Home General issues Dessert sausage with cookies. The most delicious chocolate sausage recipe from cookies and cocoa

Dessert sausage with cookies. The most delicious chocolate sausage recipe from cookies and cocoa

Cookie chocolate sausage will surely turn out delicious if you use the right products for its preparation, that is, butter without vegetable additives, and in no case margarine (as some advise), real cocoa, not a drink, etc. Cookies for sausages are better to choose rich - sugar, chess, - in a word, ordinary, by weight, so that it is sweet, not salty, and just not biscuit.
I have a recipe for chocolate sausage made from cookies from school - this is the first dessert that I learned how to cook. It is easier and safer for children to entrust the preparation of sweets without baking from cookies or ground crackers - banana cake, "anthill", cakes "potato", etc. - that's exactly why the beginning of my first culinary success was laid with these very simple recipes. We cooked sausage from cookies then without adding nuts, I don’t know why, maybe in order to save money. Much later, I added nuts to the sausage recipe, leaving the rest unchanged.

One of the simplest recipes for delicious desserts comes from a distant childhood - today I will tell you how to cook sweet sausage. Mom used to make it for me and my brother, and now I pamper my children with this wonderful delicacy. In fact, even a child (under the supervision of an adult) can cook homemade chocolate sausage - this dessert is so simple and does not require culinary skills.

The recipe chocolate sausage includes affordable ingredients that are almost always available in every home.

  • shortbread— 350 gr
  • butter - 200 gr
  • walnut - 100 gr
  • sugar - 150 gr
  • milk - 100 ml
  • cocoa powder - 40 gr

To prepare a sweet chocolate sausage, we need any shortbread cookies, butter, milk (any fat content), granulated sugar, unsweetened cocoa powder, and nuts. I use peeled walnuts, but you can use others if possible and to your taste.

Let's do it first chocolate icing, which will become the connecting base for the sweet sausage. To do this, take a suitable saucepan or saucepan and pour 100 milliliters of milk into it. We also pour 40 grams of high-quality cocoa powder and 150 grams of sugar there. We put the dishes on medium heat and, stirring constantly, bring the mixture to a boil. Sugar and cocoa should be completely dissolved.

When the icing boils for literally a minute, remove the dishes from the heat and put 200 grams of butter in it. It is better, of course, to use soft butter (take it out of the refrigerator in advance) - then it will dissolve faster in hot glaze. But this is not important - you can add oil directly from the refrigerator.

Stir the mixture so that all the butter is completely dissolved - the chocolate icing for the sweet sausage is ready. Let it cool down until warm.

In the meantime, we are engaged in a dry base for dessert - cookies and nuts. Cookies, for example, need to be crushed in such a way that a part of a very small crumb and larger pieces are obtained.

To do this, you can simply break the cookies with your hands, use a rolling pin, or crush them in a food processor.

In a suitable bowl, we combine crushed cookies and peeled nuts, which also need to be either broken into large pieces or chopped with a knife.

Pour the chocolate icing that has already cooled down to the nuts and cookies and mix everything thoroughly.

As a result, you should get a plastic mass that holds its shape perfectly. It is not dry and at the same time does not spread.

Now you can mold the dessert. To do this, you can use both baking paper, as well as cling film or foil. Personally, I prefer food foil. I divide the entire base for chocolate sausage into 3 parts. I spread one part on a sheet of foil and give it an oblong shape.

I twist the foil with the contents so that a dense sausage is obtained. Additionally, I level the workpiece with my palms so that there are no voids inside. I wrap the edges of the foil like a candy wrapper.

Similarly, I form the rest of the sausages. By the way, you may not have 3 pieces, but 1 large one, or, conversely, more, but small ones. It remains to let our chocolate sausages harden. To do this, simply put the dessert in the refrigerator for several hours or in the freezer for 1 hour. I always store chocolate sausage in the freezer. Firstly, it is safer there (no one but me will definitely find it), and secondly, the dessert can be stored longer. Although chocolate sausage is not a dish that can lie for a long time, it is painfully delicious.

When you want something sweet, take out one sausage and cut it into portions. You can directly in the foil - it's more convenient.

with cup fragrant tea or invigorating coffee a slice (2,3,4...) of chocolate sausage is a great excuse to get up early and enjoy a wonderful dessert. And how kids love sweet sausage... I'm sure you don't even need to tell!

Recipe 1, vintage: chocolate cookie sausage

Cookie Chocolate Sausage - Delicious and quick dessert no baking. Easy, fast and simple!

  • Sugar or shortbread cookies - 250 g
  • Butter - 50 g
  • Sugar - 50 g
  • Milk - 100 ml
  • Cocoa powder - 15 g
  • Walnuts - 20 g

How to make a sweet chocolate sausage: mix sugar, cocoa and milk in a saucepan.

We mix.

Add butter. We put the saucepan on the stove. Bring the mixture to a boil over medium heat with constant stirring. Remove from fire and let cool.

Chop cookies into small pieces.

Add finely chopped walnuts to the cookies.

Pour the cooled mixture into the cookies. Mix gently so as not to break the cookies.

We divide the mass into 2 parts.

Put one piece on cling film. Wrap tightly with foil and shape into a sausage.

We do the same with the second part. Transfer the sausages to a flat dish or cutting board and refrigerate for at least 1 hour to set.

Chocolate sweet sausage is ready. Before serving, cut into pieces. Bon Appetit!

Recipe 3: Almond Cookie Chocolate Sausage

I present to you the old step by step recipe with photo. It must be said that this thin sweet mulatto, which in appearance resembled the current salami, with frequent inclusions of walnuts, the aroma of vanilla and cocoa, beckoned us with incredible strength. For her sake, we did our homework on time, drove to the store for cookies, took out the trash and washed the floors. Even today, no frills can overshadow its unsurpassed taste. Prepare this amazing delight for tea, treat your guests and you will understand that there is simply nothing tastier than this nondescript brown log.

  • 200 grams of shortbread biscuits,
  • 90 grams of fine granulated sugar,
  • 100 grams of butter,
  • 2.5 tablespoons of milk
  • 20 grams of cocoa powder,
  • ½ cup almonds.

Break the cookies into small crumbs. It is better to take biscuits drier, then the mass will be lighter and more tender.

Coarsely chop the peeled almonds with a knife and send them to a container with a crushed dry mass.

In a convenient fireproof container, mix sugar, butter and cocoa, add milk

and bring to a boil over low heat, stirring constantly.

Pour in chocolate mass to the cookie. Stir until all components are completely combined into a homogeneous dark mass.

You can expand the flavor range of the product by adding dark chocolate. To do this, melt a quarter of a bar (50 grams) of chocolate with 1-2 tablespoons of milk in a water bath.

Lay out cling film or foil on a flat surface. Lay out the viscous brown mass in the form of a sausage and wrap it carefully.

Place in refrigerator for 2-3 hours to speed up the process or as needed long-term storage- use the freezer. When serving chocolate sausage from cookies, you can lightly sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Recipe 4: Chocolate Galette Sausage with Powdered Sugar

Chocolate cookie sausage is a childhood favorite dessert. I want to offer you a step-by-step recipe with a photo so that you can repeat it at home. This old recipe my mother told me that this was the kind of chocolate sausage they used to cook when she was little.

The advantage of dessert is that it can be stored in the freezer for a long time. So, at any time you will have something to pamper yourself and your family.

  • biscuit cookies - 300 g.,
  • butter - 200 g.,
  • powdered sugar - 1 tbsp. ,
  • walnuts- 1 tbsp. ,
  • cocoa - 3 tbsp. l. ,
  • lemon - 1 pc.

Powdered sugar must be beaten with butter. It should be at room temperature, very soft, but not runny.

We send the crushed cookies into the mixture.

Nuts must first be roasted in a pan or in the oven. Remove excess husk and chop a little. Mix everything until smooth. Add cocoa along with nuts.

You should get a tight homogeneous mixture.

We spread everything on cling film and form a sausage.

We send it to the freezer for 6 hours.

Cut and serve to the table. Now you can enjoy delicious, homemade chocolate sausage and remember your childhood.

Recipe 5: Shortbread Cocoa Chocolate Sausage

Chocolate sausage - an imperishable recipe! Biscuit salami was loved by everyone who comes from the USSR. In times of scarcity, Soviet housewives were able to create masterpieces of the hot queen rank “out of nothing”. So chocolate sausage is a bright representative of this legendary collection from the past.

  • Shortbread 400 gr
  • Butter 200 gr
  • Sugar 150 gr
  • Cocoa 4 tbsp
  • Chicken egg 1 pc
  • Salt 1 pinch

Chocolate Cookie Sausage is a simple recipe. To start, melt the butter in a saucepan.

Add sugar to butter.

Add cocoa to the butter-sugar mixture and heat, stirring, until the sugar dissolves.

Add the egg to the hot chocolate mixture, stir quickly and vigorously with a whisk so that the egg does not curdle.

Crush the cookies into small pieces.

Combine cookies and chocolate mass.

Spread cling film on the work surface, put the chocolate mass on top.

Roll the film into a sausage, tie the ends with a rope and cool well. If you are not sure that you rolled the "sausage" tightly enough, put it under a small press for an hour, and then put it in the refrigerator overnight.

Cut the finished dessert and serve with tea or coffee.

Recipe 6: Sweet Chocolate Cookie Sausage

Now there are new recipes for chocolate sausage made from cookies (with condensed milk, in chocolate, etc.), but this old one is a real one from the past, the same as waffles in an electric waffle iron or brushwood.

Chocolate Sausage Ingredients:

  • cookies (such as "anniversary") - 300 g;
  • granulated sugar - 0.5 tbsp;
  • butter - 300 g;
  • cocoa powder - 5 tablespoons;
  • walnuts (chopped) - 4 tbsp.

Chocolate sausage recipe:

1. We tie the cookies in a plastic bag and chop them into pieces with a kitchen hammer (as small as possible).

2. Then put the butter in the pan, melt it.

3. Add sugar to the butter and over low heat, stirring, dissolve the sugar.

4. After the sugar dissolves a little, remove the pan from the stove, add cocoa, nuts, mix.

5. Then pour the cookies out of the bag, mix everything thoroughly.

6. We spread a film on the table for food products, put the resulting sausage on it, wrap it with a roll.

7. We remove the finished chocolate sausage in the refrigerator for solidification.

Recipe 7: Chocolate sausage with candied fruits, like in childhood

This dessert is familiar to everyone since childhood. This was probably the first dessert I made with my own hands.
In addition to the fact that chocolate sausage is very tasty and fragrant, it is very easy to prepare. I was once again convinced of this last night, having prepared it in just 15 minutes. And in the end today for breakfast, my husband and I enjoyed a cup of fragrant coffee and a piece of this simple and chic dessert.

Cooking time: 15 minutes + freezing (about 3-4 hours).


  1. Cookies 500 gr.
  2. Cocoa 3 tbsp
  3. Sugar 4 tbsp
  4. Butter 200 gr.
  5. Milk ½ tbsp.
  6. Vanillin
  7. Candied fruits 50 gr.
  8. Nuts any 50 gr.


  1. Chop nuts.
  2. Finely chop candied fruits.
  3. Break the cookies: break some finely, the rest larger.
  4. Mix nuts, candied fruits and cookies.
  5. Mix cocoa with sugar, add milk, mix until lumps are completely dissolved. Add vanillin.
  6. Cut the butter into pieces and add to the cocoa-milk mixture.
  7. Put on fire and cook over low heat until sugar and butter are completely dissolved.
  8. Pour the hot mixture over cookies, nuts and candied fruits. To stir thoroughly.
  9. Put the resulting mass on foil or baking paper, wrap it in a roll and form a sausage.
  10. Place in refrigerator until completely cooled.
  11. When serving, cut the chocolate sausage into pieces.

Recipe 8: Children's Chocolate Sausage Step by Step Recipe


  • 500 grams of shortbread cookies,
  • 200 grams of butter,
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of cocoa powder.
  • 150 grams of sweetened condensed milk,

Chocolate sausage is one of the favorite treats for every child. There are quite a few variations on how to make chocolate sausage. However, this children's recipe is considered a classic:

Cookie Chocolate Sausage - Preparation:

1. Break shortbread cookies into small pieces with your hands.

2. Cut unsalted butter into pieces and melt over very low heat in a deep saucepan. Stir constantly with a spoon or whisk.

3. When the butter has completely melted, pour in the condensed milk.

4. Stir the whole mixture well and heat again, but do not boil.

5. Pour in 2 tablespoons of cocoa powder (you can use the Golden Label).

6. Stir until a uniform color and remove all lumps. Pour in the crumbled biscuits, after removing the mass from the fire.

7. Stir very quickly so that all the cookies are evenly coated with chocolate fudge.

8. Place a tight plastic bag on a flat surface, put the finished chocolate mass with cookies on it. Wrap tightly into a roll and refrigerate until firm.

9. When the chocolate sausage hardens, you can unfold and cut it.

Recipe 9: Chocolate Cookie Sausage with Condensed Milk

Sweet biscuit sausage (a recipe like in childhood with condensed milk) is very easy to prepare at home. As additional ingredients, you can use dried fruits, crushed nuts, candied fruits, thereby getting each time new taste. Cookies for sausages take soft, and condensed milk - not boiled.

  • cookies - 500 grams;
  • condensed milk - 380 grams;
  • butter - 180 grams;
  • cocoa powder - 30 grams.

Break the cookies into small pieces with your hands.

Remove the butter from the refrigerator in advance so that it becomes soft. We put it in a cookie crumb and knead everything with our hands or a fork.

Pour cocoa powder into the soft mixture, mix everything thoroughly again.

We shift the condensed milk from the jar, carefully combine the ingredients.

We form oblong bars of medium thickness from the sweet mass.

We wrap the bars in a film, put them in the freezer for two hours - the delicacy should harden.

Delicious sausage is ready! We cut it into thin slices and invite everyone to “test”. Bon Appetit!

Secrets of making chocolate sausage:

- cookies must be rich and shortbread, you definitely won’t get such a delicious chocolate sausage from dry cookies,

- to speed up the process, you can turn half of the cookies through a meat grinder, and break the rest into large pieces,

- purchased condensed milk can be replaced with homemade milk and sugar classic recipe,

- you can take less cocoa powder (for example, only 1 tablespoon or even 2/3), if you or your child does not like a slightly bitter taste,

- if the mass turned out to be liquid - add a little biscuit, if it is thick - condensed milk,

- a properly cooked chocolate sausage does not melt right before your eyes (in the truest sense of the word) - it retains its shape well even when room temperature long time.

Anyone who has tried chocolate sausage at least once knows for sure that this sweet delicacy has three undeniable advantages. It has the most delicious taste, the recipe for its preparation is varied and simple, and the time spent on creating this culinary masterpiece, does not exceed an hour. So how to cook this delicacy at home - let's figure it out together today.

Timeless classic

Each dish has its own base, traditional recipe. Let's try to cook chocolate sausage, following exactly this "classic" prescription.


  • Cookies - 300 gr.;
  • sugar - 1/2 tbsp.;
  • butter - 300 gr.;
  • cocoa - 5 tablespoons


  1. Start making chocolate sausage by crushing cookies. You can choose the method for this yourself: break it with your hands into pieces of different sizes, pass it through a meat grinder, pour it into a bag and grind it with a rolling pin or a kitchen hammer. Or maybe you have another, more effective method for this?
  2. Melt the butter over low heat (it is more convenient to do this in a small saucepan), but constantly monitor the process so that the resulting liquid does not boil;
  3. Add sugar and cocoa, mix thoroughly until all ingredients are completely combined and turn into a homogeneous mass;
  4. Now is the time to prepare the cling film where you will spread the sweet mass;
  5. Pour the cookie pieces into the chocolate mixture, mix well so that they are evenly distributed;
  6. Remove the almost ready delicacy from the fire and put it in the prepared film. Let the mix cool so that you can easily shape it into a sausage;
  7. Place the sweet in the refrigerator for 6 - 7 hours so that the shape is finally fixed. And if you want to surprise your family as soon as possible, put a treat in the freezer for 2 to 3 hours. After this time, you can cut the chocolate sausage into portioned pieces and serve.

Gift for sweet tooth

If you are one of the lovers of condensed milk, this recipe is definitely for you. Following it, you can cook chocolate sausage at home, which will have a particularly mild creamy taste.


  • Condensed milk - 1 can (≈320-380 gr.)
  • Cookies - 600 gr.;
  • Butter - 200 gr.;
  • Cocoa - 5 tablespoons


  1. Cooking chocolate sausage, as in the first case, start by crushing cookies. In this recipe, it will be more harmonious if you break half into fairly large pieces, and make crumbs from the second half;
  2. Melt the butter in a deep container, but this must be done carefully so that it does not turn into a liquid, but becomes puree;
  3. Add condensed milk and cocoa, beat the mass thoroughly, prepare the film;
  4. Season the resulting mix with cookies, mix well, put everything on a film and form a sausage;
  5. Send the delicacy to the refrigerator for 7 hours or to the freezer for 3 hours, and serve it to the table, having previously cut it.

If you want to make a less sweet chocolate sausage, just reduce the amount of condensed milk by half, and cookies - up to 400 gr.

Marmalade happiness

This recipe is suitable for those who love marmalade and all the sweets that it includes, because it is this ingredient that is the "chip" of this dish. Cooking chocolate sausage start with a choice ingredients:

  • Biscuit cookies - 400 gr.;
  • Butter - 200 gr.;
  • Marmalade - 150 gr.;
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp.;
  • Cocoa - 3 tablespoons;
  • Chicken eggs - 1 pc.

You will also need water (≈1 tbsp) when you prepare the chocolate mixture.


  1. Crush the cookies so that the pieces are of different sizes;
  2. Marmalade is also cut into small sticks, mix them with cookies in a deep bowl;
  3. Egg, mixed with 1/2 cup sugar, beat;
  4. Melt the butter over low heat, stirring constantly, add the egg mixture to it;
  5. Introduce cocoa, water and the second part of sugar into the resulting mix. Let the mass simmer for 2 minutes to thicken it. When this happens, pour it over the cookies and marmalade;
  6. Then you need to do everything as described in the previous two recipes: pour the chocolate mixture onto cling film, form a sausage and send it to cool in the freezer for 3 hours.

Chocolate-marmalade mix, which will turn out in the end, you can use not for its intended purpose. It makes an excellent icing for cakes, pastries and other treats. Do you already have ideas about this?

heady tango

If you like to cook with rum, brandy or cognac, this recipe is perfect for you. We offer you only one option, but you can create your own masterpiece by experimenting.


  • Butter (soft) - 300 gr.;
  • Cookies - 400 gr.;
  • Cream or chocolate liqueur - 1/2 tbsp.;
  • Sugar - 3 tablespoons;
  • Yolks - 4 pcs.;
  • Cocoa - 4 tablespoons


  1. Start cooking with the same crushing of cookies;
  2. Beat the yolks with sugar, add butter, mix thoroughly;
  3. Add liqueur and biscuit pieces, stir thoroughly;
  4. Form sausages and send them to the refrigerator for 7 hours.

You can cook according to this recipe using other alcoholic beverages.

As you can see, preparing this delicacy is not at all difficult, even at home. We want to give you a couple more tips on how to improve the result of your efforts.

  • "Chocolate sausage" is just a conventional name. You can make slides, balls, cones, sticks or other shapes from a mixture of ingredients. Turn on your imagination and surprise yourself and others!
  • You can cook this delicacy without the use of cocoa. Just buy dark chocolate instead and melt it in a water bath;
  • If there is no cling film at home, you can use foil or a simple plastic bag to form sausages;
  • If you decide to cook unusual dessert, you can add to it:
    • favorite dried fruits;
    • pieces of biscuit dough;
    • halva;
    • chopped nuts;
    • coconut flakes;
    • raisin;
    • nutmeg;
    • vanillin.
  • Keep in mind that the taste of the treat directly depends on the cookie you choose. Muffin with the taste of baked milk will give the appropriate notes to the chocolate sausage. If you need such a result - act, if not - buy a "classic" cookie without additives and flavorings.

Everyone can cook chocolate sausage, you should make your efforts, and the sweet result will surely please you and your friends.

Pies, cakes, rolls, cookies - among all this variety, we often forget about simple and uncomplicated desserts. Many believe that if a dish is prepared quickly and without complex techniques, it is not worthy. holiday table. I do not agree! And in refutation, today I will prepare a familiar, albeit forgotten, chocolate sausage made from cookies and cocoa. As a child, I often made it with my mother and was very proud that they entrusted me with the most responsible thing - to crumble cookies. And today my daughter can easily cope with this. Such is the succession. Family ties and traditions on the march. And at the same time - a great way to introduce children to cooking and let them feel their importance.

Cookie and cocoa chocolate sausage is a dessert that cooks very quickly. Just 5 minutes of pleasant effort, and we will get a good portion of a sweet treat, which we are not ashamed to offer guests.

On a note:

  • you can take any cookie, but the most the best way- simple sugar type "Chess", "For tea";
  • If desired, you can add nuts to the chocolate sausage - very tasty!


  • butter 120 g
  • sugar cookies 300 g
  • cocoa powder 2 tbsp. l.
  • sugar 3 tbsp. l.
  • milk 150 ml

How to make chocolate sausage from cookies and cocoa

  1. Prepare necessary products: butter, cocoa, biscuits, milk and sugar.

  2. Break the cookies into pieces with your hands or place them in a bag and carefully walk over them with a rolling pin. It is important that the mass contains both very small crumbs and larger pieces.

  3. Place butter, sugar and cocoa in a saucepan.

  4. Pour milk.

  5. Put on fire and bring to a boil. You will get something like liquid chocolate. Boiling and waiting for the mixture to thicken is not necessary.

  6. Pour the contents of the saucepan into the cookies.

  7. Mix well. The mixture should be soft but not runny. If necessary, you can adjust the consistency by adding a small amount of milk or, conversely, cookies.

  8. Put everything in a plastic bag and form a not too thick oblong sausage. Be sure to carefully seal, otherwise voids may remain inside.
  9. Place in refrigerator. Minimum time - 3-4 hours, but better at night. So a simple and uncomplicated dessert is ready - a chocolate sausage made from cookies and cocoa.

Many people remember this dessert from the times of the USSR. Today, skilled housewives have come up with many more various recipes: with the addition of nuts, dried fruits, condensed milk - any products that can be found in almost every refrigerator.

How to make chocolate sausage

The main ingredient is basically shortbread cookies. It is rubbed on a grater, crumbled by hand or crushed with a combine. Making chocolate sausage is not at all complicated, especially if you have a step-by-step recipe at hand. So, you need to mix the cookie crumbs with the products on the list, roll up the roll from the resulting mass and put it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

chocolate sausage recipe

Due to the fact that the housewives have a rich imagination, many ways of preparing this delicacy have been invented. Everyone will be able to choose their favorite chocolate sausage cookie recipe and please their household with a very sweet dessert. The roll has high calorie content, so its frequent use can adversely affect the figure.

Cookies and cocoa

  • Cooking time: 2 hours.
  • Servings: 5 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 435 kcal.
  • Purpose: for dessert.
  • Cuisine: Russian.

submitted home recipe will be appreciated by housewives who want to tasty feed their relatives and friends. Such a sweet sausage is known to many adults, but the delicacy was undeservedly forgotten. The Cookie and Cocoa Chocolate Sausage Recipe is a budget-friendly option for a great treat using dark cocoa powder with no added sugar.


  • sugar - 200 g;
  • oil - 200 g;
  • cocoa powder (no sugar) - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • milk - 100 ml;
  • cookies - 0.5 kg.

Cooking method:

  1. Take any pan, pour milk into it, add sugar and cocoa, put on fire.
  2. Add oil to a well-heated mixture, melt, but do not allow the oily liquid to boil.
  3. Break the cookies with your hands into small pieces, you should not make crumbs.
  4. Send the pieces to the chocolate mixture, mix everything. If the consistency turned out to be too liquid, then you should wait a bit for the oil to freeze.
  5. Form a sausage by wrapping it in cling film, put in the refrigerator until completely solidified.

With condensed milk

  • Cooking time: 4 hours.
  • Number of servings: 6 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 430 kcal.
  • Purpose: for dessert.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

This step-by-step recipe will help even a young housewife to prepare an excellent delicacy for all family members. Chocolate sausage from cookies with condensed milk in this version is made with the addition of peanuts, but if you wish, you can replace it with walnuts, hazelnuts or almonds. Learn how to do delicious dessert from the minimum set of products.


  • cookies - 350 g;
  • cocoa - 40 g;
  • oil - 200 g;
  • boiled condensed milk - 400 g;
  • peanuts - 50 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Soften the butter, beat it with a mixer, adding boiled condensed milk.
  2. Turn the cookies into small crumbs, pour cocoa powder into the same container.
  3. mix oil cream with dry ingredients.
  4. Whole peanut kernels lightly fry in a pan.
  5. Combine chocolate-butter mixture with nuts.
  6. Mix all ingredients thoroughly with a spoon. If the mass turned out to be too thick, then it is better to dilute it with a small amount of milk, cream or ordinary condensed milk.
  7. Twist the sausage from the nut-chocolate mixture, send it for a couple of hours in the cold.


  • Cooking time: 3 hours.
  • Servings: 5 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 518 kcal.
  • Purpose: for dessert.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

For those who want to cook a delicious dessert with their own hands, it is worth considering the proposed version of the treat. Sweet cream sausage made with the addition of condensed milk and has a pleasant vanilla flavor. The recipe involves different options for dessert: with and without cocoa powder - it all depends on your desire and the culinary preferences of your household.


  • vanilla - 0.25 tsp;
  • oil - 100 g;
  • cocoa - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • condensed milk - 0.33 cans;
  • cookies "Jubilee" - 400 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Take the butter out of the fridge ahead of time so it has time to soften.
  2. Grind cookies until crumbs, add vanilla or half a bag of vanilla sugar, cocoa.
  3. Send the butter to the crumbs, grind with your hands until smooth.
  4. Add condensed milk to the components, stir the mass until all products turn into a homogeneous mixture.
  5. Form a sausage by wrapping the ingredients in cling film.
  6. Put the sweet sausage for a couple of hours in the cold, after which you can cut into portions.

With milk

  • Cooking time: 15 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 6 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 385 kcal.
  • Purpose: for dessert.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

This version of the delicacy is also known as the Cookie and Cocoa Minute, because the preparation time for a delicious roll is no more than 15 minutes. Learn how to make an excellent dessert at home and please your loved ones. Chocolate sausage made from biscuits with milk turns out to be appetizing and sweet, and it is prepared only from natural products.


  • cocoa - 1.5 tbsp. l.;
  • shortbread cookies - 250 g;
  • milk - 5 tbsp. l.;
  • sugar - 5 tbsp. l.;
  • oil - 80 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Mash the cookies with your hands so that they turn into crumbs, but not too small.
  2. Pour sugar, cocoa into the pan, mix. Add milk, then turn on the gas. Stir the mixture constantly until all the sugar crystals have dissolved.
  3. Add a piece of butter to the finished mass, bring the sweetness to a boil. Switch off after a minute.
  4. Mix melted chocolate with cookies, mix.
  5. Put on a film for a minute, form a roll.
  6. Before serving, it is advisable to cool the sweet sausage for a couple of hours in the refrigerator.

with raisins

  • Cooking time: 3 hours 30 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 6 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 567 kcal.
  • Purpose: for dessert.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

If you have no idea how to make such a delicious treat, then take note of this homemade recipe with a photo. Chocolate sausage with raisins is very sweet, while it can be stored for a long time in the refrigerator, wrapped in foil - the best solution for those who cannot imagine their life without sweets. Optionally, cocoa powder can be omitted.


  • raisins, nuts - to taste;
  • sugar - 1.5 tbsp.;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • oil - 300 g;
  • cocoa - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Anniversary cookies - 0.5 kg.

Cooking method:

  1. Melt a piece of butter in a saucepan with a non-stick bottom, add sugar, boil the ingredients for 2 minutes, stirring them all the time with a spoon. Leave the mixture to cool slightly.
  2. Crush the cookies with your hands. You can use a blender.
  3. Beat an egg into the cooled sweet butter, add cocoa and cookie crumbs.
  4. Mix the resulting dough well until a homogeneous mass is formed, wrap in foil, twist the roll.
  5. Sausage with raisins and nuts is recommended to cool before serving.

According to the classic recipe

  • Cooking time: 8 hours.
  • Servings: 3 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 555 kcal.
  • Purpose: for dessert.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

The beauty of the classics is that you can come up with many different variations from it, improve it. So, for example, a classic chocolate sausage, as in childhood, is prepared both from the usual ingredients, and with the addition of everything that is. If you want to know how to cook a classic dessert, then be sure to save this recipe for yourself in a cookbook.


  • peanuts - 100 g;
  • oil - 200 g;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp.;
  • cookies - 0.5 kg;
  • milk - 100 ml;
  • cocoa - 2 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

  1. Put a piece of butter in a bowl, pour milk, add sugar and cocoa. Put the weight on steam bath to dissolve the sugar and melt the butter.
  2. Crush cookies into crumbs or just break into pieces.
  3. Peanuts chop, fall asleep to the liver.
  4. Pour the mixture with sweet fat milk, mix until a viscous dough is obtained.
  5. Put the sweet mass on the film. It is better to form in the shape of a sausage, so it is easier to cut the delicacy into portions. Tie the edges of the film tightly, send the almost ready treat to the refrigerator.
  6. Serve sweet sausage after 3 hours.

Cookies with nuts

  • Cooking time: 7 hours.
  • Number of servings: 8 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 454 kcal.
  • Purpose: for dessert.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

A favorite delicacy from childhood will become the main treat at a tea party. The recipe for chocolate sausage made from cookies with nuts is liked by many housewives, because delicious roll does not require baking. There are many recipes chocolate sausages, but it is better to choose with nuts, because the taste of the dish becomes more interesting, which every sweet tooth will definitely appreciate.


  • cocoa - 30 g;
  • pasteurized milk - 115 ml;
  • oil - 195 g;
  • walnuts - 115 g;
  • sugar - 215 g;
  • shortbread cookies - 515 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Crush the cookies as small as possible. Chop the walnuts separately.
  2. In a bowl, combine milk with a glass of sugar and softened butter, which must first be cut into pieces.
  3. Heat the milk-butter mixture over a fire until a homogeneous consistency. After that, pour detailed cookies, nuts into a warm solution.
  4. Thoroughly mix the mass, form a sausage out of it, wrap in cling film.
  5. Send the workpiece to the refrigerator for 6 hours.
  6. After the specified time, cut the sweet sausage.


The recipe, when I saw it, I remembered my childhood and favorite treat, which was made by mom :) This was the first requirement as soon as I saw cookies and cocoa in the store. Probably this was the first dish, which I was eager to help make and didn’t smear the bowl dry on purpose, so that later there would always be something to lick ...

Let's start with cookies. In the photo, it is about half as much - the rest has already been chopped. Approximately 2/3 of it must be ground into flour. During my childhood, the only mechanized means of grinding it was a meat grinder, which I twisted with pleasure, anticipating future sweets. In our high-tech time, you can use a blender.

The remaining cookies need to be crumbled into small pieces, mixed with the ground mass and crushed nuts are added there.

After that, we move on to the next step. We take a small saucepan, pour cocoa and sugar into it. By the way, somehow we didn’t have enough cocoa and we used hot chocolate in bags - it turned out very well.

Mix them and pour milk. All this is again thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous mass and put on a small fire.

Stirring, do not let it burn and bring it all to a boil (about 5 minutes). As soon as the milk boils, turn off the heat and let stand for a couple of minutes.

In the meantime, cut the butter into cubes and throw them into this chocolate mass. Mix everything until the oil is completely dissolved and the substance is homogeneous.

Now pour everything into cookies.

We mix thoroughly. You should get a mass that resembles a homogeneous .. mmm .. but not dull :) At this stage, you can take a preliminary sample - you should like it.

The time has come to give a doctoral / servile / liver shape to our creation. In this case, we took foil (there was nothing else suitable), but I would strongly advise taking something like food parchment. It will be much more convenient to tear it off from the sausage, which cannot be said about the foil.

So, we take foil / parchment and lay out on it, uh .. elongated characteristic sausages of this brown substance. Believe me, it looks strange, but it tastes very good :)

Then we wrap this bar and move on to the next one. As a result, I got them like this:

Once they have cooled down a bit, put the sausages in the fridge or freezer. The dish will be ready for the table in 2-3 hours.

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