) is sold immediately after preparation. The dish (product) is served in accordance with the standards of the Company, and (or) the photo attached to the technological document (if any). Permissible shelf life of the dish (product) 36 hours, at a temperature of = +4°С (±2°С) _

Appearance: The fish is evenly fried, the color is golden even.

Color - Crust - golden, the color of the fish on the cut - light, characteristic of the type of fish.

Taste and smell - Baked, fried fish, with the aroma of spices. Moderately spicy, salty. Without foreign impurities and discrediting signs.

Consistency - The crust is soft, the pulp is juicy.

6.2 Microbiological indicators to the requirements of the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union "On safety food products" TR TS 021/2011, or hygiene standards established in accordance with regulatory legal acts or regulatory documents in force on the territory of the state that adopted the standard.


Salmon steak with grilled vegetables for exit – 150g

Responsible for the design of the TTK and production manager Sinilo A.Yu.


"Pork steak with potato wedges"


This technical and technological map was developed in accordance with GOST R 53105-2008 and applies to the dish "Pork steak with potato wedges" produced by the restaurant "MERGEN"




The preparation of raw materials is carried out in accordance with the recommendations of the Collection of technological standards for catering establishments and technological recommendations.

The neck is cut into pieces of 120 grit, sprinkled with finely chopped thyme, salted, peppered, breaded in flour and fried in the main way until cooked.


Serving: in a portioned plate at a temperature of 75 degrees. Ketchup is poured onto a gravy boat, a side dish nearby. Decorate with herbs. Shelf life and sales according to SanPin 2.3.2.


6.1 Organoleptic quality indicators: Appearance: Has a golden crust. The dish has no signs of weathering, beautifully decorated. The edges of the plate are clean.

Color: Has a brown, golden crust. No signs of underburning are allowed. Taste and smell: Moderately salty, moderately peppery, characteristic of pork, thyme and other components included in the composition. Potatoes without dark dots. Spoiling unusual signs are not allowed.

6.2 Microbiological indicators meet the requirements of SanPin, SanPin


Pork steak with potato wedges - 100g


"Salmon steak marinated in soy sauce and ginger"


This technical and technological map was developed in accordance with GOST R 53105-2008 and applies to the dish "Salmon steak marinated in soy sauce and ginger", produced by the restaurant "Bochka"


Food raw materials, food products and semi-finished products used for cooking must comply with the requirements of current regulatory and technical documents, have accompanying documents confirming their safety and quality (certificate of conformity, sanitary and epidemiological conclusion, safety and quality certificate, etc.).



The preparation of raw materials is carried out in accordance with the recommendations of the Collection of technological standards for catering establishments and technological recommendations.

Salmon fillet is cut into steaks of 215 grams. Marinate salmon steak: Finely grate ginger root, add soy sauce, paprika, lemon juice. Grill the steak on all sides, bring to readiness in a combi steamer if necessary. Put orange chips on a plate, salmon steak on top, sauce next.


Serving at a temperature of 65 degrees. Put fried salmon on a serving plate, pour the sauce into a gravy boat, Decorate with orange chips.


6.1 Organoleptic quality indicators:

Appearance: the steak has traces of the grill grate, not broken. The salad mix has a lush appearance. The dish is beautifully and neatly decorated, without signs of weathering. The edges of the plate are clean.

Color - The steak has a fried crust with traces of a grill grill, characteristic of salmon.

Taste and smell - moderately salty, rather spicy. Peculiar to salmon, products included in the marinade: ginger, soy sauce, lemon juice. Unusual, spoiling taste and smell are not allowed.

Consistency-fish elastic

6.2 Microbiological indicators comply with the requirements of SanPin and the requirements of GOST RF.


"Salmon steak marinated in soy sauce and ginger" for the exit - 100 g

Responsible for the design of the TTC Sinilo A.Yu.

Head by Sinilo A.Yu.

Technical and technological map No.Grilled vegetables, portion 200 gr(SR-recipe No. 366)

Publishing house Kyiv "A.S.K" 2005


This technical and technological map applies to Grilled vegetables, portion 200 gr, generated in the name of the object, city.


Food raw materials, food products and semi-finished products used for cooking grilled vegetables food warmer, must comply with the requirements of current regulatory and technical documents, have accompanying documents confirming their safety and quality (certificate of conformity, declaration of conformity, quality certificate, etc.).

eggplant fruit- fresh, whole, clean, healthy, not withered, technically mature, without mechanical damage, with calyx and stalk, without foreign smell and taste, with a shape and color typical for this variety, elastic (dense), colors characteristic of the variety type (for fruits of a purple type, the presence of olive tones in color is not allowed).

The color of the fruit, depending on the cultivar, can be dark purple, purple with white stripes, white with purple stripes, and also light purple with white stripes.

The pulp is juicy, elastic, without voids, seed nest with underdeveloped white non-leather seeds.

Definition of quality courgettes (zucchini)- a batch of goods is homogeneous, of one brand, one botanical variety, class or commercial variety, packed in containers of the same type and size, drawn up by one document of the established form, certifying its quality. Zucchini must be whole with a short cut part of the stem no more than 3 cm long, healthy, clean, sufficiently developed, strong (dense) with underdeveloped soft seeds, without deep grooves, without cracks, uniform shape typical for this variety type, without voids.

pepper fruit are cone-shaped, cylindrical, prism-shaped, pyramid-shaped, rounded - flattened, and in color at different stages of maturity - light and dark green, yellow, cream, red, dark red. The fruits should be fresh, clean, healthy, with a stalk, the taste is sweetish, with a slight sharpness.

Varietal and commodity characteristics tomatoes are precocity, appearance (shape and color), size, surface condition, disease resistance. In shape, the fruits can be flat, round, elongated (plum-shaped, pepper-shaped), and in color - red, orange-red, pink and yellow. According to the mass of fruits, it distinguishes varieties of small-fruited (up to 60g), medium-fruited (60-199g) and large-fruited (over 100g).

Soy sauce- one of the main components of Asian cuisine, It is a very dark liquid with a characteristic pungent odor. Contains many mineral elements, vitamins and amino acids. Due to the presence of glutamic acid derivatives, it has the property of brightly emphasizing the taste of dishes.

Sunflower oil- refined. Refined oils are clear, devoid of sludge, less colored and do not have their characteristic taste and smell when deodorized. Extraneous tastes, smells, bitterness are not allowed.

Preparation of raw materials is carried out in accordance with the recommendations of the Collection of technological standards for public catering establishments and technological recommendations for imported raw materials.

NameConsumption of raw materials per serving, g
Gross weight, g% cold workedNet weight, g% during heat treatmentYield, g
Tomato47,0 5,45 44,0 10,00 40,0
Peeled zucchini, p/f48,0 0,00 48,0 16,67 40,0
Peeled eggplant, p/f45,0 0,00 45,0 17,78 37,0
Peeled bell pepper p.f58,0 0,00 58,0 17,24 48,0
White salad onion, p / f39,0 0,00 39,0 14,36 33,4
Salt1,0 0,00 1,0 100,00 0,0
Ground black pepper1,0 0,00 1,0 100,00 0,0
Provencal herbs1,0 0,00 1,0 100,00 0,0
Vegetable oil8,0 0,00 8,0 90,00 0,8
soy sauce8,0 0,00 8,0 90,00 0,8
Exit 200
  1. Cooking technology Grilled vegetables, portion 200 gr

Peeled vegetables are cut: zucchini, eggplant - into slices 4-5 mm thick, white salad onion - 5-6 mm, bell pepper - into segments, small tomatoes - in half.

Chopped vegetables pickled with salt, black ground pepper, provencal herbs, soy sauce. Add vegetable oil, mixed. Pickled vegetables are fried on the grill until tender.

When serving - spread the fried vegetables in the food container of the food warmer.

  1. Characteristics of the finished dish Grilled vegetables, portion 200 gr

Appearance - multi-colored vegetables fried on the grill, laid out in a gastronomy container of a food warmer. On the surface - traces of the lattice. Vegetables keep their shape.

Taste- typical for baked on open fire vegetables. No foreign aftertaste.

Smell- typical for vegetables baked on an open fire. No foreign smell.

  1. Requirements for execution, sale and storage Grilled vegetables, portion 200 gr

Grilled vegetables are made to order. Storage conditions, shelf life of especially perishable and perishable products at a temperature of (4 ± 2) ° C *, are determined in accordance with SanPiN

Ready to store:

- dishes from boiled, stewed, fried vegetables– no more than 24 hours;

- boiled vegetables, mashed potatoes - no more than 12 hours;

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