Home Products A few secrets of cooking juicy meat. The secrets of cooking meat - the most interesting thing in blogs. Secrets of cooking boiled meat

A few secrets of cooking juicy meat. The secrets of cooking meat - the most interesting thing in blogs. Secrets of cooking boiled meat

1. The meat will become more tender if moistened with vodka an hour before cooking.
2. You can mix the meat with soy sauce, leave overnight, and fry tomorrow, it will turn out very juicy.
3. Beef, lamb will turn out soft and juicy if you salt and pepper it before baking, you can still stuff it with garlic, then wrap the meat with a banana peel.
4. Secure the skin with kitchen string to keep it from coming apart.
5. Put the meat on a baking sheet and place in a preheated oven for 30-40 minutes.
6. Banana peel has unique properties and soften tough lean meats.

The secret to turning tough beef into tender and soft meat.

1. Put the beef in a hot pan. Fry over high heat for 3-5 minutes.
2. Add some water, cover with a lid and reduce the heat. Cut the ginger root and put it in the stew along with the meat.
3. The composition of ginger juice contains a substance that decomposes proteins and makes tough meat soft. It is enough to stew beef with ginger for 30-40 minutes.

Lemon rind will help soften old meat.

1. Cut the meat into pieces across the grain and place in a hot pan.
2. Add some lemon peels.
3. At the end of cooking, do not throw away the crusts.
4. Take them out, rub them with a spoon and stir with the meat juice that stood out during frying. Put the beef on a plate, pour over the juice and garnish with a branch of greens and carrots.
5. Never salt meat just before frying, it will lose a lot of juice and turn out not tasty. Salt should be put on time, and even better at the very end of cooking.

♦ Do not leave the meat on the wooden plane of the table or on the board for a long time, as the wood absorbs the meat juice. It is better to keep it in glass, porcelain or enameled dishes.

♦ Do not salt meat immediately before cooking, as salt causes premature release of juice, and this reduces nutritional value and taste qualities meat.

♦ When the meat is boiled over high heat, it becomes more tasty, but the taste of the broth deteriorates. On the contrary, when the meat is cooked on low heat, the broth becomes tasty, the meat is worse.

♦ Boiled meat will retain its juiciness if it is left in the broth and the pan is covered with a lid.

♦ To prevent boiled meat from becoming too dry in the refrigerator, wrap it in parchment paper.

♦ The taste of meat baked in whole pieces will improve significantly if it is stuffed with black pepper, roots, garlic cloves and pieces of smoked bacon.

♦ Meat to be fried or baked is cut across the grain and then pounded with a wooden mallet to even out its thickness and rupture the connective tissue.

♦ When baking, the meat is placed in a well, but not too hot oven. In a cabinet that is too hot, its surface can be easily burned, but inside it will remain raw.

♦ Roasted meat will be more juicy if it is poured with a little cold water during roasting.

♦ Fatty meat (pork, turkey, goose) when baking, it is recommended to water from time to time hot water- most of the fat is released from the meat, and it is baked in own juice. The meat baked in this way acquires a very good taste and aroma.

♦ To pork chops, chopped cutlets and the schnitzels were not dry when frying, they need to be turned over more often, which will help preserve the meat juice.

♦ Meat will not stick to the bottom of a pot or pan if you put a few circles of carrots in the fat.

♦ To prevent the meat from burning and becoming dry, a small vessel of water is placed in the oven. The steam prevents the meat from burning and drying out.

♦ The meat of young animals (lamb, veal and poultry) is stewed with white wine, and mutton and game with red wine.

♦ Chops, schnitzels, steaks will be soft and tender if, 2 hours before frying, they are smeared with a whipped mixture of vinegar and vegetable oil. Egg yolk should not be added to the cutlet mass, the meat runs away from it, and the cutlets are dry.

♦ An old chicken will cook quickly if, after it has been cooked for 20 to 30 minutes, it is immersed in cold water for 5 to 6 minutes.

♦ Poultry meat will be tasty and tender if it is rubbed inside and out with a cut lemon or a decoction of citric acid.

♦ The crust when frying chickens and chickens turns ruddy if they are previously greased thick sour cream or mayonnaise.

♦ Goose must be plucked dry, without scalding, as the meat of a scalded goose is less tasty.

♦ Fried liver will be delicious if it is kept for 2-3 hours in milk before frying. In order for the fried liver to be juicy, it should not be overcooked. It is easy to remove the film from the liver if you lower it for one minute in hot water.

♦ The liver must be salted after frying: if it is salted before frying, it will become very hard.

♦ Before preparing the tongue, it must be thoroughly rinsed cold water. The peel from the tongue is removed after cooking, but for this it must be kept for 2-3 minutes in cold water.

♦ Veal kidneys are fried whole and cut into pieces. Before frying, they should not be soaked in water and boiled. The cores are also not removed from them.

♦ Beef kidneys must first be scalded, and then fried over high heat.

♦ For roasting, the inside of the beef meat (tenderloin) or the sides of the edge are usually preferred.

Each hostess keeps and multiplies her little cooking secrets. Cooking tasty, fragrant and juicy meat is quite simple, the main thing is to follow certain rules and apply special techniques. Smart Tips keep you busy in your Smart Kitchen. Cook meat with us, and you will succeed.

Secrets of cooking meat dishes

7. When baking meat in the oven, it is advisable to periodically water it with secreted juice or mushroom, vegetable or meat broth. It is also recommended to rub the meat with a slice of lemon.

8. Breading on large pieces of meat keeps much better if the already breaded product is put in the refrigerator before frying.

9. If you want to add new flavor notes to the meat roast, then put in it a little curry and two pinches of instant coffee.

10. The unpleasant smell of fresh lamb will disappear if you put the meat for an hour and a half in fresh milk, and then spread it with crushed garlic.

11. In order for your dish to acquire a light and unobtrusive smell of garlic, you should chop one clove on a fork and lower it into the boiling mixture for a few seconds.

12. Chicken wings or thighs, marinated in rice beer, acquire an exquisite taste and unique aroma when grilled.

13. In order for the baked to have a golden crust, it should be spread with honey before cooking and pierce the skin in several places with a fork.

14. Adding to dessert spoon sugar, you get more juicy products (belyashi, meatballs, meatballs, cabbage rolls).

15. Meat can be marinated in tomato juice. To do this, medium pieces of meat, onion rings, salt, pepper and bay leaf are added to the pan. Then everything is mixed with hands and poured with juice so that it covers the meat. Press down on top and refrigerate for 8-9 hours.

16. If, when stewing meat, add a few branches of cherries, then your dish will become fragrant and refined.

17. If necessary, meat can be stored without a refrigerator. To do this, it should be thoroughly shifted with nettle leaves and then wrapped with a damp towel.

18. In the event that the meat has a strange and unusual smell, it is recommended to put two charcoal into the water when cooking, which will absorb it.

19. Check readiness fried meat, poultry or meatballs can be pierced with a fork. If the juice is clear, then the dish is ready.

20. When frying portioned pieces of meat, never cover the pan with a lid, as the steam does not escape anywhere, but simply settles on the product, giving it an unpleasant aftertaste.

21. Tough meat softens considerably when cooked with banana peels.

22. It will be more tender and juicy if you sprinkle it with a tablespoon of cognac during cooking.

23. Cutlets and portions of meat should be fried in a well-heated pan with oil. Then a crust is immediately formed, which prevents the leakage of fat.

24. Onions added to minced meat should be lightly fried and stewed beforehand. First, the yolk is introduced into the minced meat, thoroughly mixed, and then the protein whipped to a white foam. Such cutlets will be more magnificent and juicy.

Mila Nabogova taught me how to cook meat

In the arsenal of every hostess there are little tricks with which meat dishes are not only appetizing in appearance and fragrant, but also amazingly tasty and spicy. This selection culinary advice will help you easily cook even the most complex meat.

Meat baked in foil it will turn out much more tender and acquire additional flavor notes if it is pre-soaked in vegetables (tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, squash, sauerkraut). The prepared piece (low-fat pork, veal) is washed under cold water, placed in a glass container and poured with brine, which should completely cover the meat. Pickling duration - from 24 hours, under, in.

stuffed meat for baking it is possible not only with cloves, which gives the finished dish an indescribable flavor, but also with a root. The root crop is peeled and cut into thin plates, which are laid in specially made deep cuts. The meat juice released during baking has a bright rich taste, an unusual, appetizing smell, and is used to prepare various sauces and gravy for hot dishes.

Meat for barbecue pickled not only in wine, beer, or kefir. Most original taste you can get a ready-made barbecue if you use fresh pomegranate as a marinade. Juice is squeezed out of a whole large fruit, prepared pieces of pork (back part, neck or tenderloin) are poured into it, previously sprinkled with salt and spices (freshly ground mixture of peppers, suneli hops, coriander seeds crushed in a mortar, sea ​​salt and a pinch of sugar), add chopped onion rings (if desired, you can cut into half rings) onions and mix. To soften the meat even more, 30-40 ml of vegetable oil is added to the marinade (it is better to take corn oil). The pieces of meat in the marinade are covered flat and put under oppression for two days, during which the future kebab needs to be periodically mixed by hand and again pressed down with oppression. Meat prepared in this way after roasting on coals will melt in the mouth and exude a delicate aroma.

The taste can be diversified by adding thin cherry branches (3-4 pieces) at the very beginning of the stew. Ready meal has a rich nutmeg-cherry flavor and exquisite aroma.

Any products from minced meat (, etc.) will be much juicier if the mixed meat mixture is beaten off beforehand. With small amounts of minced meat, it can be thrown with effort into an enameled bowl. Experienced chefs beat the minced meat, throwing it directly onto the work surface of the table. The main thing in this matter is dexterity, otherwise all adjacent surfaces can be splashed with pieces of the mixture.

Save meat fresh without in field conditions or in the country is quite real. To do this, a piece of meat washed in cold running water must be wrapped in a dense natural cloth, abundantly soaked in vinegar or fresh lemon juice, and put it in a place that is well ventilated and as cool as possible under the given conditions. Periodically, the fabric needs to be moistened with an acidic composition.

Grilled, they are extraordinarily savory if they are first marinated in rice beer overnight. Taste finished meat will have pleasant spicy notes that are difficult to identify even for the most demanding gourmet.

With the help of table mustard (ready-made or in powder), you can soften even the most tough and old meat. The washed piece is simply smeared with mustard, put in enamel pan, close the lid and incubated for about 20 hours. If this meat is intended for baking or frying on charcoal, then it does not need to be washed, just salt a piece, stuff it with garlic and sprinkle it with spices. If the meat will be used to prepare the broth, then it should first be washed in cold water.

We have collected some useful cooking secrets tasty meat , there are still few of them, but there will be more. By the way, in the photo above, a very tasty pork belly baked in the oven with garlic, fragrant and tender.

Simple and useful secrets in the preparation of various meat dishes will always be relevant for beginners and experienced housewives.

Secrets of cooking delicious meat

  1. The meat will be much more tender and softer if you moisten it with vodka, good vodka, of course, an hour before it is cooked.
  2. Very juicy fried meat is obtained if it is mixed with soy sauce overnight and marinated in the refrigerator.
  3. Lamb and beef will turn out soft and juicy if, before baking, this meat in the oven, salt and pepper it well, stuff it with small pieces of garlic, then wrap the meat with a banana peel (it can be fixed with cooking thread, but toothpicks cannot be fixed normally) and send for 30-40 minutes in an already preheated oven.
  4. Tough beef will be soft and tender if you first fry it in a hot frying pan over high heat for 3 minutes, then reduce the heat, add a little water to the frying pan, cover the frying pan with meat and put the meat to stew. Now you need to add pre-cut ginger root to the meat and stew the beef with it for 30-40 minutes. It is ginger that will make tough lamb or beef meat much softer.
  5. Meat baked with spices and garlic in foil with parts of lard will always be softer and juicier. By the way, spices must also be selected correctly. Link to a list of spices suitable for meat at the beginning of this material.
  6. Bay leaf makes the meat baked in the oven especially fragrant.
  7. Chicken meat, or as it is also called chicken, is soft and tender in itself, so it is easier to cook from it.
  8. Keep an eye on the cooking time of the meat, as overcooked or overcooked meat, like overcooked meat, will be very tough. It is better to periodically check the meat for readiness in order to turn off the stove in time and remove the meat, thereby stopping it. heat treatment. However, undercooked meat can be dangerous and even deadly, so the meat must be fried-boiled-baked until fully cooked. Readiness of meat can be suggested in a simple way: if white juice is released when it is pierced, then it is ready. Juice with blood indicates the unpreparedness of the meat at the moment.

Bon Appetit!

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