Home General issues Lean yeast dough for buns. Lenten buns. For lean dumplings without eggs

Lean yeast dough for buns. Lenten buns. For lean dumplings without eggs

1 glass tea leaves,
1 glass of granulated sugar,
6 tablespoons honey or jam (candied)
3 art. spoons of sunflower oil
Flour until creamy
1-1.5 teaspoons of baking soda slaked with vinegar
Nuts, raisins, candied fruits, lemon peel, spices, salt - to taste

For a large baking sheet, it is better to make one and a half servings.

Chef's secret from the site: surprise households and gourmets by adding the crushed contents of 3-5 cardamom grains and 1/3 - 1/2 as a spice nutmeg

Thoroughly mix all the ingredients, at the very end add slaked soda and mix. Put in a deep frying pan or baking sheet and bake over medium heat for 40-50 minutes.
It turns out very tasty, and if you show imagination, then the gingerbread can even be used as a birthday cake.

Serving idea. Discard stereotypes: the gingerbread is dense and satisfying. For large children's (and not only) holidays, try cutting it into slices in full length with a thickness of no more than half a centimeter, or even thinner. Lay such “bacon” beautifully and sprinkle with powder. The delight of the guests is guaranteed :)

Snack. It did not occur to any of the guests that the birthday fell on the first week of Lent ...
... And there was also a master class on making dough with subsequent eating. "Secular" children were delighted ...
... Years passed, and the tradition was only strengthened ...

Lean yeast dough

Cooking with “Old Believer Thought” :)

Dissolve 2/3 yeast sticks in 1/2 cup warm water.

Pour the resulting solution into a container with 1 liter. slightly warm water, add 1 cup of granulated sugar, 2 teaspoons of salt, 6 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil.

Add flour, kneading until desired consistency is obtained. The dough should start to stick out of your hands, but not become very tough, otherwise the pies will be dry.

Let rise for 1-2 hours, then roll out and use to make pies, pies or buns.

As a filling when baking pies and pies, you can use boiled potatoes, buckwheat with fried onions, rice with carrots or mushrooms, etc. Ural recipe - raw potatoes cut into thin circles, spread in a baking sheet on the dough, adding salt and spices. Top with a layer of dough with holes for steam to escape and bake.

Leftover dough can be stored in a plastic bag in the refrigerator for several days.

blanks for pies

Lean buns

To make buns, you need to roll ready dough thin layer, lightly water and spread over the surface sunflower oil, sprinkle granulated sugar, cinnamon, vanillin, etc. on top of the butter.

If there are chess players at home, the process can be diversified…

Roll the finished dough layer into a roll, which is then cut into washers and spread on a greased baking sheet.

Put the buns on a baking sheet not tightly so that they can distance themselves, but also not far from each other so that they do not dry out during baking. It is advisable to let them rise for 15-30 minutes in a warm place, such as on the stove.

IMPORTANT: Before placing in the oven, grease the buns with a solution of strong tea leaves with large amounts of granulated sugar. It is also advisable for them to grease the buns immediately after removing them from the oven, then they will remain tender and juicy.


apples in dough

Classic Russian recipe, but it turns out dietary product. not for nothing baked apples in give to people in gastro departments of hospitals. True, there is no test, but we are not in the hospital!

Apples should be taken at home, not silicone ones from fives. Where to get them - think for yourself.

Remove the cores, but do not break through the bottom. Push into the hole walnuts, honey, raisins, cinnamon, cranberries, jam, or just pour sugar and wrap with dough.

Put in a pan or in a deeper form, and in the oven. A minimum of effort - a lot of pleasure.

Pies with sweet filling

As a filling for pies, you can use chopped apples or plums, jam, as well as oranges grated with zest. TO sour fillings add sugar to taste. In addition to cinnamon and vanillin, it is good to add ground cardamom and / or nutmeg to sweet fillings.

With starch on the bottom, a plum pie is quite transportable

IMPORTANT! To liquid fillings do not soak the base of the pie, spread a thin layer of starch on top of the dough under them, and then lay out the filler.

Oatmeal porridge “Khokhlovskaya”

Since childhood, according to the cookbook, I dreamed of cooking Guryev porridge. Her name is so solid and solid, but the way of cooking has always caused despondency. So I never did ... The century of technological progress that reached the kitchen, with the invention of the multicooker, turned home cooking into a pleasant creative entertainment.

Here is a simple recipe for banal oatmeal that makes children pray on Saturday morning after sleep and run to the kitchen to help dad ....

Take 300 grams of oatmeal(serving for five). Flakes are those that are sold in supermarkets for 9-12 rubles per 400 grams. It has been experimentally established that the least "garbage" is in flakes from "OK", and in other networks it does not happen again and again.

Rinse the flakes with a stream of cold water in a multicooker pan. Pour with a hike, and drain the foam and tripe formed from the jet. Water should cover the flakes by about 1-2 fingers.

Set the mode "Milk porridge" for 20-30 minutes. Add sugar to taste and a pinch of salt, sunflower oil - according to your mood and diligence. While everything starts to cook, add vanilla, ground cardamom (3 gutted grains), rub a quarter of nutmeg, cinnamon (optional, you can put instead of cardamom / nutmeg).

Peel and cut 2-3 apples and / or prunes, a handful of frozen cranberries and / or sea buckthorn, black currants - depending on what the owner (on Saturdays the hostess should rest!) Finds in the refrigerator. Do not forget to stir sometimes, sometimes it grabs the bottom - just do not scratch!

For a change, the resulting yummy can be ground with a blender until smooth. Just not in the multicooker bowl !!!

Put in plates or glasses, decorate with sea buckthorn or raspberry vitamin from country blanks, jam, grated chocolate ... Sluggish ones can buy blanks from our farmer Khoteev on Rogozhsky or find their own :)

In short, instead of porridge, you get a real dessert, and if you cook it with a margin, then you can also please the family with a new reading of it in the afternoon.

“Oatmeal minimalism”

The same dish, but with lean cookies and in small containers: children are always happy with porridge!

Outside the post by the same method, but with butter and milk added at the end, it turns out even tastier :)

“Last Snow”

Improvisation during Lent. Oatmeal from a slow cooker (it turned out thicker than usual) in the form of round balls. Powder in the role of snow, around the “snowballs” - a grated apple with oranges melting before our eyes, walnut and grated bittersweet chocolate.

Lent is opening time :)

rice noodles

The recipe is banal, but unusual for the usual menu.

Boil Chinese rice noodles(you can also wheat), flavor soy sauce. Fast and not beaten. As an additional garnish, you can use Korean asparagus. It is curious, by the way, that what is called asparagus in stores and is sold along with Korean salads, in fact, soy sprouts, and not asparagus at all ... But they have a lot of protein, although this product is probably genetically modified, like all soybeans in our time.

oatmeal jelly

Who from childhood was tormented by the question of what milk rivers and jelly banks looked like, we inform you: the jelly was oatmeal, and not what grandmothers cooked from berries with starch.

In a post such jelly is just a godsend. Let's make a reservation right away: its natural color and appearance without the addition of jam and berries is rather unsightly - like everyone else natural products e.g. meat without color stabilizers. Let's also say that such lean oatmeal yogurt brand Velle is sold in supermarkets. For 200 ml they ask from 50 to 60 rubles, and at home, according to our recipe for 14 rubles, it turns out ... one and a half liters.

So, buy oatmeal. No need for "Extra", the cheapest bag of cereal will do. Or oats, but in Moscow they only sell it as food for parrots, so take cereal - it's from 12 to 15 rubles per 400 grams.

Pour water into the pan so that there is water 2-3 fingers high above the surface of the flakes. Cover with a lid and put away for 2-3-4 days - sour. You can throw a crust of black bread as a catalyst, but not at all necessary.

As it turns sour, wipe the oatmeal through a fine sieve or gauze, pour it into another pan. You can lightly rinse the cake if there is a lot of “kisel solution” left on it.

Oat flakes insisted enough, you can start cooking

We throw away the tripe (if the flakes contain a lot of husks), and put the jelly mass in a saucepan in a water bath.

If the flakes are of sufficient quality (we are very satisfied with OKAY products), then the production can be completely waste-free. Cake is mixed with sugar, vegetable oil and flour, make cakes and put in the oven. It will turn out great oatmeal cookies. For spority, you can add a pinch of soda slaked with vinegar.

“Oatmeal juice” warm on steam bath. When the water boils outside, you need to start stirring the jelly, it will gradually begin to thicken. You don’t have to fuss, but towards the end, with a blender, mix everything right in the pan.

Remove from fire and let cool. Kissel will turn out thick, but if you add sugar or honey, it will soon become liquid. Therefore, you can add sugar already in the process of eating, if you like it thicker, or eat without sugar at all.

In jelly, you can add jam, currant and raspberry vitamins, honey - whatever your heart desires. Children and adults eat with pleasure!


This recipe is in memory of my great-grandmother. Nothing similar with this name could be found on the Internet.

The most native delicacy

Perhaps this is the favorite and most long-awaited delicacy from childhood memories. Surprisingly, even in an age of abundance, children stubbornly ask to cook it, even when there is no fast! The dish is ideal for independent children's creativity.

Take cut into regular pieces White bread. Well, if it is a little stale.

Take several cups and saucers according to the number of eaters. It is better to take a classic low, but wide form.

Prepare jam (several types are possible) and granulated sugar - if desired.

Tear off pieces of “puzzles” of arbitrary shape from pieces of bread, lay out the first layer tightly enough with them - cover the bottom of the cup.

The very case when the form predetermines the content!

Lubricate the bread with jam, start laying the next layer. If necessary, sprinkle with sugar - for the sweet tooth. There should not be a lot of jam, so that it does not turn out to be cloying, and the bread does not need to be heavily tamped.

Fill the cup to the top with rows of bread and jam.

Carefully pour boiling water into the cup so that the water reaches the bottom and wets all the rows. Pour no more than a third of the volume of the cup. Quickly cover the cup with a saucer and leave to infuse for 1-2 minutes. The cup should be heated from boiling water - up to the bottom.

Quickly turn the cup and saucer over and leave for another minute - so that excess water drains, which can be drained as unnecessary.

Carefully raise the cup: a “sinner” cake will remain on the saucer.

Dinner Angel!

Fried Potato Secrets

Of course, frying potatoes is not a recipe. But you always want the food to be pleasant and to please the neighbors on the plates.

Here are some tips, learned from personal experience, taking into account the development of technology.


Objectively: it tastes better with it. I start with it, but I fry it in a slow cooker separately from the main dish, as for soup. While he is sizzling, I am finishing with earthen apples, as the French call this root crop. In the same way, you can then fry the grated carrot - just in time, two sets of 15 minutes each, and in the end it’s not a sin to throw a tomato.

Cast iron rules

Since childhood, they said that there is no better cast-iron pans. They bought their miracle of Soviet heavy industry after a wedding at a flea market in the Crimea, since my Tishinka was destroyed back in the 1990s. It is better not to take Chinese ersatz - health is more expensive, and cast iron, they say, is different.

The advantage is that it accumulates heat, and it can fry pancakes and anything in a short-term separation from a heat source. When buying such a product, look at the bottom: the Soviet ones were designed for gas, which means they may not be perfectly even and not suitable for your shiny inductions, etc. ceramics.

The "non-stick" coating on cast iron develops with use. It is only necessary not to be too zealous in washing with Fairy. By the way, we wash all the houses only with mustard - it is environmentally friendly and budget-friendly.

We cut logistically

The round shape of the tubers annoys me all the time. Just watch your fingers! Therefore, first I cut off the "hump", I place the potato on a flat board and mercilessly cut it, and then the first piece. The same is true for onions.

Don't fuss!

The secret to frying potatoes is simple: don't touch them! From the fuss, it only crumbles. I put it in hot sunflower oil, salted it - and go about your business. After a few minutes, turn the cracklings upside down, and again free.

Modern technology supports multitasking

More fun with weed

From above it is not a sin to sprinkle everything that the hostess has on the shelf with spices. Khmeli-suneli, or seasoning for chicken - what, in fact, is the difference: there will be no chicken anyway!

Stir but do not shake

After the third approach to the projectile with turning over the potato bars, the dish becomes almost complete. appearance. Now you can add onions with carrots, mix everything lightly and, having covered with a lid, put it to reach. We have been reducing the temperature all this time: the hottest at the beginning, and by stewing, 30% of the maximum remains on the turntable.

Now the main thing is to restrain the pressure of impatient household members and calmly set the table.

Finishing touch

If there are children at the table who prefer bread to any food, or candles are burning romantic dinner the first in life, after dumplings, male kitchen solo - try to diversify also the serving of bread. I have not seen this method anywhere, but the children like it, and consumption is declining. It looks especially impressive if both white and Borodino are only from a bakery.

Bon appetit!

Rutabaga Recipes

Swede- a classic Russian product. Among the Moscow parishioners there are those who do not eat potatoes, replacing them with turnips and rutabaga. Moreover, this replacement is justified, since the swede is more nutritious, and the taste is much nobler and richer than potatoes.

The main difficulty is that you rarely find it in the supermarket, but you can grow it yourself in the garden. Rutabaga is very unpretentious, and Western manufacturers of pest control products did not invent pests for it (as in the case of the Colorado potato beetle, which first appeared in the USSR in the 1960s and was “accidentally” brought to us from the USA).

How to cook swede

The peculiarity of the preparation of swede is that it is desirable to soak it for several hours before cooking. You can not do this, but then a characteristic fruit and vegetable smell may remain in it.

This feature turns into a big plus for swede if you soak it as we recommend. Having given up its smell, it begins to absorb the smell and taste of the products around it. Add Rutabaga to porcini mushroom soup instead of potatoes, and it will “turn” into porcini mushrooms to taste! At the same time, swede does not lose its shape during cooking and looks very impressive both in the first and second courses.

Preparation of swede

Peel the swede and cut into strips of the desired shape and length.

The beetroot needs to be cut

Place in cold water for several hours. You can soak overnight, it will not be worse

Chopped turnips are soaked for several hours

Drain the water. It makes sense to cut and soak more turnips at a time, and divide the excess into portions and place in the freezer.

We drain the water, and the swede is ready!

So, the swede is ready for cooking.

The leftovers of prepared rutabagas keep well in the freezer!

Stewed swede (lean stew)

Below is a photo of all the products purchased. How they differ from others - we will explain in the text.

Take home carrot. "Old Believer" carrot”Gennady Khoteev grew without growth stimulants, so it didn’t grow knee-deep ... The same carrot, washed with a metal sponge or brush, already looks five points.

By the way, if carrots or potatoes “burst” in the store and have ravines-cracks on the surface, then they grew on saltpeter and nitrostimulants, when the outer layer does not keep up with the growth of “muscle mass”.

Then the children come, and you have to rub carrots with apples and turnips, or give them all to gnaw, so the consumption of products for the stew increases :)

Lyrical digression in the form vegetable salad kids :)

Now take onion. Khoteevsky does not have the shape of a paper cracker, as in a supermarket, but the shape of an onion-turnip. It is this form, like that of the dome of the temple, that indicates that the onion in the garden has ripened. Everything else is saltpeter and Dutch GMO that grows in two weeks.

We won’t be surprised at all if we find out that the cunning Dutch grow miracle tulips for Russians by March 8, and a month later they dig up the bulbs and drive them to us like onions ... If they crossed potatoes with moths, what’s up with the onions :)

Cut the onion, here the children usually "retreat", and throw it to fry with grated carrots. We fry on vegetable oil in a multicooker. A very useful invention!

In the meantime, we take Khoteev garlic (it is not made in China at the factory, as evidenced by the color, smell and taste). But it can deteriorate if you are greedy and buy for future use.

In general, in Moscow they have somehow lost the habit of spoiling vegetables at home. Usually, store-bought potatoes, like cobblestones, lie warm for a couple of months and are more likely to dry out or rot than rot.

We also cut the garlic and throw it to the onion with carrots, fry it all until golden crusts for 6-8 minutes.

Now we transfer the slow cooker to the mode of stewing vegetables, add turnips, salt, spices and set for an hour, or how much according to the instructions.

You can prudently remove part of the fried onions and carrots from the slow cooker and use them in the soup. Real optimizers, or housewives with children, will prepare a lot of the mixture and put it in bags in the freezer. Then after a couple of days cooking will not take so much time.

In general, after an hour and a half, you can call the family to the table!

Soup with swede

“Take it from the glacier” (like Elena Molokhovets) :), or cook, as indicated above, fried onions with carrots. Pour water into a slow cooker or saucepan, throw in pre-cut and soaked rutabaga, porcini mushrooms, you can turnips, spices, salt. I don’t remember in what sequence, but the hostesses probably know themselves, but they put everything in the slow cooker at once.

“Cook until cooked” - I can’t stand this phrase, but it turns out delicious :))

Dinner Angel!

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Lenten buns, recipes with photos of which will be presented below, are very easy to cook at home. It should immediately be noted that such pastries are less high-calorie than traditional ones. However, subject to all the requirements of the recipe, it will be no less tasty and nutritious.

Lean with photos step by step

If you observe Great Lent, then the recipe in question is most suitable for you. Pastries made according to it diversify your daily and rather meager diet.

So what ingredients do you need to stock up on to bake lean buns? Recipes with photos require the use of the following products:

  • wheat flour - about 450 g;
  • dry baking yeast - about 1.5 dessert spoons;
  • drinking warm water - about 250 ml;
  • vegetable oil for lubricating the dough and forming buns (optional);
  • beet sugar - 2 large spoons;
  • table salt - 5 g (add to your liking).

Base kneading

How to cook First you need to do yeast dough. To do this, drinking water (warm) is poured into a bowl, and then beet sugar is diluted in it. Next, dry baker's yeast is poured into the same bowl. After mixing the components, they are left warm for 10 minutes. During this time, the yeast should swell well. After that, a little table salt and wheat flour are added to them.

After mixing the components, a homogeneous dough is obtained, slightly sticking to the hands. In order for it to reach, it must be sent to a warm place, where it is kept for at least one and a half hours. In this case, the dishes with the base are covered with a rag and a lid, respectively.

To make lean buns fluffy and airy, the dough must be wrinkled by hand or shaken well every 20 minutes.

We form products and bake them in the oven

How to form lean requires the mandatory use of vegetable oil. They need to thoroughly grease their hands, and then carefully tear off the pieces from the approaching yeast base.

Having formed a ball with a diameter of up to 5 cm from the dough, it is laid out on a sheet with baking paper and again smeared with vegetable oil. Other products are formed in a similar way.

After keeping the blanks on a baking sheet for about ¼ hours, they are sprinkled with a small amount of granulated sugar or sesame seeds. Then they are sent to the oven.

Lenten buns are baked at a temperature of 195 degrees for 32-42 minutes. During this time, they will become lush and ruddy.

Serving to the table

How should lean buns be consumed? When hot, these products are especially tasty. They can be served with tea or black coffee.

Lean buns: yeast-free recipe

During Lent, a lot of people do it using yeast. However, it should be noted that it is possible to prepare such a dessert at home without the use of the mentioned product. For this you need to prepare:

  • wheat flour - about 300 g;
  • honey of any kind - about 30 g;
  • baking powder - about 3 dessert spoons;
  • drinking water - about 150 ml;
  • refined vegetable oil - about 80 ml;
  • vanillin - at the discretion (1 pinch);
  • walnuts, peeled - about 5 pcs.;
  • chopped cinnamon - ¼ dessert spoon;
  • white sugar - 15 g.

Making dough

To make lean buns without the use of yeast, you should mix ordinary drinking water with vegetable oil and fresh honey. Leaving the resulting mixture aside, it is necessary to sift twice wheat flour and then add vanilla and baking powder to it. You can also add a little crushed cinnamon to the ingredients according to your taste. It will give the buns a special color, taste and aroma.

After adding the loose mixture to the liquid, carefully mix first with a spoon and then with your hands. At the same time, a rather sticky, but very soft and tender dough is obtained.

To make lean buns more tasty, fragrant and satisfying, you can add any nuts and dried fruits to the base. However, before that, the mentioned ingredients should be thoroughly washed, dried and not very finely chopped.

For a more uniform and soft dough, it must be placed in a plastic bag and left in this state when room temperature about ¼ hour (maybe 30 minutes).

How should it be formed?

You can form lean buns without yeast different ways. We decided to choose the simplest one. To do this, hands are thoroughly soaked in cold water, and then a small piece is chipped off from the finished base. If required, it can be dusted with a small amount of wheat flour.

Having formed an even and neat ball from the dough, it is laid out on a sheet greased with oil (it is possible on baking paper). All the other blanks do exactly the same.

If there is a desire, then after the formation of all products, they can be sprinkled with a mixture consisting of ground cinnamon and sugar. Such a powder will make lean buns more tasty and beautiful.

Baking process

The buns bake pretty quickly. The sheet with blanks is sent to the oven, heated to a temperature of 220 degrees. After 20 minutes, all products should be completely baked, and also covered with a ruddy and crispy crust. At the same time, the inside of the buns should remain very tender, but not sticky.

Serve to the table

After the buns, they are immediately served at the table. It is recommended to use such products with hot unsweetened tea. If the buns are left after the meal, they are recommended to be stored in a plastic bag, otherwise they will become stale.

Quick Recipe yeast dough suitable for everyone who does not have their own proven recipe, who is afraid of the classic yeast dough and has not yet found a common language with it, or does not like to wait until the dough ferments or rises. And if you replace milk with water, you get more and completely lean recipe- it has no eggs. But then the filling for pies or pies should be taken lean.

The dough is tasty, airy, the portion is large, and it is pleasant to work with it. This yeast dough is suitable for pies, pies, buns. From one portion of the dough I got: 8 pot-bellied pies, 2 small open pies and 12 cinnamon buns. Since there is a lot of dough, some can be frozen.


  • 2 tbsp. warm water or milk
  • 11 g active dry yeast
  • 2 tbsp heaping sugar
  • 5 tbsp vegetable oil
  • 5 cups flour

How to make dough. Mix everything, quickly knead the dough, refrigerate for 40 minutes and you can immediately take it out, cut and bake. The only condition: do not put in heat and cook immediately, taking it out of the refrigerator.

What filling for pies and pies to use. Pies with onions - put on the base of the dough and pour a mixture of equal parts of sour cream and eggs, sprinkle with cheese. If needed Lenten dish- stew onions with mushrooms for the filling or add fried onions to mashed potatoes.

Roll out the dough, sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon. Roll the dough into a roll, cut into 2 cm thick washers. Bake in a preheated oven for 25-30 minutes at 180°C. Finished buns can be decorated sugar icing or drizzle with melted chocolate.

Comment on the article "Yeast dough, lean recipe. Pies, pies and buns"

Section: Baking ( Yeast pies recipe). Pie dough. I have either ivy with sugar or with apples. I stew apples a little with sugar so that they are not wet. A quick yeast dough recipe is suitable for anyone who does not have their own proven recipe ...

Lenten pies. If it's relevant to anyone. Panaconic bread machine dough recipe (but For sweet pies or pies, add a tablespoon of fine sugar and lemon zest or 0.5 tablespoons of honey to the dough ... Quick yeast dough for pies.

Pies, pies and buns. Bakery products. Cooking. Cooking recipes, help and advice on cooking, holiday menu and reception of guests, selection of products. Quick yeast dough for pies. Lenten recipes.

Lenten pies. Bakery products. Cooking. Culinary recipes, help and tips for If suddenly anyone is relevant. Panaconic bread maker dough recipe (but you can probably adapt it to any). Yeast dough, lean recipe. Pies, pies and buns.

Yeast dough pies.. ...I find it difficult to choose a section. Cooking. Cooking recipes, help and cooking tips delicious pies- quickly! 5 winter recipes: with meat, fish and lean. Yeast dough and filling according to GOST - as in childhood.

Cooking recipes, help and advice on cooking, holiday menu and reception I do not only make these in the post, they are just very fast. Well, now maybe someone will need a recipe. For sweet pies or pies, add a tablespoon of fine sugar and Lean Pie Dough to the dough. Share the recipe. Interested in yeast and without.

Yeast dough, lean recipe. Pies, pies and buns. Lean dough for pies. Recipe lean test. Lenten dough can be for pancakes, or for noodles or dumplings, for bread or buns, for some pies or something in the spirit of cupcakes.

Lean dough for pies. Share the recipe. Interested in yeast and without. Besides lean gingerbread nothing edible comes out. Pies, pies and buns. The dough is tasty, airy, the portion is large, and it is pleasant to work with it. Don't you look at Cooking?

3. Lean buns Make yeast dough, as in the previous recipe. It is good to put sultanas or candied oranges in the dough, add vanilla sugar. When it rises, make pies or pies, let it rise again.

Yeast dough, lean recipe. This yeast dough is suitable for pies, pies, buns. From one portion of the dough I got: 8 pot-bellied pies, 2 small open pies and 12 cinnamon buns.

I made yeast dough - great. I started making pies (with potatoes). the following options are also possible: the dough is thick for pies and after the last punch (it is possible that during the last Yeast dough, lean recipe. Pies, pies and buns.

A question for the yeast dough connoisseurs. Bakery products. Cooking. Culinary recipes, help and advice on cooking, holiday menu and reception Question for connoisseurs of yeast dough. Help advice! It's not the first time I've suffered. I make yeast dough, it turns out ...

Yeast dough, lean recipe. Pies, pies and buns. The dough is tasty, airy, the portion is large, and it is pleasant to work with it. This yeast dough is suitable for pies, pies, buns. Recipe for buns with sugar. Roll out the dough, sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon.

Stuffings for pies and buns. Bakery products. Cooking. Cooking recipes, cooking help and tips, festive See other discussions: Yeast dough, lean recipe. Pies, pies and buns. Bake in preheated oven for 25-30...

Lean yeast dough. Bakery products. Cooking. Cooking recipes, help and tips for cooking, festive Sprinkle cumin and sugar on top. Lean dough and yeast. Lean dough for pies. Share the recipe. Interested in yeast and without.

Lenten dough recipe. Bakery products. Cooking. Culinary recipes, help and advice on cooking, festive menus and receptions, food selection. Yeast dough, lean recipe. Pies, pies and buns. Lean dough for pies.

Yeast dough, lean recipe. Pies, pies and buns. Custard buns, I don't remember for whom. Cooking. Pies (buns) with meat?. Bakery products. Cooking. Cooking recipes, help and advice on cooking, festive menus and receptions, selection of...

7. Fried choux pastry pies Prepare the dough as described above, only a little thinner. Next, you mix eggs with sugar, butter with sugar and honey with soda, and then you start mixing flour into it. Here, too, is my secret - how much flour to put.

The dough for buns turns out, of course, not the same as, say, with butter or milk, but nevertheless it is a very, very good pastry, especially fresh. It is very important that the yeast is of high quality so that it “comes to life” well. You can form lean buns as you like, there are a lot of forming methods on the network and there are a lot of interesting options.

Prepare necessary products for the preparation of lean buns with sugar.

In 100-120 ml of warm water with 1 tsp. dissolve yeast in sugar.

Leave for 10 minutes. Yeast should be covered with a fluffy cap of foam.

Add sugar and fine salt to the sifted flour, mix.

Pour in the yeast, stir.

Gradually pour in warm water, vegetable oil. Stir. Instead of adding flour, it is better to knead the dough longer. Leave it in a warm place for 1.5 hours. Then crush and divide into 6 parts (we will have big buns).

Roll out each part into a layer about 25 cm in diameter. Brush with vegetable oil and sprinkle with sugar.

Roll up. Fold it in half. Cut it with a knife from the side of the fold. Expand, open the bun so that the layers are visible. Lay the buns on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper.

Put the lean buns in an oven preheated to 180 degrees and bake for about 30-35 minutes. The buns should brown nicely. Sprinkle the finished buns with powdered sugar.


For test:

6 cups flour

500 ml of water

1/2 cup sugar

1/2 tsp salt,

1-2 tbsp vegetable oil,

10 g dry yeast.

For filling:

For lubrication:

sweet strong tea

or vegetable oil.

How to cook:

Prepare lean yeast dough: add sugar, salt and butter to warm (42 *) water, then gradually add and stir the flour, lastly add the yeast diluted in water. Knead the dough well, cover and leave in a warm place for several hours to rise.

From ready dough roll up the tourniquet and cut into pieces weighing about 80 g. Flatten each piece into a cake and bend the edges of the cake to the middle, into the so-called "castle". Put the resulting balls "lock" down and leave to come up.

Roll each ball into a cake with a diameter of about 15 cm. Brush the cake with vegetable oil with a brush, sprinkle with sugar (1 teaspoon with a slide for one bun) and dry poppy seeds or cinnamon.

Roll the cake into a roll with sugar inside. Fold the roll in half, hiding the edge of the cake inside, and press lightly.

On the bend of the roll, make a deep cut, not reaching 2 cm to the end, and turn the two resulting halves of the roll with the sugar side outward - you get a heart-shaped bun.

Put the buns on a greased baking sheet and put in a warm place for proofing. After proofing, grease the smooth sides of the buns with tea or oil, without touching the sugary layers.

Put in an oven preheated to 180-200 * and bake for 15-20 minutes.

Sprinkle the finished buns with water, cover with a towel and let rest.

This was my first time making lean yeast dough. The plushies made me happy. The question arose: why make dough in milk and add an egg, if it is so tasty?

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