Home Drinks and cocktails Recipe for jam from quince and apples. Cooking quince jam according to the best recipes

Recipe for jam from quince and apples. Cooking quince jam according to the best recipes

Quince grows in the south, although it is also found in the gardens of the middle lane. Fresh fruits are unsuitable for food: hard and sour. But after cooking, they become soft and sweet, besides, they emit an amazing aroma. For its yellow color and external similarity, the fruit is called the golden apple. Quince jam is unusually fragrant and tasty.

As many health benefits as the golden apple brings, few fruits can provide. Due to the high content of pectin, fruits normalize digestion. With anemia, quince juice is very useful. Seeds have an antiseptic property, they can be used for sore throats (but by no means in crushed form, this is dangerous). Fresh fruits act as a diuretic and choleretic agent. Quince jam is not only considered the most delicious, it still does not lose its beneficial properties after processing.

How to choose quince for jam

Only ripe fruits are tasty and fragrant. In order not to be mistaken, you need to know the features of fruits. It is desirable to choose large, dense fruits without damage and dents, with a uniform yellow color without green spots. A ripe quince is more fragrant than an unripe one.

Features of making quince jam

How to make quince jam so that the pieces of fruit do not become hard, and the syrup turns out to be a beautiful transparent color? To do this, follow the following technology:

  • Use ripe, but not overripe fruits.
  • A box with seeds is cut out, the fruits, together with the peel, are cut into cubes.
  • The prepared product is blanched in boiling water.
  • Sugar is added to the same water used for blanching to make syrup. Bring to a boil, put fruit, boil for 5-10 minutes. According to the technology, it is necessary to alternate boiling with infusion during the day, repeating the operations several times.
  • It is impossible to leave jam on the stove unattended, it can burn, then its color and taste will be hopelessly spoiled. For cooking, they take thick-walled dishes and constantly interfere with its contents with a spoon.
  • To prevent sugaring at the end of boiling, add citric acid on the tip of a knife. On average, cooking lasts an hour and a half.

How to cook quince jam with lemon?

If you cook the original jam with quince and lemon, its taste will be richer.

According to the recipe for 1 kg of fruit, take 1 kg of sugar and one lemon. You will need 3 more cups of water for the syrup. If desired, add half a teaspoon of vanilla.

Syrup is made from water with sugar. At this time, the fruits are cleaned of seeds (you can also peel) and cut into small slices. Put fruit in boiling syrup, reduce heat, simmer for 15 minutes. Turn off and wait for it to cool down. The process is repeated 3 times. Turning on the stove for the last time, add vanillin and lemon, along with zest, cut into cubes.

Ready-made jam from quince with hot lemon is packed in jars and rolled up (or closed with screw caps). Store in a cool place.

Quince jam recipe

Quince jam looks beautiful with slices. Besides, it is very tasty. On prescription quince jam slices take one and a half kg of sugar per 1 kg of fruit. The peeled and seeded fruits are cut into even slices, placed in a saucepan, poured with water so that the slices are covered with liquid, but do not float.

Boil until soft. The slices are taken out, the water is filtered through gauze, sugar is poured into the broth. Bring to a boil and add fruit slices. Cook on slow fire. The slices should become transparent, but not fall apart. The products are poured into containers and put away for storage.

In a slow cooker

Nowadays, smart assistants have appeared in the kitchen. Among them is a multicooker. You can quickly cook quince jam in it. The recipe is simple.

One kilogram of quince is washed and dried. The seeds are removed. If there are damages on the peel, they are also removed. Fruits are cut into small pieces, put in a bowl. Sugar is added, mixed, closed with a lid, left for three days. Stirring is repeated every day. Turn on the "extinguishing" mode, set the time to 30 minutes. After boiling, open the lid of the multicooker. After letting it brew for 6 hours, the cooking is repeated and the finished yummy is poured into jars.

An interesting recipe for quince jam with nuts. You will need: 2 kg of quince, 2 kg of sugar, 1 liter of water and 2 glasses walnuts.


  1. Wash and dry fruits.
  2. Peel the skin, remove the seeds, but do not discard.
  3. Cut fruit into slices, add water, cook for 10 minutes. Drain the water.
  4. Put the fruit in a syrup of 0.5 water and 1 kg of sugar.
  5. After 3 hours, add the remaining sugar and put on fire. Cook for 5 minutes, leave for 6 hours, repeat the process from the beginning.
  6. Cleanings are placed in the remaining water, boiled for 15 minutes. The broth is filtered and added to the pan. Crushed nuts are poured, boiled for 5 minutes, turned off and poured into jars.

with orange

Quince jam turns out very tasty when oranges are added. The combination of fruits enhances the aroma and taste, makes the color of the finished product richer. For the recipe, you will need 1 kg of quince and sugar, 1 orange and 2.5 cups of water.

Remove the peel from the fruit, fill it with water and set to boil for 30 minutes. The fruits are cut in half, the core is removed, cut into slices. Remove the peel from the broth and put the prepared slices. After 10 minutes, strain the broth, add sugar, bring to a boil. Start the quince pieces, turn off and cover the pan with a towel. After 12 hours, the container is put on fire and boiled for 30-40 minutes. A bright amber color indicates the readiness of the dish. It is poured into jars and cleaned in a cool place.

with apples

The recipe for quince jam with apples is common and affordable. For 1 kg of ripe fruit, you will need a pound of apples and 1 kg of sugar. Remove the peel from the washed fruit, cut out the core, cut into small pieces. Mix in a saucepan with sugar, leave overnight. During this time, juice will stand out. Boil in three steps for 5 minutes with a break for 6 hours. According to this recipe, the jam is beautiful, tasty and fragrant.

Storage features

Quince jam is stored for 1-3 years. Banks are placed in a refrigerator, basement or cellar. Fruits are left for the winter and fresh. Storage conditions: humidity 80%, temperature from 0 to 2 degrees and no light. Fruits are safely stored from 1 to 4 months.

Quince is a fruit related to apple and pear with a pronounced tart and slightly astringent taste. The fruit is extremely useful due to the presence of vitamins, organic acids, pectins and minerals in its composition.

Due to its specific taste, quince is difficult to consume fresh. But fragrant and delicious jellies, juices, compotes and pies.

And what kind of jam is obtained from this fruit! Moreover, any quince jam is the most delicious recipe natural delicacy, since in terms of useful qualities such blanks are in no way inferior even to healing chokeberry jam.

Simple recipes for making quince jam

I always try to stock up for the winter with several jars of treats prepared at once according to several recipes.

Quince jam with lemon

An easy-to-prepare method unexpectedly gives an amazing result - delicate citrus aroma, delicious transparent delicacy, and the taste is such that it is simply impossible to stop!


  • quince - 1 kg
  • lemon - 1 pc.
  • granulated sugar - 1 kg 200 g.

How to weld:

  • Wash quince, wipe with a soft sponge or cloth to remove plaque.
    Peel all fruits.
  • Cut into 4 pieces and remove the core.
  • Cut each part into thin slices, as in the photo
  • Pour the peel and core with 1 liter of boiling water and simmer for 30 minutes - this will be the basis of the syrup.
  • Strain the broth and mix with half the sugar.
  • Pour quince with hot syrup and leave for 4 hours.
  • Bring to a boil and leave for 6 hours.
  • Add lemon cut into small pieces. The skin does not need to be peeled off.
  • Pour in the remaining sugar.
  • Bring to a boil and leave for 6-10 hours.
  • Repeat 2 more times. Pour hot into sterile jars.
  • Close hermetically. Wrap in a towel for a day. Store at room temperature.

Simple quince jam with slices

The classic recipe for quince slices has a pleasant amber color, rich taste and aroma, and the pieces perfectly retain their shape in syrup.

To prepare this delicacy, you will need the simplest ingredients.


  • ripe fruits - 1 kg
  • water - about 0.5 l
  • sugar - 1.5 kg.

Cooking method:

  1. We prepare the fruits: wash them, cut them into small slices, not forgetting to remove the hard core with seeds.
  2. Place the chopped fruit in a saucepan and cover with water. It is necessary that the fruit pieces are completely covered with liquid.
  3. Next, you need to cook the slices until they become soft.
  4. Strain water and add sugar to it. We need to keep the syrup without fruits on low heat until the crystals dissolve.
  5. After that, it is necessary to pour the slices with syrup and cook the mixture for 30-40 minutes - exactly until the jam becomes transparent. At first, the fire should be quite strong, then it must be reduced to a minimum.
  6. It remains to pour the fragrant fruit mass into pre-prepared containers and enjoy the unique taste of homemade delicacies.

Japanese quince jam: a recipe for the winter

Quince, which is known to summer residents and gardeners as “Japanese”, has small, dense fruits with a pronounced taste.

Usually a shrub is planted for the sake of decoration - it is very beautiful during the flowering period.

But from its small fruits you can cook amazing delicacy, which will have a slight sourness and an incredible honey flavor and aroma.

What we need:

  • quince - 1 kg
  • sugar - 0.7 kg
  • honey - 0.2 kg
  • water - 0.3 l.

How to do:

  1. We prepare the fruit, cut them into small pieces.
  2. Pour water, add chopped slices and cook for about 10 minutes.
  3. After that, add sugar and continue to cook for another 15 minutes.
  4. Next, you need to remove the quince delicacy from the stove, wait for it to cool and cook again with the addition of honey - this will take about 5-7 minutes.

Quince jam in a slow cooker

For cooking in a slow cooker, we take ripe fruits and sugar in equal proportions.

Water is not included in the recipe.

To cook a fragrant delicacy with rather dense, but not hard pieces, you need to prepare the fruit - cut it into small pieces about a centimeter thick.

Then add sugar, cover and leave the mixture for about 3 days. The preparation must be stirred periodically.

After that, cook in the “quenching” mode for about 30 minutes, then let the mass cool down and repeat this 2-3 times. After boiling, it is better to open the lid of the multicooker.

If desired, you can add cinnamon, vanillin.

Recipe with walnuts

To prepare treats with nuts, you also do not need any special knowledge.

By the way, walnuts can be replaced with any other - peanuts, hazelnuts, cashews.


  • quince - 1 kg
  • sugar - 1.2 kg
  • purified walnuts- 0.5 st.

Step by step cooking recipe:

  1. Wash fruits and cut into large pieces.
  2. Put the fruit slices in a bowl and sprinkle with sugar. Leave the mass for 30 minutes until the fruits let the juice go.
  3. After that, put the workpiece on the stove and cook until the fruits turn bright yellow - about 15 minutes.
  4. Next, you need to wait until the mass cools down, then boil it again for about 10 minutes.
  5. Repeat the procedure again, now adding chopped walnuts.

Note to the owner

To make the jam just magical, take advice those who are experienced in its preparation:

  1. quince will give more juice if the cut slices are poured over with boiling water, only then covered with sugar;
  2. adding spices will only improve the taste of the sweet preparation - cinnamon, vanillin, turmeric;
  3. an interesting combination with poppy seeds, sesame seeds, flaxseed, lemon or orange zest - you get an exquisite independent dessert;
  4. closing such a jam for the winter is no more difficult than any other - we sterilize jars and lids, store in a cool place.

Quince is extremely useful fruit, it has an antiseptic, tonic, astringent and diuretic effect. Therefore, do not deny yourself the pleasure of enjoying this healthy delicacy, which is so easy to prepare at home.

It will turn out delicious if you cook jam with almonds, as in this video recipe:

Source: http://na-mangale.ru/varene-iz-ajvy.html

What is quince, I learned when I was 8 years old.

Arriving to visit my grandmother in the village, I grabbed, as I thought then, an apple, bit off a rather large piece and blinked my eyes in bewilderment, looked at my mother - it turned out to be so sour, viscous and tasteless.

But from quince jam - as you probably guessed, it was I who mistook it for an apple, they could not drag me away for a long time. Interesting fact: after heat treatment, hard and tart quince becomes soft and sweet, and its divine aroma cannot be compared with anything!

11 quince jam recipes:

Let's start, as usual, with the benefits ...

Due to the saturation with pectin, it is used to normalize the functioning of the digestive tract, juices are drunk for anemia, decoctions from seeds are used for diseases of the oral cavity due to a pronounced binding and antiseptic effect, fresh fruits are used as a choleretic and diuretic.

You can continue listing the advantages for quite some time, I think. Did you understand that quince fruits have mass positive properties, I will only note that crushed quince seeds should not be eaten, as they contain amygdalin - a rather dangerous poison.

Quince jam, other than that which has great taste, also saves all useful qualities original product, so at least one jar is always in my pantry. By now, I have collected more than a dozen recipes for quince jam, I will be very glad if you like one of them.

Quince jam with lemon

Recipe Ingredients:

  • quince 1k
  • glimon medium 1pc
  • sugar 1kg
  • water 200-300ml

How to make lemon quince jam

Prepare quince fruits: rinse thoroughly under running water hot water and wipe dry.
Cut each fruit in half and remove the core with seeds. We cut the halves into pieces of medium size, approximately 1.5-2 cm and put them in a pan of a suitable size.

Add sugar and let the juice simmer for a few hours. If as a result there is not a lot of juice (this happens if the quince is not fully ripe), you can add a glass of water.

We put our container on the stove and after it boils, cook for about 5 minutes, stirring, then remove from the stove and let it cool completely.

We do this procedure several times (usually three is enough), as a result, the jam acquires a pleasant reddish color, and the quince slices become transparent.

Before we boil our not-yet-prepared jam for the last time, cut the lemon into thin slices into it. You can also grind it with a blender.

Boil for 5-7 minutes and pour into pre-prepared washed and sterilized jars. At the end of the container with jam, turn it upside down and leave to cool, wrapping it in a blanket. Ready!

Quince jam with nuts

Recipe Ingredients: quince 2kg granulated sugar 2kg water 1l

walnuts, peeled 2 cups

How to make quince jam with nuts

We clean the washed and dried quince from the skin, cut it into halves and remove the central part with seeds, we will still need trimmings, so we do not throw them away.

Cut the quince halves into small slices, send them to a saucepan of the appropriate volume, fill with water and boil for 7-10 minutes, then salt the water and add the syrup made from 1 kg of sugar and 0.5 l of water.

After 3 hours, when the quince slices are soaked, add the sugar that we have left, and again put our container on the stove.
As in the previous recipe, after boiling, cook for 5 minutes, let cool for about 5-6 hours and repeat our steps again.

In the meantime, boil the quince peels for 10-15 minutes in 0.5 liters of water, strain the broth through a filter cloth and add it to our jam for flavor before the last boil. Then add the nuts, crushed into large pieces.

Cook for another 5 minutes and cork hot in prepared containers with lids. Everything!

Quince jam slices

Recipe Ingredients:

  • quince 1kg
  • sugar 1.5 kg
  • water as needed, about 0.5-0.7l

How to make quince jam slices

Remove the skin from the pre-washed quince, cut the fruits into slices of the desired size, while removing the hard central part with seeds.
Put the slices in a container for cooking and pour cold water to such a level that the quince is covered with water, but does not swim in it.

We boil the slices for a short time until they become soft, and immediately take them out with a spatula, and strain the water where they were cooked through a filter cloth or gauze folded in several layers.
From the resulting broth and sugar we will make a syrup, add the sugar gradually with a slow boil, stirring constantly.

When the syrup is ready, put the quince slices into it and cook until they become transparent, first over high heat, and then over low heat.

It is important to make sure that the quince does not boil soft. When finished, pour into prepared containers with lids.

Japanese quince jam

The Japanese quince is often found in household plots; housewives value it for its bright, beautiful flowers. The fruits of such a quince are small in size, but the jam from them is very tasty, with a pleasant sourness.


  • Japanese quince 1kg
  • sugar about 1kg, depending on preferences
  • water 0.3l

How to make Japanese quince jam

We thoroughly wash the fruits of Japanese quince, dry them and remove the skin from them, remove the core. Next, cut them into pieces, the size depends on your preferences.

We send pieces of quince into a container and cook for 10 minutes, add sugar and cook for another 15-20 minutes.

Remove from the stove, hold until it cools completely and boil again, but not for long, about 5 minutes. That's it, the jam is ready!

It is better to stir the jam during the cooking process, shaking the pan in a circular motion, and not with a spatula, so the quince pieces will remain intact and will not fall apart, thereby retaining an attractive appearance.

Delicious quince jam

Ingredients and preparation

  • quince fruit 1kg
  • sugar 1-1.2 kg
  • water 0.25l

We cut the washed quince into halves and remove the hard core from them. Cut into pieces and cook, adding water, until soft, about 20 minutes in time.

Then we begin to add sugar in portions. Bring to a boil and hold for about 5 minutes. Let stand for 6-7 hours and boil again.

Pour the finished jam hot into sterilized jars and roll up the lids.

Quince jam with apples

Recipe Ingredients:

  • quince ripe 1kg
  • apples 0.5kg
  • sugar 1kg

How to make apple quince jam

Peel the prepared apples and quince, remove the damaged areas and the middle with seeds, cut into small slices and send to the pan.

We will fill our mixture with sugar and leave it for 7-8 hours or even overnight so that the juice stands out from the fruit.

After that, boil the mixture of quince and apples 3 times for 5 minutes, while pausing between cooking for about 6 hours.

The finished jam acquires a wonderful golden-red color and a wonderful aroma. You may not even have to close it in jars, it ends so quickly!

Quince jam - a simple recipe

Recipe Ingredients:

  • quince 1.5kg
  • sugar 1kg
  • water 0.3l

How to make quince jam quickly and easily

We cut the quince peeled from the skin and seed box into slices, it should turn out to be about 1 kg. Put the trimmings in a separate container, fill with water and boil for about 15 minutes, then strain the broth through a strainer or a special cloth, discard the cake from the cleanings.

Gradually introduce sugar into the resulting liquid, add quince slices and bring to a boil. Boil for 10 minutes and remove from the stove to cool. Let's repeat the procedure 3 times.

For the last time, you can add a small lemon, crushed with a blender, to the quince, this will give the jam a pleasant sourness.

Quince jam with orange

Recipe Ingredients peeled quince 2kgsugar 2kgwater 1l

1 medium orange

How to make quince-orange jam

We will cut the prepared peeled quince into slices or cubes, as you like.
Fill the peels and the central part of the fruit with water and boil for about 15-20 minutes. Strain the resulting broth and fill it with pieces of quince, discard the remaining mass during straining.

Cut a well-washed orange into small slices and send it to a saucepan with quince. Cook, stirring, for about 35 minutes.

As a result, our quince and orange jam acquires a magical amber hue and a divine aroma!

Quince jam with pumpkin

Recipe Ingredients:

  • pumpkin peeled 1kg
  • quince peeled 0.5kg
  • sugar 0.7 kg

How to make quince and pumpkin jam Cut the pre-washed and peeled pumpkin and quince into small pieces and sprinkle with sugar (0.5 kg is enough, if you like it sweeter, put a little more).

Stir and leave until the juice is plentiful. Cook over low heat, stirring occasionally, for about 30-35 minutes. For long-term storage cork hot in sterilized jars.

If you eat immediately, you can cool and store in the refrigerator in an appropriate container.

Quince jam in a slow cooker


  • quince peeled 1kg
  • sugar 1kg

Wash and dry the quince. We remove the seed box (core), the skin can not be cut off, most importantly, carefully cut off possible damaged areas.

Cut the quince into pieces approximately 1-1.5 cm thick, put in a suitable bowl and add sugar, mix, cover and leave for 72 hours. Stir once every day, try to do it carefully.

We cook the jam in a slow cooker on the “stew” mode (in the “cook” mode, the boil is very strong, it does not suit us) in two steps for 30 minutes. First, close the multicooker with a lid, and when it boils, continue with the lid open.

The interval between boils is about 6 hours for the jam to cool completely.

After the second boiling, cork in clean jars with lids.

Quince jam in a bread machine

Recipe Ingredients

  • quince 0.7kg
  • granulated sugar 0.6 kg
  • lemon 1pc

How to make quince jam in a bread machine Remove the skin from the washed quince, remove the core and cut into small pieces. Cut the washed lemon into large slices and chop in a meat grinder or using a blender.

Mix lemon gruel with chopped quince and sugar. After 1-2 hours, when the juice stands out, we will transfer our sweet fruit mixture to the bread machine.

We set the cooking program "jam".

After 1.5 hours, the wonderful quince jam in the bread machine is ready!

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in making quince jam.

The effort made is fully compensated by the excellent taste and amazing appearance resulting healthy treats.

In addition, believe me, in the eyes of girlfriends who have tried this miracle, you will become a real culinary sorceress!

Quince jam looks great in almost any vase or saucer and goes well with sweet pastries or ice cream. It is served at the table slightly chilled or room temperature. Brew tea and enjoy!

Source: http://volshebnaya-eda.ru/kulinarnyj-klass/kak-prigotovit/varene-iz-ajvy/

Quince, an Asian relative of the apple and pear, is an unsightly fruit and practically inedible when raw, even dangerous to the stomach. Nevertheless, the jam from it turns out to be very tasty, and also healthy.

Due to the high content of ascorbic acid, iron, other vitamins and microelements, which persist even after heat treatment, this fruit helps to strengthen the immune system, overcome anemia.

In addition, quince jam has antipyretic properties, which makes it a valuable aid in the treatment colds. It looks appetizing, has a pleasant honey shade, sweet and sour taste.

Of course, if cooked correctly.

Technology for making quince jam

Quince jam is not difficult to make, however, if the technology is violated, it will not be beautiful and transparent, and the pieces of fruit in it will either remain too hard or turn into a shapeless mass. There are other dangers for an inexperienced cook: for example, improperly made jam can become sugary.

When preparing jam, you need to take into account a few points - this will save you from disappointment.

  • To make jam, you need ripe, but not overripe fruits. They have a rich yellow color, fragrant. If the quince is a little green - it does not matter: put it on the windowsill, it will ripen in a few days.
  • When preparing fruits for cooking, remove the core, but do not remove the peel - it is she who gives the jam a unique flavor. Cut into slices that look attractive in jam, or cubes that hold their shape even better.
  • Quince is cooked in at least two stages. First of all, it is boiled in water, then they are taken out, syrup is made from this water, then the fruits are already boiled in it. Classic technology It also suggests alternating the time of cooking and cooling, infusion of jam, which is why the preparation of this delicacy stretches almost for a day. However, there are recipes fast food quince jam.
  • Quince burns quickly. If you gape a little, you can spoil the taste, color, and aroma - the smell of burnt sugar cannot be neutralized. Therefore, it is advisable to cook in a pan with a thick bottom, or at least stir constantly.
  • At the final stage, a little citric acid must be added to the quince jam. It is needed not to give the dish sourness - it is already quite sour, but to prevent sugaring.

Knowing these little secrets will allow you to make jam from quince, which will become one of your favorite delicacies.

Classic quince jam recipe

  • quince - 1.5 kg;
  • water - 1 l;
  • granulated sugar - 1.5 kg;
  • citric acid - 2 g.

Cooking method (first option):

  • Make syrup from water and sugar. Check its readiness by dropping onto a cool saucer: if the drop does not spread, it's time to move on to the next step.
  • Wash the quince, remove the core, peel, cut into slices or cubes.
  • Dip fruit pieces in boiling syrup, cook, stirring for 5 minutes, turn off the stove.
  • Wait for the syrup to cool completely. This will take several hours.
  • Bring the syrup back to a boil and wait until it cools to room temperature.
  • Bring the syrup back to a boil, add citric acid, boil for a couple of minutes and pour the jam into prepared (sterilized) jars.
  • Roll up, turn over, insulate, after 12 hours put away for storage.

If you use this cooking method, then the quince in the jam will not lose its shape, but it will turn out soft, tender. But there is another option for making quince jam, which is also considered a classic.

Cooking method (second option):

  • Wash the quince, cut into 4 pieces, remove the core, but do not peel. Cut into thin slices.
  • Put the slices in an enamel bowl, fill with water and boil until you notice that the slices have become transparent in the thinnest places.
  • Remove the slices from the basin and lay them out on a tray or in another basin in a thin layer so that they cool faster.
  • In the meantime, pour sugar into the water in which the quince was boiled and boil the syrup.
  • Put the cooled quince into the prepared syrup and cook for 5 minutes.
  • Wait for the jam to cool to room temperature, add citric acid to the syrup, bring to a boil and arrange in jars.
  • Turn closed jars over, cover with a blanket and wait for them to cool.

At first glance, the second method is not much different from the first, but in fact the result will be completely different - the quince slices in the jam will be hard and will resemble candied fruit.

Quince jam in the microwave

  • quince, cut into pieces - 2 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • citric acid - 2 g;
  • water - 20 ml.

Cooking method:

  • Put the quince cut into pieces in a microwave-safe container with a volume of about 3 liters (filling it two-thirds). If the size of the microwave does not allow the use of such a large dish, take a smaller one, and reduce the number of ingredients by 2 times.
  • Put in the microwave, set the maximum power, cook for 10-15 minutes (the time depends on the volume).
  • Take it out, cover it with sugar, send it back to the microwave and cook at the same power for the same time.
  • Dilute citric acid in water, add to jam, microwave again for 2-3 minutes.
  • Arrange in sterilized jars, close with sterilized lids, put the neck down, cover with something warm and wait 6-8 hours. Put the jars in the pantry.

Despite the fact that according to this recipe, the jam is prepared quickly, it is stored for a long time, while maintaining its aroma and pleasant appearance.

Quince jam with lemon and nuts

  • quince (prepared) - 1 kg;
  • water - 0.5 l;
  • sugar - 0.8 kg;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • walnuts (crushed) - 0.2 g;
  • vanillin - 1 g.

Cooking method:

  • Pour the prepared quince (peeled and chopped) with a small amount of water (0.2 l), blanch for 15 minutes. Don't throw away the skin.
  • Prepare in another container thick syrup, pouring 0.2 liters of water and dissolving in it, gradually adding 0.5 kg of sugar.
  • Pour quince with boiling syrup and leave for 4 hours. Be sure to cover with gauze or cloth to keep insects out.
  • Add the remaining sugar and put on fire. Boil for a quarter of an hour.
  • Boil the peel, filling it with 0.1 l of water. Strain the broth, add to the quince. Pour in a bag of vanilla.
  • Wash the lemon, cut into thin slices without peeling, remove the grains, put the lemon slices in the jam.
  • Put crushed nuts in the same place, preheated in a pan (this is necessary so that they do not get moldy and spoil the jam).
  • Bring to a boil again and simmer for 5 minutes.
  • Arrange in jars that need to be sterilized beforehand. Close, turn over, insulate and leave to cool for 12 hours.

The resulting jam is a real dessert, which is not a shame to serve even to festive table. Your guests will be in awe. In addition, this delicacy is extremely useful, it will protect the body during epidemics, help recover from a serious illness.

Quince jam with cinnamon

  • quince (whole) - 0.5 kg;
  • lemon juice- 50 ml;
  • granulated sugar - 0.3 kg;
  • ground cinnamon - 5 g;
  • water - 0.2–0.3 l.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the quince, cut into 4 parts to remove the core, cut thinly.
  • Put in a saucepan, fill with water so that it completely covers the slices and even is at least a centimeter higher.
  • Bring to a boil over medium heat, reduce heat and simmer for 20 minutes, stirring constantly with a wooden spatula.
  • Add the rest of the ingredients and cook for another half an hour.
  • Lay hot in jars, roll them up, turn them over, cover with something warm, and only after they have cooled almost completely, put them away for storage.

This jam is thick, has a rich sweet and sour taste and is very fragrant.

Quince and apple jam

  • quince - 1 kg;
  • apples - 0.5 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • citric acid - 2 g.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the fruit, remove seeds and peel, cut into small pieces.
  • Sprinkle with sugar, cover with a cloth and leave overnight.
  • Put on fire, bring to a boil, boil for 5 minutes, leave to cool for 5 hours.
  • Repeat the procedure twice.
  • Add citric acid, bring to a boil for the last time and arrange in jars.
  • Close the jars, turn over, cover with a blanket, put them in the pantry in a day.

Taste-aromatic neighborhood of quince and apples gives a harmonious bouquet. The jam is thick and sticky.

Quince and pumpkin jam

  • pumpkin - 1 kg;
  • quince - 0.5 kg;
  • sugar - 0.8 kg;
  • citric acid - 2 g.

Cooking method:

  • Peeled quince and pumpkin cut into small cubes, sprinkle with sugar, mix and leave overnight.
  • Put on a slow fire, boil for 35 minutes after it boils. Remember to stir to prevent burning.
  • Add citric acid and cook for another 5 minutes.
  • Spread hot in sterilized jars, close them, leave to cool upside down. It is better if the cooling takes place slowly; for this, the jars need to be covered with something warm, such as an old down jacket.

The jam has a slightly unusual, but rather harmonious taste, reminiscent of jam in consistency.

Quince jam with orange

  • quince (peeled and chopped) - 2 kg;
  • orange (medium size) - 1 pc.;
  • water - 1 l;
  • sugar - 2 kg.

Cooking method:

  • Cleaning from quince, pour 1 liter of water and boil for 20 minutes, cool, strain.
  • Pour the quince with a decoction, add granulated sugar and cook for 10 minutes after boiling.
  • Leave to infuse for 8-12 hours.
  • Wash the orange, finely chop it without peeling, or pass through a meat grinder, mix with quince.
  • Cook, stirring constantly, for 40 minutes.
  • Arrange in jars prepared in advance, close them and leave them upside down to cool in a warm place.

Thanks to the orange, quince jam acquires a pleasant sunny hue and a delightful aroma with fresh notes of citrus. In winter, especially under New Year, it will be very pleasant to open a jar of such jam.

Ginger quince jam (anti-cold)

  • quince (whole) - 0.5 kg;
  • sugar - 0.5 kg;
  • water - 0.2 kg;
  • ginger root (fresh, grated) - 8 g;
  • lemon zest (grated) - 8 g;
  • lemon juice - 5 ml.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the quince, peel, removing the core and peel, cut into small pieces.
  • Pour in water and boil for 15 minutes over low heat.
  • Add sugar, ginger and zest, cook for another half hour.
  • Add lemon juice, cook for another 5 minutes and arrange in jars.
  • Close the jars, turn over, cover with a sweatshirt or insulate in another way, after 12 hours you can try or put away for storage.

Jam not only has an indescribable aroma and leaves a pleasant aftertaste, but also improves immunity well, so it helps to protect yourself from colds.

Quince jam can be very different - it all depends on the recipe chosen. Subject to the technology of preparation, the dessert from this fruit turns out to be tasty and fragrant, and also extremely healthy.

Fresh quince is tough and sour, and many people do not like it. But after cooking, it acquires an amazing aroma, softness and sweetness. In addition, this fruit is extremely important for the human body. Useful substances that are stored in its composition improve digestion and metabolism. In the arsenal of every housewife there is the most delicious recipe for quince jam.

Quince jam: all the secrets of cooking

The beautiful transparent color of the syrup and the softness of the fruit - this is what should happen as a result of boiling quince. For everything to work out correctly, you should follow a few simple rules.

Techniques for preparing delicious treats:

  1. Use only ripe and juicy fruits. They will give more juice for syrup. If the quince is dry, then add a little more water.
  2. The middle is cleaned, and the pulp, together with the peel, is cut into slices or cubes. The skin of each fruit contains essential oils, it is they who will give the jam flavor.
  3. The fruit is covered with fluff, which must be cleaned before cooking with a clean sponge.
  4. Adding cinnamon or vanilla to the recipe will improve the taste.
  5. Quince fruits are very hard and it will be difficult to cut them, so you first need to pour boiling water over them.
  6. If additional fruits are indicated in the ingredients, the cooking process must begin with the main product so that it has time to become soft.
  7. For the preparation of quince jam, a container with thick walls is used. The fruit should always be stirred during cooking, otherwise it may burn and then the transparent and beautiful color of the syrup will not turn out.

Important! If the sweetness is being prepared for winter preservation, then it should be borne in mind that about 1 half-liter jar of jam will be obtained from 1 kg of peeled slices.

The most delicious quince jam recipe

The most delicious is the jam that combines lemon and quince. As a result, the delicacy is sweet and sour with a delicate citrus aroma. This cooking method will pleasantly surprise you with its texture, taste and rich color.


  • quince (medium size) - 5 pcs.;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • water - 1 tbsp.;
  • sugar - 1.2 kg.
  1. Rinse the main ingredient and remove the core. Cut into large slices - 1 cm wide.
  2. Fill with water and put on fire. When it boils, add half the sugar and mix well. Cook for 20 minutes.
  3. Chop the lemon into cubes, add to the fruit hot mass. Add the remaining sugar and bring back to a boil. Leave to languish for 30 minutes.
  4. By the end of cooking, the syrup will begin to thicken, and the quince slices will become transparent.

Attention! Instead of lemon, you can add freshly squeezed citrus juice.

This recipe is delicious jam from quince everyone will like it. The treat is sweet and sour. It can be served with tea or used to prepare various desserts.

Video with the recipe for the most delicious quince jam recipe:

Easy Syrup Recipe

To prepare delicious treat from fragrant yellow fruit according to this recipe, you need to purchase only a few ingredients and set aside a little time. For jam, you can use only ripe fruits. Overripe and green will not work.


  • quince - 2 kg;
  • boiling water - 200 ml;
  • sugar - 2.5 kg.
  1. Wash the fruits under running water, peel. Do not discard the peel.
  2. Divide into quarters and clean out the core (do not discard).
  3. Cut into thin (1-2 mm) slices.
  4. Cleanings and bones pour boiling water, put on fire and cook for half an hour. The result is the base for the syrup.
  5. After the allotted time, strain and add half the sugar to the broth.
  6. Pour quince slices with hot fragrant syrup and cook for 15 minutes. Then let it cool down and again put it on a slow fire for a quarter of an hour.
  7. Pour out the sugar that remains and simmer for another 15-20 minutes.

The recipe for delicious quince jam is simple and easy to prepare. Sweetness can be served to the table immediately after cooling, or you can still roll it into jars hot.

Delicious quince jam with nuts

An original recipe that walnut lovers will love. The sweetness is thick, with a rich amber color and a pleasant aroma.

  • walnut kernels - 2 cups;
  • quince - 2 kg;
  • water - 300-400 ml;
  • vanilla - 10 g;
  • sugar - 2 kg.

Step by step preparation of jam:

  1. Peel the fruit from the peel and core. Cut into slices and put in a thick-walled pan.
  2. Pour the cleanings and cut out cores with water, cook for 30 minutes. Strain. The result is a rich syrup for jam.
  3. Pour the chopped fruits, put on fire and boil for 10 minutes. Drain the liquid, add sugar to it and bring to a boil. Add to the fruit mass and let stand for 6-8 hours.
  4. After the time has elapsed, put the pan on the stove, add chopped nuts, vanilla and cook for 45 minutes. Stir periodically.

Delicious jam according to this recipe is ready. You can roll it up in sterilized jars or let it cool and start tasting.

Quince mix with pumpkin and apples

Quince is called the "golden apple", as these fruits are very similar in appearance and color. Their combination in jam will come in handy. But it will add special piquancy sweet vegetable- pumpkin.

Ingredients for this recipe:

  • quince - 2.5 kg;
  • apples (winter varieties) - 400 g;
  • pumpkin - 400 g;
  • sugar (brown) - 2 kg;
  • water - 400 ml.

Step by step cooking delicious jam:

  1. The first step is to prepare vegetables and fruits. To do this, peel them and remove the seeds. If desired, the peel can be left on the apples and quince.
  2. Cut into slices or small cubes (optional). The consistency will be different. In the second case, it will be almost a homogeneous mass.
  3. Quince put in a container, pour water and boil for 20 minutes. Add apples, pumpkin and cover with sugar. Boil for 5-6 minutes in 3 doses with breaks for cooling at 5 hours.

Only in this way of cooking can you get tasty and fragrant jam from quince. Fruit slices will become transparent, and the syrup will become rich red. In addition, with this technology, everything will be preserved in jam. useful material and vitamins.

The original recipe for quince and orange jam

The addition of citrus fruit will complement the jam with a pleasant aroma and amber color.


  • quince slices - 2 kg;
  • medium orange - 1 pc.;
  • sugar - 2 kg;
  • water - 400 ml.

Step by step cooking delicious jam:

  1. Boil the main ingredient for 20 minutes. Drain the syrup, add half the sugar to it and bring to a boil.
  2. Pour boiled quince with the resulting syrup. Leave for 6-8 hours.
  3. After the time has passed, combine the fruit mass with a diced orange.
  4. Put on the stove and cook for about 30-35 minutes.

The jam for this recipe is ready. It can be served to the table after complete cooling. At low temperatures (in the refrigerator), the sweetness will thicken well and can be easily spread on cookies or bread.

A simple recipe for a slow cooker

You can use your favorite recipe for making quince jam, having a slow cooker in your arsenal. Sweet preparation it will turn out to be no less tasty and fragrant. Ingredients:

  • quince fruits - 2.5 kg;
  • water (hot) - 200 ml;
  • sugar - 2 kg;
  • citric acid - a pinch.

Step by step preparation of jam:

  1. Wash the fruit, clean the plaque with a sponge and cut into small cubes.
  2. Put in a multicooker bowl, pour water and cover with sugar. Add citric acid.
  3. Close the lid and turn on the "Extinguishing" mode for 60 minutes. So that the jam does not burn, it is still recommended to open the slow cooker once every 15 minutes and stir with a silicone spoon.
  4. At the end of cooking, the device will notify you with a signal that the delicacy is ready. so sweet and delicious preparation you can immediately decompose into small sterilized jars and close for the winter, or you can let it cool and serve with tea.

How much can be stored

Important! If we talk about winter preservation, then in this case, quince jam can stand in the basement for more than 2-3 years.


The most delicious quince jam recipe is selected individually. Someone will like a fruit and vegetable mix, and someone will be pleased with the combination with walnuts.

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Culinary Etude 08.10.2018

The brewing season is drawing to a close. Its finale is marked by the preparation of a triumphal delicacy, amazing in taste and aroma. It is made from quince, a fruit that is almost impossible to eat fresh. But it is necessary to cook it, and a miracle happens. Let's make quince jam today.

Her proven recipes for making quince jam at home were brought to us by Irina Rybchanskaya, the permanent host of our tasty heading. The story will be continued by Irina.

Hello, dear readers of Irochka Zaitseva's blog! In the courtyard of the house where I was born, a very old quince grew. Its knotted branches resembled the hands of an old grandmother. From year to year she gave us bountiful harvest fragrant, stone-hard fruits.

First, hairy, bizarrely shaped fruits were put in small boxes in one layer so that they “reached” the desired condition. When my grandmother decided that they were yellow and ripe enough, the actual process of making jam began.

I'll start with exactly grandma's recipe. And she got it from her neighbors - Armenians, who cooked quince in this way back in their homeland, in Kars. The process takes quite a long time, but there is not so much active cooking time. But the jam turns out fabulous! Do not be too lazy to cook it while there is quince in the markets. You will be rewarded a hundredfold for your patience and diligence.

Quince jam with slices - the most delicious recipe

For the preparation of such a jam, hard quince, which grows in the Caucasus, in Uzbekistan, is best suited. It is much more fragrant and tastier than softer Turkish. And don't let its primordial rigidity scare you. In the jam, the quince slices will become softer, slightly elastic, completely pliable for the teeth and very tasty.

Jam according to this recipe in our family is called “soft”. In contrast to the "solid", the recipe of which I will give below.


  • Three kilos of quince;
  • three kilograms of granulated sugar;
  • 2.5 liters of water.

How to cook

  1. We sort out the fruits, wash them, cut them in half, remove the hard centers with seeds.
  2. Cut into thin slices.
  3. V large saucepan boil water, throw pieces into it.
  4. After 2-3 minutes, quickly take out the pieces, put them on large trays, cool.
  5. Put granulated sugar into boiling water, stir. Cook over low heat for about an hour and a half.
  6. We put chilled fruits in another spacious container, pour syrup over it.
  7. Cook at a not too violent boil for ten minutes. We turn off the fire.
  8. We quietly go about our business for the next ten to twelve hours.
  9. Reheat after standing, boil for ten minutes and again leave to "rest".
  10. For the third time, boil for five to ten minutes, put it in sterile jars, roll it up, send it to storage.
  11. This is how the finished quince jam looks like slices.

My remarks

  1. Take my word for it: this quince jam recipe is truly the most delicious. Here is a delicious syrup that looks like jelly and tasty, incredibly tasty slices!
  2. Be sure to lay out the quince petals after cooking on trays, otherwise they will be overcooked. Act quickly, all inventory must be prepared in advance.

Quince jam - step by step recipe with photo

Fruit pieces in this jam are much more elastic than in the previous one. I recommend the recipe to lovers of candied fruits - fruits in finished products reminiscent of this delicacy.

The step-by-step recipe is as simple as two and two. Even a novice caring hostess will cope with its implementation.


  • The same amount of quince (net) and sugar.

How to cook

Wipe fluff from quince, wash, cut, remove the middle with seeds.

Cut into fairly large pieces, about one and a half centimeters thick.

Put the prepared pieces in a spacious container, pour half the sugar according to the recipe. Leave it like this until the fruit releases its juice. Stir after juice appears.

After about a day, add the remaining sugar, wait for the juice to separate, stir. Leave for another twenty-four hours.

The decisive moment has come - the beginning of the cooking process. We put the container on the fire, wait for the boil, reduce the flame to a minimum. Cook on a quiet flame - the surface of the jam should only move slightly and be covered with tiny bubbles.

After an hour, we do a test on the ball. If it does not spread on a cold surface, then it is time to stop cooking jam. Pictured is the finished jam.

Here is a wonderful jam made from our homemade quince. Amber, rich color. Subtle, captivating with its tenderness aroma. I'm talking about taste in general.

Perfect quince jam at home

I invite you, dear readers, to watch a great video. It is especially pleasing that perfect recipe quince jam at home is presented to us by a man.

Quince jam with walnuts - recipe

I really love the combination of jam with any nuts. most often I cook with the kernels of the seeds of the apricots themselves or with almonds. And quince - with hazelnuts and walnuts.

Our hazelnut harvest is still too small due to the youth of the bushes. On the other hand, we collect several large bags of our walnuts every year.


  • Quince;
  • sugar;
  • water;
  • walnuts.

How to cook

  1. The amount of ingredients will vary from person to person. You just need to keep the proportions. First, let's prepare the quince in the usual way- wash, cut, remove the seeds, cut into pieces or small petals.
  2. Let's prepare the walnuts. For a kilogram of fruit, take from 100 to 300 grams of nuts. They need to be dried in a pan. Then rub in your palms to remove the skin.
  3. Fill the fruits with water. It shouldn't even cover the pieces. Cook for two - three minutes, take out the quince on a tray.
  4. We measure the amount of water. We put sugar in it in a ratio of 1 to 1.5 (by weight). For one kilogram of water - one and a half kilograms of sugar. We boil the syrup, put quince and nuts in it. We stop heating after five minutes of boiling.
  5. We are waiting for our future jam to cool completely. Repeat heating and boiling for five minutes. We make three such "visits".
  6. After the last cooking, we pack the jam in sterile jars and close the lids. I think that it is no longer necessary to remind that jars and lids are always sterilized with us.

Ripe quince jam is self-sufficient and does not require additional flavors or taste regulators. If for some reason you have to process a not quite ripe quince, then it is best to boil it with lemon and ginger.

With these additives, green quince jam acquires a special piquancy and expressive taste.


  • A kilogram of quince;
  • one medium lemon;
  • a small plump ginger root, the size of a little finger;
  • 1.2 kg of sugar;
  • 300 ml of water.

How to do

  1. Washed, freed from seed pods, quince cut into arbitrary thick slices.
  2. Blanch for five minutes in water, cool in cold water.
  3. Wash the lemon in hot water with soda, wipe it, twist it in a meat grinder along with the skin.
  4. My ginger, peel, rub on a medium grater.
  5. We measure out 300 ml of water in which the slices were blanched, pour sugar into it, cook the syrup.
  6. Immerse fruit, twisted lemon, grated ginger into it.
  7. We heat it on a medium flame, boil for five minutes, let it rest for half a day.
  8. We repeat the operation three more times. The last cooking lasts until the jam is ready.
  9. Pour into jars, roll up, send to the pantry shelf.

Japanese quince jam for the winter - the most delicious recipe

From Japanese quince (it is also sometimes called Chinese), you can cook jam according to any of the above recipes. But there is one in my piggy bank that is rightfully considered the best. Judge for yourself - even the list of ingredients is already impressive.

For cooking, we need redcurrant juice, the season of which has long passed. But I'm sure many of you have .


  • 800 g Japanese quince;
  • 300 g pumpkin (preferably varieties Butternut, Honey Princess, Gribovskaya, Spanish guitar);
  • 150 g cranberries or lingonberries;
  • one kilogram of sugar;
  • 25 g of ginger root;
  • 350 ml of red currant juice.

How to cook

  1. Thawed red currants work in a blender, strain the resulting puree through a sieve to obtain juice.
  2. Mix the juice with sugar, boil the syrup over low heat.
  3. While the syrup is cooking, you can peel the pumpkin, cut it into small cubes. If you do not find the indicated varieties, then use whichever you like the most.
  4. Wash the quince, remove the seed pods, cut into small pieces with the skin.
  5. Sort cranberries or lingonberries, wash them, let the water drain. Dry.
  6. Peel the ginger, chop it on a coarse grater or cut into thin slices.
  7. Dip prepared Japanese quince, pumpkin cubes, cranberries into boiling syrup.
  8. Bring the mixture to a boil, cook on the smallest flame for an hour.
  9. Pour into small jars. I most often use jars with a capacity of 200 ml for these purposes.

I found out what quince is when I was 8 years old. Arriving to visit my grandmother in the village, I grabbed, as I thought then, an apple, bit off a rather large piece and blinked my eyes in bewilderment, looked at my mother - so sour, viscous and tasteless he appeared. But from quince jam - as you probably guessed, it was I who mistook it for an apple, they could not drag me away for a long time. An interesting fact: after heat treatment, hard and tart quince becomes soft and sweet, and its divine aroma cannot be compared with anything!

Let's start, as usual, with the benefits ...

This wonderful fruit is very useful and its importance for our health cannot be overestimated. Due to the saturation with pectin, it is used to normalize the functioning of the digestive tract, juices are drunk for anemia, decoctions from seeds are used for diseases of the oral cavity due to a pronounced binding and antiseptic effect, fresh fruits are used as a choleretic and diuretic.

You can continue listing the advantages for quite some time, I think. You understood that quince fruits have a lot of positive properties, I will only note that crushed quince seeds should not be eaten, as they contain amygdalin, a rather dangerous poison.

Quince jam, in addition to having an excellent taste, also retains all the useful qualities of the original product, so at least one jar is always in my pantry. By now, I have collected more than a dozen recipes for quince jam, I will be very glad if you like one of them.

Quince jam with lemon

Recipe Ingredients:
quince 1kg
lemon medium 1pc
sugar 1kg
water 200-300ml

How to make lemon quince jam

Prepare the quince fruits: rinse thoroughly under a stream of hot enough water and wipe dry.
Cut each fruit in half and remove the core with seeds. We cut the halves into pieces of medium size, approximately 1.5-2 cm and put them in a pan of a suitable size.

Add sugar and let the juice simmer for a few hours. If as a result there is not a lot of juice (this happens if the quince is not fully ripe), you can add a glass of water.
We put our container on the stove and after it boils, cook for about 5 minutes, stirring, then remove from the stove and let it cool completely. We do this procedure several times (usually three is enough), as a result, the jam acquires a pleasant reddish color, and the quince slices become transparent.

Before we boil our not-yet-prepared jam for the last time, cut the lemon into thin slices into it. You can also grind it with a blender.
Boil for 5-7 minutes and pour into pre-prepared washed and sterilized jars.
At the end of the container with jam, turn it upside down and leave to cool, wrapped in a blanket. Ready!

Quince jam with nuts

Recipe Ingredients:
quince 2kg
granulated sugar 2kg
water 1l
walnuts, peeled 2 cups

How to make quince jam with nuts

We clean the washed and dried quince from the skin, cut it into halves and remove the central part with seeds, we will still need trimmings, so we do not throw them away.
Cut the quince halves into small slices, send them to a saucepan of the appropriate volume, fill with water and boil for 7-10 minutes, then salt the water and add the syrup made from 1 kg of sugar and 0.5 l of water.

After 3 hours, when the quince slices are soaked, add the sugar that we have left, and again put our container on the stove.
As in the previous recipe, after boiling, cook for 5 minutes, let cool for about 5-6 hours and repeat our steps again.

In the meantime, boil the quince peels for 10-15 minutes in 0.5 liters of water, strain the broth through a filter cloth and add it to our jam for flavor before the last boil. Then add the nuts, crushed into large pieces.
Cook for another 5 minutes and cork hot in prepared containers with lids. Everything!

Quince jam slices

Recipe Ingredients
quince 1kg
sugar 1.5 kg
water as needed, about 0.5-0.7l

How to make quince jam slices

Remove the skin from the pre-washed quince, cut the fruits into slices of the desired size, while removing the hard central part with seeds.
We place the slices in a container for cooking and fill with cold water to such a level that the quince is covered with water, but does not float in it.

We boil the slices for a short time until they become soft, and immediately take them out with a spatula, and strain the water where they were cooked through a filter cloth or gauze folded in several layers.
From the resulting broth and sugar we will make a syrup, add the sugar gradually with a slow boil, stirring constantly.

When the syrup is ready, put the quince slices into it and cook until they become transparent, first over high heat, and then over low heat.
It is important to make sure that the quince does not boil soft. When finished, pour into prepared containers with lids.

Japanese quince jam

The Japanese quince is often found in household plots; housewives value it for its bright, beautiful flowers. The fruits of such a quince are small in size, but the jam from them is very tasty, with a pleasant sourness.

Japanese quince 1kg
sugar about 1kg, depending on preferences
water 0.3l

How to make Japanese quince jam

We thoroughly wash the fruits of Japanese quince, dry them and remove the skin from them, remove the core. Next, cut them into pieces, the size depends on your preferences.
We send pieces of quince into a container and cook for 10 minutes, add sugar and cook for another 15-20 minutes.
Remove from the stove, hold until it cools completely and boil again, but not for long, about 5 minutes. That's it, the jam is ready!

It is better to stir the jam during the cooking process, shaking the pan in a circular motion, and not with a spatula, so the quince pieces will remain intact and will not fall apart, thereby retaining an attractive appearance.

Delicious quince jam

Ingredients and preparation

quince fruit 1kg
sugar 1-1.2 kg
water 0.25l

We cut the washed quince into halves and remove the hard core from them.
Cut into pieces and cook, adding water, until soft, about 20 minutes in time. Then we start adding sugar in portions.
Bring to a boil and hold for about 5 minutes.
Let stand for 6-7 hours and boil again.
Pour the finished jam hot into sterilized jars and roll up the lids.

Quince jam with apples

Recipe Ingredients
quince ripe 1kg
apples 0.5kg
sugar 1kg

How to make apple quince jam
Peel the prepared apples and quince, remove the damaged areas and the middle with seeds, cut into small slices and send to the pan.

We will fill our mixture with sugar and leave it for 7-8 hours or even overnight so that the juice stands out from the fruit. After that, boil the mixture of quince and apples 3 times for 5 minutes, while pausing between cooking for about 6 hours.
The finished jam acquires a wonderful golden-red color and a wonderful aroma. You may not even have to close it in jars, it ends so quickly!

Quince jam - a simple recipe

Recipe Ingredients
quince 1.5kg
sugar 1kg
water 0.3l

How to make quince jam quickly and easily

Cut the quince, peeled from the skin and seed box, into slices, it should turn out about 1 kg.
We put the scraps in a separate container, fill it with water and boil for about 15 minutes, then strain the broth through a strainer or a special cloth, discard the cake from the cleanings.
Gradually introduce sugar into the resulting liquid, add quince slices and bring to a boil. Boil for 10 minutes and remove from the stove to cool. Let's repeat the procedure 3 times.
For the last time, you can add a small lemon, crushed with a blender, to the quince, this will give the jam a pleasant sourness.

Quince jam with orange

Recipe Ingredients
peeled quince 2kg
sugar 2kg
water 1l
1 medium orange

How to make quince-orange jam

We will cut the prepared peeled quince into slices or cubes, as you like.
Fill the peels and the central part of the fruit with water and boil for about 15-20 minutes. Strain the resulting broth and fill it with pieces of quince, discard the remaining mass during straining.

Cook the quince for about 10 minutes, then pour the syrup into a separate container, add sugar there and bring to a boil.
Turned out hot sugar syrup pour our boiled quince and set aside for 10-12 hours. We cut a well-washed orange into small slices and send it to a pan with quince.
Cook, stirring, for about 35 minutes.
As a result, our quince and orange jam acquires a magical amber hue and a divine aroma!

Quince jam with pumpkin

Recipe Ingredients:
pumpkin peeled 1kg
quince peeled 0.5kg
sugar 0.7 kg

How to make quince and pumpkin jam
Cut the pre-washed and peeled pumpkin and quince into small pieces and sprinkle with sugar (0.5 kg is enough, if you like it sweeter, put a little more).
Stir and leave until the juice is plentiful.
Cook over low heat, stirring occasionally, for about 30-35 minutes.
For long-term storage hot cork in sterilized jars.
If you eat immediately, you can cool and store in the refrigerator in an appropriate container.

Quince jam in a slow cooker

quince peeled 1kg
sugar 1kg

Wash and dry the quince. We remove the seed box (core), the skin can not be cut off, most importantly, carefully cut off possible damaged areas.
Cut the quince into pieces approximately 1-1.5 cm thick, put in a suitable bowl and add sugar, mix, cover and leave for 72 hours.
Stir once every day, try to do it gently.
We cook the jam in a slow cooker on the “stew” mode (in the “cook” mode, the boil is very strong, it does not suit us) in two steps for 30 minutes. First, close the multicooker with a lid, and when it boils, continue with the lid open.
The interval between boils is about 6 hours for the jam to cool completely.
After the second boiling, cork in clean jars with lids.

Quince jam in a bread machine

Recipe Ingredients
quince 0.7kg
granulated sugar 0.6 kg
lemon 1pc

How to make quince jam in a bread machine
Remove the skin from the washed quince, remove the core and cut into small pieces.
Cut the washed lemon into large slices and grind in a meat grinder or with a blender.
Mix lemon gruel with chopped quince and sugar. After 1-2 hours, when the juice stands out, we will transfer our sweet fruit mixture to the bread machine.
We set the cooking program "jam". After 1.5 hours, the wonderful quince jam in the bread machine is ready!

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in making quince jam. The efforts made are fully compensated by the excellent taste and stunning appearance of the resulting healthy treat. In addition, believe me, in the eyes of girlfriends who have tried this miracle, you will become a real culinary sorceress!

Quince jam looks great in almost any vase or saucer and goes well with sweet pastries or ice cream. It is served at the table slightly chilled or at room temperature. Brew tea and enjoy!

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