Home Main courses How to make cranberry sauce. Spicy cranberry sauce with bitterness. Universal cranberry sauce for meat: recipe with step by step photos

How to make cranberry sauce. Spicy cranberry sauce with bitterness. Universal cranberry sauce for meat: recipe with step by step photos

To successfully smooth out excessive satiety, and in some cases even cloying second courses, such tart berries as lingonberries or cranberries will help. An unusual combination of sour and sweet shades will bring a touch of sophistication to the dish, somewhat reminiscent of restaurant cuisine. There are many completely different recipes from cranberries to meat. Let us dwell on some of them, the most famous and popular.

Cranberry sauce for meatwith oranges

The classic cooking option is a combination of tart berries and very often the main component is replaced with lingonberries or they are used in equal proportions. Let's figure it out, from cranberries. The recipe is very convenient in that it takes only thirty minutes to prepare the dish. In a heated skillet, pour 2 full tablespoons. l. of any olive oil, and then pour in the finely chopped onion. After lightly frying the mass until light golden, put about 2 cups of cranberries, 2-3 tbsp. l. any honey, zest and juice of 1 orange and pour in ¼ cup of water. You can add a little salt to the sauce. Be sure to use a variety of spices - to taste. Most often, a mixture of ground peppers, dried basil and oregano (oregano) are added. Cover the container with a lid and let it simmer for 15-20 minutes. Some housewives also put a lot of chopped greens. The aroma is simply unforgettable! The sauce can be served hot, straight from the stove, or cold.

Cranberry sauce for meatwith honey

Sort out half a kilogram of fresh cranberries from debris, rinse several times and put in a saucepan. Throw in one medium finely chopped onion. Pour a mass of 0.5 cups of raw water and put to languish over medium heat. After fifteen minutes, mash the softened mixture with a pusher, and then rub it through an iron sieve, freeing it from the cake. In the resulting souffle sauce, pour 2 full tbsp. l. of any olive oil, put 3 full tbsp. l. thick honey, spices to taste (cinnamon, ground pepper, oregano) and, mixing well, boil over very low heat for another 25-30 minutes. Such a fragrant seasoning can be stored in the refrigerator in a glass container for up to ten days.

Cranberry pear sauce for poultry meat

The excessively sour taste of berries can be well “balanced” by sweet fruits. Take, for example, 1 very ripe pear and, peeling it from the peel and core, finely chop into cubes. To the fruit mass, add 1 cup of cranberries, 1 tbsp. l. finely chopped ginger root, ¼ cup sugar, juice of ½ lime, a pinch of salt. All pour ¼ cup of raw water and put to boil, covered with a lid. The cooking time will depend on the softness of the pears, as cranberries only need five to seven minutes to soften. The mass will be ready when it begins to turn into a puree. It is best to serve this cranberry sauce with freshly boiled chicken or baked meat. Although it also goes well with other hot second courses. Any gourmet will love this sauce!

In our country, the northern berry is very popular. Healthy fruit drinks, compotes, jams and sweet syrups are prepared from it. But in the Scandinavian countries, Canada and the North of the USA, the most delicious cranberry sauce for meat and poultry is made from the gifts of nature.

For us, this combination looks a little strange, but believe me, it is really very tasty. Sweet and sour sauces perfectly complement fatty meat dishes. Unusual dressing stimulates the receptors responsible for the production of gastric juice. Flavored foods are easier to digest and rarely cause heaviness.

Most often, lamb, duck, salmon, carp, pork and beef steak are poured with sweet syrups. With spicy sour sauces, turkey or chicken fillet dishes become more juicy and appetizing.

The basis for the sauce is the berry itself. It may be fresh or frozen, it does not matter, the main thing is that the cranberries are ripe, not rotten, not overripe. Sort out the berries. Remove wrinkled and spoiled fruit. Rinse fresh cranberries, peel them from leaves and twigs.

Berries from the freezer do not need to be defrosted first. It will be enough to sort it out. For the sauce, you can use purchased frozen cranberries, which are easy to find in any supermarket.

According to some recipes, water is added to the sauce, not necessarily boiled. You can use raw, but filtered.

Cognac and semi-sweet red wine give a special piquancy. Do not be afraid to use alcoholic beverages in the preparation of the sauce. The alcohol evaporates during the cooking process. Aromatic substances remain, which saturate the taste and create an exquisite aroma.

Spices such as cinnamon, cloves, fresh and dry ginger, nutmeg are actively used in cranberry sauce.

A little spiciness is brought in by black and allspice. Sometimes honey is added as a seasoning.

Orange and lemon juice, citrus zest, lingonberries are added to the cranberry sauce. According to some recipes, the dressing is flavored with butter and thickened with starch.

The sauce is very bright, rich, fragrant. It is customary to serve it to the festive table in countries where Thanksgiving Day is celebrated. There it traditionally complements the baked turkey.

Try it yourself to make cranberry sauce for your favorite meat and fish dishes. We offer several cooking options. The recipe is only the basis for creativity, and practice will help to identify the ideal ratio.

Recipes for cranberry sauce for meat and poultry

Each housewife has her own view on the preparation of a particular dish. Therefore, so often completely different recipes can be hidden under the same name.

Someone advises washed cranberries must be dried. Someone, in general, does not recommend using a frozen product. Some cook the sauce only in enamelware.

We suggest not so much dwelling on the nuances as paying attention to the compatibility of products. Having prepared the sauce once or twice, you will understand what is the main secret of success.

Simple cranberry meat sauce

We offer the simplest sauce recipe, which is prepared in just five minutes. No seasonings are added to it, only the berry itself, sugar and a little starch are used. This sauce decorates not only meat, but also sweet dishes: pancakes, donuts, cheesecakes, dumplings with cottage cheese, biscuit cakes.

We need 150 grams of pure cranberries. We put it in a saucepan, pour half a glass of water and heat it over a fire. Immediately add two tablespoons of white or brown sugar. We are waiting for the mixture to boil.

In a quarter of cold water, dilute a spoonful of starch. Slowly add it to the boiling cranberries. We wait about three minutes until the sauce is slightly reduced. All this time, simmer the cranberries over low heat.

Turn off the stove and let the sauce cool down a bit. Grind it to a homogeneous mass with an immersion blender. Now the sauce is almost ready. He needs to be allowed to stand at room temperature, and then put in the refrigerator for half an hour.

Dressing should be served chilled. It will become a thick mass, in consistency, reminiscent of fruit jam.

Cranberry sauce for chicken

Poultry meat has a bright rich aroma. It goes well with sweetish and spicy spices that can reveal new facets of its taste. The sauce should be just as complex and multifaceted.

This time we will use:

  • an Apple;
  • garlic;
  • ginger

and a few tablespoons of cognac.

Fry in vegetable oil two heads of red onion, cut into thin half rings. When it becomes transparent and golden, add to it a diced green apple without peel, two finely chopped cloves of garlic and fresh ginger root grated on a fine grater (3 cm).

Let the mixture simmer over low heat, covered, for 5 minutes. Add two tablespoons of cognac to it. Reduce the dressing to half the volume, and then put 200 grams of fresh or frozen northern berries.

The tastiest part of the sauce is the aromatic liquid. Dilute the dressing with half a glass of water so that it does not turn out too thick. Cranberries will crack during stewing and give up some of their juice.

The sauce needs to be reduced a bit. A few berries should remain intact. Simmer until cooked for no more than 5 minutes, seasoning to taste with salt and sugar. Cool at room temperature, then put in the refrigerator for half an hour. Serve in a saucepan with roasted poultry meat.

Cranberry lingonberry sauce

Lingonberry-cranberry sauce for meat does not require long heat treatment. Useful dressing can be prepared without boiling, retaining all the valuable properties of berries.

Take a glass of cranberries and lingonberries. The sorted and washed berries should be put in a tall container from an immersion blender and ground with four tablespoons of cane or regular white sugar.

Put the sauce in a small saucepan. Squeeze a clove of garlic into it, add a third of a teaspoon of nutmeg and a pinch of salt.

Put the saucepan on a slow fire. We will stir and heat until all the sugar has dissolved. Without allowing the sauce to boil, remove it from the stove, cool, and send it to the refrigerator.

The sauce is served cold with meat dishes. It can be done ahead of time. It keeps in the refrigerator for up to two weeks.

Cranberry sauce for duck

A bright dressing will sweeten a dish of baked duck breast, slightly repel the smell of this meat and neutralize its fat content. The prototype of the sauce is an English festive dressing, combined with many types of baked meat.

All products can be immediately put in a saucepan:

  • a cup of selected berries;
  • grated zest of half an orange;
  • a spoonful of chopped ginger root;
  • four tablespoons of sugar.

The sauce can be salted to taste. Bring to a boil, boil until the berries burst over low heat (3 minutes). Then add the juice of a whole orange to it. Boil for 2 more minutes and turn off.

Chilled dressing put in the refrigerator. Serve with roasted duck and other meats.

Cranberry sauce for fish

Fish sauce is made less sweet. Honey is added as a sweetener. Dressing is served with fried and baked salmon. It also pairs well with chicken.

Heat 20 grams of butter in a frying pan and fry a finely chopped onion on it. Wash the orange well. Remove the zest from it with a grater and squeeze the juice.

In a deep saucepan, mix one and a half cups of cranberries, orange zest and juice, fried onions along with the oil remaining in the pan and a couple of tablespoons of honey.

Simmer the sauce over low heat. Remove from stove after 15 minutes. Salt, pepper. Pass through a sieve. You will get a homogeneous, beautiful, bright dressing with a sour-sweet taste. As it cools, it will thicken, and it can be served with ready-made dishes.

Cranberry sauce for turkey

The turkey is served with an unusually fragrant sauce seasoned with all kinds of spices. Be sure to take the time to prepare it. It will make you take a fresh look at your favorite dish.

Don't let the abundance of ingredients fool you. The sauce recipe is very simple. Immediately put all the ingredients in a saucepan: a glass of cranberries, the zest of one orange, three tablespoons of sugar. Add seasonings: a third teaspoon of ground black pepper, rosemary, ginger and nutmeg. Slightly less allspice and cloves.

Salt to taste. Season the sauce with red wine (semi-sweet, about a third of a glass). Add 100 ml of water and the juice of a whole orange.

Bring the mixture to a boil over high heat. Continue simmering over medium heat for 10-15 minutes. Beat the finished sauce with a submersible blender and, if desired, pass through a sieve. Sweet and sour spicy dressing can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks.

spicy cranberry sauce

We offer an unusual version of a spicy berry sauce, which is more like jelly or marmalade in consistency. It contains large pieces of fruit and particles of berries, which look very attractive in sugar filling.

We need not an ordinary, namely a red orange. It is cut along with the peel into small cubes. To make the dressing really spicy, take a large red chili pod, deseed it and cut it into thin slices.

In a saucepan, boil thick syrup. Dilute 300 grams of sugar with a glass of filtered water. Let's warm it up on the stove so that the sugar turns into caramel. Put an orange, chili and half a glass of cranberries into the syrup. Add the juice of half a lemon to the saucepan. We will simmer the sauce over low heat for 20 minutes.

We store the cooled mass in the refrigerator. Before serving, put a spoonful of sauce on a dish next to a piece of meat.

Sweet and sour cranberry sauce

Sweet and sour cranberry sauce goes well with any type of meat, regardless of how it is cooked.

Put a finely chopped onion and a glass of fresh cranberries in a non-stick dish. Pour a mass of 200 ml of water, simmer over low heat until the berries burst. Grind with an immersion blender.

We put it on fire again. Add three tablespoons of sugar, salt to taste, a quarter teaspoon of garlic powder, the same amount of ground cinnamon. Boil the mixture over medium heat until reduced by half.

A minute before cooking, add a tablespoon of natural vinegar. Mix well. Let it simmer a little more and take it off the stove. Cool down the sauce. It can be rolled up in sterilized jars for the winter.

Cranberry sauce with orange

Orange is widely used in the preparation of berry sauces. Cranberry and citrus juice complement each other. Most often, an orange is used with zest. Sometimes it is cut into pieces and added to the sauce, and sometimes only juice is taken from it.

Grind a glass of cranberries with a blender. We put the berry puree in a saucepan and add half a glass of water to it. Boil mashed potatoes with four tablespoons of sugar and two tablespoons of cognac. Add a cinnamon stick to the same mixture and continue to cook until thickened for 3-5 minutes.

Take the sauce off the heat. Squeeze the juice of a fresh orange into it, stir. Let's wait until the mass has cooled, and put it in the refrigerator. We will serve with fried or baked pork chop, chicken nuggets or sweet pancakes.

Meat with cranberry sauce is a restaurant-level dish that can be performed at home.

This is a universal dressing, it can be harvested for future use, served with meat, game and fish, pancakes or ice cream.

Cranberry sauce is incredibly tasty, and one of its advantages is that it is incredibly easy to prepare.

It is a sweet and sour dressing mainly for meat and confectionery dishes, made from fresh or frozen cranberries. For example, the traditional American Thanksgiving turkey has always been and still is served exclusively with cranberry sauce.

This cranberry sauce is able to give the dish a unique, bright and festive taste. The sauce is unique in its own way, it is not difficult to prepare, and besides, it is very fast, 5 minutes is enough.


  • cranberry 100 g
  • sugar 50 g
  • water 50 ml
  • corn starch 1 teaspoon

Cranberries are best used fresh, but if you can't get them, frozen will do. I used frozen.


We prepare all the necessary ingredients. It is not necessary to defrost cranberries in advance, but it is necessary to rinse them a little in cold water.

Pour the berries into a saucepan or small saucepan and add sugar. We put it on the stove and heat it up.

Berries will give juice.

While the cranberries are heating up, move on to the starch. Why am I even adding it? There are 2 reasons: 1. Starch gives the sauce a more elastic consistency. 2. The sauce will need to be cooked quite a bit, only until it boils, so that the berries retain more vitamins. Therefore, in a saucepan, cranberry sauce will not thicken, and then starch will help us.

So, pour 50 ml of cold water into a glass and add one teaspoon of starch to it, mix until completely dissolved. If you add starch to hot water, there will be lumps, if you add starch directly to the sauce, there will also be lumps.

When the sauce boils, add water with starch to it and mix well. In fact, the sauce is ready, but now it is not as thick as you want, so leave the sauce on low heat for 2-3 minutes.

The sauce is ready. It can be used immediately like this, but I personally prefer a softer and more uniform texture and therefore I will work with a blender a bit.

Here now Cranberry Sauce definitely ready. It remains only to wait until it cools down. With this sauce, even the most ordinary dish turns into a festive treat. The finished sauce can be stored in the refrigerator for two weeks. Well, I served the sauce for cheesecakes. I also like cranberry sauce with or. Bon Appetit!

Fresh cranberries - 500 grams
Sugar - 180 grams
Orange (large) - 1 piece

How to cook cranberry sauce like at McDonald's
1. Wash the orange, remove the zest, grate.
2. Squeeze juice from the orange pulp with a juicer or hands.
3. Pour orange juice into a saucepan, put sugar, bring to a boil over medium heat, stir so that the sugar dissolves.
4. Add zest, cranberries to the orange-sugar syrup, bring to a boil.
5. Reduce the heat to low, leave to sweat for 10 minutes.
6. Grind the cranberry mass through a sieve.

Cranberry sauce like in Ikea

Cranberries - 150 grams
Honey - 20 grams
Water - 50 milliliters
Sugar - teaspoon
Salt - half a teaspoon

How to make cranberry sauce like in Ikea
1. Pour water into a saucepan, place over medium heat, heat for several minutes until warm, but do not wait for boiling.
2. Add honey to hot water, stir until honey is completely dissolved.
3. Put cranberries in honey syrup, mix so that most of the berries burst and release the juice, wait for it to boil.
4. Cook the sauce for 8-10 minutes over medium heat until it thickens to the consistency of ketchup.

Cranberry sauce for duck

Fresh cranberries - 340 grams
Sugar - 200 grams
Water - 75 milliliters
Cherry juice - 3 tablespoons

How to cook cranberry sauce for duck
1. In a saucepan with a thick bottom, pour water, juice, add cranberries, sugar, mix, close the lid, place on a quiet fire, wait for it to boil.
2. Simmer the cranberry sauce for 20 minutes, until most of the berries burst and release their juice.
3. Try a little sauce, add sugar to taste if necessary, mix. If the sauce is too sweet, add fresh lemon juice.
4. Hold the sauce on the stove for 5 minutes, remove from the burner, let cool.
5. Remove the cooled sauce from the refrigerator.

Sort cranberries, wash if necessary. In cooking, you can use both fresh and frozen berries. If you cook sauce from frozen cranberries, then you do not need to defrost it before cooking. You may need more sugar for this recipe. For example, cranberries harvested after frost will be sweeter and then you will need less sugar.

Pour berries into a saucepan, add granulated sugar and cinnamon. Pour in water and wine. Put on fire. Bring the berry mixture to a boil while stirring constantly. The berries will begin to burst and release juice. I prefer not to overcook the berries so that there are whole bright berries in the finished cranberry sauce. Although someone prefers, on the contrary, uniformity and crushes the berries with a wooden crush or a wooden spoon.

Dissolve starch in a glass with a little cold water. Mix well until completely dissolved. You can also use cornstarch instead of potato starch.

In an almost ready hot cranberry sauce, add starch diluted with water, heat over a fire. The mixture will thicken right before your eyes. If it turns out too thick, you can also dilute with water or juice if desired. For example, orange juice goes well with cranberries. But I do not breed anything but starch.

This is how easy and quick you can make cranberry sauce. And there are a lot of applications for such a sauce: it will be good for meat, and, especially, for game. Men will appreciate it. It also goes well with cheeses. And just with a cup of hot fragrant tea on cloudy autumn and frosty winter days, this sauce will warm you and fill you not only with vitamins, but also with warmth and lively energy.

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