Home Products Vegetable cream soup for children. Vegetable soups for a child. Cream soup with green peas and sauce

Vegetable cream soup for children. Vegetable soups for a child. Cream soup with green peas and sauce

Soups are the main national feature of Russian cuisine. As a rule, soup is introduced into the baby's diet from the age of 6 months, after the child has tried vegetable purees, compotes and cereals. However, it should be remembered that the soup for a child at one year old is significantly different from the soup that mom and dad are used to eating for lunch.

The first and most important rule for preparing the first soup for children under one year old is the use of meat and fish broths it is excluded, the soup must be cooked on the water. Secondly, the soup prepared for today's dinner should not be used tomorrow, that is, each time mom will have to cook one serving of soup.

Soup for a six-month-old baby will be similar to the already familiar vegetable puree, only slightly more fluid. Potatoes, zucchini, carrots or cauliflower should first be boiled in water until cooked, and then chopped in a blender or mashed well with a fork. Dilute the resulting vegetable puree to a homogeneous mass with vegetable broth (approximately to the consistency of kefir). The first soups for babies should consist of one component.

Older children (from 8 months) can no longer grind vegetables to a puree consistency, but cut them into small pieces, so your child will learn to chew. Unlike the first soups, these dishes can consist of several components (vegetables), and also include meat cooked separately and then chopped in a blender (veal, turkey, chicken).

Meat broth soups can be included in the baby's diet from 10 to 11 months in very small portions (about 30 ml), since meat broth for a baby - this is still too heavy food. Also, closer to the year, you can add a little pasta to soups.

How to cook soup for a child?

  1. Soup broth is best to "simmer" over low heat under the lid.
  2. Vegetables should be placed in boiling water, taking into account the cooking time of each of the components. So in boiled vegetables more vitamins will remain.
  3. You need to salt the soup at the end of cooking.
  4. In the preparation of soup for a one-year-old child, you can not use bouillon cubes, hot seasonings and spices, garlic and bay leaves.
  5. Freshly prepared soup is best eaten immediately. When reheated useful substances less in the soup.
  6. Meat broth for "children's" soup should not be too concentrated. During the cooking process, the water must be drained several times. Also, you should not cook bone soup, it is better to take lean varieties meat (chicken, turkey, veal).

Puree Soup Recipes for Kids:

From zucchini and cauliflower

Zucchini - 50 g, cauliflower- 50 g, water - 200 ml, butter– 5 g

Zucchini and cauliflower cut into small pieces, pour boiling water and cook until tender. Then pour the vegetable broth into a separate container, and chop the vegetables in a blender or rub through a sieve. Dilute the resulting puree with broth. Salt a little to taste and add butter.

From chicken

Chicken meat - 70 g, water - 400 ml, milk - 50 ml, onion - 5 g, flour - 5 g, butter - 5 g

Cook chicken broth with onions from chicken. Mix butter with flour. Grind the meat in a blender or pass through a meat grinder twice. Add butter with flour to the meat, dilute with broth and milk. Bring back to a boil and season with a little salt.

From potatoes

Potatoes - 100 g, water - 200 ml, milk - 100 ml, butter - 5 g

Peel potatoes, finely chop, add water and boil until tender. Then drain the potato broth into a separate bowl. Mash potatoes with a fork or chop in a blender. In the puree, add milk, a little salt and, if necessary, to make the soup more liquid, a little broth. Bring soup to a boil and add butter.

Vegetable soup with meatballs

Minced lean veal - 100 g, potatoes - 1 pc., carrots - ½ pcs., onions - ¼ pcs., raw egg yolk - 1 pc.

Finely chop vegetables and boil in water. Then drain the vegetable broth, and mash the vegetables a little with a fork. Pour the broth over the mashed vegetables.

Add the yolk to the minced meat and make small meatballs. Dip the meatballs into the soup and cook until tender. Season the finished soup with a little salt.

Soup in meat broth with pasta

Low-fat veal, potatoes - 1 pc., Carrots - ½ pcs., Onions - ¼ pcs., Small pasta (asterisks, letters and numbers, cobwebs) - 1 tbsp. a spoon.

Boil the meat broth, pull out the meat, chop in a blender or pass through a meat grinder. In the same broth, cook finely chopped vegetables. When the vegetables are ready, transfer them to a separate bowl and lightly mash with a fork. Pour vegetables and meat with broth, bring to a boil, add pasta 3-5 minutes before readiness. Salt the soup a little.

Bon appetit to your baby!

There are many different recipes for children 1 year old. You can make chicken, veal, turkey or rabbit soup. Toddlers also benefit from vegetable soups that are easy to prepare.

Soup should be in the daily diet of every baby who is 1 year old. A large portion of soup at lunch for a child is not needed. You can cook for him fresh soups every day in small saucepans using water or broth. There are many simple, healthy and delicious soups for one-year-old crumbs.

Milk soup with vermicelli for a one-year-old child

Milk soup will be a great alternative for those children who do not like milk. To make this easy milk soup recipe, you will need:

  • 200 ml milk
  • 1 tbsp small vermicelli
  • 5g butter
  • A little sugar

Add milk to a saucepan and bring to a boil. After that, add the vermicelli and cook for 5-7 minutes over medium heat, stirring occasionally. When the soup is ready, add sugar and butter.

Milk rice soup for a 1 year old baby

To make this soup you will need:

  • 200 ml milk
  • 1 tbsp rice
  • 5g butter

Pour milk into a saucepan and bring to a boil. Slowly add the rice and, stirring occasionally, cook for 15-20 minutes until the rice is cooked through. When finished, add butter.

Vegetable soup for a 1 year old baby

Vegetable soup can be made from different vegetables. Broccoli and zucchini soup is considered healthy and tasty for a 1 year old child. You will need:

  • 50g broccoli
  • 50g zucchini
  • 1 potato
  • 1 tbsp millet
  • 5g butter

Finely chop the vegetables and add them to the boiling water. Simmer for about 10-15 minutes, then remove the vegetables. Put the washed millet there and cook for 30-40 minutes. When the cereal is cooked, add vegetables and butter to the pan.

Vegetable puree soup for a one year old baby

This puree soup can be given to the baby when he is already familiar with many vegetables. You need to prepare in advance:

  • 1 tomato without skin
  • 50g zucchini
  • ½ carrot
  • ¼ onion
  • 50g cauliflower

Chop all vegetables and add water. Boil the soup for about 15-20 minutes. When the vegetables are cooked, they need to be pulled out, chopped in a blender and added back to the pot with the broth. Before serving, you can add a little sour cream or cream.

Buckwheat soup for a one year old baby

Buckwheat soup is often given in the garden. This soup is quick and easy to make at home. Choose for yourself what you will cook on: water or broth. If in broth, then you will need:

  • 100g meat: veal, pork, beef or chicken
  • 1 tbsp buckwheat
  • 1 potato
  • ½ carrot
  • ¼ onion

Boil the meat broth. Its cooking time depends on the meat: chicken needs to be cooked a little less than other types. While the broth is cooking, finely chop the vegetables and rinse the buckwheat. Dip the vegetables into the boiled broth and buckwheat. And cook for 15 minutes.

Pea soup for a 1 year old baby

For cooking pea soup you will need:

  • 100g meat
  • 1 tbsp peas
  • 1 potato
  • 1 small carrot or half
  • 1/4 onion

Before you start cooking this soup, rinse the peas thoroughly and cover with water for at least 2 hours. You can soak it overnight. Boil the meat broth and add the peas there. It should cook for 1.5 hours over medium heat. If the broth boils away, you can add water. Add chopped vegetables and cook for another 15 minutes. Add some salt and the soup is ready. If the baby really does not know how to chew, use a blender to grind the soup

Borscht recipe for a one-year-old baby

Borscht for babies 1 year old can be cooked without adding cabbage. It all depends on the preferences of the child and his digestion. For borscht you will need:

  • 100g beef or pork
  • 1 potato
  • ½ carrot
  • ¼ onion
  • ½ medium sized beets
  • Greenery
  • Salt to taste

Put the meat, uncut and peeled onions, carrots and beets into the pan. Cook on low heat for 45 minutes, after which you should remove the meat and vegetables, and strain the broth. Put finely chopped potatoes into the purified broth and salt. After 10 minutes, add grated beets, carrots and chopped onions to the pan. Don't forget to cut up the meat and add it back to the broth. After 15 minutes, the borscht is ready. You can add greens and pour into a plate. For a one-year-old baby, it is already possible to season borscht with a small amount of sour cream.

Chicken soup for a 1 year old

To prepare hearty and delicious soup you will need:

  • 100g chicken fillet
  • 400 ml water
  • 50 ml milk
  • ¼ onion
  • 1/2 tsp flour
  • 5g butter

Pour water over chicken fillet and finely chopped onion. Boil 15 minutes. At this time, mix the butter and flour. When the fillet is cooked, grind the meat and onion in a blender until smooth. Add minced meat and flour with butter to the broth, as well as milk. Bring to a boil and season with salt.

At the end of the first year of life, first courses are introduced into the child's diet, most often these are mashed soups, which are easier for children to eat due to their creamy consistency.

Basically, they are prepared from potatoes, carrots, zucchini, and this is where the parents' fantasy ends.

In fact, you can make a child’s diet much more varied and tastier, there are a lot of things for this. interesting recipes.

Puree soup for children - general principles of preparation

Puree soups for children can be prepared on vegetable, fish or meat broth. Salt, cream, sour cream, vegetable or butter are used as dressings. You can add dill and green parsley, but in small quantities. It is not recommended to add various aromatic spices and herbs to first courses for children under two years old.

General principles cooking:

1. Meat or fish is cut into pieces, poured with water and put on the stove. Remove the foam and boil until tender.

2. Vegetables are cut into cubes or rubbed, sent to the soup. Add salt and boil until soft.

3. Cooked products are rubbed with a sieve or crushed with a blender. The broth regulates the thickness of the soup. If the dish includes cereals, then you need to consider that it will become even thicker as it cools.

4. The soup is brought to a boil again, seasoned with butter, sour cream, herbs.

You should not fry vegetables in children's dishes, you can only lightly sauté in a pan in oil or stew with liquid. With all the products that are laid in the soup, the child should be familiar. If new ingredients are encountered, they should be introduced gradually and in small amounts.

When cooking soups for a child, you need to use lean meat and fish, be careful to add fats. Children's digestive system may not respond well to them. For a serving of the first dish, 5 grams of oil is enough.

Recipe 1: Potato puree soup for children with semolina

In the preparation of this puree soup for children, in addition to potatoes, semolina with milk is used. They give the dish satiety and rich, unusual taste. vegetable dishes taste. The recipe uses butter, but if the child has problems with stool, then vegetable oil can also be used.


2 potatoes;

¼ of a carrot;

A spoonful of oil;

170 ml of milk;

1 tsp decoys.


1. Peel potatoes and carrots, cut into slices, pour a glass of boiling water and put the soup to boil.

2. Drain half of the liquid from boiled and soft vegetables, scroll the mass with a blender in mashed potatoes.

3. Add milk to vegetables, adjust the thickness of the soup, perhaps not everything will go away.

4. Salt the contents of the pan and send it back to the stove.

5. As soon as the contents of the saucepan boil, add the oil and carefully introduce semolina, stir continuously so that lumps do not form.

Recipe 2: Soup puree for children with pumpkin and veal

Pumpkin is often used as the first vegetable food and mashed, then parents forget about it. healthy vegetable. In fact, it can be the basis of puree soup for children of any age, including schoolchildren. The first pumpkin dish turns out to be tender, fragrant, pleasant to the taste, and many children like it more than potatoes.


150 grams of veal;

300 grams of pumpkin;

1 carrot;

30 grams of oil;

¼ onion;


1. Cut the veal into cubes, pour a liter of water and boil until soft. Do not forget to skim off the foam while boiling the broth.

2. Cut the pumpkin, onion and carrot into cubes and send to the beef. Cook until the vegetables are completely soft, at the end add salt and oil.

3. Remove the soup from the stove, cool a little and pour some of the broth into another saucepan.

4. We twist in the puree with a blender, gradually add the broth from another pan, bringing the soup to the desired consistency.

5. In ready meal to taste in baby dish add some cream or milk.

Recipe 3: Cauliflower Puree Soup for Kids

The first dish of cauliflower can be introduced into complementary foods for a child from 1 year old. To prepare soup puree for children, you can use meat or vegetable broth. If desired, instead of rice, you can add any other cereal, for example, millet or buckwheat.


150 grams of cauliflower;

A spoonful of butter;

Rice spoon;

One potato;

Half a carrot;


1. Peel the potatoes, wash and cut into cubes. Place in a pot of boiling water or beef broth.

2. Add the carrot cut into rings. We boil for a minute.

3. We wash the rice and send it to the soup.

4. We disassemble the cauliflower into inflorescences. If they are large enough, then cut with a knife into several parts.

5. Boil the laid products until completely soft, then pour some of the broth into a bowl and grind the soup with a blender. We adjust the density with the help of the drained liquid. You can drain the entire broth, rub through a sieve and dilute.

6. Put the soup back on the stove, add salt, oil, boil for 2-3 minutes. If you want to add sour cream or cream, then they also need to be boiled at this stage.

Recipe 4: Basic potato soup for children with yolk

This basic recipe soup, which can be administered to a child from 8 months of age. Gradually, by adding new ingredients, you can expand the baby's diet and shape the taste. Milk can be used baby, cow, breast or a mixture that the baby eats.


One potato;

20-30 grams of carrots;

50 ml of milk;

1 tsp oils;


1. Peel potatoes, cut into small cubes. Rinse well in cold water to wash off the starch.

2. We cut the carrots a little smaller than the potatoes and also send them to the saucepan.

3. Pour everything with a glass of water and cook the vegetables until soft.

4. Boil separately egg, clean and remove the yolk. For one serving of soup for a child of 8-12 months we put a half, after a year you can put a whole yolk.

5. Drain the broth, wipe the mass through a sieve along with half the yolk.

6. Add milk, evaluate the thickness of the soup. If necessary, add some of the broth drained from the vegetables.

7. Put the soup on the stove, boil, add oil and turn off. Putting salt or not is up to the parents, some do not introduce spices in the first year of life.

Recipe 5: Rice Puree Soup for Children with Carrots

To prepare this puree soup for children, you need a little time and a minimum of ingredients. And the result is very gentle and hearty meal, which for both cheeks will be devoured not only by adults, but also by children. This quantity will make 4 servings.


400 grams of carrots;

100 grams of rice;

2 tablespoons melted or regular butter;

150 ml cream.


1. Put 1.3 liters of water in a saucepan. Bring to a boil.

2. We wash the rice with cold water, send it to the pan. We cook for 5 minutes.

3. Peel the carrots, chop on a coarse grater, send to rice. Salt the soup and cook until the cereal is crumbly.

4. Remove from the stove and beat the soup with a blender.

5. Add cream, ghee and put on fire again. Let it boil and turn it off immediately.

Recipe 6: Meat Puree Soup for Children

Some children are very fond of meat and eat it much more willingly than soups and cereals. In this case, it does not hurt for parents to know the recipe for a hearty first course, which does not require long chewing and is easily digested. In preparing such a puree soup for children, it is better to use tender meat, which the blender can easily break into a homogeneous mass. For example, turkey, rabbit, chicken.


200 grams of meat;

100 grams of potatoes;

Half a carrot;

A spoonful of oil;


1. Cut the meat into arbitrary slices, the smaller the piece, the faster it will cook. Fill with water and boil until tender.

2. We cut carrots and potatoes into cubes, send them to the meat. Cook for another 25 minutes, salt a little at the end.

3. Drain part of the broth and grind the products with an immersion blender.

4. Dilute the soup to the desired consistency, season with oil and you can feed your favorite child.

Recipe 7: Broccoli Soup for Kids

lung recipe and a quick broccoli soup for kids that only takes half an hour to make. Cream can be used instead of sour cream.


200 grams of broccoli;

100 grams of potatoes;

50 grams of carrots;

Half of a small onion;

A spoonful of sour cream.


1. We clean potatoes, onions and carrots. Cut into small cubes.

2. Boil 700 ml of water. If desired, you can use meat broth as a base.

3. Put the vegetables, boil for 3 minutes.

4. We sort the broccoli into inflorescences, put them in a saucepan. Cook everything together for 20 minutes. Then add some salt. You can enter vegetable or butter.

5. Remove the saucepan from the heat, chop the vegetables with a blender, add sour cream and stir.

Recipe 8: Tomato puree soup for children with vegetables and fresh tomatoes

A creamy soup recipe with a very delicate texture and a pleasant tomato flavor. It is recommended to give to children from one and a half years. The number of vegetables can be changed at your discretion. If the child has not tried something yet, then you can replace more familiar product or exclude. White cabbage can be used instead of cauliflower.


0.5 carrots;

2 tomatoes;

300 grams of cauliflower;

400 grams of broccoli;

300 grams of zucchini;

1 celery;

1.5 liters of broth or water;

A spoonful of butter;

Salt, cream to taste.


1. Three carrots and lightly sauté in a pan with the addition of a spoonful of oil.

2. Scald tomatoes with boiling water, then put in cold water and remove the skin. Finely chop the tomatoes. We spread to the carrots and simmer together until soft.

3. We wash the zucchini, if the skin is tough enough, then clean it. Remove seeds if they are large. Cut into small cubes and send to a pot of boiling water.

4. We disassemble broccoli and cauliflower into inflorescences and send them to the soup. We also chop the celery.

5. Cook everything together for 15 minutes, add browned carrots and boil for another 3 minutes, salt.

6. Grind everything with a blender, season with cream to taste or add more butter.

Recipe 9: Milk soup puree for children with zucchini

The undoubted advantage of this first course is that it can be given to a child cold. Great soup for summer menu, which you can easily take with you on the road and feed the baby at any time. Can be given to children from 12 months.


Young zucchini 400 gr.;

200 ml of milk;


a spoonful of flour;

A spoonful of butter;


1. For this soup, it is better to take zucchini with a tender skin. Grind them on a grater, add 300 ml of water and put on the stove. If the zucchini is ripe, then it will need to be peeled, the veins with seeds removed, and only then cooked.

2. We also rub the carrots and send them to a frying pan with heated oil, sauté over low heat.

3. Add a spoonful of flour, fry together and at the end dilute the browning with milk, mix well and bring to a boil.

4. We introduce the milk mixture into the boiled zucchini, mix and chop with a blender.

5. Salt and bring to a boil again, turn off. You can add some dill.

Recipe 10: Chicken puree soup for children with barley groats

Barley groats do not appear on our table so often, but this can be easily fixed. Prepare this wonderful soup for your child and, perhaps, the whole family will like it.


200 grams of chicken fillet;


50 grams of barley groats;

Half a carrot;

Half an onion;

Salt and butter.


1. Cut the chicken into small cubes and boil until soft in a liter of water.

2. Cut the potatoes with carrots and onions, throw everything together in a saucepan. Add some salt to the soup and cook for 10 minutes.

3. Pour the barley groats and continue to cook until it is fully cooked.

4. We punch the soup with a blender, season with butter, add chopped greens to taste.

In order to please your beloved child with healthy soups at any time of the year, you need to prepare vegetables for future use. Pumpkin, zucchini, asparagus, peas are the easiest to freeze. But you need to do this in pieces, each individually, and then pour it into the bag. And in winter it will not be a problem to get the right amount of vegetables and throw them into the pan.

In order not to spend a lot of time cooking the broth and twisting the meat, you can chop the minced meat in advance, roll meatballs out of it and freeze. It remains to take the right amount and throw in the soup. Minced meat cooks much faster than a piece.

Meat soup for small children it is better to cook on the second broth. The meat is placed in cold water, boiled for 5-10 minutes, then washed well and poured with clean boiling water. Thus, with the first broth, excess fat and unnecessary substances found in meat are removed.

If you need to cook soup-puree from rice or millet, then you can rinse the cereal, dry it and grind it in a coffee grinder. And at any moment it will be possible to do it quickly.

If the baby refuses the first course, then boil the carrots or beets separately, cut them into various figures: triangles, stars, circles, squares and lower them with the soup. And the dish immediately becomes much tastier. Also, children love to catch green peas and corn.

It is with vegetable puree soups that children's doctors recommend starting complementary foods for a child from 6 months. It is necessary to introduce vegetables gradually, one at a time in several days. Let's take a look at a few simple recipes cooking vegetable light soups for children.

Vegetable soup puree for a child


  • water - 200 ml;
  • carrots - 0.5 pcs.;
  • potatoes - 1 pc.;
  • onion - 0.5 pcs.


We thoroughly wash the vegetables, peel, finely chop and put in a double boiler or a small enamel saucepan. Then pour in boiled water and cook until fully cooked under the lid. Next, carefully remove the vegetables, wipe with a blender and dilute. Thereafter ready soup Bring the chick to a boil, adding a little butter or olive oil if desired.

Vegetable soup for children with fish


  • potatoes - 1 pc.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • cauliflower - 50 g;
  • broccoli cabbage - 50 g;
  • hake fillet - 40 g.


Throw into boiling water fish fillet and cook it for about 20 minutes with the lid closed. Meanwhile, while we clean the vegetables, wash and cut into small cubes. After the required time has elapsed, we put them in a saucepan and let them cook for another 20 minutes, stirring occasionally. Beat the finished soup with a blender and pour into a bowl.

Vegetable soup for kids


  • carrots - 3 pcs.;
  • zucchini - 1 pc.;
  • cauliflower - 200 g;
  • frozen green peas - 0.5 tbsp.;
  • water;
  • boiled rice - 0.5 tbsp.;
  • spices.


Pour filtered boiled water into a saucepan, put on medium heat and heat to a boil. At this time, we are preparing the vegetables for now: peel the potatoes, cut into small cubes and throw in boiling water. We clean the carrots, chop into small slices or three on a grater. We also throw it into the pan, cover with a lid and cook for 5 minutes.

Then we divide into small inflorescences. Peel the zucchini and chop into cubes. Next, put prepared vegetables in a saucepan, add green peas, salt a little and mix. Close the pan again with a lid, cook for another 10 minutes over medium heat, and then beat well with a blender and pour the soup on vegetable broth into children's plates.

This article has a lot of recipes for soups for children from a year old.

  • Of course, milk porridge should also be present on the child's table every day, but soups make nutrition balanced and healthy.
  • They have vegetables rich in vitamins and microelements, cereals, in which there is a lot of fiber and meat - protein, which is necessary as a building material for our organs and systems.
  • In this article you will find soup recipes for children from 1 to 3 years old. It's delicious and nutritious meals that your baby will love from the first spoon.

If your baby is not yet a year old, then read the recipes for soups for children from 5 months. So, for starters, it is worth noting a few rules for the nutrition of children from 1 year and older:

  • Nutrition should be balanced, and it is important to make it varied. Make a new kind of soup every day. In this case, the baby will definitely have a good appetite and he will love soups from the first spoon.
  • Cook the first dishes on low heat to keep all the trace elements in the ingredients.
  • No spices, seasonings or flavor enhancers! Everything must be natural.
  • Do not fry onions and carrots. It is only permissible to sauté vegetables for 5 minutes in a pan with the addition of vegetable oil and water.
  • To prepare broths, use lean meats: chicken, beef, rabbit, turkey.
  • The soup must be prepared at one time. During storage, the dish loses its useful properties.
  • Vegetable and cereal soups can be given to children 1 year and older.
  • Pea soup is suitable for feeding a child from 2 years of age and older.
  • Fish and milk soups can be given from 1 year and older.
  • Beetroot is allowed by nutritionists for children from 2 years old.

Rabbit is a dietary meat, and it is great for feeding children from a year old. Such meat is not cooked for too long, and the soup turns out to be low-fat, but tasty and rich. The child will be happy to eat this dish for two cheeks.

There are a lot of vitamins and microelements in broccoli, so this vegetable will perfectly complement rabbit meat and make the dish complete for lunch or dinner. Recipe for rabbit and broccoli soup for children 1 year and older:

You will need these fresh products:

  • Rabbit meat - 100 grams
  • Potatoes - 0.5 pieces
  • Broccoli - 2 sprigs
  • Carrot - 2 pieces
  • Bulb - 1/4
  • Salt is the minimum amount, but you can do without it
  • Greens - 1 sprig

Prepare like this:

  • Fill a saucepan with water and boil the rabbit meat. When the water boils and the meat is cooked for 10 minutes, drain the water and pour in a new one. Put the meat back into this water and boil for half an hour.
  • When the meat is ready, take it out of the pot.
  • Dip the potatoes, carrots and broccoli into the broth. Wash, clean and chop the vegetables first.
  • Cut the onion and cook separately.
  • When the vegetables are almost cooked, add chopped greens, boiled onions and a little salt.
  • Cut the meat into pieces and put in the soup.
  • Remove the dish from the fire. Cool slightly, add sour cream and serve to the baby.

Such a soup must be on the child's menu at least once a week. Vegetable soups are very useful, especially if the baby is worried about constant constipation.

Another type of dietary meat is turkey meat. It cooks as fast as a rabbit. Made from turkey delicious broth- delicate and fragrant. Add potatoes and buckwheat to it, and you get an excellent soup for a one-year-old baby and older. Recipe baby soup with turkey and buckwheat:

  • Turkey meat (fillet) - 100 grams
  • Potato - 0.5 tubers
  • Buckwheat - 1 tablespoon
  • Onions and carrots - a little
  • Greens - 1 sprig

Prepare like this:

  • Boil the meat in one water, then drain and prepare the broth, boiling the bird for half an hour.
  • Peel and wash vegetables. Grind them, chop the greens.
  • Boil the onion separately.
  • From ready broth take out the meat, and put vegetables and sorted and washed buckwheat into it. Cook until done.
  • At the end, put greens, onions and salt a little.
  • Cut the meat into small cubes and throw into the soup.
  • Cook the dish for another 5 minutes and remove from heat.

Cool the dish a little, then pour into a plate and season with vegetable oil - 0.5 teaspoon. You can also add sour cream. This soup is nutritious due to turkey meat and buckwheat. Protein, fiber, vitamins and minerals - everything is in this delicious soup.

Choose young beef for this soup. Great for veal. Spinach is very useful for its trace elements. When the baby turns 1 year old, and the mother weaned him from her breast, he lacks nutrients. The first dish with spinach will perfectly replenish the balance of vitamins and microelements in the child's body. Recipe for children's beef soup with spinach and egg for a one-year-old baby and older:

You will need these products:

  • Beef or veal - 100 grams
  • Potatoes - 0.5 pieces
  • Carrots - 2 circles
  • Spinach - 0.5 bunch
  • Egg - 1 piece
  • Greens - 1 sprig

How to cook:

  • First, wash the meat and put it on the fire for 10-15 minutes. Then drain the water, pour in new water and cook the beef for another 2.5 hours.
  • When the meat is cooked, take it out of the broth.
  • Peel potatoes, wash and cut into pieces. Peel the carrots and grate.
  • Boil the egg for 4 minutes. Cool and clean.
  • Put the vegetables into the boiling broth and boil them for 15 minutes until tender.
  • Then chop the spinach and herbs and toss in the broth with the vegetables. Chop the egg and add it to the soup too.
  • Cook the dish for another 5 minutes, add a little salt and turn off the gas.

When the soup has cooled down a bit, pour it into a bowl. Cut the meat and also send it to the plate. Season the dish with sour cream and serve to the baby.

If your child has constipation, then rice is undesirable for him to eat. If everything is in order with the digestive tract of the crumbs, then try cooking chicken and rice soup. This dish is hearty, low-fat and healthy. It can be given to children 1 year of age and older. Recipe chicken soup for kids with rice:


  • Chicken fillet - 100 grams
  • Potatoes - 0.5 pieces
  • Carrots - 2 circles
  • Greens - 1 sprig
  • Rice - 1 tablespoon
  • Vegetable oil - 0.5 teaspoon


  • Wash the chicken fillet, boil for 10 minutes. Then drain the water and put the meat back to boil for 20-30 minutes. Do not cook longer, otherwise the meat will turn out tough and tasteless.
  • Peel and wash vegetables. Grind them and send them to the broth. Take the meat out of it first. Let the vegetables cook for 15 minutes.
  • Sort and wash the rice and put to boil in a separate bowl. When the rice is cooked, rinse it and send it to the vegetables 5 minutes before the dish is ready.
  • Cut the greens and put them in the soup along with the rice.
  • Then add salt to the dish, pour vegetable oil, and immediately turn it off.
  • Cool the soup and serve to the child's table.

If your baby likes dairy products, then you can also put a little sour cream or a teaspoon of low-fat (unsweetened) classic yogurt in such a soup.

Choose boneless cod for this soup. It is better to buy a fillet of sea fish: sole, navaga. But still, look at the fish at home for the presence of bones, and if there are any, pull them out with tweezers. It is worth noting that in sea ​​fish fewer bones than in the river. There are no small bones in it, but only a ridge. Therefore, cod is great for fish soup. Recipe fish soup For children with cod from 1 year and older:

You will need these products:

  • Fish fillet - 100 grams
  • Potatoes - 0.5 pieces
  • Carrots - 2 circles
  • Onions - a little
  • Semolina - 1 teaspoon
  • Greens - 1 sprig

How to cook:

  • Boil the fish fillet for 15-20 minutes. The broth can be poured out, as it is not recommended to give it to children under 3 years old. The fact is that harmful substances are digested from fish into the water.
  • In a separate saucepan, boil the peeled and chopped vegetables. It is better to boil the onion separately, and then put it to the rest of the vegetables.
  • When the vegetables are ready, put semolina, chopped greens in the future soup. Let the broth boil for 5 minutes, salt and turn off the gas.
  • Pour the soup into a plate, put the boiled fish fillet cut into pieces (check again for bones). Serve the soup to the child.

Such a dish is very useful because it contains a lot of amino acids, protein - a building material for body tissues, and vitamins. With the help of fish soup, you perfectly diversify the child's menu.

Milk soups and cereals are necessary for the children's body. Milk contains a lot of amino acids, protein and other useful substances. Dairy dishes accompany the baby until they grow up. Here is a recipe for milk soup with small vermicelli for children 1 year and older:

To prepare the dish you will need the following products:

  • Milk - 1 glass
  • Small vermicelli - 1 tablespoon
  • Sugar - 1/3 teaspoon
  • Butter - 3 grams
  • Vanilla - on the tip of a knife

How to cook:

  • Dilute whole milk with water 1:1, otherwise it will be too fatty. Milk from the store with a fat content of 2.5% must also be diluted: 2 parts milk to 1 part water. Put a glass of diluted milk in a saucepan on gas.
  • Before that, boil the vermicelli and put it in a colander.
  • Then put boiled vermicelli into boiling milk, add vanilla and sugar. Boil 2-3 minutes.
  • Turn off the finished soup and season with butter. When the dish has cooled down a bit, serve it to the baby's table.

Milk soup can be cooked using the same technology with rice, buckwheat or pumpkin. By the way, it is easy to cook other dishes from pumpkin. Read the recipe below.

Pumpkin Puree Soup for Kids: Recipe

Delicate and velvety pumpkin soup will perfectly diversify the menu of your crumbs. It contains a lot of healthy fiber and vitamins. Such a dish may become the favorite of the baby. Cooking it is simple and fast, which is important for a mother with a small child. Recipe for pumpkin puree soup for children 1 year and older:

You must have the following products:

  • Pumpkin - 200 grams
  • Carrots - 100 grams
  • Pumpkin seeds - 5-10 pieces (not fried)
  • Vegetable oil or butter - 3 grams
  • Cream - 100 grams

You need to prepare like this:

  • Wash and clean vegetables. Cut into small cubes.
  • Put the vegetables in a saucepan and pour a glass of water, add a little salt. Put on gas for 30-40 minutes.
  • When they are cooked and even boiled soft, add pumpkin seeds and grind the mass with a blender. You can pour into a blender bowl and grind in it, but for this you need to cool the soup a little.
  • Now pour in the cream and heat the soup over the fire again.
  • After that, add a little butter or vegetable oil to the pumpkin-carrot mass, cool the soup and serve to the baby.

If desired, you can add a little sugar or 0.5 teaspoon of honey to the dish, but if the child is not allergic to this product.

Now your child is already 1.5 years old. Many kids of this age are sent to kindergarten. At this time, young parents may face the problem of feeding. After all, the baby's diet already has meat, potatoes and other vegetables. But how to diversify the daily menu, especially if the child does not go to kindergarten yet? Cook him meatball soup, as in kindergarten. This dish is suitable for a child from 1.5 years and older. Here is the prescription:

You will need the following products:

  • Potato - 0.5 tubers
  • Carrots - 20 grams
  • Turnip onion - 10 grams for soup and 10 grams for meatballs
  • Butter - 5 grams
  • Beef - 100 grams
  • Egg - 0.5 pieces
  • Greens - a little
  • Salt to taste

You need to prepare like this:

  • First prepare the vegetables. Peel them, wash and cut into small cubes. Carrots can be grated.
  • Now let the carrots in - this is called blanching. Put half the butter in a saucepan, pour a little water and put the carrots. After 1-2 minutes, remove the saucepan from the heat.
  • Pour the chopped onion with boiling water for 5 minutes to remove the bitterness. Then drain the water.
  • Put the remaining butter in the pan and put on a slow fire. Throw in the onion and sauté no more than 5 minutes until translucent.
  • Make minced meat with onions from beef. Stir, salt and add the egg. Stir again. If it gets too thick, add some water. If, on the contrary, it is liquid, then beat it off (just pick it up and leave it several times in a bowl) so that it becomes elastic.
  • Now put a pot of water on gas, and when the water boils, form meatballs and throw them in to boil. In 30 minutes they will be ready.
  • When the meatballs are almost ready, send the browned and blanched vegetables and potatoes to the pan. Boil 15 minutes.
  • Chop the greens and throw into the soup. Salt it and turn off the gas.

The dish should be served slightly chilled. Add a teaspoon of sour cream and a little chopped fresh dill.

Field soup is served in military units, children's camps, hospitals and other catering establishments. Kindergarten kids love this soup too. It is often included in the menu of these children's institutions. Millet is a difficult food product for a child's stomach, so they start giving it to children from 2 years old. Here is the most popular recipe for field soup with millet and egg, like in kindergarten:

Prepare these foods:

  • Chicken fillet - 100 grams
  • Millet - 2 tablespoons
  • Potatoes - 0.5 pieces
  • Egg - 0.5 pieces
  • Greens - 1 sprig
  • Vegetable oil - a little for sauteing
  • Salt to taste

Start the cooking process:

  • Boil the chicken fillet for half an hour. Remove from broth.
  • Peel potatoes, wash and cut into cubes. Send it to the pot with broth.
  • Onions and carrots should be sautéed vegetable oil within 5 minutes. Then send it to the broth to the potatoes.
  • Simultaneously with the potatoes, lower the millet. Sort it out and wash it first.
  • When the soup is almost ready, chop the greens and also throw in the boil.
  • While the greens come, take the egg and beat it well with a fork.
  • Then salt the almost ready dish and pour in the egg in a thin stream, stirring the soup. You should get egg thin threads.
  • When the egg has curdled, turn off the soup.

Serve with sour cream.

There are several varieties peasant soup: on vegetable lean broth, on meat broth, with grout and millet, with grout and vegetables. In this article, we will look at how to cook peasant soup, like in a kindergarten with millet and vegetables in a lean broth. It is suitable for ages 2 and up. After all, this is the soup that is served to children in children's institutions according to technological map No. 39. Here is the prescription:

Prepare these foods:

  • Millet - 2 tablespoons
  • Potatoes - 0.5 pieces
  • Onions and carrots - a little for sauteing
  • Greens - 1 sprig
  • Salt to taste
  • Sour cream - 1 teaspoon

How to cook:

  • Sort the millet and wash thoroughly. Put water and boil for 15 minutes. Drain the water.
  • Peel potatoes and cut into cubes.
  • Peel the carrots and onions and chop finely.
  • Pour a glass of water into the pan and put on gas. When the water boils, put potatoes, millet, carrots, onions and salt into it. Cook until done.
  • When the soup is ready, put the chopped herbs and sour cream.
  • Boil soup again and remove from heat.

To make this soup more satisfying, you can add "zatiruha". Making it simple:

  • Take one egg, break it into a bowl and beat it with a fork. Salt.
  • Then add some water and stir again.
  • After that, add enough sifted flour so that it mixes with the egg into a solid mass.
  • Sift the "zatiruha" from excess flour.
  • Send the "grouts" to the pan along with potatoes and millet.

The kindergarten serves first and second courses for lunch. Therefore, the soup is prepared light - without "mash". At home, you can cook soup with millet and grout for your baby. Check the readiness of this soup by potatoes and cereals. If their consistency is soft, then the soup can be turned off and served. The aroma of vegetables, beautiful appetizing color - all this will make your baby eat the soup to the last spoon.

Vermicelli soup is easy to cook, and it turns out tasty and satisfying. Kids love this dish, and eat it completely - the whole plate. Vermicelli soup recipe (technological map No. 82), as in kindergarten on chicken broth For babies aged 1.5 years and older:

Prepare these foods:

  • small vermicelli, pasta curly or simple - 1 tablespoon
  • Potatoes - 0.5 pieces
  • Onions and carrots - a little for sauteing
  • Greens - 1 sprig
  • Salt to taste
  • Meat broth - 200 ml

How to cook:

  • Make chicken broth.
  • Wash potatoes, peel and chop into cubes.
  • Onions and carrots also prepare and chop finely.
  • Put carrots and onions in a pan with vegetable oil and a little water.
  • Add pasta or vermicelli to the boiling broth and cook for 15 minutes.
  • Then put potatoes, poached onions and carrots, herbs and salt.
  • Cook until vegetables are ready.

Before serving, you can sprinkle with fresh chopped dill, but this is only at home. Kindergartens don't do that.

Beets are famous for their useful properties, vitamins and microelements. But it can irritate the intestines, so it is given to children starting at 2 years old. Beetroot with sour cream and herbs will be a great lunch food for a baby over two years old. This soup can be given no more than 1 time per week. Beetroot recipe, as in kindergarten:

Prepare these foods:

  • Beets - 30 grams
  • Potatoes - 0.5 pieces
  • Onions and carrots - a little for sauteing
  • Greens - 1 sprig
  • Salt to taste
  • Sugar - at the tip of a teaspoon
  • Meat broth - 200 ml
  • Vegetable oil - for sautéing vegetables
  • Sour cream - 1 teaspoon

You need to prepare like this:

  • Make chicken or beef broth.
  • Wash the beets and boil them whole and in the skin. Cool it, peel it and chop it into strips.
  • Peel and cut vegetables: potatoes - cubes, onions and carrots - finely.
  • Pour a little oil into the pan and add a little water. Add the carrots and onions and sauté lightly, no more than 5 minutes.
  • Put the potatoes, chopped beets, poached onions and carrots into the boiling broth. Boil 15 minutes.
  • A couple of minutes before the end of cooking, put the chopped greens in the pan. Salt the soup and switch off.

Serve warm with sour cream.

Pea soup in kindergartens is prepared according to technological map No. 37 and is called Vegetarian Pea Soup. They give it both in the nursery and in the older groups. But pediatricians advise introducing peas into the baby's diet only in the 3rd year of life, since this cereal can cause slight gas formation in the intestines. Such a soup is cooked on water, but at home it can be made on chicken or beef broth. Recipe for pea soup, as in kindergarten for children aged 2 years and older:

Prepare these foods:

  • Polished peas - 15 grams
  • Potatoes - 0.5 pieces
  • Onion - 5 grams
  • Carrots - 8 grams
  • Greens - 1 sprig
  • Salt to taste
  • Meat broth - 200 ml

You need to prepare like this:

  • Sort the peeled peas, wash and put to boil in broth or water (200 ml).
  • Add potatoes to the peas - peeled, washed and cut into cubes. Boil 10 minutes.
  • Then put finely chopped onions and carrots. Salt the soup and cook for 5 more minutes.
  • When the soup is ready, put chopped greens into it and turn it off immediately.

Serve soup with croutons. You need to cook them like this: cut bread without a crust into small slices, put on a baking sheet and dry in the oven.

At cheese soup it turns out tender creamy taste. Crackers complement it and make it more satisfying. This dish can be served to children 1 year old and older, but due to the fact that this soup is a little fatty due to cheese, it is prepared for children 2 years old and older. Recipe for cheese soup with crackers, as in kindergarten:

Prepare these foods:

  • Processed cheese or other soft varieties - 20 grams
  • Potatoes - 0.5 pieces
  • Onion - 5 grams
  • Carrots - 8 grams
  • Greens - 1 sprig
  • Salt to taste
  • Meat broth - 200 ml
  • Breadcrumbs from one slice of bread

You need to prepare like this:

  • First, prepare the croutons: cut the bread or loaf into small cubes and dry in the oven.
  • Now cook the chicken or beef broth. There should be 200 ml of broth.
  • Wash the potatoes, peel and cut into cubes. Put it in boiling broth.
  • Sauté onions and carrots in vegetable oil with water and also send them to the broth with potatoes. Boil 15 minutes.
  • 5 minutes before readiness, lay the chopped greens and melted cheese, grated or cut into small pieces.
  • Salt at the end of cooking and switch off.
  • Pour the soup into a bowl and top with the croutons.

This soup can be boiled in water. It will still turn out hearty and rich due to melted cheese and crackers.

The slow cooker has long been the first assistant in the kitchen of every modern housewife. If the house has Small child, then without this device simply can not do. Cooking soups in a slow cooker is easy. First you need to lay the products, and then turn on the "Extinguishing" mode. After a while, the dish will be ready. Here, for example, is a recipe for children vegetable soup with potatoes, cabbage, carrots in a slow cooker for children from 1 year and older:

Prepare these foods:

  • Potatoes - 0.5 pieces
  • Cabbage - 30 grams
  • Onion - 5 grams
  • Carrots - 8 grams
  • Greens - 1 sprig
  • Salt to taste
  • Meat broth - 200 ml
  • Sour cream - 1 teaspoon

You need to prepare like this:

  • Put the products in the multicooker bowl: peeled and cut into cubes potatoes, finely chopped onions and carrots, finely chopped cabbage greens. You can add 1 tablespoon of millet or rice. It will also be delicious if you add fresh or canned green peas.
  • Pour the meat broth over the vegetables, add salt.
  • Set to cook in the "Extinguishing" mode for 30 minutes.
  • When the dish is ready, pour into a plate and put 1 teaspoon of sour cream.

This soup is great for lunch. He will prepare himself while you are engaged in a baby or walking with him on the street.

Soups are important for the child's body, as they contain many useful substances. If you cook meals, as in a kindergarten, then your baby will receive all the vitamins and minerals in full. Indeed, in kindergartens, according to technological map, the amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates is calculated, and if something is missing, it is supplemented with vegetables, cereals or other products. Therefore, the nutrition of children with such dishes is balanced and correct.

Video: What to cook for a child from a year old? Menu for the week #babyfood

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