Home desserts Mackerel frozen how to salt. Salted mackerel - the best recipes. How to pickle mackerel at home

Mackerel frozen how to salt. Salted mackerel - the best recipes. How to pickle mackerel at home

Fish is the source useful substances for a person. Among the available varieties, the leader is mackerel. It can be smoked, grilled, baked and even salted. Salting mackerel at home is a simple and affordable procedure for everyone.

The choice of mackerel for salting is the most important step on which the success of cooking depends.

  • weighing 0.3-0.35 kg: small fish have a lot of bones and little fat;
  • fresh;
  • light gray;
  • with bright eyes;
  • without a yellow tint (he speaks of several defrosting - frost or old age of the fish);
  • with a slight smell of fish: sharp aromas can be a sign of spoilage of the product;
  • wet and elastic to the touch.

In the absence of fresh mackerel, you can use frozen. At the same time, it is better to give preference to the one that was caught in the fall, since they are fatter.

General Cooking Principles: Preparing Food and Utensils

For salting mackerel, dishes are selected that do not oxidize: it can be made of enamel, plastic and glass. In the absence of one, you can use a wide plastic bottle, after cutting off its neck.

For the procedure, ordinary salt is suitable, preferably coarse: iodized will not change the taste of the finished product, but will spoil it appearance.

Whole fish, meat or slices are salted - the cooking time depends on the size.

If the fish has an unpleasant odor, then you need to soak it for half an hour in cold water to get rid of it.

A whole mackerel is cooked for three days, and pieces - 1 day. The procedure is carried out in cool conditions, as at high temperatures the product may deteriorate. To fully reveal the taste of the product and aroma, various spices and seasonings are used.

After the salting is completed, the mackerel is stored in the refrigerator, after pouring vegetable oil, maximum 5 days. You should not put it in the freezer, because after defrosting the fish meat will be soft and watery.

Before you start salting fish, you need to decide on the method of salting. Correctness of actions - that's what you need to pay attention to before you deliciously pickle mackerel at home. After all, not only taste, but also the external characteristics and aroma of the product depend on them.

For salting fish pieces, you need to prepare the following products:

  • a couple of mackerels;
  • 0.3 l of water;
  • cloves - 3 buds;
  • 70 g of salt;
  • ground coriander teaspoon;
  • Bay leaf;
  • 25 g sugar;
  • pinch of basil (optional)
  1. Preparation of the marinade: add all the seasonings to boiling water and cook for 4 minutes. Then remove from the stove, cover.
  2. Preparing the fish: clean, remove the tail, head, wash, dry and cut into slices about 4 cm wide.
  3. Ambassador: put the fish slices in jars, pour in the cooled marinade, cork and leave for a couple of hours in the room.
  4. Place in refrigerator to chill for at least a day.

The mackerel will be completely salted in two days. Sprinkle the dish before serving. onion rings and lightly drizzled with vegetable oil.

Pieces of mackerel can be salted according to the classic recipe. To do this, for one mackerel you will need 100 grams of salt, 50 g of sugar, 3 peas of black and allspice, 3 bay leaves, 2 tbsp. 9% vinegar and a liter of water.

It is prepared similarly to the previous recipe, only vinegar is first introduced into the cooled liquid, mixed thoroughly, and then the prepared slices are poured. Fish meat is salted during the day in a cool place.

Without heat treatment, you can get smoked-looking fish. For 3 mackerels, you need 90 g of salt, 40 g of granulated sugar, 1.3 liters of water, 3 full handfuls of onion husks and 2 tbsp. tea.

  1. Pour all the ingredients (except mackerel) into boiling water, cover and boil over low heat for 5 minutes, then remove from the stove, cool and filter.
  2. We clean the mackerel, remove the head and tail, wash and dry with paper napkins or towels.
  3. We put it in jars and fill it with a mixture to the top.
  4. Cover and leave for 12 hours.
  5. After that, we put it in the refrigerator for 3-4 days, not forgetting to turn it over twice a day.

For 2 medium fish you will need a large onion, 2-4 cloves, 5 grains of allspice and black pepper, a few bay leaves. For a brine for half a liter of boiling water, you need 70 g of salt, 40 g of granulated sugar and 2-3 tablespoons of vegetable oil.

  1. Clean the fish from the insides, rinse, cut into slices.
  2. Onion cut into rings or half rings.
  3. Put the fish slices in a container, alternating them with an onion layer, and sprinkling with spices.
  4. Fill with brine.
  5. Cover and put in refrigerator.

The next day, the fish can be served on the table.

Mackerel can be salted even without water. To do this, the prepared slices are laid out in a container, sprinkled with salt. In this way, you can even salt a whole fish. The result is a very appetizing product, but before use it will need to be washed well.

The mixture, which is prepared as follows, will help to improve the taste: chopped onion is mixed with seasonings, vegetable oil and the juice of one lemon. The resulting mixture is poured onto salted mackerel and left for 20 minutes.

  1. Remove the insides of two fish, wash and dry.
  2. Cut them into small pieces.
  3. Mix 30 g of salt and 5 g of granulated sugar, add laurel, a little black pepper and vegetable seasoning (to taste).
  4. In the resulting assortment, roll the slices and put them tightly in a container.
  5. Cover and refrigerate for a couple of days.

When salting, you can add a couple of teaspoons of mustard to the spices to get a spicy aroma.

Without brine, you can also cook fillets for sandwiches. For half a kilogram of the main product, you will need 2 pinches of salt, a little pepper. The fillet is well rubbed with seasonings, tightly folded into parchment paper and put in the refrigerator for three days.

For those who like to experiment in the kitchen, you can make a “smoked” fish.

  • 3 fish;
  • 4 tbsp. tea leaves, salt, liquid smoke(one of the main ingredients);
  • 2 tbsp granulated sugar.

The fish is gutted, the head is removed, washed and placed in a container with the tail up.

  1. Mix water with other products (except smoke), bring to a boil.
  2. Insist a third of an hour, filter.
  3. Smoke is added to the cooled broth.

Cold broth is poured into a jar, tightly closed and removed for three days in a refrigerator, periodically shaking the cloudy mixture.

For one fish you will need 2 tbsp. special seasoning for salting fish, 5 bay leaves, 90g salt.

  1. Clean the fish, wash, dry, put in a container.
  2. Pour the rest of the ingredients into a liter of boiling water and cook for how many minutes.
  3. Pour the cooled solution into containers.
  4. Seal the jars and keep in the refrigerator for 2-3 days.

Serve with lightly salted cucumbers or Korean cabbage.

This method can be salted any fish. A fragrant product is prepared within 12 hours.

  • 2 fish;
  • 70 g of salt;
  • 50 ml of food 9% vinegar;
  • seasonings: allspice and black pepper, laurel, cloves - 2-3 pcs.
  • 2 onions;
  • 1 tsp vegetable oil.
  1. Mackerel: remove the skin, remove the bones. Cut the fillet into small slices, rub with salt and leave for 10 minutes.
  2. Onion: cut into rings.
  3. Marinade: mix oil, vinegar, seasonings.
  4. Salting: pepper the fish, put it in a container and pour over the marinade. Leave in the room for 10 hours, then remove for a couple of hours in the refrigerator.

According to this recipe, you can get fragrant and very tasty fish.

For salting three fish, you will need 70 g of salt, 2 tbsp. black tea, 1.5 liters of water, 40g of sugar and 3 handfuls of onion husks.

  1. Rinse the onion peel thoroughly.
  2. Mix all ingredients, except mackerel, boil, then cool and strain.
  3. Clean the fish, rinse and put in a container.
  4. Top with cooled mixture.
  5. Cover and send to marinate in the refrigerator for three days.
  6. In order for the mackerel to be equally colored on all sides and evenly salted, it must be turned over daily.

Before serving, cut and decorate with lemon slices and green sprigs.

For 2 mackerel you will need 4 tbsp. black leaf tea, salt, sugar, a liter of water.

  1. Clean the carcass, wash and dry.
  2. Brew tea with boiling water, when it cools down, add the rest of the recipe ingredients to it and mix thoroughly.
  3. Dip the mackerel into the liquid and put it in the refrigerator for 4 days. After getting the fish out of the liquid and hanging over the sink overnight.

Salted fish can be made in just a couple of hours.

  • mackerel;
  • bulb;
  • a few grains of black pepper;
  • 45g. salt;
  • 2 bay leaves;
  • glass of water.
  1. In boiling water, put the onion cut into 4 parts and seasonings.
  2. Cover with a lid and cook over low heat for about 10 minutes.
  3. After turning off the gas and opening the lid, leave to cool completely.

Then they gut the fish, remove the tail, head, wash, dry and cut into small pieces.

The slices are put in jars, poured with a cooled mixture and cleaned in a cool place for a couple of hours.

Before serving, you can decorate beautifully with onion rings. The only drawback of such a dish is a short shelf life, so it is better not to prepare for future use in this way.

You can salt the cabin in the evening, and in the morning already enjoy its delicate taste. For one fish you will need a tablespoon of salt and half a spoonful of sugar, as well as spices, vinegar and vegetable oil to taste.

  1. Roll small slices of mackerel in a mixture of spices and put them tightly in a jar.
  2. Store filled containers in the refrigerator overnight.
  3. In the morning, wash off the remaining salt, dry, transfer to a clean container and pour over the oil-vinegar mixture.

After 2 hours, the fish can already be tasted.

For salting, it is advisable to use fresh mackerel, as it is denser. As a last resort - frozen fish of the autumn catch (it is more fatty than spring).

  1. Buy a fish carcass. Gut, remove the head, fins, tail. Make an incision along the back so as to remove the spine without damaging the abdomen. It turns out a whole piece of fillet, similar to a butterfly - it will be easier to fold it, unlike divided in half. After that, the ribs and large bones are removed, washed and the black film on the abdomen is removed.
  2. Salt. Coarse salt is evenly sprinkled on one inner half of the fillet, covered with the second part and rubbed on the top. After that, lay out in a container alternating salted and fish layers. After 2-3 hours, everything is transferred to a colander and hung in a cool place for 8-12 hours (the longer the fish hangs, the saltier it will be). After that, they are washed well, spices are poured inside (coriander grains, garlic cut into slices, ground white pepper or black grains (they can be removed later), a couple of bay leaves for one “butterfly” and cloves if desired). You can also stuff with dried herbs. The main thing is not to overdo it and not to overdo it with the quantity. After all, salted mackerel should have a recognizable taste of spices. After that, the halves are folded again and left for 2-3 hours.
  3. Freeze. Roll tightly and wrap with parchment paper. You can tie with a thread for strength. Then put in a plastic bag and sent to the freezer.

Salted mackerel is stored for a long time, you can eat it in a day right in a frozen form! Before serving, you need to cut into slices, remove seasonings and skin, which is very easy to remove from frozen fish.

Classic appetizer on the table - mackerel spicy salting! How to salt mackerel at home quickly and easily - find out from our selection of the best recipes.

Recipe 1: how to salt mackerel in brine (step by step photos)

When buying frozen mackerel, you should pay attention to the ice glaze. The ice must be transparent and uniform, without yellowness, dark spots, cracks and sagging. After defrosting, high-quality fish remains elastic, the bones should remain in place during butchering and keep up with the meat.

Sea fish in shops and the market most often comes in a fresh-frozen form. Fish and seafood are best preserved after shock freezing. Mackerel should be thawed slowly - in cold water or in the refrigerator, then useful substances, taste and smell of sea fish remain in it.

It is not recommended to defrost mackerel at elevated temperatures or in warm water. Together with such defrosting, the cooking process begins - the protein in the fish coagulates, and the quality of the product is noticeably reduced.

How to pickle fresh-frozen mackerel at home:

Defrost fish properly.

Remove fins, head and tail.

Rinse the carcass in cold water.

Remove any remaining water on the surface of the fish with a paper towel.

You can pickle mackerel in pieces or whole.

The permissible width of the pieces is from 2 to 3 cm, this size allows the meat to be salted quickly and well. For salting whole, you should choose medium-sized fish, it quickly salts out, it is convenient to work with it in the kitchen.

How to pickle mackerel? The brine can be spicy, for this, spices, sugar and spices are added during the cooking process - peppercorns, cloves, bay leaves and others according to personal taste and desire. Spicy salting is delicious and original recipe salted mackerel. This dish will decorate festive table and diversify daily menu. You can pickle mackerel according to the classic recipe - in salt brine.

How to pickle mackerel in brine:

Brine. To prepare the brine, you need to dissolve the salt in cold water, add sugar and spices, then boil the liquid for 2-3 minutes. The finished brine is cooled and filtered.

Salting fish. Fish carcasses or pieces are placed close to each other in a glass container. Prepared fish is poured with chilled brine.

Cooking time. Pieces of mackerel are well salted in a day, then they should be transferred to a dry container - a plastic container or a glass jar. For whole fish, the cooking time should be increased to 3-4 days, depending on their quantity and the desired strength of the salting.

Storage. Ready salty product stored in the refrigerator, eating is acceptable for a week. Over a longer period of storage, mackerel may deteriorate.

Recipe 2: how to salt mackerel deliciously and simply in brine

The most delicious and easy recipe for homemade pickled mackerel!

  • Mackerel fish - 5 pcs.
  • Salt - 8 tbsp. spoons
  • Sugar - 4 tbsp. spoons
  • Onion peel - 3 handfuls
  • Black tea (no additives) - 3 teaspoons
  • Bay leaf - 7 pcs.
  • Allspice peas - 10 pcs.
  • Water - 2 l

First you need to clean and rinse mackerel without a head. Wash the onion skins.

To prepare the brine, add 8 tablespoons to 2 liters of water. salt, 4 tbsp. sugar, washed onion peel, 3 tsp. black tea (no additives), 7 pcs. bay leaf and 1 tsp. allspice peas. Send to the fire until boiling. Let it boil for 5 minutes.

After boiling the brine, it is necessary to strain it and leave to cool completely.

After the brine has completely cooled down, fill them with mackerel.

After 4 days, salted mackerel is ready to eat.

Recipe 3, step by step: how to salt mackerel at home

  • mackerel, freshly frozen - 400 grams;
  • water - 700 grams;
  • dried laurel leaf - 3 pcs.;
  • black pepper in the form of peas - 5-7 pcs;
  • dried coriander seeds - 5-7 grains;
  • dried cloves - 2-3 buds;
  • granulated sugar - 1.5 tables. l.;
  • table salt, coarse - 2.5 tables. l.

In advance, 40 minutes before marinating the fish, I cook the marinade. I boil water, pour salt and sugar into it. I stir with a spoon to dissolve them.

I add all the spices: lavrushka, black peppercorns, coriander seeds and cloves. I turn off the fire. I leave the marinade to cool in the room. The aromas are already dizzying. One can only imagine how tasty mackerel will be with such a marinade later.

I clean the fish after it has completely melted. I rinse with water, cut off the head and remove all the insides, intestines. I wash the abdomen with water from the inside. When everything is clean, I proceed to the next step.

I put the peeled mackerel in a container in which I will marinate it. I used an enamel container. Glass molds and even plastic ones (made of food-grade plastic) are also perfect.

I fill the prepared fish with a completely cooled spicy marinade. And I put it in the fridge for 2-3 days.

Then I take out the fish, cut it into pieces.

I serve delicious mackerel to the table.

Recipe 4: how to salt whole mackerel in brine with spices

Lightly salted mackerel is the easiest way to cook this healthy fish, preserving the maximum of nutrients in it. Mackerel belongs to the fatty varieties of fish, which means that it contains fatty acids, which are so important for our body. In addition, the fish is rich in a number of minerals and vitamins.

Cooking salted mackerel is not at all difficult. You just need to salt it in a saline solution, add some spices. Marinating time - 24 hours. As a result, we get fragrant soft fish with all its useful ingredients.

In this recipe, we will pickle whole mackerel in brine with spices.

  • large mackerel 1 pc.;
  • bay leaf 2 pcs.;
  • allspice 5-6 pcs.;
  • cloves 7-8 pcs.;
  • salt 1-1.5 tbsp. spoons;
  • boiled water 0.5 l.

Boil water and cool it down. Pour 0.5 l of water room temperature into a deep container. Add to the water 1-1.5 tbsp. tablespoons of table salt and stir it well until completely dissolved. Russell is ready.

Add cloves, bay leaf and allspice peas to salt water.

Defrost a large mackerel. We wash it, gut it and put it in a container with brine. The fish is completely immersed in water. We remove the container in the refrigerator. We keep the fish in brine for 24 hours, or longer.

After the specified time, remove the fish from the brine and cut into small pieces. You can add a few rings of fresh onion. Drizzle the fish with vegetable oil and, if desired, vinegar.

Lightly salted mackerel, salted whole in brine, is ready! Soaked with cloves and allspice, it will be very fragrant.

Recipe 5: how to quickly and tasty salt mackerel slices in brine

If you like salted fish: herring, mackerel, etc., then you will definitely like this recipe. Why buy fish in the market, if you can perfectly pickle it with your own hands, at home, while making it taste the way you like best.

Today we’ll talk about how to make spicy salted mackerel. This fish tastes similar to the one they sell in preserves in the store.

  • Peppercorns - 2-3 pcs.
  • Salt - 1 tbsp.
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp.
  • Dry mustard - 0.5 tbsp.
  • Bay leaf - 3 pcs.
  • Carnation bud - 1-3 pcs.
  • Vegetable oil - 1 tbsp.
  • Apple cider vinegar - 1 tbsp.
  • Coriander seeds - 0.5 tbsp.
  • Fresh frozen mackerel - 3 pcs.

First, you can immediately prepare the brine for marinating the fish, as it needs to cool completely. To do this, we combine: water, salt, sugar, mustard, vegetable oil, Apple vinegar and spices. Bring the whole mass to a boil, boil for 5 minutes and let cool completely. This is important so as not to "brew" the fish.

While the brine is being prepared, let's take care of the fish. Thoroughly wash it, remove the insides from the abdomen and rinse again. If there is a head, cut off. We will not use it in salting. We cut the mackerel carcass into portioned pieces and put it in a deep bowl or pan.

When the brine has cooled down, fill them with pieces of mackerel, cover with a plate on top so that all the fish is covered with marinade and send it to the refrigerator for 1-3 days. The fish will be ready for 1 day, but it will taste barely salty. Perhaps someone likes just such a fish.

After keeping the mackerel in brine for 2-3 days, the fish will become exactly the same as in the store, salted, tender, very tasty. We put the finished salted fish on a plate and serve it at home with boiled potatoes or just as a snack. Precisely, you can also immediately pickle fish fillet mackerel, having previously separated it from the central and other bones.

Recipe 6: how to quickly salt mackerel (step by step with photo)

This method of salting fish is very fast - after 3 hours the mackerel is ready for use. In this case, only natural spices are used, and the taste is simply excellent. The fish is moderately salty, tender and fragrant.

  • 2 large mackerels
  • 4 tbsp. l. rock salt
  • 1 bulb
  • 2 tbsp. l. granulated sugar
  • 1 tsp coriander (seeds)
  • 6-9 peas of allspice and black pepper
  • 3-4 bay leaves
  • 2 tbsp. l. 9% vinegar
  • 700 ml. water

Prepare necessary products. Remove the mackerel from the freezer and leave to defrost at room temperature.

At this time, prepare the brine. Place salt, granulated sugar (tablespoons with a slide), peppercorns and coriander, bay leaves in a saucepan. Cut the onion into 4 parts along with the husk, after thoroughly washing it out of the sand.

Fill with cold water and put on a gas stove. Let the mixture boil for 5-7 minutes, then turn off the fire, close the lid and leave the contents of the pan to cool and infuse.

Cut off the head of the fish, open the belly. Remove and wash all black films with special care. If desired, you can salt the caviar and milk contained in the fish.

Cut each mackerel into pieces.

When the brine has cooled, strain it through a sieve and lay out the pieces of fish. So that they do not float to the surface, you can cover the top with a plate. Leave in this form for 3 hours at room temperature.

Pour over time table vinegar, stir and wait another 3 hours. After that, drain all the brine.

Mackerel at home is ready to eat, you can try. Store in the refrigerator in a tightly closed glass jar no more than a week.

Recipe 7: quick salting of mackerel in brine at home

  • fresh-frozen mackerel 2–3 pcs.
  • bay leaf 7 pcs.
  • water 1 l
  • black peppercorns 10–20 pcs.
  • salt 5 tbsp
  • onion 1 pc.

Cooking necessary ingredients: We clean the onion and cut it into 4 parts. Wash mackerel and defrost slightly.

Bring a liter of water to a boil. Add onion, salt, bay leaf, peppercorns to it. I usually put more than in the ingredients, about 20 pieces. Boil the brine for 10 minutes over low heat. Then cool down to room temperature.

Cut the mackerel into pieces 1 cm thick. It is better to do this when it has not yet completely thawed, so the pieces will be evener. And leave it to defrost until the end.

Dip the pieces of mackerel in the cooled brine and leave for 1 hour. If you want the mackerel to be lightly salted, then leave it for 45 minutes.

Then we dry the fish on a napkin.

We spread the salted mackerel on a dish and lightly pour vegetable oil.

Mackerel of spicy salting is ready!

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herring, mackerel, spices

No holiday table can be imagined without fish dishes. Given the ease of preparation and the availability of products, fish can be cooked not only for the holiday, but also every day.

Mackerel is a unique gift from the sea. Despite the fact that it is very high in calories, it is easily absorbed by the body and is an excellent source of protein. It contains a large amount of minerals and essential omega-3 fatty acids, which improve the functioning of the brain, vision, nervous and cardiovascular systems.

Mackerel does not have small bones and is perfect in terms of gastronomic qualities specifically for salting, since it does not lose either fat content or juiciness.

The recipe for salting mackerel at home will certainly interest you with its simplicity and accessibility.

And at least once prepared salted fish with your own hands, you will never again buy it in a store

  1. Carcasses of large and medium-sized fish are suitable for salting, but small ones are not quite, because they have a lot of bones, little fat content and juiciness.
  2. The carcass should have a light fishy aroma, be elastic and slightly moist. Light gray color indicates the freshness of the fish.
  3. The carcass should be smooth, without dents and damage. Frozen fish should be thawed on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator in a tightly closed container.
  4. You can salt mackerel both whole and in pieces. If you salt in pieces, the fish will be ready to eat a little earlier.
  5. For salting, use coarse salt, not iodized. Iodine, without changing the taste, can spoil the appearance of the finished product.
  6. It is recommended to salt the fish in glass or enameled or plastic dishes.
  7. To enhance the aroma of fish, when boiling the brine, you can add cloves, a mixture of peppers, dried dill, white mustard, peas, coriander.
  8. The longer the fish is in the brine, the more concentrated the taste will be.
  9. It is necessary to store mackerel salted at home in the refrigerator for no more than 5 days.
  • Mackerel - 3 pcs
  • Salt - 3 tbsp
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp.
  • Brewing black tea - 2 tbsp
  • Onion peel - 3 handfuls
  • Water - 1.5 l

Defrost the fish, gut, cut off the head and put in a container.

When using mackerel prepared according to this recipe, the skin does not need to be removed.

I'm preparing the brine. Rinse the onion peel well and soak for 10-15 minutes, put in a saucepan, add salt, sugar, tea leaves and pour water, and put on fire. After boiling, turn off the gas and leave to cool completely.

Pour the prepared fish with strained brine, close and send it to the refrigerator for three days.

Turn the fish once a day for uniform salting and coloring. After three days, we take out the fish and wash it in running water.

Onion peel gives mackerel a golden color and a pleasant taste. Cut the fish into portions and serve.


  • Mackerel - 1 piece
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Salt - 1 tbsp
  • Water - 400 ml
  • Allspice black pepper - 8 peas
  • Bay leaf - 2 l
  1. Defrost the fish, remove the head and tail, gut, rinse well and dry with a paper towel.
  2. Cut the carcass into slices 2 centimeters thick and put in a jar.
  3. I'm preparing the brine. Bring the water to a boil, add all the spices and the onion cut into four parts. Boil the brine for 8 minutes and cool.

The fish is ready, put it on a dish and decorate with onion rings and herbs.

  • Mackerel - 1 piece
  • Salt - 4 tbsp
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp
  • Vinegar -2 tbsp
  • Allspice - 3 pcs
  • Black pepper - 3 pcs
  • Bay leaf - 3 l
  • Water - 1 l
  1. Wash the fish, gut and cut into pieces.
  2. Boil water in a saucepan, add salt, sugar and spices, boil the brine for 5 minutes.
  3. After the brine has cooled, add the vinegar
  4. Put the fish in a glass container, pour brine.
  5. We leave the container with fish for a day at room temperature.

  • Mackerel - 2 pcs
  • Salt - 2-3 tbsp
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp
  • Bay leaf - 3 pcs
  • Coriander beans - 0.5 tbsp
  • Allspice peas - 8-10 pcs
  • Vegetable oil
  • Vinegar

We cut the fish for further salting: cut off the head, tail and fins, gut, remove the inner black film and rinse thoroughly. In this recipe, the fish can be cut into pieces and the whole carcass can also be used.

We pour each carcass with a pickling mixture from the outside and from the inside.

We put the fish on food foil, sprinkle the rest of the dry mixture on top. We wrap the foil, put it in a plastic bag and send it to the refrigerator for 2 hours.

After the time has passed, wash off the excess salt, cut into medium circles and spread on a clean beautiful dish, sprinkle with oil and vinegar and decorate.

  • Mackerel -1-2 pieces
  • Salt (coarse) - 3-4 tbsp
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp
  • Pepper black peas - 5 pcs
  • Sweet pea pepper - 2 pcs
  • Bay leaf - 3 pcs.
  • Mustard powder - 1 tbsp.
  • Cloves (optional) 2 pcs
  • Water - 1 l.
  1. I'm preparing the brine.
  2. We put a pot of water on the fire, after boiling, add all the spices and boil for another three minutes. Cool the brine to room temperature.
  3. We process the mackerel carcass - we take out the gills, gut, remove the black film from the abdomen.
  4. Wash well.
  5. We put the fish in a glass container and fill it with brine. Close tightly with a lid and put in the refrigerator for 12 hours.
  6. After 12 hours, salted fish is ready to eat. The fish can be cut into pieces, can be salted whole, on palatability it won't affect

The fish can be cut into pieces, it can be salted whole, this will not affect the taste

  • Mackerel -1 piece
  • Salt - 2 tbsp
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp
  • Pepper black peas - 8 pcs
  • Pepper sweet peas - 6 pcs
  • Bay leaf - 2 pcs.
  • Coriander beans - 1/2 tbsp
  • Carnation - 2 pcs

Prepare marinade. In a saucepan, combine 1 liter of water, salt, sugar, cloves, pepper, bay leaf and coriander. Bring to a boil, remove from heat and let cool.

Prepare the mackerel: cut off the head, remove the insides and rinse under cool running water.

Cut into serving pieces.

Transfer to a container with an airtight lid. Pour over the cooled marinade and refrigerate for 1 day.

Remove the fish from the marinade, add onion and unrefined sunflower oil to taste.

Hello readers of my blog! Today I am writing how to pickle mackerel at home. After all, we are not always sure of the quality of the fish that is sold in the market or in the store. Often, stale fish is taken for salting, it can be poorly salted or salted, which will affect the taste of the fish or your health. Often, salted fish is stored in open containers that are not covered with brine; the fish winds up and deteriorates from this.

Therefore, if you want to be sure of the quality of salted mackerel, salt it yourself. To do this, choose only fresh fish, gray in color, without yellow spots.

Mackerel is a very tasty and fatty fish. I recommend including it in your diet regularly. At least once a week. Mackerel has a lot of useful fatty acids such as Omega 3. These acids have a beneficial effect on the health of blood vessels, preventing the deposition of cholesterol plaques and reducing the formation of blood clots. And for the brain, the value of Omega 3 is difficult to overestimate. The brain is 60% fat, and Omega 3 is necessary for it to function properly.

Omega 3 improves memory and is essential at any age, even in utero. Therefore, it is important for pregnant women to receive the required dose of fish oil daily.

Oily fish is the best source of omega 3 fats. From plant sources of these fats, look for linseed oil. It is very good to drink linseed oil in the morning before meals, 1 tbsp. spoon.

There is also a lot of well-digestible in mackerel. And mackerel is rich in various vitamins, macro- and microelements. For example, it contains a lot of vitamin D to strengthen bones, there is sulfur, phosphorus, manganese, potassium, zinc, selenium. In autumn, the amount of fat in mackerel increases, so at this time of the year it is especially valuable.

Oven-baked mackerel recipes are waiting for you

How to pickle mackerel: a classic ambassador.

Salting mackerel is easy. It is necessary to prepare a brine with which the fish is poured. If you want to cook quickly, cut the mackerel into pieces, then it will be salted in 6 hours. If you salt it whole, then you need to keep the fish in brine for at least 12 hours.


  • mackerel - 2 pcs.
  • water - 700 ml
  • salt (preferably not iodized) - 3 tbsp. l.
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. l.
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs.
  • allspice peas - 3-4 pcs.

How to pickle mackerel: a recipe with a description.

It is better to defrost fish slow way, so it retains the maximum amount of useful substances. That is, the ideal option is to defrost in the refrigerator during the night.

Let's prepare the brine first. Pour water into the pan, put salt, sugar, bay leaf, pepper there. Boil water until sugar and salt are completely dissolved. And leave the brine to cool.

Now let's prepare the fish. Thawed mackerel needs to be washed, cut off the head, fins and clean the insides. Wash the fish well both inside and out. Remove the black film in the middle. Pat clean fish dry with paper towels.

Cut the fish into portions. If desired, you can remove the backbone and bones and salt the fillet.

Now we put the pieces in a container in which the fish will salt. It can be a jar, or a container, or an enamel saucepan. When the brine has cooled, pour the fish over it, close the jar with a lid and leave for 4 hours. Then you can remove the mackerel in the refrigerator.

After 6 hours you can already eat. It turns out very tasty and tender. Even children eat with pleasure. Serve to taste: with onion, with vegetable oil, with lemon. Such mackerel is good with potatoes, with black bread (sandwich), with vegetables.

How to pickle mackerel with spicy salting.

If you want fish not just salty, but also spicy, you can use the following recipe. Spicy mackerel will be very useful on the festive table.

For such a fish we need:

  • mackerel - 2-3 pcs.
  • water - 3 cups
  • salt - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • sugar - 1 tablespoon
  • lemon - 0.5 pcs.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • peppercorns - 3-4 pcs.
  • cloves - 2 pcs.
  • bay leaf - 1 pc.

How to cook spicy salted mackerel.

1. Prepare the brine. Pour water into a saucepan, bring to a boil. Put salt, sugar, pepper, cloves and bay leaf into the water. Dissolve salt and sugar in water and leave to cool.

You can add any spices to your taste. It can be garlic, ginger, herbs.

2. Wash the fish, cut off the head and fins, remove the insides. Rinse well again and cut into slices about 3 cm thick.

3. Peel the onion and cut into rings.

4. Cut half a lemon into cubes or cubes.

5. Put fish, lemon and onion in layers in a jar or saucepan. Instead of lemon, you can use lemon juice or fruit vinegar.

6. Fill the mackerel with cooled brine. Be sure to cover with a lid. Leave warm for 3 hours. Then send to salt in the refrigerator. Fish can be eaten in a day. If you salt the fillet, then it will be salted after 5 hours.

7. Set the table, and enjoy your meal!

Mackerel is a fish whose body shape resembles a spindle and it is covered with barely noticeable scales. Mackerel meat is delicious and useful product. It is recommended to use it in case of exhaustion of the body and, as a result, a decrease in overall immunity. If the meat of this fish is regularly eaten, then the body begins to restore its strength, as a result of which the body's resistance to various infections and bacteria increases.

The protein contained in fish meat is easily absorbed by the human body. In this regard, mackerel can be eaten by any category of people, from children to the elderly. Since the product is absorbed almost completely, it does not clog the body, but, on the contrary, contributes to its purification, as a result of which the body becomes healthier.

As a result of regular consumption of mackerel meat, the functions of the central nervous system. The body recovers very quickly, as a result of past illnesses, which is noticeable against the background of an increase in physical and mental performance.

The product is prepared quite simply, but first you have to buy several carcasses of fish in the store. Nowadays, this is not a problem, if there was money. As a rule, fresh-frozen mackerel is bought. When choosing fish, you should pay attention to the quality of freezing. So what is next:

  • Give it the opportunity to unfreeze, and, you need to do it right, without forcing the process itself. It should defrost naturally.
  • After that, the fish must be cleaned, no matter what recipe it will be cooked in.
  • Remove the insides and clean well.
  • Cut off the head, fins and tail.
  • If necessary, it is cut into pieces.
  • With large volumes of salting, it is not necessary to cut the fish.
  • Finally, the fish is thoroughly washed under running cold water.

A lot of recipes for the preparation of brines have been invented by man. They are suitable for cooking any fish. Moreover, they exist as simple recipes, when the recipe includes a minimum of ingredients, and complex, when the list of ingredients reaches more than a dozen items. As a rule, most recipes are derived from classic recipe, which includes water, salt, sugar, bay leaf, peppercorns or allspice.

  • Water is poured into a saucepan, the saucepan is put on fire, and the water is brought to a boil.
  • All the ingredients are poured into the water, after which the composition is boiled for about five minutes.
  • The fire is turned off, after which the marinade should cool to room temperature.
  • The fish is filled with brine completely. The result is a rather tasty fish product.

  • Based on 400 grams of fish meat, you need to take:
  • 0.3 liters of water.
  • 25 grams of sugar.
  • 55 grams of salt.
  • Cloves - 5 pieces.
  • Bay leaf - 4 leaves.
  • Coriander - 10 pieces.
  • Allowed basil and lemon juice.

How to use spices correctly

As a rule, any spices can be used in the cooking process, since there are no restrictions in this regard. For cooking mackerel, bay leaves, cloves, black peppercorns, allspice, etc. will go. The fish goes well with lemon slices, as well as orange.

Therefore, when the fish is cooked, it is laid out in layers and each layer is shifted with lemon or orange slices, mixed with onion rings. The taste will be more intense if you add garlic, dill, parsley, basil or celery here.

Cooking process

The cooking process does not contain complex steps, therefore, anyone can handle it. The main thing is to strictly follow all the recommendations for cooking. In addition, it is very important to adhere to the ratio of salt and sugar. No less important is the stage of cooking fish. It is desirable that the carcass of the fish be carefully butchered and all unnecessary parts removed. This is especially true when removing the insides. If this is not done carefully, the result may be a product with bitterness.

Therefore, when salting fish, you should follow some rules that will help you get the final product with unsurpassed quality. For instance:

  • Hot brine is not recommended. It must cool to room temperature.
  • The brine should cover whole carcasses or pieces completely.
  • In progress fast food strongly saline solutions should be used. After its preparation, it is subjected to soaking in cold water.
  • When cooking in pieces, the brine will require very little.

Salt mackerel in brine

At the same time, a rather tasty end product is obtained.

To cook mackerel in this way you will need:

  • 2 carcasses of mackerel.
  • One large onion.
  • Allspice peas.
  • Chopped bay leaf.
  • Vinegar 9% - about 60 ml.
  • Sea salt about 3 tablespoons.
  • Vegetable oil (any) - 1 teaspoon.
  • Cloves - a couple of pieces.
  • Ground black pepper - 1 teaspoon.
  • Coriander, although it is possible without it.
  • Fish carcasses are cut into equal pieces.
  • The onion is cut into half rings.
  • One liter of water is brought to a boil, with the addition of salt, sugar and spices, after which the composition is cooled.
  • Vinegar is added to the cooled mixture and mixed.
  • Pieces of fish are laid out in a container and completely filled with prepared brine. After that, the fish is placed in the refrigerator for a day.
  • In the course of salting, the container must be shaken so that the pieces of fish marinate evenly.

This recipe also does not contain complex steps, the only difference is that a whole carcass of fish is salted. First of all, the fish is carefully prepared by washing it under cold water.

To prepare 1 kg of fish you will need:

  • Half a liter of water.
  • Coarse salt - 2 tablespoons.
  • Sugar - half a tablespoon.
  • 4 peas of allspice.
  • 2 bay leaves.

All ingredients are combined with water and put on fire, then boiled for 5 minutes and cooled to room temperature. The fish is placed in a container, after which it is poured with a cooled solution and placed in the refrigerator for a couple of days.

Dry salted mackerel (without brine)

This recipe does not require pre-cooking the brine. But it is necessary to prepare the fish by removing the insides, head, fins and tail. After that, the fish is washed in cold water and dried with a paper towel.

To cook mackerel in this way, you need to stock up:

  • Carcass of fish, somewhere weighing 300 grams.
  • Salt, one tablespoon.
  • Sugar, about 0.5 tablespoon.
  • A pinch of ground black pepper.
  • Powder of dry mustard, it needs 0.5 teaspoon.
  • A pinch of ground coriander.
  • All components are mixed in one container and thoroughly mixed, without adding liquid. After that, the carcass of the fish is rubbed with a similar dry mixture. After that, the fish is placed in a plastic bag and sent to a cold place for a couple of days.

What is useful salted mackerel?

Mackerel is considered a very useful fish, since it contains a lot of useful substances that have a beneficial effect on the functions of the human body. At the same time, experts advise not to abuse this product.


Useful substances that make up mackerel meat are involved in:

  • in DNA synthesis.
  • In the regulation of substances.
  • To provide the cells of the body with oxygen.
  • In improving metabolism.
  • In the fight against malignant neoplasms.
  • An increase in the level of hemoglobin in the blood.
  • In a beneficial effect on the work of the digestive tract.
  • In strengthening the immune system.
  • In improving memory.
  • In reducing pain in arthritis and arthrosis.


Mackerel is considered an oily fish, but it is mainly healthy fats that prevent a person from gaining excess weight. Depending on how it is prepared calorie content is in the range of 190-270 kcal per 100 grams of product. Therefore, it can be safely used even by those who decide to lose weight.

The presence of vitamins

The composition of mackerel meat is a whole bunch beneficial vitamins group B, as well as vitamins such as A, K, H, E and PP. In addition to them, meat contains omega 3 fatty acids, which makes it especially useful.

Presence of trace elements

In addition to vitamins, mackerel meat is rich in trace elements, such as:

  • Iron.
  • Cobalt.
  • Copper.
  • Zinc.
  • Phosphorus.
  • Manganese, etc.


salted mackerel- this is a tasty and healthy product, because it contains a maximum of vitamins and microelements. Despite this, its use is associated with a number of limitations. For some categories of people, an extra piece eaten can bring not good, but harm. For instance:

  • It is not recommended to eat it for people suffering from allergic reactions.
  • The presence of salt in fish can become a restriction when taken for those people who have problems with the functioning of the kidneys and gastrointestinal tract.
  • The consumption of salted mackerel should be limited for people prone to hypertension.

Hello to all! If you have never made fish yourself, or rather you have not marinated it, then fix it faster. After all, or mackerel is the coolest snack on any table. You can now buy fresh-frozen charm in absolutely any store by weight, and then conjure.

Mackerel, unlike herring, is much more tender and mostly fatter, which everyone likes incomparably. Oh, if you still get a female with caviar, it will be just super in general.

You can make canapes with this fish, and it will also go well with any side dish, for example, with mashed potatoes or

This post is not going to be very big, but I tried to take the most popular and superfood delicious and easy recipes so you can choose and make from what you have at home. And in principle, this fish needs seasonings and salt. And if you want something special and unique, then you have to choose a marinade in tea or onion peel. Here, of course, a matter of taste, who likes what more or who is used to cooking.

Let's start with the simplest and tastiest Gost's salting. The secret of this recipe is in spices, if you don’t like them at all, then you don’t have to add them, but in general then the fish will not be spicy salted, but will be just lightly salted.

It is these spices that give that very cool and incomparable taste that makes you want to eat and eat mackerel endlessly, but you still won’t be able to eat a lot of it, and you can’t).

We will need:

  • water - 0.5 l
  • mackerel - 1 pc.
  • coarse salt - 2 tbsp
  • sugar - 1 tbsp
  • allspice, black peppercorns
  • onion - 1 head
  • bay leaf - 1 pc.

Cooking method:

1. Remove the head of the fish with a knife. Then cut open the abdomen and remove the intestines and other waste.

Now you will need to rinse the fish under running water, and then cut it into stationary pieces, so it will be salted immediately into pieces, which, in principle, is very convenient for many, everything will be ready right away.

2. Prepare the brine, take a ladle or a small saucepan and pour water, then add allspice and black peas, sugar and salt, stir. Bring to a boil and cook for 3 minutes. Turn off and let the brine cool down.

3. While the brine is cooling, put a liter jar of mackerel mixed with onions, which must be cut into rings, into the floor.

4. Pour in the marinade and be sure to add the peas from the brine to the jar. Close with a nylon lid and put in a cool place for 12 hours.

5. Well, after the fish is ready and waiting for you to take a sample. Bon Appetit! It turns out deliciously tasty, everyone will like such mackerel in spicy brine and you will stop buying store-bought.

Salt freshly frozen mackerel in brine

It seems to me that everyone loves to eat tasty and at the same time everyone wants all the products in our diet to be of high quality and not expired. I think that many of you have at least once encountered such a problem as poisoning, so I recommend that you cook for yourself. Moreover, mackerel is one of the available fish that is in any store.

Try to cook it in brine with spices and spices, as in this recipe, and you will definitely fall in love with home cooking, because everything is quite simple and fast. The spicy salted mackerel will give you a magical and delicate taste. This option is similar to the previous one, but there is no onion in the brine and the spices are slightly different. Try to do both the first and second options, and then write which one you like best.

We will need:

  • mackerel - 3 pcs or 1.2 kg
  • salt - 3 tbsp
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. l
  • bay leaf - 4 pcs.
  • allspice and black peppercorns 6 pcs.
  • cloves - 5 pcs.
  • water - 1 liter

Cooking method:

1. Take the fish and cut off the head and gut the intestines, remove the black films, wash in running water and wipe with a dry paper towel.

2. For delicious marinade you will need the ingredients according to the list, the main thing is that there is black peppercorns and bay leaf.

3. Add spices, salt and sugar to any metal container and let the liquid boil, the kitchen will have an indescribable aroma. And then cool to room temperature.

4. Place the prepared whole fish in a cup, where you will salt it. Do not forget to trim the ponytails, in principle, they are useless.

5. Now fill the whole mackerel with brine. Never fill mackerel with hot brine, this is important, or it will boil. As you can see, in just 5 minutes you did almost all the work.

6. Cover with cling film and let it brew for a couple of hours. Waiting time - 2 days. Well, then take it out and cut it into pieces.

Interesting! According to this option, you can salt not only mackerel, but also other fish, such as herring, sprat, etc.

Salted mackerel in tea with an incomparable taste

Yum, well, you definitely haven’t tried such a gourmet, it may seem strange to you, but in tea it turns out incredibly tasty, and even beautiful. Thanks to the one who came up with this option, I also recommend trying and treating everyone with such a fish.

It turns out as if smoked and looks with a golden crust, in general, a beauty. Everything is as always easy and simple, but in the end everyone will want to know your signature author's recipe.

We will need:

  • Mackerel fish - 3 carcasses
  • Water - 1 l
  • Tea 2-3 tbsp.
  • Sugar - 3 tablespoons
  • Salt - 3 tablespoons

Cooking method:

1. Gut our sea beauties. You will need to initially cut off the heads, remove the intestines and everything that is superfluous in the abdomen of the fish. Tails can be left or cut off.

2. Now let's make a marinade, observe all proportions, remember that these proportions are given specifically for a liter marinade. If you have fewer fish, then make half as many, that is, take 2 times less salt and tea.

Put water in a saucepan and boil it, pour tea, mix, and send salt and sugar. After that, put it back on the fire and boil again so that all the dry ingredients dissolve. And only after that, let the marinade cool, and then fill it with fish.

Important! Strain the marinade through a sieve. And one more condition, the brine must completely cover the fish.

3. In such a cool tea brine fish should stand for 3-4 days. Then cut the mackerel into pieces and eat for health, even with, even with any Look at how golden and beautiful it has.

Video on how to pickle mackerel quickly and tasty whole in 2 hours

All you need is a good fresh fish, and of course your desire, all the other ingredients in question, you will learn in this video:

Marinating fish in onion skins

Another fairly popular and proven recipe, it is also considered one of the original. Until today, I didn’t know about such a recipe, it turns out that for many it has become not only proven, but also loved.

It is the onion peel that gives this unusual color, you probably already guessed it yourself. In this version, there are no spices at all, only two ingredients are used, salt and water.

We will need:

  • husk - from 5 onions
  • mackerel - 2-3 pcs.
  • water - 1 l
  • salt - 2 tbsp

Cooking method:

1. Place the onion peel in a saucepan, fill with water and rinse very well with your hands, then drain the water and pour in clean 1 liter. Leave it to stand in water for about 10-20 minutes.

Cut off the head of the mackerel, then remove all unnecessary insides. Be sure to remove the black film on the abdomen, or it will be bitter later. Rinse the fish and pat dry with paper towels. After that, cut into pieces, although if there is no special desire, you can salt it whole.

2. Add salt to the onion peel and water and mix. Turn on the gas and let this broth boil, then boil for another 3 minutes.

Now put the fish in pieces or whole in the pan and cook for 3 minutes in hot brine. And then drain all the water and remove the husk.

3. Put on a plate and sprinkle with a little lemon juice. Garnish with herbs and dill. Bon Appetit!

Mackerel with liquid smoke in a bottle

For those who love smoked meats, I suggest that you immediately switch to this simple option, which you can do right at home.

Have you ever heard of such liquid smoke salting, I think that you have definitely tried it before, but did not suspect that this is exactly this option.

We will need:

  • water - 3 l
  • mackerel - 3 pcs.
  • liquid smoke - 1/3 tbsp.
  • sugar - 3 tbsp
  • salt - 3 tbsp
  • black tea - 1 tbsp.
  • black peppercorns - 6 pcs.
  • cloves - 6 pcs.
  • garlic - 4 cloves
  • bay leaf - 4 pcs.
  • red chili pepper - 1 pod

Cooking method:

1. Take a deep container, like a saucepan and add 3 tablespoons of sugar to boiling water (3 liters). And leave to boil for 1 minute, and then pour 1 cup of tea. Cover the pot and let it simmer for 15 minutes.

Then this mixture needs to be cooled, you can put the pan so that it cools faster in a basin of cold water.

Cut off the heads of the fish and remove all the insides. Rinse and pat dry with paper towel.

2. Next, place the fish in a jar or bottle with a large neck, pour out all the spices and squeeze the garlic through the garlic press. Pour one third of the liquid smoke into a glass and pour into a jar. Pour in the marinade and cover with a nylon lid.

3. Put such a glass vessel or bottle, jar in the refrigerator or cool place for 3 days.

4. Then remove from the jar and crumble into small, neat pieces with a sharp knife.

5. Here is such a characteristic yellow color of the skin, inside is a very tasty and juicy fish. Bon Appetit!

Amazing recipe for lightly salted mackerel with mustard

Now I offer another fancy option, which is likely to shock some, but what, I think that all of you have ever tried herring in a mustard marinade, why not make such a liquid for mackerel, it will also turn out to be certainly tasty and with a spicy mustard aroma. Of course, all those who do not like mustard should move away from this recipe.

You can serve such a dish both on a festive and on an everyday table, you must admit that everyone loves salinity, though we don’t make them every day, but sometimes you can make and treat everyone with such a fish delicacy.

We will need:

  • salt - 50-100 g
  • mackerel - 0.5 kg
  • sugar - 3 g
  • nutmeg-3 g
  • bay leaf - 1 pc. cut into small pieces
  • onion - 1 pc.

For spicy salting

  • Allspice 1 gram
  • Black pepper 1 gram
  • Nutmeg 1 gram
  • Coriander 1 gram
  • Cloves 2-3 pieces
  • Water - 0.5 tbsp.

mustard filling

  • Spicy broth - 0.5 tbsp.
  • Mustard - 50 g
  • Vegetable oil - 65 g
  • Sugar - 35 g
  • Salt - 8 g
  • Acetic acid - 4 g

Cooking method:

1. Rub the fish with curing mixture, defrost the fish first and cut off the head, fins and remove the intestine. For this salting, you need to mix salt, sugar, nutmeg and bay leaf cut into small pieces.

If you still have a curing mixture, then you still sprinkle the fish with it, cover it with a lid and leave it to stand in this form for 2-3 days. Such a dry salting turned out, as you can see, without marinade and without any liquid.

2. Now rinse the mackerel in running water and let the water drain. You can already use it, or smoke it or make a filling of mustard and spicy salting.

3. For spicy salting, you will need allspice, black pepper, nutmeg, coriander and cloves. Crush all these ingredients in a mortar. Then take a bucket and pour everything into it. And then pour water and boil the mixture, let stand and brew for 25 minutes.

4. While the spicy brine is cooking, cut the finished mackerel, cut it into pieces, and cut the onion into the bottom of the glass container, such an onion pillow.

5. Now take and pour vegetable oil and mustard into a glass, plus add sugar and salt, then stir and pour in the finished cooled spicy mixture, stir and add vinegar.

6. Pour the fish with this marinade.

7. And here it is mustard-oil, or you can say spicy filling turned out, leave for 1 day in the refrigerator.

Deliciously tasty and easy to prepare, bon appetit!

The most successful recipe for salted mackerel in husks and tea

Now I propose to turn on this video and take note of the recipe in which mackerel is marinated in both onion peel and tea, such a fish disappears on the table first:

We make mackerel dry salting without brine

Well, there was one more option left, so to speak, if you don’t want to bother, you can easily rub the fish with salt and not add water at all, and in this way it will also become lightly salted, the main thing is to correctly observe all proportions.

Such fish will certainly differ from the store-bought one because it is without any chemical additives, which means you don’t have to worry about your health, this is one of the best recipes.

We will need:

  • mackerel - 5 pcs.
  • salt - 160 g
  • sugar - 80 g
  • peppercorns - 7 pcs.
  • cloves - 4-5 pcs.
  • bay leaf - 3-4 pcs. or 2 pcs. taste

Cooking method:

1. Cut off the tail and head of the fish. Remove all innards from the carcass. Rinse under running water and dry with paper towels.

2. Prepare a mixture for salting, take and put sugar and salt in one bowl. Next, mix peas, cloves and a couple of leaves of parsley, grind it all into powder.

3. The fish will need to be filleted, remove the ridges with a knife. Place the fillet in a container in which the mackerel will be salted. Mix spices and salt with sugar and you get a mixture for salting, there will be a lot of it and perhaps even remain superfluous, leave it for future use, it will not disappear.

Now salt the container in which you will salt the mackerel with this dry mixture, then wipe all the fish with it on both sides, there is an opinion that the fish will take as much salt as it needs itself.

4. Lay the fillets on top of each other, and then cover with a lid or cling film.

5. Refrigerate for 24 hours, and then eat with onions and vegetable oil, of course, cut the fish into slices. Such a delicious soft gourmet fast food turned out! Note she is without vinegar and without brine. Bon Appetit!

Advice! If you cannot eat all the fish at once, then you can freeze it in the freezer, and then take it out at any time and taste it.

It turned out at home and so that you lick your fingers!

That's all for me, as always. I wish you that everything works out for you and that you taste salted fish with great appetite and joy. All the best and all the best! Till! See you!

This sea ​​fish, which has a rich taste, contains many useful substances, especially valuable omega-3 fats and is easily absorbed by the body.

To prepare an environmentally friendly product without preservatives and chemicals, you need to know how to pickle mackerel without brine, and I will tell you how to do it simply in the recipe below. Firstly, it is cheaper than buying ready-made salted fish, secondly, it is much healthier, and thirdly, there is nothing complicated in cooking salted mackerel.

About mackerel

This fish belongs to fatty varieties. But do not be afraid of this for those who follow the figure. The maximum amount of fat that mackerel gains by autumn is approximately 16-17%, which, in principle, is not so much.

It is during this period of the year that the highest content of vitamins and microelements is concentrated in fish meat. Fats contain useful and necessary elements for the body. In the spring, the fish is a little depleted, it becomes less oily.

In 100 grams of meat, there are approximately 180 kcal and half daily allowance squirrel. So in any case, it can be attributed to dietary products.

For salting, it is best to buy fresh medium-sized fish. If only frozen mackerel is sold in your area, it's okay, just thaw it naturally, so it retains its structure and more nutrients.

How to pickle mackerel without brine: a recipe without brine

For salting you will need

  • Mackerel fish - 2 pcs.;
  • Salt medium or large - 5 tablespoons;
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp;
  • Ground black pepper - to taste;
  • Ground bay leaf - a pinch;
  • Lemon juice - 1 tablespoon;
  • food film;
  • Container with lid.
  • Clean the fish from scales, gut, remove the head and fins. Rinse the carcasses thoroughly under running water and dry them with paper towels.

  • In one cup, mix salt, sugar and spices.
  • It is not necessary to cut the carcass, take it whole and rub it thoroughly with the mixture on all sides. Set the carcass aside for 15 minutes so that it is slightly saturated with salt, then repeat the process.
  • After that, sprinkle the fish lightly lemon juice and wrap each in cling film. You can also use a regular plastic bag.
  • Place the mackerel in a food container, close the lid and refrigerate. The ambassador will take two days. if you want salted fish, you can keep it only for a day.

After a while, remove the carcasses from the film, wipe them off the salt with napkins, cut into pieces and serve. This is how easy and simple I salt mackerel at home in a dry way.

The fish goes perfectly with an onion marinated in vinegar, under a potato or vegetable stew. Just a meal! And most importantly - the fish is useful and very necessary for our body. Of course, in reasonable quantities.

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