Home A fish Unusual quince jam. Quince jam

Unusual quince jam. Quince jam

Quince is a fragrant fruit that belongs to the genus of woody plants. The composition of the fruit includes many vitamins, minerals, organic acids and pectins, which indicates its extreme usefulness for the body. Due to the astringent taste, the fruit is rarely consumed fresh, so it is better to make jam from it. There are many different recipes the most delicious quince jam.

The composition and benefits of quince

Quince is called the "golden fruit" not only for the bright yellow color of the peel, but also for its beneficial properties. After all, it is not in vain that it has been grown for more than 4 thousand years. Asia is the birthplace of culture, but over time it has spread to almost all over the world.

Lots of fruit useful substances, among which the most valuable is pectin, which is contained in large quantities. The substance helps to cleanse the body of harmful toxins, which makes quince useful for people working in hazardous industries. In addition, pectin is a natural thickener, this is especially noticeable in quince jam. It turns out jelly-like, and the pieces of fruit in it look like marmalade. It is worth noting that "marmalade" has in its composition the roots of the Galician word marmelo - "quince".

Fruits are a storehouse of useful acids, vitamins and minerals. In large quantities, they contain vitamins A, C and group B, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus. As well as tartronic acid, which promotes the absorption of fats, which is important for those who monitor weight. Copper and iron are presented in an easily digestible form. This results in an increase in hemoglobin levels in the blood.

In the peel of quince are essential oils, which are the strongest natural antioxidants. Therefore, even its aroma can improve mood.

Easy Dessert Recipes

Quince jam has an amazing honey tint, a sweet-sour taste and an appetizing look. There are many recipes, but quince-based jam with the addition of other products is especially popular with housewives. For example, ginger, lemon, nuts, oranges.

Classic way

The classic version of quince jam goes well with flour products, but also suitable as a filling for pies. Step by step recipe quince jam:

  • quince and sugar - 1 kg each;
  • water - 250 ml;
  • citric acid - 0.5 tsp.

Fruits are peeled, seeds and all defects. Cut into small pieces, put in a saucepan, pour a glass of hot water and add citric acid. Blanch for 5-7 minutes, then take out the quince slices with a colander and let them dry.

At this time, prepare the syrup. Sugar is added to the water where the fruit was located. Blanched pieces are placed in boiling syrup and boiled for about 5 minutes. Removed from the fire and covered. Leave for 8-10 hours. And cook again for 5 minutes. This process is repeated after 6-10 hours (the cooking time is increased to 15 minutes). The hot product must be poured into sterilized jars, closed with lids and turned over.

With fragrant lemon

It is also easy to cook quince jam with lemon. You will need 1 small lemon and all the same ingredients that are listed in the classic recipe.

The fruits are washed and wiped dry, cut in half and the stone is removed along with the core. Each half is cut into small slices and placed in a cooked pan. Topped with sugar and left for several hours. During this time, the fruit will "give" juice. If little juice stands out, then you can add 1 glass of water. Then put on fire and cook for another 10-12 minutes. Remove from fire and cool. This procedure is carried out 3-4 times. The result should be a pleasant red jam with transparent fruit slices.

Before the last cooking period, sliced ​​​​lemon is added. Boil again for 5-10 minutes and lay out in sterilized jars, turn upside down and wrap, leave for a day until completely cooled.

With spicy cinnamon

Spice lovers will surely enjoy quince jam with cinnamon, and this delicacy is very easy to prepare. Main components:

  • quince - 1 kg;
  • water - 500 ml;
  • sugar - 700 g;
  • lemon juice - 30 ml;
  • cinnamon - ½ teaspoon.

The quince is washed, cut and the core with the stone is removed. Fruit is cut into thin slices, placed in a saucepan and immediately sprinkled with 20 ml lemon juice. Add water and boil for 15 minutes.

Then cinnamon, remaining juice and sugar are added. Boil another 20 minutes. The finished jam is laid out in jars and closed with lids in any way.


Properly brewed walnut jam with quince has a rich taste and amazing astringency. Main Ingredients:

  • quince and sugar - 2 kg each;
  • water - 1 liter;
  • walnuts (peeled) - 2 cups.

Quince is prepared and cut into slices, sent to a container and filled with water. Boil for about 10 minutes. Then the water is drained and a syrup made from 500 ml of water and 1 g of sugar is added. After 3 hours, sprinkle with the remaining sugar and boil for another 5 minutes. Then they are removed from the fire and left to cool for 6 hours. The whole procedure is repeated, but crushed walnuts. Cook for another 5 minutes and lay out hot in containers.

Subtleties of making jam

Making quince jam is a simple process, but if you do not follow the technology, then it will be opaque and ugly in appearance. Pieces of the fruit will remain hard or acquire a shapeless mushy mass. Therefore, it is necessary to adhere to some rules when making jam:

Compliance with all these subtleties of cooking will allow you to make healthy jam from quince for the winter, which is sure to become a favorite delicacy of all family members.

Quince grows in the south, although it is also found in the gardens of the middle lane. Fresh fruits are unsuitable for food: hard and sour. But after cooking, they become soft and sweet, besides, they emit an amazing aroma. For its yellow color and external similarity, the fruit is called the golden apple. Quince jam is unusually fragrant and tasty.

As many health benefits as the golden apple brings, few fruits can provide. Due to the high content of pectin, fruits normalize digestion. With anemia, quince juice is very useful. Seeds have an antiseptic property, they can be used for sore throats (but by no means in crushed form, this is dangerous). Fresh fruits act as a diuretic and choleretic agent. Quince jam is not only considered the most delicious, it still does not lose its beneficial properties after processing.

How to choose quince for jam

Only ripe fruits are tasty and fragrant. In order not to be mistaken, you need to know the features of fruits. It is desirable to choose large, dense fruits without damage and dents, with a uniform yellow color without green spots. A ripe quince is more fragrant than an unripe one.

Features of making quince jam

How to make quince jam so that the pieces of fruit do not become hard, and the syrup turns out to be a beautiful transparent color? To do this, follow the following technology:

  • Use ripe, but not overripe fruits.
  • A box with seeds is cut out, the fruits, together with the peel, are cut into cubes.
  • The prepared product is blanched in boiling water.
  • Sugar is added to the same water used for blanching to make syrup. Bring to a boil, put fruit, boil for 5-10 minutes. According to the technology, it is necessary to alternate boiling with infusion during the day, repeating the operations several times.
  • It is impossible to leave jam on the stove unattended, it can burn, then its color and taste will be hopelessly spoiled. For cooking, they take thick-walled dishes and constantly interfere with its contents with a spoon.
  • To prevent sugaring at the end of boiling, citric acid is added at the tip of a knife. On average, cooking lasts an hour and a half.

How to cook quince jam with lemon?

If you cook the original jam with quince and lemon, its taste will be richer.

According to the recipe for 1 kg of fruit, take 1 kg of sugar and one lemon. You will need 3 more cups of water for the syrup. If desired, add half a teaspoon of vanilla.

Syrup is made from water with sugar. At this time, the fruits are cleaned of seeds (you can also peel) and cut into small slices. Put fruit in boiling syrup, reduce heat, simmer for 15 minutes. Turn off and wait for it to cool down. The process is repeated 3 times. Turning on the stove for the last time, add vanillin and lemon, along with zest, cut into cubes.

Ready-made jam from quince with hot lemon is packed in jars and rolled up (or closed with screw caps). Store in a cool place.

Quince jam recipe

Quince jam looks beautiful with slices. Besides, it is very tasty. According to the recipe for quince jam, one and a half kg of sugar is taken in slices per 1 kg of fruit. The peeled and seeded fruits are cut into even slices, placed in a saucepan, poured with water so that the slices are covered with liquid, but do not float.

Boil until soft. The slices are taken out, the water is filtered through gauze, sugar is poured into the broth. Bring to a boil and add fruit slices. Cook on slow fire. The slices should become transparent, but not fall apart. The products are poured into containers and put away for storage.

In a slow cooker

Nowadays, smart assistants have appeared in the kitchen. Among them is a multicooker. You can quickly cook quince jam in it. The recipe is simple.

One kilogram of quince is washed and dried. The seeds are removed. If there are damages on the peel, they are also removed. Fruits are cut into small pieces, put in a bowl. Sugar is added, mixed, closed with a lid, left for three days. Stirring is repeated every day. Turn on the "extinguishing" mode, set the time to 30 minutes. After boiling, open the lid of the multicooker. After letting it brew for 6 hours, the cooking is repeated and the finished yummy is poured into jars.

An interesting recipe for quince jam with nuts. You will need: 2 kg of quince, 2 kg of sugar, 1 liter of water and 2 cups of walnuts.


  1. Wash and dry fruits.
  2. Peel the skin, remove the seeds, but do not discard.
  3. Cut fruit into slices, add water, cook for 10 minutes. Drain the water.
  4. Put the fruit in a syrup of 0.5 water and 1 kg of sugar.
  5. After 3 hours, add the remaining sugar and put on fire. Cook for 5 minutes, leave for 6 hours, repeat the process from the beginning.
  6. Cleanings are placed in the remaining water, boiled for 15 minutes. The broth is filtered and added to the pan. Crushed nuts are poured, boiled for 5 minutes, turned off and poured into jars.

with orange

Quince jam turns out very tasty when oranges are added. The combination of fruits enhances the aroma and taste, makes the color of the finished product richer. For the recipe, you will need 1 kg of quince and sugar, 1 orange and 2.5 cups of water.

Remove the peel from the fruit, fill it with water and set to boil for 30 minutes. The fruits are cut in half, the core is removed, cut into slices. Remove the peel from the broth and put the prepared slices. After 10 minutes, strain the broth, add sugar, bring to a boil. Start the quince pieces, turn off and cover the pan with a towel. After 12 hours, the container is put on fire and boiled for 30-40 minutes. A bright amber color indicates the readiness of the dish. It is poured into jars and cleaned in a cool place.

with apples

The recipe for quince jam with apples is common and affordable. For 1 kg of ripe fruit, you will need a pound of apples and 1 kg of sugar. Remove the peel from the washed fruit, cut out the core, cut into small pieces. Mix in a saucepan with sugar, leave overnight. During this time, juice will stand out. Boil in three steps for 5 minutes with a break for 6 hours. According to this recipe, the jam is beautiful, tasty and fragrant.

Storage features

Quince jam is stored for 1-3 years. Banks are placed in a refrigerator, basement or cellar. Fruits are left for the winter and fresh. Storage conditions: humidity 80%, temperature from 0 to 2 degrees and no light. Fruits are safely stored from 1 to 4 months.

Nowadays, in the supermarket at any time you can buy any fruits, there was a harvest on them ... Therefore, our compatriots are trying to use the benefits offered and diversify their diet. Jam can now be made not only from cherries, currants, apples, raspberries, gooseberries, blueberries, blueberries, cloudberries and other local fruits, but also from other gifts of nature. So today we’ll talk about how to make quince jam at home, in slices. Such a question, for sure, arose among the housewives, who were puzzled by the large harvest of these fruits or lovers culinary experiments. It is worth saying that quince jam is a fragrant delicacy with great taste besides, it is a beautiful amber color.

Raw quince can be quite harsh, which requires heat treatment of this fruit together with granulated sugar, as a result we get fragrant jam, but before you learn in detail how to cook it, it is worth saying a few words about the benefits of this fruit.

Quince fruits are rich in pectin, this substance is a kind of body cleaner, as it binds toxic substances. In addition, this fruit improves the digestive process, strengthens the stomach, and also lowers cholesterol. Japanese researchers use this fruit even in the fight against peptic ulcer, and also recommend using it to normalize weight, that is, with obesity.

Quince contains quite a lot of antioxidants that help prolong the youth of the body, and also help fight stressful situations. In addition, it contains potassium and other useful components. But back to making jam slices.

Quince jam recipe

To cook quince jam at home, you will need the following components:

Fresh quince - 1 kilogram;
Sugar - 1 kilogram
Citric acid - a pinch, optional.

It is necessary to prepare a container where a quince delicacy will be prepared, for this you can use enamel pan Or a deep bowl. A kilogram of prepared fruit for jam should be washed well and wiped dry with a towel.

Then you need to cut the quince with a sharp knife into four parts and remove the core with seeds, it is worth noting that you will have to cut it with some effort, since the fruits are usually quite hard. Next, cut each quarter into three or five equal slices so that they do not exceed five, seven millimeters.

We put the elongated sliced ​​quince slices into the prepared container and fill it with water so that the whole quince is covered. We put the container on the stove and quickly bring it to a boil, after which we reduce the heat and continue to cook the fruit on minimum heat for fifteen minutes, after such a heat treatment it will be quite soft.

After 15 minutes, it is recommended to use a slotted spoon to get the quince slices into another container, and leave the broth, it will still be needed. Then we pour a kilogram of granulated sugar into another container and add 200 milliliters of broth, after which we turn on the fire on the stove and cook the syrup, stirring it. After a while, the sugar will begin to melt and dissolve.

The readiness of the syrup is checked as follows: a drop of syrup is applied to the plate, while it should not spread, but remain in the form of the so-called hemisphere, which will indicate its preparation.

Next, put boiled quince in the finished syrup, mix gently so as not to break the slices, then bring our fragrant jam to a boil, and then reduce the heat on the gas stove and cook the delicacy for forty minutes, be sure to stir with a long-handled wooden spatula to prevent burning quince jam.

In the process of boiling for forty minutes, a foam will certainly form on the jam, which is recommended to be carefully removed if you plan to store the delicacy for a long time. It is more convenient to remove it with a long spoon, while you should not throw it away, just place it in a container, and then you can use it.

After forty minutes, the jam should acquire a beautiful honey-amber color, of course, if it does not burn, in which case the delicacy will turn brown and also lose its fragrant original qualities, respectively, it is recommended to carefully monitor that the quince delicacy does not burn.

Five minutes before the end of cooking jam, if desired, you can use a little citric acid, literally a pinch, which will give a pleasant sourness to this sweet delicacy.

Before turning off the stove, it is important to check the readiness of the quince jam, as described earlier in the preparation of the syrup. If the delicacy is ready, you need to place it on glass jars which are important to sterilize, this can be done by washing the containers with baking soda, then they are calcined in the oven, or heated over steam.

There is no need to roll up cans, you can use screw caps, while it is important to pay attention that they are not rusty from the inside, it is better to purchase new ones. After that, the jars are closed and turned upside down. After that, it is recommended to cover the containers with a warm blanket and let them cool down overnight.

The next day, the jars can be put away for storage, of course, it is better to place them in cool conditions, if it is a city apartment, then you will have to use the refrigerator or take them out to the loggia until there are frosts. In addition, you can take them to a vegetable pit or to a cellar in the country.


I told how to cook quince jam with slices. It is good to use it as an independent dish, in addition, it is suitable as a filling for any confectionery, with which housewives often treat their household members. Delicious quince jam with slices can be easily prepared at home, while you can provide your family with a fragrant treat for the whole coming winter.

Lovers of fresh quince can be counted on the fingers, because the taste of this fruit is tart, and it is very hard, the fruit is also not easy to process. But quince jam, like a piece of the sun, locked in a jar, is considered a real oriental delicacy that brings great benefits to the body.

Useful properties of quince jam

In folk medicine, yellow fruits can save a person from a whole list of diseases and ailments, provide the body with such essential substances as pyridoxine (B6), thiamine (B1), ascorbic acid (C), nicotinic (B3) and pantothenic (B5), as well as riboflavin (B2).

That's why lovers traditional medicine very often used for medicinal purposes:

  1. The high content of pectin will help to improve the functioning of the digestive tract, strengthen the liver.
  2. Fiber will ensure the normalization of metabolism.
  3. In addition, quince is rich in natural sugar - fructose and glucose, vitamins B, C and P, salts, organic acids and trace elements.
  4. The tannins contained in the fruits have hemostatic and anti-inflammatory properties.
  5. Quince jam has diuretic properties, it is recommended to use it for cystitis.
  6. It will help to cope with such an unpleasant phenomenon as toxicosis;
  7. There is jam recommended for those whose body is weakened by the disease, thanks to useful blank, you will quickly get enough of minerals, vitamins and bounce back.
  8. For colds, quince jam is used as an antipyretic.

The calorie content of this product is affected by the chosen recipe and the amount of sugar that was required, but on average it is considered not too high - 273 kcal per 100 g. However, it is not recommended to use jam in large portions, a few tablespoons a day are quite enough.

You can use the qualities of fruits in cooking for a wide variety of purposes. For example, prepare a side dish for almost any meat dish, cook a magnificent compote of unusually thick structure. We recommend brewing a few jars of delicious quince jam to please your body and soul this winter.

Quince jam - recipe with photo

How to arrange a “general cleaning” of the body, improve its health and preserve youth? The necessary set of measures can provide such unique fruits as quince. The pectins of this magical product can be compared to the work of a vacuum cleaner.

Only in this case, the “unit” created by nature is designed to rid a person of his waste products, toxins and toxins, and at the same time to establish intestinal motility. Jam from yellow fruits can deliver hormones of pleasure and happiness to people.

Cooking time: 12 hours 0 minutes

Quantity: 2 servings


  • Quince: 4 pcs.
  • Sugar: 1 kg
  • Lemon juice: 2 dessert. l.

Cooking instructions

The most delicious quince jam

There are several techniques for making quince jam, most of them involve alternating the processes of cooking and cooling and take quite a lot of time. The version of a tasty and fragrant delicacy that we have proposed is prepared relatively quickly, while turning out to be just as fragrant and healthy.

  • quince fruits - 2 pcs. (1 kg);
  • white sugar - 1 kg.

For cooking jam, it is preferable to use an enameled bowl, a saucepan with a thick bottom or a basin (if a double / triple serving is taken). Please note that quince fruits are dense and heavy for 1 kg there will be only 2 pieces.

Cooking steps the most delicious and fragrant quince jam:

  1. Like any other fruit, before cooking, thoroughly wash the quince fruits and wipe them.
  2. We cut the fruit into quarters, remove the core and bones. Get ready that some force will be required for this process, since the quince is hard to cut.
  3. Cut each quarter into thin strips or small cubes.
  4. We shift the pieces of quince into a deep saucepan, fill with water so that the fruits are covered. Bring the contents of the pan to a boil, then reduce the intensity of the fire, continue to cook for another quarter of an hour. Until the fruits are soft.
  5. After turning off the fire, with the help of a slotted spoon, we take out the quince pieces. We do not drain the water in which they are boiled.
  6. We rinse the bowl in which the jam will be cooked directly. Pour sugar into it, fill it with quince broth left after the previous step, at the rate of 0.2 liters per 1 kg of sugar. If desired, the remaining liquid can be made tasty and healthy drink, sweetening it and boiling it.
  7. A bowl of sugar, filled with quince broth, put on fire and make syrup. After dissolving the sugar, continue to boil for about a quarter of an hour. The finished syrup will not foam, it will become transparent, and if you drop a little on a clean plate, it will not spread.
  8. Continuing to boil the syrup, add boiled quince to it, stir thoroughly and leave to boil. Remove the foam formed in the process (there should be a lot of it), otherwise long-term storage ready-made jam can not be counted.
  9. By the end of cooking, quince jam will turn amber in color, its readiness is checked, just like with syrup.
  10. Turn off the stove and immediately pour into sterile, completely dry jars from the inside.

This recipe will turn into a favorite for you, thanks to its sweetness, aroma and sourness presented by lemon. Prepare in advance for its preparation a set of ingredients:

  • 1 kg of quince, already peeled and cut into slices;
  • 3-3.5 st. Sahara;
  • 200 ml of water;
  • 1 lemon;
  • vanillin to taste;
  • any nuts or a mixture of them - about 1 cup.

Cooking delicious jam with nuts in the following steps:

  1. Mix water with sugar and prepare syrup;
  2. After it boils, add quince slices, boil for about 5 minutes, then remove from heat and leave for 12 hours.
  3. We put the jam on the second cooking run. The sequence is the same: 5 minutes of cooking - 12 hours of rest.
  4. We remove the zest from the lemon. We cut the citrus itself into thin slices, be sure to free it from the bones.
  5. Peeled nuts are dried in a pan, crushed not very finely.
  6. The third time we put the quince jam on the fire, add the zest, citrus slices and crushed nuts. Boil for a quarter of an hour and pour into sterile jars.

How to cook quince jam with lemon?

Quince and lemon are a surprisingly tasty and complementary tandem. And the resulting jam will be a real salvation in the rich colds winter time.

For 1 kg of quince you will need:

  • 1 lemon;
  • 4 tbsp Sahara;
  • 1.5 st. water.

Cooking steps quince jam with lemon:

  1. Under hot water thoroughly wash each quince fruit, wipe dry with a clean towel.
  2. We remove the core from the quince cut in half, cut it into pieces 2 cm wide, put it in a pan of a suitable volume.
  3. Mix with sugar, leave for 2-3 hours, so that the fruits release juice. Sometimes it can happen that there is not much juice, this usually happens if the quince is not too ripe, you can add about 200 ml of water.
  4. We put the dishes with quince on the stove, after boiling, boil for about 5 more minutes, stirring occasionally. Then remove from heat and let cool completely.
  5. We repeat the procedure described in the previous paragraph at least three times until the jam acquires a pleasant amber hue, and the pieces of the fruit themselves become transparent.
  6. Before the last boil, put lemon crushed on a blender into the jam.
  7. Pour hot quince jam into jars

Quince jam recipe

Quince slices in jam prepared according to the recipe described below will not spread, but will retain their own integrity.

They will remain a little hard in taste, but this fact will only add additional charm to your preservation, because the fruit slices will look like candied fruit.

The proportions of the dish are standard for jams: 1:1, respectively, sugar and fresh, ripe fruits without dents and traces of rot, as well as 1.5 cups of clean water.

Cooking clear quince jam slices

  1. We cut our fruit into pieces, remove the skin, remove the core. All this can be safely thrown away. Cut the fruit into thin slices, no more than 1 cm thick.
  2. We shift the chopped quince into a convenient pan, fill it with water, so that the fruits are completely covered.
  3. We boil the quince for about half an hour, after which we take it out with a slotted spoon. Strain the remaining water through cheesecloth and pour back into the saucepan to make syrup.
  4. We mix quince broth with sugar, which we introduce gradually, stirring.
  5. When the sugar is completely dissolved, add quince to the syrup, mix and cook until boiling. Then reduce the heat and continue to boil for another 45 minutes, stirring occasionally with a wooden spoon. Control that the slices do not boil, if the boil is too strong, turn off the fire under the jam, let it cool for half an hour, and then continue.

The readiness of the syrup is checked by the usual method. After the jam is ready, pour it into sterile jars.

How to cook quince jam in a slow cooker?

The basic ingredients of quince jam remain unchanged, even if you decide to cook it in an indispensable kitchen assistant - a slow cooker. The proportions of quince and sugar are 1:1, this ratio is optimal.

Cooking steps quince jam in a slow cooker:

  1. As in previous recipes, mine and cut the quince into slices, after removing the core.
  2. We spread the slices of the fruit in a container of a suitable size in layers, each sprinkling with sugar. We leave to release the juice for a couple of days. In the morning and evening, do not forget to shake the contents of the pan. This will allow the sugar to evenly distribute.
  3. Put the mass that has let the juice into the bowl of the multicooker, cook the jam with the lid open in the "Extinguishing" mode for half an hour.
  4. After complete cooling, restart the "Quenching" for a quarter of an hour. Repeat the procedure several times until the syrup is ready. Arrange the jam in sterile jars.

Simple and quick quince jam - the recipe couldn't be easier

We offer you a recipe for a unique jam that combines two of the most useful autumn gifts of nature. An additional advantage is that the cooking process will take quite a bit of time, because the jam is cooked in one go.

Required Ingredients:

  • 0.4 kg of pumpkin;
  • 0.3 kg of quince and sugar.

Cooking steps the fastest and simple recipe quince jam:

  1. We wash the peeled pumpkin and cut it into slices, we do the same with quince, in which we first remove the seed box.
  2. Mix both main ingredients and sprinkle them with sugar. We give a few hours to brew and let the juice.
  3. We put the sweet quince-pumpkin mass on the fire and bring to a boil, then reduce the flame by half, and boil for another 30 minutes.
  4. Pour the boiling jam into sterile jars and roll up. Or, already chilled jam can be closed with plastic lids and stored in the refrigerator.

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Growing vegetables at home is quite a feasible task. The main thing is desire and a little patience. Most greens and vegetables can be successfully grown on an urban balcony or kitchen window sill. There are advantages here compared to growing outdoors: in such conditions, your plants are protected from low temperatures, many diseases and pests. And if your loggia or balcony is glazed and insulated, then you can grow vegetables practically all year round

We grow many vegetable and flower crops in seedlings, which allows us to get an earlier harvest. But create ideal conditions very difficult: lack of sunlight for plants, dry air, drafts, untimely watering, soil and seeds may initially contain pathogenic microorganisms. These and other reasons often lead to depletion, and sometimes to the death of young seedlings, because it is most sensitive to adverse factors.

Thanks to the efforts of breeders, the range of coniferous perennials has recently replenished with a number of unusual varieties with yellow needles. It seems that the most original ideas, which landscape designers have not yet been able to bring to life, were just waiting in the wings. And from all this variety of yellow-coniferous plants, you can always choose the species and varieties that are best suited for the site. We will talk about the most interesting of them in the article.

Chocolate truffles with whiskey - homemade truffles from dark chocolate. In my opinion, this is one of the simplest and most delicious homemade desserts for adults, unfortunately, the younger generation can only lick their lips on the sidelines, these sweets are not for kids. Truffles are made with different fillings, stuffed with nuts, candied fruits or dried fruits. Roll in biscuit, sand or nut crumbs. You can make a whole box of assorted homemade sweets based on this recipe!

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