Home desserts Salt mushrooms in a cold way. How to salt mushrooms: delicious step-by-step recipes for salting mushrooms with photos and videos, cooking features. Salted mushrooms according to grandma's recipe

Salt mushrooms in a cold way. How to salt mushrooms: delicious step-by-step recipes for salting mushrooms with photos and videos, cooking features. Salted mushrooms according to grandma's recipe

Knowledge of how to salt mushrooms to get tasty, fragrant and quality product, especially relevant at the height of the mushroom season. Considering that this forest specimen has a lamellar juicy pulp, is devoid of bitterness, tolerates any heat treatment perfectly, several cooking methods can be distinguished: cold, hot and dry.

Preparing mushrooms for salting

Everyone knows what determines taste ready meal. Therefore, the question “should mushrooms be soaked before salting” deserves special attention. The mushrooms do not contain bitterness, so they do not need to be soaked. In addition, many mushroom pickers do not even wash them, but prefer to wipe the collected specimens with a napkin.

  1. Salting mushrooms depends on the quality of the selected mushrooms: mushrooms of any size are suitable, but it is better to use small ones that can be cooked whole.
  2. Preparation of mushrooms depends on the method of salting. For dry - very dirty mushrooms are not used, since they cannot be washed, but you only need to process them with a cloth, wiping dirt from the plates.
  3. For all other methods, mushrooms are washed under running water, wiping off dirt with a soft sponge, thrown into a colander or dried on a flat surface.

Methods for salting mushrooms are varied. There are three main ones: hot, cold and dry. When cold, the mushrooms are washed, sprinkled with salt and kept under pressure for about 3 weeks. In hot mushrooms, pre-boil and repeat the steps of cold cooking. With the dry method, the mushrooms are not washed, but cleaned and sprinkled with salt.

  1. Salting is good because the process can be easily controlled manually, monitoring the purity and quality of the brine. For example, the gauze that covers the mushrooms should be changed every three days.
  2. The brine should remain brown throughout the entire time; if it turns black, the mushrooms are thrown away.
  3. Regardless of the method, mushrooms should be kept in a cool place and ensure that they are completely covered with brine. If there is not enough juice, boiled water is added.

Quick salting of mushrooms allows you to get ready-made mushrooms after 2 hours. This is the easiest and most convenient way that does not require marinades, spices and additional components, while maintaining the natural freshness and strength of mushrooms. For cooking, peeled and washed mushrooms are sprinkled with salt and left for a short time at room temperature.


  • mushrooms - 1.5 kg;
  • salt - 80 g.


  1. Before salting the mushrooms, clean the mushrooms of debris, rinse them and cut off the legs from the caps.
  2. Sprinkle the bottom of the dish with salt.
  3. Lay mushrooms in layers, sprinkling with salt.
  4. Season the top layer with plenty of salt and leave the mushrooms at room temperature for 2 hours.
  5. Rinse, transfer to a jar, pour over with oil and refrigerate.

How to salt mushrooms in a hot way?

It will take more time due to the heat treatment of the mushrooms. Even taking into account the fact that mushrooms lose some of their vitamins during the cooking process, such preparation has an advantage: the specimens used can be of any size and not even the first freshness, and the preparation with them will still be well stored.


  • mushrooms - 4 kg;
  • salt - 200 g;
  • currant leaves - 6 pcs.;
  • black peppercorns - 15 pcs.;
  • bay leaf - 10 pcs.;
  • water - 6 l;
  • garlic clove - 8 pcs.


  1. Pour the processed mushrooms with water and cook for 5 minutes.
  2. Drain in a colander and refrigerate.
  3. Arrange in layers in containers, alternating with salt and spices.
  4. Keep under oppression for 1.5 months in a cool room.

How to salt mushrooms in a cold way - a recipe

Salting mushrooms in a cold way at home is a universal option. In this case, the mushrooms are not subjected to heat treatment, and from that they retain useful substances, natural color and acquire an excellent taste. Such mushrooms can be served as an independent snack or, later, fried, stewed, added to sauces.


  • mushrooms - 3 kg;
  • salt - 150 g;
  • bay leaf - 8 pcs.;
  • black peppercorns - 10 pcs.;
  • garlic clove - 6 pcs.


  1. Wash and dry mushrooms.
  2. Put a little salt and spices on the bottom of the containers.
  3. Lay mushrooms in dense layers with salt and spices.
  4. Cover with gauze on top and set oppression. Keep in a room with a temperature of no more than 20 degrees Celsius.
  5. After 2 weeks, transfer to jars and store in the cold.

How to salt crunchy mushrooms?

The recipe for salting crispy mushrooms suggests the presence of seasonings. Cherry, oak, horseradish, currant or grape leaves will give the mushrooms the necessary crunch, elasticity, excellent taste and aroma. The main thing is not to overdo it with the amount of spices and use only one type, otherwise the mushrooms may lose their attractiveness and darken.


  • mushrooms - 5 kg;
  • horseradish leaves - 15 pcs.;
  • black pepper in a pot - 30 pcs.;
  • salt - 250 g.


  1. Before salting the crispy mushrooms, place half the horseradish leaves, 20 g of salt and 10 black peppercorns on the bottom of the container.
  2. Divide the mushrooms into 5 equal parts and layer them with salt and pepper.
  3. Cover the mushrooms with horseradish leaves and put under oppression for 14 days.

How to salt mushrooms under oppression?

Under oppression is a question that interests both novice housewives and experienced mushroom pickers. It all depends on the pickling method. To quickly get mushrooms, you can use hot way cooking and put oppression in just a couple of days. With the cold method, oppression is set for 3 weeks, but readiness is checked after 14 days.


  • mushrooms - 3 kg;
  • salt - 120 g;
  • water - 5 l;
  • citric acid - 5 g;
  • a clove of garlic - 6 pcs.;
  • bay leaf - 3 pcs.;
  • carnation - 4 pcs.


  1. Add 20 g of salt to water and citric acid and boil the mushrooms for 20 minutes.
  2. Lay in layers with salt and spices in a container and put oppression for 5 days.

Dry salting of mushrooms differs from previous methods using unwashed mushrooms. They are simply cleaned of debris with a brush, sprinkled with salt and put under oppression. At the same time, the ratio of salt to the weight of mushrooms is calculated, which determines the subsequent storage. If mushrooms are kept warm, the amount of salt is increased to 100 g per 1 kg of mushrooms.


  • mushrooms - 2 kg;
  • salt - 200 g;
  • currant leaves - 5 pcs.;
  • garlic clove - 4 pcs.


  1. Peeled mushrooms, lay in layers, sprinkling with salt and spices.
  2. Cover with gauze and set oppression for 15 days.

Salting mushrooms and volushki is one of the popular ways to harvest them, since the mushrooms are similar in texture and are great for cooking together. The only difference is the bitter taste of volushki, because of which the mushrooms are pre-soaked for 6 hours in clean water, dried and salted together with mushrooms using the cold method.


  • mushrooms - 1 kg;
  • waves - 1 kg;
  • water - 2 l;
  • salt - 100 g;
  • dill stalks - 3 pcs.;
  • horseradish leaves - 4 pcs.;
  • black peppercorns - 8 pcs.


  1. Fill the waves with water for 6 hours.
  2. Drain in a colander and dry.
  3. Lay mushrooms and volnushki in layers with salt and spices.
  4. Put under oppression for 40 days.

How to salt mushrooms in a barrel?

The recipe for salting mushrooms in a wooden barrel is considered the most delicious. As a rule, mushrooms are cooked in dry or cold ways, each of which is good, because mushrooms, saturated with the aroma of wood, acquire crunchiness and fragrantness, which is not characteristic of canned blanks. In addition, the container is resistant to bacteria and protects mushrooms from spoilage.

In our family, we always prepare a lot of mushrooms for the winter. We freeze them, marinate various varieties in jars and, of course, salt them. We prefer mushrooms to salt. We salt a little more volnushki and milk mushrooms, but we salt the saffron milk caps in a whole oak 20-liter barrel. We believe that they are salty - the most delicious.

There are several ways to pickle mushrooms. The main ones are cold way, hot salting and the so-called fast way. When salting mushrooms in a cold way, they change their color and become dark, when hot and fast way salting - the color is preserved.

For salting by any of the methods you need fresh mushrooms. If you pick mushrooms yourself, then in order to have less work with them at home, inspect them when you cut them. Do not take wormy mushrooms, carefully cut off the remains of clay or earth from the legs. Remove large debris and leaves.

Of course, it is best to collect not very large mushrooms, with a cap diameter of no more than 5 cm. During salting, such mushrooms will completely retain their appearance, and they are a pleasure to serve and eat.

If you are lucky, and you collect boletus mushrooms, they will remain intact and beautiful in any size, practically without losing their beauty as a result of all the treatments and manipulations with them. Such mushrooms grow in pine forests, they are dense, the stem is thick, the mushroom is fleshy, heavy, their hat is slightly closed down.

In spruce forests, mushrooms that are thinner in structure grow; it is better to collect such not very large ones. Large mushrooms during salting will need to be cut into 2-4 parts, and the lamellar hat will break during processing. Mushrooms will be tasty, but their appearance will suffer.

And so let's look at all the main ways of salting mushrooms, so that you, having familiarized yourself with them, can make the right choice.

How to salt mushrooms for the winter in jars in a cold way - a simple recipe

A feature of salting mushrooms in this way is that we do not subject them to heat treatment. And there are two ways of salting. The first is when we wash the mushrooms, and the second is the so-called “dry” method, in which the mushrooms do not have any contact with water.

Let's look at the first method first.

We will need (for convenience, the calculation is given for 1 kg of mushrooms):

  • mushrooms - 1 kg
  • salt - 2 incomplete tablespoons (50 gr)
  • garlic -3-4 cloves (optional)
  • dill - optional
  • peppercorns - 15 peas
  • cloves - 4 pieces
  • horseradish leaf


1. To begin with, we sort out the mushrooms and wash them. We clean them from forest litter, cut off the darkened cut of the leg, remove the remnants of the earth from it. Remove worm mushrooms. Very often only the stalk is wormy, so the hat can be saved and the stalk cut off.

If it is a pity to throw out such mushrooms, then put them for 5-7 minutes in cold salty water. All available worms will come out of the mushroom. But it is best to reject such mushrooms already at the harvesting stage.

2. Put the mushrooms on a towel so that all the water is glass.

3. You can salt the mushrooms immediately into jars, or you can first pickle them in a saucepan, and only then transfer them to jars.

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The second method is more preferable, because the mushrooms will give juice and settle during the salting process. And it will be possible to put them into banks as much as you like. After all, if you store them in the refrigerator, then the place there in the fall is always worth its weight in gold.

4. Consider the method of salting in a saucepan. Lay half a sheet of horseradish on the bottom. Horseradish does not allow mold to develop, so I always put it in all pickles. All other greens can be used as desired. I always add dill. But many do not do this, because they want to preserve the natural taste of mushrooms. me personally light fragrance dill does not interfere at all, but even like it.

For the same reason, someone adds, and someone refuses to put, currant leaves, oak leaves (this is always good), but as a rule, I immediately salt into an oak tub, and I don’t need to put leaves.

Garlic also causes the same controversial moment. I add a little bit of it for spice and spice. But someone thinks that garlic is useless when pickling mushrooms.

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And recently I began to add a sprig of heather and spruce sprig. I put it on the bottom and on top, and sometimes in the middle. This was suggested to me by one grandmother, with whom we somehow got into a conversation on the occasion. She said the twigs keep the mushrooms smelling foresty and prevent mold.

In general, what to add is a matter of taste! And tastes, as they say, do not argue. The main thing is mushrooms and salt! And everything else, as you like. I add only what I wrote in the composition of the ingredients. You can try all the same. And if you already have your own experience, then add, or vice versa, remove something from the proposed.

5. Divide spices and garlic into about 3 parts. One for the bottom, one for the middle, and one for the top.

6. And so the bottom is laid out, and we begin to lay mushrooms in the pan. Here, too, there is no consensus, someone lays them with their hats down, someone up. I consider this question not fundamental. As you think is right, so right!

Every two or three layers should be sprinkled with salt. Roughly divide the salt into the desired number of parts and lightly add layers to it. Then, when the mushrooms give juice, the whole brine will become the same taste and all the mushrooms will be salted evenly.

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It is believed that salt consumption should be 1.5 cups of salt per bucket of mushrooms. But to be honest, I never measure salt with spoons or glasses, I pour it “by eye”. But this can already be done when there is experience. And for starters, if you have never salted mushrooms, keep the proportions.

7. Put some more sprigs of dill, a little garlic, black peppercorns and clove buds in the middle of the layers.

8. Continue to spread the layers of mushrooms and sprinkle them with salt.

9. Put dill, horseradish and the remaining spices and garlic on top.

10. Put gauze on top in two or three layers so that it completely covers all the mushrooms. Put a plate on the cheesecloth and oppression in the form of a cobblestone or a jar of water.

After a while, the mushrooms will give juice, which will mix with salt, and salting will occur. It will take two weeks to keep the mushrooms in this position in a cool place. Every two to three days you will need to rinse in hot water gauze, or even better, change it to a new one.

11. After two weeks, it will be possible to transfer the mushrooms to jars along with the brine and put them in the refrigerator for storage.

And if there is a basement or a pit, then you can not shift, but store the mushrooms directly in a saucepan or barrel. You can eat in two weeks. That is, the total salting time is one month.

Dry method of pickling mushrooms

This method differs from the previous one in that when cleaning mushrooms, we do not wash them, but clean them dry. In principle, this is not difficult, especially if the mushrooms are upland. As I said, they grow in pine forests in moss, and when you collect them, they are clean and tidy. Of course, needles and leaves that fall from trees fall into the basket. It is from them that we clean the mushrooms.

Also make sure that there is no earth left on the leg.

The composition of the ingredients is the same as in the previous recipe. Basically, like the cooking process itself.

With this method of salting, it is recommended to lay mushrooms with caps up and salt each layer.

The salting process will continue for at least 2-3 weeks. During this time, the mushrooms will shrink a lot. And if you went and got more mushrooms, then they can be salted and reported directly to the same container.

Be sure to cover the top layer with gauze, which also needs to be changed every three days. And oppression is also needed. Without it, the mushrooms will not give juice and the salting process will not occur.

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It should be noted that in both the first and second cases, the mushrooms will change their color and become green-brown. My dad called these mushrooms "frogs". Many are confused by this circumstance and they prefer to salt mushrooms using heat treatment.

Redheads for the winter - a hot recipe

According to this method, we salt mushrooms in our family. Just due to the fact that mushrooms retain their beautiful color. And despite the fact that according to the first method, mushrooms retain all their useful properties, since they do not pass heat treatment, we still choose this way!

Therefore, I salt mushrooms with minimal heat treatment. My mother also salts mushrooms. And she, in turn, was taught to salt in this way by one grandmother, whom her mother met quite by accident, on the train. And now, for many years we have been salting mushrooms in this way. Many thanks to my grandmother, whose name we unfortunately do not know.

We will need:

  • mushrooms - 5 kg
  • salt - 250 gr
  • garlic - 3-4 cloves
  • cloves - 7-8 pcs
  • black peppercorns - 15 pcs
  • red hot pepper - optional
  • Dill
  • horseradish leaf

And as I said above, recently I began to add a couple of branches of heather and a young Christmas tree. But this is optional.


1. Sort and wash the mushrooms, clear of forest debris, cut off the ground remaining there from the legs. You also need to select wormy mushrooms, it is better not to use them.

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I try to collect mushrooms in the forest and immediately clean them of dirt, and throw out the worms. And at home I pour them into a bucket, about half, and fill it with water. And then I just rinse, the grass and needles float up, I remove them, and all the mushrooms are clean. This greatly reduces their processing time. And this is very significant when you collect mushrooms in 4 large baskets, and they all need to be processed as quickly as possible.

2. Since I do everything “by eye”, I will tell in this category. I put about a five-liter bucket of washed mushrooms in a basin. I boil water in a five-liter saucepan. And I pour mushrooms in a basin with boiling water. At the same time, the mushrooms begin to crackle slightly.

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Gently, so as not to damage them, mix them with a slotted spoon, no more than 1-2 minutes. During this time, the crackling stops, which means the mushrooms are ready.

At this stage, mushrooms can be boiled. To do this, boil water and place mushrooms in it. Cook for 5 minutes, while skimming off the foam. However, mushrooms do not give very much foam, so there is nothing special to shoot!

But I reduce the processing time by two or three times, and therefore I only scald the mushrooms. The method is proven, do not be afraid that too little time is spent on scalding. Ryzhik can be eaten even raw, just salt them with salt.

3. And so after 1-2 minutes, carefully drain the water, which has acquired a red color. And then throw the mushrooms into a colander. Just be careful not to damage the look. From a bucket of raw mushrooms, two full scalded colanders are obtained.

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4. We give the opportunity to drain the water. And pour them back into the basin. Let them lie down a little and cool down, so that the hand endures when you touch them. Then pour salt. For this amount, I pour from 1.5 to 2 handfuls of salt. If the mushrooms are small, then you need two handfuls of salt, if chopped large, then one and a half.

Add 5-6 black peppercorns, 2 cloves, a small piece of red hot pepper.

Gently mix the contents with your hands so as not to crush the mushrooms with a spoon. And we taste the gingerbread. Not only can you eat it, but it's also delicious! It should be salty enough to taste, but not too salty. In general, you should like the taste so much that you want to try another mushroom, and then another one ...

This means that you salted everything correctly!

5. While the mushrooms are salting, we are preparing the dishes in which we will prepare them for the winter. I have a 20 liter oak barrel. Mushrooms are obtained in this - just overeating!

But, of course, not everyone has that luxury.

Therefore, you can salt immediately in jars if you store mushrooms in the refrigerator. Or in large saucepan if stored in a cool place. The ideal storage temperature is between 0 and 7 degrees.

6. Put a sheet of horseradish on the bottom of the prepared container. A sprig of heather and spruce sprig, if any. If not, then it’s not necessary, for many years I have salted mushrooms without them, and everything was also fine!

On top of them lay the sprigs of dill.

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7. We spread the mushrooms as they fall. Hats up or down, it doesn't matter.

8. Now we are engaged in the next batch. Everything is in the same order. Until we completely fill the entire container, whether it be jars, or a pan, or a barrel.

9. If the container is large, then put dill every two or three layers of mushrooms. Lightly press the layers with your hands to release the juice.

10. Be sure to lay out a sheet of horseradish and dill on top. And I also spread spruce twig and heather.

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11. Be sure to cover the top layer with gauze, and lightly press the contents. All mushrooms should be covered with a deliciously smelling reddish brine. If for some reason the brine and juice were not enough, then add a little from the pan in which the colander stood and where the water from it was drained. You may need to add just a couple of glasses. Or maybe juice will be enough.

If you put heather on top, then press down, covering the contents with a flat plate, otherwise you can prick yourself badly. It is generally better to leave the plate in order to put a suitable oppression on it.

If salted mushrooms are not in a jar, then oppression must be mandatory so that the mushrooms are completely in the brine. The brine should retain a reddish color throughout the entire time. If it turns gray, then the air temperature is too high, and the process of mold formation has begun in it.

Of course, this mold is not terrible. You can always change the gauze on which it actually formed. And you can even wash the top layer of mushrooms, pour boiling water over them. These mushrooms are edible.

But you must admit, it’s better, when everything is done correctly, we store it correctly, and our mushrooms, on which we have worked so much, will be inaccessible to any mold.

Try to have such oppression that you can cover the pot with salted mushrooms with a lid. If we store it in a jar in the refrigerator, then just close it with a plastic lid.

But now, if we store it in a basement or a pit, then here the cover is simply necessary and obligatory.

12. We lower the mushrooms immediately into the pit and do not touch them for a month and a half. So that they are well salted and become tasty, delicious.

13. After the allotted time, we take out our salted mushrooms, put them in a salad bowl, season with a finely chopped onion and vegetable oil, or eat with sour cream. And there are no mushrooms tastier and more aromatic than mushrooms. Take my word for it!

A quick and easy way to pickle mushrooms

As you know, mushrooms grow in several layers, starting from mid-July, and ending in September, and sometimes even in early October. There is such a late layer when you go after them, and the ground has already been covered with light frost since early morning.

It is these mushrooms that are good to salt for the winter. It has already become cold in the pit, and the temperature for storing them is set just right.

But what to do when mushrooms were harvested in July? That's right, pickle in a jar and store in the refrigerator. Or do quick salting and eat immediately, on the same day. How to do it?

And it's easy to make it! We take the amount of mushrooms necessary for salting. We wash them and clean them of forest debris. Then put in a saucepan, add the spices and herbs that you love and salt thickly.

Then mix everything and add a little more salt on top. Cover with a flat plate or saucer, depending on the size of the pan. And leave for 2 hours. No more time is needed, otherwise the mushrooms will oversalt and become very salty.

After the allotted time, rinse the mushrooms in cold running water. Drain in a colander and let all the water drain.

Now you can season the mushrooms with oil and sprinkle with fresh chopped onions. Everything beautiful tasty snack ready! You can eat it with pleasure, serving it with boiled potatoes and enjoying the wonderful taste and forest aroma!

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I will not now specifically dwell on useful properties saffron milk caps. Entire articles have been written about it. I will only say that

Step 1. We prepare dishes for salting.

For pickling mushrooms it is better to choose enamel pan and a deep bowl. The selected dishes are thoroughly washed in water. Then wipe dry with a towel.

Step 2. We prepare mushrooms.

It is better to choose mushrooms of small sizes.
To begin with, with the help of a brush, clean the mushrooms from dirt, fill with cold water.
Let's leave them in the water for half an hour.

Step 3. Mix the ingredients.

After soaking the mushrooms, put them alternately in a prepared pan or bowl (plates up, that is, caps down). First, one layer of mushrooms, salt (they are not afraid of salt, so we salt them well), then the second layer, salt again. Now we cover the mushrooms on top with the bottom of the plate, put on top of the plate half liter jar with water and leave for a day in a dark cool place.

Step 4 Serve mushrooms.

Can be served as cold appetizer. Before use, mushrooms should be put in a colander and rinsed in running water, allowing it to drain. Placed in a deep plate, season with vegetable oil and add the onion, cut into rings or slices. These mushrooms go well with boiled or fried potatoes. Bon Appetit!

If you decide to cook mushrooms in this way, then know that they cannot be stored for a long time, they will deteriorate, so do not salt too much.

Young mushrooms are most preferred for salting.

There is no need to add spices with this type of salting. Without them, mushrooms retain their natural, only their inherent aroma and taste: they smell like autumn forest edges, young pines, and clear morning air.

In addition to being tasty, mushrooms are also insanely healthy. These mushrooms are not bitter and can be eaten even raw, without any fear for your health.

There is an express recipe for salting saffron mushrooms, after which they can be consumed after 1.5 hours. The truth about the long-term storage of such a product is out of the question, but we will salt the mushrooms so that we can enjoy them all the cold winter.

Camelina mushrooms are classified as multivitamin mushrooms, and some of the vitamins they contain are not inferior to many vegetables and fruits, and in terms of digestibility, not a single mushroom in the world can compare with camelina.

Salting saffron mushrooms is a typical procedure for harvesting them for the winter. How mushrooms are salted, and what mushrooms are selected for this - even experienced mushroom pickers sometimes do not know. Here the answers differ. An important factor is that mushrooms do not need to be soaked in preparation for salting, unlike mushrooms related to them. By the way, mushrooms can be easily confused with mushrooms such as volnushki; but still there is a main difference: some turn blue on the cut, while others do not. For salting, those mushrooms that grow in pine forests are recommended.

And before choosing a specific "Salting mushrooms" recipe, it should be remembered that there are three main methods of salting. This is an express method (suitable for those who do not have time to wait or really want to taste), cold method (it allows you to save all the useful substances of mushrooms) and hot (the most economical). In principle, all three methods are suitable for salting mushrooms. And, therefore, for each of them below is a recipe.

Express Recipe "Salting mushrooms":
It is the fastest and lightest. Only freshly picked young mushrooms of small size are selected for it. They - cleaned and thoroughly washed - are placed in a glass dish with hats down in one layer and sprinkled with salt. Salt should not be spared, and sprinkle generously with it so that it almost completely covers the mushrooms. When the brine begins to appear, its color should be light brown. Mushrooms will be ready for use in 1.5-2 hours. But this method is not suitable for long-term storage of mushrooms. It is remarkable in that mushrooms can be eaten literally immediately after cooking, and there are no processes such as ripening and fermentation, which sometimes take a long time. In this way, you can not salt purchased mushrooms!

Cold pickling method:
This method is more common. It is suitable for winter salting and long-term storage. For cold salting fresh, clean mushrooms are needed, which are placed in sterilized glass or enameled dishes without prior washing, and sprinkled with salt at the rate of 1.5 cups of coarse salt per bucket of prepared mushrooms. Mushrooms are covered on top with a plate, under which a cotton napkin is laid, and a small weight is placed on top of it so that the mushrooms do not float up. In this position, the mushrooms are left to ferment. Every 3 days for the next two weeks, the napkin on the mushrooms should be changed. The temperature at which the workpiece is kept should not exceed 200C. After 2 weeks, the mushrooms can be transferred to jars for further storage and put in the refrigerator or in a cool cellar, tightly closing the container. This one, which took more than two weeks to prepare, can be stored for up to two years.

Hot salted mushrooms:

For this method, even not too clean and weathered mushrooms will fit. They should be sorted out, the spoiled ones removed from the total mass, and the selected ones should be thoroughly washed and cut into large pieces. Mushroom "cutting" is placed in a large saucepan, filled with water and put on the stove to boil. After the water boils, the mushrooms are boiled for about 3-5 minutes, regularly removing foam from them.

Water is drained from boiled mushrooms, and they lean back into a colander. The drained mushrooms are transferred to a saucepan and sprinkled with salt. In this method, spices are also added for flavor. "Salting mushrooms" recipe for the winter it is covered with a napkin and a load is placed on top, and it is sent to the cellar or to the refrigerator for ripening. The temperature in the room in which the mushrooms "reach" should be no higher than 70C, and the ripening period itself should be about 1.5 months.

And you should not forget to control the condition of the brine during this period. The color of the brine should be brown and never black. If it starts to darken, then it is better to throw the workpiece away! With all methods of salting mushrooms, the top layer of mushrooms may darken slightly, so it is better to remove it when putting it in jars!

Good day to all!
When the mushroom season begins, you try to prepare everything and more. I have a bunch of "mushroom" recipes, but for now I want to introduce you to mushrooms.
I didn’t happen to live in the area where these mushrooms, as they say, are “mowed with a scythe”, but I manage to gain a few liters in a season. If you are lucky and there are a lot of mushrooms, then I try to collect only small ones, I call them "buttons", but if it's not the season, like this year (2014), then I take mushrooms of all sizes, the main thing is that they are not wormy.
So, today for you a recipe for salted boiled mushrooms.
The first thing I want to say is that mushrooms can be salted raw, salted boiled and pickled. And besides, camelina is the sweetest and most fragrant mushroom in any dish. Minus one - when salted in its raw form, it can lose its color, sometimes it just becomes green.
To avoid such incidents, I prefer to salt mushrooms only after I boil them.
Let's start cooking mushrooms.
First you need to clean each fungus from forest debris and check for the presence of worms.
Then rinse in running water cold water, place in a large container, pour a few tablespoons of salt and pour warm water. We let it stand for about thirty minutes, during which time all the worms that you did not notice will come out to the surface of the water. Now you can drain the water, pour in a new one, add salt and put it on the fire to boil.
In order not to oversalt the mushrooms, you need to take the smallest amount of salt, let's do this, using the example of my number of mushrooms, and this is about a kilogram in raw form, you need to take one tablespoon of salt. Pour enough water so that the mushrooms swim freely in it.

While the mushrooms are cooking, let's take care of the brine or marinade, call it what you want.
For the marinade, we need two liters of water, in this amount you can pickle about three kilograms of raw product.
Cut five or six garlic cloves into thin slices. We prepare 10-15 black peppercorns, 5-6 bay leaves and cut a small bunch of dill into about 2-2.5 centimeters.

Pour the cooked spices into a saucepan and bring to a boil. Then add salt to taste. It is according to your taste, since the mushrooms are boiled in salt water, then, accordingly, they will be salty after cooking. The main thing here is not to overdo it. Therefore, we add salt to the marinade gradually, mix and adjust to individual taste in salinity.
We leave the boiled marinade in a closed saucepan and cook the mushrooms.

As soon as foam appears on the surface of the container in which the mushrooms are cooked, try to remove it so as not to mix the mushrooms. Just lower the spoon a little and take out the foam. The foam must be removed all and the main thing is not to miss its coagulation. Otherwise, it will remain on the mushrooms and your entire marinade will not look beautiful.

You can not cook mushrooms for a long time, but ... I have a fad, although I'm not afraid to get poisoned or catch botulism, but I still cook all the mushrooms until cooked.
Readiness check in a simple way(grandmother) - as soon as after collecting the foam, the mushrooms begin to move freely in boiling water - READY, you can take it out.

We recline the boiled mushrooms in a colander and let the remaining liquid drain. If you "miss" and the foam has curdled, then rinse the mushrooms in running, but warm water.
It is impossible to keep boiled mushrooms for a long time, just as they cannot be allowed to cool, they must be placed in the marinade.

So, put the boiled mushrooms in the marinade and bring to a boil. Boil for ten minutes and that's enough. Close the pan with a lid and leave to cool completely for a day.
We do not wrap the pan and do not force it to cool, the entire cooling process should take place at room temperature.
At the exit, in a day, you will get such beautiful and fragrant mushrooms.
It will be possible to use immediately after another day.
Serve with hot potatoes. Ryzhik can be poured with sunflower oil.

1. If you want to make preparations for the winter from these mushrooms, then ... Put the pan on gas, bring to a boil and cook for fifteen minutes. Arrange the mushrooms in prepared, dry, sterilized jars and roll up the lids. Banks do not wrap and do not turn over. Cooling should take place at room temperature. Store in a cool place. This will give you salted boiled mushrooms.
2. If you want to pickle mushrooms, then go back to the recipe for preparing the marinade. When the seasoned water boils, add salt, sugar, and vinegar to taste. The rest of the prescription.

After a day, boil for fifteen minutes, put in jars and roll up. This will be pickled mushrooms for you.
That's all.
Everyone Bon appetit! Happy mushroom seasons and good winter preparations!

Cooking time: PT00H01M 1 min.

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