Home Drinks and cocktails Red bean soup. A delicacy in any country: mashed bean soup. Varieties of the recipe

Red bean soup. A delicacy in any country: mashed bean soup. Varieties of the recipe

It so happened that in our family worn out soups didn't prepare. I was in this area the inventor of the bicycle. The very first experience turned out to be successful: everyone liked the pumpkin soup, as I remember now, since then I periodically cook a variety of pureed soups, most often vegetable ones.

But quite recently, in a conversation with a friend who knows a lot about cooking, it turned out that I was not preparing these soups according to the generally accepted technology.

As is customary

It is most convenient to cook puree soup in a wide saucepan with a thick bottom, you can also use it in a saucepan. A lid is not needed. I cut the onion quite finely, it is enough to crush the peeled garlic cloves with a heavy knife. I heat the olive oil in a saucepan and begin to sauté the onion and garlic until translucent.

If you want to add such spicy herbs as thyme, oregano, rosemary, I do it now so that their aroma opens up in the best possible way.

Between stirrings I chop the celery ( or carrots, or other root vegetables) is also quite small. I can even grate on a coarse grater. Why, you ask, spend time slicing, still turning it into mashed potatoes? And then, the smaller the vegetables are cut, the larger the area of ​​​​their contact with hot oil, the faster and better the fat-soluble substances will be drawn out of the vegetables, forming the taste and aroma of the future soup.

A little salt, pour half a glass of dry white wine for " uplift» taste. When the wine smell has disappeared, and the fragrant roots have become soft, I add the rest of the chopped vegetables, in our case, sweet peppers and beans ( and potatoes, if I used).

I pour the broth with a ladle - so much so that the entire contents of the pan are covered with liquid. I check the fire - it is still medium, and I leave it to cook until the hardest vegetable is ready. If this vegetable is green, it is important to catch the moment when it has already become soft enough for mashing, but has not yet lost its color brightness, simply put, do not digest.

I remove the pan from the heat and, using improvised means, turn its contents into a puree. I use an immersion blender, but a stationary blender with a glass will also work.

Of course, the resulting vegetable puree is much thicker than soup. Therefore, I return the pan to the fire and begin to gradually add boiling broth. After adding each ladle, mix and check the density. When the desired consistency is reached ( it is better at this stage to make the soup a little more liquid than you want to see it in a bowl), leave to simmer for another five minutes, to combine tastes. If it's cream soup, add cream and heat through. It is usually advised not to bring the soup to a boil after adding the cream. If the fat content of the cream is more than 30%, you can bring it up, with less fat cream it is better not to risk it so that it does not curdle.


When vegetable puree soups already in the plate, you can put various additives into it. This is pure taste. And a rare case when it is easy to please everyone. Just put on the table everything you see fit - sour cream, soft and grated hard cheese, seeds, crushed nuts, crackers, chopped greens ...

About important

In fact, this is stated in the instructions for each blender, but who reads it?

  • If you are puréing soup right in the pot where it was cooked, please take the pot off the stove! Let it stand firmly on the hot plate and let the cord not be pulled over the hot stove.
  • Never fill the blender glass more than half, and first turn it on at low speed - so that the contents do not splash and burn anyone around!

Bean soup

4 small portions

What you need:

  • 300 g green beans
  • 1 bulb
  • 1 leek
  • 2-3 garlic cloves
  • 1 small celery tuber or piece weighing 60-80 g
  • 1 sweet pepper ( preferably green)
  • a few sprigs of thyme or oregano (or a teaspoon of dried herbs)
  • 100 ml dry white wine ( or 2 tbsp. l. white wine vinegar)
  • about 1 liter vegetable or chicken broth or water
  • 3-4 st. l. olive oil
  • salt to taste
  • ground black pepper to taste

What to do:
Cut the ends off the beans it is convenient to do it with kitchen scissors), cut the pods into pieces about 2 cm long. Set aside.

Peel the vegetables, rinse and cut into small pieces, crush the garlic with a knife.

Set to warm up bouillon or water.

Heat the olive oil in a heavy bottomed pot, add the onion, garlic and herb sprigs. Cook, stirring often, over medium-low heat until the onion is translucent. Add the leeks and continue cooking for a couple more minutes.

Pour wine into the pot with vegetables, and as soon as the wine aroma disappears, lay the remaining vegetables. Lightly salt and pour in enough broth or water to just cover the contents of the pot. Continue cooking until the firmest vegetable is soft.

Remove the saucepan from the heat and process its contents with a blender to a puree.

Return the pot to the heat and add the simmering broth one ladle at a time, stirring until you have the desired thickness of soup. Taste, season with ground black pepper and add salt if necessary.

Pour into bowls or soup bowls. Offer toppings to choose from: sour cream, soft goat cheese, pumpkin seeds, croutons, etc.

Step-by-step recipes for a gentle and healthy bean soup puree

2017-10-06 Natalia Danchishak





In 100 grams of the finished dish

3 gr.

4 gr.


12 gr.

95 kcal.

Option 1: Bean Soup - Classic

Side dishes, meatballs, salads and, of course, first courses are prepared from beans. Delicious, nutritious, fragrant and thick bean soup is suitable for both lunch and dinner. At the same time, the most affordable products are used for its preparation.


  • stack red dry beans;
  • 30 ml of sunflower oil;
  • two carrots;
  • greenery;
  • two stalks of celery;
  • four potatoes.

Rinse the beans, put them in a bowl, fill with clean water and leave for an hour. Then boil until soft.

Peel the carrots, wash and chop into large chips.

Cut the celery into small pieces. Peel the potatoes, cut into small pieces and boil in a small amount of water.

Heat the oil in a frying pan and fry the celery and carrots in it. Pour in some potato broth and simmer for 15 minutes.

Put potatoes, boiled beans, celery with carrots and potatoes in a saucepan. Beat everything with a blender or mixer. Bring to the desired consistency with a decoction of beans or boiled water. Put on fire and boil. Serve the finished soup with herbs.

You can soak the beans overnight, so they will cook much faster. The soup is pureed with a mixer or blender. When serving, you can put a spoonful of sour cream on a plate.

Option 2: Bean Soup: A Quick Microwave Recipe

Soup puree with beans is suitable for dietary, baby food. They can diversify the diet during fasting. Carrots and tomato paste will add color to the dish.


  • juicy carrots - 400 g;
  • black sesame - 20 g;
  • canned white beans - 400 g;
  • ground pepper;
  • garlic - two cloves;
  • salt;
  • vegetable spices - 10 g;
  • tomato paste - 25 g;
  • filtered water - 400 g.

Step by step cooking recipe

We clean the carrots, wash and cut into large rings. Peel the garlic cloves. Place the vegetables in a microwaveable bowl. Add vegetable spices.

Fill everything with filtered water. We put the dishes with vegetables for ten minutes in the microwave. We turn on the device at maximum power.

Transfer canned beans to a blender, add carrots and garlic. We interrupt everything together until a puree state. Salt, season with pepper, add tomato paste, mix and serve.

If you are preparing soup for a child, do not put garlic and sesame seeds in it. Canned beans can be white or red. When using beans in a tomato, there is no need to add tomato paste.

Option 3: Creamy Bean Soup

Beans go well with all vegetables and other products. Celery is often added to soups, which makes the dish even healthier. Milk or cream will make it taste even more tender.


  • 500 g white beans;
  • celery root;
  • one and a half liters of chicken broth;
  • carrot;
  • half a glass of heavy cream;
  • onion head;
  • two eggs;
  • 150 g butter;
  • three slices of white bread.

Step by step cooking recipe

Rinse the beans and place in a bowl. Fill with filtered water and put on fire. As soon as the contents begin to boil, drain the water. Pour beans with cold broth and put on fire again.

Peel carrots, celery and onions. Wash. Put the whole vegetables in a saucepan and cook until the beans are cooked.

Remove the vegetables, and grind the beans together with the broth through a sieve. Shake the bean puree with a whisk. Dilute with warm cream.

Put the pot of bean puree on the fire and heat it up. Cool until warm. Combine milk with eggs, shake with a whisk. Drizzle warm soup with egg mixture and butter. Serve the soup with toasted croutons.

To make the beans cook faster, it is advisable to soak them for several hours in cold water. For spiciness, you can add a small pod of chili pepper. The taste of the soup will become even brighter if you add nutmeg to it.

Option 4: String Bean Soup

Puree soup is prepared from dry, canned or green beans. The dish, cooked in meat broth and seasoned with egg lezion, has a delicate creamy taste.


  • one and a half stack. meat broth;
  • egg;
  • 100 g of green beans;
  • 25 g wheat flour;
  • 30 g butter;
  • half a liter of milk.

Step by step cooking recipe

Wash the bean pods, remove the base of the stalk and divide in half. Cut one part into small sticks. Put in a saucepan, fill with filtered water, lightly salt and boil until tender.

Twist the second part of the beans through a meat grinder. Pour the broth into the flour in a thin stream, while stirring vigorously to get a homogeneous mixture without lumps. Pour the sauce over chopped beans and cook for 20 minutes.

Grind the boiled chopped beans through a sieve. Transfer the resulting mixture to a saucepan and boil. Combine milk with yolk and shake everything with a fork or whisk. Pour the milk-egg mixture in a thin stream into the soup, stirring quickly with a spoon. Drizzle with butter and stir. Divide bean soup among bowls, top with boiled bean pods and serve with croutons.

Milk is best used at home. Add garlic to the soup, it will add spice and flavor. Soup can be made from frozen green beans, in which case it is boiled for about five minutes. Do not cook green beans in aluminum cookware or they will lose their color.

Option 5: Bean soup with vegetables and green peas

The abundance of vegetables makes the dish incredibly healthy. The soup is prepared in vegetable broth, which significantly reduces its calorie content. Fans of hearty dishes can cook it with meat.


  • 425 g canned beans;
  • salt;
  • stack green peas;
  • Bay leaf;
  • potato tuber;
  • 15 ml of olive oil;
  • petiole celery - 1 pc.;
  • five stack. vegetable broth;
  • a bunch of green onions;
  • garlic - a slice;
  • mint leaves for decoration.

Step by step cooking recipe

Peel the onion, potato and garlic clove. Chop vegetables into small cubes.

Heat the olive oil in a large saucepan. Put garlic, celery and onion in it. Cook, stirring, for three minutes. Add potatoes and fry for another minute, stirring constantly.

Pour the broth into the pot. Put beans and green peas in it. Add bay leaf, season with salt and pepper. Bring contents to a boil. Reduce heat to low, cover and simmer for 20 minutes until potatoes are tender.

Remove bay leaf from soup. Using a blender, puree the soup until smooth. Then rub the mixture through a metal sieve. Pour the soup into a saucepan, warm it up and serve, garnishing with mint leaves.

Green peas are used canned or fresh. The soup is ground not only with a blender, but also with a mixer. This option can be cooked on the stove or in a slow cooker.

A variety of first and second courses are prepared from beans.

Beans contain a lot of protein, so it is not the last place in the diet of vegetarians and is simply indispensable during the fasting period.

Bean puree is hearty and very tasty.

It can be served as a side dish or as an appetizer spread on sandwiches. Soups-puree from beans are rich and fragrant.

Bean puree and bean soup - basic cooking principles

Regardless of whether you are going to puree or puree beans, the first thing you need to do is soak them. It is best to do this in the evening, and only the next day to start cooking. But if you want to cook today, it will be enough to soak the beans for two to three hours.

Then the beans are washed and boiled in drinking water, slightly salted, until soft. While the beans are cooking, prepare the rest of the ingredients. Vegetables are peeled, chopped and fried until golden brown.

The broth is drained from the finished beans, pouring a little into a separate bowl. Puree it with a pusher or blender, adding broth or broth until the puree reaches the desired consistency. Then greens, fried vegetables are added to it, seasoned with spices and mixed well.

For mashed soup, the beans are boiled, then the broth is poured into a separate bowl, and the beans are mashed with a blender. The resulting puree is poured with a decoction, mixed and vegetable fry, pieces of meat and greens are added to the soup. Seasoned with spices. Bean soup is cooked in vegetable or meat broth.

Recipe 1. Bean puree


beans - a glass;

fresh greens;

two bulbs;

milk - 100 ml;

black pepper;

garlic - 2 teeth;

sunflower oil - 100 ml.

Cooking method

1. We wash the beans under the tap and fill it with cold drinking water. Leave overnight or for several hours. Then we wash it again and boil it until soft. Drain the decoction. Puree the beans with a masher or blender.

2. We clean the bulbs and finely chop them. Pour oil into a frying pan and heat it over moderate heat. Pour the onion into the oil and fry it until golden brown. Spread the roast in the mashed beans and mix.

3. Pour in the warmed milk, salt and add the garlic peeled and passed through the garlic press, pepper. Mix everything well and arrange on plates. Serve as a side dish for meat or fish.

Recipe 2. Bean cream soup with cream


a glass of white beans;

30 g chopped greens;

onion head;

three cloves of garlic;

four slices of bacon;

rosemary branch;

bay leaf;

50 ml cream;

olive oil.

Cooking method

1. Soak the beans overnight, filling it with plenty of drinking water. The next day, we drain the ox, put the swollen beans in a saucepan, fill it with water, put a bay leaf and a sprig of rosemary. We send the pan to the fire and boil the beans until soft.

2. While the beans are cooking, peel and finely chop the garlic cloves and onions. Place vegetables in hot olive oil and fry until translucent.

3. We shift the onion frying into a saucepan, pepper, salt and cook the beans for another ten minutes.

4. We shift the beans with a small amount of broth into a separate bowl. Take out the rosemary branch and lavrushka and discard. Grind the beans into a puree with a blender. Pour cream into the resulting puree. We adjust the consistency with a decoction. Pour cream soup into bowls, sprinkle with breadcrumbs and chopped herbs. Fry the bacon slices and put them in bowls with soup. If there is no bacon, you can add any boiled meat.

Recipe 3. Bean puree in a slow cooker


a glass of beans;

vegetable oil;

50 g of walnuts;

2 cloves of garlic;

a bunch of parsley, cilantro and dill;

onion head.

Cooking method

1. Soak the beans in the evening. The next day, drain the water, wash the beans and put them in the multicooker container. Fill the legumes with drinking water and cook them for two hours in the “Extinguishing” mode.

2. As soon as the beep sounds, we throw the beans into a colander, pour part of the broth into a separate bowl.

3. We clean the onion head, finely chop and fry in hot vegetable oil.

4. We shift the beans and onion fry in a blender bowl and mash everything together until mashed. Rinse the greens, dry and finely chop. Add the herbs to the puree and mix, adding the remaining broth until the puree reaches the desired consistency.

5. Cut the walnut kernels into small pieces and put them in mashed potatoes. Mix again. This dish can be served as a side dish or as an appetizer, spreading mashed potatoes on bread.

Recipe 4. Signature Bean Soup


a glass of red beans;

a bunch of fresh herbs;



black pepper;

two carrots;

spices for potatoes;

30 ml of tomato paste;

80 ml sunflower oil;

garlic - clove.

Cooking method

1. Wash the beans under running water and soak them for several hours in cold water. It should increase in volume and swell.

2. Drain the water, transfer the beans to a saucepan, cover with filtered water and simmer until soft. Drain the cooked beans into a sieve.

3. Pour purified water into a separate saucepan, put peeled and coarsely chopped carrots, onions and bay leaves into it. Boil the vegetable broth for half an hour. Strain the broth and discard the vegetables.

4. In the vegetable broth, put the boiled beans, peeled and cut into small pieces of potatoes.

5. Peel the carrots and grate coarsely. Finely chop the peeled onion. Saute vegetables in sunflower oil until soft. Add finely chopped garlic, season everything with spices for potatoes and pepper. Fry, stirring constantly, for a minute. Add the tomato paste to the vegetables, pour in some water and simmer for a few minutes.

6. When the potatoes are soft, salt the soup and put the vegetable fry into it. Using an immersion blender, purée soup until smooth. Put the pan back on the fire, bring to a boil and put chopped fresh herbs into it. Turn off the heat and cover the soup with a lid.

7. Dry the loaf slices in a pan and rub each with garlic. Serve the soup with garlic croutons.

Recipe 5. Bean puree with tomato


a glass of beans;

black pepper;

onion head;


30 ml of vegetable oil;

30 ml of tomato paste;

garlic - three cloves.

Cooking method

1. Rinse the pre-soaked beans and boil until soft in purified water, lightly salting it.

2. While the beans are cooking, peel the onion and carrot and chop them finely. Transfer the vegetables to the hot oil and fry, stirring constantly, until golden brown.

3. Peel the garlic cloves and squeeze them through the garlic press into the vegetables, add tomato paste, pepper, salt and fry all together for another three minutes.

4. Throw the beans in a colander and put it in the pan. Pour in a little bean broth and simmer everything in a pan for another ten minutes. Puree everything with a masher or blender. Serve bean puree as a side dish or appetizer.

    Do not add cold water during the cooking process, otherwise the beans will cook much longer.

    Add a bunch of greens and peeled carrots and onions to the water where the beans are cooked. This will greatly improve the taste and aroma of the beans.

    Cook beans only on low heat.

    To keep the beans bright, keep the lid off the pot during the cooking process.

I propose to cook a delicious soup-puree from beans and have a hearty lunch, and maybe dinner. I love bean soups. I used to cook very rarely, because it takes a lot of time. With the purchase of a multicooker-cooker, it has become much faster to cook such a soup.

Take these products.

Rinse the beans well and soak for several hours, you can even overnight.

If you are using a pressure cooker, then place the beans in a bowl, fill with water. Close the lid and turn on the Stew/Bean program for 40 minutes. You focus on your technique. On a gas stove, the cooking time is longer. Cook until soft.

Peel potatoes. Wash, cut into cubes. Place in a cooking pot. Pour about a liter of water. Send to fire. Bring to a boil. Cook until tender over low heat.

Cut the onion, grate the carrot. Fry until soft over low heat.

Add beans and fried vegetables to almost ready potatoes. Pour hot water. Bring to a boil. Boil for 5-10 minutes. Try it, if all the vegetables are ready, you can proceed to the next step.

Puree the soup using an immersion blender. Season with salt, pepper, bay leaf. Bring to a boil. Boil for a minute and turn off.

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