Home General issues Konstantin ivlev chief. Personal life and biography of Konstantin Ivlev. The fantastic story of a former loser

Konstantin ivlev chief. Personal life and biography of Konstantin Ivlev. The fantastic story of a former loser

After a few months of "running in", in the professional jargon of restaurateurs, the updated Wicked restaurant is ready to be presented to the capital's public. Several co-owners are at the helm of the redesigned establishment, including chef Konstantin Ivlev and Czech footballer Martin Jiranek

The only thing that remained the same in the restaurant onSadovaya-Chernogryazskaya,so this is his "evil" name Wicked , meaning "cool" in old Boston slang.The menu is no longer heavy foie gras, but there is a classic "Ivlev cuisine" with mother's recipes, salad "Olivier" and onion soup in the refined manner of the author.

What does Constantine mean?Wicked, what is the future of restaurants behind and why we can't wait for the Ivlev restaurant, perhaps the most famous Russian chef told Buro 24/7.

About restaurants and fast food
"I treat all restaurants as business projects. Being a simple chef, I, of course, dreamed of a personalized project. But the city still changes. Or maybe I'm not completely old. Take the same Zotov - he is very powerful chef, but at the same time opens fast food - this is pure commerce. Therefore, I do not get sick of this story, but at the same time I put my soul in. I also plan to launch fast food - a network called Chick-pork, where everything will be based on chicken and pork. "

On the influence of hipsters
"Hipsterism destroyed the idea of ​​gastronomy. And people, with all their pathos, began to treat food as fuel. They are ready to give 500 rubles and crack pasta with bolognese from a can and Olivier with boiled sausage. I think a restaurant crisis will come by December. On the other hand , it's even good - only the strongest and honest will survive. Honest - in terms of price and quality. "

About competition
"I love competition. I especially felt it when I worked at GQ and White Rabbit - it keeps you in good shape. Therefore, the proximity to the restaurants" Light "and" Honest Kitchen "does not scare me. Eroshenko's establishment is generally a home family restaurant, Wicked - completely different".

A source:

About the concept of Wicked

"We wanted to have our own parking lot and a little bit of mystery, so we chose Yusupov Dvor and the neighboring Garden Ring. Food is the basis here, and only I am responsible for it as a co-owner and chef. There are very few establishments in Moscow where you can eat well and then have a good time. People come to us at 12 o'clock at night to have dinner and stay. It turns out such a story with a continuation."

About the kitchen
"We took three plexuses as a basis: new Russian cuisine using domestic products, pan-Asian and Mediterranean cuisine with a focus on Italy. We do what is fashionable and what people want. We have a good value for money, and most importantly - we want to show people that, besides Chilean sea bass and sea bream, there are many of our forgotten products.

I have many recipes - a new look at the forgotten old: for example, the same Olivier salad. I just remove the heaviest thing from it - potatoes, add lettuce leaves, make a mayonnaise emulsion, season it with hints of horseradish and serve it with quail. There is very little high-quality Pan-Asian cuisine in Moscow, only Rappoport has now headed for this direction. God bless him in this."

About design
"There are a lot of sports paraphernalia on the shelves - I still have a football player as partners. Also, the whole kitchen is set up for athletes: someone, for example, sits on proteins, someone on diets. On the ceilings you see powerful equipment - we have a party , afterparty, the restaurant is capable of transforming to host any event.In the interior, we decided to play with diversity, to make a kind of Studio 54 - we put furniture of different textures, integrated club niches".

About gastronomic plans
"In order not to go deep into the club theme, as an acting chef, I came up with the Environment of Taste project for myself - one day a week you can get to the gastronomic story associated with a particular product. The next Wednesdays will be devoted to truffles, then the molecular environment will start kitchens, where I will cook in a kind of "chemistry room" right in front of the guests. Then the time for Salekhard venison will come in parallel with the festival of the same name in honor of it."

About future
"For the New Year, in addition to the tangerine holiday menu, we want to translate Wicked for round the clock. It is planned to add Cuisine de France to the menu soon, although the French flair is already present in it. Onion soup in my style, risotto and pasta are not classic recipes, but what seems right to me. For example, black risotto worth 999 rubles, as a sample of the highest quality of gold, is served with gold leaf petals. In general, our menu is small - only 40 items, and will change four times a year. Products are brought to us from all over Russia - now omul and muksun are not a problem at all. Stop eating sea bass."

Konstantin Ivlev not only succeeded as a professional chef, who launched many restaurants almost from scratch, but also earned the title of the best host of a culinary show in 2017. Those who talked with this man immediately noted that he does not like to show off in public, and he is not going to prove anything to anyone.

The chef has a biography rich in events and deeds, he travels a lot around the world and has already opened his restaurants both in many cities of Russia and abroad.

Choosing a non-prestigious profession

Konstantin was born in 1974 in Moscow, but his early childhood years were spent outside of Russia, where the whole family left because of the nature of his father's work. When the boy was 12 years old, he returned to the capital with his parents. In his school years, he could not boast of good grades, so already in high school he decided to enter the school as a cook along with his friends. Kostya was pushed to such a decision by his father, who advised him to connect his life with cooking. The young man himself always liked to mess around in the kitchen, helping his mother prepare lunch or dinner, in addition, he always liked to eat delicious food. Ivlev enthusiastically learned the basics of cooking, which allowed him to graduate with honors from college.

In those years, he did not even dream of working as a chef and before the army he worked in various canteens. In 1991, he was drafted into the army, and two years later, the restaurant business began to emerge in public catering. Returning home, the novice cook got a job in the Moscow institution "Sadko - Arkada", where a completely different world opened up to him. He studied with professionals such as French culinary specialist Patrick Pages, who showed him how to correctly match colors on a plate.

Mastering the culinary arts. Participation in TV projects

In 1997, Konstantin began climbing the career ladder, taking up the position of chef. He was invited to work in many prestigious institutions. The Muscovite did not stop there, training with foreign culinary specialists: at the French school Vatel, at the American Beef Institute, at the Spanish restaurant Arzak by Juan Maria Arzak and others. This allowed him not only to become a master of his craft, but also to participate in competitions among professionals, in which Ivlev won prizes.

In the photo Konstantin Ivlev and Yuri Rozhkov

In 2007, he decided to open a restaurant for foreigners, where instead of the usual Russian dishes, a new dish was served - sterlet baked in birch sap. So, thanks to the entrepreneurial spirit of the culinary specialist, a new trend in Russian cuisine was born. Soon he got the idea to teach his skills to a wide range of viewers, thanks to which a new position appeared in the chef's activities - a TV presenter. On the Domashny channel, he hosted such culinary programs as “Ask the Chef”, “Food Week” and “New Year's Food Week”, and on STS he participated in the filming of the show “Eat It Immediately!”. His collaboration with the Friday channel began in 2016. First, Konstantin appeared in the show "On the Knives", and in 2017 he headed the "Hell's Kitchen".

Family and parenting

The TV presenter is also satisfied with his personal life. If at work he often has to raise his voice and strictly ask his subordinates, then in the family, kindness and calmness come from him. Together with his wife Maria, he brings up two children: son Matvey and daughter Masha.

In the photo Konstantin Ivlev with his wife and children

After graduation, the son is going to study at the Istanbul Institute of Hotel Management, where, after two years of study, he will choose the faculty of cooking. Ivlev hopes that the heir will follow in his footsteps, but for now he is getting the necessary knowledge. The young man has already managed to work with his star father, having gained good experience in the culinary business. 4-year-old Masha also likes to help her dad cook, she also loves to watch how he broadcasts. The TV presenter does not strive for children to engage in this particular craft, as he respects their interests and preferences.

Chef with daughter. Photo Instagram ivlevchef

In their family, everyone who has a desire cooks. Konstantin taught his skills not only to his wife, but also to his mother. According to the chef, his wife manages to cook excellent liver pate, Russian salad and syrniki, but he does not like how she bakes pancakes. The presenter himself prepares them according to the recipe of his grandmother. In addition to culinary interests, the tall man (184 cm) loves football, being a fan of the Dynamo Moscow team.

Favorite expressions of the TV presenter

  • Strict discipline is important in the kitchen, like in the army. If it exists, everything will work out, if not, this is already anarchy;
  • A cook is like red wine: the older and more experienced he is, the more expensive and powerful he is;
  • At the age of 20, the chef cooks what he is told, at the age of 30 - what is necessary, and after 40 years - already what he wants;
  • The task of the chef is to come up with a dish that visitors would always remember.
  1. Ever since the army years, Konstantin fell in love with Borodino bread. Grandfathers always took away the products brought by my mother, but they gave the bread to him. The chef is also partial to black caviar and strawberries.
  2. For some time now, Ivlev began to collect a collection of figurines-cooks, the number of which has already exceeded 200. They are stored in a special equipped glass cabinet with lighting.
  3. The leader is ready to do what he loves at any time of the day. If his wife had asked him to cook borscht at night, he would have done it with pleasure.
  4. Ivlev always wanted to be like Gordon Ramsay, who attracted him not only with his skill, but also with his eccentricity and audacity. The presenter managed to do this when the show "Hell's Kitchen" appeared on the screens, where he created the image of the "evil" chef.
  5. Ivlevsky syrniki were created by the chef not by chance. His little son did not like cottage cheese, so he came up with the idea of ​​kneading chopped lemon slices with cottage cheese.

Member Name: Konstantin Vitalievich Ivlev

Age (birthday): 12.01.1974

Moscow city

Education: Vocational school

Job: chef, TV presenter

Family: Married, has 2 children

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A Russian chef, well known in culinary circles, as well as famous for the TV shows Ask the Chef and Knives Out, Konstantin Ivlev was born in Moscow but grew up abroad.

Because of the work of his parents, the boy spent almost 10 years in a foreign country, and when he returned, he immediately faced the hostility of his peers.

The fact is that, unlike the Soviet guys, Kostya had everything and even more. Nevertheless, he quickly found contact with classmates, and even became close friends with many.

Ivlev did not go to the 10th grade, believing that it makes no sense for him to lose 2 years - even then he knew perfectly well what he would become when he grew up. Konstantin wanted to get a culinary education and devote his whole life to this art form.

While still small, he helped his mother in the kitchen and created amazing edible masterpieces before her eyes.

Ivlev studied at a vocational school, where he met his future colleague Yuri Rozhkov.

After receiving the diploma, Konstantin was waiting for the army, returning from it, he got a job in the dining room of one of the educational institutions.

Here he gained a very valuable experience of working with a huge flow of clients.

The future cuisine guru did not stop there - numerous master classes, restaurants, seminars, including those held abroad, helped him to collect a significant knowledge and skills base.

Now Konstantin is a member of the French Guild of Gastronomers and heads the Union of Confectioners in Russia. Recently, Ivlev, together with Yuri Rozhkov, opened a culinary school for the younger generation.

The chef came to television with one goal - to popularize domestic cuisine and teach people to fantasize. He is sure that Russian women still cook in accordance with Soviet canons, "as my mother taught me."

First, there was the program “Ask the Chef” on the Domashny TV channel, where chefs held master classes and taught how to cook.

Later, Ivlev was offered to lead the project "On the Knives" on the channel "Friday", here the task of the cook is to accustom Russian restaurateurs to the professionalism.

Konstantin's show is reminiscent of Revizorro and Magazinno in design, while Ivlev actively comments on camera, not embarrassed in expressions, especially in those cases when the activity in the institution is running to the limit.

Ivlev's personal life is no less successful than his career - he has long been married to a beautiful woman named Maria, together they raise their son Matvey.

The boy, apparently, will follow in the footsteps of his father, as he is already showing interest in the kitchen. Every year, as a family, they try to leave the bustling Moscow to be together.

Filmed in an episode of the TV series "Kitchen" (episode 80).

Interesting facts from the life of Constantine:

  • 20 years ago, he completely abandoned the use of alcoholic beverages;
  • Ivlev writes thematic books about cooking;
  • Supports Dynamo Moscow;
  • The cook collects dolls in the form of cooks, and they are stored in a special glass cabinet in his apartment.

Photos of Konstantin

The popular chef has an instagram, more than 12 thousand subscribers.

Konstantin Vitalievich Ivlev - Russian chef and TV presenter, known for the programs "Ask the Chef", "On the Knives", "Hell's Kitchen".

Childhood and youth

Konstantin was born on January 12, 1974 in Moscow. The boy's father worked in the KGB, and when Ivlev was 7 years old, the family moved abroad for five years. Upon returning to Moscow, 12-year-old Kostya had a lot of foreign things that were not easy to find in domestic stores, but a strict father did not allow the teenager to boast of prosperity with friends.

At school, Ivlev was far from being an excellent student and often upset his parents with poor grades, but he was a good helper in the kitchen. After graduating from high school, Konstantin entered vocational school No. 19, where he began to study cooking.

Chef career

In 1993, having received an education and served in the army, Ivlev began working in his specialty in restaurants in Moscow. A talented young chef quickly began to move up the career ladder - just a few years later, Ivlev was already working as a chef in the most prestigious restaurants in the capital, including the GQ-bar and Ginza-Project restaurants.

At the beginning of his career, Ivlev attended many master classes and seminars in Europe and the USA. The training took place in special schools and restaurants awarded 2 and 3 stars in the Michelin guide.

Konstantin Ivlev on modern culinary education

In 2000, Konstantin took 3rd place in the Russian Culinary Championship, and also became the only Russian chef at the Haute Cuisine Week in Russia. The following year, Ivlev received the title of "Chief of the Year". In 2007, Konstantin confirmed his title according to Time Out and CHEF magazines.

In 2004, Ivlev wrote his first book, My Philosophy of Cuisine, in which he formulated his own gastronomic philosophy and expressed his thoughts about professional cuisine.

In 2008, Ivlev became a member of the Chaine des Rotissers French Gastronomers Association and later headed the Federation of Professional Chefs and Confectioners of Russia. Two years later, Konstantin, together with chef Yuri Rozhkov, opened the Ask the Chef culinary school in Moscow.

In 2011, Konstantin, together with Rozhkov, published the book Kitchen for Real Men, and two years later, the book Russia Cooks at Home, in which chefs shared proven recipes based on Russian products.

In 2014, Ivlev became a co-owner and chef of the Wicked restaurant in Moscow. Also at the helm of the institution was the Czech footballer Martin Jiranek. The restaurant, completely redesigned, abandoned high-flown dishes and offered visitors the classic “Ivlev cuisine” with familiar recipes in the refined manner of the author.

Konstantin Ivlev on TV

In 2014, Ivlev starred in the 4th season of the series "Kitchen" on STS, appearing as a participant in the culinary show "Chef" (season 4, episode 20). Apparently, Konstantin liked his debut on TV, and by 2016 Ivlev worked as the host of several culinary programs at once: Sreda Vkusa on the Silver Rain radio, Taste for the Pocket on the Kitchen TV channel, Eat it immediately! » on the STS channel and Ask the Chef on the Domashny channel. Ivlev hosted the last show with Yuri Rozhkov.

In the same year, the famous chef was invited to become the host of a new show on the Friday! - "On knives." In it, a patient master taught the owners of restaurants and cafes how to work properly and avoid ruin. The show gained great popularity, although some viewers considered the host to be rude, and the whole country learned about Ivlev.

Konstantin Ivlev told the whole truth about "On Knives"

Personal life of Konstantin Ivlev

Konstantin has been married for over 20 years. His wife Maria is 4 years younger. The cook recalled that it was love at first sight. The couple have two children: son Matvey (born 1999) and daughter Masha (born 2014). Ivlev's son is already trying his hand at cooking and once participated in one of the editions of "On the Knives", and in 2012 he became a co-author of Konstantin's book "Cooking for one, two, three!".

Konstantin's nephew, Roman Ivlev, is also a successful chef and one of the founders of the Culinary Partnership Center.

Konstantin Ivlev about "Russian cuisine"

In one of the interviews, the chef shared that he never copies recipes, but cooks on a whim, and some recipes come to him in a dream.

Konstantin leads a healthy lifestyle, does not smoke and rarely drinks alcohol. Ivlev swims a lot and, according to his assurances, he can easily run 10 km.

Konstantin Ivlev now

September 20, 2017 on the entertainment channel "Friday!" launched a new show "Hell's Kitchen" - an analogue of the famous culinary reality show with the participation of British chef Gordon Ramsay. 18 chefs took part in the competition, ready to perform the most difficult tasks even under the hard pressure of the master. The winner was promised a place in a prestigious restaurant and a large cash prize - a million rubles. In this show, Konstantin did not try to spare the self-esteem of the participants and was even tougher than in "On the Knives".

Announcement of "Hell's Kitchen" with Konstantin Ivlev

In the future, Ivlev plans to launch a fast food chain called Chick-pork, where the entire menu will be based on chicken and pork dishes. Konstantin is also going to write his fourth book called "The Bible of New Russian Cuisine".

Konstantin Ivlev is one of the most famous professional chefs in Russia. The guru of the Russian restaurant business gained great popularity thanks to the TV shows “On the Knives” and “Ask the Chef”. But few people know what a thorny path he had to overcome in order to achieve such incredible heights.


Konstantin was born in January 1974 in Moscow. His childhood was very different from that of his peers. While still a very young child, Ivlev went to live abroad with his parents and spent his entire childhood there. After the end of the working contract, the parents with twelve-year-old Konstantin returned to their homeland, where the boy went to a regular school. He differed from his peers in modern clothes and gadgets, which aroused the interest of ordinary children. Despite different social statuses, Konstantin Ivlev easily found a common language with classmates.


The only problem that Konstantin faced was the difficulty of entering the educational process. As the cook Ivlev Konstantin recalls, study was very difficult for him. He studied almost for one deuce and decided that it was pointless for him to stay at school. Having thought carefully about what he wants to do in the future, Ivlev remembered how he loved to help his mother in the kitchen and cook from childhood. The young man immediately went to apply to a professional culinary school. After training, the young guy is called to serve in the army. Upon his return, the man came close to pursuing a career in the culinary business.

Carier start

The future famous chef began his career in the canteen of one of the institutes of the capital, where he gained tremendous experience in working with huge flows of people. Passing all the obstacles, Konstantin Ivlev achieved the title of chef. He was invited to famous restaurants. He constantly honed his skills, and his dream was to improve the usual Soviet cuisine by adding new notes to popular dishes. For this, the future popular chef did not miss a single master class or seminar from famous chefs of the west and east. He tried to travel in order to visit all the famous culinary schools in the world and returned to the capital to show restaurateurs how monotonous dishes can be made brighter and richer. He does not deny that he learned most of his experience from foreigners. For example, only at one of the master classes did Ivlev learn that meat has seven degrees of roasting, and not one.

"Ask the Chef"

The magnificent master of his craft set himself the specific goal of showing people how to popularize domestic cuisine. And in order to achieve this, the professional went to conquer television in order to carry his ideas to the masses. Together with his friend Yuri Rozhkov, Ivlev decided to conquer the Domashny TV channel. The cooks became the hosts of the famous Ask the Chef program. Showing improved and original recipes, celebrities demonstrated how to make restaurant-quality dishes at home. To create delicacies, Konstantin used products that can be easily found in any stores. The positive attitude and ease of transmission attracted more and more viewers to the screens, and the show gained a lot of fans.

"On knives"

In 2016, the famous TV channel "Friday" presented the program "On the Knives" with Konstantin Ivlev as the host. As planned, the famous chef should travel all over the country and help unlucky owners develop the restaurant business. A patient master trains restaurant and catering workers to properly organize their workflow. In addition, each restaurant receives an exclusive design and an author's menu from the Chef himself as a gift. In order to take part in the program, the restaurant owner must contact the show manager and invite Konstantin to help his business. In the program, Ivlev appears to the audience as quite tough and merciless. Not everyone manages to endure his moralizing and strict approach to business. But the result is worth it. The program "On the Knives" with Konstantin Ivlev, reviews of which are usually positive, is very popular along with "Revizorro" and "Shop".

Personal life

Ivlev Konstantin is a chef and a great family man! As with his career, he was very lucky with his family life. He has been married to his beloved woman Maria for many years and is raising a son. According to the famous chef, his son is also actively interested in cooking. So it is not surprising if the son follows in the footsteps of his father. Once a year, Konstantin takes his family on vacation, postponing everything. In his apartment, Ivlev organized a mini-museum: he collects dolls of famous chefs of the world, Ivlev himself is included in the same collection.

Konstantin is not only the host of popular shows, but also a famous writer of cookbooks. In his publications, a professional talks about modern cooking technologies. He has more than 40 publications in his piggy bank.

    For twenty years, Konstantin Ivlev has not touched alcohol. Konstantin is a member of the French Guild of Gastronomers. The famous chef starred in an episode of the popular TV series "Kitchen". the title of "Chef of the Year". In the program "On the Knives" Ivlev appeared with his son. At the dawn of his career, Ivlev was a crazy fan of French cuisine. Ivlev always wakes up at seven in the morning. Konstantin's favorite foods are sausages, omelettes and fermented milk products. Favorite car brand is a "Mercedes". A famous chef considers the restaurant business a teamwork. Konstantin is ready to hire people who do not have a special education, but who have talent. A professional chef believes that good fast food deserves respect. Together with a friend, he created his own school of culinary skills Ask school.

Konstantin became a real favorite of Russian viewers. His programs are not only unique, but also talented. In addition to working on well-known TV channels, he publishes author's books with recipes and talks about his vision of culinary talent. Konstantin Ivlev is a clear example of the fact that grades at school are not an indicator of a person's talents and do not determine his future future. All fans of the famous chef's creativity are recommended to visit Konstantin Ivlev's restaurant in Moscow. A unique menu from a real culinary guru will not leave anyone indifferent. Konstantin is a true role model. A famous chef, an excellent writer and an exemplary family man, he rightfully bears the title of a culinary master and a successful person worthy of respect.

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