Home General issues Make coconut oil at home. How to make natural coconut oil? Video: How to make butter yourself at home

Make coconut oil at home. How to make natural coconut oil? Video: How to make butter yourself at home

The present Coconut oil I tried it in Thailand, and since then I consider it the best remedy for my dry skin. We traveled with backpacks, so we brought very little home with us. The oil quickly ran out, I was upset, but I didn’t buy it in local stores. Quite expensive and no guarantee that it is 100% natural. A common practice is to mix in cheaper oils, such as rapeseed.

I tried to make it at home and it worked! In fact, everything turned out to be very simple.

How to choose a coconut?

In supermarkets, it is easy to stumble upon an old and rotten coconut, even if it looked good on the outside. Pay attention to two points:

    • Shake the nut - water should make noise inside. If there are no sounds, just choose another one.
    • Another important sign of a tasty and fresh coconut is that the “eyes” should not be too dark, especially black. The ideal color is brown, slightly darker than the color of the skin itself. For example, like mine:

How to cut a coconut?

I decided to use the experience of YouTubers, and watched a couple of similar videos in the style of “Opening a coconut in 20 SECONDS”. I believed that it was very simple and went for a knife.

The first step is really simple - drain the coconut water. To do this, you need to choose one of the three eyes that is easily pierced with a knife or screwdriver. Usually it is closest to the center. Try all 3 and find the right one easily.

Drain the water and strain through a cotton cloth.

At this stage, be sure to try it. It should be sweet, pleasant and without pungent odor. If this is not the case, it is better to take another nut.

In absolutely all videos, the coconut immediately gave a big crack. I don't know why, but it didn't happen to me! More precisely, it happened, but not so quickly.

I knocked on it for about 10 minutes, with breaks out of pity for the neighbors and changing weapons.

The coconut succumbed to the hammer, and I saw a crack.

How to prepare butter?

The fruit must be cut, and the soft skin peeled with a knife or vegetable peeler.

We look inside. There shouldn't be any weird slime or dark spots. Only white flesh. By the way, it does not hurt to rinse it under running water.

Cut into pieces and send to a blender.

I hope you have a powerful one?

Add slightly warmed coconut water. We grind.

Add plain warm water so that it covers the pulp.

We leave for 10-15 minutes.

Grind well again with a blender. The consistency will not be as smooth as mashed potatoes. the pulp is very fibrous. But you should get coconut "porridge" with small chips. It must be well strained and properly squeezed.

Pour the resulting liquid into a container and send it to the refrigerator for 3-4 hours. It is better to take something transparent so that you can immediately see what happens.

When the mass is infused, the purest coconut oil will harden and will be at the top.

Make 2 holes with a wooden stick and drain off the excess.

Ready! You can store this coconut oil for 2 weeks in the refrigerator.

How to use?

Because this is the purest cold-pressed coconut oil, it is suitable not only for cosmetic purposes, but also for food - for frying (but never fry to blackness and "embers" anyway!) Or simply adding to any recipe as a replacement for another oil.

What to do with pulp?

I had a lot of it left, and I decided to make coconut flour out of it. To do this, the pressed chips must be dried in a slightly warm, ajar oven, and then ground in a coffee grinder. Flour can be used for any muffins, pancakes, etc.

If you do not grind, you will get just dry coconut flakes.

Another option is to make bounty sweets from raw cake according to any recipe, but then add a little coconut oil there so that it is not dry.

So, from 1 pc. coconut for 55 rubles. I managed:

      • 120g coconut oil
      • 60g coconut flour(but it is very light, and in terms of volume it is quite a lot)

Have a good day,

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Coconut oil is used for skin and hair care, hot dishes and desserts. Rich in saturated fats and nutrients, the product improves appearance, improves immunity and prevents premature aging of the body. How to make coconut oil yourself to be sure of the freshness and naturalness of the product?

Do you need a natural beauty product? Learn how to make coconut oil!


coconut pulp 1 kg

  • Servings: 1
  • Cooking time: 3 minutes

How to make coconut oil from shavings?

If you already have ready-made pulp or shavings of coconut on hand, it will be easier to cope with the preparation of butter.

Prepare a large saucepan, a container for storing oil and follow the instructions below:

  1. Pour in coconut meat hot water- up to 80 degrees.
  2. After the mixture has cooled, crush the chips to actively release milk.
  3. After 2-3 hours, strain the composition into a jar.
  4. Cover the resulting liquid with a lid and put in the refrigerator for 13-15 hours.

During this time, the milk will separate from the butter, which will float and form a crust. It can be pulled out with a spoon and transferred to a container designed to store the product.

How to make coconut oil at home: features and possible difficulties

Often, beginners are faced with the following problem: instead of frozen butter, a mass resembling cream floats to the surface of the milk. The reasons for this phenomenon may be the following situations:

  • during the preparation of milk, the chips were poorly squeezed out;
  • too little time has passed and the oil has not had time to thicken.

Leave the product in the refrigerator for another 5-6 hours. If it still hasn't hardened, use face mask cream and try preparing the coconut flesh better next time.

How to make coconut oil from coconut if it is whole?

What if you need to make a whole coconut product? The procedure is carried out in the same way as in the previous recipe, with one difference - the pulp will have to be prepared independently.

  1. Make holes in the coconut - on black spots and pour the juice.
  2. Open the fruit - cut or smash with a hammer.
  3. Scoop out the pulp with a knife or a hard spoon.
  4. Grind coconut on a fine grater or with a combine, submersible blender.

Coconut oil can be applied to the skin and hair, used internally for the prevention of cardiovascular and oncological diseases. It is also recommended to fry food on the product - it does not form harmful toxins when heated, which is typical for many other oils.

Coconut oil is widely known in southern countries, it is widely used in cooking, cosmetology, medicine and even in everyday life. Coconut oil is rich in fatty acids. It keeps its value for a long time even without a refrigerator, it is pleasant to the touch, has a unique aroma and good taste. To appreciate the full range of benefits of coconut oil, you need to understand when and for what it is used.

Benefits of coconut oil

  1. Coconut oil is an excellent cosmetic product that is used in skin and hair care. It perfectly moisturizes dry and damaged hair ends, softens dry and rough skin. The oil is applied to the face to tighten wrinkles, to the soles of the feet to get rid of cracks, to the hands to moisturize the skin.
  2. Coconut oil is great for human health. When ingested, it stabilizes the work of the heart, normalizes digestion, strengthens the immune system.
  3. The oil can also be used externally - it heals wounds, treats minor eczema and inflammation, and fights acne.
  4. Coconut oil contains a lot of vitamins, but at the same time it is absolutely non-caloric. The oil is well absorbed, improves the functioning of the endocrine system and the thyroid gland, which helps to speed up the metabolism.
  5. If you drink one teaspoon of coconut oil every day on an empty stomach in the morning, the work of the liver, kidneys, and gallbladder will normalize. It is very useful to use coconut oil for pregnant women and nursing mothers.
  6. Coconut oil is actively used in massage. The aroma of coconut is not only pleasant, but also incredibly healthy. The smell of coconut oil is able to calm the nerves, relax. Apply some oil to your temples - this will make your sleep sound and long.
  7. Coconut oil is used against stretch marks and cellulite, and also as one of the most effective means from sunburn. Coconut oil is the best balm for chapped and dry lips.
  8. Coconut oil is also used in the household - it is an ideal tool for polishing furniture.

This is not a complete list of what quality and natural coconut oil is capable of.

Coconut oil can be purchased at a beauty store or pharmacy. However, you can never be 100% sure that the prepared oil is completely natural. Why guess and doubt when you can make your own oil? Plus, it will cost you a lot less!

  1. To make coconut oil, you need a coconut. With enough experience, you can make butter from two coconuts. However, if you are making butter for the first time, start with one fruit. Coconut should be ripe, large, without much damage.
  2. First you need to drain the milk from the coconut. To do this, make a hole in the coconut, the easiest way is to use a screwdriver for this. When the hole is ready, pour the precious milk out of the coconut. It is very tasty and sweet - you can immediately enjoy it.
  3. After that, the coconut must be cut with an ax or sawn with a hacksaw. Using a knife or spoon, carefully scrape off the flesh of the coconut and collect it in a clean bowl. Try to get rid of the coconut shell and outer shell.
  4. Pieces of coconut pulp need to be crushed. This can be done with a grater or blender. To make the coconut well chopped, add a little water to the container - so the pulp will well move away from the walls of the dish.
  5. After that, pour the resulting mass into dishes with high sides and fill with hot water. The water should be hot, but not boiling - too high a temperature will kill beneficial features coconut. The liquid should cover the pulp by 3-4 centimeters.
  6. To make more oil come out of the coconut, grind the resulting mass from time to time with a wooden mallet. When the mass has cooled, it must be poured into a jar and put in the refrigerator.
  7. Next up is physics. Coconut flakes, having weight, will slowly sink and settle to the bottom. Oil, having a lower density, will rise to the surface and solidify at a low temperature. You need to withstand the oil for at least 8 hours, preferably 12. The best option is to leave the jar of coconut pulp overnight, in the morning everything will be ready.
  8. Once the butter has set, simply peel off the top layer and place it in a separate bowl. The oil is ready, but to make it convenient to use, it can be melted again. To do this, heat a container with pieces of oil in a water bath. At the same time, be careful not to bring the oil to a boil - it will become useless.
  9. When the butter has melted, strain it through a strainer or cheesecloth to get rid of the smallest coconut flakes and fibers. Pour the liquid oil into a jar of cream and refrigerate to harden.
  10. Oil can be stored at room temperature However, it is best to keep it in the refrigerator. Coconut oil melts with the warmth of your hands – it doesn’t need to be specially heated. It is very oily, soft and pleasant to the touch. You can use freshly prepared oil for about a month, then it will begin to lose its beneficial properties. About 60 grams of a natural product is obtained from one medium-sized coconut.

After cooking the butter, you will be left with coconut flakes and some water. You don't need to throw them away - they can bring a lot of benefits. Use coconut flakes it is not recommended for food, because it is not cleaned - there are many coconut fibers left that are inedible. It is better to use cake as a body scrub. Your skin after such peeling will look renewed. But it is better to rinse your hair with healthy water after washing your hair. This procedure will give them smoothness, shine and incredible softness.

Most often, coconut oil is used in cosmetology. To make a coconut hair mask, you need to take some oil and warm it in your hands. After that, dip the pads of your fingers in healing oil and go through the massage movements on the head and hair roots. Then dip a large-toothed comb into the oil and comb through your hair. Thoroughly dip the tips in oil - often they need nutrition the most. After that, collect the hair in a bun, cover with a bag and wrap with a towel. After an hour, the mask can be washed off.

Apply coconut oil to cleansed, and preferably steamed skin. The oil is not suitable for oily skin types with enlarged pores. But coconut moisturizes dry skin perfectly. Just apply a little oil on your face like a cream, and after an hour, remove the remaining oil with a dry cloth. You can only wash yourself in the morning. If you want to soften the heels with oil, grease your feet with it and wrap it with polyethylene or tracing paper. Put on socks and leave overnight. In the morning, your feet will be like a baby's - soft and smooth.

Products fried in coconut oil are absolutely harmless - the oil does not release toxins during frying. Coconut oil can even be eaten in sandwiches - it tastes like butter. One tablespoon of coconut oil per day can improve the functioning of the whole body.

Coconut oil is a unique product that healing power comparable only to dates or rose hips. Do not buy a finished product of dubious origin. Making your own coconut oil is so much fun!

Video: homemade coconut oil

Greetings! Today we will tell you how to make coconut oil at home.

Coconut oil is known for its flavor and medicinal properties. For there are many useful substances and minerals. And this product can be used both in cooking and in cosmetic purposes. How to get coconut oil at home, we will tell below.

What you need to make butter:

  • Coconut - 6 pieces.
  • Cloth made of dense fabric.
  • Hammer.
  • Meat grinder / blender / combine.
  • Saucepan / large bowl.


  1. My coconuts, punch 2 holes and pour milk out of them, since we only need pulp to make coconut oil.
  2. We take a coconut, wrap it in a cloth. Then we break the coconut with the sharp side of the hammer. We unfold the fabric, separate the pulp from the shell.
  3. Coconuts cut into small pieces are placed in a blender. And we start grinding them. The smaller the pulp, the better. Transfer the coconut flakes to a bowl.
  4. Coconut pulp is prepared, now fill it with hot water. It should not be brought to a boil, because boiling water kills some of the beneficial properties of the oil. It is better to turn off the kettle a few seconds before large air bubbles appear.
  5. After all the pulp is filled with hot water, expose it to the cold, for example, to the balcony. Or let it cool first and then refrigerate.
  6. As a result, you should get a whitish crust on the surface of the water and chips. This is our oil. Now it must be removed and separated from water and pulp.
  7. To do this, take a spoon (a special chef's spoon with holes is ideal) and remove the oil from the surface, trying to scoop up water and shavings as little as possible.
  8. The oil crust, which we removed from the surface, must be melted for filtering. This can be done in a water bath or microwave oven. Then strain the liquid through a small strainer.
  9. After filtering, it is advisable to cool the jar of oil and put it in the refrigerator.

From 6 coconuts according to this recipe, about 200 grams of coconut oil came out. Keep in mind that coconuts are noticeably different from each other. One of them is more meaty and fatty, while the other is drier.

Naturally, the former produces more oil. Therefore, when choosing coconuts in the store, give preference to heavier nuts, in which, when shaking, the sound of splashing milk is loud.

Keep in mind that you will most likely make butter with a little water. It's not scary. It won't ruin the oil itself.

By the way, in this case, the production of coconut oil can be considered waste-free. Coconut flakes should be separated from water and used in cooking or in cosmetology. For example, you can make a body scrub out of it.

And with the water left after cooking, you can take a bath. Please note that this oil is not stored for a long time. Therefore, it is advisable to use it within 1 - 2 weeks and store it in the refrigerator.

Coconut oil is a useful food product that is used in various branches of human activity. It gained wide popularity in cosmetology and in traditional medicine. For the first time about coconut oil became known in the XV century. It was used for skin and hair care. In the 16th century, the oil was taken out of India and began to spread in China, as well as around the world. This article will show you how to make coconut oil at home.

useful product

There are a number of reasons to learn how to do it yourself. Of course, in stores today you can buy a finished product, but it is not always clean and of high quality. But having prepared it at home, you can be sure of the quality. But this is not the only reason.

  • Coconut oil is highly nutritious. With it, you can transform your appearance, make your skin radiant, and your hair strong. This makes it possible to take care of yourself without extra financial costs.
  • Coconut-scented cosmetics are not only a way to take care of your appearance, but also aromatherapy. Imagine a massage with thick, warm oil that exudes a sweet scent.
  • Substantial savings. Indeed, by buying a few coconuts, you can stock up on oil for a long time. Compared to the cost of fruits, the price of a small jar of finished oil will seem very high to you.

To get down to business, you need to know how to make coconut oil at home. It is not as easy as it seems at first glance, but it is quite possible. Try it once and decide for yourself if this option is right for you. There is another reason that may seem the most significant. Coconut oil is the lightest of all analogues. It is used to prepare dishes, add to coffee and pastries. Therefore, homemade cosmetics with coconut are quite edible.

From words to deeds

Cooking coconut oil is a rather time-consuming process. For this, only coconut copra is used. The process of pressing it is called cold pressing. There are also hot way receiving the product. For this, dried coconut pulp is used. This oil is highly valued in cosmetology.

The main supplier of the coconut product is Thailand. But many hostesses have already made sure that you can cook it yourself. Such a product turns out to be more useful than a store-bought one. The finished oil is cloudy white, with a viscous consistency. But as soon as it is heated, it turns into a fluid transparent mass.

Instruction for a beginner

There are several options for making butter. In this article, only the simplest ones are considered. It is best if you find a fresh and ripe nut. As a last resort, you can try to make butter using shavings. So, if you are lucky and you got a good, not green nut, then the oil will turn out to be as useful as possible. The first step is to prepare all the ingredients and equipment.

What may be required

Since it is quite easy to make coconut oil at home, good results are guaranteed. To do this, you will need the coconut itself, an awl, gauze, water, a blender or a grater. As you can see, nothing special. Almost every home has everything you need, and in season, buying tropical nuts is not a problem.

Raw material preparation

Let's move on to how to make coconut oil at home. If you are doing it for the first time, then it is better to limit yourself to one fruit. When you fill your hand a little, you can double the portion.

  • First you need to drain the milk from the nut. To do this, you need to make several holes in it with an awl. Pour out the milk, it is very tasty and sweet, you can immediately enjoy it. If you feel a grassy aftertaste, then the nut is green, and the oil will not be as aromatic and healthy as it could be.
  • After that, the coconut can be chopped or sawn into two parts. Using a knife or spoon, carefully separate the flesh from the shell. Collect it in a clean container. Try to get rid of the outer shell as well.
  • The pulp must be finely chopped. This can be done with a blender or grater.

Cracking a nut is not an easy job. Therefore, it is best to attract men for this. This work can also be done with a hammer, after wrapping the nut with a towel. The stage of peeling the coconut from the shell can be skipped, especially if it crumbled heavily during the splitting process. Cleaning small fragments of pulp is not so easy, but it is not particularly necessary. The shell also contains many useful substances.

Working with coconut pulp

Now let's move on to how to make coconut oil. First you need to grind the pulp. You can add a little water to make the mass less sticky. If you took the coconut with the shell, then it is better to use a food processor, because it is very hard.

After that, the crushed pulp must be transferred to a suitable pan. It must be filled with hot water, but not boiling water. Too high a temperature can kill all the beneficial properties of coconut. Water should cover the crushed mass by about two fingers. Let cool at room temperature.

Oil collection period

After cooling, put the pan in the refrigerator. It is best to leave it overnight, as it takes time for the oil to stand out and collect on the surface. Usually housewives are experiencing for the first time how to make coconut oil at home. But having tried this method, they understand that in practice everything is much simpler. By morning, a dense crust forms on the surface, which can be carefully removed.

Finishing touch

Basically, you can already use it. But there was one more important point - this is the safety of the product. Therefore, transfer the finished oil to a faience or metal container and place it on water bath. It is recommended to keep it exactly as long as it takes to transform into a liquid. But do not boil, so as not to destroy useful compounds. The resulting oil should be filtered. This process will completely get rid of the chips, and is also necessary for pasteurization. Now you know how to make your own coconut oil.

Storage conditions

This is also an important point to which you need to pay special attention. Often, those who complain of an allergic reaction, due to the use of oil, do not even realize that, unwittingly, they violated the storage rules, which led to such consequences.

Coconut oil is fairly easy to make at home, so don't try to stock up immediately. He has a shelf life of only two weeks, while strictly in the cold. In winter, you can take the container to the balcony, and in the summer you can store it in the refrigerator.

Cooking from shavings

How to make coconut oil for hair if you couldn't find a fresh nut? There is nothing easier, you can buy coconut flakes. The only problem is that you can't be sure of the quality. But in defense of this method, it can be said that the chips are food product. That is, fears are most likely unnecessary. But when choosing a product, you need to pay attention to the fact that there are no extraneous additives, salt and sugar in the composition.

The more chips you take, the more butter you end up with. Don't forget about expiration dates. You need to do only as much as you can use.

How to use shavings

Making your own coconut oil is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. In any case, a large amount of chips remain in the process. It is quite edible, but it is better to make a body scrub out of it. To do this, the chips must be dried in an oven at a low temperature. As needed, you can mix it with a portion of your favorite cream. This is a great option for pampering the skin of the face, as well as the legs before depilation. Coconut provides nutrition and hydration to the skin. It is great for softening heels and elbows. It is used by cosmetologists after performing peels and pedicures.

Instead of a conclusion

If you have never tried using coconut oil as a skin care product, now is the time to start. This is a unique product that allows you to preserve the beauty and youth. Now you can prepare it yourself without wasting money on small jars from the pharmacy.

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