Home Kashi Beautiful sandwiches with red fish. Hot sandwiches with fish in the oven. Recipe: Sandwiches with red fish and cucumber, crab butter

Beautiful sandwiches with red fish. Hot sandwiches with fish in the oven. Recipe: Sandwiches with red fish and cucumber, crab butter

Using red fish of various varieties, expensive salmon caviar, exotic fruits and vegetables in the process of making sandwiches is far from a newfangled trend of recent times, but a well-known technique when compiling the main menu for any holiday. Located in the center of the festive table, on snack consoles or on the buffet tables of any banquet, they become an indispensable attribute of any celebration, whether New year's night, birthday and anniversary celebrations, wedding banquets, solemn corporate events or just a dinner party for friends.

In principle, it doesn’t matter at all how grandiose the hot dish is planned to be served and what is conceived as it according to the feast menu, appetizing snacks they always disperse at lightning speed to the guests, while not nearly knocking down the appetite of the audience.

In the case of red fish, the choice of consumers is absolutely unlimited. All existing varieties are recommended for use in cooking. It completely depends on individual preferences, the nature of the planned celebration and, of course, on the planned budget provided for the cost of blanks for the feast menu. As a rule, in the preparation of sandwiches it is preferable: pink salmon, salmon and trout.

The following recipes will help you to beautifully, skillfully and tastefully not only cook, but also decorate the most popular snacks for any celebration.

Recipe: Hot Salmon Sandwiches

Products for the recipe:

Baton white bread;
A pack of high-quality butter;
Unsalted fresh salmon fillet (in this example, pink salmon);
About 200 gr. any cheese hard varieties;
A small jar of medium-fat mayonnaise (you will need a part);
Curd cheese, as an alternative to mayonnaise, for a less fatty recipe;
A bunch of young green onions;

The fillet of red fish should be thoroughly washed under running water and dried, spread out on a paper towel;

If this recipe seems too complicated for you, slices of bread can be fried in a pan and in a toaster. The main thing is not to dry them out, otherwise the loaf may burn in the oven while the fish is baking. Also, sandwiches should be served hot, otherwise they will dry out, although reheating in the microwave will correct the situation and they will regain their former softness.

Recipe: Sandwiches with pink salmon, fresh cucumber and egg

The combination of red varieties of fish and fresh vegetables is quite popular when decorating a festive table. A special touch of taste to the dish is given by the use of not simple pieces of bread, but crispy cereal bread. Fortunately, their variety on store shelves will not make you look for suitable ones for a long time.

Products for the recipe:

A pack of whole grain bread;
1 – 2 fresh cucumbers medium size;
Chicken eggs in the amount of 1 - 2 pieces;
A few tablespoons of medium-fat mayonnaise;
Salted red fish, cut into thin strips; (in my case pink salmon)
Fresh dill greens;

The steps for preparing a snack according to this recipe are as follows:

Cucumbers need to be washed, dried and grated with straws. Can be cut with a knife
In the future, all excess cucumber juice should be drained;

Hard boil eggs, peel, finely chop or rub;

To make the filling, you need to mix some mayonnaise with a grated egg;

Lubricate the loaf with a thin layer of mayonnaise, spread the grated cucumber on top, cover with egg mass. Carefully tamp the laid out layers;

In the center of each sandwich, place the pink salmon fillet, folding the strips into the shape of roses.

Fresh dill will be the best decoration for such an appetizer. If desired, such sandwiches can be supplemented with chopped olive rings or lemon slices.

Recipe: Sandwiches with red fish and cucumber, crab butter

This cooking recipe allows you to use any variety of red fish. The choice depends solely on individual preferences.

So, you will need:

Fresh crispy baguette;
High-quality crab sticks (it is better to use chilled, not frozen);
A pack of butter;
Smoked cheese- 100gr.
Fresh dill, parsley or other greens;
Salted red fish (salmon, pink salmon, trout, chum salmon);
Fresh cucumbers in the amount of 1 - 2 pieces.

Cut the baguette into equal pieces 1-2 cm thick;

Melted butter and crab sticks mix in a blender or mixer;

Each piece of baguette is smeared with the resulting mixture on top and sides;

Dill greens should be finely chopped and poured into a large plate of medium depth;

Immerse each sandwich in a plate with greens so that the sides of a slice of bread are completely covered with greens;
We spread a thin slice of smoked cheese (for lovers of dishes with a pronounced smoked taste, otherwise you can not add it);
The cucumber is cut into medium slices or straws;

On top of the sandwich blank are laid out: on the one hand, cucumber slices, on the other, strips of fish cut in the shape of a rose.

The combined products according to this recipe not only perfectly complement, but also set off the taste of each other.

Festive recipe: Sandwiches with red fish “Ladybug”

Especially love the sandwiches ladybug”according to this recipe during celebrations or festive banquets. Surprising with beauty and brightness, they, nevertheless, are prepared in a fairly simple way:

Products for the recipe:

A couple of medium sized buns;
Lightly salted salmon - 200 gr.
250 g hunting cheese;
Several cherry tomatoes;
200 gr. Low-fat mayonnaise;
Canned pitted olives;
Any fresh herbs, garlic.

The cooking process is as follows:

  • The buns are cut lengthwise and fried for a couple of minutes in a very hot oven. Then the bread base for sandwiches is taken out and laid out on a shallow form.
  • Tomatoes are cut in half.
  • Lubricate the cooled pieces of buns with cheese mass, lay a piece of salmon, put cherry on top with the flesh down.
  • Cut a few very small pieces of olives, put them as spots on the surface of the tomatoes. We spread the quarters of olives next to the tomatoes - this will be the head of our ladybugs. From small cloves of garlic we make eyes, stick into olives.

Sandwiches with "Ladybug" will become not only a delicious treat, but also a truly worthy decoration of a festive feast. Do not forget to decorate the dish with fresh herbs and lemon slices.

Sandwiches with red fish decoration:

After preparing sandwiches, you need to make a few more movements to bring them to the ideal. Popular examples of the design of sandwiches with red fish.

Everyone knows how to make sandwiches (sandwiches), and they come in handy, especially if unexpected guests come. A versatile dish, used as an independent snack and decoration of the festive table. It is difficult to surprise people now, we have all become spoiled in terms of food. This appetizer does not exactly pretend to be a gourmet dish, but their small variety looks beautiful on the table. The main advantage is that you can cook with any red fish, and combine with almost different ingredients.

We have the most fun holiday ahead of us New Year. I suggest that you join me in cold appetizers. Today I will tell you how I cook salmon sandwiches. All recipes are suitable for a festive table, the important thing is that they are very simple.

Salmon sandwiches - a festive recipe with cream cheese

Such an appetizer has long been a holiday symbol, although all red fish is expensive. But if a New Year's holiday is planned, then no money is a pity, it happens once a year. cook it tasty dish it doesn't cost a lot of effort.


  • Bread.
  • Salmon is salty.
  • Cream cheese.
  • Dill for decoration.

First I make preparations, I take toasted bread. I take a mold, I have it for a cake, you can take it for cookies or a round glass.

I cut out the workpiece, I make it from the remnants of bread breadcrumbs, or use for cooking meatballs.

Spread toppings with cream cheese. I spread the edges of sandwiches with dill

I take a piece of fish, fold it, and spread it on top. The appetizer is prepared, it is done quickly and simply.

Ask the chef!

Failed to cook a meal? Feel free to ask me personally.

How to cook salmon sandwiches with fresh cucumber and curd cheese

Red fish goes well with fresh cucumber and curd cheese, which gives the appetizer freshness. This is a delicious and beautiful appetizer with which any table will look festive and original. The taste of salmon will be remembered for a long time, and if everyone can cook it, continued success will be guaranteed!


  • slightly salted salmon (fillet),
  • sliced ​​rye or white bread,
  • olives and olives,
  • fresh cucumber,
  • lettuce,
  • Dill,
  • cottage cheese.

I take bread, spread it with curd cheese, cut a cucumber into a slice several millimeters thick, put it on top, then there is a plate fish fillet I put it in the middle. Next, I take an olive or an olive for decoration, insert a sprig of dill. It turns out here is such a sandwich, so you can do all the rest. In order, take an olive or olives. The sandwiches are ready fast cooking dishes. Delicious, try it!

Sandwiches with slightly salted salmon

Cooking sandwiches is a simple and exciting business, the result will delight you and your guests. Usually so bright and delicious snacks eaten first. And the red fish is the most delicious and delicate sandwich ingredient, it will give a truly real culinary pleasure.

Ingredients for 10 sandwiches:

  • Salted salmon - 150 gr.
  • Cream cheese cheese - 150 gr.
  • Cucumber - 1 pc.
  • White bread.
  • Dill - 1 bunch.

I cut the bread into pieces.

Mix dill and cheese together.

I cut the cucumber into thin slices.

I cut salmon fillets with similar plates.

I fry slices of bread in a dry frying pan.

I collect sandwiches.

I fasten them with skewers. It turns out beautiful, tender and very tasty!

Salmon and avocado sandwiches

Delicious and hearty snack, an ideal and correct solution for breakfast and dinner. It will look beautiful on the holiday table. The dish contains many vitamins, minerals, omega-3 fatty acids. Ingredients include avocado useful fruit, which has a positive effect on all human organs.


  • salmon (fillet),
  • White bread,
  • arugula,
  • Apple vinegar,
  • avocado,
  • parmesan cheese,
  • curd cream,
  • olive oil,
  • radish.

I cut the baguette into pieces, bake a little in the oven so that it crunches.

To prepare the paste, I peel the avocado, remove the stone, chop it randomly, turn it into a puree, add a little curd cream, soy, pepper, bring to a homogeneous mass.

Finely chop the arugula.

Shred radishes in arbitrary slices.

I put radishes and arugula in a cup, add a little apple cider vinegar, I stir.

Drizzle pre-baked baguette pieces olive oil, cover with cooked pasta.

I arbitrarily cut the salmon into slices, spread it in a second layer, then comes the radish and arugula salad, sprinkle with grated parmesan on top.

Sandwiches are ready!

Recipe for sandwiches with salmon and lemon

Red fish with lemon looks original. A very bright appetizer will be enjoyed by every guest. You can serve immediately after preparation. This is the most quick way with a minimum of ingredients. Beautiful and festive, the table will look solemn and "smart".


  • Salted salmon (thinly sliced).
  • Slices of white banana.
  • Butter at room temperature.
  • Lemon.
  • Parsley (or any greens to taste).
  • Shaped mold for cutting

I cut out a figured blank for sandwiches from a loaf.

I lightly grease the base with butter.

I cut the lemon into thin circles, lay out one slice for each curly blank.

I put a sprig of parsley on the lemon. From above I decorate with roses made from slices of salmon. original sandwiches ready.
Bon Appetit!

If you want to surprise or please your guests on a holiday, be sure to cook salmon sandwiches. Handmade recipes will look like a highlight on the festive table. Unexpected ingredients, vivid taste impressions, easy way to have a snack, all these qualities make the snack indispensable. Two goals are pursued here at once - great taste and excellent appearance fast food. Bon Appetit!

Red sea ​​fish: salmon, trout, whale, salmon, etc. - product containing unique set useful substances for human health, youth and beauty (especially women): omega-3 fatty acids, iodine, zinc, selenium, calcium, phosphorus, fluorine, B vitamins, vitamins D, A, PP, E and others.

However, in addition to the benefits, red fish also has an amazing taste, and when freshly salted or smoked, it is a delicacy.

Sandwiches with red fish and ricotta cheese

If you think that the classics - slices of salty fish on a loaf smeared with butter - yesterday and your stomach requires something more refined, then this unusual recipe with ricotta cheese for you.


  • 250 g soft cheese"Ricotta"
  • half a bunch of dill
  • a pinch of sea salt
  • 1 lemon
  • extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 package of any red fish in a vacuum package*
  • 1 package of Croisette bread with sesame seeds (or any other similar)
  • ground black pepper

For decoration:

  • lemon
  • olives
  • lettuce

Cooking method:

  1. Since Ricotta cheese is a bland product, put it in a salad bowl, salt to taste and mix.
  2. Dill wash, dry, finely chop. Mix ricotta and dill.
  3. Add olive oil.
  4. Pass the garlic through a garlic press.
  5. Pepper and mix the resulting mass.
  6. Squeeze lemon juice, remove seeds. Add lemon juice to salted cheese, mix.
  7. Spread the bread with the prepared cheese mass.
  8. Cut red fish into small thin pieces.
  9. Lay red fish slices on top.
  10. Wash lettuce leaves, pat dry and place on a plate.
  11. Cut olives in half.
  12. Cut one circle of lemon into pieces.
  13. On a sandwich, on top of red fish, put olives and lemon.
  14. Place sandwiches on a plate.

Original sandwiches with cheese and red fish are ready. Bon Appetit!
And do not delay with the use, the bread can lose its crunchy properties.

Sandwiches with red fish and butter

The classic combination of white bread, butter, salmon, trout or any other lightly salted red fish has been loved by everyone since childhood (with the exception of the “unfortunate” who are allergic to the inhabitants of the deep sea) and is served both on holidays and on weekdays.

The advantage of this dish is the exceptional flavor combination of ingredients, as well as the speed and ease of preparation. Even a child can handle these sandwiches. Of course, provided that he already knows how to use a knife on his own.


  • 1 sliced ​​loaf
  • 1 pack of butter
  • 1 pack of freshly salted red fish (trout, salmon, etc.)*

Cooking method:

As you can see, there is nothing simpler and tastier - sandwiches with red fish are ready! Bon Appetit!

*Please note that when choosing vacuum-packed red fish, you should be guided not only by the expiration date indicated on the package. Inside the vacuum package (if the production technology has not been violated) there should be no liquid. Ideally, the film fits a piece of fish very tightly.

If you don’t like the exotic with salted fish, try cooking more a traditional dish — .

Sandwiches with red fish - all favourite dish that can decorate any festive table or just to please your family on a weekday. In this review you will find the most delicious and proven recipes, both classic and original.

Making sandwiches with red fish is a simple process that does not require special skills, but, nevertheless, you need to know a few features:

  • For sandwiches, you should use only fresh products. Cutting or harvesting components should be done immediately before their preparation.
  • You can use any kind of bread, both white and black whole grain. The choice depends on the preferences of the guests and the hostess who will cook them.
  • Cut the fish into thin strips or layers. To be sure of the quality of slightly salted fish, you can prepare it yourself.
  • Often, special “salmon oil” is used to make sandwiches. It is easy to prepare by thoroughly mixing 120 gr. salted fish, 200 gr. butter and finely chopped herbs to taste.
  • More appetizing, sandwiches with red fish will appear on lightly toasted bread of small sizes. This does not need croutons, but only a slightly crispy crust. You can dry the bread right in the pan. Spread butter only on a cooled loaf.

Sandwich with salmon and curd cheese

Due to the fact that curd cheese is soft, it can be easily spread on any bread. This component is used for making sandwiches, both for a festive table and for making a regular breakfast.

Main Components
  • White bread.
  • Salted trout ( or any other kind of salted fish).
  • Cottage cheese.
  • Fresh dill.


  1. Finely chop the dill and mix into a homogeneous consistency with cheese. In bread (preferably a loaf), cut out the desired shapes for canapes and dry a little in the oven or fry in a pan.
  2. Take the pieces of bread out oven and cool, then brush with cheese.
  3. Lay out the fish. To make sandwiches with red fish more aesthetic, cut the fish into thin pieces and roll roses from them, with which to decorate the top of the canape.
  4. Top with a small sprig of dill or parsley.

Curd cheese in the preparation of sandwiches with red fish can be decorated with tomatoes, cucumbers, caviar, shrimps, ham, peppers, lettuce, crab sticks, thin slices of lemon.

Variant with red fish and cucumber

Incredible delicious sandwiches with red fish and fresh crispy cucumber.


  • Slightly salted or salted salmon.
  • Butter.
  • Fresh cucumbers.
  • Bread.

Cooking features

  1. The salmon is cut into thin strips. "Lifehack" - to conveniently and quickly cut the fish, it can be placed in the freezer for 1-2 hours. Butter must be taken out of the refrigerator in advance so that it is easily spread on bread.
  2. Cucumbers are well washed and cut into thin slices.
  3. Cut the bread into desired shape. Sandwiches-triangles or rectangles will look best. For delicious canapes, use only fresh bread ( Suitable for both black and white). A sandwich with toasted bread in a skillet will be original and tasty.
  4. Lubricate each piece of bread with a thin even layer of butter, put the prepared cucumber, and salmon on top of it. A small sprig of greens for each red fish sandwich will help diversify the appearance.
Using red fish and cucumber as the basis of a sandwich, you can prepare several types of canapés that can be supplemented:
  • cream cheese.
  • any greenery.
  • hard, smoked or curd cheese.
  • chicken eggs.
  • crab sticks.
  • olives.
  • lemon.

Sandwiches with butter and salmon

Satisfying and beautiful dish which can take only a few minutes to prepare. Even if you change the components or decorate in your own way, the dish will not deteriorate from this. The recipe is banal, but the sandwiches are very tasty.

  • Baton.
  • Butter.
  • Salted salmon or trout.
  • Greens, tomatoes or other products as decoration.


  1. Cut the loaf into pieces of any shape, preferably into small slices.
  2. Lubricate them with butter.
  3. Lay out the thinly sliced ​​fish.
  4. Decorate with herbs or any other products you wish.

The dish can be made more refined if you make a sail out of fish on bread or make a rosette on toast from a thin strip and complement it with a sprig of greens. The appetizing appearance of the dish is guaranteed.

Sandwiches with red fish are usually prepared for the festive table. Their simultaneous simplicity and originality lies in the fact that the hostess can add any component that was lying around in the refrigerator at her discretion.

The next holiday is a great occasion to gather all your friends and relatives at one festive table. The most the best decoration such a table will be small snacks, which not every housewife will cook on a normal day.

Sandwiches with red fish just belong to such snacks. There are a huge number of variations of this appetizer: sandwiches with curd cheese and red fish, and with avocados, and even with tomatoes and olives. In a word, sandwiches with salmon, trout or salmon can combine a wide variety of fillings; various ingredients such as cream cheese or butter. One thing is for sure - these elegant and simple snacks with their appearance alone they create the right mood and a sense of celebration for all the guests present.

TIME: 5 min.



  • salted red fish - 100 gr;
  • cream cheese - 4 tbsp;
  • white or black bread;
  • salad from seaweed for decoration.


In order to prepare these sandwiches, you need salted red fish. Trout or salmon are best suited for this. You can buy already salted fish in the store, or you can salt it yourself at home. So your fish will turn out tastier, and the savings will be significant. There are many recipes for salting fish. The easiest option is to sprinkle pieces of red fish with salt, add a chopped sprig of dill. After that, cover the fish with foil or cling film and refrigerate for a day. Such salted fish is stored for 3-4 days in a cool place. If you have too much of such a lightly salted snack, then you can simply put it in a bag for storage in the freezer.

Slice the fish into thin slices with a sharp knife.

For these sandwiches, use white or brown bread, which is cut into slices no thicker than 1.5 cm. Then carefully cut off the crusts around the entire perimeter of the slice.

Toast the bread in a hot skillet lightly greased vegetable oil or use a toaster.

Red fish goes very well with cream cheese, so use it to prepare your snack. Not forbidden self-cooking such cheese, but to save time it is better to buy ready-made.

Start making sandwiches. On dried bread, apply 1 tsp. cream cheese place a piece of fish on top.

Garnish sandwiches with some seaweed salad.

Serve immediately, before the bread is soaked with cheese and crunchy. Bon Appetit!

Sandwiches with curd cheese and red fish


  • Red fish slightly salted - 150 gr;
  • Bread - 6 slices;
  • Curd cheese - 100 gr;
  • Capers for decoration.


  1. Cut the bread into portioned slices no more than 1.5 cm thick. It is best to use a baguette, it will look more aesthetically pleasing and will not require additional processing slices. If you are using a regular loaf of bread, then cut off all the crusts from the slice and give it a neat square shape. If desired, you can dry the bread in a hot pan or in a toaster until a small crispy crust forms.
  2. Spread cream cheese on each slice of bread. Choose plain cheese, or with the addition of herbs. Other additives will not be combined with fish.
  3. Cut red fish (trout or salmon) into thin strips. Lay carefully on top of the cream cheese. Garnish the finished sandwiches with capers and sprinkle with a little black pepper.

Simple sandwiches with butter, red fish and radishes


  • Salted red fish - 120 gr;
  • Radishes - 3 pcs;
  • Butter - 5 tbsp;
  • Rye bread;
  • Red caviar, dill sprig for decoration.


  1. into cut slices rye bread Spread butter in a thin layer.
  2. Cut the red fish into several portioned pieces and carefully place on top of the butter, taking only one half of the bread.
  3. Wash the radishes, pat dry with paper towels and cut into very thin slices. The thinner the cut, the more beautiful the sandwiches will turn out in the end. Lay the circles overlapping each other on the second half of the bread.
  4. To do simple sandwiches with fish and radish more spectacular, decorate them with a few eggs and finely chopped dill. Serve immediately, while the fish and caviar are not windy.

Sandwiches with avocado and red fish


  • Curd cheese - 5 tbsp;
  • Avocado - 1 pc;
  • Tomato - 1 pc;
  • Red onion - 1 pc;
  • Bread.


  1. For this appetizer, use your favorite red fish, such as salmon or salmon. Pink salmon and chum are also good for sandwiches. Buy ready-made salted fish, or salt it yourself. Cut it into small thin pieces.
  2. Cut the tomato into circles of the same thickness, onion into rings. If instead of red onions you only have onions, then it must first be marinated in order to get rid of too harsh taste and smell. Pour the chopped onion rings with 3 tbsp. vinegar and add a few tablespoons of sugar to the marinade and leave for 15 minutes. If you are using apple or vinegar instead of the usual, the onion will turn out even more fragrant.
  3. Remove the skin and pit from the avocado and mash in a bowl with a fork until it becomes a paste.
  4. Spread a thin layer of cottage cheese on a slice of bread, put a little avocado paste on top. Then lay the tomato slices in a single layer and the onion rings. Top the sandwich with pieces of red fish. Sprinkle black ground pepper and serve.

Another design option for sandwiches with avocado and red fish is that the avocado is not ground into a paste, but cut into thin slices and placed on bread in this form. Tomatoes can be completely excluded from the recipe, and onions can be laid on top of pieces of fish. You can also use black peppercorns for decoration.

Sandwiches with red fish and cream cheese


  • Red slightly salted fish (salmon, trout, salmon, chum salmon, etc.) - 200 gr;
  • Black bread;
  • Cream cheese - 150 gr;
  • Fresh herbs for decoration.


  • Cut out round pieces from Borodino bread. This will beautifully serve sandwiches on the festive table. Toast them lightly in a hot skillet with a little oil or in a toaster for a delicious crunch.
  • Spread a thin layer of cream cheese mixed with chopped herbs on each slice of bread. Do this carefully so as not to spoil the circle of bread.
  • Cut the lightly salted fish into strips and roll into the shape of a rose. Put the resulting rose on top of a sandwich and garnish with sprigs of fresh herbs. Sandwiches with red fish and cream cheese are ready. Serve them right away until all the ingredients look good.

Sandwiches with red fish and lemon


  • Red salted fish - 90 gr;
  • Processed cheese - 80 gr;
  • Bread;
  • Lemon;
  • Greenery for decoration.


  1. Pickle your favorite red fish in advance or buy it ready-made in the store. Cut it into thin slices.
  2. Make toast from white or brown bread. It is best to use a baguette, as it looks more advantageous when served on a festive table.
  3. Spread melted cheese on baguette slices and place fish pieces on top. It should be noted that the use processed cheese with any additives is unacceptable, as they will not combine with salted fish and spoil the taste of the snack.
  4. Garnish with half a circle of very thinly sliced ​​lemon and fresh herbs. Serve sandwiches with red fish and lemon immediately, before the fish and lemon have time to wind up.

Sandwiches with red fish and caviar


  • Red salted fish - 100 gr;
  • Gray bread;
  • Cream cheese - 50 gr;
  • Cucumber - 1 pc;
  • Black caviar - 2 tbsp.


  1. cut into gray bread small pieces and carefully cut off all the crusts from them. For these mini sandwiches, you should only have small pieces of crumb left.
  2. Spread a small amount of cream cheese on each slice of bread. It is important to use quality cheese so that with his taste he only emphasizes the rest of the ingredients, and does not interrupt them. In this regard, ricotta and Philadelphia cheeses are best suited.
  3. Thinly slice the red fish into oblong strips so that they can be rolled up nicely on the bread.
  4. Put half a circle of cucumber on bread, then fish. Garnish red fish sandwiches with a little black caviar and serve.

In addition to fish, shrimp can be used in such snack sandwiches. To prepare such an appetizer, you need to coat the edges of fried bread with melted or curd cheese, and then roll them in very finely chopped greens. This will allow you to decorate sandwiches very beautifully and in an original way. Then spread the salad on the bread. crab sticks, mayonnaise and greens. Top with shrimp with an unpeeled tail, a small pile of red caviar and a sprig of dill. If you are worried that the shrimp will not stand upright and fall off the top of your culinary creation at the most inopportune moment, then simply secure it with a skewer. Such sandwiches are worthy of serving at any buffet table, especially on the New Year's festive table, when every hostess wants to surprise her guests. unusual dishes and snacks.

Sandwiches with red fish, black bread and tomatoes


  • Red salted fish - 120 gr;
  • Tomato - 1 pc;
  • Cream cheese - 4 tbsp;
  • Black bread.


  1. Thinly slice brown bread, cut off the crusts and dry it in a pan or in a toaster. It is necessary to achieve a very crispy outside, but soft inside the base of future sandwiches.
  2. Cut salted fish into thin strips, tomatoes into halves of circles. If desired, you can replace salted fish with red smoked fish, from this the taste of sandwiches will become more saturated. Try to make all cuts the same size so that when serving the appetizer has an aesthetic appearance.
  3. Spread cream cheese on toast. Lay the tomato on top, then the fish pieces. Garnish with fresh herbs and serve immediately.

Sandwiches with red fish, mozzarella and olives


  • Red fish - 130 gr;
  • Mozzarella in balls - 1 pack;
  • The loaf is white;
  • Olives - 5 pcs;
  • Fresh herbs for decoration.


  1. Dry the sliced ​​loaf in a pan or in a toaster. If desired, you can grease each piece with a thin layer of butter.
  2. Red fish in sandwiches is combined not only with cottage cheese or cream cheese, but also with such soft types of cheese as mozzarella. Cut mozzarella balls in half and place on bread.
  3. Cut red fish of any kind into thin strips and lay on top of the mozzarella, rolling with weak rolls.
  4. Garnish with rings of chopped olives, herbs and black pepper. Instead of olives, you can use pitted green olives, also cut into thin rings.

Sandwiches with cucumber and red fish


  • Red fish - 150 gr;
  • Cream or curd cheese - 100 gr;
  • Cucumbers - 2 pcs;
  • White or black bread;
  • Green onions for decoration.


  1. Prepare all the ingredients for assembling the sandwich. Cut the cucumbers lengthwise into very thin plates, red salted fish into strips.
  2. Brush slices of bread with butter or cream cheese. If desired, the bread can be pre-fried in a pan until a crispy crust forms, but this is not necessary, since the crunch in this sandwich will be present thanks to fresh cucumbers.
  3. Arrange the cucumber slices randomly on top of the cheese. Another option for such an appetizer involves the use of pickles, they must also be cut lengthwise and put on bread in one layer.
  4. Lay strips of red fish on top of the cucumber, which is sprinkled with chopped green onions. The sandwich turns out to be quite elegant, but you can additionally decorate it with ground black pepper or halves of lemon slices, which will give a pleasant sourness. ready meal. It is important to remember that if you are preparing sandwiches with pickled cucumber, then the use of lemon should be discarded so as not to spoil the taste of the snack.

Cooking and decorating tips:

Fresh greens are often used to decorate sandwiches with red fish. You should not limit yourself to the publicly available dill and parsley, you can very advantageously emphasize the appearance of the snack with the help of small mint or thyme leaves. Rosemary is ideal for decorating dishes on the New Year's table.

Do not make large sandwiches. Small snacks will be more appreciated as they look neater. To do this, it is better to use a baguette, instead of ordinary bread.

Sandwiches can be decorated with very small pieces of canned fish. For example, pink salmon or sprats. The main thing is to add them quite a bit, so as not to interrupt the main note of the taste of lightly salted red fish.

Cherry tomato halves are great for garnishing appetizers with red fish. The main thing is to spread them on the same surface with the fish, so that the red color contrasts beautifully with the white cheese mass. By the same principle of emphasis, halves of quail eggs can be laid out on top of the fish.

As for the sandwich mass, which is spread on bread, then your imagination can run wild. In addition to the previously voiced cream cheese and butter, you can use a mixture of unsweetened cottage cheese and avocado. The ingredients must be whipped in a blender until smooth and a little salt. Instead of an avocado, you can use ripe kiwi, then an appetizer with such a paste will become very unusual. spicy taste. Also, the original taste can be achieved if butter and curd cheese are whipped in equal proportions.

Sandwiches with red fish can be made hot. To do this, you need to place an appetizer with a minimum amount of ingredients in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 7-8 minutes. This time will be enough for thin plates of fish to cook. Sauce for this hot appetizer an ordinary tartar can serve, with which you pour the dish after baking.

You can arrange sandwiches in the style of Japanese sushi. To do this, cut the bread into small rectangular pieces so that later you can almost completely cover it with a fish.

squid, king prawns, fixed on top of a sandwich, will also give the appetizer an unusual appearance.

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