Home Bakery What is chocolate made from? How and from what chocolate is made: production technology. Preparation of chocolate mass

What is chocolate made from? How and from what chocolate is made: production technology. Preparation of chocolate mass

Evgeny Shumarin

Reading time: 8 minutes


Chocolate is perhaps the most favorite treat not only children, but also adults. Chocolate can be dark, milk or white, dessert, with nuts or raisins, with or without fruit fillings - the variety of sweet bars in stores is impressive.

But how to choose quality product, what should real chocolate consist of, and what benefits does a treat have? We reveal all the secrets of chocolate in this article!

What is real chocolate made of?

Real chocolate on supermarket shelves today is not very common, and the price of a good bar is quite high. After all, such the product must not contain preservatives, and these are millions of losses for giant companies that mass-produce chocolate products. If there are preservatives and stabilizers in chocolate, it is stored for a long time and without problems (for example, it does not melt at high temperatures during transportation and improper storage in a warehouse). Therefore, the probability of selling the entire batch increases. But chocolate without preservative additives is stored for a short time or requires proper storage conditions, which means endless losses for the manufacturer - a spoiled product is subject to frequent expiration date checks, and expired goods must be written off and disposed of.

It must be noted that natural cocoa butter itself is an antioxidant which prevents fat oxidation. Therefore, chocolate with cocoa butter in the composition is sometimes stored for up to 2 years, but this only applies to real cocoa butter and manufacturers with a clear conscience, and does not apply to palm oil, soy and other cheap ingredients. By the way, they, together with preservatives, also allow you to store chocolate for more than a year, but the quality and benefits of such a delicacy are already in doubt.

All sweet tooth agree - high-quality chocolate should consist only of natural ingredients.

The composition of real bar (solid) chocolate:

  • grated cocoa(the first stage in the processing of cocoa beans) - gives the chocolate its characteristic dark color. It is this ingredient that underlies the bitter black delicacy.
  • Cocoa oil(second stage of cocoa bean processing) - thanks to this expensive ingredient, chocolate melts in the mouth and acquires its characteristic aroma.
  • Powdered sugar- the third and final ingredient of the reference composition of dark chocolate.
  • Powdered milk(sometimes cream) - used for the production of dairy and white chocolate.

What other ingredients are used to make chocolate?

  • Lecithin- helps to give the treat fluidity (for casting tiles), and also acts as an antioxidant that prevents the aging of chocolate. We must not miss the fact that the right lecithin is a building material for cell membranes, and it is also indispensable for the functioning of the brain and liver. In addition, lecithin strengthens nervous system. The lack of lecithin in the human body leads to memory impairment, absent-mindedness and a feeling of constant fatigue.
  • White chocolate is made from milk powder and cocoa butter.. It is the absence of cocoa powder and grated cocoa that makes the product light.
  • Sugar today it is used in the manufacture of almost all types of inexpensive chocolate. Those with a sweet tooth should remember that it is in white chocolate that the sugar content is very high, and the calorie content of the white bar is the highest among other types of chocolate.
  • Vanilla is a natural flavoring agent most commonly used in the production of white chocolate.
  • cocoa powder- a cheap low-grade ingredient often used for fakes, and experts in the chocolate business will confirm this. Cocoa powder is the residue (cake) after pressing the oil from cocoa beans, and chocolate with its addition turns out to be a low-grade product.

The benefits of chocolate - vitamins, micro and macro elements

Good chocolate is a storehouse of vitamins, so with each bar you will receive not only pleasure, but also benefits for the whole body.

Vitamins, micro and macro elements in chocolate:

  • Vitamin A- has a beneficial effect on vision, bone growth, skin health, and also helps maintain immunity.
  • Vitamin B complex- the nervous system, amino acid metabolism, carbohydrate metabolism, muscle development, proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, prevention of heart disease, as well as the growth and restoration of body cells, stimulation of the synthesis of adrenal hormones, liver and pancreas function. In short, B vitamins are extremely beneficial for our body.
  • VitaminPP- antioxidant, fights inflammation, stimulates the heart, participates in the absorption of fats and amino acids, and also plays an important role in the formation of red blood cells, protects against thrombosis, hypertension and diabetes, stimulates the production of gastric juice. Vitamin PP also helps fight severe migraines.
  • VitaminD- is responsible for the development and growth of bones, preventing rickets, arthritis, osteoporosis, reduces the risk of developing diabetes and atherosclerosis, and also supports the immune system, preventing the development of cancer cells.
  • Vitamin E- a strong antioxidant, found in large quantities in dark chocolate. It facilitates the course of diabetes mellitus, has a beneficial effect on the immune system, prevents anemia, promotes proper blood clotting, and strengthens the walls of capillaries. In addition, vitamin E relieves leg cramps, improves skin elasticity, slows down the aging process and even increases sexual desire.
  • VitaminF- strong nails, moisturized skin, healthy hair. Prevents the formation of blood clots, thinning the blood.
  • Calcium- for strong bones.
  • Magnesium - increases resistance to stress.
  • Potassium - stimulator of nerve impulses, assistant in neuromuscular activity. Regulates the level of oxygen in the brain, is responsible for the development and growth of the muscular system.
  • Phosphorus- Necessary for good brain function.
  • Fluorine- Contrary to popular belief that chocolate causes cavities, fluoride in quality chocolate helps strengthen teeth.
  • Tannins - These are substances without which the removal of radionuclides from the body is impossible. And in refutation of the statement about the dangers of chocolate for teeth - tannin prevents the formation of plaque, having antibacterial properties. Tannin also strengthens blood vessels and improves digestion.
  • Iron– protection against anemia.
  • Zinc- formation of libido, strengthening of immunity, protection of skin cells from wrinkles and other problems.
  • Copper- helps to absorb iron, promotes the proper development of blood vessels, connective tissues, and ensures healthy skin.

Calorie bitter (black), milk and white chocolate

Chocolate is not only delicious, but also a high-calorie product that quickly saturates the body with energy.

Caloric content of dark chocolate - 518 kcal.

Calorie content of milk chocolate - 536 kcal.

Calorie content of white chocolate - 554 kcal.

On a note! The average values ​​​​of data on the calorie content of chocolate are given - depending on the origin (brand of delicacy) used to make standards, and the presence of additives in the product, the value may differ. In other words, calorie content of identical chocolate bars different brands may vary slightly.

The harm of chocolate

The harmful properties are more related to milk and white chocolate, but it is undeniable that even the healthiest dark chocolate can be harmful to your health if you eat a lot of it.

Harm of chocolate with excessive use:

  • Chocolate is a treat high-calorie, which can lead to a set extra pounds. And this is a direct path to heart disease. Love chocolate? Learn to spend calories in the gym or in the stadium!
  • Hyperexcitability and insomnia- the result of theobromine, which entered the body along with a large amount of chocolate.
  • Sugar is bad for teeth and there is a lot of it in white chocolate. Remember: the darker and bitter chocolate, the more cocoa it contains and the less sugar in the recipe.
  • Tannin differs not only in benefits, but can also harm - it constricts blood vessels, therefore, when it enters the body in large quantities, it can cause a headache.
  • Nitrogen containing elements cocoa beans interfere with metabolism, so people who are obese and diabetic should eat chocolate with caution.

Is there an allergy to chocolate?

As with any other product, cocoa can be allergic. As you may have guessed there is no allergy to chocolate itself- she appears with intolerance to certain ingredients or as a result of eating large amounts of treats. If you are prone to allergies to cocoa, nuts, dried fruits, and other foods in chocolate, be careful with sweet experiments.

At what age should chocolate be given to a child, and does it damage children's teeth?

feast on chocolate children under 5 years old nutritionists do not recommend. Firstly, dark chocolate excites the nervous system, and your baby will become capricious, will not sleep well. Secondly, milk and white chocolate contain a lot of sugar, and it is harmful to a vulnerable child's body: sugar not only disrupts the baby's diet, making soups and other dishes tasteless, but also negatively affects the development of teeth. Thirdly, a large amount of fat in a treat is an unbearable burden on the children's stomach, liver and pancreas.

Why does chocolate ruin children's teeth? After all, we have already said that tannin prevents the formation of plaque. And it's all about the sugar- Babies don't like real dark chocolate, and sweet milk or white just contains an increased amount of sugar (and this is the favorite food of bacteria).

Moms take note! Chocolate experiments on a child ahead of time can provoke severe allergic reactions - severe itching, skin rashes, as well as pain in the tummy (often heartburn - it provokes caffeine) and stool disorders. If you want to protect your baby from diabetes, obesity and other health problems, start giving chocolate to your child from the age of 5 - the later the child learns about sweets, the better!

Chocolate is contraindicated:

  • Children with problems in the absorption of lecithin.
  • Children with lactase deficiency.
  • Hyperactive kids.
  • Children with disorders in the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Children who are overweight or suspected of having diabetes.
  • Children with problems in the work of the cardiovascular system.

Chocolate for diabetics is produced using sugar substitutes such as fructose, sorbitol, xylitol, mannitol.

Nutritionists recommend that people with diabetes consume only dark chocolate with a cocoa content of at least 70% - this delicacy has the least amount of sugar and no animal fats (they are given by milk, which is part of milk and white chocolate).

Special diabetic chocolate due to its composition does not affect blood glucose levels.

Is chocolate good for pregnancy?

Women all over the world adore chocolate, and not every one of us can afford to refuse treats during pregnancy. So is it worth limiting yourself in pleasure?

Nutritionists say that during pregnancy you can and even need to eat chocolate, but your choice should be made in favor of a moderate amount of bitter delicacy, but it is better to refuse milk and white chocolate altogether.

As we have already said, chocolate is rich in vitamins, micro and macro elements, therefore it will have a beneficial effect on the development of the fetus and the well-being of the expectant mother.

Pregnant women, take note! A large amount of caffeine provokes heartburn, and excessive consumption of chocolate reduces blood flow to the uterus, thereby limiting the supply of oxygen to the fetus and depriving it of normal nutrition. Risks - miscarriage or premature birth. In addition, the abuse of chocolate during pregnancy and after childbirth provokes an increase in acetone in the baby's blood.

Chocolate in moderation dilates blood vessels, relaxes smooth muscles, preventing high blood pressure in pregnant women, and also saves from late toxicosis, cheers up the expectant mother, and serves as a strong antioxidant.

5 reasons to eat real chocolate every day

The main reason for eating chocolate every day is the pleasure we get from the taste of the treat. But there are at least 5 more good reasons to regularly consume chocolate.

5 good reasons to eat real chocolate every day:

5 myths about chocolate

  1. Chocolate causes cavities. This myth can be attributed to the top three. But studies have found that real dark chocolate, unlike table sugar, does little to contribute to plaque formation. Moreover, fluorine, which is part of the delicacy, strengthens tooth enamel, and cocoa butter reliably envelops the teeth with a film, protecting them from exposure to harmful food.
  2. Dark chocolate is more harmful than coffee because it contains a lot of caffeine. This is a misconception - a cup of coffee contains 180 mg of caffeine, while one bar of chocolate can only offer you 30 mg of caffeine. Therefore, chocolate is healthier than coffee, so treat yourself to chocolate next time instead of your favorite espresso.
  3. Patients with diabetes should give up chocolate forever. This myth should be partly dispelled. Yes, people with diabetes will have to give up white and dairy treats. But dark bitter chocolate, on the contrary, has a low glycemic index. In addition, numerous studies show that dark chocolate improves insulin sensitivity in some cases. Of course, before buying the treasured sweet bar, you better get individual recommendations from your doctor!
  4. Chocolate is addictive is another very common myth. In practice, he does not find a fixed confirmation - experts in the field of studying delicacy say that cannabinoid substances, similar in action to marijuana, are indeed found in chocolate, but in very small quantities. So, in order to become addicted to sweet tiles, a person must eat 0.5 kg of goodies per day for several months at a time, or absorb 55 tiles at once. For a normal person, there is no longer addiction - disgust will appear.
  5. Men don't like chocolate, unlike women who are crazy about treats. This is not true. The results of studies in the UK showed that only half of women cannot imagine their diet without chocolate, but among men, two-thirds of the respondents turned out to be chocolate lovers.

Here it is, chocolate - delicious, healthy and therefore adored by many of us!

It is difficult to find a person who would be indifferent to chocolate - this is both a wonderful delicacy and a product that promotes the production of endorphins, which can improve mood. The technology of making chocolate at the best confectionery factories is constantly being improved, and using various ingredients, tiles of the desired color and taste are obtained.

The process of making real chocolate

How is chocolate made in a factory, and what ingredients are needed to make this amazing delicacy? According to the correct technology for the production of chocolate, the seeds of the evergreen cocoa tree, originating from the subequatorial regions of America, are used. The plant, whose scientific name is Theobroma cacao, belongs to the Sterculaceae family and is widespread in the tropics.

Today, cocoa, which is called the chocolate tree in our country, is also grown on other continents. But in the wild it can be found on the coast of Mexico, in Central and South America. The height of the tree depends on the place of growth and ranges from 10 to 20 meters. In cultural cultivation, the height is adjusted by trimming, and it rarely reaches 7 meters. Cocoa leaves are thin, oblong-elliptical, up to 30 centimeters long, the flowers are small, waxy, pinkish-white, appear on the surface of the trunk and large branches. The fruit, the ripening of which lasts four months, is small in cocoa, and its length ranges from 20–38 centimeters. By appearance it resembles a large cucumber or small melon, with a leathery, slightly woody shell that is red, reddish-brown, green, or yellow, changing as it ripens. In one cocoa fruit there are from 20 to 50 beans immersed in a viscous, sticky liquid that hardens in the open air. A single seed (bean) is covered with an oily skin.

According to the place of growth, cocoa beans for real chocolate are divided into American, African and Asian, and the largest exporters of cocoa beans are countries such as Côte d'Ivoire, Venezuela, Indonesia, Ghana, Cameroon, Brazil and Ecuador.

The Criollo group of varieties, characterized by a mild taste, is considered to be the best. It is bred in Venezuela, Costa Rica and Nicaragua. Varieties of the Forastero group are most common among producers and exporters. The group of cocoa beans of the Ca-labacillo variety is the cheapest of all, but at the same time the lowest quality.

The right way to make chocolate

What is chocolate made from in modern factories? For the production of chocolate, cocoa beans of all three varieties are used. They are cut from tree trunks with large, long knives (machetes) and collected in baskets. Then the harvest is piled up, and the fruits are cut into several pieces. The next step in the chocolate making process is to separate the cocoa beans from the pulp - an experienced carver opens up to five hundred fruits of the chocolate tree within one hour.

In the process of making chocolate, cocoa beans are laid out on pallets and left for several days to ferment - under the action of natural yeast and enzymes, they darken and acquire a bright chocolate smell and taste. Upon completion of this process, according to the correct technology for making chocolate, the fruits are dried in the sun and roasted, removing the husk. They are then sorted and packaged for further processing.

At the next stage in the manufacture of chocolate in the factory, cocoa beans are ground to a paste-like mass, called cocoa liquor. Interestingly, the fats that make up the cocoa beans melt when heated and after grinding the cocoa liquor is obtained in liquid form, but thickens and hardens during cooling. Now the product is suitable for the production of chocolate, as well as use in cosmetic and pharmacological products.

The most valuable product obtained by pressing cocoa liquor is cocoa butter. It is not only one of the essential ingredients of chocolate, but is used to make ointments in cosmetics. Cocoa butter is what gives chocolate its unique taste. But it also has some unique properties, as it consists of three types of fats. One of them is identical to fat olive oil. The second is a type of so-called saturated fat, which is converted in the liver into a fat similar to that of olive oil. The third type of fat helps to strengthen the cell membranes of our body. All this suggests that the fat contained in cocoa butter is not harmful to humans.

The dry residue obtained during the preparation is ground, and the well-known cocoa powder is obtained, which is used in the confectionery industry and for the preparation of a cocoa drink.

Watch a video of how chocolate is made in modern factories:

Chemical composition and nutritional value of chocolate from cocoa beans

Chocolate tree cocoa beans contain up to 300 different useful substances. Exemplary chemical composition chocolate from cocoa beans is as follows: fats make up 54%, proteins - 11.5%, cellulose - 9%, starch and polysaccharides - 7.5%, tannin - 6%, water - 5%, minerals and salts - 2, 6%, organic acids - 2%, saccharides - 1% and caffeine - 0.2%. Among the substances contained in cocoa beans, one can note: anandamide, arginine, dopamine, epicatechin, histamine, cocohil, serotonin, tryptophan, tyramine, phenylethylamine, polyphenol, salsolinol, magnesium.

Considering the chemical composition of chocolate, the nutritional value product is very high. The calorie content of 100 g of finished chocolate bar is about 550 kcal.

Numerous studies have noted that the fats contained in cocoa beans belong to the so-called saturated fats, but at the same time they do not have a harmful effect on the human body - chocolate does not increase blood cholesterol levels. The composition of cocoa beans is such that the elements included in it organically complement each other. For example, chromium is involved in the breakdown of glucose, maintaining normal blood sugar levels, and promotes fat metabolism. All this is necessary for us both in cosmetology and with proper nutrition.

There is practically no such person who would not like chocolate. This yummy is regularly consumed by people of all ages, and connoisseurs of sweets are ready to eat this miracle of confectionery thought literally in kilograms. But, unfortunately, like in many modern products, chocolates contain a lot of harmful substances, so many sweet tooth learn to cook this delicacy in their own kitchen. And it is not at all difficult, as many people think. It is only important to stock up on quality ingredients and follow the cooking steps step by step. Consider how to make chocolate at home in several popular ways.

Classic chocolate recipe

This short instruction will tell you how to make chocolate at home, as close as possible to the real authentic chocolate. palatability and appearance.

You will need:

  • Grated cocoa - 200 g;
  • Cocoa butter - 100 g;
  • Powdered sugar - 3 tablespoons.

It is better not to use sugar in this recipe, since its crystals dissolve much longer compared to powder.

Cooking process:

  1. Melt the butter in a water bath, then pour in the grated beans;
  2. Gently stir the mass with a whisk and wait for them to melt. We fall asleep powdered sugar;
  3. Again, mix everything well, remove the mixture from the water bath and distribute it among the molds;
  4. Leave to cool at room temperature, then place in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

Homemade milk chocolate

Such a delicate natural delicacy without extraneous additives will definitely be appreciated by lovers of sweets.

List of components:

  • Grated cocoa beans - 100 g;
  • Powdered milk - 2 teaspoons;
  • Condensed milk - 4 teaspoons;
  • Cocoa butter - 50 g.

How to make milk chocolate at home:

  1. We combine the ground beans and butter in one bowl and melt in the microwave for 2-3 minutes or in a water bath;
  2. When a homogeneous consistency of the mixture is formed, add condensed milk to it;
  3. Gradually pour in small portions powdered milk and knead the mass until smooth, then beat with a mixer or blender until it looks like batter that maintains the shape.

It is necessary to fill the molds with the finished product, hold for a while room temperature and place in the cold to solidify for an hour.

Another milk chocolate recipe

Brown beans are very difficult to find in stores, so they can be replaced with a powder counterpart.


  • Half a glass of granulated sugar or powder;
  • Butter - 160 g;
  • A quarter cup of flour;
  • Powdered cocoa - 2 cups;
  • Milk - 150 ml.

Doing homemade chocolate from cocoa:

  1. We rub the powder component with the oil using an ordinary spoon or using a blender;
  2. We heat the components in a water bath, add flour and sugar in small parts, pour in the milk. Thoroughly knead the mass to avoid the formation of lumps and burning;
  3. We continue to steam the mixture until smooth, then remove the finished product, cool and pour it in the same way as in previous recipes.

Classic dark chocolate recipe

This cooking option is suitable for lovers of true chocolate taste.

You will need:

  • Powdered sugar - 30g;
  • Grated cocoa beans - 100 g;
  • A pinch of vanillin and salt;
  • Cocoa butter - 50 g.

Easy cooking by yourself:

  1. Place all components on water bath. Stir constantly and wait for the powdered sugar and butter to melt, after which the mass will become homogeneous and acquire a beautiful brown-black hue;
  2. Nuts can be added to the resulting composition, coconut flakes, candied fruits, or the filling you like. A drop of hot red pepper will remarkably emphasize the taste of this sweetness;
  3. We distribute the liquid blank into molds, let it cool, send it to the refrigerator to harden.

Butter option

All cocoa powder chocolate recipes are very easy to prepare. This option is no exception.


  • Cocoa powder - 40 g;
  • Vanillin;
  • Creamy spread - 75 g;
  • Nuts - optional;
  • Sugar - 2 small spoons.

Recipe for a sweet treat with a photo:

  1. We put sugar, vanillin, spread in a saucepan, melt them on a small flame, stirring all the time;
  2. Add cocoa powder to the container, stir until a homogeneous mass is obtained, but do not bring to a boil. At this stage, mix in sweet composition nuts optional;
  3. At the final stage, we proceed with the treat in the same way as in the above cooking instructions.

Bitter chocolate is obtained with a rich and noble taste.

White chocolate at home

Popular is not only a classic product, but also a confectionery masterpiece in white.

Recipe for white chocolate without adding cocoa butter

Required components:

  • 50 g of melted butter;
  • 5 large spoons of liquid milk;
  • a tablespoon of dried sesame seeds;
  • 150 g of baby dry milk formula "Baby";
  • 1.5 tablespoons of granulated sugar or powder;
  • A small spoonful of vanilla sugar.

In addition to sesame seeds, coconut flakes, raisins, cinnamon, chopped nuts, candied fruit, puffed rice can be added to the mass.

In most cases, infant formula is better than powdered milk, because it contains smaller grains in its structure and tends to dissolve quickly. For the same reason, the recipe uses powdered sugar instead of sand.

Cooking scheme:

  1. First, mix the dry ingredients with each other: sugar, sesame seeds, vanilla sugar, infant formula;
  2. Add milk and butter, mix;
  3. We smear a piece of foil or the inner “golden” packaging of a slab of chocolate with a creamy spread, put it in a frost-resistant mold;
  4. Distribute a portion of the prepared mass over it in an even layer, we will try to give it the shape of a store-bought chocolate bar;
  5. Fill with the remaining mixture the molds for cutting the dough mass for baking curly cookies, previously placed on the foil;
  6. Put them in the freezer for two or three hours.

Homemade white chocolate with cocoa butter

Grocery list:

  • 100 g of milk powder, cocoa butter, sugar or powdered sugar;
  • 1/4 small spoon of crystal vanillin.

Cooking white chocolate at home:

  1. Cocoa butter break into small pieces, melt in a water bath. Already at 40 degrees they will begin to melt;
  2. After the butter has melted, add vanillin, granulated sugar, powdered milk to the container, which can be replaced with neutral-tasting infant formula;
  3. The mass is thoroughly kneaded until the sugar crystals are completely dissolved;
  4. Pouring tasty dish in molds, cool, put in the refrigerator to solidify.

tempered chocolate

Tempering is heating to 40-45 degrees, then cooling the chocolate product to the required temperature. In this process, the sweetness forms a stable shape and a hard glossy state. This is needed for the following purposes:

  • Get rid of the appearance of plaque on the surface of chocolate products;
  • An increase in the melting point of the chocolate when in contact with the fingers;
  • Accelerating the cooling of products when cooking dessert up to a time of 5 minutes;
  • Giving treats a bright sheen and the right shape.

Tempered chocolate at home is made in two ways.

The first, easiest and fastest is a water bath:

  1. Melt the chocolate slowly to a liquid state and turn off the flame;
  2. Remove the container and wrap it in a cloth to keep warm;
  3. Add a slice from an already tempered tile, stir the mass well until smooth, cool.

The second tempering method is in the microwave:

  1. Three chocolate on a grater, pour the chips into a suitable container for the microwave;
  2. We set the power of the device to 800-1000 watts and melt the product to an almost molten state, but so that a few chips remain. To exclude overheating, we check every 15 seconds;
  3. At the final stage, we perform the same actions as in the previous method.

At the end of tempering after cooling, the finished product must have a certain temperature depending on the type of chocolate:

  • White - 28 degrees;
  • Dark - 31-32;
  • Dairy - 29-30.

To determine the temperature correctly, you need to use a special thermometer that allows you to control crystallization.

Video: A simple recipe for homemade chocolate

Probably, many are wondering what this is made of. delicious sweetness like chocolate. Each manufacturer has their own recipes. But the main ingredients of chocolate are well known - cocoa butter, grated cocoa beans (cocoa powder) and sugar.

It is interesting how the process itself is built!

Stage 1. Cleansing and roasting pale cocoa beans to a chocolate color.

Stage 2. Grinding roasted beans. Cocoa beans are crushed into nibs, and then this cocoa nibs are also crushed. This stage is the most crucial, since the taste of the future chocolate depends on the degree of grinding of cocoa nibs. Most delicious chocolate obtained from cocoa nibs, the diameter of which is not more than 75 microns.

Stage 3. Getting cocoa butter. It is the most expensive ingredient in chocolate. Cocoa butter is obtained by heating grated cocoa to a temperature of 100˚C and then pressing it. The dry residue formed during the preparation of cocoa butter is used to obtain cocoa powder.

Stage 4. Obtaining chocolate mass and mixing ingredients. When mixing grated cocoa, sugar and cocoa butter, a chocolate mass is obtained, which is then crushed. By the way, some manufacturers buy ready-made chocolate mass. Further, components that the manufacturers keep secret are added to the received (or purchased) mass. Then the mass is stirred at high temperature until a homogeneous consistency.

Stage 5 Tempering chocolate. The hot chocolate mass is cooled to 28˚ and then heated again to 32˚. It is this process that gives the chocolate bar its shine and smooth surface.

Finally, the chocolate is poured into molds and cooled.

What should be in dark chocolate?

For the preparation of bitter or dark chocolate, cocoa products and sugar are used. Here are the requirements for dark chocolate GOST R 52821-2007 "Chocolate". Dark chocolate contains at least 55% total solids cocoa solids and 33% or more cocoa butter. The composition of dark chocolate may include additions and fillings: raisins, nuts, coconut and waffle chips, peanuts, etc.

But what about white?

Don't think white chocolate is "wrong". White chocolate contains cocoa butter, sugar and milk. But cocoa powder is not added to it. The required percentage of cocoa products is provided due to the increased content of cocoa butter. According to Russian state standards, this is also the real chocolate.

Many people love chocolate. But not everyone knows from what and how this delicacy is made. In this article, you will learn how and what chocolate is made, what path it goes through before getting to us and giving pleasure.

What is chocolate made from?

Chocolate is a product based on cocoa beans. In this chapter, we will look at step by step how the production of chocolate begins, where the tree grows, from whose beans this sweet is made, what path cocoa beans go through before they become melt-in-your-mouth chocolate.

Cocoa is native to Central and South America. It was there, many thousands of years ago, that the ancient Aztec and Mayan tribes made a drink called "chocolatl" by mixing crushed cocoa beans with water and adding hot peppers.

Chocolate tree, as cocoa is also called, is an evergreen spindle-shaped tree with a height of 5 to 8 meters. It grows in tropical countries south of the equator.

Cacao flowers are small, pale yellowish or pale pinkish and bloom throughout the year. After pollination, fruits that are impressive compared to the flowers themselves develop, in which cocoa beans are located. One such fruit can contain 30 to 50 cocoa seeds about the size of olives. Although they can differ both in size and in smell, depending on the place where the plant variety grows.

When freshly picked, they do not even closely resemble the chocolate that we know: neither in color nor in smell.

Although South America is the birthplace of cocoa beans, today this tree is cultivated in many countries of the world for the sake of obtaining cocoa beans, where there are appropriate growing conditions for this, including the countries of Africa and Asia.

The main suppliers of raw materials for sweet products is Mexico, Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela, Brazil, Indonesia, Malaysia African countries.

Collection of cocoa beans

Cocoa fruits are considered ripe when the shell turns bright yellow or orange, almost red. It is interesting that the pod does not grow on a branch, but directly from a tree trunk on a small petiole.

They are collected twice a year. As a rule, the first time before the start of the dry season and the second time before the start of the rainy season. Although, in principle, nuts can be harvested continuously all year round. Harvest times vary by country. But the process of turning the beans into chocolate is the same and begins immediately after the fruits are harvested.

After the fruits are removed from the tree (and this work is entrusted only to experienced pickers), the fruit is cut into several pieces and immediately subjected to fermentation or fermentation.

Fermentation or fermentation

Removed and cut, the fruits are fermented under the influence of sunlight until the beans turn from cream to purple. Where there is no possibility for fermentation under the sun, fermentation is carried out in special drying ovens.

The fermentation system is different. In Africa, the "heap method" is more popular, i.e. fruits are laid out on banana leaves. In South America - in barrels.

Under the influence of heat and light, the pulp of the fruit begins to ferment. Fermentation can last from 5 to 10 days, during which the color of the beans changes, a familiar chocolate flavor and part of the bitterness that is present in the plucked fruits is lost. During fermentation, the beans are mixed several times to obtain a more even flavor of all the harvested beans.

Drying beans

The next step after fermentation is drying. Beans must be well dried. This is usually done in the sun. The beans are laid out in a thin layer on wooden or bamboo mats or decks and dried for 7 to 14 days under the scorching sun. During drying, they must be turned over several times to dry evenly and to avoid mold.

After drying, the beans can be reduced by almost half of their original volume.

Then they are sorted and placed in bags, which are then sent for export.

Watch in the video all the stages of growth and collection and drying of cocoa beans

Preparation of cocoa mass

Once the crop is dried and packaged, the role of cocoa producing countries in chocolate production ends. Further, the process of preparing the beans into chocolate products begins directly with the chocolate producers.

First step - frying

Once the beans have reached the chocolate manufacturer, they can be mixed with other beans purchased from different countries. The fact is that cocoa beans, depending on the country of cultivation, may differ in their taste and aromatic qualities.

Then the beans are placed in drying cabinets and dried at not very high temperatures. After drying, the beans are shelled, i.e. separate the thin outer shell.

The drying system of cocoa beans varies from manufacturer to manufacturer. Some use standard ovens, others use rotary ovens to dry the beans evenly. But at what temperature which manufacturer dries the beans is a trade secret. Indeed, in the process of drying, you can adjust the taste and aroma of the future chocolate.


This is the name of the process in which the thin outer shell is separated from the beans, which is blown away by a fan. And only pure cocoa beans remain.

chocolate production

After peeling or cracking comes the main moment - the production of chocolate. The remaining clean beans are crushed, resulting in cocoa liquor - a semi-finished product from which cocoa butter is subsequently obtained. To do this, this semi-finished product is placed under a press and oil is squeezed out under high pressure. Cocoa powder is made from the cake remaining after pressing. The oil is used to make chocolate. Thus, after pressing, two products are obtained: cocoa powder and cocoa butter.

Some manufacturers of this sweet confectionery product are replacing cocoa butter with cheaper ones. vegetable oils. Therefore, when buying, you need to study the product label well. It can contain only cocoa mass and cocoa butter and no other oils.


Conching is one of the most important steps in chocolate production. It is during conching that the final taste and aroma of chocolate is created.

Conche is a cylindrical stirrer in which the chocolate mass is mixed, shaped like a shell.

First, all the ingredients are put into the machine exactly according to the recipe. Then they are mixed into a homogeneous chocolate mass, crushed into a fine powder, the particles of which are so small that they cannot be felt by the human tongue.

During conching, sugar is added to the mass, milk powder if it is milk chocolate and other flavoring additives: lecithin for greater fluidity of the chocolate mass, cocoa butter, vanilla. This process lasts from several hours to several days and is determined by the manufacturer's recipe.

During the conching process, the chocolate mass may be heated several times and then cooled again until the mass takes on a good glossy appearance and the desired texture.

During conching, under the action of heat and contact with air, several physico-chemical processes occur:

Distribution of milk and cocoa fats in the chocolate mixture;

The moisture present in the mixture evaporates;

Volatile acids disappear completely or partially depending on the time of conching, which affects the final taste of the chocolate;

The caramelization process takes place, the mass becomes smooth and shiny, which also affects the final taste of chocolate, this is especially important for milk and white chocolate.

After the chocolate mass becomes homogeneous, it is fed to the next stage.

Hardening and forming

Good chocolate should make a clear click sound when broken. This is achieved through the tempering process - the controlled heating and cooling of the chocolate mass in order to form the correct arrangement of crystals in the chocolate. If you just let the chocolate mass cool naturally, then the chocolate will be soft and crumbly, and will not melt evenly in your mouth.

The hardening process can be done manually, but it is time consuming. So most manufacturers use special machines for this.

The last step in making chocolate is molding. pouring chocolate mass into molds. At large enterprises, this procedure takes place on a conveyor, on which the required amount of chocolate mass is laid out in each form. But in small enterprises, this process is most often done manually.


After the final cooling of the chocolate, it is wrapped in wrapping paper and sent to the warehouse for subsequent delivery to customers.

Types of chocolate

In general, there are only three main types of chocolate:

Black or bitter;


The other variations of chocolate products that we see in the store are varieties of these three types of chocolate. It can be porous, vegan, kosher, for diabetics, with various fillers. The basis for these types of chocolates are the first three main types.

Bitter or dark chocolate. For its production, only cocoa mass, cocoa butter and sugar are used. Depending on how bitter or sweet dark chocolate can be, the amount of sugar varies. Usually on the labels of such chocolate you can see "dark" or bitter chocolate. This means that dark chocolate has a minimum amount of sugar. In the dark - more. This is a very hard chocolate and should melt in your mouth.

Milk chocolate. IN milk chocolate present cocoa mass, cocoa butter, milk powder, sugar. This type of chocolate is the most common. It is more often used in cooking and confectionery for the manufacture of glazes.

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