Home Preparations for the winter Gingerbread cookies for kids: recipe and decorating ideas. How to conduct a master class "Painting gingerbread" for children: big secrets and little tips Cookies and gingerbread for children

Gingerbread cookies for kids: recipe and decorating ideas. How to conduct a master class "Painting gingerbread" for children: big secrets and little tips Cookies and gingerbread for children

Not to say that I really love gingerbread, but the sight of pictures with gingerbread houses has always fascinated me. I immediately remembered the fairy tale Gingerbread house”, which seemed to me once magical and creepy. How great it would be to find a house made of real gingerbread in the forest and try to bite off a piece of it!

The dream of someday making a real gingerbread house loomed somewhere on the horizon. Three circumstances actively pushed me to implement it - the pre-New Year mood, the presence at hand of a recipe with recommendations from a pedantic friend, and the desire of the eldest son of Slava, seven years old. He somehow saw that I was looking at houses on the Internet, and immediately got excited about the idea of ​​​​making them. I frivolously promised that we would do it, and he did not forget about it until the very incarnation, regularly reminding me of the houses. However, I immediately puzzled him by compiling a list of the necessary products.

Procurement of products and tools

Taking Slavin's list, I went to Auchan. I quickly found paper like "parchment" - it was required to make a cornet instead of a syringe. I went to look for molds, because in addition to the house, the plans were just gingerbread. At first there was an idea just to cut out the figures with a knife, but remembering how we cut the baskets for the fair, I decided that the molds were needed - the baskets came out crooked. There was not much choice: hearts, stars and little men like "gingerbread" from "Shrek". I took everything, on the hearts, however, it was written that this is a form for salad, but this did not bother me. Next - spices and decorations. This is where I got stuck. And not at all from the abundance of choice, no, on the contrary, the shelves were extremely empty. The season of buying everything for baking, or what ?? There was no cinnamon and powdered sugar separately, only together. Realizing that I can’t separate them in any way, I still take a bag to clear my conscience (well, it’s useful for buns, but definitely not for gingerbread). It’s generally a problem with decorations, there’s not even an ordinary coconut crumb, there is only some kind of stunted colored one. I look at it for a long time, trying to imagine it on the product. The picture drawn by fantasy is absolutely not impressive. I decide that, well, fuck her. I go further - in spices. And there I hang out again, and even more. In the end, I decide to take mint, starting from the fact that I buy mint gingerbread, I didn’t find anything else on the topic. What I was going to do with this mint at that moment is still a mystery to me. I also take a chocolate bar for decorations and gluing and marmalade for windows, although I am not at all sure that these ingredients will be useful to us at all.

First try

In the evening I pick up Slava from school, his first question is: “Mom, did you buy everything for the gingerbread?” "Yes!" - I cheerfully answer, and only then I understand that I didn’t remember about honey and butter at all. With honey, the situation is clear - literally last week in two places they offered me their honey from the apiary, but I haven’t been able to buy it so far. I didn’t even look at Auchan, but in fact, I didn’t remember about him, because. there was a mark in the brain - "honey will be bought elsewhere." It remains to be hoped that by the time the dough is kneaded, we will find honey, but for now I will try to delay this moment. But, having arrived home, Slava did not forget about the gingerbread, but wanted to immediately see all the products that I bought for them. Of course, I didn’t demonstrate the products, but showed the molds with the words that until all the lessons were done, no gingerbread. And Slava cheerfully went to do his homework, which, of course, took him the whole evening, and in the morning there was still something left, since he is studying on the second shift.

The next morning, Slava finished the lessons very cheerfully, there really was still enough time, his mood was resolute, and I realized that there was nowhere to retreat, we would make the dough from what we had. Armed with a recipe from the Internet - “gingerbread without honey”, combining it with the recipe that my friend gave in some intuitive way, I came up with a sequence that seemed simple and logical to me. Oil, by the way, at home, thank God, was. However, no matter what I cook, I almost never follow the recipe strictly, I always make my own changes, and sometimes significant ones. The dough was made quickly, about waiting a month (that was exactly what my friend recommended), and then making gingerbread, of course, there was no question at all (I was absolutely ready for this). The maximum that Slava was willing to wait was 10 minutes. After that, we began to cut parts of the house according to a paper template, there were no difficulties. We cut two houses, baked them and went to school. The rest of the dough was removed in the refrigerator, to wait for better times.

Take two

Better times were not long in coming. In the evening, a cheerful trinity of children (Seva, five years old and Iskra, two and a half years old, joined Slava) desired to make hearts, little stars and little men. Slava insisted that they would be decorations for the Christmas tree, while Seva hoped that they would be gingerbread for food. Spark could not even think of decorations, she knew that she would have to eat everything immediately. I remember that Olya advised sticking matches to make holes for ribbons, I decided to take toothpicks broken in half. Seva liked the idea very much, especially for the little men - he stuck toothpicks into their hands, and was glad that these were two swords. Quite a lot of figurines were cut, more rhombuses were cut from small pieces. I put their oven on and sent the kids to bed. But the especially persistent Seva waited until everything was baked and dragged away one rhombus, and of course, he ate it, assuring that this rhombus was for food, and not for the Christmas tree. Only after that did he go to bed, agreeing to continue the gingerbread fun tomorrow.

Decorate, collect, play

Seva was the first to get up in the morning, he perfectly remembered that yesterday we baked gingerbread, and the first thing he did was dragged another rhombus to be eaten. Slava overtook him while doing this and got worried that he needed to decorate faster before everything was eaten.

Protein Slava whipped up without my help (hooray!). Then we were puzzled by the creation of a paper cornet, I don’t know what deep meaning this has, in our case, probably, none. I looked at the syringes in the store, but did not buy them. They decided to glue the cornet with a paste so that it would not move around.

The children allowed me to paint only for the first minute, I decided to make eyes for a little man, but I got only one big eye for half a head, and the children joyfully shouted that it was One-Eyed Kuntkh. Then Slava took the instrument, and I almost did not participate in further drawing.

Then we decided to try to glue one house together. Parts of it, as it turned out, turned out to be very heavy, so after suffering, we fastened them with toothpicks. Then Slava painted it. To look at all this for a long time, the patience of Seva and Iskra was already not enough, they ate almost everything. Only humans remained. Family - Mom, Dad, Slava, Seva and Iskra - and a house. They played with them for about an hour, and then Slava said: “The house needs to be eaten, something is falling apart.” I agreed, and the children very happily chewed on the house, and Iskra, unable to resist, bit off a piece from her little man. Slava was indignant at this, but he failed to keep track, soon Iskra ate both herself and me. Only one little man survived until the next morning, it seems to be Seva. Who ate it today, I have not seen.

Today the children are making a new batch of gingerbread. In short, gingerbread is great fun for kids!

The original gingerbread recipe


1. Sugar 100 grams
2. Honey 170 grams
3. Ground ginger 2 teaspoons
4. Ground allspice 1.5 teaspoons
5. Ground cinnamon 1.5 teaspoons
6. Threshing cloves 1.5 teaspoons
7. Soda 2 teaspoons
8. Butter 130 grams
9. Egg 1 piece
10. Flour 550 grams
11. Powdered sugar 150 grams
12. Protein 1 piece (this is with icing)


Step 1: Mix sugar, honey and all spices in a saucepan.
Step 2: Bring to a boil, remove from heat. Add soda and stir well. The mixture should foam up a lot.
Step 3: Add softened butter, egg and flour - knead the dough.
Step 4: The dough is fragrant, warm and well behind the hands and pan. Sprinkle the table with flour and roll out the dough into a layer 4-5 mm thick. Cut out cookies with cookie cutters.
Step 5: We stick matches for a thread. Cover the baking sheet with parchment paper and lay out the cookies. We put in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 15-20 minutes. The cookies will rise and smell delicious.
Step 6 (icing): Beat one chilled protein until a thick foam and add 150 grams of powdered sugar, beat (mix) longer until elastic (5-6 minutes).

I never pass by if at some holiday an area is organized for a master class on painting gingerbread. Interest, I must admit, is not only professional. Of course, I carefully consider how everything is organized, communicate with the host, test the icing, sniff the gingerbread, and watch the children work. But! How can you pass by this beauty and deliciousness if the smell of gingerbread calls you from afar. No way!

Educational or entertaining master class

I have repeatedly written what the difference is, but customers do not always understand which particular master class is more suitable for their event, and your task is to quickly and clearly explain the difference.

Here's a handy table I made:

Entertaining master class

When appropriate: Held at crowded events, city holidays, festivals. It lasts 7-12 minutes, during which time the children paint one gingerbread the way they want. Complete freedom and flight of fancy. They are simply shown how to make a contour and how to sprinkle the gingerbread with ready-made multi-colored sprinkles, they are helped to pack a sweet souvenir. More often, children immediately lick off the icing and eat the gingerbread - while you are drawing, saliva flows ...

Educational master class

When appropriate: Most often, such a master class is ordered for small holidays. For example, if no more than 10 guests are invited to a child's birthday party. In this case, you can spend 50-60 minutes painting gingerbread cookies and create several fragrant masterpieces. Children fantasize less, carefully repeat every step after the leader. It turns out beautiful works that children are happy to show to their parents.

How it goes: A table is set up for 5-10 jobs, headed by a leader. On the table - beautiful plates with gingerbread, icing in bags, sprinkles, disposable gloves, packaging. Children (or children with their parents) come up and paint the gingerbread cookies, listening to the host's advice, pick up the craft and make room for other guests. Approximately 30 people pass through in an hour. The animator is paid by the hour.

How it goes: All children sit at the table at the same time, look at examples of finished work, listen to the facilitator's explanation, practice applying contour and filling glaze, come up with an idea and draw a sketch on paper. In an hour, children can color 3-4 gingerbread cookies using different techniques. For the master class, you need to prepare disposable tableware, wet wipes, wooden sticks, gloves. It is necessary to allocate a separate table for drying ready-made gingerbread.

On what holidays are gingerbread painted

Now already on any. The most beautiful, of course, New Year's, in my opinion. Christmas trees, snowmen, Christmas decorations, stars and houses.

By Valentine's Day, adults and Delhi are happy to paint hearts. March 8th - nesting dolls and flowers. On the Easter workshops order gingerbread in the form of hares and eggs. At the graduation kindergarten and elementary school, you can draw whole gingerbread pictures with the sun, grass and flowers.

On the first of September we paint ginger bells with icing, on the autumn holiday - leaves.

Many different subjects are suitable for a birthday - gingerbread men, animal figurines, trains, cars, etc.

What should a leader look like?

Sometimes customers themselves order the image in which the animator should appear, but not everyone has the imagination to come up with something interesting. It makes sense to offer several options to choose from and purchase the necessary costumes in advance.

Here are some examples:

A baker in an apron and a cap (especially popular with children over 10 years old, as it seems to them that this is not a “clown”, but a real cook) will look good at any event (birthday, graduation, September 1)
Snow Maiden, Grandmother Snowstorm, white hare, Snowflake - on New Year's holidays
Angel (wings are better small, so as not to hurt the participants of the master class) for Valentine's Day
Fairy and Princess for girls birthday
Pirate and Superhero - for boys

Important point! Details of the costume should not be with falling sequins. It is better to roll up the sleeves immediately or choose clothes without lush frills around the hands, as all this will interfere during the master class.

What should be on the table

  • Tablecloth. Most often they use one-time use, but I would advise you to order tablecloths with logos, phone numbers, and the name of the animator. Why? It's simple: a table with children's work will be photographed, and your ad will appear on social networks at no additional cost. And further! These photos will not be used for self-promotion by other animators. Why should they show the contacts of a competitor?
  • Beautiful trays with gingerbread blanks. Let it be high-quality plastic or wooden utensils, and not terrible disposable plates.
  • Prepared confectionery bags with colorful icing(7-10 colors), and at the same time 2-3 bags of the same color, because children do not like to wait, and white icing everyone needs it at the same time!
  • Plates with food confetti(sweet topping of various shapes: stars, balls, sticks, sparkles, pearls, hearts, etc.), caramel crumbs and marmalade details.
  • Disposable gloves. Take the smallest and thinnest (size S).
  • Toothpicks and wooden skewers. With their help, you can make drawings on liquid glaze.
  • Ready-made gingerbread for an example. Children should definitely be shown simple and beautiful gingerbread cookies so that they understand what to strive for.
  • Packing for finished works or beautiful disposable plates where children can pick up their gingerbread to dry.

Where to get gingerbread and icing

For master classes, ready-made blanks have long been offered (they are also called blanks or gingerbread for master classes). Look for suppliers in your city that offer similar products. Glaze is also sold ready-made in bags. You need to buy both sprinkles and packaging. All this is quite expensive, so you need to think carefully about the cost of the master class.

If you have the time and desire, you can make your own gingerbread and icing. Nothing complicated, and your offer for customers will be much more attractive than the offer of competitors.

Sample scenario for a master class on painting gingerbread

  1. Meeting the baker. You can come up with a special culinary nickname for each child.
  2. Why are gingerbread cookies called gingerbread? There are a lot of spices! And there is honey in the gingerbread, so they are stored for a long time and do not lose their taste. You can pre-make many, many gifts for your loved ones and friends. Gingerbread— especially tasty and crunchy. The dough does not swell much during baking, so you can make beautiful figures with small details. The traditional form gingerbread Man. He loves when bright buttons are painted on him.
  3. A story about what is on the table and how to use it.
  4. Trying to make a contour and fill. At the first stage, simple and identical figures are needed. Let it be simple round gingerbread, hearts or squares. We make sure that it is carried out accurately step by step master class behind the leader, help, encourage, give advice.
  5. While the children are painting, you can tell Charles Perot's fairy tale "The Gingerbread House". Everything ends well, but the tale itself is quite scary. We suggest coming up with your own “fairy tale in a circle”, when each child says one phrase to continue the fairy tale. The animator should help shape the thought and insert his own ideas to develop the plot to make a really interesting and kind fairy tale in which the witch is not a witch at all, but just a lonely old woman who had no one to give the gingerbread recipe to.
  6. The second gingerbread is complete freedom for creativity. Children themselves choose a figurine for painting and paint according to the model or come up with their own drawing. At this stage, you can turn on the music.
  7. Together with the children, we consider finished works and find something unusual and attractive in each gingerbread. Leave to dry and pack.
  8. Rewarding. This is not always necessary, but children like to receive a gingerbread medal or a certificate confirming that Masha Malinovskaya has passed the gingerbread confectioner master class. Well, it's nice...

I wish you all bright programs and satisfied customers! Always happy to add comments.

Probably, gingerbread is known in all civilized countries. In Russia, they have been baked since ancient times. There are a lot of recipes for baking gingerbread.

The word "gingerbread" comes from "spice". Spices are one of the essential components of gingerbread dough. I usually add either cinnamon or ginger. You can add crushed nuts, raisins.

Like other sweets, gingerbread, first of all, is baked for the joy of children.

So I need to bake gingerbread cookies for my son, who is in a summer camp.

Yes, not simple, but with filling - condensed milk! The recipe for our homemade gingerbread in my performances.

1. For cooking, we need:
. 2 eggs;
. 1 glass of granulated sugar;
. 3 tablespoons of honey;
. 125g butter (you can use margarine, but butter is still better - natural product);
. 1 tablespoon ground cinnamon (or ground ginger)
. 1 teaspoon of soda (do not extinguish!);
. 2.5 cups flour;
. for glaze, we still need 2 tablespoons of milk and 5 tablespoons of sugar;
. Additional materials: condensed milk or jam (jam) for stuffing, sprinkling for baking.

2. Break the egg, add sugar, and soda.

3. Beat with a whisk until the mass is fluffy.

4. Add cinnamon and honey. We mix. Honey makes gingerbread soft. Most of the time I cook with ginger. Gingerbread is the best in my opinion.

5. Add oil. Before cooking, it is better to hold it for a while at room temperature so that it softens a little. I never rub it on a grater, you can just cut it into smaller pieces with a knife.

6. I managed to mix everything until smooth. If you have lumps of oil left, it's okay. Now the whole mass goes to the bath. Rather, we put water bath for 10 minutes. Be sure to stir!

7. In the bath, the dough mass becomes shiny, uniform and smooth.

8. After the bath, add 1 cup of flour and mix.

9. At this stage, you need to pause - the mass should cool down. We put it either on the balcony (in cool weather), or in the refrigerator.

10. The mass has cooled down, add about 1.5 cups of flour. I usually add 1, knead the dough and add more flour along the way.

11. The dough should not turn out steep, but soft, but not sticky to your hands. Smooth and supple.

12. Lightly flour the table.

13. We take molds for cutting gingerbread. I sometimes just use a glass with a narrow neck. However, you can simply cut diamonds with a knife. As you like.

14. Separate a piece from the dough.

15. Roll it into a layer 0.5 cm thick. If you are making gingerbread without filling - 1cm.

16. Cut out the figures with molds. If you are making gingerbread with filling, do not forget that the number of figures must be even. By the way, you can bake gingerbread and decorate the Christmas tree for the New Year. To do this, of course, you need to remember to make holes before baking to thread the ribbons. I do not advise you to make small gingerbread cookies - the figures dry out, not as soft as larger ones. Make medium size - cm 4-5.

17. We remove the dough scraps. This makes it easier to transfer the figures to the baking sheet.

18. Turn on the oven 180 degrees. Place half of the figures on a baking sheet covered with parchment. You can just lightly grease it with oil. Do not forget that gingerbread cookies increase greatly in size, so you need to leave space between the blanks when unfolding. I put the stuffing in the center. It can be any sweet and sour jam or jam. We have a special order of the son - boiled condensed milk.

19. We cover with the second half of the figures. We accept the edges a little. If you have, say, triangles, you can crush them with a fork for beauty.

20. One baking sheet is ready. We put in the oven for 10-12 minutes, do not forget to glance.

21. Let's prepare the glaze. To do this, mix 2 tablespoons of milk and 5 tablespoons of sugar. Heat over low heat, stirring constantly. This is not enough for all gingerbread. You can cook 2-3 times more.

22. Cook for literally 5-6 minutes. If undercooked, the glaze will not harden on the gingerbread cookies and will be sticky; if overcooked, it will be too thick and will not spread over the surface, but will be smeared. The first time you can cook it as a gingerbread oven pull out.

23. Our gingerbread cookies are baked.

24. Put them on the board, cover with icing. If you cook more glazes, you can pour over them entirely.

25. The gingerbread has cooled down, the icing has dried up. You can drink tea. Bon Appetit! Hope your kids enjoy this sweet! My homemade gingerbread recipe I hope you find it useful and your kids will like it!

Gingerbread with cinnamon: baking with the kids. Step by step recipe with photos.

Gingerbread with cinnamon: baking with the kids

There are a lot of gingerbread! And kozuli, and Tula gingerbread, and black grouse, different in manufacturing methods - and stucco, and printed, and carved. You and I have already made a variety of homemade gingerbread cookies and we know their recipes:

- graceful patterns Arkhangelsk roes(my detailed master class on this our family tradition is given in the article),

And today we have - new recipe for family culinary creativity with children - gingerbread and cinnamon. It was sent to us by Ksenia Kumirova and her daughter Dunyasha for a competition for the readers of the site “Growing up with the Native Path”. This cut gingerbread, because they are cut out of the dough layer using stencils and molds.

Such gingerbread can be made not only for a festive family treat, but also as a gift for New Year, for Christmas, for birthday, use as edible Christmas decorations.

I give the floor to Ksenia to conduct a master class on making such homemade gingerbread with the children. The master class turned out to be very cheerful and festive, because not only adults, but also kids took part in it! Let's learn from Dunyasha and Lyova how to bake such gingerbread!

"Hello! My name is Xenia. I work as a teacher at a university. So the pedagogical experience is quite large - more than 13 years. But when my long-awaited beloved daughter Dunyasha was born, I realized that my ideas about working with babies are very vague. Therefore, the site "Native Path" has become my good assistant. I have been friends with the site for a long time, but I have never taken part in competitions.

So we decided with my daughter Dunya (3 years 4 months) on the eve of a wonderful holiday to try our hand. And to make it more fun, they also invited their godson Leva (5 years old) and his mother Olesya. We are creative people, so we decided to bake gingerbread and cinnamon gingerbread for the New Year!

Recipe for gingerbread and cinnamon

Based on a recipe that has already become traditional in our family.


  • - sugar - 100 gr.,
  • - honey - 170 gr.,
  • - ground ginger - 2 teaspoons,
  • - ground cinnamon - 1.5 teaspoons,
  • - initially, the recipe still contained ground allspice and ground cloves, 1.5 tablespoons each, but we don’t put them in,
  • - soda - 1.5 teaspoons,
  • - butter - 130 gr.,
  • - egg - 1 pc.,
  • - flour - 550 gr.

The sequence of making gingerbread

Step 1. Mix sugar, honey and all selected spices in a saucepan.

Step 2. Bring to a boil, add soda and immediately remove from heat. We mix everything well. After adding soda, the mixture should foam very strongly.

Step 3. Add softened butter, stir. Whisking vigorously, add the egg. The mixture must be constantly stirred with a spoon quite actively.

Step 4. Now add flour. Knead the dough for our ginger and cinnamon gingerbread.

Step 5. We put it in cling film and send it to the refrigerator for a day.

Step 6. About an hour before the start of further work, you need to get the dough out of the refrigerator.

Step 7. Roll out the dough about 5 mm thick. Cut out the gingerbread. Lay them out on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper. We put in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 10-15 minutes.

This is how we baked gingerbread :).

Step 8. We waited for the complete cooling of our gingerbread blanks. And we started the most interesting thing - coloring them in a friendly company! The icing was the most ordinary - egg white + powdered sugar. Adults prepared the icing, but they all painted it together! Also, small candies were used as decorations.

Well, this is already the result of the joint creativity of adults and children - ready-made gingerbread with ginger and cinnamon.

In addition to the usual gingerbread cookies and gingerbread cookies on a stick, we made a couple more gingerbread cookies - mittens, which we plan to hang on the Christmas tree!

It was a wonderful evening! It was decided to carry out similar gingerbread creativity with children every year and already in a wider circle!

We will be very happy if the tradition of baking gingerbread together with children appears in your family! It's a real winter fairy tale!


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To make it bright, you need to show a little ingenuity: for example, turn homemade into funny and colorful figures. After all, it is much more interesting to taste a star or a month from the sky, a leaf of a tree or a Christmas tree from the forest. Yes, and you can also cook these goodies with your children, they will really like to cut out figures from them using molds.

1. Cottage cheese gingerbread "Holiday"

Cottage cheese gingerbread “Festive” Photo: A. Sokolov / BurdaMedia

You will need:

  • 150 g flour
  • 150 g butter
  • 150 g cottage cheese
  • 1 yolk
  • 1-2 tbsp. l. cocoa
For mastic:
  • 1 tsp gelatin
  • 6 art. l. powdered sugar
For glaze:
  • 1 protein
  • 0.5 st. powdered sugar
  • food colorings
For decoration:
  • confectionery topping


  1. Prepare dough. Pass cottage cheese through a meat grinder. Rub the butter thoroughly with flour into a homogeneous mass, add cottage cheese, cocoa and knead the dough. Put it in the refrigerator for 1 hour.
  2. Roll out the chilled dough, fold it into an envelope and put it back in the refrigerator for 1 hour. So repeat one more time. Remove the dough from the refrigerator, fold it into an envelope and leave it on the table for 1 hour.
  3. Roll out the “rested” dough into a layer 0.5-0.7 cm thick. Cut out the gingerbread cookies with molds and put them on a baking sheet sprinkled with flour. Bake products for 10-15 minutes at 180-200 °C.
  4. Prepare the mastic. Pour gelatin 3 tbsp. l. cold water and let it swell. Then dissolve the gelatin in a water bath, remove from heat and cool until warm. Mixing powdered sugar and - separately - different dyes to gelatin, knead the mastic.
  5. Cut out figures from mastic with molds, glue them to the finished gingerbread with jam.
  6. For colored glaze, beat the protein with powdered sugar, divide the mass into parts, add dyes (leaving 1 part white), mix gently.
  7. Apply color and white icing on the gingerbread.

2. Christmas gingerbread with icing

Christmas gingerbread Photo: Oleg Kulagin/BurdaMedia

You will need:

For 4 servings:
  • 700 g wheat flour
  • 3-4 table. cocoa spoons
  • 1 st. milk
  • 1 st. honey
  • 5 yolks
  • 0.5 tsp. baking powder
  • 4 table. butter spoons
  • 2 table. spoons of sugar
For glaze:
  • 1 protein
  • 1 st. powdered sugar
  • 3-4 table. cocoa spoons
  • carrot juice


  1. Pour milk into a saucepan, heat to 70 ° C, add butter, honey, beaten yolks with sugar. Sift flour with baking powder and cocoa and add to mixture. Knead the dough and refrigerate for 2 hours.
  2. Roll out the dough with a thickness of 1 cm. Using the forms, cut out the figures and put them on a greased vegetable oil baking sheet. Preheat the oven to 200 ° C and bake the figurines for 10-12 minutes.
  3. Prepare frosting. Combine egg white and icing sugar and mix well until smooth. Pour a small part of the glaze into a separate bowl and mix with carrot juice.
  4. Remove the finished figurines from the oven and cool. Cover the gingerbread cookies with white icing with a culinary brush and put on baking paper. Let it freeze. Then, with glaze mixed with carrot juice, apply any pattern.

3. Cookies "Starry sky"

Cookies "Starry Sky" Photo: A. Sokolov / BurdaMedia

You will need:

  • 75 g butter
  • 110 g sugar
  • 2 eggs
  • 25 g instant coffee
  • 150–180 g flour
  • 75 g walnut kernels
  • 1/2 tsp soda
For decoration:
  • colorful coconut flakes


  1. Lightly dry the nuts in a pan or in the oven, then chop in a blender.
  2. Grind softened butter with sugar and eggs until white. Add instant coffee and chopped nuts. To stir thoroughly. Pour the sifted flour mixed with soda. Knead rough dough.
  3. Roll out the dough on a work surface dusted with flour. Cut out stars and crescents with cookie cutters.
  4. Preheat the oven to 220°C. Put a baking sheet with cookies in it for 10-15 minutes. Hot biscuits smear butter and sprinkle coconut flakes.
  1. It is better to dissolve coffee in a small amount of water beforehand. Then it will be easier to mix into the dough.
  2. To decorate cookies with coconut flakes, it is not necessary to grease them with butter. You can just wet the edges a little ready-made cookies water and immediately sprinkle with shavings.
  3. For decoration, you can use powdered sugar. It should be sprinkled on chilled cookies.

4. Figured honey gingerbread in glaze

Figured honey gingerbread in glaze Photo: A. Sokolov / BurdaMedia

You will need:

  • 3 art. flour
  • 1 st. honey
  • 2 eggs
  • 75 g creamy. oils
  • 0.5 tsp soda
  • 1/4 tsp chopped spice mix to taste
  • 1 yolk
  • baking oil
For glaze:
  • 3 art. powdered sugar
  • 2 squirrels
  • 1/3 tsp lemon juice
  • food colorings
  • colorful coconut flakes for garnish


  1. In a saucepan combine honey with 1/4 cup. water and boil until the syrup thickens. Strain the syrup through a strainer, add oil and cool slightly (up to 80-90 ° C).
  2. Sift flour, mix with spices and gradually add to hot syrup. Cool the resulting mass to room temperature, add eggs and baking powder and knead until the dough is soft.
  3. Roll out the finished dough immediately (so as not to harden) into a layer 5 mm thick, cut out figures with cookie cutters and make holes for the ribbons in them.
  4. Lightly grease a baking sheet with oil, put the gingerbread cookies on it and grease with egg yolk. Bake in an oven preheated to 210-220 ° C for 15 minutes. Cool down.
  5. For the glaze, beat the whites with powdered sugar and lemon juice. Then divide into 3-4 parts, add multi-colored dyes.
  6. Cover the finished gingerbread cookies with multi-colored icing, sprinkle with multi-colored coconut flakes and thread ribbons through the holes.
  1. Melt margarine. Dissolve coffee in 1 tbsp. l. boiling water, add milk. Melt honey, add cloves and cinnamon to it, mix. Combine margarine, sugar, honey with spices, eggs, soda, pour in coffee, mix. Gradually add flour, knead soft dough. Rinse raisins, dry. Finely chop the candied fruits, leave some for decoration.
  2. Divide the dough into 2 parts, roll out on a floured board into 2 layers. Place one sheet of dough on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper and prick in several places with a fork.
  3. Put jam on the dough on a baking sheet, sprinkle with nuts, raisins, candied fruit on top. Cover with the second layer of dough, pinch the edges lightly.
  4. Prick the top of the pie in several places with a fork, brush with beaten yolk. Bake for about 30 minutes in an oven preheated to 180°C.
  5. Cool the finished cake, sprinkle with powdered sugar and candied fruits. Decorate with mint leaves. Bon Appetit!
Advice: The top of the pie can be sprinkled with chopped, unroasted nuts before baking.

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