Home Bakery Measure 1 kg of flour without scales. How to weigh products without scales at home? How much flour in a dessert spoon

Measure 1 kg of flour without scales. How to weigh products without scales at home? How much flour in a dessert spoon

When preparing almost any dish, we measure the amount necessary ingredients in our usual ways, be it a glass, a cup or a spoon. And everything would be fine, but not everyone has the same glasses and cups, and in many recipes the weight is indicated desired product in grams.

In such cases, an indispensable thing is which indicates the number of milliliters for various kinds of liquids, and the weight in grams for dry products. Even if you have this useful kitchen appliance, it does not hurt to know the volume of dishes most often used in cooking.

5 ml of water is placed in a teaspoon, three times more, that is, 15 ml; familiar to everyone, which is also called "Stalinist" or "Soviet", is of two types - with a smooth rim and without it. A glass with a rim is considered a tea glass, since it was in it that the conductors on the trains carried tea around the car, the volume of this glass is 250 ml; the same glass, but without a rim - 200 ml.

It is important to remember that the volume of dishes is not always equal to the weight of the product. For approximate data, a table of measures and weights of products may be useful. In grams, many dry foods weigh much less than their volume in milliliters.

The tables below offer the weight equivalent of volume in grams, breaking down food products into convenient subcategories.

Note: The table of measures and weights of products in grams is designed taking into account the filling of dishes as follows:

  • spoon - with a small slide;
  • glass - to the brim;
  • jar - to the neck.

Bulk products

This type includes cereals, flour and some others. The table of bulk products offers the main measurement methods - a spoon and a glass, dividing them into several types, according to volume. For the convenience of preparing large portions, jars of half a liter and a liter were added.

Always read the recipe carefully - one cup of flour does not mean 200g of flour, even if your cup is slightly larger than 200ml. Remember that in the "Stalinist" tea glass, filled to the brim, there is only 160 g of flour.

Note: If you don’t have a traditional one at hand in your kitchen, you can replace it with a plastic one. A standard clear polypropylene disposable cup holds exactly 200 ml of water.

Product name

Measures of weight in grams

The spoon


Bank 0.5 liters

Bank 1 liter

tea room


dining room

200 ml

250 ml

Peas shelled

Pearl barley


Corn flour

Wheat groats

Barley groats

Wheat flour

Powdered milk

oat flakes



Spices and additives (ground)

Since few spices are needed in the preparation of most dishes, a teaspoon and a tablespoon become their main measures. For convenience, a standard volume of 10 ml was added. Measures of the weight of foods in spoons are not equivalent to their volume.

The weight of most spices and additives depends on the grinding and quality of the product. For example, large ground coffee will weigh slightly more than finely ground coffee.


  • A table of food measures and weights in grams does not guarantee an absolutely accurate weight, since the consistency and size of many products are not always the same.
  • Very often, spices are measured in pinches, in one pinch about a quarter of a teaspoon.


Product weight

Tea spoon

Dessert spoon


Baking soda

powdered sugar

Lemon acid

Baking powder

Ground coffee


Instant coffee



Liquids are almost always measured in milliliters, which makes cooking much easier, since it is enough to know the volume of dishes in which food is usually measured. In the case when prescription liquids are measured in grams, their weight is as close as possible to the volume.

liquid product

Product weight in grams

Tea room

(5 ml)

Dessert l. (10 ml)

Canteen l.

(15 ml)

200 ml

250 ml

500 ml

1000 ml

Ghee butter

Fat melted

Sunflower/olive oil

Melted margarine

solid foods

Note: The presented table of measures and weights of products in grams offers approximate data. The exact weight of the products depends on their size and type..

Product name

Measures of weight in grams

The spoon


Bank 0.5 liters

Bank 1 liter

tea room


dining room

200 ml

250 ml

small lentils

Whole peas

Large lentils

ground walnut


Peanuts, shelled

Hazelnut peeled

Whole shelled walnut


Almonds, peeled

Viscous products

Consider the last variety of products.

Product name

Measures of weight in grams

The spoon


Bank 0.5 liters

Bank 1 liter

tea room


dining room

200 ml

250 ml

Boiled condensed milk

Berry/fruit puree

Jam / Jam

Condensed milk

tomato paste

In the old recipe from the Book of Tasty and Healthy Food, published in the middle of the last century, it says: take 1/2 cup of sugar. How to find out how many grams in a glass of sugar? There is a whole shelf of glassware in the kitchen cabinet, but what measure of volume did V.V. Pokhlebkin, when did he write his book? A simple question that has facets and subtleties that can confuse even an experienced hostess.

How much sugar is in a glass

Disputes arise due to the fact that Soviet cookbooks mention thin (tea) and faceted glasses.

If you look at the weight table, how much sugar is in either glass, the following numbers will be found:

Conflicting information about how many grams of sugar in a faceted glass. If poured to the top, with a rim, you get the same amount of sugar as in a thin tea. Why is this data shared? Here you need a historical background.

History of faceted glass

The classic faceted glass has a smooth top rim. Once upon a time, military personnel were given 200 grams of vodka, pouring exactly up to the risk. The ration was exchanged for tobacco or sugar, poured in the same way to the border, where the edges ended and the edge began. So there was a tradition to consider the measure of a faceted glass for 200 ml.

It has been established how many grams of sugar are in a faceted glass: to the rim - 180, to the brim - 230. Cookbooks say that the measure "glass" means 250 ml. Following the old recipes, you need to measure sugar, pouring to the brim.

How much does a glass of sugar weigh

The faceted rarity of the Soviet era is not in every kitchen. Modern dishes of different shapes and capacities. It is useful to measure your favorite convenient glass so as not to waste time weighing bulk products.

There are three ways:

  • measure with a measuring cup with divisions (beaker);
  • fill the container and weigh it on the scales;
  • calculate how many tablespoons or teaspoons will fit.

A tablespoon holds 25 grams of sugar, if poured with a slide, a teaspoon - 10 grams. The capacity of the glass will be:

You can find out how much a glass of sugar weighs using a tablespoon or a teaspoon. It is useful to take the time to measure in order to quickly pour the right amount of product.

How to measure other bulk products

According to the recipe, you will need to add flour, cereals and other ingredients, which are also convenient to measure with a glass.

To help housewives, a table with the weight of the most common products:

A few subtleties to consider when measuring products:

  1. The weight of sugar can vary depending on the moisture content and the size of the crystals. Fine-crystalline will turn out a little more, large less.
  2. Flour should be measured before sifting, as after it becomes fluffy and fills the glass less densely.
  3. Bulk products should be poured in a thin stream, not scooped up with a glass directly from the bag, so that air cavities do not form inside.
  4. To get a glass filled to the brim, you need to pour "with a slide" and even out the excess with the tip of a knife.

Now we know how many grams of sugar or other product is contained in a glass beaker. For any modern kitchen you can bake a cupcake according to a recipe from an old cookbook, even if you don’t have scales and a faceted glass.

When we find a new recipe for ourselves, on the Internet or a new cookbook, or maybe a friend shared it, then first of all we pay attention to the products needed for cooking, and especially to their proportions. quantities dry ingredients(loose, solid products) are usually indicated in grams or measured in glasses, teaspoons or tablespoons. Well, everything is clear with grams. If you have a kitchen scale available, then you probably know what to do. If there are no scales, then we need to somehow convert our grams into glasses or spoons, based on how much this or that product is required. Large quantities are more convenient to measure in glasses. This is where it will help us product weight table. It will also be required for recalculation, when it is more convenient for us to measure all quantities with the help of scales, and not to dirty glasses and spoons. But, it is important to remember that in recipes adapted for Russia, a glass does not mean beaker(volume at least 300 ml), and the usual faceted(volume to the risks - 200 ml, to the brim - 250 ml). In this case, the glass must be filled exactly to the risk, on which the edges end, not necessary ram down. Volume teaspoon should be 5 ml, and canteen- 18 ml. We collect dry products with a spoon with a slide.

In foreign culinary literature, quantities are measured not in glasses, but in cups. But, this doesn’t really change anything, since the cup is the same glass filled to the brim - the same 250 ml. If you often come across recipes with "cups" instead of "glasses", then the following information will be useful to you.

In this case, we use a measuring cup, or we get ourselves a special set of measuring spoons. Luckily there are some for sale.

quantities liquid products indicated either in ml or in glasses, spoons. Sometimes the value is given in grams. If glasses are indicated - we take a faceted glass, spoons are indicated - we use them, milliliters are indicated - we take a measuring glass, grams are indicated - we use scales, or we determine from the table how many glasses or spoons are needed. And again, we come to the rescue product weight table. Liquid foods should fill spoons to the brim. Viscous products we collect with a spoon with a slide.

If you don't have a faceted glass in your kitchen, use a measuring glass. Find the marks at 200 and 250 ml. For clarity, they can be underlined with a bright marker. If you need a glass of flour, fill it up to the bright mark. Of course, if the required amount of flour is a multiple of 200 grams, then it is more convenient to use a measuring cup (flour scale). At the same time, put flour in a glass with a spoon, and do not scoop it up. In the latter case, voids may form. Small amounts of flour are more conveniently measured with a tablespoon. A spoonful of flour is a heaped spoon. Flour should be sifted only after the amount required for the recipe has been measured, as the sifted flour does not lie as tightly.

How to measure the right amount of the product is up to you. We hope that our summary table will help you in your cooking. For your convenience, the products in the table are arranged in alphabetical order. Some foods are grouped together (legumes, cereals, nuts, etc.). The table indicates how many grams product is contained in a certain amount of volume.

Product 1 tablespoon 1 teaspoon 1 glass, faceted
per 200 ml (to the rim)
1 cup tea
per 250 ml (to the brim)
Jam 45 20 270 330
Water 18 5 200 250
BEAN: Peas shelled 25 10 174 220
Beans 30 10 185 230
Lentils 25 7 170 210
dried mushrooms 10 4
Jam 40 15 - -
Baker's yeast - 5 y. - -
Gelatin (powdered) 15 5 - -
Raisin 25 - 130 165
cocoa powder 15 5 130 -
Potato starch 12 6 130 160
Natural ground coffee 20 7 80 100
Cornflakes 7 2 40 50
CEREALS: "Hercules" 12 3 70 90
Buckwheat (core) 25 8 170 210
corn 20 6 145 180
semolina 25 8 160 200
oatmeal 18 5 135 170
Rice 25 8 185 230
Barley 25 8 185 230
Wheat 20 6 145 180
Millet 25 8 180 220
Sago 20 6 145 180
barley 20 7 154 180
Liquor 20 7 - -
Citric acid (crystals) 25 8 - -
Poppy 15 4 120 155
Mayonnaise, margarine (melted) 15 4 180 230
Pasta - - 190 230
Honey 35 12 265 325
Vegetable oil 17 5 180 225
Butter 50 30 - -
Melted butter 20 6 190 240
Honey (in liquid state) 30 9 330 415
Milk, fermented baked milk, kefir, yogurt 18 5 200 250
Condensed milk 30 12 220 300
Powdered milk 20 10 100 120
Flour 20 7 145 180
Corn flour 30 10 130 160
Wheat flour, rye 25 8 130 160
NUTS: Peanuts 25 8 140 175
Walnuts (core) 30 10 130 165
Cedar 10 4 110 140
Almond (kernel) 30 10 130 160
crushed nuts 20 7 90 120
Hazelnut (kernel) 30 10 130 170
Oat flakes 14 4 100 180
wheat flakes 9 2 50 60
Jam 36 12 - -
curdled milk 18 5 200 250
Sour cream 10% 20 9 200 250
Sour cream 30% 25 11 200 250
Fat melted 20 8 200 240
Sugar 25 8 160 200
Powdered sugar 25 10 140 190
Cream 20% 18 5 200 250
Condensed cream with sugar 30 13 - -
drinking soda 28 12 - -
Juices (fruit, vegetable) 18 5 200 250
Salt 15 5 260 325
SPICES: ground cloves - 3 - -
Whole cloves - 4 - -
Mustard - 4 - -
Mustard dry - 3 - -
ground ginger - 2 - -
ground cinnamon 20 8 - -
Allspice peas - 5 - -
Ground allspice - 4.5 - -
Ground black pepper 12 5 - -
Black peppercorns - 6 - -
Crackers ground 20 5 110 130
Dried fruits - - - 80
Cottage cheese fat, low fat 17 6 - -
Cottage cheese diet, soft 20 7 - -
Curd 18 6 - -
tomato paste 30 10 - -
Tomato sauce 25 80 180 220
Vinegar 15 5 200 250
BERRIES: Cowberry - - 110 140
Cherry 30 5 130 165
Blueberry - - 160 200
Blackberry 40 - 150 190
Strawberry 20 - 120 150
Cranberry - - 110 140
Gooseberry 40 - 160 210
Raspberry 20 - 145 180
Red currants 35 - 140 175
Black currant 30 - 125 150
Cherries 30 - 130 165
Blueberry - - 160 200
Mulberry 40 - 135 195
Dried rosehip 20 6 - -
Tea 12-15 4 - -
Egg powder 25 10 80 100

To make the dish tasty and beautiful, you must follow the recipe. That is, take into account the proportions of the products that are used in cooking. Well, when you can cope with the help of weights. Then no problems arise.

But what if this thing is not there? How to accurately determine the weight of the product without scales?

Determination of weight

You can find out the mass of products without scales.

Here are some simple tools that will help you:

  • teaspoon;
  • table spoon;
  • faceted glass;
  • pots.

Before proceeding with the procedure, you need to know some of the nuances:

If you are going to weigh flour, then you should know: a teaspoon contains 10 g, a tablespoon contains 25 g. If it is easier to measure with a glass, it contains 180 g. and in the tea room - 9 g.

By the way, sugar or other bulk product can be weighed in a different way:

  • take two different pans and a kilogram of sand;
  • pour it into the pan that is smaller in size;
  • put one dish in another (it is necessary that one pan is completely immersed in the second);
  • pour water into a large bowl so that it reaches the edges of a smaller one;
  • note the water level - this is the mass of one kilogram.

A little more difficult with viscous substances, such as honey. In a faceted glass there will be 325 g, in a teaspoon - 12 g, and in a dining room - 35 g. It is necessary to fill to the brim, best of all with a slide.

Liquids must be determined in the same way. If the recipe indicates milliliters, not grams, then you need to use a measuring cup, where there are marks with milliliters.

How to determine the weight of different products?

You can use the information below, and there is also a table for determining the mass. You can find it on the Internet.

In general, a teaspoon fits:

In a tablespoon:

  • 25 g sugar or salt;
  • 15 g loose;
  • 20 g liquid;
  • 20 g of cereals.

In a faceted glass:

  1. 180 g flour;
  2. 200 g of cereals;
  3. 200 ml liquid;
  4. 250 ml milk or vegetable oil.

How to determine the weight of the product by eye?

Sometimes you can find out the weight by eye. For example, one medium vegetable (potato, tomato, carrot, cucumber) weighs 100 g. An apple weighs the same. But a quince or a banana weighs 200 g. A large tomato or cucumber will be about 350 g. And an apple - 230 g.

Concerning bakery products, a small bun will weigh 50 g, and a large one - 200 g. A small slice of bread - 20 g, and a large one - 50 g, a crust - about 80.

A small piece of sausage weighs only 5 g, and a large one - 40. A chop - about 200 g, and a small cutlet - 95. By the way, how to determine the weight of a finished product?

You need to know that the mass increases:

This happens due to the fact that the products are saturated with water.

Continuing the topic of how to measure any ingredient when there are no scales or a measuring cup, let's talk today how to measure flour in such a situation. Baking recipes very often indicate the amount of flour in grams. Experienced housewives, already reading the recipe, they can determine what kind of dough will turn out, how much flour is needed. But what about young people who are just starting to learn the basics of culinary arts? It's not worth getting upset. Flour, as well as sugar, can be measured with a glass or spoon. And, conversely, if it is indicated how many glasses you need, you can convert to grams. Usually when they talk about a glass, they mean faceted glass. We use it more often and this measure of measurement was inherited from our grandmothers.

How to measure flour without scales with a glass

A faceted glass comes with and without a rim. A glass with a rim contains 250 ml of liquid. And in a glass without a rim - 200 ml. From this we will proceed.

If flour is poured into a faceted glass with a rim to the very edge, then the usual wheat flour the highest grade in it will be 160 grams.

In a glass without a rim of the same flour, there will be only 130 grams, or more precisely, 128 grams.

The same amount, i.e. 130 grams, it will be if you pour flour into a glass up to the rim.

When baking pies or buns, it is certainly more convenient to use a glass from measuring flour. In such flour recipes, usually 400 or more grams are required. What to do if there is no faceted glass? But there is still some kind of glass in the house or a cup for tea.

Let's say you have a glass of 180 ml. To calculate how much flour will be in such a glass, you need 180x160/250, where 180 is the volume of our glass. 160 is the weight of flour in a faceted glass with a rim and 250 is the volume of a faceted glass. You can calculate based on the volume of a faceted glass without a rim.

How to measure flour without scales with a spoon

Using a spoon to measure flour for a pie takes much longer. But this way is quite acceptable. I have a special sieve in the form of a mug for sifting flour. It’s more convenient for me to pour flour into it with a spoon.

A tablespoon (deep, not flat) of flour will contain approximately 20 grams. Why approximately? If you scoop up with such a slide, as in the photo, then 20 grams.

If the slide is higher, and the flour is not sugar and does not fall off the spoon, then flour can be scooped up from about 25 to 40 grams.

With the same not big slide in a teaspoon of flour will be about 10 grams. But a teaspoon of flour is usually required to be measured only if for a face mask and then oatmeal or potato.

Now many have multicookers or bread makers. They usually come with a measuring cup. Usually they are small. I have a glass with a capacity of 100 ml for a multicooker. They can also measure flour, knowing that 64 grams of flour will intervene in 100 ml.

Wheat flour of the second grade, from which bread is usually baked, practically does not differ in weight. Therefore, you can measure it using these methods.

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