Home desserts Where can you use welding? Tea leaves as a fertilizer. Using tea and coffee as a soil leavening agent

Where can you use welding? Tea leaves as a fertilizer. Using tea and coffee as a soil leavening agent

A person sincerely passionate about country life is tirelessly experimenting, trying to reduce financial costs on the way to harvest. Such experiments sometimes lead to very pleasant discoveries. For example, I found that such an everyday product as tea leaves can be useful not only in the kitchen.

For the first time I learned about the benefits of brewing from sleeping tea from a friend. She said that she puts it in flower pots for feeding. I decided to take her advice and noticed that after a short time appearance my colors have improved. The positive effect was natural, since tea brewing is a storehouse of valuable compounds, which are useful not only for humans, but also for plants.

Benefit Rating

Among the most valuable elements for plants, in the first place is potassium, which shows the highest percentage in the tea leaf. Potassium will be useful at all stages of growth, but it will play a particularly significant role during the ripening of fruit crops and the flowering of ornamental crops.

In second place is phosphorus, it can be found in significant amounts even in used tea leaves. This element is involved in most of the metabolic processes of plants, is responsible for the proper development of the root system and is indispensable during the period of fruiting and flowering.

The third place in terms of the quantitative ratio of mineral elements contained in the sleeping tea leaves is calcium. It is responsible for the correct protein and carbohydrate metabolism in plant tissues.

NO SUGAR PLEASE! Due to inexperience, at first I put sweet tea leaves under the plants, as a result of which midges began to appear in the ground. After such unpleasant finds, I began to approach this issue more legibly and use only unsweetened tea leaves. No more annoying insects.

Also in the tea leaf there is a significant amount magnesium, which is an integral part of chlorophyll and directly affects the process of photosynthesis.

Approximately equal percentages in chemical composition show sodium, iron and manganese, which play an important role in plant life. Sodium regulates the transport of nutrients across membranes, while iron and manganese are indispensable for energy, redox metabolism and chlorophyll production.

Available Shape

Fresh tea leaves cannot be used to fertilize plants, since a large amount of tannins contained in the tea leaf can harm them. But after processing it with boiling water, that is, brewing, these substances are destroyed, and a significant amount of the above macro- and microelements are preserved in it and can be successfully used as an additional source of plant nutrition.

In addition, they will be absorbed without a trace, since they are present in the tea leaf in an accessible form. It is worth noting that the content of such nutrients is the highest in loose leaf tea. He should be given preference for use as a fertilizer.

Wide application

After evaluating the effect of tea brewing on indoor flowers, I decided to find a wider use for it. I decided to use it to improve health and increase the yield of garden and horticultural crops. I allocated a separate plate, where I began to put the used tea leaves daily. loose tea, which we most often drink in the family. It dried completely overnight, I poured it into a jar, and then applied it as needed.

Dried tea leaves from sleeping tea began to be added to the ground, which I harvest for growing seedlings. I put 2-3 cups of such home-made fertilizer on a bucket of self-prepared soil mixture. It not only serves as an additional source of nutrition for young seedlings, but also well loosens the soil, making it more air and water permeable. In addition, dry tea leaves, which I sprinkle on the surface of the soil in seedling boxes and cups, perfectly delay the evaporation of moisture, which is especially valuable during the heating season.

seedling tea

In addition, my seedlings liked the tea ceremony, which I now spend 2-3 times during the period of its stay at home. I AM I feed seedlings with nutritious tea infusion with an interval of 10-14 days. To prepare it, I dilute half a glass of already used tea leaves with 2 liters of boiling water. I insist the drug for a day, and then I water the plants under the root so that it is good to wet the earthen ball in seedling boxes or cups. In addition, in the intervals between root dressings, I spray the seedlings twice on the leaf with tea infusion, but in this case I dilute it by 1/3 with clean settled water. I am incredibly pleased with the healthy appearance of my seedlings, it is now growing strong, stocky, has a strong stem and beautiful dark green leaves. And I regret the amount of tea leaves that was sent to the trash can in the past! After all it serves as a great alternative to expensive store-bought fertilizers and, in addition, is a natural product that is safe for plants.

For seeds

Having studied in detail the chemical composition of the tea leaf, I began to use it as a means for soaking seeds before planting. For this purpose, I also prepare an infusion of tea leaves from sleep.

of that tea, but I make it stronger - 2 tbsp. Spoons pour a glass of boiling water. I insist for a day, stirring occasionally. Then I filter and I moisten a piece of cotton fabric in the infusion, on which I lay out planting material. Thanks to the minerals and microelements contained in the tea leaf, the germination of seeds occurs much faster than when soaked in ordinary water, and the seedlings are friendly and strong.

Packed seedlings

I also found a use for the used tea bags that sometimes appear in our cups. If someone from the household forgets to remove the bag from the cup and adds sugar to it, then I first rinse it in clean water and only then squeeze and dry it. By spring, I have a decent amount of used tea bags, which I use as an alternative to peat tablets for growing seedlings. To do this, I cut off the upper part with a thread from each bag, fill its contents with soil and place it on a tray close to each other. I moisten the soil in "tea tablets" and plant one seed in each - this method is especially suitable for those plants that do not tolerate picking. Seedlings in this unusual container develop perfectly, receiving additional nutrition from the tea leaves left in the tea bags. A when it comes time to transplant them into larger glasses, I carefully tear open each bag and I take out the seedlings together with an earthen clod without the slightest damage to the root system, due to which it actively starts growing in a new container.


Tea leaves, due to their rich chemical composition, come in handy during the sowing and planting of seedlings. I now often use dried tea leaves in the spring: I add them to the holes before transplanting seedlings of tomatoes, peppers, eggplants and other vegetable crops into them.

More of this wonderful I fertilize the soil in the garden bed with natural top dressing, including when sowing seeds immediately in open ground. In this case, before the spring digging of the beds, I evenly scatter tea leaves on the ground at the rate of 0.5 kg per 1 m 2. Or I just dig up a bed, make holes in it, pour tea leaves into each, mix them well with the soil and spill them with water. And only then do I spread the seeds on top of such a nutritious “pillow”.

tea infusion

During the summer I pamper all vegetable crops with nutritious tea infusion, with which I fertilize plantings at the root or along the leaf. To prepare root dressing, two cups of dry used tea leaves are poured over 2-3 liters of boiling water and left to infuse for 1-2 days. In the morning I bring the volume of the infusion to 10 liters, adding clean water, and I arrange a “tea party” for garden plants.

For foliar feeding garden crops I prepare an infusion at the rate of 1 cup of tea leaves per 10 liters of water. I feed the plants under the root with such an unusual remedy every three weeks and in between I spray them with tea infusion over the leaf, and I always carry out these procedures in the morning with dew or in the evening, so that useful nutrients are better absorbed. I noticed that thanks to this, the root crops grow more juicy and sweet, there is an increased amount of sugars in ripe tomatoes. But for

cucumber tea turned out to be useful in that it prolongs their life: the lashes remain green much longer, and a new ovary appears again and again.

If earlier I “fed” vegetables exclusively with purchased organic and mineral fertilizers, which annually made a significant hole in my pocket, now I have significantly reduced my spending on their purchase. There is simply no need for their regular use: the plants have a lush appearance and excellent fruiting, and in this, I am sure, it is worth paying tribute to the valuable tea leaf. In addition, the fact that it is absolutely safe for plants and humans adds to the advantages of this home fertilizer, and it is impossible to overdo it, while chemical production preparations require a very careful attitude and mandatory compliance with the dosage.

Expert advice! I periodically send the excess tea leaves to the compost heap - it not only adds nutritional value to the ripening fertilizer, but also has a good effect on its structure, making it more loose and crumbly.

I also put tea bags in the compost, after removing the colored labels from them. Surprisingly, since I started adding tea leaves to the compost, it has become much more earthworms: apparently, the tea leaf is a delicacy for them.

In the garden and flower garden

Also this free product helps me keep my horticultural crops healthy and productive. Strawberries, berry bushes and young fruit seedlings respond well to foliar dressing with tea infusion - I prepare it in the same way as infusion for root dressing of vegetables. This procedure is usually combined with preventive spraying. garden plants from pests.

I pay special attention to my flower garden, I always leave for it a part of the tea leaves stored from the winter from sleeping tea. I make root and foliar solutions for them, and also I drop the tea leaves into the ground under the flowers. I noticed that tea is most liked by roses and clematis, it prolongs flowering and makes the inflorescences larger.

royal terms

I continue to collect used tea leaves not only in winter, but also in summer. When we drink tea in the country, I do not dry it, but send it directly from the teapot to some garden bed or under the bushes. Sometimes I dig it in the soil, and sometimes I leave it on the surface, because it serves as an excellent mulching material. Of course, it will not work to mulch the entire garden with such a product, but in order to sprinkle

the surface of one bed, my winter supplies are enough. I usually use tea leaves as mulch under rare or capricious plants.

Last season, in royal conditions - under a tea feather bed - I grew scorzonera in my garden.

Now in our family, tea drinking has become not only pleasant, but also a very useful pastime:

for sleeping tea leaves, I find a second use. This product helps me increase the yield of vegetable crops and the decorativeness of flower plants.

And I’m also glad that I was able to cut down on my spending on the purchase of store-bought chemicals, which are embarrassing not only for their high price, but also for their dubious safety.

Tea is a popular warming drink found in almost every home. But it is for gardeners and gardeners that his presence is important. Why? Because tea can benefit plants and soil if used as a fertilizer.

The mineral composition of tea

Tea contains a lot useful minerals. But such substances are present only in large-leaved varieties. Leaves from bags are not used as fertilizer, but can be used to form drainage.

  1. Potassium. Plants need it during the entire growing season, but most of all it is needed during fruit ripening.
  2. Calcium. Participates in protein-carbohydrate metabolism.
  3. Magnesium. It is the main component of chlorophyll. If it is not enough, photosynthesis worsens.
  4. Manganese. Promotes the growth and development of the root system and green mass.
  5. Sodium. Helps transport sugar.
  6. Iron. Participates in the respiratory processes of plants.

In addition to the above mineral components, there are other substances in the composition of tea. But their number is significantly lower, which means that they do not have a significant effect on plant crops.

The use of tea leaves for plants in the open field

Sleeping tea as a fertilizer is often used by experienced gardeners and gardeners. The dacha is a great scope for experimentation. Most often, organic fertilizers are applied in the garden plot. Organics are well absorbed by cultures and do not have a detrimental effect on the human body.

Brewed tea, which is used for fertilizer, should be sugar-free. Otherwise, top dressing will attract ants to the site.

Tea leaves are used for the garden as:

  • top dressing;
  • soil baking powder;
  • mulch
  • component to include in .

tea fertilizer

It is necessary to fall asleep in a three-liter jar with hot water one glass of sleeping tea leaves and let it brew. The liquid can be used as top dressing after it has completely cooled.

Soil loosening

Not everyone is lucky to have black soil in their possession, often only clay soil can be allocated for a bed. In it, the root system of plants is difficult to develop due to the dense structure of the soil. If tea leaves are introduced into the bed in early spring during digging or weeding, then over time the quality of the soil will improve.

Tea leaves, decomposing, will make the earth more airy, lighter and fill it with nitrogen. The process of increasing green mass in horticultural crops depends on the amount of such an element in the soil. Usually experienced gardeners take 500 g of tea leaves per 1 sq. m. Additionally and other top dressing.


Tea leaves can be used as mulch. For this, already used leaves are collected and brought under a bush. The layer must be thick. Then it will protect the soil from drying out. As it decomposes, the tea leaves will turn into nitrogen fertilizer. It is best to combine it with other types of mulch, or additionally produce liming of the earth. Especially on acidic soils, you need to be careful not to acidify it further.

Adding to the compost heap

Used tea, many summer residents add to the compost heap. Its acidic environment contributes to more rapid decay of plant residues. In addition, tea leaves do not contain weed seeds, as in other compost components.

It is recommended to start collecting tea leaves in advance. You can do this already in the winter. To dry the future fertilizer, you can scatter it in a thin layer on a sieve or sieve. When the leaves are completely dry, it remains to fold them into a glass or plastic jar and store until spring.

The use of sleeping tea for indoor plants

Tea leaves as a fertilizer for home flowers are often used in the home and office. Indoor plants love this dressing very much. It is enough only from time to time to water the flowers with tea diluted in ordinary water.

Tea top dressing will contribute to the development of:

  • cactus;
  • hibiscus;
  • spathiphyllum;
  • fern;

Also, welding helps to improve the air permeability of the soil in pots. To do this, use it in the process of preparing the soil: combine the earth and tea leaves in a ratio of 3: 1.

This soil is perfect for flowers with a fragile root system:

  • clivia;
  • violets;
  • begonias;
  • peperomia.

But tea bags are perfect for the formation of drainage. It is necessary to lay such a product or dry tea leaves in several layers on the bottom of the flowerpot and they will become a wonderful alternative to expanded clay - the soil will not wake up through the holes.

The tea will also help retain moisture in the pot itself, which will reduce the amount of watering. This will be useful during the heating period and when you have to leave home for a long time.


The product in question is a low concentrated and safe organic fertilizer. It should be used in combination with other top dressings, including mineral ones.

Do you use tea as a supplement? If yes, please share how. Or maybe you have some unconventional method of using it?

Recently, against the backdrop of the popularity of everything natural: food, cosmetics and medicines, natural improvised methods of soil fertilization have become especially relevant.

Many people use spent coffee, eggshells and even tea leaves as top dressing. But is it useful for indoor flowers? And how to use it correctly?

How to fertilize the soil with tea

Tea brewing, no matter what kind of tea - green, black or herbal, can make the soil more loose and "airy". It perfectly neutralizes alkaline soils, restoring the necessary level of acidity.

Tea brewing is successfully used by gardeners not only to fertilize the soil of indoor plants, but also in the garden.

But there are some nuances of using this method of caring for flowers. In the presence of black flies or small fungal mosquitoes, as well as their larvae, in the soil, watering with tea sharply accelerates the process of their reproduction. The use of sour, dormant or even standing tea for watering plants provokes the development and growth of a huge number of bacteria. In this case, this fertilizer, instead of benefit, will cause significant harm and may cause the death of the flower.

Therefore, be sure to use freshly brewed tea without sugar for watering. room temperature. Do not flood the plants, stick to the same mode of watering with tea leaves as with water. It has been established that if the above nuances are observed, thanks to this organic fertilizer, plants begin to grow faster.

There is another way to fertilize the soil with tea. Before planting a flower in a bowl, the flower soil or soil is thoroughly mixed with dry tea brewing, and then a plant is planted in the prepared composition. Another option for using tea when transplanting a plant is to lay out a sleeping tea leaves on a layer of expanded clay. Soil is poured on top and a flower is planted in it.

500 g of tea per 1 square meter of soil is applied to fertilize the soil before sowing seeds.

Some flower growers mix a small amount of fresh tea with the top layer of soil in a flower pot. Due to this, moisture lingers in the soil longer, and plants have to be watered twice as often.

Do not forget that in everything the main thing is the measure. Too much of any fertilizer is just as dangerous as not enough.

Everyone knows that water is the most common drink in the world, and in second place of honor, of course, is tea. Someone likes black large-leaf, someone in bags, someone green with additives. As the saying goes, "the taste and color ..." But not everyone knows what a drunken tea is, and even more so that it can be used as a fertilizer.

What are the benefits of tea leaves?

For more than three thousand years, tea has been considered a healing drink. It has only recently been started to be drunk everywhere just for pleasure. In China, tea is still considered a cure for all diseases, they are very reverent and respectful of this culture. Tea leaves have a very high content of fluorides, polyphenols, vitamins A, C, E, P, theine, pectin. Approximately thirty minerals are part of the tea leaf: potassium, manganese, fluorine, zinc, chromium and many others. Tea leaves are a real treasure useful substances.

The second life of tea bags

Do you think disposable? You may be surprised, but it is not. How to use sleeping tea in a bag? There are many ways to use:

  • in the refrigerator, it will get rid of the unpleasant smell;
  • lotion on the eyes - from puffiness and dark circles;
  • from minor burns;
  • degrease dishes;
  • add flavor to cereals;
  • softens tough meat;
  • repel mosquitoes;
  • and even remove rust!

Benefits for gardeners

But the most important amazing ability - tea is very useful for a personal plot, gardeners can't do without it!

If your family is lovers and connoisseurs of this drink, then for winter period you should have enough tea leaves to use on your site during planting. Very often this happens: high-quality seeds are purchased, seedlings are planted as expected, care is timely, weeding, watering, but there is still no harvest. Summer residents give up, they cannot find the reason. And the reason is sometimes simple - "heavy" soil. Heavy - because it has a clay structure that poorly transmits light, water and air. In this regard, the plants coke and wither, no matter how you take care of them. If you are faced with such a problem - sleeping tea will help you! It will help to dilute and loosen the heavy earth, saturate it with nitrogen, fortify and retain moisture.

How to properly prepare sleeping tea leaves for use?

After drinking tea, take a strainer and squeeze the tea leaves as much as possible. If the tea was brewed in bags, the principle is the same - we squeeze it. Now we lay out the tea leaves on a flat plate or tray - depending on the quantity and convenience. At night, the tea dries out, and in the morning you can transfer it to a container (it is very convenient to store it in a plastic container with a lid). According to this principle, we collect all the sleeping tea during the entire "non-garden" period - the more, the better. The most important thing is to make sure that the tea is unsweetened. If suddenly sugar does get into the tea leaves, then before drying it should be thoroughly washed in at least two waters, and only then squeezed and laid out for drying.

How to use sleeping tea in the garden to increase productivity?

There are several applications, consider some:

  1. Prepare compost. This is the easiest way to use it effectively - just add the used tea to the compost heap, pour over with warm water and cover with cling film for a couple of days. Tea will enrich your compost with useful microelements, because sleeping tea leaves are a natural source of nitrogen. Due to the content of tannins, tea leaves activate the decomposition process, therefore, your compost will overripe much faster. If you have a flower garden on the shady side, then used tea bags are very good for wiping the leaves of plants. Thus, you feed the flowers, as well as clean the leaves from dust.
  2. Soil fertilizer. If you have already planted your seedlings, feeding them is quite simple: dig a tea bag near each plant stem. Gradually decomposing, the sleeping tea will saturate the soil with nitrogen. This is an environmentally friendly fertilizer with a prolonged action. Together with tea leaves, it does not hurt to dig in a little ash. Well, if you have not yet planted your seedlings, then the actions are as follows: dry the sleeping tea leaves, mix with ash and fall asleep a pinch in each hole. After that, we already dig in the seedlings. There is one caveat: tea leaves must be sugar-free, otherwise you will then get rid of hordes of ants.
  3. Tea tablets. If you are used to growing your seedlings in peat pots, tea bags are a great substitute. Just open up sleeping tea bag, cutting off the top along with the bracket, add earth to it, plant the seed and cover with a film until shoots appear. After the sprout appears, you can plant it directly in this bag. This type of planting will help protect the roots of the plant, avoid replanting, and will feed each root throughout the growing season. This type of landing is very suitable for pepper, as it is very painful to dive.
  4. "Super Soil" Sleeping tea in the garden (especially leaf tea) is an excellent, and most importantly, budgetary tool for improving and enriching the soil of the garden, because tea leaves make the soil looser, and therefore more breathable and moisture-permeable. Recommended proportions for improving the soil: a pound of sleeping tea leaves per square meter of garden.
  5. 5. Mulching. If you want to retain moisture in the top layer of the soil, simply make a mulch with tea leaves. It will be useful especially for moisture-loving plants. In addition to retaining moisture, the mulch will saturate the plant with nitrogen, keeping the top layer alive. Just do not need to sprinkle the plants with wet tea leaves, it will become moldy and suffocate very quickly, thereby attracting squads of midges and wood lice, adding to your headache in search of means to get rid of living creatures. Mulch has another huge plus: no weeds grow under it. So weeding will be much less. Just remember to loosen the mulch to prevent mold. If the mulch is still moldy and the insects begin to swarm, then there is only one way out - remove it and replace it with a new one.

What conclusions can be drawn? Is sleeping tea suitable as a fertilizer?

There is no single answer. Someone loves and constantly uses sleeping tea as a top dressing for their plot, someone considers this method very time-consuming and inefficient. As with any method, there are pros and cons. Let's analyze - what more?


These include:

  • sleeping tea does not need to be bought, it just needs to be carefully accumulated and stored until spring;
  • as a means of caring for indoor plants - an excellent option, since the number of indoor plants is much less than any garden plot;
  • welding will perfectly dilute and loosen the clay soil, facilitate the access of water and oxygen to the root system of plants;
  • tea bags are a great budget replacement for peat tablets.


Among them:

  • if you have a large plot, then you will have to drink a lot of tea (we remember the calculation of half a kilo of tea leaves per square meter of land);
  • the tea leaves must be very well dried, otherwise the entire jar of tea will become moldy in the process of accumulation;
  • you need to make sure that sugar does not get into the sleeping tea in any case, otherwise you will have to keep the defense against all sorts of insects. Well, in principle, and all the cons.

So, what can be the conclusion? Do you need sleeping tea as a fertilizer in the country? It's up to you to decide! Happy gardening!

Any organic matter can be useful for feeding plants, especially indoor plants, the soil under which is rarely updated. Don't throw away used tea coffee grounds. There are not many trace elements for nutrition in tea brewing, but they are. Also, organic residues contribute to the reproduction of soil microorganisms that produce humus. Salts of humic acid are able to stimulate the main biological processes - growth, flowering, fruiting.

Nutritional characteristics of tea leaves

Tea leaves can be used as a fertilizer in the country or for indoor plants. due to the content of the following mineral components in the sheets:

  • Potassium- tea leaves accumulate it in large quantities. Something remains after brewing and can be beneficial. Without potassium, ornamental crops bloom poorly or do not bud at all. Now they have come up with a business on berry and citrus dwarf trees that can be grown on a windowsill. Drinking tea for them will be a good potash fertilizer.
  • Metabolic processes are affected calcium. In terms of quantity, it is in second place.
  • Without magnesium leaf plate is not able to accumulate chlorophyll. Cacti love calcium, so you can pour waste into the soil once a year.
  • Manganese- promotes the restoration and growth of the root system, and also promotes the absorption of nitrogen. The appearance of the plant largely depends on this trace element.
  • Iron prevents chlorosis. In some cases, the cause of yellowing leaves is not a nitrogen deficiency, but a lack of iron in the soil.
  • Sodium accelerates growth due to the activation of plant phytohormones. If the culture does not grow well, most likely it lacks biologically active substances.

In the soil, plant organic matter is gradually processed by soil bacteria. As a result of fermentation in the digestive tract of microorganisms, humus enters the soil.

This substance is a growth stimulant and a biological activator of immunity. Thanks to him, the appearance of crops improves.

Impact on the soil

If you use sleeping tea as a fertilizer for a garden or indoor ornamental plants, then the soil wins first of all. Dry tea brewing absorbs water and retains it, preventing it from evaporating. In this way, crops can go longer without watering.

The waste can be used as baking powder to get more oxygen to the roots. Organics always have a good effect on the chemical composition of the soil, since nutrients are supplied regularly, as they are broken down into trace elements. Their number is small, so it is impossible to harm the plants or overdo it with such fertilizer.

Video: Eco-fertilizers from tea and coffee

It is difficult to grow seedlings on clay soil because the root system cannot break through the heavy composition. If you mix clay with crushed tea leaves, then it will become lighter and the roots will grow faster. The second way is to add tea leaves as a fertilizer to each well.

When a white coating appears on the surface of the soil, you need to mix the top layer with tea waste, and they will absorb excess salt. This happens if you use only mineral fertilizers for a long time.

How to make tea leaves

You can use black tea or green tea leaves. The content of trace elements is approximately the same. Green tea has more antioxidants, so you can’t make tea leaves too often - this can kill the plant. Their highest content is in white and yellow tea.

Fruit species in which flavors and dyes are present are undesirable. These substances have a bad effect on plants, especially weakened ones.

Sugar, which is added to tea leaves, can cause midges near plants, so it is better to dry it. This will also prevent mold from growing in the pot.

Organics are introduced into the soil with any mineral or organic fertilizers - ash, manure, compost, complex mixtures. There is nothing in its composition that could affect the absorption of certain components. It is believed that tannins are able to acidify the soil. This is true for small volumes of land in pots, but in the garden the amount of tea drunk will not affect the acid-base balance in any way.


Food waste is added to the compost heap for decomposition. The amount of tea leaves compared to all other components will be negligible, but if you add kitchen waste, milk residues and whey, vegetable peels here, then the volume of compost will increase significantly.


Tea leaves can be used as a fertilizer in liquid form. To do this, it must be brewed again, cool and water the plants like ordinary water. A glass of dry leaves can be infused in a three-liter jar until color appears, and then used to water seedlings or indoor flowers.


In an apartment where heating is turned on in winter, it is recommended to mulch the soil in pots with sleeping tea to reduce evaporation. For this layer of dry leaves 0.5 cm thick mixed with topsoil. It is better to pour water for irrigation into the pan, and moisten the top with a spray bottle. This way the roots won't rot.

When does it make sense to collect tea leaves

Few people will be engaged in the collection and drying of tea leaves, then to bury them in the ground. But in some cases, this exercise makes sense. For example, if you work in a cafe and bring home large volumes every day. Then per square meter you can make 0.5 kg of waste.

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