Home Products You have to fry it right. How to fry potatoes correctly is a classic technology. Roasted and stewed potatoes

You have to fry it right. How to fry potatoes correctly is a classic technology. Roasted and stewed potatoes

A plate, on which slices of potatoes with a brown-golden crust are neatly laid out, makes anyone hungry. It is simply impossible to refuse such a dish. How to fry potatoes correctly so that they turn out fragrant and moderately crispy?

Potato Frying Secrets

  1. Potatoes will only turn out crispy and with a characteristic crust if you use a cast-iron skillet or other utensils with a thick bottom and high edges.
  2. Many housewives use deep fryers to prepare this root vegetable. In this case, potatoes are obtained, which have a slightly different taste. But cooking in a deep fryer eliminates the need to constantly mix the contents.
  3. How to cut a root vegetable? It depends solely on your preferences. The most common cutting methods are: “straws”, in the form of small sticks or slices. If the dish is being prepared for the festive table, then you can use a special knife that cuts potatoes into balls. In this case, it must be fried in a large amount of oil and turned over when one side is very well browned.

  • For frying, professional chefs advise buying root vegetables with a minimum starch content. If you don't know exactly what kind of potatoes you have purchased, simply soak the cut root vegetables in cold water and leave for 15-20 minutes. This will remove excess starch.
  • If you have soaked the potatoes before frying, be sure to dry the slices before dipping them in hot oil, this will save you from splattering.
  • For frying use vegetable or butter, fat or a mixture of lard/fat and oil. For those who love this dish, but follow a healthy diet, it is wiser to use unrefined vegetable oil. So the body will receive fewer calories.
  • To make the potatoes brown and golden brown, pre-heat the pan well. When baking in the oven, you can place the sliced ​​\u200b\u200bfood in a cold form or baking sheet.

Methods for preparing fried potatoes

Classic way

  1. To prepare fried potatoes, they must be thoroughly peeled, washed and cut. All pieces must be the same size.
  2. Additional preparation of the root crop consists in pre-soaking and subsequent drying with a towel or paper napkins.
  3. Pour vegetable oil into a frying pan and heat it up. Place the chopped root vegetable into the hot oil.
  4. In order for the potatoes not only to be covered with an appetizing crust, but also completely fried, you need to proceed as follows. At first, the fire should be maximum, at the end of cooking it must be reduced.
  5. As soon as the potatoes turn golden brown, stir and continue frying until the other side is the same color. It is recommended to shake the pan from time to time. Ready meal can be salted and seasoned.

Roasted and stewed potatoes

This dish is very easy to prepare. It must be quickly fried in hot oil on both sides over high heat until golden brown. You can also bring the dish to full readiness under the lid. It is only important not to overdo it so that the root crop does not become too soft.

French fries

To properly cook deep-fried french fries, consider one nuance. Oil should be much more than potatoes. This method is very costly, since it is not recommended to reuse the oil. Otherwise, the dish will become tasteless and very harmful. The advantage of deep fryers is that it takes only a few minutes to cook fries.

Pieces of the root crop are best lowered and removed from the deep-fryer using a special mesh. At the end of cooking, it must be put on a special paper napkin so that excess oil is glassed. Now the dish should be salted, mixed and ready!

Potatoes fried in oil vapor

An unusual way of cooking, which is loved by many gourmets. For it, a cast-iron pan or deep stainless steel dishes are used. So you can fry raw or lightly boiled potatoes, cut into four to six parts. If you do not want to wait a long time, then it can be chopped into slices or sticks.

Bon Appetit!

In Ireland, it is believed that there are only two things in the world that need to be taken seriously - marriage and cooking potatoes. Next, we will partially consider the second point, namely, how to fry potatoes in a pan so that it turns out fragrant, crispy with a delicate yellowish crust. Despite the outward simplicity of the technology, there are nuances in it, without understanding which the dish will not turn out delicious.

1. Sort. Not all potatoes are good for frying. Varieties with a high starch content are best left to puree as they do not produce golden brown, and when frying, the pieces stick together. Soaking in water only partially solves the problem of excess starch.

I advise you to fry potatoes with red or yellow skins, because the flesh of white varieties darkens faster after cutting or a bluish tint appears on it. Choose large, even tubers with firm skins and no signs of spoilage. In late spring or early summer, last year's potatoes shrivel, becoming unsuitable for frying.

2. Frying pan. In stores, a wide selection of pans of different shapes, sizes, materials and bottom coatings. But for fried potatoes, most professional cooks prefer to use the classic cast-iron skillet with a thick bottom and high sides, which keeps a constant temperature, and when stirred, the potato pieces do not fall out on the stove.

A cast iron skillet is a fried potato's best friend

Of modern models, a wok pan, which has the shape of a hemisphere, is suitable. Such a frying pan heats up quickly, fries even large pieces well and saves oil. It is clear that you can fry potatoes in any pan in the house, but the result will be worse.

Wok - a modern replacement for the cast-iron counterpart

3. Oil. Any refined vegetable oil is suitable. It withstands high temperatures without changing the taste of the potatoes. The most useful is olive oil, you can fry on any variety except "Extra Virgin", created for salads and other dishes without heat treatment.

Unrefined oil contains water residue, foams when heated, absorbs other flavors, and boils potatoes rather than frying them. Butter is added only at the end of cooking to enhance the taste. Under the influence of high temperature, it quickly burns, giving an unpleasant bitter aftertaste.

Potatoes fried in lard or lard turn out to be more satisfying, but their aroma and taste change slightly, and the golden crust acquires a sloppy brownish tint. This is an amateur dish.

The amount of oil for frying depends on the pan. Potatoes should not float, but the pan cannot be dry either. The normal layer is 5-6 mm. It is better not to save money by adding a little more oil. When properly fried, the potatoes quickly become covered with a crust and do not absorb a lot of oil.

4. Slicing. The shape of potatoes for frying can be any: circles, sticks, slices, large or small straws. Slicing affects only the aesthetic perception of the dish. The bras look nice fried meat or fish, circles are usually served with fish dishes, long slices are in harmony with baked meat, and straws are combined with cutlets and steaks.

The shape of the cut doesn't matter.

The main thing is that all the pieces are about the same size and shape, otherwise the small slices will burn before the large ones have time to fry. The optimal thickness of the pieces is about 1 cm.

In most cases, potatoes are peeled before slicing. The edges of the peeled tubers are even and neat, but the fried potatoes with the skin have a more interesting texture. The taste doesn't change. In some recipes, the presence of the peel is a prerequisite, for example, in rustic potatoes.

Young potatoes, harvested before the beginning of July, are usually not peeled, but fried together with a tender skin.

5. Expediency of preliminary boiling. The procedure increases the cooking time, but makes sense. fried raw potatoes it turns out fatter and not as crispy as first boiled, because in boiling water the pulp loses a lot of starch. But dry boiled potatoes before roasting is more difficult than raw. There is one secret: after draining the water, cover the pan with a lid, then put it on high heat for 20-30 seconds, thanks to which the excess moisture will evaporate.

6. Adding other ingredients. As a condiment in fried potatoes add onion, red and black ground pepper, garlic, parsley, dill, rosemary root. It is important to know at what stage to add each ingredient. For example, if the onion is brought in immediately, it will burn quickly. Therefore, it is better to fry onions in a separate pan and mix with potatoes at the very end of cooking (4-5 minutes before cooking), this applies to other vegetables, as well as mushrooms, which need less time for heat treatment. To enhance the taste, 1-2 minutes before the dish is ready, you can put a piece of unsalted butter in the pan.

You need to salt the fried potatoes at the very end, otherwise they will soften and turn into porridge!

Classic fried potato recipe


  • potatoes (medium) - 6 pieces;
  • vegetable oil - 50-100 ml (depending on the pan);
  • lemon juice - 5-6 drops (optional);
  • pepper, garlic, other seasonings, herbs (optional) - to taste;
  • butter - 1 teaspoon (optional);
  • salt - to taste.


1. Cut the potatoes into slices of arbitrary shape up to 1 cm thick.

2. Place the pieces in a deep plate, pour cold water over, hold for 10-30 minutes to wash out excess starch.

So that the pulp does not darken, you can add 5-6 drops to the water. lemon juice or 1-2 grams of citric acid.

3. Drain the cloudy starch water. Pour the potatoes again with fresh cold water. Hold for 2-3 minutes, then drain the water again.

4. Dry potato slices on napkins or paper towels to get rid of residual water.

You can fry only absolutely dry potatoes, otherwise the hot oil will splatter. Evaporating, water particles break out to the top, taking oil with them. By negligence, you can burn your face and eyes.

5. Pour vegetable oil into a cold frying pan, you should get an even layer. Heat the pan as hot as possible until a light smoke appears. A very important point! If this is not done, the slices will stick to the bottom of the pan and then burn.

6. Spread the potatoes in an even layer on the pan. It is not necessary to completely fill the pan, it is better to fry the slices in a couple of visits. This will cook the potatoes faster and make it easier to mix.

7. After 1-2 minutes, shake the pan slightly so that the pieces stuck to the bottom fall behind, but do not turn over!

8. Finely chop the onion (optional).

9. When a golden or light brown crust appears on the bottom of the potato slices (usually after 5-10 minutes), carefully turn the potatoes over to the other side so that the top, not fried layer is in oil.

10. Periodically turn the potatoes (4-5 times for the entire cooking) so that they do not burn. Turning too often impairs the taste.

Turn the slices conveniently with a wooden spatula

The total cooking time for fried potatoes depends on the power of the stove, pan, and variety. On average, it takes 20-25 minutes to roast.

11. 4-5 minutes before readiness, add chopped onion, garlic, spices, herbs.

Fans of soft fried potatoes can cover the pan with a lid.

12. 2-3 minutes before removing from heat, salt the dish and add butter (optional).

13. Ready fried potatoes serve hot, cold it is not tasty.

Sauteing a saute dish means cooking it with a little fat so that the food doesn't stick to the pan, causing it to "bounce" in the fat. The name comes from the French word "sauter", which means "to jump". This process is ideal for golden browning or browning, especially vegetables. This article provides simple steps to help you roast foods properly.


Part 1


Chop the ingredients evenly. Cut your ingredients into handy tiny pieces. This makes them easier to eat, faster and more evenly cooked.

  • Different foods need to be cut differently to get the best taste. For example, carrots are very fibrous, so it is better to cut them into strips before cooking. Greens, like spinach, on the other hand, wilt very quickly, so they don't need to be chopped.
  • Try to cut the vegetables into even-sized pieces. Ingredients cut this way will cook evenly. Ingredients cut into pieces of different sizes cook unevenly. As a result, something will be overcooked, and something will be undercooked. Such seemingly simple things are of great importance.

Heat the skillet for a minute, starting at medium and ending at above medium. In order to fry food, you need to preheat the pan before you put anything in it. This is important for several reasons:

Add fat. The amount differs depending on the recipe, and the type of fat you choose will affect the final dish. Here is a small guide on what you should choose - butter or sunflower as fat:

When adding food, make sure the pan is large enough to hold all of it. Remember: you need some space to stir your food. You can use a long-handled skillet or a saute pan, but a regular skillet will do just fine.

  • Do not forget that you first need to start frying those foods that take longer to cook. Try to regulate the introduction of ingredients into the pan so that the first on it are those products that take longer to cook.
  • Stir or shake the pan constantly to keep the food from burning. If the ingredients or the heat start to smoke, take the pan off the heat for a while and probably lower the heat.

    Try food for readiness. Most coarse ingredients are sautéed for 5 to 7 minutes, but you can taste a slice to determine the doneness. Although the color of the ingredients is very important, the taste is the criterion that determines the readiness. Most vegetables need to be stewed until tender. al dente, which means almost ready (after all, the ingredients will continue to cook even when you remove them from the stove).

    • Most recipes list the exact cooking time that the ingredients should cook. It is only important to perceive this time as "exemplary recommendations", and not strict norms. Cooking time is affected by the skillet, stove, cutting ingredients, and even your level of culinary skill. Think of the time given as a suggestion rather than a prescription.
    • Actively taste your food. If you have never set foot in a professional kitchen, you will be very surprised to know that chefs taste everything they cook. ("Don't trust a skinny chef"). They do this to make sure the food is cooked well. Only the taste will help you determine that the dish is really ready.
  • Get rid of excess fat. Remove the skillet from the heat and drain the ingredients on a clean kitchen towel or paper towel to soak up excess oil.

    • Alternatively, leave the food in the pan and add the ingredients needed to make the sauce for the dish.
  • Season food to taste and serve.

    Part 2


    Understand the difference between frying and other frying methods. As we just learned, "roasting" is a rather specific way. It differs from other culinary techniques such as:

    No need to press on meat and vegetables when cooking. If your pan is hot enough and contains the right amount of fat, there is no need to press the meat and vegetables you are sautéing to brown. It just robs them of moisture. Be gentle with your ingredients and you'll end up with a better taste. We promise!

    For frying, choose a large enough pan. A frying pan overfilled with ingredients will lengthen the cooking time and result in uneven results. An 18-22 cm frying pan is ideal for preparing a dish for two, but larger portions may require 24 cm pans. Calculate the quantity!

    Fried potatoes belong to everyday dishes, but experienced housewives serve it to festive table. This is not surprising, because the crispy crust and spicy taste spices will not leave indifferent even the most sophisticated gourmet. Many novice cooks have difficulty cooking potatoes in large portions in one go. The slices stick together, fall apart and are poorly fried. The situation can be corrected if certain nuances are observed. Let's consider them in order.

    Features of cooking fried potatoes

    1. To really cook tasty dish choose pink-skinned potatoes. These tubers contain the least amount of starch.
    2. You can fry potatoes both pre-boiled chilled and raw.
    3. To give the dish a special taste, you can combine potatoes with onions, meat, mushrooms, breadcrumbs, spices and herbs.
    4. If you boiled the tubers in advance, peel them, chop them into bars, cubes, rings, half rings. The same applies to chopping raw root crops.
    5. Choose the "right" dishes. To get potatoes with a crust, it is necessary to heat treat them in a cast-iron or steel pan.
    6. Put the potatoes only in hot oil. In this case, stirring is carried out at the beginning of frying, otherwise the slices will fall apart.
    7. If you salt the vegetables immediately after sending them to the pan, the potatoes will absorb the fat and begin to disintegrate. Salt should be added 3 minutes before the end of the procedure.
    8. To get a tender but savory potato, fry it in a mixture of vegetable and butter. Proportions are calculated at the discretion.
    9. If you are preparing a large portion, divide it into several parts. Do not allow potatoes to be laid out in a pan more than 5 cm high.

    Fried potatoes: a traditional recipe

    • vegetable oil - 100 ml.
    • butter - 40 gr.
    • salt - 20 gr.
    • potatoes - 1.3 kg.
    • fresh dill - 30-40 gr.
    1. Wash the tubers, remove the peel. If the potatoes are not pink-skinned, soak them in cold water for 15 minutes. Add lemon juice to the liquid so that the fruits do not darken.
    2. Prepare a dry cast-iron skillet, pour vegetable oil into it, add butter. Heat the ingredients over high heat, stir.
    3. Chop the potatoes into cubes, cubes or rings (if the fruits are small). Send the slices to a heat-resistant bowl, mix. Oil should envelop each piece.
    4. To get a potato with a crust, cook the dish without a lid. If the root vegetable absorbs oil, add more. Fry at maximum power for 6-7 minutes.
    5. Now lower the heat to medium. Stir the potatoes, shifting the fried sticks up. Cook for another quarter of an hour, stir the composition every 5 minutes.
    6. Salt the dish 3 minutes before it's done, or skip this step. Salt can be added after laying out the potatoes on portioned plates. Serve garnished with chopped dill.

    • garlic - 5 teeth
    • potatoes - 650-680 gr.
    • oyster mushrooms or champignons - 350 gr.
    • onion - 2 pcs.
    • butter - 30 gr.
    • vegetable oil - in fact
    • dill (greens) - 40 gr.
    • salt - 15-20 gr.
    • crushed pepper - 5 gr.
    1. Peel the garlic, chop it into thin plates. Chop the onion into cubes or half rings. Prepare potato tubers for frying (washing, peeling).
    2. Chop them into cubes or slices. Wash the mushrooms / oyster mushrooms, cut the mushrooms along the fibers. Take a thick-walled frying pan, pour oil into it, put it on the stove and heat it up to the maximum mark.
    3. Now send slices of garlic for frying, after 3 minutes add potatoes. Cook the dish at the maximum level for 5 minutes, then reduce the burner to medium power.
    4. Cook the dish for another 10 minutes. Now you need to fry the onions with mushrooms using the second frying pan. When you have done this, mix the mixture into the potatoes.
    5. Now fry the mixture on maximum heat until golden brown. 1-2 minutes before cooking, salt and pepper the dish, add a slice of butter. Serve to the table, beautifully chopped dill.

    Fried potatoes with onions

    • vegetable oil - 150 ml.
    • potatoes - 300 gr.
    • onion - 2-3 pcs.
    • salt - amount to taste
    1. Wash the tubers, remove the peel, chop into strips. Send the fruits in cold water, add a little lemon juice. After 20 minutes, remove the potatoes, leave to drain on a sieve.
    2. Pat the potatoes dry with paper towels to absorb any remaining moisture. Heat a frying pan over high heat, pour in the oil. Warm it up, send potato slices to the dishes.
    3. Fry straws for 5 minutes, stirring 1 time. After this period, a crust should form. Add chopped onion and a piece of butter (optional).
    4. Fry the dish for another 10-15 minutes, in no case cover with a lid. 2 minutes before cooking, add salt, mix gently. Serve potatoes with sour cream and green onions.

    • potatoes - 380 gr.
    • ground black pepper - 5-7 gr.
    • Provencal seasonings - 20 gr.
    • salt - to taste
    • green dill - 35 gr.
    • onions - 50-60 gr.
    • meat (beef, pork, chicken) - 330-350 gr.
    • garlic cloves - 5 pcs.
    1. First you need to cook the meat. Send it to boil, fry or cook in the oven. Chop into cubes or thin slices. Bacon can be substituted for meat if desired.
    2. Prepare potatoes. Peel the tubers, rinse and chop into bars. Soak in lemon water for 10 minutes, then remove and dry with towels.
    3. Take a heat-resistant dish with a thick bottom, pour in the oil and send it to a strong fire. After 2 minutes, add the potatoes, fry them for 4-6 minutes.
    4. After the specified period, mix the composition. Now chop the onion, send it to the pan. Reduce the stove power to medium.
    5. Duration heat treatment is 12-15 minutes. When the time has passed, add chopped meat and garlic passed through a crush to the potatoes.
    6. Throw in the pepper Provencal herbs, salt. After 5 minutes, turn off the burner, sprinkle with dill, leave the potatoes under the lid for 5 minutes. Start using.

    Fried potatoes with nutmeg

    • potatoes - 1.2 kg.
    • corn oil - 80 ml.
    • butter - 70 gr.
    • greens (any) - 40 gr.
    • black pepper - to taste
    • nutmeg - on the tip of a knife
    1. Prepare potato tubers, they need to be washed, peeled and cut. Sprinkle the slices with nutmeg, pepper and salt. Heat a thick-bottomed skillet over high heat.
    2. Add corn oil and butter to bowl and stir. After 2 minutes, send the potatoes for frying. Cook it at the maximum mark of 5 minutes.
    3. Next, mix, reduce power to medium. Cook the dish for another 15 minutes, stirring once every 5 minutes. After the specified period, arrange the potatoes on plates, garnish with herbs and sour cream.

    • ground crackers (rye, wheat) - 40-50 gr.
    • potatoes - 550 gr.
    • butter - 80 gr.
    • salt - 10 gr.
    1. Rinse the potatoes under the tap, remove the uniform, chop into slices or cubes. Soak in cold water with a little lemon juice. Remove after 10 minutes and dry.
    2. Put the butter in a frying pan, heat it up and put the potato pieces in a heat-resistant container. Fry at maximum power for 5 minutes, as a result, a golden crust should appear.
    3. When the time is up, lower the heat to medium. Cook the potatoes for another 15 minutes, during this period it needs to be stirred 3-4 times. Before the end of cooking, add salt, crackers, ground pepper.

    Prepare fried potatoes traditional recipe. Consider technologies with the addition of meat, ground crackers, mushrooms, nutmeg. People who want to eat potatoes with a crispy crust should put the slices in hot oil and fry them over high heat. After the appearance of a blush, the power of the plate is reduced to an average mark.

    Video: how to fry potatoes deliciously

    It would seem that you need to know to cook in a pan? But it turns out that there are many nuances that need to be considered when frying in a pan in order to do it right, and as a result, eat delicious food. Indeed, with this method of heat treatment, even the highest quality products can be pretty spoiled.

    How to fry in a pan?

    One of the most important aspects of frying is the pan itself. It should be with a thick bottom (for even distribution of heat), a large area (for frying the largest amount of food), and with a comfortable handle, because if the handle is made of a material that overheats, this creates a lot of inconvenience when cooking.

    In this case, the source of heat, that is, the stove that will be used during cooking, is of great importance. For example, an electric stove, due to slow heating and cooling, is not very suitable for frying dishes.

    Also, the result of cooking by frying is affected by the oil on which the food will be fried. After all, even in a pan with non-stick coating it is better to fry with the addition of a small amount of oil.

    I think everyone knows that it is not necessary to reuse oil for frying, since the oil, once heated, quickly oxidizes in air, and during subsequent frying, the amount of oxidation products in it increases dramatically.

    The quality of cooking in a pan also depends on the cooking temperature.

    How to cook without oil?

    Unfortunately, it is not possible to fry food without oil in a regular frying pan. But there are a few tricks that will allow us to do this, and thus reduce the harmfulness of the food we cook. For example, use a non-stick frying pan or a grill pan for this, which can be purchased at a regular store or in a couch store. During cooking on the second, all the fat flows down the special ribs in the pan and does not come into contact with the food in the future. After cooking, excess oil is simply drained.

    Fried healthy food

    Are fried foods healthy? According to experts from the British Heart Society, if fried potatoes, fish, or even chips are cooked in vegetable oil, then such food is harmless, since consumption vegetable oil protects a person from heart disease. But it is worth remembering that the amount of oil should also be minimal, just to ensure that the food is beautifully browned.

    According to the scientists of this society, it is important what kind of oil is used for frying, while it should not be reused. According to recent studies published in the well-known medical publication British Medical Journal, in Spain, where olive or sunflower oil, no relationship was found between human consumption of fried foods and the occurrence of heart disease.

    Whether to eat fried foods is up to you.
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