Home Nutrition Cake honey cake with caramel layer. Caramel honey. We begin the preparation of the cream by placing a large pot of water on the burner for a water bath

Cake honey cake with caramel layer. Caramel honey. We begin the preparation of the cream by placing a large pot of water on the burner for a water bath

There are people who are always eager to try new things. It is difficult to surprise them with the good old classics. And there are those who would never exchange one good piece of grandmother's honey cake for four modern mousse-mirror-honed ones. We treat both types of people. Sometimes experiments with restaurant dishes get boring and you want simple home cooking.

Whether you are a person of classics or mood, this recipe will definitely work for you. Our honey cake recipe contains both classics and unusualness, the golden mean of taste.

Introducing a simple home recipe caramel honey.

From the indicated amount of dough, 12 cakes Ø 20 cm will be obtained.

For the test

  • Flour - 350 g + for rolling
  • Egg - 2 pcs.
  • Sugar - 150 g
  • Butter - 100 g
  • Honey - 100 g
  • Soda - 1.5 tsp

For cream

  • Thick sour cream - 150 - 200 g
  • Salted caramel - 200 g

Stuffing (optional)

  • Prunes - 30-50 g

Prepare the caramel cream for the honey cake

In the preparation of caramel sour cream there is nothing difficult. You need to beat both components with a mixer.

And how to cook homemade caramel, we have already published earlier.

Prepare honey cake dough

The dough for the honey cake is prepared in a custard method in a water bath. To do this, you need 2 pans, one more, the second less.

Place softened butter, eggs, sugar and honey on water bath. Wait until the mixture becomes homogeneous and add soda.

Boil the mixture in a water bath for an average of 15 minutes, stirring occasionally. When the color of the mass acquires a delicious caramel color, the mixture can be removed from heat. A light foam forms on top, which also darkens slightly.

Remove the mixture from the bath and immediately add the sifted flour.

Mix as you like. At first I stir with a whisk, then it becomes hard and I switch to a wooden spatula.

The honey dough will gradually thicken. This is what the dough looks like when I added all 350 g of flour:

The consistency is sticky, but already grabs into a lump.

Place the resulting dough in a plastic bag or cling film and refrigerate for a couple of hours for final stabilization.

Shape the finished dough into a thick rope and divide into 10 parts. From the extra scraps after rolling out the dough, you will get another 2-3 parts.

From the resulting pieces form balls, and each roll out as thin as possible. Cover the rest of the pieces with clingfilm to prevent skin from forming.

Use as much flour as you need to roll out the dough. I take a ball of dough and sprinkle it with flour, each time I also rub the rolling pin with flour, otherwise the dough cannot be rolled out, it sticks to the rolling pin, and, accordingly, breaks. I roll out each layer on parchment.

Using a lid from a saucepan or a special confectionery ring, cut out a circle.

Remove leftover dough.

Some bake with the leftovers, and then crumble them into a sprinkle. But much the best way immediately remove the remnants and form a new cake from them, and then make a sprinkle from the most ugly or burnt cake.

Pierce the future honey cake around the entire perimeter with a fork so that moisture comes out through the holes during baking. Thus, the cake will not be deformed.

In an oven preheated to 200 degrees, send the rolled cake along with parchment, and bake each cake until dark golden brown. Approximately 3-5 minutes. This time can be used to prepare the next cake.

The freshly baked cake is very soft and supple, but it hardens as it cools. The parchment must immediately be turned over and separated from the cake, otherwise after a couple of minutes this will not work.

I use the same parchment to bake 1 more cake, as the second side is clean and free of crumbs.

Form a thin cake from the last piece of dough, cut out a contour with a lid, but bake it with the leftovers.

As soon as you remove the cake with the leftovers from the oven, immediately go over the contour with a knife and remove excess trimmings. You need to trim the cake quickly, do not forget, the longer the honey cake is at room temperature, the faster it hardens.

Cookies for the honey cake are ready. Choose the ugliest, and, along with the remnants of the last, send everything to a blender for crumbs.

In the first lines of my letter, I congratulate everyone and on all past and future holidays! Peace to the world and may there always be sunshine!
Well, I continue to look for the Same Medovik. This time I made caramel according to the recipe http://www.belonika.ru/recipes/346/.
Cake simple, with dough it’s nice to work, the cakes roll out twice. In 5 minutes you can roll out all 10 cakes, and while they are baked for 5 minutes, tie a scarf for yourself :) .... well, or make a cream, which is also not time-consuming. I just baked the cakes late in the evening of one day, but made a cream and collected everything in the evening of another.
I would say that it is better to take a 24 cm form, it will just work out. It seemed to me that the cream was not enough according to the recipe, so I increased it.

caramel honey cake
Form 22 cm

Wheat flour - 400 g
Sugar - 155 g
Butter - 110 g
Egg - 90 g (one and a half eggs)
Honey - 63 g (3 tbsp)
Soda (food) - 9 g (~ 1 tsp)
Citric acid - 2.5 g (1\3 h l)

Cream(36%)-350 g
Boiled condensed milk-200 g
Sour cream(30%)-350 g
2 tbsp powdered sugar

Pour sugar into a saucepan, add a little water so that it becomes completely wet, and put on medium heat. Cook without stirring until golden caramel forms.

While it is cooking prepare everything else:
Melt butter and mix with honey.
Mix the eggs lightly.
Sift the flour, measure out the baking soda citric acid(I think you can freely replace a tablespoon of lemon juice).

Remove the caramel from the heat and after a couple of minutes pour in the oil with honey (everything should still be warm).
Stir vigorously.
My caramel cooled down quite quickly. I had a thermometer and already at the stage of mixing with butter it was about 60 *. So you can safely mix in the eggs without fear that they will boil.
Pour with eggs and a third of the flour, soda and acid. Mix everything well and quickly.

Add the rest of the flour. The dough will still be warm and sticky. Dump it on the table and let it cool completely (I took it slowly and spread slightly).

After cooling, it practically stops sticking and works great.
See for yourself, you may need a little more flour.

I rolled out the cakes on the table, dusting it quite generously with flour. Do not be afraid of a little more flour, the cakes will still be good. No need to suffer and roll between rugs or paper, or something like that. Just sprinkle both the table, and the rolling pin, and a little dough on top , if it asks for it (sticks).

I rolled out 10 cakes (I could have 11) and a large one for crumbs.
Roll out the cakes quite thinly. Form either before or immediately after baking.
Bake in an oven preheated to 170 * for about 4-5 minutes, until a beautifully brown color. No need to prick anything. I spread it on baking paper. I tore off two at once: one with a cake in the oven, and the next one lies on the second, waiting in line. I got it, pulled off the cake with paper, threw the second one into the oven. .and so 10 times)

I saw that the prescription cream would not be enough for me even close (chuyka), so I immediately increased everything and for good reason.

Whip the cream until strong peaks. At the end, add 2 tablespoons of powdered sugar (they seemed not superfluous).
Separately, beat the sour cream until smooth and boiled condensed milk.
Combine everything and mix with a mixer.
Such an interesting cream. It reminds me a little of some kind of caramel ice cream.

That's all. Collect the sweet tower. I immediately put 3-4 tbsp on the sides, and missed the rest of the cakes, somewhere in 2 tbsp per cake.

Let it stand at first for a couple of hours just in the kitchen, and after that send it to the refrigerator for about 10 hours, for the night in general or from morning to evening.

Well, that's all. After I smeared the sides, sprinkled everything and sort of even decorated it (the cake went to visit).


The cake is delicious, a little better than my previous one from Ilyin. Everyone really liked it, but as always I remained slightly dissatisfied and will make another one. 5 points I will give him freely!...but not 5 with +...but it's me. All the rest gave 5+

And further!
I always get carried away when I see honey cakes with straight layers of cream. It was the same with this caramel one.
How?!? How are they doing this?! The whole cream soaked All the cakes. They turned out to be really creamy. But visually, this is by no means visible! In short. The cake is delicious, there is enough cream, it is not dry at all, but it looks like it looks, no visible white layers.

A festive recipe for an irreplaceable dessert "guest" must be present in the piggy bank of every housewife. Caramel cake "Medovik" is exactly the tea delicacy that will certainly be the first thing in the mouth of the sweet tooth.

The peculiarity of the preparation of caramel Medovik lies in the method of kneading dough for cakes. I share with you home instruction delicious caramel cake with condensed milk cream with sour cream.

Products are listed.

First, the cakes are baked. For their dough, sugar, a little water and honey are taken. The water should just cover the granulated sugar. Products are sent to the cauldron. Bring to a boil with constant stirring (over high heat). In the process, baking soda is added.

When the mass acquires the color of sugar caramel, the fire is reduced and hot is added. butter. Melt the butter in a separate bowl.

After that, the cauldron is removed from the stove, and the mixture is poured into a kneading container. The caramel mass is cooled to a warm state.

Then flour. Introduce the flour gradually - half a glass, mixing well the caramel dough for the honey cake.

The dough should be rolled into a loose ball. Remove under cling film for 30 minutes in the refrigerator.

Then divide into pieces - 8-10 pieces.

Each piece rolls into thin pancake, pierced with a fork and sent to a floured baking sheet or non-stick mat, and then to a well-heated oven for 3-5 minutes.

Cream for caramel honey cake is kneaded the simplest - from condensed milk and fat sour cream with the addition of fragrant vanillin.

It is whipped for no more than a minute with a mixer and cools well.

Finished caramel cakes are trimmed with a plate edge, but this must be done immediately after baking. Once honey cakes cool, immediately begin to crumble, and it will no longer be possible to form them in beautiful and even circles. Trimmings are ground into crumbs for sprinkling.

Cakes are soaked in cream and collected in a cake.

Cream-soaked cakes and sides must be well cooled. Then the sides are sprinkled with crumbs remaining from the cakes, but the middle remains intact.

A pattern is applied to the hat of the cake chocolate icing. The easiest way to prepare it: cocoa is mixed with powdered sugar and diluted in a small amount of boiled water.

The finished honey cake is soaked for at least 5 hours, and then chilled is served for dessert.

Delicate, fragrant and so homely - here it is, our Caramel Honey cake!

Recipe from Nina Golovko's blog

For test:
600g flour
4 tablespoons honey
4 eggs
100g drain oil
150g sugar
4 tablespoons vodka
2 tsp soda
1/2 tsp salt

For caramel:
200g sugar
500g cream 33-35%

For sour cream:
700g sour cream from 25%
50g powdered sugar
2 tablespoons liquor (I took Baileys)
vanilla extract 1/2-1 tsp

Caramel: dissolve sugar in a saucepan over medium-low heat and when it becomes homogeneous and dark amber, pour in hot (but not boiling) cream and stir vigorously until completely combined. Sugar may clump, but we continue to stir and it will disperse. Strain the caramel through a sieve into a cool bowl, cool and refrigerate.

For the dough: melt honey, butter and sugar in a water bath until smooth and sugar dissolves with constant stirring. While continuing to stir, pour in the lightly beaten eggs and salt and cook for a minute. Add vodka, boil again for a minute (do not forget to stir all the time). Add baking soda and cook for another minute, stirring gently. The mixture at the last stage should brighten and increase in volume by about two times. Pour the hot mixture into the bowl of the mixer, add the sifted flour there and knead the thick sticky dough. You do not need to add more flour than indicated, since the dough will thicken after cooling and stop sticking. We divide the dough into equal parts. Roll out the cakes and bake ~ 2-3 minutes at 200º. Warm immediately cut to the desired size and shape.

On a note: It turns out about 12 cakes of 20 cm in diameter. Dividing the dough into equal parts, roll out thinly to translucency ~ 1 mm thick into a layer of somewhat arbitrary shape. After cutting out a circle from the baked cake, the trimmings go to crumbs for sprinkling. Everything that goes to crumbs is additionally dried in the oven until a slightly darker golden color and crushed in a food processor.

Sour cream: sour cream with powdered sugar at low speed and briefly beat with a mixer. If you overdo it, then it liquefies too much. In fact, we mix it gently. Beat the chilled caramel with a mixer until it thickens - it will be lighter and the consistency of not very fat sour cream. We combine caramel and sour cream with a spatula and mix in the liquor. The cream is ready.

Assembly: wrap the split ring from the inside with parchment for baking. The indicated amount of cream is enough for the specified amount of dough. We set aside a small part of it for coating the ends and put it in the refrigerator. We coat the cakes with the rest of the cream and lay them on top of each other, without pressing or pressing on purpose, otherwise the layering will disappear. We put it in the refrigerator for several hours to solidify the cream. Remove the ring and coat the end of the cake with a thin layer of cream ~ 2-3mm and level the top. Thoroughly and abundantly sprinkle with crumbs, pressing it very lightly. Decorate on top. Let it soak in the refrigerator.

You will need:

For test:
Flour (general purpose) - 390 g
Sugar - 155 g
Butter - 110 g
Egg - 90 g
Honey - 63 g
Soda (food) - 9 g
Citric acid - 2.5 g

For cream:
Heavy cream (33%) - 200 g
Condensed milk - 200 g
Fatty sour cream - 100 g

The number of eggs in the ingredients is indicated in grams. These are one and a half large eggs and their total weight can vary between 85 and 90 grams. Many people ask how to measure one and a half eggs. Very simple. In professional recipes, the standard is eggs that weigh between 57-60g in the shell (55-57g without the shell, but you can not show off and round up to 60g). In the state system, they are designated as Large. This "size" was chosen by professionals for a reason. Since in the states weight is measured in ounces and pounds, and one such egg will average two ounces, it is easy to calculate the number of eggs in a recipe both in ounces / pounds and in grams. It's like a multiplication table. You need to break two eggs into a cup and stir them with a fork until smooth. For those who measure with weights, weigh 86-90g. For those who have measuring spoons, it is also convenient - 3 tbsp. = 1 egg. (and then I’ll add that the yolk \u003d 1 tbsp, protein \u003d 2 tbsp) 1 tbsp. = 3 tsp That is, you can break one egg into a cup, shake it with a fork and measure out 4-5 tsp. For those who are lazy like me, you can just pour half of one loose egg by eye.

How to cook:

1. In many countries, boiled (that is, caramelized) condensed milk is sold in stores. You can use it, or you can cook condensed milk yourself. Then you need to start by pouring a jar of condensed milk with water, close the lid and cook for 2-3 hours on medium heat. Make sure the water doesn't boil away. Cool the finished condensed milk first at room temperature, and then in the refrigerator.

2. Measure out all the ingredients for the dough. After that, the first step is to caramelize the sugar. I took some photos of sugar caramelization in two ways: wet and dry.
The wet method is considered easier. So much water is added to a measured amount of sugar so that it becomes wet. Not floating in water, but only like wet sand. After that, it is put on a strong fire. Wet sugar heats more evenly, so when it reaches the right temperature, it will be easier to control the melting evenly. First, all the added water will have to evaporate from it, then it will begin to change color and as soon as it reaches a light golden color, it must be removed from the fire. It will come to a dark honey color even from the heat of the bottom of the saucepan. Ready!

I prefer the dry way. Pour measured sugar into a cold saucepan in an even layer and put on high heat. As soon as the sugar begins to melt and a colorless syrup appears from the edges, reduce the heat. With the first signs of goldenness, remove it from the heat and begin to slowly tilt the stewpan to one side or the other. At the same time, white sugar sand is poured into the molten one and melts in it. No stirring with a spoon and haste. Here everything is done meditatively, admiring. Below is a photo after removal from the fire. The sugar caramelized completely without returning to the heat, but sometimes you need to warm it up a bit in the process. Reheat and remove from heat again. The dry method of caramelization works well with small amounts of sugar and large-diameter thick-bottomed pans. Steel is preferred so that the caramel color can be seen.

3. Remove the saucepan with caramelized sugar from the heat, let it cool for a couple of minutes and stir in the honey and melted butter. Melted and even hot butter should be because we do not want caramel to harden from contact with cold ingredients.

4. Stir the caramel until smooth and let it cool to 70C. (The next step is to stir in the eggs, and don't let them cook too hot in the caramel mixture.) I poured the caramel into a bowl. room temperature and, with the temperature of the air in the kitchen 22C, it cooled the caramel pretty quickly, in 7-8 minutes with occasional stirring. The more the mixture cools, the more homogeneous it turns out to be mixed.

5. Stir in about a third of the flour and all the eggs into the caramel mixture. Mix until smooth. Pour in citric acid and soda and actively knead until airy foam forms, literally a minute. At this point, the temperature of the dough with all the ingredients added to it becomes about 60C.

6. Pour the rest of the flour, knead until smooth and put the dough on the table to cool to room temperature. The dough is very soft and sticky, it smells of both honey and caramel.

7. The cooled dough does not stick to your hands and rolls out easily. The most convenient way is to divide the dough with the help of scales into an equal number of lumps (in my case, 9) and roll each one on a silicone mat. If the goal is a round cake, then it will turn out to be about 10 cm high and about 20 cm in diameter. You can roll out rectangles and cut cakes from them. The dough should be pricked with a fork. It's funny that these holes then "grow together" during baking and the cake will turn out to be absolutely smooth. Bake in preheated to 160C for 5 minutes. While the cakes are hot, they are flexible and plastic, so there is no danger of breaking them when carried from the oven to the table. Edge trimming is easier right away while still hot. They cool and harden very quickly and after that we stack them on top of each other in a slide.

8. You can divide the preparation of this cake into two stages. Bake the cakes one day, and smear them with cream the next. It is important to completely cool the boiled condensed milk in the refrigerator and then let the cake soak in the cream for at least 10 hours. Mix sour cream and caramelized condensed milk, whip the cream and gently mix both without settling the foam. Lubricate the cakes with cream, sprinkle the cake with crumbled cake scraps and refrigerate overnight.

Bon Appetit!

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