Home Product Ratings How to marinate barbecue to. How delicious to marinate pork skewers so that the meat turns out juicy and soft. Pork marinated in mayonnaise

How to marinate barbecue to. How delicious to marinate pork skewers so that the meat turns out juicy and soft. Pork marinated in mayonnaise

What do you imagine when you hear the word "barbecue"? Roasted fried meat, strung on skewers and still sizzling with transparent fat over slightly reddening coals, light smoke and unique aroma. The sun, green grass, a table filled with salads and herbs right in the fresh air. Already the appetite has been worked up and I want to go to the country. But wait, because first of all you need to prepare all this splendor. Therefore, any picnic begins with the question of how to quickly and tasty marinate barbecue.

In this article, we will consider various ways with which you can marinate pork skewers so that the meat is juicy, but does not take too much time or effort.

Recall the basic principles of cooking barbecue

  • Choose soft pieces pork carcass, for barbecue, the neck is best suited (the softest meat with thin layers of fat), ham (meat of medium softness, almost no fat), chop (lean meat, requires a softening marinade that retains juice inside), tenderloin (needs clean pieces without veins and preferably with fat).
  • It is necessary to marinate the barbecue in advance: the minimum time is 1 hour, the maximum is 12 hours (overnight).
  • Cut the meat into pieces of the same size, this will ensure that all the meat is marinated and fried at the same time.
  • Don't use too much acid in the marinade, the amount of acid should be inversely proportional to the amount of marinating time or the meat may become tough.
  • Add vegetable oil to the marinade, it will help the meat soak in the aroma and taste of spices.
  • Salt the kebab not at the beginning of marinating, but before frying, this can be done in a common container or immediately on skewers, so more natural meat juice will remain in the meat.
  • Grill the kebab at the beginning at a high temperature to seal the meat with a crust, then lower it for even roasting.
  • The kebab is ready when clear juice (not pink) stands out from the meat when cut, if the juice does not stand out at all, then the meat is already overdried, reduce the cooking time for the next batch.

Onion marinade for pork skewers

Everyone knows that pork, especially fried, goes well with onions. These two products perfectly complement the taste of each other, because it is not just that since time immemorial, onions have been used as one of the most important seasonings for meat. And fried, and stewed, and boiled meat, onions will give an even richer taste.

In addition, onions have the ability to soften meat, and unlike vinegar, it will not dry it out.

  • white onion - 0.5 kg,
  • black peppercorns - 1 teaspoon,
  • bay leaf - 3-5 pieces,
  • vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons,
  • salt to taste.

Cooking pork skewers in onion marinade:

Prepare the onion for the marinade, to do this, grate it or pass it through a meat grinder or blender until you get a gruel. This will release a large amount of onion juice. The gruel must be strained to separate the juice. Take a fine sieve or cheesecloth and strain all the juice into a separate container. It is better not to leave small pieces of onion pulp, as it will later be difficult to separate it from the meat, and when frying, they can burn.

Cut the prepared meat into pieces of the same size. Place in an enamel, stainless steel, or glass marinating dish. Sprinkle with pepper and chopped bay leaves. Optionally, you can add dry mustard or your favorite barbecue spices. Pour in vegetable oil and mix well, squeezing the meat well. Thus, the muscle fibers will absorb more marinade.

After all the spices have been mixed, pour the onion juice over the meat and cover with a lid. Put to marinate. For such a marinade, it is enough to leave the meat for only 1-2 hours so that it becomes soft and juicy, but at the same time retains its natural taste. If a walk in the fresh air is planned for the next day, then the dishes with meat must be put in the refrigerator.

Such a shish kebab is perfectly browned on coals thanks to vegetable oil. You can serve it with any set of vegetables and salads.

How to marinate barbecue in mineral water

Perhaps not everyone has heard of this. easy way marinating barbecue in mineral water, but yes, it really allows you to make the meat soft, while not adding any particular taste to it.

Here you can show the whole flight of fantasy with spices and special additives, mineral water will act as a conductor and softener.

What is required for 1 kg of meat:

  • 1 liter highly carbonated mineral water,
  • spices for barbecue - 1 tablespoon,
  • onions - 3-4 pieces,
  • black pepper - 1 teaspoon,
  • lemon, grape, pomegranate juice, wine, yogurt, etc. - 100 ml,
  • salt to taste.

As you noticed, we did not indicate the exact spices for the barbecue. They can be the ones that you like in meat. It goes well with pork: coriander, thyme, zira, oregano, basil, paprika, ginger and a mixture of hops-suneli. You can also use ready-made sets of spices sold in the store. If you like spicy meat, increase the amount of spices to two tablespoons.

I will give the listed juices light taste kebab, so choose also the one that you like. Instead of lemon juice, you can use fresh lemon, cut into rings, one lemon per 1 kg of meat will be enough.

You can also put fresh herbs in this marinade: parsley, cilantro, dill, tarragon, rosemary. But put it in large sprigs so that it is easy to remove it from the meat before frying.

Cooking pork skewers in mineral water:

First of all, cut the meat into cubes and the onion into slices. If using a fresh lemon, cut that too.

Then, in a marinating bowl, mix the meat and spices, add vegetable oil there and knead the meat well so that it absorbs the taste of spices. After that, you can add the onion and mix again.

Pour mineral water into meat with spices and onions and put lemon in it. Close the lid and leave to marinate for 1 to 4 hours. If necessary, you can marinate the kebab in mineral water overnight.

Salt the pork skewers before frying to keep the meat juicy.

Pork skewers in kiwi marinade

You will be surprised what amazing properties this little hairy fruit has. And who would have guessed that the marinade for kiwi skewers could be the most powerful remedy for fast food grilled meat on skewers. Due to the high content of vitamin C and special enzymes, kiwi is able to tenderize meat in less than an hour. At the same time, not drying it, but locking its own juice inside.

But with such a marinade, one must be very careful, if the meat is overexposed in it, then it will begin to fall apart and crumble, turning rather into chopped meat. But do not think that this makes kiwi a dangerous fruit for health. On the contrary, kiwi is good for the body and digestion in particular, so feel free to put it in meat. Most importantly, don't forget about time.

For 1 kg of pork you will need:

  • fresh kiwi - 1 piece,
  • onions - 2-3 pieces,
  • black peppercorns - 1 teaspoon,
  • coriander - 1 teaspoon,
  • rosemary - 1 teaspoon,
  • vegetable oil - 2-3 tablespoons,
  • salt to taste.

How to marinate pork skewers in kiwi:

Meat prepared and cut into identical cubes, sprinkle with spices and pour over with vegetable oil. Mix well.

Finely chop the onion and add it to the meat as well. Then peel the kiwi and rub it on a coarse grater. If the kiwi is very ripe. then you can just knead it with your fingers until you get small pieces, almost mashed. The most important thing is for the kiwi to release its juice.

Add kiwi to the meat and mix thoroughly, while mashing the meat so that it absorbs all the juices and spices. Marinate kebab in kiwi should be no more than 1 hour, you can slightly increase the time only if you have only very hard and dry pork meat, such as ham or chop, at your disposal.

If desired, other aromatic spices that you prefer can be used instead of coriander and rosemary. Fresh herbs work well too.

Salt the kebab before stringing it on skewers and, without delay, start frying.

Marinade for pork skewers with kiwi is great if you need speed in cooking. This is a great way for spontaneous unplanned picnics and trips to the country.

Watch a video recipe on how to marinate kebab in kiwi:

Mustard barbecue marinade

We are used to spreading this world-famous sauce on a ready-made piece of fragrant meat, everyone loves mustard for its special pungency and taste. But not everyone knows that mustard has amazing pickling properties. The day you try pork kebab marinated in mustard will change your attitude towards it forever.

The mustard itself is aromatic enough to give the meat its special flavor. It may seem to someone that it will add spiciness, but this is not so, under the influence of temperature, all spiciness disappears and only the amazing, spicy and slightly sweet taste of mustard itself remains. But the meat at the same time becomes the softest.

That is why we add the mustard-based marinade recipe to the list of the most quick marinades. To get the most delicious soft and juicy barbecue pork, you only need an hour. This will be enough to perfectly marinate the kebab from any part of the pork carcass. But the neck, of course, is preferable.

For 1 kg of meat you will need:

  • table mustard classic - 2-3 tablespoons,
  • onions - 2-3 pieces,
  • black pepper 0.5 tsp
  • vegetable oil - 2-3 tablespoons,
  • aromatic spices (thyme, coriander, rosemary, zira, basil, etc.) - 1 tablespoon,
  • salt to taste.

Cooking pork skewers in mustard:

If desired, other ingredients can be added to such a marinade, for example, a couple of tablespoons of soy sauce or wine, even honey can complement the bouquet. But today we will consider the mustard-only option to create a starting point for future culinary creativity. This will be our benchmark.

Start by preparing the meat. After you cut it, mix it with spices. You can take the spices that you like yourself or mix in equal proportions a combination of those proposed above. Ready-made sets of spices are also suitable, but read the composition, do not use spices that have added monosodium glutamate. It's a flavor enhancer that unfortunately will only ruin our great taste. fragrant barbecue in mustard.

Add vegetable oil to the meat with spices and knead it well, then put the onion cut into rings.

By the way, if possible, try to use not sunflower oil, and olive, it will change the taste of your kebab, adding subtle olive notes.

At the very end, add mustard and mix well. One hour is enough to marinate shish kebab in mustard. Immediately after that, you can go to the fresh air to the grill and start frying it. The most surprising thing is that the softening of the meat will continue during the frying process under the influence of high temperature.

This barbecue is good to serve with fresh herbs, salads and baked potatoes.

Which of the considered recipes you would not choose, they are united by one thing - a short cooking time and great taste and juiciness of meat as a result. We have specially selected recipes that will help you marinate the barbecue quickly and tasty, even if guests are already on the threshold of the cottage or just good weather suddenly pulled you out on a picnic. Believe me, no one will be disappointed with your barbecue!

Bon appetit and have fun!

Do you want to know how to soak a barbecue? Forget about mayonnaise, vinegar and all kinds of chemical additives from supermarkets. Today only natural products and only the right advice! Here are collected best recipes from the cuisines of several countries. You will learn how to soak barbecue in Georgian, Cossack and Afghan ways. This is a completely different approach to the same dish. But each recipe is unique in its own way. Read, cook, enjoy.

The first recipe was left to us by a Georgian friend. It was he who told, so that it was juicy, fragrant and really tasty. Turns out it's both quick and easy. For barbecue, he chose meat ribs (brisket). For those who do not like fatty meat, it is better to stop at the neck (on the most tender pieces without fat).

The pieces should not be small, otherwise you will get croutons instead of barbecue. Onions are usually cut into rings. It is important that it be about the same as the meat (equally). Of the seasonings, only lemon juice, basil, tarragon, parsley and white pepper were needed (well, salt is already to taste). All this was mixed and put under pressure for a while until the coals give the desired heat (an hour and a half). The meat was strung on skewers along the fibers (in no case across), freeing from greenery. Fried until browned, sprinkled with lemon juice.

The next recipe is echoes of the old Cossack cuisine, but with new additions. In general, the word "barbecue" was coined by the Zaporizhzhya Cossacks, who borrowed the method of cooking on a spit from Meat then soaked not in wine with onions, but in sour milk. The details of how to soak the kebab in a Cossack style have not reached us, but the basics still remain. Therefore, let's try to get closer to the cuisine of the Zaporizhzhya Sich.

Prepare large pieces of young lamb (2 kg), black pepper and almonds (ground), spoiled milk(a couple of glasses) and salt. All ingredients are mixed except salt. The meat is marinated for about three hours (or more). Salt will be needed already before the meat put on the skewer (or put on the grate) is sent to the coals (not earlier, otherwise the juiciness will be lost). Lamb lovers will appreciate this shish kebab.

The third recipe refers to Afghan cuisine. It is not enough to know how to soak a barbecue, you must also be able to choose the “right” meat. Lamb should only be young, pale pink, light, smell good and not have streaks. Each piece is rubbed with a mixture of olive oil and pepper, then already chopped onion and peeled garlic cloves are added to the meat (a head of garlic can be more per kilogram of meat), tomato juice and curry. Salt, as in the previous recipe, is added directly in front of the grill, as it “pulls out” the juices. Do not interrupt an excellent lamb kebab with store-bought sauces. Limit yourself to fresh vegetables, herbs and good dry wine.

Before soaking meat for barbecue, pay attention to a few tips given below.

1. Any meat (lamb, chicken, should only be fresh, even better paired. Frozen for barbecue is not suitable.

2. Don't use vinegar. As an acidic base, it is better to take lemon, gooseberries. Suitable dry wine or kefir.

3. Meat friendly onions, tomatoes, spices, herbs. As an experiment, try adding a little honey, mustard (optional) to the marinade.

4. Meat is usually marinated for 6 hours, but not more than a day, otherwise the onion will begin to give off its bitterness.

5. Pieces are strung only along the fibers (can be alternated with onions and tomatoes).

6. Barbecue, fried on fire, will be doomed - he needs the heat of coals, not flames.

7. The best barbecue is obtained on the coals of the vine. Since this is a rarity, logs of fruit trees (not branches) will do. The pine will add bitterness to the meat, and the kebab will turn black from the birch.

8. If you want to play with flavors, try throwing some cardamom, wormwood, dill, thyme on the coals.

9. When frying, sprinkle the meat with either dry wine or lemon juice.

10. The readiness of the kebab will show a slice incision. When clear juice appears, the meat is removed. If it is still pink, you need a few more minutes. Well, if there is no juice at all, the barbecue is overdried.

Good morning! The very time is approaching when the whole crowd will begin to go out into nature and relax. Moreover, May is just around the corner, which means that it's time to make barbecue.

Today we will try to understand all the intricacies of cooking and learn how to marinate pork meat so that it will conquer everyone with its aroma, juiciness and softness. What is needed for this? First of all, a great mood and a large bucket of meat). And it's up to you to decide which one to take, I personally love it too).

Immediately a secret, I recently read that it is recommended to put salt at the very end, 30-40 minutes before frying, do you think this is good advice? Or is this just another gimmick that has nothing to do with it?

Let's talk about everything, I really hope that you will finally learn how to cook this dish the way it is worth it. Let's figure it out.

Wow, tell me when you see such a long content, and most importantly, how to make a choice now. And everything is extremely simple, depending on what you want to achieve. Read to the end and decide).

How to quickly marinate meat for pork skewers? The most delicious marinade

So let's start. Everyone knows perfectly well what a barbecue is, but not everyone knows how to cook it properly. But, the most interesting thing is that in order to achieve a successful and tasty result, there are quite a few ways in this regard. And they all start with one thing - with the choice of meat.

Remember, neither the marinade, nor the spices, not the amount of time for soaking, but the meat is the key to your success.

What is a marinade? Kefir, onion, wine, vinegar... you can list a lot more, continue the line. All these ingredients contain acids, they soften the meat, don't you agree?

That's just good fresh meat you don’t really need a marinade, except just a good soak to add flavor.

The meat should be fresh and rested, without blood. You can take the chilled version, but not from the freezer.

Take a look at this homemade pork neck, you can see that it has a large amount of streaks of fat on it. It is this fat that will provide the future dish with juiciness and aroma.

Also take a look at this table, in it you can see all the parts of the pig, and what is preferable to take for the most delicious barbecue.

I offer the simplest and coolest cooking option, marinating pork meat in onions for a short time. I assure you, if you choose good meat, the end result will be insanely juicy. At the sight of his saliva just run.

1. First, clean the meat from tendons and films, and then chop with a knife into pieces about the size of a matchbox or a little more.

Interesting! Pork is the best meat for barbecue, because it is fatty, but veal is not so fatty, so if you take it, stuff it with pieces of lard.

2. Cut the onion, make it in the form of rings. What is a barbecue onion? As they say, you can’t spoil porridge with butter, so it is here. That way you won’t spoil it with onions, ah-ha).

Important! For 1 kg of meat, 1 kg of onion is taken.

Season the onion with salt, your favorite seasonings and spices, black and red pepper, and then start mashing it to release abundant juice.

Perhaps someone will say that the classic is a marinade recipe with dry wine, vinegar or mineral water. Try different options, experiment on friends and relatives, and only then will they say which kind is better. Agree?!

3. Place the future masterpiece in a glass bowl, you can also put it in a stainless steel container, in no case in aluminum or metal, because it oxidizes and gives the meat a bad aftertaste. Stir with your hands.

4. Add pepper, coriander, etc. to your liking. The cooking time in this state depends on the marinade you choose, and on the size of the pieces of meat. In this case, let this meat stand for 2 hours in the refrigerator.

Deciding on the barbecue

Exactly good brazier will not only help to fry meat, but will allow it to be cooked quickly and in many portions, at a time. And most importantly, it practically guarantees an unsurpassed result.

Such a device must have thick walls, and holes for oxygen.

Important! Only the thick walls of the brazier regulate and maintain the desired temperature, at the desired level. The heat does not go into the ground, is not distributed to the sides, as in those varieties that are made of a thin sheet. Who would have thought(.

Well, one more advantage, thick walls are never deformed by fire. Indeed, in many thin-bodied braziers, according to the instructions, it is said that you should first make a fire on the ground to the side, and then transfer hot coals into it.

But, there is now a more improved version on our market, this is with a double bottom. Wow, what a novelty!

What are its benefits? It has the same reliable thick metal walls that hold heat. But, holes, take a look, are made on the bottom of the brazier, for better ventilation and air access. After all, there is little air, little heat, and so that the ashes do not fall to the ground, this option provides for a second bottom.

The ideal option has been found, see what they offer so that everything works out perfectly in this matter.


First, start lighting a fire. To start a fire, put thin branches and paper on the bottom. Thick firewood on top. Light the fire with matches.

It is better to take firewood from oak, they give off heat longer. And the coolest option is fruit trees, because they will also give the dish a unique flavor.

But acacia, poplar, mountain ash and coniferous trees cannot be used, their resins will ruin everything.

In the meantime, thread the meat onto skewers, don't use the onion sticks, they will burn and give you bitterness and an unpleasant odor. Dress evenly, without loose spaces and at the same time do not squeeze too much.

The fire has died down and distribute the coal along the bottom of the brazier, if there are especially large pieces, then they should be broken. Wait until the coal begins to give a good glow, you can wave the fan to speed up this process. But after that, wait a little.

After all, the temperature of coal is about 700-750 degrees, and this is a lot. If you start cooking on such a coal, the meat will quickly brown and begin to burn intensely, and inside it will be raw. Sadly(.

The coal cooled and turned gray, covered with white-gray ash. This is exactly the right moment when you need to fry. And right now, the optimum frying temperature is about 600 degrees.

Place the skewers on the grill and fry for 10-12 minutes, occasionally sprinkle with water. Many culinary personalities advise checking the readiness of meat with a special thermometer. For pork, this is 77-82 degrees.

Juicy and soft pork neck kebab - fast and very tasty!

If you want to do it very gently and awesome, still, tell me too. We all came here to get this effect. Therefore, I recommend taking the neck, people call it balyk, and you know why, because it is the most motionless part of the pig. Therefore, it will turn out to be soft in the end.

In addition, as mentioned earlier, in such meat there is a moderate amount of streaks of fat inside, in general, an ideal option for a barbecue.

We will need:

  • pork neck - 2.5 kg
  • large onion - 6-7 pcs.
  • special spices for this dish - 1.5 tbsp
  • black and red ground pepper- 1 tbsp
  • kefir - 1 tbsp. (or without it, read above)
  • salt - 2.5 tsp

Cooking method:

1. Grate one head of onion on a coarse grater. Cut the remaining onions into rings or half rings.

The meat must be cut against the grain into small pieces.

2. After now, combine the grated onion with meat, as you may have noticed, a sufficient amount of liquid has been released, this is the most necessary value of this option. Put it in pieces.

3. Start kneading the rest of the half rings in your hands and gradually add them all. Sprinkle with spices and peppers.

If you do not have lavrushka in spices, then add it separately.

4. After that, pour out all the kefir and add salt to taste.

5. Mix all this beauty with absolutely clean hands, press the pieces lightly, do not be afraid. Then cover and refrigerate for at least 1 day. And then fry either on coals or at home in the oven, or you can also in an air fryer.

The most delicious marinade for pork skewers with kiwi

This method of pickling appeared recently and it is now very popular. But, I just warn you right away that if you do this option, then do not overdo it over time, otherwise the meat will generally become like a slur. Therefore, this recipe is considered to be hastily, because the exposure time in such a special sauce is about 1 hour.

Do not forget also that there should be a layer of fat on the pieces of meat, which will make its taste unique.

We will need:

  • pork pieces - 2.5 kg
  • Svan salt - 50 g
  • paprika - 50 g
  • dry adjika - 50 g
  • kiwi - 1 pc.
  • onion - 2 pcs.
  • salt - 2.5 tsp
  • ground pepper optional

Cooking method:

1. Place meat pieces in a clean cup, preferably ceramic or glass, they should be approximately 5 cm x 5 cm in size. Immediately grate such an exotic fruit as kiwi on a coarse grater, it will soften the meat, but most importantly do not overdo it.

You need to do this before going on a picnic.

2. Now all the other ingredients are in order, these are paprika, dry adjika and salt.

3. Well, the main thing is, of course, onions. Cut it into rings and sip just so that the juice stands out, with kiwi it will become even more. Move this fatty mass with your hands, wrap it with a film and refrigerate for 1-1.5 hours, but no more. And then run to the river.

4. Fry on skewers and do not forget to turn them over from time to time. Oh, what a scent is coming, do you hear?

Recipe for Armenian pork kebab in own juice

Probably everyone is in search of such a creation, to be honest, I am too. I searched the Internet for such a miracle and finally found it. I advise you to try this option, and only pepper and salt are used here.

Well, and one more thing, this is a feature, I advise everyone to look, from myself I can add that you can add vegetable oil to the meat, then the spices better flavor the barbecue.

The person who lives in Armenia shows and tells, and believe me, he definitely knows a lot about this matter. In addition, he shows how to determine the very moment when the coals are ready, do not miss it. So let's watch this video.

Pork skewers with pomegranate juice

When I found out about this option, I immediately realized that this is probably a new feature of super-juicy and mouth-watering fried slices, from which you just salivate. I was told that this recipe is the bomb, it couldn't be better, let's check it out?

But, one more thing, you need to use pomegranate juice only freshly squeezed, not the one that is sold in tetrapacks, or glass jars, it is diluted there, you need to take the real one.

We will need:

  • pork neck - 2 kg
  • hot peppers Chile
  • salt - 2 tsp
  • ground black pepper - 0.5 tsp
  • cilantro - bunch
  • parsley - bunch
  • onion - 6 pcs.
  • pomegranate juice - 2 tbsp.

Cooking method:

1. Take a large container in which you will make the marinade and first fill it with pieces of meat. Salt.

2. Pepper can be taken with peas, but then it should be crushed in a mortar. Sprinkle with black pepper and hot chili.

4. And of course onions in half rings. Stir everything and feel the aroma. Juice should form from the onion, so, as it were, squeeze the onion and meat in your hands.

And then pour pomegranate juice.

5. Cover with a lid and let rest in the refrigerator for 1-1.5 hours.

6. Well, then send the sweets to the grill.

It turns out the most delicate and very cool dish for a picnic. Om-Nom-nom. Bon Appetit!

Marinate meat in mayonnaise

Initially, it was supposed to add another spoonful of lemon juice or vinegar essence to this look, but in my opinion, and in general, most of my readers say otherwise. That vinegar and lemon ruin meat, making it tougher and rougher. Therefore, we will do this time without these components.

This time I specially took this dish with a small amount of ingredients, not everyone has a big family). The secret of this miracle is that here the onion will need to be turned into gruel, because it cannot be fried on coals, but you want to feel the aroma in the finished dish.

We will need:

  • Pork fresh, better neck - 1 kg
  • Onion - 5 pcs.
  • Mayonnaise - 240 g
  • Ground paprika - 0.5 tsp
  • Ground black pepper - 0.5 tsp
  • Salt - to taste
  • Sumac or other seasoning - 1 tsp
  • Ground coriander - 1 tsp

Cooking method:

1. Take two heads of onion and chop into pieces as if you are cutting an apple, place them in a blender cup and grind into a mixture. The smell will be excellent in the kitchen, all microbes will run away).

Chop the rest of the onion into rings.

3. It remains to put the pieces in the dishes in layers, first the meat, then the rings of onion vegetables, then the meat again, and so on. The final layer will be meat. Soak in a cool place for about 7 hours, you can do it at night.

4. Fry in nature, periodically twirl the chopsticks so that the meat is fried evenly, and the crust becomes golden and blush. Bon Appetit! And to make it even tastier, make it light and full

Delicious barbecue in Caucasian style without vinegar

I don’t know why, but most people have other preferences in this regard, why do many add in the old fashioned way vinegar essence I still don't understand this dish. After all, it destroys the meat right away, the fibers become stiff and you won’t chew it later.

Perhaps this is a stereotype that the previous generation imposed on us, or maybe just a habit. How to do it, of course, everyone decides for himself, in this case we consider the Caucasian option. It will obviously be delicious, so read on.

We will need:

  • pork tenderloin - 2 kg
  • shallow sea ​​salt- 2 tsp
  • chili pepper - 0.25 tsp
  • water - 100 ml
  • white wine - 100 ml
  • basil - 30 g
  • onion - 2 pcs.

Cooking method:

1. Cut two large large onions into a large cube, if you have small ones, take six pieces. Squeeze out the mixture with your hands to release the juice. Put in a cup in which you will perform all other actions.

2. Now for each kilogram of meat, cut the tenderloin into pieces in advance, add one teaspoon of salt, mix. Sprinkle with chili.

3. Then fill with white wine, which is previously diluted in drinking water.

4. And finally, for a piquancy of taste, add basil, finely chopped with a sharp knife. Stir and put in a cool place for 1.5 hours. And then fry this delicacy.

You can fry on skewers, or you can use the grill grate.

As you can see, we have guests, even the cat is not averse to pampering himself with such pieces. Ah, bliss for him. Bon Appetit!

A simple recipe for marinade with mineral water for pork

Do you want to cook well? Then proceed to this method with the addition of mineral sparkling water. The advantage of this marinade is that it is pretty fast and, of course, is available to everyone.

Water with gases is taken and not too cold, remember this nuance.

We will need:

  • pork neck - 1.5 kg
  • onion - 4 pcs.
  • rosemary
  • pepper mix
  • salt - 1.5 tsp
  • mineral water - 1.5 l

Cooking method:

1. Deeds, as always, such actions. We first cut the meat into pieces of the same size, and then we act with onions in the same way as in previous version. That is, cut into half rings or circles.

2. Mix onions with pork, salt, add rosemary and a mixture of peppers to your taste. Mix well with your hands and mix well. Fill with mineral water.

3. Now cover with a lid or cling film and refrigerate for 5 hours.

4. The next step, put the meat sticks on sharp skewers and forward to the coals. Fry until cooked, you can check it like this, if when cutting, pressing with a knife on a piece, a red color stands out, then the kebab is not ready, and if it is transparent, then you can use it.

How to marinate pork in kefir?

Can you answer this question? I can easily say that having cooked such ruddy meat on coals using this method will certainly please all your relatives and friends. I am for this version of the marinade too).

Take pork with fat, it is necessary for juiciness and cook in a fermented milk product. Yes, not without reason, it is in such a natural product that the meat turns out to be very tender and just melts in your mouth.

We will need:

  • kefir - 0.5 l
  • pork meat - 2 kg
  • parsley, basil, cilantro - to taste
  • onion - 6 heads
  • salt - 2 tsp
  • garlic - 1 head optional

Cooking method:

1. Send all green ingredients to a blender and grind together with garlic, you can also put 1-2 onions there, of course, cutting into small pieces.

2. After that, such an aroma will stand in the kitchen, wow, you will swing. The rest of the onion you will need to cut into large half rings and combine with meat. Chop fresh pork into slices, of such a size that it is convenient to put on skewers.

Take a large saucepan or bowl and mix all the prepared foods. Do not forget to salt, who likes hot pepper or black pepper can also be peppered.

3. And now, as you will see that the mixture has given juice, after active mixing, pour the mass with kefir. You can take fermented milk product not the first freshness, that is, so that the kefir is 2-3 days old, but not expired and has a good smell.

After tamping with your hands, close the lid and leave for 2-3 hours in a warm place.

5. Be careful not to burn the slices, garnish with herbs and serve. Bon Appetit!

Pork skewers according to the classic recipe with vinegar

To be honest, I didn’t want to write about this species, because I don’t like it myself. I have already said more than once that an ingredient such as vinegar makes pork tougher. But, still, many people love this option. Therefore, I want to show a slightly modified recipe, according to which it turns out much better than the usual one.

Well, if you are still only for the classics, then you can familiarize yourself with this video. Take then 9% table vinegar and on the road, together with the owner of this story.

Well, now, as promised, I’m showing a way that, in fact, will not require time from you at all, you can take a bucket of meat and go on vacation. That is, the meat will be fresh and without marinade. How is this possible? And how))). I reveal one secret.

Just remember that pork tenderloin in this case, it is the adrenal part of the pig that is taken, it is located in the animal under the spine. This muscle by itself practically does not work, so the conclusion suggests itself, the meat will be tender. Therefore, it will turn out great in and of itself!

It is cut into medallions and immediately sent to the grill. But in order for the shades and aromas to appear in the meat, in other words, to make it tastier, spices and seasonings are added. Well, the magic water is prepared by itself.

We will need:

  • pork tenderloin
  • water - 1 l
  • salt - 1 tsp with a slide
  • sugar - 2 tsp
  • cloves - 15 pcs.
  • bay leaf - 3-4 pcs.
  • hot chili pepper - 0.5 tsp
  • onion - 1 pc. and 2 pcs. to serve
  • garlic - 2 cloves
  • allspice black pepper - 20 pcs.
  • vinegar 9% - 2-3 tbsp
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp

Cooking method:

1. Start with a magical mixture of water. It will not be just water, but with notes of various spices. Pour drinking water into a glass container, add one good spoonful of salt and plus two tablespoons of granulated sugar.

For the next step, you will need a mortar, put black peppercorns in it and knead it slightly, you do not need to grind it to dust. Send to a bowl.

And now add vinegar essence and odorless sunflower oil, stir and taste. It should turn out moderately sour and fragrant. Let this magical liquid brew for 1 day. And then strain into a plastic bottle and go on a picnic.

You can store such a brine for about 1 week in the refrigerator, that is, prepare it in advance, and then, when guests arrive, buy meat in the store and instantly go to the river.

In principle, in such a brine, you can withstand the meat for a couple of hours, but it is important not to miss the right moment, otherwise it will turn out not tasty. Therefore, to prevent this from happening, we proceed as follows. With this liquid, we will pour the pieces on skewers during frying.

2. So, in fact, when you are already in nature, you will need onions to serve this dish. Cut it into thin half rings. Add some parsley, you can add basil. Stir.

3. Start frying, for this, cut the fillet into equal pieces, put them on a skewer, the pieces should be about 3-4 cm.

Use good firewood such as fruit trees.

As soon as the coals are ready, start the cooking steps. In the bottle, make holes on the lid and water periodically. Rotate the sticks so that the meat cooks evenly.

Not an unimportant moment, as soon as you pour, then immediately wave the fan so that the coals do not cool down.

4. And now the meat can still be salted on top, pepper and sprinkled. Wow, what a splendor, already breathtaking from such deliciousness.

We decorate with a bow, you can take the green one by the way, it will also be cool.

5. We call everyone for a tasting, cut a piece and you will see that everything worked out, everything was perfectly fried, and if you press the juice comes out and you can see that the pork is soft.

Super tomato juice marinade for pork kebab - you have not tried it yet!

Can you tell me that you have already heard about such a miracle. But it wasn’t there, I shared this option, but they took store-bought tetrapak juice there. And now I propose to do it yourself from fresh tomatoes, this will be a bomb, the taste is awesome, because real tomatoes are used, if you also have them at home, then in general you are very lucky.

Cook like this and your guests will definitely be shocked and amazed. Everyone will ask for supplements. A fun feast and excellent rest are provided. Krutyak, from Fisherman!

We will need:

  • pork meat - 3.5-4 kg
  • salt - 4 tsp
  • garlic - 3-4 cloves
  • tomatoes - 2-3 pcs.
  • onion - 5 pcs.
  • black pepper - to taste
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp
  • Caucasian seasoning - to taste or barbecue

Cooking method:

1. Cut the main ingredient into equal pieces, cut not very finely, the larger the chunk, the juicier it will turn out, but again, don’t make it too big, about 5 cm x 5 cm.

2. Onion take a huge size and chop it not traditional way, namely, simply into pieces in an arbitrary form, so that it can be easily put into a meat grinder. Peel the garlic cloves from the husk and send there too.

3. Thus, turn the onion, garlic and then the tomatoes in a meat grinder. It turned out a unique mixture, what you need. Separate the pulp from the liquid with a colander. You can use a pusher, it will definitely come in handy here.

4. Add this brine with spices and spices and, of course, salt and, of course, vegetable oil. Salt, for every 1 kg there is 10 g of salt.

5. Dip the pieces into such a tomato mixture, mix and close the container with a lid. You don't need to do a stab. AND finishing touch, place the tub in the refrigerator for 24 hours. Stir occasionally during the process.

6. Well, then use it for its intended purpose. Fry either on the grill or in the oven until fully cooked, eat warm. Do not forget that you can put any salad on the table, for example

Video on how to cook skewers on the grill in your own juice correctly and quickly

We proceed further, and now I could not get past this option. The author at the very beginning gives good advice on choosing meat, I recommend that you read it. This miracle will marinate in own juice at least a day, so keep that in mind.

Delicious skewers of pork meat in air grill

We got to this recipe, I’ll say right away that you can take absolutely any version of the brine from this note and adapt it here. Here, the most important thing is to follow all the steps correctly, to know which function to set and correctly determine the cooking time.

We will need:

  • pork - 400 g
  • kefir - 300 g
  • salt - 0.5 tsp
  • pepper to taste

Cooking method:

1. Marinate the cut pieces in a kefir product for about 3-4 hours in a warm place, or 12 hours in a cold one.

3. Close the lid and set the mode to Meat for 30 minutes.

4. After half an hour, turn the skewers over to the other side so that the pieces are evenly fried on both sides. Set the time to 10 minutes and continue frying. Serve with any sauce.

Pork kebab recipe without skewers on a baking sheet in the oven

Well, this is a gift from me to you, dear subscribers and guests of the blog. This masterpiece clearly deserves praise and applause, because it is cooked at home, in an ordinary baking bag. What a delicious treat, just fantastic. A super bomb will be on the table, it will surprise everyone, but it will also amaze.

It will be very tasty, and even oddly enough with vinegar, but I liked it))).

Do not hesitate, this splendor will be appreciated by all households and guests. Do it with pleasure.

3 great appetizers for pork barbecue in nature

In fact, most of us take onion salad with us on this mini trip. Last time I touched on this topic. Soon, by the way, a separate article will be published on this useful and beloved salad.

Today I want to show you three more masterpieces that deserve respect. I found them on the Family Kitchen channel and I recommend you to make them by all means.

All the ingredients in them are cut arbitrarily, and then salt and pepper are added as desired.

Dressing is made on the basis of olive (vegetable) oil, as in this version. Plus, freshly squeezed lemon juice is added.

Do not forget that in spring and summer you need as many vitamins as possible, so these salads will certainly be a great solution.

And those who can afford something richer and more caloric, choose with mayonnaise dressing.

That's all my friends, I'm finishing this post, I wish you to overeat kebabs this year and treat everyone to this hearty meal. If you liked the note, share it on social networks and put likes and classes. Subscribe to the group in contact and see you all soon, bye!

Shish kebab is an appetizing and fragrant dish that is baked on skewers. V classic version it is cooked with pork. It is very important to properly marinate and cook pork meat so that it does not become stiff. Various ingredients can act as a marinade - lemon, oil, kiwi, pomegranate juice, soy sauce, vinegar, kefir. Below you will learn how to marinate pork skewers so that the meat is juicy and tender, and the secrets of cooking will help you make a truly tasty and delicious dish.

How to choose meat for barbecue?

What is the best part of pork? The right choice of meat is half the success in cooking barbecue. A product that has been frozen or improperly stored will spoil the taste of the dish. To make the meat tender, it is important not only to cook it well, but also to choose the part of the pork that is ideal for roasting on skewers. Recommendations for choosing a product for a classic pork kebab:

  1. Don't buy frozen meat. Chilled pork is perfect for the dish. It is permissible to use a frozen product, but only if the freeze was once, although palatability shish kebab will still be inferior to a dish of chilled meat.
  2. To distinguish between chilled and frozen pork, press down on the top with your finger. If the product is fresh, the surface will recover quickly. In thawed pork, a bloody liquid will be visible, the consistency of such meat is loose, uneven, and the color is brighter.
  3. Don't take meat if you're confused by the smell or the look. Smell the pork, see if it oozes blood - that's a bad sign. Humidity on the surface of the meat indicates the presence of harmful substances there or improper storage. If the product has a gray, dark color, then the animal was old - the barbecue will turn out tough. Good meat has a dry appearance, a uniform shade over the entire surface, and a slight sheen.
  4. Choose cuts without excess fat and sinew - this will make it difficult to prepare the pork for cooking. Some sellers hide the fatty pieces by wrapping them inside, so inspect the product carefully from all sides.
  5. Most importantly, buy the right cut of pork. Ideally for a soft and juicy kebab, meat from the neck (neck chop), located along the back of the pig, is suitable. Also lovely dish obtained from tenderloin, ribs, loin. Pork ham is also suitable for barbecue, but it is important not to overdry it. The back meat part and the tenderloin from the shoulder blades have a lot of veins, but if they are properly peeled and marinated, the kebab will turn out tender.

After the meat is selected, you need to marinate it. Most delicious marinade for pork skewers, so that the meat is soft and tender, it is prepared using different ingredients. Below are popular step by step recipes with a photo of a marinated barbecue product.

How to marinate pork skewers with lemon

Lemon juice is a great marinade dressing that can replace vinegar and oil. Lemons will provide the juiciness of the meat, give it an interesting flavor.

You will need:

  • 4 lemons;
  • 4 tbsp. spoons of salt;
  • 8 onions;
  • 5 kilograms of pork;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of spices for barbecue.


  1. Take a large container. Wash and clean the onion, cut into rings. Put one layer in a container, sprinkle with salt and spices.
  2. Clean the meat from the veins, excess fat. Divide into serving pieces. Place the pork on top of the onion. Place another layer of onion on it. Lay out the layers one by one until these ingredients run out. Don't forget to sprinkle the layers with spices.
  3. Wash the lemon, cut it. Squeeze out the juice.
  4. Pour ingredients into containers.
  5. Wrap the edges of the dishes with cling film, hide in the refrigerator for six hours. Mix ingredients 2 times.
  6. Once the pork has marinated, it's ready to cook: put the pieces on skewers and cook over smoldering coals until tender, turning occasionally, drizzling with wine or water. Readiness is determined by the incision: a clear liquid should ooze from the meat.

Classic barbecue marinated in vinegar

The classic barbecue marinade is vinegar. The ingredient gives the dish a pleasant sourness, guarantees juicy and delicate taste. You can make such a barbecue according to your own taste: at home in the oven, in a frying pan or in nature, using a skewer and skewers.

You will need:

  • 1 kilogram and 200 grams of pork;
  • 2 teaspoons of granulated sugar;
  • 4 tablespoons of vinegar;
  • salt, pepper, other seasonings;
  • 2 bulbs.


  1. Prepare the meat: rinse under cold water, cut into portions.
  2. Add spices to the meat product, mix everything well in a deep bowl.
  3. Clean the onion. Grate the vegetable, and then pour it into a container with the rest of the ingredients.
  4. 2 to 1 dilute water with vinegar. This recommendation applies to the 9% component. If it is of a different concentration, follow the instructions on the packaging for dilution to a food consistency.
  5. Pour the pieces with the resulting liquid, mix.
  6. Cover the barbecue in the marinade with cling film, leave at room temperature for 60 minutes. Then place in the refrigerator overnight.
  7. Put the pieces of meat on skewers. Cook over charcoal, turning pork occasionally. Pour it with water, wine or beer to make the dish juicy.

Pork skewers marinated with mayonnaise

Mayonnaise is not only delicious dressing for salads and an appetizing sauce, but also an excellent component of marinade for shish kebab. The product does not allow the meat to dry out during baking, making it juicy and appetizing.

You will need:

  • 5 bulbs;
  • kilogram of pork;
  • 200 ml of mayonnaise;
  • seasonings.


  1. Prepare pork, cut into portions. Put in a deep bowl.
  2. Add your favorite spices, do not forget to salt. Thoroughly mix the pieces so that the seasonings are evenly distributed. Leave for a quarter of an hour.
  3. Fill the ingredients with mayonnaise. Stir until sauce coats all parts of pork evenly.
  4. Cut the onion into rings, make them wide, then fry with the meat. Mix part of the vegetable well in a container with the rest of the products, and put a part on top for baking.
  5. Marinate as follows: 60 minutes at room temperature and overnight in the refrigerator. If you will be cooking in a few hours, then leave the meat in the room for 180 minutes.
  6. Bake the kebab, alternating pieces of pork with onion rings.

Tomato sauce for barbecue

What is the best barbecue sauce? Many people agree that these are satsebeli - a classic option for a Caucasian dish.

You will need:

  • 2 bunches of cilantro;
  • 200 ml of water;
  • 200 grams of tomato paste;
  • 5 cloves of garlic;
  • a teaspoon of adjika, vinegar, salt;
  • hops-suneli - 1 tablespoon;
  • pepper.


  1. Wash and finely chop the cilantro, put in a convenient deep container.
  2. Crush garlic, add to cilantro. Mix with adjika, suneli hops, vinegar, pepper.
  3. Grind it all with a pestle.
  4. Add tomato paste, stir.
  5. Pour in water, salt, mix thoroughly again.
  6. Pour the sauce into a jar and take it with you to nature to enjoy a real Caucasian shish kebab!

Marinating pork skewers in wine

Thanks to wine, your dish will have a beautiful color and a pleasant tart aftertaste. Marinate the neck or ribs in a drink - then the barbecue will turn out great.

You will need:

  • 1 kilogram 300 grams of pork;
  • 7 bulbs;
  • 300 ml dry red wine;
  • seasonings.


  1. Cut the pork neck into pieces.
  2. Separately, salt each cut part, put in a deep container, mix and leave for a quarter of an hour.
  3. Finely chop half the onion, add to the bowl with the meat and mix. Gradually pour in the wine, stirring the ingredients.
  4. Cut the rest of the onion into rings and place on top.
  5. Infuse for 60 minutes at room temperature with the lid closed, then transfer to the refrigerator overnight.
  6. Cook on skewers, turning pork neck occasionally.

Kefir pork skewers recipe

Kefir gives the finished dish a delicate color, makes the meat product soft and tender. This kebab has a rich taste without sourness.

You will need:

  • 1.5 kg of meat;
  • half a liter of kefir 3%;
  • 7 onions;
  • 1 teaspoon of granulated sugar;
  • seasonings.


  1. Cut the pork neck into pieces, put in a deep bowl.
  2. On a coarse grater, grate part of the onion (about half), add seasonings, put in a container with the main ingredient.
  3. Gradually pour in the kefir, stirring the pieces, pour in the granulated sugar.
  4. Place the remaining chopped onion on top.
  5. Roast on skewers over smoldering coals until tender.

How to marinate pork skewers in mineral water

You can marinate pork for barbecue in mineral water. The meat will absorb some of the water ready meal comes out juicy and delicious.

You will need:

  • 4 kilos of pork;
  • 1 kilogram of onions;
  • cilantro seeds;
  • black pepper, salt;
  • paprika;
  • dried tomatoes;
  • a bottle of mineral water.


  1. Cut the pork into large pieces. Put in a deep container.
  2. Chop the onion, add to the pork and stir.
  3. Pepper, add cilantro seeds, salt, tomatoes with paprika. Stir and remember that the onion will release the juice.
  4. Pour mineral water ingredients - the marinade is ready. The meat will be marinated in mineral water and in its own juice.
  5. Cover the bowl with a lid and refrigerate overnight.
  6. Cook the kebab in the mineral marinade on the grill until tender, turning the skewers over.

Soaked pork skewers in beer

How to soak pork kebab so that it turns out juicy and tender? A beer marinade will help with this. On coals, pork pieces will not dry out, and will also acquire an unusual and appetizing aroma.

You will need:

  • 1.5 kg of pork;
  • a bottle of light beer 0.5 l;
  • 3 onions;
  • seasonings.


  1. Cut the pork into portions. Place in a deep container.
  2. Pepper, salt, stir to evenly distribute seasonings.
  3. Grind the vegetable on a coarse grater. Add to the rest of the ingredients, then pour in the beer.
  4. When the marinade is ready, cover the container, let stand for a while at room temperature, and then hide in the refrigerator overnight.
  5. Grill over smoldering coals using skewers until tender.

The secrets of cooking barbecue

The subtleties of cooking shish kebab will help to make the dish really tasty and please your friends and relatives. If you know simple secrets creating this dish, the risk of getting a hard, overdried kebab disappears. The subtleties of cooking delicious meat:

  1. The distance from the barbecue to the coals should be no less than 15 centimeters.
  2. marinade with pork neck should be kept in dishes made of glass, clay, enamel. This prevents the metal from reacting with food, as is the case with aluminum bowls.
  3. Pour the meat pieces during cooking - with oil, beer, wine, or the marinade in which it was cooked.
  4. Place fatty pieces in the middle of the skewer, small and lean ones at the edges. To make them bake well, alternate with onion rings or other vegetables.
  5. Stack the skewers tightly next to each other.
  6. The wrong wood can spoil all efforts to find the perfect meat product and marinade. Use branches of fruit trees as firewood, such as apricot, apple, plum.
  7. Don't forget the sauces. Satsebeli, mustard, ketchup perfectly complement the food.
  8. Watch videos of experienced chefs who will share their secrets of cooking meat.

Calorie content of the dish per 100 grams

How many calories are in pork skewers? Calorie content per 100 grams depends on which part of the pig is chosen for cooking - neck, ribs, back. Fat-free tenderloin contains fewer calories than fatty, sinewy cuts. The type of marinade also affects the calorie content. For 100 grams in the classic version of the dish with vinegar, there are 220 kcal.

I have prepared for you some tips on how to properly fry the kebab and what needs to be done to make the kebab soft and tasty.

How to cook delicious barbecue

Barbecue is not just fried meat, but a whole ritual with its own rules. To prepare delicious soft barbecue First of all, you need to choose the right meat. For good barbecue pork is excellent, fresh and not very fatty.

For pork kebab, you should buy a neck or neck - this meat will make the kebab the softest and juiciest. Loin, loin and brisket are also great. The driest and harshest for the dish will be the meat of the shoulder blade or ham.

© photo: Sputnik / Vitaly Belousov

Annual autumn holiday "Tbilisoba in Moscow"

Although everyone can proceed from their preferences and choose meat according to their taste. And in order for the meat to be soft and tender in any case, there are marinades, a mixture of seasonings, vegetable oils and natural products containing acids.

The meat, aged in the marinade, becomes soft and fragrant, which is due to the ingredients included in it. For pork, beef and lamb, marinades are made richer, while marinades for chicken and fish should be more delicate and tender.

The tougher the meat, the longer you need to keep it in the marinade. And so let's get started...

wine marinade

For cooking traditional marinade for pork you will need two kilograms of meat, two or three small onions, 200-300 grams of white table wine, a small bunch of fresh basil or a handful of dry herbs, salt and black pepper.

We put the portioned meat in rows in a pan. By the way, the size of the pieces depends on your desire, just remember that they must be uniform in order to fry equally.

Sprinkle each layer with salt, pepper, onion, cut into rings, and basil leaves. Then mix the whole mass well, as if rubbing the spices into the meat.

Pour meat with wine, mix and let it brew, at least a couple of hours. Wine marinade gives the meat a delicate flavor and makes it softer. It is suitable for any type of meat, including turkey and chicken.

But, if someone does not like the wine flavor, they can try other marinades described below.

pomegranate marinade

To prepare it for two kilograms of meat, we take two glasses of pomegranate juice, two or three onions, a couple of bunches of basil and mint, salt and black pepper.

We cut the onion into rings, knead with our hands so that it releases its juice and mix with pre-cut meat, add salt, pepper and mix everything well. Then pour pomegranate juice and let it brew for at least 10 hours, and preferably a day.

A more juicy kebab will turn out if you add two tablespoons of sunflower or olive oil to the marinade. Oil, as it were, envelops the pieces of meat and retains moisture inside, but it should be remembered that when using vegetable oils, the dish cooks a little longer.

Pomegranate marinade is loved in the East, it is ideal for lamb, but also suitable for pork and veal.

Matsoni marinade

This marinade is able to soften even the toughest meat. So, if you were unable to buy the right meat - do not worry, you can "ennoble" it with ordinary matsoni or kefir.

To prepare it for two kilograms of meat, you will need a liter of matsoni or kefir, three medium onions, salt, pepper. We cut the onion into rings, then mix with meat and seasonings, and pour the resulting mixture with kefir, which should completely cover the meat.

The dishes with meat should be shaken well and left to marinate for a day. Kefir marinade is suitable for chicken barbecue, and for beef.

In the marinade for chicken, instead of yogurt, you can use sour cream - the taste of this dish will accompany you for a long time.

Marinade on mineral water

Marinating meat in mineral water is very simple, tasty and at the same time fast. The meat is very soft and tender. Even the oldest beef, after a couple of hours spent in this marinade, turns into the most tender fillet.

To prepare it for two kilograms of meat, we take one and a half to two liters of mineral water, two or three small onions, a bunch of basil, salt and pepper to taste. Finely chop the onion, squeeze the juice of one lemon onto it and rub everything with your hands. Then we mix with meat and seasonings, and pour the resulting mass with mineral water so that it completely covers the meat.

We leave to marinate for an hour, and if you think that the meat is harsh, then for a couple of hours.

You should not add medicinal table types of mineral water to the marinade - they have a peculiar taste and smell that they can convey to meat.

coffee marinade

To prepare this unusual marinade for two kilograms of meat, you will need four tablespoons of olive oil, four small onions, one liter of hot but not boiling coffee, a couple of bunches of basil or mint, salt and pepper.

We cook the meat as indicated above and then pour in the coffee. Leave to cool at room temperature first, and then set to marinate in the refrigerator.

In this marinade, the meat should be kept for six hours. An ignorant person will never guess what gave the dish such tenderness and aroma.

There are hundreds of barbecue marinade recipes. Soy sauce, honey, beer, tomato juice, mustard, wine, balsamic and Apple vinegar and anything, thus making them sweet, spicy, sour or spicy.

But now that the principle of marinade preparation is clear, you can experiment with any ingredients, creating your own, unique and inimitable marinade.

Usually the meat is marinated in a large enamel saucepan, but if such dishes are not at hand, it is quite possible to get by with an ordinary plastic bag, only a whole one, and preferably several at once. It is not recommended to use aluminum utensils when marinating meat.

The duration of marinating depends on several factors - the stiffness of the meat, the time you have and the products used.

If time is running out, you can grate the onion for the marinade, and not cut into slices. In such a marinade, meat should not be kept for more than two hours.

Fish should not be kept in the marinade for more than 45 minutes. Chicken kebab you can start frying in an hour and a half.

You need to cut the meat across the fibers so that the pieces do not shrink during cooking and preferably in small pieces. Large pieces marinate longer.

Dishes with meat should be kept in a cool place. In the event that you marinate the meat for a long time, about a day and there is no suitable cold place, it is better to put the pan in the refrigerator.

A bit of history

The history of the appearance of barbecue dates back to ancient times - ancient people ate meat cooked on a fire with pleasure, as soon as they learned how to make and maintain a fire. Naturally, this fried meat was not then called barbecue, but it was a serious step towards evolution in nutrition.

It is difficult to say in which country the kebab appeared, although the East is considered the birthplace of this wonderful dish - Iraq, Iran, Lebanon, the Caucasus and so on. Perhaps it is thanks to the oriental traditions of cooking meat that this dish turns out so fragrant and juicy.

© photo: Sputnik /

The very word "barbecue" has its roots in the Crimean Tatar word "shish", which means bayonet, pike. Shish kebab is meat strung on a pike, cooked on a spit.

But be that as it may, dear guests in the South Caucasus are treated to kebabs prepared according to traditional recipes under various national names. So, in Georgia you will taste "mtsvadi" cooked on a dry vine, in Armenia you will be offered "khorovats", and in Azerbaijan - "kebab".

Wherever barbecue is cooked and no matter how it is called, main secret is that it be prepared according to all the rules and with love, then you can enjoy the unusual, juicy and most delicious dish on the ground!

Material prepared on the basis of open sources

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