Home General issues Knead the dough for yogurt pancakes. Pancakes on kefir with holes - recipes for thin, tasty, delicate pancakes. Recipe for soft pancakes on kefir

Knead the dough for yogurt pancakes. Pancakes on kefir with holes - recipes for thin, tasty, delicate pancakes. Recipe for soft pancakes on kefir

Sometimes it is very useful to play with tastes: for example, if it is trite to replace milk with kefir when making pancakes, then you will be surprised at their splendor and porous structure. Yes, pancakes will not be as thin as those made with milk, but on the other hand, you will feel a pleasant sourness in taste: it is thanks to it that many people deliberately use only kefir. Serve these pancakes with cheese, sour cream or fresh butter and enjoy. Let's get started with our selection. detailed recipes with photo!

Recipe 1: Classic Kefir Pancakes

Pancakes according to this recipe are tasty and soft. You will need very few ingredients, however, as well as cooking time.

You will need:
  • two and a half to three glasses of kefir;
  • one and a half to two glasses of flour;
  • two chicken eggs;
  • one tablespoon of sugar;
  • half a teaspoon of salt.

Let's start cooking:

We beat two chicken eggs, the yolks must be separated from the proteins (use two not very deep bowls). The next stage of preparation - the yolks must be thoroughly rubbed with the indicated amount of sugar. Now you need to pour kefir (two glasses) into the resulting mixture. Mix everything thoroughly until the mass becomes homogeneous.

Now we can slowly introduce the flour. At this stage, the mixture must be constantly stirred to avoid unwanted lumps. Now proceed to the proteins: they need to be beaten together with half a teaspoon of salt. As a result, we should get a magnificent mass. Pour the third glass of kefir into our dough, proteins go there too. Mix everything again with a blender or mixer.

Our dough is ready to fry. The pan should be well heated, add a small amount of oil to it and bake our classic pancakes on kefir. Each side is fried for about a minute until it becomes golden brown.

Recipe 2: thin kefir pancakes

If you cook thin, rather than traditional thick pancakes on kefir, then you can wrap absolutely any filling to your taste in them. However, these pancakes are delicious even hot, especially with jam, sour cream, honey or homemade jam.

You will need:

  • one hundred and fifty grams of flour;
  • one hundred and twenty milliliters of kefir;
  • eighty grams of sugar;
  • seventy-five milliliters of water;
  • fifty grams of butter;
  • three chicken eggs;
  • one third of a teaspoon of table salt.
Step-by-step recipe for pancakes on kefir:

The flour is carefully sifted. Do not neglect this step: sifted flour will help to avoid lumps in the dough, which means that the taste of pancakes will be much better. Flour is mixed with sugar and salt. Now we mix one hundred and twenty milliliters of kefir with water and slowly pour the indicated amount of flour into the mixture. Pancake dough is kneaded, we can add three chicken eggs to it. The mixture is mixed with a blender, mixer or whisk.

We can start frying. The pan must be well heated. Lubricate it with a small amount of vegetable oil. Bake until both sides are deliciously browned.

Note to housewives: if kefir pancakes are thick, then dilute the dough with a little plain water or milk.

Recipe 3: custard pancakes with boiling water on kefir

In this recipe, the cooking technique changes significantly. We use the same products, but add boiling water to the dough.

You will need:

  • two hundred milliliters of kefir;
  • one chicken egg;
  • one glass of flour;
  • half a glass of boiling water;
  • two tablespoons of sugar;
  • fifteen milliliters of vegetable oil;
  • baking soda (a quarter of a teaspoon);
  • a pinch of salt.

Let's start cooking:

We sift the flour. It will be saturated with oxygen and will save you from possible lumps in the dough. Mix the sifted flour with a pinch of salt and the indicated amount of sugar. The chicken egg is thoroughly beaten with kefir. Pour the mixture of eggs and kefir into the flour. The mass is thoroughly beaten with a whisk, blender or mixer until it becomes homogeneous.

We proceed to the next stage of preparation. Soda must be poured into boiling water (necessarily cool!). Next, boiling water is poured into pancake dough. The mixture is thoroughly mixed, after which it must be left for at least five minutes. Pour fifteen milliliters of vegetable oil into the dough at the end. Before frying, the pan must be thoroughly warmed up and greased with a small amount of oil. If the dough is too thick, then add a little plain water to it - so the pancakes will turn out thinner. Bon Appetit!

Recipe 4: openwork pancakes on kefir

If you choose this recipe from our entire gastronomic selection, you will get light and airy pancakes with holes. There is nothing new in the set of products, just slightly changing the cooking technique and adding a little milk.

You will need:
  • half a liter of kefir;
  • half a liter of milk;
  • three chicken eggs;
  • two glasses of flour;
  • one tablespoon of sugar;
  • vegetable oil(thirty milliliters);
  • salt (half a teaspoon).

Cooking progress:

The specified amount of milk and kefir needs to be slightly warmed up. Keep in mind that chicken eggs also should not be cold - leave them for a while in the kitchen at room temperature. Three eggs are beaten, soda is added to kefir, after which a small amount of milk is poured into the mixture (necessarily warm!). Beat everything well with a whisk, mixer or blender.

We combine eggs with kefir, add salt and sugar. Beat the mass again until it becomes homogeneous without possible lumps. Now we can gradually introduce flour into the pancake dough, without ceasing to stir it. Add the remaining milk. There also goes thirty milliliters of vegetable oil. The dough is ready to bake: as in the previous recipes, the pan should be well heated and greased with a little oil. Bon Appetit!

Recipe 5: kefir pancakes with cognac

Alternative and very interesting recipe: if you add a little cognac to the dough, then the pancakes will turn out to be very tender and acquire a delicate pleasant aroma. Such a dish can be served not only for breakfast for the closest, but also for the festive table.

You will need:

  • one liter of kefir;
  • two chicken eggs;
  • four tablespoons of sugar;
  • salt (half a teaspoon);
  • one pinch of vanillin;
  • six tablespoons of cognac;
  • soda (a third of a teaspoon);
  • flour (add by eye, with its help you can adjust the density of the dough).


We drive two chicken eggs into kefir, mix well with a whisk, mixer or blender. Next, add a little salt and four tablespoons of sugar to the mixture. Mix again, add soda and one pinch of vanilla. Now we add flour, but we do it very slowly so that there are no lumps in the future pancake dough, which will subsequently spoil the taste of pancakes. The consistency of the dough should be something like liquid sour cream.

Now we can add cognac to the dough. As always, we heat the pan well, grease it with a small amount of oil and fry the pancakes on both sides until they become golden brown. Ready!

Recipe 6: quick pancakes on kefir with red caviar

This recipe will come in handy if you plan to cook a dish on festive table. The dish will look rich on the table and will certainly pleasantly surprise guests with taste. It will only take forty minutes of your time.

You will need:

  • flour (0.8 cups);
  • cream (half a glass);
  • kefir (half a glass);
  • soda (half a teaspoon);
  • three milliliters of lemon juice;
  • one chicken egg;
  • one teaspoon of sugar;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • thirty milliliters of sunflower oil;
  • red caviar (a 100-gram jar will be enough);
  • butter (fifty grams).

Let's start cooking:

Beat the sugar thoroughly with the egg white. Then the yolk and the above amount of cream can be added to the mixture. Concerning baking soda, then it must be extinguished with lemon juice and add to the mixture. Note to housewives: put out the soda over the sink or other container, but not over the dough. Under no circumstances should unslaked soda get into the dough.

Pour kefir into the mixture, add a little salt there and slowly pour in the flour. It is desirable that the flour be pre-sifted. Now the future dough needs to be stirred to such a consistency that it resembles liquid sour cream. We can fry our pancakes: the pan, as always, warms up well, greased with a small amount of vegetable oil. We bake.

As soon as all the pancakes are ready, we can put them on a plate in a pile. It is advisable to pre-lubricate the dishes butter. Also, a small piece of butter is placed on each pancake while it is still warm. As for caviar, it can be served in two ways. First: serve in a separate plate (if your table is festive, then it is desirable that there are several such small plates at different ends). The second option: caviar can be laid out on each pancake in a stack. Bon Appetit!

Recipe 7: pancakes on kefir without eggs

There are a huge number of recipes for pancakes on kefir without eggs, but we offer the easiest and fastest. In addition, by replacing kefir with water, you will get a wonderful one that will become indispensable for you during the period. You will need a minimum number of ingredients, and all of them will surely be found in your kitchen. The taste of pancakes will turn out tender, and it is recommended to serve them with both sweet and meat, mushroom or fish fillings.

You will need:

  • kefir (five hundred milliliters);
  • sugar (one tablespoon);
  • vegetable oil (three tablespoons);
  • soda (half a teaspoon);
  • salt (two pinches);
  • Wheat flour(one hundred grams).

Let's start cooking:

First, prepare the right dishes. It is best to choose a deep pot or bowl. Pour kefir into it, then whisk it a little with a whisk. Small bubbles should appear on the kefir.

Note that absolutely any kefir is suitable: fat content is not important. Also, the density of the selected kefir will not affect the taste. You can adjust the density of the dough only with the help of flour. Now add the specified amount of vegetable oil to the dishes. There are also dry ingredients: salt, soda and sugar. The mass is again thoroughly beaten with a whisk. Now we can slowly add the flour, constantly stirring the dough to avoid lumps. Note that it is best to pre-sift the flour and add to the dough in small, for example, tablespoons. As for the quantity, look at the eye: it depends on the fat content of the kefir you have chosen.

If you prefer thicker pancakes, the resulting dough should be thicker. In this case, just add more flour. Accordingly, if you need pancakes thinner, then add less flour. Beat the mass well and let it brew for at least fifteen minutes. Heat the pan well and grease it with a little oil. Pour a little dough into the center of the heated pan, and then evenly distribute it over the surface. On each side, the pancake is fried for about a minute, until it acquires a golden hue. Pancakes need to be turned over with a special spatula. The dish is best served with sour cream, sweet sauces, homemade jam.

Of course, pancakes cooked on kefir can hardly be called lean, because we add fermented milk product. However, the fact that we do not add chicken eggs to the dough makes the dish not so high in calories. Such a recipe will be of interest, for example, to vegetarians or women on a diet. Bon Appetit!

Some cooking secrets

  • Professional chefs do not recommend frying pancakes in a large amount of oil. In addition, fatty pancakes are simply tasteless. To avoid a lot of oil in your pan, use a small piece of cheesecloth. With it, the pan can be greased with oil.
  • If you put ready-made pancakes on a plate in a stack, then we advise you to cover them with a kitchen towel. So they will not cool for a long time, but at the same time they will breathe.
  • The golden rule: when cooking pancakes on kefir, add slaked soda to the dough before flour (this is very important!).
  • As for vegetable or melted butter, these products are added to the dough at the very end of cooking.
  • If you add sugar and salt to the dough, it is advisable to dilute them with boiled water (a small amount). After that, the products should be filtered with a sieve, and only after that it can be poured into the dough.
  • Eggs must be exceptionally fresh. Before adding the eggs to the dough, beat them well.
  • To make pancakes, sifted flour is used. However, it is advisable not to sift it in advance, namely before preparing the dough.
  • Pancakes cooked on kefir have a rather neutral taste. And this means that the filling can be absolutely anything, from salted fish or caviar to chicken, cabbage, eggs with garlic, rice with eggs and many other ingredients.

Do you know how to cook thin pancakes on kefir or sour milk? Share with our readers in the comments below the article!

If you simply don’t want to cook pancakes at home, then welcome to the best places in Kyiv: in our catalog you will find dozens of cafes and restaurants with photos, menus and customer reviews.

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Photo: at the request of Yandex and Google

A national, Russian holiday is approaching - a wide Maslenitsa. And we will say goodbye to winter and welcome spring. And we will meet her with delicious, oily, openwork pancakes. Among the Slavs, pancake symbolizes the sun. And we treat each other with such delicious suns so that spring will come soon.

Classic pancake dough starts up usually. But pancakes on kefir are no less popular in Russia and throughout the post-Soviet space. Flour is used more often than wheat premium. But there are dough recipes from buckwheat and corn flour.

Most tasty way cooking, of course. The most diverse fillings are wrapped in pancakes. Used for this cottage cheese, cheese, chopped meat, fried mushrooms, red and black caviar. Or sweet berry fillings with cranberries, blueberries, cherries. Even the youngest members of the family can put the filling in the middle of the pancake and roll it into a roll. We have already learned how to cook even.

Pancakes do not bother us, because they are baked from different test and serve them differently. Unsweetened - with sour cream, butter, caviar. Or sweet - with jam, jam or condensed milk. This is a dish that we are ready to eat every day. And on Maslenitsa there is simply no such hostess who would not cook several varieties of this festive treat for her family and guests.

I am preparing for the holiday thoroughly and have already described in detail how to start. And today I want to consider several options for testing on kefir or yogurt. They are all different and all delicious and fragrant in their own way. Choose what you like and cook with joy and good mood!

In 2018 Maslenitsa will last from 12 to 18 February. And I'm already starting to cook different variations of pancakes to meet the holiday fully armed. And, of course, in order to collect and publish here a list of the best recipes. I hope that they will be useful to you.

A proven recipe for thin pancakes on kefir

All my family and friends have already raved about this easy pancake batter recipe. I start it on homemade yogurt or on purchased kefir. And these pancakes are always tasty and ruddy. They bake quickly and don't stick to the pan.

My secret is in preparing the test. On cold kefir, pancakes will be in a small hole. From the test on heated kefir, the holes will be large.

Now we will take kefir room temperature. From this amount of products you will get 14 - 16 pieces of pancakes. I'm only cooking today to show you all the recipes, so I'm going to start with just a little bit of dough. If you wish, you can double the amount of products.

What you need:

How to cook:

I took out everything I needed for the test from the refrigerator in advance, and the products lay warm for at least an hour. I sifted the flour.

If the kefir is slightly warmed up, then the holes in the pancakes will be larger.

I start kneading the dough. Whisk two eggs with salt and sugar in a bowl. I add a little kefir and sprinkle flour with a tablespoon, continuing to mix with a whisk.

Knead the dough not thick and not liquid. I leave it to rest for half an hour. Cover the bowl with a lid or plate.

If the pancakes are stuffed, then during this time you can prepare the filling.

After half an hour, I dissolve the soda in two tablespoons of warm water, pour it into the dough and mix well. If the dough was with lumps, now they have completely dispersed and the mass has become homogeneous.

It remains to pour a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil into the dough, mix thoroughly again and leave for at least another half hour. During this time, soda will interact with kefir and the dough will begin to bubble like yeast. Let's start baking pancakes.

Before cooking, the pan must be heated over high heat and greased with oil or a piece of lard.

I pour the first portion of the dough into a greased frying pan and put it on fire. I usually grease only once, as there is enough vegetable oil in the dough.

When the pancake is fried for a minute, holes appear on it. Like in this photo. Turn it over with a spatula and fry on the other side for no more than a minute.

Pancakes are porous, thin and melt in your mouth. I put each on a plate and grease with melted butter.

If you stuff, then you can not lubricate, immediately wrap the filling in them.

It's that simple, no hassle. Now let's take a look at more gourmet recipe pancake dough.

Custard pancakes on kefir with boiling water

Thin, delicate and very openwork pancakes will be obtained from custard kefir dough. They have a large number of small and large holes. It's not hard at all to make them. I show again on a small number of products.

What you need:


In a large bowl, mix eggs and kefir with a whisk. Gradually add salt, sugar and soda.

Kefir for this recipe we take cold, directly from their refrigerator.

This is so that the soda does not have time to start interacting with kefir ahead of time. I sift the flour into a bowl and quickly break up any lumps. The dough turned out thick, like pancakes.

Now I pour a glass of boiling water and start pouring it into the dough in portions. Stir quickly at the same time. When all the boiling water is poured in and the dough is brewed, it turned out to be of such density and texture as liquid cream.

Do not forget that the more batter, the more thin and delicate the pancakes will be.

In a warm frying pan, I melt a piece of butter and pour it into the dough. When the butter is already in the dough, then you can not lubricate each finished pancake.

Let's start baking. Pour the dough into a hot frying pan and wait until one side is fried. It takes me one minute to bake. If your stove does not heat up so much, then make sure that the pancake is browned enough and turn it over.

My result is 22 delicious, mouth-watering "suns". Pour tea and serve pancakes with sour cream, condensed milk or whatever your heart desires.

Fluffy pancakes - american pancakes

This video from Yliya Small shows step by step recipe cooking sweet mini-pancakes, which are very popular in America. Look how fluffy and delicious they are!

Perhaps pancakes resemble both pancakes and pancakes at the same time. They are lush and soft like pancakes, but they are not baked in oil, but in a dry frying pan, like pancakes. Americans serve them with their popular maple syrup.

And we again return to our Russian pancakes.

Openwork pancakes on kefir and milk with soda

Another equally delicious and very quick recipe. We combine kefir with milk and soda. As a result, we get such a living dough that plays and bubbles.

In order for soda to quickly begin to act, kefir needs to be slightly warmed up.

And during baking, it gives us such thin, lace pancakes, which you eat, eat .. and still want!

What you need:

How to cook:

All products must be taken out of the refrigerator in advance and allowed to warm to room temperature.

I start by slightly warming the kefir in a saucepan. On low heat and stirring constantly. I let it warm up to 40 degrees C.

Do not overheat kefir over 60 degrees. It can curl up and get curd.

Now I drive eggs into warm kefir, pour in all the dry ingredients and add vegetable oil. I beat everything with a whisk and get a thick dough. I dilute the dough by pouring milk in portions and constantly stirring.

In warm kefir, soda immediately begins to play. The dough is ready for baking. The pan is already heating up over high heat. I grease it with oil or a piece of lard before the first pancake.

This is how kefir dough bubbles and large holes are obtained in pancakes. Fry for one minute on each side and remove to a wide plate. Brush each pancake with melted butter.

From quick test and the pancakes are quick. I got 20 pieces. Serve while hot. Happy tea!

There is an opinion that only a cast-iron pan should be used for pancakes. Maybe someone except for cast-iron pancakes does not work.

A new frying pan must be ignited with salt for half an hour on the highest heat.

When I bake pancakes, I use two different pans. And sometimes even three. There are cast iron, and Teflon, and with a ceramic coating. Pancakes are excellent in all pans. The main thing is to warm up well and grease the pan before the first pancake.

Custard pancakes on kefir and milk

We have not tried choux pastry with hot milk yet. I'm going to make some of these pancakes. especially since it is also one of quick recipes. You don't need to take the test. We knead and immediately begin to cook.

We take out all products from the refrigerator at least an hour before cooking.

What you need:

How to cook:

  1. Kefir is poured into a saucepan and slightly heated, stirring constantly.
  2. I break eggs into a bowl, add warm kefir, vegetable oil and pour in soda, sugar and salt.
  3. Constantly stirring, add flour and knead a thick dough.
  4. I put the milk on the stove to boil in a saucepan.
  5. Pour boiled milk in small portions into the dough, quickly stirring with a whisk.
  6. The dough is brewed. I heat the frying pan over high heat and bake pancakes.
  7. I fry each side for no more than one minute.
  8. Put the finished pancakes on a plate and grease with melted butter.

This is how the dough for pancakes is brewed with boiling milk. This, of course, gives a much tastier and more delicate result than simply brewed with boiled water.

Lacy pancakes on kefir dough without eggs

This video is from the Vegetarian Recipes channel.

I just don’t understand why “vegetarian” ones are only without eggs, but kefir and milk are still used ... Well, nevertheless, the pancakes turned out to be noble. They didn’t stick to the pan and didn’t tear - which means you can cook them without eggs.

This concludes my article about kefir pancakes. Write your wishes and questions in the comments. Thanks to everyone who cooked with me today!

Pancakes on kefir - this is a primordially Russian traditional food- tasty and satisfying. No holiday is complete without them. Such a dish is perfect as a snack, and a variety of toppings will make them even tastier and more nutritious.

Currently, there are a huge number of pancake recipes. This article will present the most interesting and delicious with a detailed description of the preparation.


  • Wheat flour - 1st.
  • Kefir - 500 ml.
  • Eggs - 2.
  • Sugar, salt.
  • Soda - a pinch.
  • Vegetable oil - 3 tbsp.


The first step in preparing any flour product This is of course beating eggs with the addition of sugar and salt. It is more convenient to beat with a mixer or blender. If there is neither one nor the other, then an ordinary whisk or fork will do. Whipping with a mixer gives a special splendor to the dough and copes well with lumps.

The second step will be mixing soda and kefir to get the reaction. This will give the pancakes delicacy and splendor. Next, pour kefir with soda into the egg mixture and mix.

The next cooking step will be the introduction of flour. You need to do this in batches. This method will help create a minimum number of lumps.

Pour vegetable oil into the resulting dough, which prevents burning and sticking.

Bake in a well-heated skillet. Pour a small amount of dough and spread a small layer over the surface.

Then gently flip with a spatula and cook the other side. A frying pan should be taken with a non-stick coating. Pancakes will not stick on it, and it will be convenient to turn them over.

Almost the most complicated recipe cooking. The peculiarity of this recipe is to be able to turn over without tearing. The right prescription will help prevent breakouts.


  • Wheat flour - 1 tbsp.
  • Kefir (fat content 1%) - 250 ml.
  • Boiling water - 1 tbsp.
  • Eggs - 2
  • Sugar - 3 tablespoons
  • Salt - a pinch.
  • Soda - a pinch.
  • Vegetable oil - 3 tbsp.


Beat eggs with a pinch of salt and 3 tablespoons of sugar with a mixer until fluffy.

We introduce kefir into the resulting mixture. It is very important to take exactly 1% kefir, because. it's less fat. We mix.

It is the turn of adding the main ingredient, which makes pancakes thin with holes - boiling water. It is important to add boiling water correctly. If poured immediately, the dough will curl disproportionately. Therefore, you need to pour in a thin stream, stirring constantly. The dough should foam up.

The next step is flour. You can add all at once, because in hot water flour dissolves without the formation of lumps.

Pour out the soda and sunflower oil. The less soda you put in, the smaller the holes will be.

The dough, in the end, should turn out to be very liquid. We heat the pan, grease the surface with a couple of drops of oil. The dough should be taken no more than 2/3 of the usual ladle. Fry for 2 minutes each side.


  • Flour - 400g.
  • Eggs - 4
  • Kefir - 250 ml.
  • Boiling water - 200 ml.
  • Sugar - 70g.
  • soda, salt
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp.


The first step in cooking is beaten eggs with a little salt in a fluffy mass for 3 minutes.

Most milestone- this is the introduction of boiling water into the egg liquid. The process requires accuracy, pour in a thin stream, stirring constantly.

Add kefir to the resulting liquid, mix.

The next step will be the introduction of bulk ingredients: flour, salt and sugar. Stir thoroughly until all lumps are completely dissolved.

Bake in a hot pan on all sides. If you are concerned about the question: do not the eggs curl from boiling water, then I can safely assure you that this will not happen. The infusion of boiling water is carried out very slowly, then the eggs do not have time to curl.

What will be required:

  • Wheat flour. - 300g.
  • Kefir - 250 ml.
  • Water - 250 ml.
  • Eggs - 2
  • Salt - 1/3 tsp
  • Sugar - 3 tablespoons
  • Vegetable oil - 1 tbsp.
  • Vinegar - 1 tsp
  • Drain oil - 50 g.

Let's start cooking and frying pancakes on kefir:

First, add sugar and salt to broken eggs, mix thoroughly with a mixer or blender.

We also introduce kefir and heated water there. We achieve a homogeneous state of the liquid.

Pour the flour in small portions, stirring occasionally so that no lumps remain. Pour in vegetable oil.

The last cooking step is to extinguish the soda with vinegar. Mix again thoroughly.

Put the oiled pan on the fire. Fry pancakes until golden brown on both sides.

It is most convenient to remove and turn over with a spatula. Remove the pancake to a serving dish and place a piece of butter on top. You need to do this every time.

Pancakes are fluffy and tasty, an excellent meal for Holy holiday Pancake week.

Pancakes on kefir and milk - recipe number 1 for Shrovetide

On kefir, and even with milk - this is an excellent combination and perfect recipe. Pancakes are thin and textured. Ideal for wrapping, and serving with sour cream or jam.

You will need:

  • Wheat flour - 1 tbsp.
  • Kefir - 250 ml.
  • Milk - 250 ml.
  • Eggs - 2
  • Salt - a pinch
  • Sugar - 3 tablespoons
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp.
  • Soda - a pinch.

Cooking method:

Crack eggs into a mixing bowl and sprinkle with salt and sugar.

Pour milk and mix until smooth. Vanillin will give a special flavor.

It is desirable to sift the flour. Pour the flour into the resulting liquid and extinguish the soda with vinegar.

The dough will be thick, don't worry. We dilute the thick dough with the right amount of kefir. This process is necessary to prevent the formation of lumps.

At the last stage, pour vegetable oil.

Heat up a frying pan and pour in the dough in small portions. Fry until golden brown on both sides. Avoiding thick pancakes will help the correct amount of poured dough.

You can serve with sour cream, condensed milk or jam.


  • Wheat flour - 2 tbsp.
  • Kefir - 500 ml.
  • Eggs - 4
  • Sugar - 3 tablespoons
  • Salt - a pinch.
  • Soda - half tsp
  • Boiling water - 200 ml.
  • Vegetable oil - 3 tbsp.


Mix the following ingredients: eggs with sugar and salt until smooth. Do not beat, just mix well.

We start kneading the dough. Divide the flour with kefir into approximately 3-4 parts and knead the dough in three passes. With this technology, the dough is obtained without lumps. This process enriches with oxygen and gives a special taste.

It's time for the boil. It must be mixed with soda and injected slowly, in a trickle into our dough.

Pour vegetable oil. Once again, carefully knead everything and set to rest for about 30 minutes.

The pan is heated to the state of shooting oil. To enhance the taste, our grandmothers greased the pan with lard, and pancakes acquired a special taste.

Openwork and lace pancakes on kefir - just for Shrovetide


Wheat flour - 150g.

  • Kefir 1% - 500ml.
  • Eggs - 2
  • Sugar - 2.5 tbsp.
  • Salt - a pinch
  • Soda - 1 tsp
  • Vinegar - 2 tbsp.


Before starting cooking, kefir must be heated to better dissolve the flour. The main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise the kefir will curdle.

Add salt and sugar to warm kefir, stir well until the granules are completely dissolved.

Whisk the eggs with a whisk and pour into warm kefir.

Be sure to sift the flour and introduce parts into the liquid, while observing the consistency.

If it seemed to you that the dough is thick, do not rush to dilute with liquid. After adding soda slaked with vinegar, the dough will become airy, fluffy and more liquid.

Pour vegetable oil and mix well. Let it rest for about 15 minutes.

Fry on both sides in a well-heated skillet. The dough in the pan is covered with bubbles, which, when bursting, form holes of different sizes, which gives the appearance of a lace pattern.

Video: Pancakes with cottage cheese as in childhood

IN traditional recipe you need to observe the proportion: for 1 tbsp. flour you need to take 2 tbsp. kefir.

Be sure to sift the flour. This process saturates the flour particles with oxygen. This makes the dough lighter.

The proportion also exists when mixing eggs and flour: for 1 tbsp. flour should account for 1 egg. If you want pancakes with filling, then you should add more eggs, because. This will give density to the dough, and the pancakes will not tear when twisting.

In no case should you dump all the ingredients into one dish at once. This will lead to the formation of a large number of lumps. It is necessary to mix loose and liquid components separately.

Adding sugar to pancakes will give a special flavor, even if you are planning a meat filling.

For spring rolls, it is enough to fry them on one side. When wrapping, the uncooked side should be on top. Then fry wrapped.

Openwork and holes will give the addition of boiling water to the dough.

Wipe down the pan before frying a new pancake. This will remove the residue from the past and oil the pan, which will improve lagging behind the pan.

To determine the degree of roasting - just look at its edge. If it has acquired a golden hue, then the pancake is ready.

The most important rule is that the pan should be well heated. Otherwise it will stick to the pan.

To keep the pancakes warm, you can cover with a clean towel, this will keep them hot until the start of the meal.

You need to put it on a plate of a suitable diameter. In the event that you have pancakes with butter, then it is able to drain past the plate.

There are many ways to serve pancakes: they can be folded into triangles, halves or rolled into a tube.

Well, my dear gourmets and sweet tooth, now you know everything. best recipes pancakes - it's time to get ready for the Wide Maslenitsa! How I love these winter farewells! Merry festivities and an abundance of food!

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To make pancakes thick and fluffy, with holes, they need to be cooked not with milk, but with kefir. These pancakes are great for all types of cheese and curd fillings, they can also be stuffed with cabbage with mushrooms - the filling never leaks out of them. If you pour kefir pancakes with melted butter and sweet sauce or liquid honey, you get a hearty and delicious breakfast.

  • kefir - 0.5 liters
  • flour - 2 cups of 250 ml
  • eggs - 2 pcs.
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. (without slide)
  • salt - 0.5 tsp
  • soda - 0.5 tsp
  • citric acid - a small pinch
  • sunflower oil - 2 tbsp.

Kefir put for 2 hours in a warm place to warm up. From warm kefir, pancakes are more airy.
Rub the eggs with sugar.
Mix soda and citric acid, add a drop of kefir. Pour the resulting foam into the eggs. Add salt too.
Add about half of the kefir to the eggs, mix well.
Sift the flour. It's better to do it twice.
Pour the sifted flour into the kefir-egg mixture in a thin stream, rub so that there are no lumps.
Add sunflower oil and the remaining kefir to the dough. Mix well and leave on the table for 30 minutes.
Heat the pan well, brush it with sunflower oil and bake the first pancake.
Be sure to try the pancake. If necessary, add salt or sugar; if the dough is too liquid or thick, add flour or kefir. The correct consistency of the dough is the density of liquid sour cream.

For all the following pancakes, sunflower oil is not needed: grease the frying pan with a piece of unsalted lard pierced on a fork.
Bake the first side of each pancake, covering the pan with a lid, the second side without a lid. Bake these pancakes for about 2 minutes on each side, until golden brown.
Grease the finished pancakes with butter as soon as you remove them from the pan.

If you did everything right, your pancakes should turn out fluffy and soft.

Pancakes on sour kefir: a step by step recipe.

What to do if you find a bag of sour kefir in the refrigerator? Is it to be thrown away? Take your time, such kefir can be brought back to life. True, it will no longer be possible to drink it, but pancakes from such a product can be made simply wonderful. There are some little tricks in their preparation, which we will introduce you now.
Required Ingredients:

  • sour kefir - 0.5 liters
  • water - 1 glass
  • flour - 2 cups
  • eggs - 3 pcs.
  • sugar - 1 tbsp
  • salt - 0.5 tsp
  • soda - 0.5 tsp
  • sunflower or olive oil- 4 tablespoons
  1. Sift the flour and add soda and sugar to it. It is necessary to sift the flour, otherwise the pancakes can turn out to be harsh.
  2. Separate the yolks from the proteins, and rub them with salt.
  3. Pour the sour kefir into the pan and whisk it lightly.
  4. Continuing to beat, add the yolks and a little water to the kefir. Stir until smooth.
  5. Add flour to the dough. You need to do this little by little, in small portions, stirring well each time so that there are no lumps.
  6. Add vegetable oil to the dough and, if necessary, more water. The consistency of the dough should be like liquid low-fat sour cream.
  7. Whip the egg whites until foamy and add them to the prepared pancake batter. Mix thoroughly.
  8. You need to bake such pancakes immediately, you do not need to stand the dough.
  9. For the first pancake, generously grease the pan with vegetable oil.
  10. For the next pancakes, you no longer need to smear the pan - there is enough oil in the dough so that the pancakes do not burn.
  11. Bake pancakes on both sides until golden brown. It is not necessary to cover the pan with a lid.

Pancakes on sour kefir are slightly crispy, with a slight taste of sourness. This taste goes well with sour cream, cottage cheese and cheese. If you want something sweet, pour the pancakes with jam or honey. But putting more sugar in the dough to kill the sour taste is not worth it. If there is too much sugar, the pancakes will not bake well and will stick to the pan.

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