Home Products Instant Cake Recipe - Pancake Cake for Kids. Pancake cake Delicious pancake cake with sour cream

Instant Cake Recipe - Pancake Cake for Kids. Pancake cake Delicious pancake cake with sour cream

I have been divorced for 4 years and my daughter is 6 years old. After the divorce, I had to return to my parents, they helped with my daughter, I worked a lot. Then my dad died. And here we are, the three of us - me, my daughter and my mother. Sometimes I could go somewhere, shopping, to a friend, etc., and my mother didn’t mind sitting with her daughter at that time, she herself suggested that I take a break.

Six months ago I started talking to a man. More precisely, they knew each other before, but a romantic relationship began. And then something began to happen to my mother when she found out. Constant conversations on the topic, why do you need it, take care of the child and not hang around the peasants (this despite the fact that there were no men after the divorce, but we meet at most a couple of times a week, the rest of the time I am either at work or with my daughter ). And flatly refuses to stay with the child if I'm not at work. Those. if he understands that I can go on a date right away, I won’t stay with the child, although I’m not busy with anything. And long tedious lectures on how I'm not ashamed to hang around.

I don’t understand what’s wrong with my mother, she doesn’t go to talk. I don't understand her negative reaction. And I don’t understand how then to build a personal life, what to do.
Who will tell you what?



The husband is seriously ill, for a long time, more than a year. Since September, he has not been working, at home, on disability. Walks the last two months only within the apartment. At the last outing into the street back to the 5th floor, she dragged him on herself. It is clear that it is being treated, we are not just waiting for the weather by the sea, but it only gets worse.

The character of the patient under such circumstances rarely improves, to put it mildly. It is clear that everything is on me. In addition to work, household chores, worries about him, many cases in which he is no longer an assistant, I run wars with authorities that lose documents, do not transmit data for months, etc., etc. (yes, I defeated them, but how much effort, time and nerves it takes!) You can’t describe everything, only the essential is remembered, and life is in everyday life.

She is now in her second week in the hospital. Yesterday, after a working day, after an hour in traffic jams, I ran to the hospital - out of his habit, he starts talking, then he doesn’t hear, then he pretends, then he grimaces, then he interrupts, then he doesn’t listen to the end. I don't have the time or energy for that. She spat, left him clean things, took the dirty ones and ran home.

Teenage daughter at home. I instructed her to do two real little things for my arrival - once again she “forgot.” I could not stand it, yelled and did not remove the restriction on the phone. So she buffed me and was indignant all evening (the whole bunk was in daddy).

At eight - the clock can be checked - my mother always calls. For a thousandth circle, the same conversations - like a husband, what can be done with him, where she saw what discounts and what she bought at a promotion. But yesterday, knowing that I would no longer be able to do this, I called her leaving the hospital and said: “Today I am tired and not in the spirit, don’t call me today, we’ll talk tomorrow.” But, of course, many thanks to my parents - when they go to buy groceries on the weekend, they buy a lot for two families and they deliver it to me, I just pay.

She went to bed at 10, and could not fall asleep until half past one. Though I drank valerian. I will rest at work (and the work is also new since September, somehow I don’t want to relax).

Plus, I'm starting to get cold. And I forgot the throat suckers at home. Full apchi, damn it.
Phew. The steam went down. I go to work. And that something was absolutely disgusting to me.


Just Marina 69

talkative too........
How much do we owe our child?
about love and life support is out of the question, it should be!!
But attention, time, health, personal life?
I just want to know your opinion...
recently my 13-year-old daughter told me (3-4 times): "You traded your daughter for a concert!"
I didn’t return at 21.00 after work, but at 23.00, I went to the BG concert ...
one time promotion...
I go to the cinema with her, I come to school in the evening for her, I hug, kiss, I talk, I feed her animals and walk ....
and here are the words, in all seriousness (((



I read a topic about a husband who seems to be good, but the author cannot live with him, and so I decided to talk about the situation that a friend told me a week ago. Sometimes we correspond via messenger, wrote to her how are you. Well, we communicate, I notice that she somehow answers depressively. I ask: are you all right? Well, then she tells me (apparently, she had to throw out this tin).

She and her husband quarreled - she asked to pick up the child from acrobatics - she didn’t have time to get home from work, and in the evening he just took it and left to “hang out with friends”, putting her before the fact. Came drunk at night. This happens regularly. She told him everything she thought in the morning. They are silent for a couple of days. Then she saw a bottle of wine drunk, went to bed in the evening, - she asks: Did you drink wine? - (my husband, as I understand it, began to drink often). And in response ... even I was stunned) Hey, yes you are [removed by the moderator], you are a stupid animal, yes you are ..... mate in general.

She says she could not open her mouth, in shock. For about 20 minutes he poured mud on her and there are expressions, I tell you ..... jeeee. Mat and thrash. The meaning is: drank and what? what's the difference to you? (moreover, the wine is some kind of expensive, it was the third one in a week, but he doesn’t have money for groceries) who are you to finally reprimand me, be content with who I am, shut your mouth. She moved away from the shock a little and says you, let's pack your things (they live with her), he pushed her off the bed with his foot and the second wave: yes, you’re still going to tell me the nasty animal ... I’m not going anywhere.

In general, this is the story. As I understand it, she is going to file for divorce, but here and New Year, and how to expose it, and how to communicate with it at all ... but I didn’t communicate with her for several days. How it ended I don't know. Her sister said to her, like, come on, it's not the first time he insults you. Outwardly, they are a normal couple, quite. I was wondering what would you do in her place? I couldn't answer her.

In general, I don’t know how to answer her questions so that it doesn’t affect her food addiction in any way ... Maybe someone was in such a situation? 105

In one of the articles we have already described interesting and simple recipes for buffet serving of funny sweets and fruits at a home party. Today we will pay attention to a curious and easy-to-make birthday cake for children to sweet table inspired you with a variety of ideas. Cheerful creative chores, a lot of fun for the hero of the occasion and satisfied guests - this is how we see your holiday.

Therefore, at first we suggest that you master meringue baking perfectly. Meet all the secrets of cooking in the first recipe.

In addition, we will learn how to assemble pancakes into a warm cake for a winter birthday.

We will also offer several recipes for cakes without baking, so that in any season you have interesting sweet dishes on hand - easy to make and unusual in composition.

Meringue: two types of perfect cakes

Meringues are crispy and airy. This sweet is loved by children and adults. Let's reveal all the secrets of making little meringue cakes! And, mind you, this dessert can be prepared at any time of the year.


  • Egg whites - 6 pcs
  • Powdered sugar - 300 gr
  • Lemon juice - 1 tsp

How to cook

1. Properly beat the whites with powdered sugar

To do this, remember the little secrets:

  • Take the eggs out of the refrigerator 1 hour before cooking. Squirrels room temperature whip up better.
  • Carefully separate the whites from the yolks. Otherwise, when the yolk gets into the whites, the desired foam cannot be achieved.

It is convenient to use a plastic bottle. Having broken the eggs into a wide bowl, we bring the neck of a slightly squeezed bottle to the yolk and suck it inside. So we transfer all the yolks to a bowl separate from the proteins.

  • Using a DRY bowl and a mixer, beat the whites with a DRY whisk, constantly prying the whites from the bottom up. In this case, we drive the whisk clockwise. First, beat at LOW speed, and when airy foam appears, go to medium.
  • When soft peaks form, add lemon juice. For 6 proteins - 1 teaspoon. And continue beating at medium speed.

Soft peaks = when an unstable air form is formed. They are whipped for about 4 minutes.

  • In the course of whipping, stable swirls appear on the protein mass. For meringues, we always beat egg whites to stiff peaks.

Hard peaks = when the foam follows the whisk, and when the whisk is pulled out of the total mass, the foam remains on it, holding its shape well.

  • Having created hard peaks, we pour powdered sugar into the mass and continue to beat at high speed.

Attention! Add powder gradually - 1-2 tablespoons. Otherwise, clumps will form and the meringue will fall apart.

Remember the simple proportion for stable meringue: for 1 protein - 50 g of powdered sugar.

  • Periodically scrape off the powdered sugar from the sides of the bowl to achieve the most homogeneous and very elastic mass that holds its shape well. This is the mass needed for baking.

IMPORTANT! Do not kill the squirrels by stopping in time! Broken proteins stratify, look dry, with spools - like expired dried shaving foam.

  • We divide the finished protein mass into 2 parts. Both will turn into small ones. classic meringues with different flavors.

2. Preparing for baking

  • We take baking paper and measure the size of the baking sheet.
  • With a simple pencil, we outline a lid from a liter kefir, the diameter of which is about 4 cm, and outline the place for future cakes.
  • We draw circles at a distance of 2 cm from each other to leave room for a possible expansion of the protein mass.
  • Flip the parchment over and place on a baking sheet. We'll see the mark, but the pencil won't stain our bells.

3. We paint the meringue

We remember that we prepared 2 parts of the white mass. We bake one as is, and the other with the addition of cocoa.

  • To do this, sift through a sieve 1-2 tbsp. a spoonful of cocoa and gently mix manually with a whisk with a protein mass. The more cocoa, the more chocolate color the finished cakes have.

4. Put the protein mass on a baking sheet

  • A simple method for laying out whipped egg whites. We take the protein mass with a tablespoon and fill in the marked circles in a circle. At the end, we bring the foam up so that a small elongated tail is obtained at the top of the future cake.

5. Baking

Put the baking sheet in the oven at room temperature. Remember! The key to successful baking is not turning on the oven when installing the baking sheet.

We bake the meringue at 100 degrees until cooked.

The secret of success: for the perfect meringue, we leave a small gap by holding a wooden spatula between the door and the stove. This is how we achieve air circulation and removal of excess moisture to obtain a crispy dry meringue.

6. How to determine the readiness of the meringue

The top of the protein becomes creamy, and the bottom is completely dry. Therefore, the bezel is easily moved by hand or when trying to abruptly pull out the baking sheet. This usually happens no earlier than 1 hour when all baking conditions are met.

And again, the secret of success: after turning off the oven, we leave the cakes to cool with it without pulling out the baking sheet! Otherwise, there is a high risk of falling hot protein mass.

Ready-made meringues are a classic sophistication that your child's young guests will love. After all, there is nothing more convenient for children on their birthday than a sweet table with portioned serving of goodies that do not get their hands dirty and are quickly eaten.

However, we will not rest only on the buffet format of the sweet table.

Because there is not always time to prepare portioned dishes. And numerous safe fruits for canapés are only available in summer. In winter, it is reckless to offer children unreasonably expensive fruits from store shelves. It is scary to list what they are sprinkled with to deliver from their places of growth!

In addition, it is for a birthday that you can surprise children with traditionally favorite delicacies on new way. For example, especially for the sweet table, make an apple-nut cake from pancakes that children love so much!

pancake cake


  • Pancakes according to your favorite recipe - 12 pcs.;
  • Apples - 1 kg;
  • Sugar - from 1 cup, to taste;
  • Milk or cream - 2 tablespoons;
  • Almond flour (or chopped almonds) - ½ cup
  • Butter - 2 tablespoons;
  • Seasonal berries for garnish.


  1. Prepare pancakes and let them cool.
  2. Wash apples, peel and cut into slices.
  3. We put in a high frying pan and simmer under the lid until it turns into a puree.
  4. Add sugar, butter and simmer uncovered for another 5 minutes.
  5. Take the puree off the heat. If necessary for maximum homogeneity, puree in a blender.
  6. Add milk or cream to puree.
  7. If we use chopped almonds, then they need to be blanched for two minutes in boiling water so that the skin can be easily removed. For almond flour home cooking Grind the peeled almonds in a blender with the addition of sugar.
  8. We bake pancakes in a cake. Grease a baking dish with oil. Put a pancake on the bottom. Lubricate it applesauce and sprinkle with almond flour. The top layer is made from pancake.
  9. Ship to hot oven and bake for 30 minutes.

Serve the cake warm. In berry season, you can decorate the top of the cake with your favorite berries.

This great recipe for a winter birthday, it is especially appropriate with tea, during Shrove Tuesday and in cold weather.

Cottage cheese soufflé cake with oranges

In addition to oven baking recipes, let's learn no-bake cakes. Curd soufflé cake with oranges, available at any time of the year.


  • Sour cream 200 gr;
  • Sugar - 200 gr;
  • Cottage cheese - 400 gr;
  • Oranges - 1 large piece;
  • Ready-made wafer cakes, preferably multi-colored - 3 pcs.;
  • Gelatin - 3 tbsp.


  1. Beat sugar with sour cream.
  2. Grind cottage cheese through a sieve or grind with a bender.
  3. We combine cottage cheese and sour cream.
  4. We clean the orange, completely cutting off the peel and capturing a little thin transparent skin of the slices themselves. Cut into slices, each slice into small pieces.
  5. Add the orange to the curd mixture - along with the juice formed during cutting.
  6. We drown the swollen gelatin over low heat, not bringing to a boil.
  7. Add completely dissolved gelatin to the curd-orange mixture.
  8. In the baking dish, lay the layers of the cake, starting with the waffle cake. The last layer is also a waffle cake.

We put it in the refrigerator to cool in order to get it after 5-6 hours finished cake. It is neatly cut, looks beautiful on the cut and is very pleasant to the taste.

Cheesecake without baking "Three chocolates"

And two variations on the theme of a quick cheesecake. Such cheesecakes are popular in the west and are increasingly gaining the sympathy of school-age children.


  • Shortbread cookies, the most budgetary - 200 gr;
  • Butter - 80 gr;
  • Cinnamon - 1 tsp;
  • Gelatin - 4 tablespoons;
  • Bitter dark chocolate, 72% - 100 gr;
  • White chocolate (not porous!) - 100 gr;
  • Milk chocolate - 100 gr;
  • Cream (35-40% fat) - 500 ml;
  • Cottage cheese (5-9% fat, easily grindable) - 600 gr;
  • Powdered sugar - 200 gr;
  • Mint for decoration.


  1. Pour gelatin with water at room temperature.
  2. Grind for the cheesecake base shortbread on a blender.
  3. Add butter and cinnamon to the resulting flour. We twist again in a blender.
  4. We line the bottom layer of a detachable baking dish with parchment paper or cling film. The diameter of the mold is about 20 cm.
  5. We tamp the base of the cheesecake from the sand-oil mass. The layer thickness is about 1.5 cm. We send the form to the freezer for 10 minutes.
  6. Melting bitter dark chocolate in a water bath

Three secrets to successful chocolate melting
Water bath for chocolate should not come into contact with water.
- Keep stirring and watching!
- Do not heat chocolate over 60 degrees. It becomes unsuitable for freezing.

  1. Add HALF of the swollen gelatin to HALF the cream and heat it over low heat without boiling.
  2. We grind HALF of the cottage cheese - to the most homogeneous mass.
  3. Add the slightly cooled dark chocolate, cream with gelatin and powdered sugar to the cottage cheese. We interrupt again in a blender.
  4. Pour the chocolate layer into the mold, tapping the mold on the table to level it. We send it to the freezer for quick freezing for 10 minutes.
  5. Repeat the process with white chocolate. As a result, we pour a white layer into the mold on a quickly frozen black layer. Put in the freezer for 10 minutes. Then let it cool completely in the refrigerator.

Before serving, run a very flexible knife along the sides of the cheesecake, separating it from the pan. Sprinkle grated cheesecake milk chocolate and decorate with mint leaves.

We have in our hands another decoration of the sweet table, prepared without an oven! Appetizing chocolate treat neatly divided into portions for children and can be prepared for a birthday in any season - due to the availability of ingredients.

Blueberry Cheesecake No Bake

Very beautiful summer recipe loaded with antioxidants! Like all the cheesecakes in today's article, the cake is neat to serve, with an exquisite-looking cut, and it is prepared only with the help of a refrigerator.


  • Shortbread cookies - 200 gr;
  • Butter - 80 gr;
  • Sour cream - 500 gr;
  • Cottage cheese - 750 gr;
  • Sugar - 250 gr;
  • Cream (30-40%) - 200 gr;
  • Blueberries - 200 gr;
  • Gelatin - 3 tbsp.


  1. Soak gelatin.
  2. For the cheesecake base, repeat the steps with the cookies and butter from the previous recipe. We choose the same form in which we tamp the bottom layer of the cake, and put it in the refrigerator for 15 minutes.
  3. Grind cottage cheese, sugar and 1/3 sour cream (100 gr) in a blender.
  4. We put the cream with swollen gelatin on the stove - to dissolve it over low heat, without bringing it to a boil.
  5. We combine slightly cooled cream with grated cottage cheese and beat in a blender.
  6. We divide the resulting mass into 2 unequal parts. One part = 2/3, and the second = 1/3 of the original amount.
  7. In a smaller part, add blueberries and beat in a blender.
  8. In most, add the remaining sour cream (200 gr).
  9. We spread the white and blueberry mass according to the principle of the Zebra pie. Alternate 4-6 tablespoons of each color, carefully pouring them in the center of the mold.
  10. At the end, we draw a cobweb pattern with a match or a cooking stick.
  11. We put the cake to harden - in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours.

So, we have at our disposal as many as five recipes for universal dishes for a sweet birthday table. For children, their charm is in a convenient and beautiful serving and the absence of a quickly perishable cream, which also easily stains clothes. We have plenty to choose from at any time of the year. We have something to conjure with the child, involving him in pre-holiday chores.

Together with the recipes from the buffet table article, we have a wide range of alternatives for culinary delights without special skills. This means that any determined mother can master an interesting sweet menu for a child's birthday. Successful creativity and delicious holidays!

Already from the name it follows that this wonderful cake made from pancakes. The undeniable advantages of this cake are the speed and ease of execution, because classic dish- pancakes are prepared quite quickly, and for those who often make pancakes and who, so to speak, have a full hand, this process will not cause any difficulties at all. Those who still need tips can familiarize themselves with a step-by-step recipe for making thin pancakes with photos. And in this article we will talk about an equally important component pancake cake- stuffing.

So, we offer several options for fillings to choose from:

  • chocolate-nut-banana filling;
  • sour cream filling with chocolate icing;
  • tiramisu;
  • fish stuffing;
  • other fillings.

The height of the cake will depend on the number of pancakes used: the more pancakes, the taller the cake. Each pancake will perform the function of a cake in the classical sense, that is, starting from the bottom layer (pancake), we will collect the cake, spreading each layer with the filling.

Pancake cake with chocolate-nut-banana filling


  • Nutella Chocolate Nut Cream;
  • Banana - 2-3 pcs.


1. Peel the banana and cut into thin circles

2. Now we collect the cake, spreading each layer (pancake) with Nutella and laying out banana circles.

The cake is ready Bon appetit. From above it can also be smeared with nutella, or chopped nuts, or poured with chocolate icing.

Pancake cake with sour cream filling and chocolate icing


For cream:

  • Thick sour cream (fat content not less than 30%) - 400 g;
  • Powdered sugar - 150 g;
  • Vanillin - 1 pinch.

For chocolate glaze:

  • Cocoa powder - 2 tablespoons;
  • Powdered sugar - 2 tablespoons;
  • Sour cream - 5 tablespoons;
  • Butter - 30 g.


1. Place all ingredients in a bowl and beat until the cream becomes thicker. If the cream does not thicken, add a little more powdered sugar. Put the finished cream in the refrigerator so that the cake keeps its shape better.

2. We do chocolate icing To do this, put all the ingredients in a small saucepan and put on medium heat. Stirring constantly, bring to a boil. Remove from heat and let cool until warm.

3. Lubricate each pancake sour cream. Top layer with frosting.

Pancake cake TIRAMISU


  • Instant coffee - 2 tsp;
  • Fatty sour cream (the fatter the better) - 500 g;
  • Milk - 50 ml;
  • Powdered sugar - 150 g;
  • Cocoa powder - for sprinkling.


1. Make sour cream (see recipe for sour cream filling above).

All cakes are prepared very easily and quickly! 1. The recipe for the most delicious and quick cake. Ingredients For the dough: Eggs - 2 pcs. Sugar &m...

2. We prepare the impregnation: pour coffee into a small bowl, pour literally 1 tbsp. boiling water to dissolve the coffee, mix and pour warm milk.

3. Now we collect the cake. We coat each layer with impregnation using a silicone brush, wait a bit for the pancake to be soaked and grease with sour cream on top. We repeat the same with each layer.

4. Lubricate the top layer as well as the previous ones and sprinkle cocoa powder on top through a sieve.

Pancake cake with fish filling


  • Canned fish - 2 cans;
  • Rice - 1/2 cup;
  • chicken egg - 2 pcs;
  • Dill
  • mayonnaise - for dressing
  • salt.


1. Boil rice and eggs.

2. We take fish. It can be any fish (tuna, mackerel, silver carp), but not in tomato sauce. We drain the liquid from the jar, disassemble the pieces, removing the bones, knead with a fork.


  • fluffy pancakes,
  • sour cream - 300 gr,
  • sugar - 0.5 cups,
  • vanillin or vanilla sugar - 0.5 tsp,
  • Little butter.

There are dishes that children eat with pleasure and remember, already quite grown up. For me, one of such vivid childhood memories has always been and will remain a pancake cake - thanks for such a yummy to my beloved mother. Having slightly improved the recipe, I now indulge my family with a pancake cake.

Preparation of pancake cake:

1. To make a pancake cake, you need fluffy pancakes or thick pancakes.

2. They need to be divided into medium pieces - playful children's hands will easily help you with this!

3. For the base of the pancake cake, you will need thin 3-5 pieces.

4. The container (form) for baking can be either in the form of a regular shape or a figured one - I have an excellent one for this case. Silicone molds for baking in the form of a flower.

5. Pour the chilled sour cream into a deep bowl and add vanilla sugar and granulated sugar to it.

6. Stir until all sugar is completely dissolved.

7. Dip each piece of pancake well in sour cream and place tightly in a mold, which is desirable to grease with butter (even silicone - so tastier!).

8. Place a whole thin chocolate pancake on top.

9. Lubricate it also with a layer of sour cream with sugar - put all the chocolate pancakes in this way. Last
there should be a layer of cream. Bake the pancake cake in the oven for about 40 minutes.

10. Cover the finished pancake cake with a flat plate and, turning the form over, put it to cool.

11. If you used chocolate pancakes - in the context it turns out such a beauty!

Make a real homemade pancake cake with sweet or hearty toppings. Our step-by-step recipes with photos will help you easily cope with this task!

The dish is quite simple to prepare.

This view will not leave anyone indifferent, even an avid gourmet, since the combination tender pancakes with cottage cheese and fish filling is something indescribable. This is a must try!!

I also recommend adding any greens. This will make the appetizer more beautiful, and add brightness and mood.

For test:

  • Eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • Sugar - 1 tablespoon;
  • Salt - a pinch;
  • Soda - ½ tsp;
  • Citric acid - ½ tsp;
  • Milk - 300 ml;
  • Flour - 300 gr.;
  • Vegetable oil - 1 tbsp...

For filling:

  • Garlic - 2 cloves;
  • Dill - 100 gr.;
  • Slightly salted salmon - 200 gr.;
  • Cottage cheese - 300 gr.;
  • Sour cream - 2 tablespoons;
  • Salt, ground black pepper - to taste.

Eggs must be beaten with a mixer in a lush foam, add salt, sugar and soda. Then pour half the milk, vegetable oil and mix everything thoroughly.

Now you need to gradually pour out the sifted flour, knead the dough without lumps and continuing to stir, pour in the remaining milk.

At the end add divorced citric acid in 1 tablespoon of boiling water, stir. And immediately start baking our so-called shortcakes.

Let's start preparing the filling. Peel the garlic and pass through a press. Wash the dill, dry and finely chop. At fish fillet remove the bones, if any, and cut into cubes.

Take cottage cheese (it can be replaced with cottage cheese), mix it with garlic, herbs and sour cream. Add salmon and mix everything.

We spread the pancake on a flat dish, level the filling on it, put the next one on top, grease it again, etc.

Put the resulting cake in the refrigerator for about 1 hour so that it is well soaked. Top can be decorated with red fish and caviar, herbs.

Recipe 2: homemade sweet pancake cake

Today we will prepare a tasty cake of pancakes with sour cream and fruits. This recipe for pancake cake will be a great solution for Shrovetide. He will also perfectly cope with the role of the main cake for any other holiday.

A cake made from pancakes is no less tasty than any other. As the basis of the cake - shortcakes, it uses thin pancakes with milk, the recipe of which you will find at the link. This cake recipe with delicate sour cream and fresh winter fruits has become a favorite dessert for Maslenitsa. True, you won’t eat much of it, because the cake turns out to be very high-calorie and nutritious. Well, in a large family, the cake is eaten in a day. And I hope that this hearty dessert on the eve of Great Lent will also appeal to you. Let's get started soon!

For pancakes:

  • 200 g flour;
  • 100 g butter;
  • 700 ml. milk;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 2 yolks;
  • 0.5 tsp salt;
  • a small piece of lard for greasing the pan.

For filling:

  • 1 l fat homemade sour cream;
  • 350 g of powdered sugar;
  • 1 banana;
  • 1 big orange or 2 small ones;
  • 1 kiwi.

To prepare dough for pancakes, we sift flour through a sieve. We introduce two eggs and two yolks into the sifted flour, from the remaining protein we can prepare, for example, homemade meringue or marshmallows. Add salt. Melt the butter and add it to the flour along with the milk. Mix everything with a mixer until the lumps are completely dissolved. So that the flour does not scatter, start mixing it with the mixer turned off, and when the flour absorbs moisture, turn it on and continue to mix at medium speed. Dough for thin pancakes ready.

We heat up a special frying pan for pancakes or cast iron pan. The better it is warmed up, the more small holes will appear on the pancakes. When the pan is well heated, grease it with bacon on a fork. Using a small ladle, pour in the batter and spread it evenly over the entire surface by turning the pan clockwise. Fry our first pancake until golden brown on one side. Gently flip the pancake with a spatula, or toss it if you know how to do it. We fry our pancake on the other side. About 16 pancakes will come out of this volume of dough (I got 18 this time). Stack them up as they cook.

Let's prepare the fruit first. Oranges work both sweet and sour. Extra sourness in this recipe will not hurt, but will be very useful.

1 large orange or 2 small ones, wash and dry. Finely grate orange zest. It will add a little bitterness and awesome flavor to our pancake cake. We do not regret the zest, we rub the entire top layer of the orange peel, but we do not reach the white fibers.

Divide the orange into slices and cut each slice into small pieces.

For the filling, thin pieces are better, and for decoration - plump pieces.

We also cut it for decoration and for stuffing kiwi.

And it remains for us to cut the banana in the same way: for filling and decoration.

For smearing the cake and lubricating the layers, we will use the following recipe for sour cream. Sour cream is moderately sweet. But adjust the amount of sugar to your liking, this will not affect the quality of the whipped cream.

For cream, in a deep bowl, mix fat sour cream and powdered sugar. Stir with the mixer turned off so that the powder does not scatter around the kitchen. After it mixes, turn on the mixer and start beating. The main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise you will get oil instead of cream.

We begin to form a sweet pancake cake. We put the first pancake on a plate or a cake stand and put a tablespoon with a slide of cream on it. Spread a thin layer of cream over the pancake. We repeat 2 more times, laying the pancakes on top of each other and smearing them with cream.

Approximately for every 3rd pancake we spread fruit or grated orange zest. Finely chopped orange will go first.

Again lay out 3 pancakes, each smearing with cream. Sprinkle the top of the 3rd pancake with orange zest.

And again 3 pancakes, and on top of the sour cream we spread finely chopped kiwi.

Again lay out 3 layers of pancakes with sour cream and a layer of orange.

The last will be a banana. And after him lay out the remaining pancakes.

This is how the cake should look like.

And with the remaining cream we create the shape of the cake, coating it on top and around the edges.

Using the remaining cream, decorate the top of the cake.

It remains for us to decorate the cake with pieces of fruit and orange zest to complete the composition.

Our delicious pancake cake with sour cream and fruit is ready. Keep it in the refrigerator for 30 minutes before serving. Bon Appetit!

Recipe 3: homemade pancake cake with chocolate

Pancake cakes are made from thin pancakes, layered with cream. We offer you a recipe for a pancake cake made from very thin and delicious pancakes with soft white chocolate cream.

Pancake dough

  • Eggs - 2 pieces
  • Flour - 280 grams
  • Milk - 650 milliliters
  • Baking powder - 1 teaspoon
  • Salt - 0.5 teaspoon
  • Sugar - 1 teaspoon
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons
  • White chocolate - 400 grams
  • Cream, fat content not less than 30% - 600 milliliters

White chocolate icing

  • White chocolate - 250 grams
  • Cream - 150 milliliters

Prepare a preparation for butter cream with white chocolate. Grind 400 grams of white chocolate into a bowl. Bring to a boil 600 milliliters of cream, with a fat content of at least 30%. Pour hot cream into prepared chocolate.

Mix until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Cover with cling film and refrigerate for at least 5 hours.

Let's make pancakes. Break two eggs into a mixer bowl, add half a teaspoon of salt, one teaspoon of sugar, 350 milliliters of milk, mix.

Add 280 grams of flour and 1 teaspoon of baking powder, mix. Remove the sticky dough from the sides of the bowl. Gradually adding 300 milliliters of milk, knead batter. Set aside for 20 minutes for the flour to swell. After 20 minutes, remove the dough from the walls of the bowl and additionally mix with a mixer for two to three minutes.

Strain the finished dough, add two tablespoons vegetable oil and start baking pancakes.

We put the pan for pancakes on the fire. If necessary, grease the pan with fat and bake thin pancakes.

Pour 40-50 milliliters of prepared dough into the pan. Tilt the pan in different directions so that the dough spreads over the entire surface of the pan.

We bake pancakes on medium heat, on both sides. From this amount of dough, about 20 pancakes with a diameter of 24-25 centimeters should be obtained.

Remove the cream and chocolate mixture from the refrigerator and beat with a mixer at high speed until a fluffy, smooth and very tasty cream is obtained.

Let's start assembling a pancake cake. We line a deep bowl with a diameter of 20 centimeters with pancakes, grease the pancakes with a thin layer of cream.

We spread another layer of pancakes, grease with cream, and so on, until the bowl is completely filled, and a depression remains in the middle.

In order to fill the recess inside the bowl, grease the pancakes with cream, fold them into a triangle or an envelope and fill the bowl completely with them. We leave a little cream to coat the surface of the cake.

We bend the edges of the pancakes inside the bowl, cover with 2-3 pancakes, turn them over onto a board, press lightly and send them to the refrigerator for at least 4 hours.

The pancake cake can be covered with the rest of the cream and decorated to your liking. We will cover the pancake cake with white chocolate icing.

Let's prepare the frosting. Grind 250 grams of white chocolate into a bowl. Bring 150 milliliters of cream to a boil, pour over chopped chocolate and mix until a homogeneous mass is obtained. If, for some reason, all the chocolate hasn't melted, don't worry, you can warm it up a little in a water bath or in microwave oven.

We take out the pancake cake from the refrigerator. Trim off excess pancakes and cream. Turn over, cut along the edge of the bowl, turn it over onto the board again and raise the bowl.

We coat the entire cake with a thin layer of cream, carefully level it, smoothing out all the bumps.

During this time, the glaze has cooled to room temperature, but has not thickened. Place the cake on a wire rack and pour frosting evenly over it. The excess glaze that has dripped from the cake can be collected, strained, slightly warmed up and cover the cake again.

We rearrange the cake on the dish on which we will serve it, and send it to the refrigerator for a few more hours.

Decorate the cake as you wish. We make a curb at the foot of the cake from the remaining cream. Dip a few strawberries in melted White chocolate and put it on top of the cake.

We cut and serve a very tasty beautiful Pancake cake for tea or coffee. Pancakes go very well with buttercream. chocolate cream both black and white.

Recipe 4: how to make a pancake cake (step by step photos)

There are probably hundreds, if not thousands, of recipes for pancake cakes that you can cook at home. Each hostess prepares them in her own way, uses her own, most delicious cream for a pancake cake and decorates as fantasy allows.

Crepeville takes its name from the French word Crèpe, which means pancake. In other words, it turns out a dessert consisting of a large number of thin pancakes, which are layered with filling. As a rule, many cooks use custard, whipped cream, berries, fruits, chocolate, nuts as a layer ... Yes, you can’t list everything!

For pancakes:

  • milk - 600 ml
  • wheat flour - 300 gr
  • chicken eggs - 3 pcs
  • sugar - 2 tbsp.
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp.
  • salt - 1 pinch

For filling:

  • cream - 700 ml
  • strawberry jam - 500 gr
  • powdered sugar - 2 tbsp


  • strawberries - 200 gr
  • bitter chocolate - 60 gr
  • cream - 30 ml

To make Crepeville pancake cake, we need following products: milk of any fat content (I used 3.5%), wheat flour premium, heavy cream (at least 30-33% fat), strawberry jam and fresh selected strawberries, chicken eggs medium size (45-50 grams each), refined vegetable (I have sunflower) oil, sugar and powdered sugar, dark chocolate (you can replace milk if you like) and a little salt for taste. All products for pancake dough should be at room temperature, so remove them from the refrigerator in advance.

You can cook the dough for pancakes in any deep dish. We break 3 chicken eggs into a container, add 2 tablespoons of sugar and a pinch of salt. If you like, you can flavor the pancake dough with vanilla or vanilla sugar.

Beat everything again with a mixer to get a completely homogeneous dough without lumps. If you add all the milk at once, the pancake dough may be lumpy, but we don’t need it.

We leave the dough for pancakes on the table for 10-15 minutes, so that the gluten of the flour swells. After resting, the pancake dough turns out to be quite liquid, but much thicker than just milk. If the dough is thick (this depends on the moisture content of the wheat flour), dilute it with milk or water to the desired consistency.

Now we heat the pan, grease it for the first pancake with oil and pour the dough. With a quick movement, evenly distribute the dough over the entire surface and bake the pancake until browned on the bottom side over medium heat.

Thus, we cook all pancakes in milk. I got quite a lot (how many, I didn’t count), with a diameter of 20 centimeters. You can have more or less depending on the size of the pan and the thickness of the pancakes you want. We leave the pancakes to cool, as whipped cream does not like hot and will flow.

When the pancakes have cooled (they can be laid out on a large cutting board or just a work surface to make the process go faster), you need to whip the heavy cream. They must be chilled! I added some vanilla powdered sugar (I just ground homemade vanilla sugar in a coffee grinder), but you don't have to sweeten the cream as the jam is already sweet. Whip heavy cream with a mixer at medium speed. You can beat them with a whisk - it's even more reliable. Don't over beat or you'll end up with butter and buttermilk.

We begin to collect Crepeville pancake cake. Put one pancake on a flat plate or serving dish and coat it with a thin layer. strawberry jam. If the jam is too thick, it can be slightly warmed up in the microwave, after which it must be cooled.

Spread an even layer of whipped cream on top of the jam. Try to calculate in such a way that there is enough filling for all pancakes.

From above we cover it with one pancake, which we do not coat with the filling (we will pour it with chocolate icing). We put the rest of the whipped cream on the sides of the cake and carefully level them with a shovel, spatula or pastry palette. We put the Crepeville cake in the refrigerator for half an hour or 10-15 minutes in the freezer so that the cream thickens.

While the cake is cooling, you can prepare the chocolate frosting. Pour 30 milliliters of cream (any fat content) into a small bowl or bowl and put 60 grams of chocolate there. You can use not bitter, but milk chocolate, but then the cake will be even sweeter. These two ingredients must be thoroughly heated, while not boiling. It is most convenient to do this in the microwave on the Preheat mode, checking the contents of the dishes every 7-10 seconds. In contact with hot cream, chocolate slices instantly melt. But remember that the temperature is quite high, so you need to constantly stir so that the chocolate does not curdle.

Literally in a minute you will get a completely homogeneous, smooth and shiny chocolate icing. The consistency of the icing can be easily adjusted by adding more hot milk or cream - just keep it handy.

If you like these chocolate smudges, you can decorate the cake with them. To do this, we shift the hot icing into a bag, cut off a corner. With quick movements we pass along the sides of the cake, squeezing out the icing. Then we apply the rest of the glaze in the center and distribute it over the entire surface with a spatula. Put the cake back in the fridge to let the frosting set.

It remains a little: prepare the strawberries for decoration. The most beautiful berries (preferably the same size) are washed under cold running water and dried thoroughly on a napkin or towel. After that, cut in half lengthwise to get such delicious slices. You can leave the ponytails - it is more beautiful with them and it is more convenient to take them from a piece of cake.

We spread the strawberries on the chocolate icing, which has already managed to grab in the cold, but at the same time it will remain soft enough. Ready Crepeville pancake cake, which weighs about 2 kilograms 600 grams, does not need to be stored in the refrigerator for a long time. It is served immediately after cooking, as over time the filling begins to soak into pancakes.

Before serving, I additionally decorated the cake with sugar sprinkles and stuck a candle in the center.

Bon Appetit!

Recipe 5: how to make a pancake cake at home

A delicious no-bake pancake cake can be made at home for Maslenitsa or a festive table as a hearty dessert. Even the most spoiled connoisseurs of traditional sweet desserts will be delighted with the harmonious combination of products and will positively appreciate this dish. Also, a classic pancake cake can be prepared for children's birthdays, adding a twist to a completely ordinary diet of a feast.

Pancake dough:

  • Chicken yolks - 5 pieces.
  • Milk (2.5%) - 200 milliliters.
  • Filtered water - 200 milliliters.
  • Salt - 1/3 tablespoon.
  • Sugar - 2 tablespoons with a slide.
  • Premium flour - 200 grams.
  • Vegetable oil in the dough - 50 milliliters.
  • Vegetable oil - for greasing baking sheets.
  • Bananas - 550 grams.

Protein cream:

  • Proteins - 5 pieces.
  • Sugar - 200 gr.
  • Vanillin - 5 gr.
  • Citric acid - 1 gram (1 pinch).
  • Water - 50 ml.
  • Raspberry jam syrup - 1 tablespoon.
  • Chocolate - 40 gr.

We make simple homemade pancake dough. We break the pre-washed eggs into a capacious container. We add the egg yolks separately, look at step by step photo. And we leave the proteins on the protein cream, after that we put them in the refrigerator for some time. Pour salt and sugar into the yolks according to the above norm, then mix them with a metal whisk until a foamy mass is formed.

Pour milk at room temperature, warm water and vegetable oil to the yolks. Beat in the same way until a fluffy foamy mass.

Pour the wheat flour at room temperature, beat the dough with quick movements for 5 minutes. We do this action so that there are a lot of air bubbles in the dough, so the baked pancakes are thin, porous with small holes.

Lubricate a dry frying pan with vegetable oil and put it on the included burner. When the oil cracks in the pan, pour the dough, distributing it over the entire surface. Bake on both sides until golden brown.

The basis of the filling for the pancake cake will include bananas. Remove the peel from bananas, then divide the fruit into three parts and cut into slices.

We take a pancake, stuff it with bananas and wrap it in a tube. We do the same with the rest of the pancakes.

We put the prepared tubes in the first layer on a flat porcelain plate. After that, we cut them into three parts, look at the step-by-step photo.

The rest of the tubes are also put on a plate and cut. Wrapped pancake rolls for homemade cake set aside for the time being.

Now let's move on to cooking. protein cream. Pour 50 milliliters of filtered water into a saucepan, pour sugar, add raspberry syrup.

Stirring occasionally, bring to a boil, then reduce the set power of the burner and boil until small air bubbles for 5 minutes. Boiling sugar syrup remove from the burning burner, cover with a glass lid so that it does not cool down.

We take out the chilled egg whites from the refrigerator, beat for 15 minutes and pour citric acid in the process. Add directly to the whipped mass was a thick consistency.

When the proteins acquire a sufficiently dense consistency, pour boiled sugar syrup in a thin stream while whipping. Beat for 10 minutes and the protein cream is ready, it should have the appropriate pale pink color from raspberry jam.

To richly decorate the cake, grate bitter or milk chocolate.

The main components are prepared, now they need to be connected. Lubricate the first layer of pancakes with protein cream and lay out the rest of the tubes.

Lubricate the cake with the remaining cream, equalizing the edges and surfaces. We decorate with chocolate sprinkles, if there are fruits at hand, then we cut them into pieces and lay them out beautifully. Divide the ready-made large delicious pancake cake into portions and serve it on the festive table.

Recipe 6: Homemade Pancake Cake with Chicken and Mushrooms

  • chicken egg - 2 pcs.,
  • cow's milk - 1 cup (200 ml),
  • drinking water - 1 glass (200 ml),
  • wheat flour - 6-7 tbsp. spoons
  • vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. spoons,
  • baking powder - 1 teaspoon,
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons,
  • salt - 1 teaspoon without a slide,
  • vanilla - to taste
  • champignons - 150 gr.,
  • onion - 1-2 pcs. (depending on size)
  • smoked chicken leg - 1 pc. (500 gr),
  • hard cheese - 100 gr.,
  • sour cream - 150 gr.,
  • spices - to taste,
  • greens, vegetables for decorating the cake - to taste.

To make pancake batter, beat in two eggs. Add sugar, salt, baking powder. Beat everything until fluffy foam. If you like your pancake recipe, you can use it. I will describe mine.

Pour in the milk and cold water. Stir. Now sift the flour and knead the dough. It won't be too thick.

Add some vegetable oil to the dough. 2 tablespoons will be enough. Whisk again to disperse the butter into the batter. If you dip a spoon into the dough and pull it out, then a thin layer of dough remains on the spoon. The dough lies flat on the spoon, evenly.

Heat up the skillet very well. Pour a little vegetable oil into a hot pan. Take the dough for the first pancake and pour it into the pan. Rotate the pan with the dough so that it rolls down into an even pancake. We fry pancakes until the end of the test.

While the pancakes are frying, prepare one of the types of filling. Wash the mushrooms and cut into small pieces. I prefer to cut the mushrooms into thin slices so that they retain their shape a little. It's a matter of taste. Cutting does not matter.

Peel the onion and cut into half rings.

In a frying pan, with the addition of vegetable oil, fry the mushrooms. When the water boils, add the chopped onion to the mushrooms. Stir. Simmer together until done. You can add a little salt and pepper to taste.

In the meantime, I fried the pancakes. From this amount of dough, I got 11 pancakes. Cool pancakes.

Let's make a pancake cake. To do this, put one pancake on a flat dish. Brush it with sour cream. Spread sour cream all over the pancake. Put another pancake on top and brush it again with sour cream.

Remove the meat from the smoked leg. I didn't use the skin. Cut the meat into small pieces. Divide the total amount of meat by
two parts. Lay one of them on top of the pancake. This will be the first layer of filling.

cut into green onion and sprinkle them with poultry meat. Onions will add spice, and the cake will not be bland.

Cover the layer of meat with a new pancake. Lubricate the pancake with sour cream and smooth.

Put the mushroom filling on the pancake and spread over the entire surface.

cover mushroom stuffing with a new pancake, brush with sour cream and lay out a layer of smoked chicken meat.

Cover the meat with a new pancake. Brush it with sour cream and smooth it out. Cover again with a new pancake and brush with sour cream. I deliberately double-dipped pancakes on the top and bottom layers of the pancake cake. When cutting, the cake will not spread, and the filling will come out. The cake will keep its shape very well. I'll show you a cutaway cake. Everything will be clear. Grate hard cheese on a coarse grater. Spread the cheese over the final pancake and spread evenly. This is the final layer. Try to distribute everything evenly and evenly.

Make a decoration for a cake from greens and fresh vegetables. You can decorate the cake however you like. For decoration, chopped greens, tomatoes, cucumbers, olives or olives can be used, and everything you can imagine. pancake pie can be served immediately. Pancake cake does not require waiting and soaking.

Here we have such a delicious and beautiful pancake cake with cheese, mushrooms and chicken. It is not only tasty, but also beautiful, healthy and looks festive. Try to cook it in your own kitchen. I think you and your guests will be pleased with the result.

Recipe 7: pancake cake with condensed milk (step by step)

Pancake cake - unusual dessert, which cooks with experience in making pancakes can very quickly make. This delicacy can have a sweet or salty layer, as the cream can be made from condensed milk, butter and sour cream, generously flavored with a large portion of sugar. For gourmets, the recipe for a pancake cake layered with liver pate or marrow caviar. cooking options original dessert or there are so many non-trivial snacks that it universal dish, for sure, will become a regular on your tables during festive and everyday meals.

Ingredients for making cakes:

  • milk 3.2% fat - 0.5 l;
  • chicken egg - 1 pc.;
  • granulated sugar - 30 g;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • vegetable oil - 30 g;
  • wheat flour - 600 g.

Ingredients for making cream for pancake cake:

  • walnuts - 100 g;
  • shortbread cookies - 100 g;
  • boiled condensed milk - 200 g.

Pour warm milk into a bowl. Homemade pancake cake can be made from cakes based on kefir or water.

Add chicken egg.

Pour the right amount of granulated sugar and mix the ingredients well.

Salt the milk base of pancakes.

Pour in the desired measure of sunflower oil.

Pour 250 grams of wheat flour sifted through a sieve. Stir the dough until the flour is completely dissolved in milk. Add the rest of the flour and mix well again.

Beat the dough with a mixer to quickly turn the ingredients into a homogeneous mass without lumps.

In a well-heated frying pan, greased with a small amount of vegetable oil or a piece of bacon, fry pancakes. From this amount of dough, at least 20 pieces of thin pancakes should be obtained.

Roast the walnuts over low heat.

Using a rolling pin, blender or meat grinder, crush the cookies until crumbs form.

Place the cake on a pancake stand with condensed milk.

Crush the cake with cookie crumbs.

Finely chop the nuts.

Cover the cookie layer with a pancake, brush it again with condensed milk and sprinkle with chopped nuts.

Decorate a pancake cake at home walnuts, cherries, strawberries or any other tasty decorations.

Pancake cakes with condensed milk should be well soaked, so put the dessert in the refrigerator for 2 hours. Enjoy the taste of a non-trivially prepared cake.

Recipe 8: pancake cake with sour cream (with photo)

Cooking a cake often takes a lot of time and effort. First you need to bake a biscuit for a long time or sand cakes in the oven. Then cook the cream for a long time. But the preparation of sour cream pancake cake will not take you much time and effort. You just need to bake thin pancakes in a frying pan.

Pancakes cooked on kefir are tender and airy, which will be an excellent basis for our cake. Pancake cake with sour cream can be a wonderful decoration holiday table or family tea.

For thin pancakes:

  • kefir - 2 cups (500 ml);
  • chicken eggs - 2 pieces;
  • sunflower oil - 2 tablespoons;
  • wheat flour - 1 cup (250 ml);
  • baking soda - 0.5 tsp;
  • salt - 0.5 tsp;
  • sugar - 2 tsp

For cream:

  • sour cream - 400 gr.;
  • sugar - 1 cup.

First, bake thin pancakes. To do this, lightly beat the eggs, add kefir, vegetable oil, sugar, salt.

Gradually add the sifted flour. Then gently mix the dough until there are no lumps left.

Dissolve baking soda in 1/3 cup water and pour into batter.

Heat up a frying pan, grease it with a little vegetable oil. Spread 1 ladle in a thin layer in the pan in the form of an even circle. Bake over medium heat for 1-2 minutes on each side.

To make the cake even and beautiful, try to keep all the pancakes the same size.

Sour cream must be beaten with sugar for 10-15 minutes until the mass becomes airy.

Lubricate the cooled pancake with sour cream. Place the next pancake on top. Continue to spread the pancakes in a pile, lubricating each with cream.

Gently coat the finished cake with cream on all sides.

The cake can be decorated at your discretion: chocolate, berries, sprinkle with cocoa ...

Below is one of lung ways and original cake decorations.

With melted chocolate or chocolate rice, apply thin lines in the form of a spiral on top of the cake.

Using a toothpick, draw a line from the edge of the cake to the center, draw the next line from the center to the edge, etc.

You will get a beautiful pattern that looks like a flower.

Let the cake soak for at least 2 hours.

The recipe for pancake cake with sour cream is very simple. And the result will please any sweet tooth.

Bon Appetit!

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