Home Salads and appetizers Salted pink salmon in 5 minutes. Very tasty salted pink salmon at home, like salmon. Salted salmon fillet recipe with mustard sauce

Salted pink salmon in 5 minutes. Very tasty salted pink salmon at home, like salmon. Salted salmon fillet recipe with mustard sauce

The fish, which will be discussed today, is very healthy, tasty, and its proteins are easily absorbed by our body.

Apparently, because of this, salted pink salmon at home (very tasty, like salmon) is often served not only as a main course, but also as an appetizer. On any table, such a treat is literally in great demand, because the fish delicacy literally melts in your mouth and shares its piquancy with the taster.

Today I will tell you how to properly salt your favorite pink salmon at home with your own hands. different ways and also share simple secrets selection of quality fish. We will talk about all this in more detail later.

How to choose a good salmon for salting

To pickle delicious pink salmon with your own hands - a dietary and very tender product - you first need to buy a high-quality fish carcass. This is easy to do if you know exactly what to look for when buying.

  • Among all the fish diversity, choosing a fresh, not rotten and unspoiled carcass is quite simple. Fresh pink salmon does not have an unpleasant odor, its eyes are not cloudy, and the gills are red.
  • For the salting process, fresh frozen and chilled fish are ideal.

*** It is not recommended to use fresh fish that has not been frozen, since it is exposure to low temperatures that allows you to kill in raw salmon all harmful microorganisms.

  • It is also very important to buy fish from trusted producers. If you have any in mind, then I advise you to definitely use their services. A seller unknown to you may turn out to be unscrupulous, and this may manifest itself in the fact that before selling, he will soak the fish in a special solution that will increase its weight.

General principles of salting pink salmon at home

  • When using frozen fish, remember to defrost it properly. Natural defrosting falls under this concept, and, accordingly, a complete rejection of quick ways defrosting.

*** It is highly undesirable to defrost pink salmon in the microwave or using hot water. No matter how you hurry, the fish carcass should move away from the cold itself.

  • First, let it thaw in the refrigerator (transfer it from the freezer to the middle or bottom shelf of the refrigerator), and then put it on a plate, where it will continue, or rather, complete the defrosting process - slow and even.
  • Cleaning the fish from the fins should be carried out with special shears - they greatly facilitate this unpleasant process.

*** But the knife must be used very carefully, as there is a high risk of damaging the delicate skin of an expensive representative of the salmon family.

  • It is fundamentally necessary to salt pink salmon in glassware. Containers made of plastic, and even more metal, should not be used.
  • Salt for salting is suitable for any, except for iodized.
  • Chopped fresh herbs (any to your taste) and fragrant chopped garlic will help to give an unusual spicy aroma and taste to appetizing, like salmon, salty (at home) pink salmon. But they can make it softer and more delicate Apple vinegar and lemon juice.
  • Store the finished salted pink salmon fish for a short time on the shelf of the refrigerator. It is not worth increasing the shelf life of a delicacy by keeping it in the freezer.

Delicious salted pink salmon at home, like salmon (dry salted recipe)

The first recipe that we will consider is the salting technology without marinade. Only three dry ingredients will be used: salt, sugar and, in fact, red fish itself.

Of course, you will have to tinker with cooking red fish, but if you know what awaits you - fragrant and hearty snack- and you can try.


  • Pink salmon - 1-1.5 kg;
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • Salt - 3 tbsp. l.

We salt correctly and tasty pink salmon at home without marinade in steps

We cut the carcass of red fish for dry salting

  • We completely defrost pink salmon in advance (as described above), but not completely. Let the carcass remain a little icy - it will be easier to carve it.
  • So, we clean the slightly frozen fish from the scales, then cut off the head (it will not work for salting, but you can make a delicious fish soup out of it) and open the abdomen, removing all the insides.
  • Under running water, wash the cut peeled pink salmon from the inside and out.
  • Now we make an incision on the back. The fins can be removed at this stage, but if they do not bother you, then you can cut them off later along with the skin.

*** For those who wish to salt the red flesh with the skin, I advise you to cut off the fins not with a knife, but with scissors (as already mentioned above).

  • With the help of a knife and our own hands, we separate the delicacy meat from the salmon family from the skin. If the skin is separated from the meat, carefully cut it off. We perform such a laborious procedure on each side.
  • We also cut off the tail - we don’t need it: there are quite a lot of bones and veins in it, so you can safely leave it, like the head, for cooking homemade fish soup.
  • Finally, we separate the fish from the ridge. We do this exclusively with our hands, since they feel the bones that need to be removed better than any device. On this, the cutting of the humpback is over - beautiful tender fillet ready to be salted.

Step-by-step dry salting of pink salmon in pieces

  • First, combine the indicated amount of salt and sugar in a bowl.
  • We divide the fillet into pieces (but if you want to salt the fillet, then you can skip this step).
  • Pour the sweet-salty mixture into the bottom of a glass container (for example, a food container).
  • Next, put fish pieces on it, sprinkle them carefully with the same mixture and cover with a second layer of chopped pink salmon. Sprinkle the second layer with plenty of salt and sugar and tightly cover the container with a lid.
  • For a day, we put the red fish to salt in the refrigerator (not to be confused with the freezer). After 24 hours, the fish will be completely salted and ready for tasting.

This completes the classic dry salting process. You can try your delicacy and enjoy its extraordinary aroma and even more original taste.

How to quickly salt pink salmon steaks in a spicy-salty marinade

This culinary instruction is very similar to the previous one, even the salting time is the same for them, the only difference is that the method of salting is different.


  • Fish steaks (pink salmon) - 5 pcs.;
  • Water - 0.5 l;
  • Bay leaf - 3-4 pieces;
  • Salt - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Vegetable oil - 2-3 tbsp. l.;
  • Black peppercorns - 5 pcs.

Salting pink salmon in the marinade: a quick recipe at home

  • We spread the finished steaks on the bottom of the salting container (if you have a whole fish and you get the steaks yourself, then see the method of cutting the carcass in the recipe above) and flavor them with spices.
  • We make the marinade: boil water, then bring its temperature to room temperature, then mix with sugar, salt and stir until they are completely dissolved.
  • Pour the pieces of fish with the finished marinade - the liquid should completely cover them. Next, cover the glass container with a lid and place in the refrigerator exactly for a day.
  • After a day, we remove the fish from the marinade, transfer it to a dry, clean container and pour sunflower oil (in our case it will be vegetable) oil to soften it a little.

*** The calorie content of pink salmon in salted form is not so high - only 160-170 kcal per 100 g. Such indicators allow you to enjoy your favorite product from the heart and enrich your body with useful elements that are fully contained in this variety in such a “delicious” way red fish.

From salted pink salmon you can do a lot delicious meals: canapes, sandwiches, salads and many more unusual snacks. The main thing is to know how delicious salted pink salmon is prepared at home.

Since it also belongs to the salmon family, housewives often try to pickle pink salmon for salmon and make it just as tasty. I described salting recipes in marinade (brine), oil and without them (“dry” option) - you just have to choose the most suitable one for yourself and try it in your kitchen.

I wish you good luck and bon appetit!

Pink salmon is a family of salmon fish. She, like all other fish of this family, has a red color of muscle tissue. This fish is famous for its health benefits and low calorie content. It is recommended for people with reduced immunity. It should also be added to your diet for those who suffer from iodine deficiency.

Pink salmon should become an indispensable dish for people who go in for sports and active physical activity. Due to the fact that pink salmon meat consists of easily digestible protein, it is quickly processed by the body. In addition, this fish contributes to the rapid formation of muscle mass in humans. It promotes the growth of bones, hair and nails.

This fish is valued for its rich content of vitamins and trace elements. The arsenal of useful substances that are found in pink salmon meat is filled with:

  • vitamins: A, B, PP, D;
  • trace elements: calcium, fluorine, zinc, potassium, sodium, magnesium, iodine, phosphorus;
  • unsaturated fatty acids Omega-3;
  • organic acids
  • minerals,
  • amino acids.

All this will be useful for people who have problems with the cardiovascular system, as well as high blood sugar. Fatty acids, which are part of pink salmon meat, contribute to the normalization and production of the hormone insulin.

Also, pink salmon helps to restore the functioning of the thyroid gland. People with iodine deficiency should benefit from this product.

This product plays an important role in the fight against aging. Due to the large amount of antioxidants, the body slows down the aging process. In addition, antioxidants improve skin condition. They help to smooth out wrinkles, make the skin supple and elastic.

Regular consumption of pink salmon can help restore reproductive function in women. Folic acid, which is part of the composition, helps to strengthen women's health.

The nutritional value of pink salmon has been studied by scientists around the world. Recent experiments have shown that regular consumption of this fish can significantly speed up the metabolism. Also, the meat of this fish prevents the appearance of tumors. For people who suffer from atherosclerosis, this fish can be a real salvation, as it can significantly reduce blood cholesterol levels.

The low calorie content of pink salmon has been appreciated by chefs and nutritionists around the world. 100 g of pink salmon meat contains 140 kcal, while salmon meat is twice as high in calories. Pink salmon is considered truly dietary product. It is baked, fried, salted. They make delicious fish soups. But it is worth noting that in order to preserve all the useful substances in pink salmon meat, the heat treatment time should not exceed 15 minutes. All products that will be subjected to longer heat treatment will not only lose their energy and nutritional value, but also can acquire a number of harmful substances. This is especially true for the process of frying in vegetable oil. In order to preserve all the vitamins and trace elements of pink salmon as much as possible, it is enough to bake or salt it.

Only those people who have acute inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract and are allergic to fish will have to moderate the consumption of pink salmon. It is also necessary to stop the consumption of pink salmon for those who have an increased production of iodine and phosphorus.

How to choose the right pink salmon for pickling?

Unfortunately, not everyone manages to buy fresh, not frozen pink salmon. In most cases, freshly caught fish can be bought by residents of the Far East, but everyone else has to be content with what they have.

If you manage to find fresh pink salmon, then when buying, you need to pay attention to a few things.

First of all, you need to look under the gills. They should not have a dark greenish tint. In this part of the head, the fish should not have mucus and an unpleasant odor. Gills can be considered a kind of indicator of the freshness and health of the fish.

When buying already gutted fish, you should look at the belly of pink salmon. Inside, it should have a pleasant pinkish color. In no case should it have a yellowish tint. The presence of a yellow color may indicate that the presented fish has been lying on the counter for a long time, or it was stored at the wrong temperature.

The tail of fresh fish should not be dry. If so, then this may indicate long-term storage fishes. The eyes of a freshly caught fish should be clear, not cloudy. It is believed that cloudy eyes are only acceptable if pink salmon has been frozen or refrigerated for a long time.

Pink salmon skin is another indicator of the quality and freshness of the fish. If the fish has been stored properly, the skin will adhere tightly to the muscle mass. If it separates freely and has an unpleasant odor, then such a fish is already spoiled.

When buying one pink salmon fillet, you need to pay attention to its color. The fillet should not have a white, yellow and gray tint. Fresh pink salmon fillet should have a delicate pink color. The smell should be appropriate for this type of fish. In no case should it be rotten or putrid. None heat treatment will not help destroy already developed putrefactive bacteria in fish.

If you do not trust the words of the seller, you can ask for a quality certificate for the selected product, of course, if the purchase takes place in a fish store or supermarket.

We learn the secrets of salting pink salmon

  1. The process of salting pink salmon can take place in two ways: dry and with the help of a pickling mixture.

The dry method is salting fish exclusively with salt and spices. But the method of preparing a pickling mixture is based on mixing water, salt, spices, etc.

  1. You can salt pink salmon without oppression, since the muscle tissue of this fish is quite porous and tender.
  2. If a whole fish was bought for salting, then it needs to be cut. To make this process go faster, the fish should be placed in the freezer for 1-2 hours. During this time, the fish should freeze a little. Their frozen pink salmon is easier to get the bones and remove the skin.
  3. To significantly speed up the process of salting pink salmon, you need to add 1 tablespoon of mustard to the brine. It can be either cooking mustard or mustard powder. The taste of salted fish will be more piquant and spicy.
  4. In order for the fish to pick up salt faster, the brine must be prepared from boiled water. It is desirable that the temperature of the brine was not lower than 40 °C. In warm water, the salt will dissolve faster and saturate the fish.
  5. If you use warm water, then mustard should be added only when the brine is at room temperature.
  6. In order for the carcass of the fish to be completely salted, it needs to be in brine for about 2-3 days.
  7. For complete readiness of pink salmon fillet, 6-8 hours are enough.
  8. If the fish turned out to be oversalted, then it can be sent for a few minutes to cooled boiled water. Salt will come out of the fish into the water fairly quickly and easily.
  9. Salted pink salmon can be stored for several days. Ordinary vegetable oil will help keep it longer. It is enough for them to sprinkle ready-made pieces of pink salmon.

The main stages of salting pink salmon

If you purchased gutted pink salmon in frozen form, then for a comfortable and high-quality cutting, you need to defrost it a little. But it is worth noting that the fish must remain firm, since it is difficult to remove the skin and pull out the bones from a completely thawed fish.

To remove the skin from the fish, you must first cut off the head. At the site of the cut, the skin should be slightly pry with a knife. On frozen pink salmon, the skin will peel off with a “stocking”. If this is not done, along with the salted fillet, scales will also come across.

After removing the skin, you need to start removing the bones and ridge. The result should be two equal sirloin parts. They need to be cut into pieces, 2-3 cm wide. Before cutting the fish, you need to boil 1 liter of water. It must cool completely.

Pour 4-5 tablespoons of table salt into the cooled water. If you are not sure if the brine has enough salt, you can check it with a regular raw potatoes. When the salt dissolves, throw the medium peeled into the brine boiled potatoes. If she does not sink, then this means that the brine has turned out.

It remains only to place chopped pink salmon in the prepared brine for 3 hours. After this time, pull the fish out of the brine and blot with a dry cloth. To keep it longer, you can sprinkle it sunflower oil and put in a jar.

The next 5-6 hours it can not be touched, because during this time it must be infused.

Ready salted pink salmon can be added to salads, cut into sandwiches, added to sushi.

This salted pink salmon recipe can be considered basic, but there are many other salting recipes that take much less time.

Express method of salting pink salmon

This pink salmon recipe is a little different from others, since for its preparation, pink salmon needs to be cut into 5x5 cm cubes. Each piece must be generously soaked in salt.

Spread the salted pieces in a spacious bowl in one layer. When the fish is laid out, sprinkle it on top with coriander, ground bay leaves, ground black pepper and mustard powder. Add spices to taste.

It remains only to pour the cooked fish with chilled boiled water. Cover the bowl with a lid and refrigerate overnight. The pink salmon will be ready in the morning.

A simple recipe for salted salmon

To prepare pink salmon according to this recipe, you must first prepare the brine. To do this, add 4 tablespoons of table salt and 3 tablespoons of sugar without a slide to 1 liter of warm boiled water. Salt and sugar should be completely dissolved. During this time, the water should be at room temperature. Cut the fish into 2x2 cm pieces. Put the chopped pink salmon in the brine for 3 hours. After this time, drain the brine, and pour the fish vegetable oil and put in a jar.

Salting the fish with the addition of vegetable oil

This recipe differs in that no brine is needed to prepare this pink salmon. Pink salmon needs to be cleaned of bones and skin. Cut the finished fillets into a width of about 2 cm.

Put the prepared pieces of pink salmon in a single layer in a saucepan, sprinkle with salt and sugar on top to taste, add a few peas of black pepper and 2 bay leaves. The next layer of fish should also be sprinkled with seasonings, sugar and salt. When all the fish is folded, it must be poured with vegetable oil. During the day, the fish should be fed with salt and seasonings. Only after the allotted time will it be ready for use.

Salt salmon in a plastic bag

For this recipe, pink salmon does not need to be cut into pieces. It is enough to remove the skin from it and pull out the ridge with the bones. The fish should consist of two equal fillets. In a separate bowl, mix 3-4 tablespoons of salt with ground black pepper, mustard powder and coriander. This amount of salt will be enough for an average pink salmon, which will weigh no more than 1 kg. Sprinkle two fillets generously with the prepared mixture. In order for the fish to salt better, the salt mixture must be literally rubbed into the pink salmon meat, both from the outside and from the inside.

When the fish is covered in salt, it must be twisted into a roll. Transfer the folded fish to a plastic bag, tie tightly. On top of the cellophane, pink salmon must be wrapped in parchment. Put the salted fish on the lowest shelf of the refrigerator. Exactly 24 hours later, it must be turned over to the other side. In order for the fish to salt on the other side, it will also require 24 hours. As a result, when it is ready, it must be wiped with a dry paper towel to remove excess salt. You can store such a fish both in a plastic tray and in a saucepan. In order for it to last longer, it needs to be sprinkled with sunflower oil.

Salted pink salmon with the addition of white mustard grains

Remove the bones and spine from the frozen pink salmon, remove the skin. Cut the finished fillets into slices, 2-3 cm wide. Salt each piece generously on both sides, add black for a more spicy taste. ground pepper and white mustard beans. In such a marinade, pink salmon should be for 3 hours. After this time, pink salmon should be poured with vegetable oil. For the final salting, she will need her 12 hours. After this time, the fish is ready to eat.

How to pickle pink salmon at home

When buying fish in a store, pay attention to its appearance. Fresh pink salmon has light bellies and silvery scales, which are distributed throughout the carcass.

If the fish was not chilled, but frozen, then it is completely defrosted before salting.

The next step is to cut the fish into layers, freeing it from the bones, and also remove the skin. If you do not know, then use my master class on cutting it.

We cut the boneless layers of pink salmon into portioned pieces, 4-4.5 centimeters wide.

Now let's prepare the brine. For this, in 1 liter cold water dissolve 5 tablespoons of ordinary table salt without a slide. Water must be taken purified to avoid the taste of bleach in salted fish.

Prepared pieces of pink salmon are placed in brine. The fish must be completely submerged in the brine. If you wish, you can use a not very heavy load, but I usually salt pink salmon without oppression.

We mark the time. The fish will be salted for 30-40 minutes.

After aging, carefully remove the fish pieces from the liquid and lightly dry them with paper towels.

We spread the salmon in a container for salting. It could be, for example, the usual Plastic container with high sides. I laid out the pieces in two layers, but if the container is smaller in diameter, then there may be several layers.

Top the fish with vegetable oil so that the upper pieces are immersed in fat, at least half. The secret of pink salmon salted for salmon is in oil, so do not spare it.

We close the container with a lid and send it to the refrigerator. The exposure time in the cold is 8-10 hours. I usually salt pink salmon in the evening, and in the morning I serve tender and tasty fish for breakfast.

Salted pink salmon cooked according to this recipe is incredibly tender.

To taste, it really is very similar to salmon. Since the price of these types of fish is strikingly different, pink salmon salted on its own at home gets a clear advantage.

Welcome dear friends to my blog. I am very glad that you come to visit me, you are interested and maybe even learn something new. After all, I try very hard to please you with new, interesting articles. So today we will consider 3 basic recipes for how to pickle pink salmon so that it looks like salmon. Yes, yes, it can be done, and we will learn it today.

Moreover, the New Year holidays are coming soon, and without this tasty snack well, you can't imagine New Year's table. And it is not necessary to eat only on holidays, you can pamper yourself on ordinary days. Moreover, if we really learn how to salt pink salmon for salmon, then we will save a lot. After all, just think, in the store, a piece of salmon weighing 200 grams costs 250-300 rubles, and fresh-frozen pink salmon costs 180 rubles per 1 kg. Can you imagine the difference? And now let's imagine that by delicious fillet, You are getting rich ear from pink salmon, or rather from its head, tail, fins and ridge (we will definitely consider the recipe, but in another article), and if you also come across a female, then red caviar. And this is quite real ... I’ll get ahead of myself, I got this one, or rather, I chose it myself with caviar, but I’ll tell you all about it later.

After I cooked, or rather salted pink salmon for salmon, I was so pleasantly surprised, I was bursting with emotions that it was so easy to do, and after that I was not even upset much, because I had not done this before. But it's better late than never, as they say.

On the Internet, there are many recipes on how to pickle pink salmon for salmon at home. Who cares what, a lot of unnecessary and unnecessary information. I analyzed and settled on three recipes. I believe that these are the most basic recipes that you need to know for high-quality salting of pink salmon. But I'm also sure that after you've tried all three, you'll end up with just one and use that one from now on. Personally, I have. My wife and I liked the first recipe, but the third one, in principle, is not much different, only that there is sugar there. I think in the future I will just alternate these two recipes.

Let's take a closer look at salting pink salmon. For the first and third recipe, we will prepare the brine, and the second will be dry, with vodka. Don't worry, you won't feel it at all. But first you need to cut pink salmon into fillets. I showed how this is done at the end of the article, so to speak, as a bonus. Be sure to look. So…

Let's move on to the first method of salting pink salmon, or rather ...

From the title of the article it is clear that we need exactly salted pink salmon and to be juicy like salmon.

What do we know about salmon? The fact that she is from the same family with pink salmon, but she is much fatter. We need to compensate for this. And what can be compensated, of course, with vegetable oil. We will use oil in the recipe and something else. Let's see the ingredients:


  • Pink salmon
  • Water - 1 l.
  • Salt - 5 tbsp. l.
  • Vegetable oil - 100 ml.

Are you surprised by so many ingredients? Believe me, this is whiter than enough for lightly salted pink salmon. Cut the fillet into pieces 2 cm wide.

Prepare the brine, where we will salt the fish meat. Pour 1 liter of water at room temperature into the container, I pour it from the filter. We pour 5 tbsp. l. salt. I have these, with a small slide.

Stir until the salt is completely dissolved. We lower all the pieces of fish and pinpoint 10 minutes. This is quite enough for a lightly salted taste.

Personally, I waited impatiently for the time to run out and the beep to sound. Well, finally, the long-awaited signal ... Now put it on paper towels and wipe dry on all sides.

Next, we need a food container, the bottom of which we grease with vegetable oil. We lay out, skin down, the pieces tightly to each other. The first layer is finished, it is oiled and the second layer is laid out, etc., all the pieces. At the end, fill with the remaining oil. For everything about everything you should take 100 ml ..

Everything, close the lid and put in the refrigerator for 5 hours. But it seems to me that literally after 2-3 hours you can eat.

The result pleasantly shocked me. The fish turned out so tender and juicy that if I didn’t know that it was pink salmon, I would never have guessed. It turned out to be moderately oily, which is not typical for pink salmon, and this is the most important thing we were striving for, and we tried to remind you to get as close as possible to salmon. That's probably why I liked this recipe so much.

Let's move on to the second recipe, with vodka...

Salted pink salmon at home - very tasty like salmon

In this recipe, we will bring salted pink salmon as close as possible to the taste of salmon, due to dry salting. And with the help of vodka we will enhance this effect. But you already know that this is not my favorite recipe. Yeah, the fish turns out to be very tasty and without extra, fishy smells that are not characteristic of salmon, which is clearly an advantage over the first and third salting recipes. But, for me personally, this is not enough. That fat note is missing. If you have a similar recipe with refinement, be sure to write in the comments and we will consider it.

Now let's take a closer look at the recipe.


  • Pink salmon
  • Salt - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Vodka - 2 tbsp. l.

In this recipe, we will not grind the pieces of fish, we will leave them 10 centimeters each.

In a deep container, mix salt and sugar, in the proportion indicated on the menu. Add 2 tbsp. l. vodka and mix so that the vodka completely envelops the granules of salt and sugar.

We coat the pieces of pink salmon with the resulting mixture on all sides and put them in a container on top of each other.

We coat all the pieces with the mixture and put them in one container.

Now close the lid and put in a cool place for 5 hours. The refrigerator is perfect for this.

Now it remains to wait for time and pink salmon is ready.

See how much juice the fish gave during the salting.

Now we take out a piece, already from the brine and wipe dry with paper towels.

For me, the fish turned out to be very salty. I have already tried it!!! I recommend putting it in clean water for at least 20 minutes to remove excess salt. So the fish will be tastier. Cut into small pieces and serve as an independent dish or on sandwiches.

Be sure to write your opinion on this recipe. Whether you liked it or not. For me, the fish turned out tasty, but not as oily as salmon should be. Therefore, if you evaluate the recipe, then I will give it a solid 4, because I already put the first five))).

But we have another way delicious salty pink salmon for salmon. Let's take a look at the third...

Delicious salted pink salmon in brine for salmon

This recipe is very similar to the first one, as we salt in brine. But in this recipe, along with salt, we will also add sugar.


  • Pink salmon
  • Water - 1 l.
  • Salt - 4 tbsp. l.
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Vegetable oil - 100 ml.

The larger the pink salmon, the tastier it will turn out in a salty form. Fish is recommended to buy in a deep freeze. But when you get home, defrost it smoothly. Smooth means gradually and it is better if you defrost in the refrigerator, but when room temperature is also possible. But you need to defrost not completely, but by half, so it will be easier for you to clean it and remove the skin.

Then we cut the fish into portioned pieces, but not more than 2 cm thick.

Prepare the brine in which we will marinate the fish. To do this, dilute salt and sugar in water in the proportion indicated on the menu. Stir until completely dissolved.

We spread all the pieces of fish in brine and pinpoint 30 minutes. Look do not miss))).

In the first recipe, we salted for 10 minutes, and in this one - 30. There, the fish turned out to be lightly salted, but here? And here we will find out and compare whether it is worth keeping in brine for so long?

After the time has elapsed, we take out all the fish from the brine and soak each piece with a paper towel. Pieces of pink salmon should remain dry.

Now put them in a food container tightly to each other and pour vegetable oil. 100 ml. will be sufficient.

Close the container and put it in the refrigerator for 24 hours.

The next day delicious pink salmon can be used on your holiday table. In taste, it is very similar to salmon, and at a cost much cheaper. Try not to tell the guests what kind of fish it is, and then look at their faces when they find out))).

And now, as promised, we will cut pink salmon.

How to cut pink salmon into fillets for salting

It does not matter what kind of fish you are going to salt and in what form, whole carcass or portioned pieces. The first thing to do is, of course, cut the carcass, separate the spine from the pulp, remove the head and fins. But before you start, be sure to sharpen your knives. I have them sharp as a razor, as soon as I touch, I immediately get an incision. It is a pleasure to work with such knives, but you need to be very careful not to get hurt yourself.

Before starting work, I always weigh the fish. Not because I want to know how much they weighed me in the store))). I want to see how much finished product will come out. But although the store is also interesting, but this time I did not compare. Did you notice the wound on the side of the fish)? In frozen form, it is not so conspicuous.

I will step back a little and tell you how I bought pink salmon. Naturally, they were all frozen, and I tried to choose not gutted, for obvious reasons. I bought two and did not even attach importance to the wound on the fish. Again, I only looked at the integrity of the abdomen.

Arriving home, he carefully cut open his belly and saw that the milk was cut across. I definitely couldn't do it. And in place of the wound - a hole, a small one, barely got a finger.

Everything immediately fell into place. So check the fish for the presence of caviar. Maybe in the store, maybe even earlier. So draw conclusions, if you want a fish with caviar, then buy a whole, even and without unnecessary "scratches". I had the first one (I bought two), but my wife butchered it while I was not at home. Here there was caviar, weighing 100 grams, with a fish weighing 1 kg. I salted it, and in what way, I will tell in another article.

So, back to our sheep, or rather to pink salmon. The belly was opened, we remove all unnecessary. We do not need all this and we throw it into the bucket.

Now remove the head, tail and fins. We divide the carcass into two parts, along the ridge and remove the ridge itself. Large bones are also removed and cut off.

The fins are very convenient to cut off with ordinary kitchen scissors.

We will salt only the sirloin parts, and everything else will go into the ear. They will make a very rich, tasty ear.

Know!!! The gills of a fish are like a filter in a car, filtering out any kaku. In the ear, they are definitely useless, so they need to be cut out. Since you definitely won’t cook your fish soup now, you just freeze these offal. But then, when they are in deep freeze, it will be difficult to remove the gills, so do not be lazy and do it right away.

Personally, I did just that. Again, kitchen scissors came to my aid.

Everything with the cutting of pink salmon is finished. Now we divide the fillet into three parts, we have three recipes. But to remove the skin, it's up to you, I did not.

It's no secret that lovers of tasty and hearty food, fish dishes are a separate article in their diet. And now among fish dishes delicacies from red fish stand out separately. In Russia, sandwiches and canapes with salmon caviar and meat are the most popular. Making a sandwich at home always turns out quickly and tasty, it does not require special utensils, cooking, frying, etc., just bread and fish. But if you carefully study the preferences of people, then most of the variety of breeds of red fish will choose salmon. Why is salmon so popular among gourmets? Everything is very simple. The meat of this fish, in addition to its delicate and appetizing pink color, has a pleasant oily taste and texture.

Few people know that you can cook ordinary pink salmon so that it cannot be distinguished from salmon. But first of all, let's consider how these two breeds of red fish differ. First of all, it is an areola of habitat in the wild. Salmon is found in the northern part of the Atlantic Ocean, the Barents Sea, and is also found in some northern lakes in Norway, Russia and Finland. Pink salmon lives in the waters of the Pacific Ocean, in the eastern part of the coastal waters of the Arctic Ocean, and for spawning it enters the fresh waters of the upper reaches of the rivers flowing into these oceans.

Salmon and pink salmon also differ in size and weight. Salmon are much larger, the average representatives of this genus can reach one and a half meters in length and weigh about forty to fifty kilograms. Pink salmon is not so “huge”, rather modest. Large representatives reach seventy centimeters in length and have a weight of two to five kilograms.

We can say with confidence that cooking from these fish species is quite popular. Meat and salmon and pink salmon are used in salads, soups, canned food, cold appetizers. There are also many recipes for salting these types of fish.

Salmon meat is also different from pink salmon meat. Salmon has a pleasant pink-reddish color with white streaks. It is in the veins that the largest amount of fat is concentrated. In cooking, the meat retains juiciness and looks very appetizing. Pink salmon meat has a more orange hue without white streaks, palatability more dry and crumbly. Accordingly, the price for salmon is almost twice as high as for pink salmon.

But it doesn't matter! A folk trick will come to the rescue. There is such a dish - pink salmon for salmon. How to salt pink salmon so that it is indistinguishable from salmon in taste? Salmon meat has a more viscous structure, it is denser and more elastic. It is quite possible to salt pink salmon and give it an equally attractive look and taste. In short, we salt pink salmon, we get awesome salmon.

Pink salmon recipe:

First you need to cook the fish, clean and separate the fillet. To do this, it is better to freeze pink salmon, frozen meat is easier to cut into slices. Do not make them too thick, a maximum of three centimeters.

Then you need to prepare the brine. It should be quite saturated, otherwise it happens that light-salted pink salmon is obtained. For one glass of cold boiled water, five to six tablespoons of salt. Approximately 1.3 liters of brine are needed for one kilogram of fish.

Keep the meat in the brine for five to ten minutes. Salted pink salmon is blotted with a napkin or towel, spread on a plate and poured with vegetable oil, preferably odorless, and put in the refrigerator for thirty to forty minutes. It turned out that during the time spent in the refrigerator, the fish was soaked with salt and oil and acquired the necessary taste.

Salted fish is best in this way for cooking. delicious sandwiches and canapes. Spread natural butter on White bread thin layer, and put slices of fish on top. Don't forget to cut the lemon or lime wedges. To decorate the dish, you can use fantasy and creativity to make the resulting fish look more appetizing on the table. Fans of experiments can add spices to the brine.

I would like to note that today salmon is grown on fish farms, where special dyes are added to the fish feed so that the meat has a more attractive appearance when sold. Pink salmon is not bred in captivity and, accordingly, the meat is much cleaner environmentally. The price criterion is also on the side of pink salmon. Therefore, if there is a strong desire to taste delicious fish, then you should not spend money, but taking a little time, get tasty and healthy dish, such as "salted pink salmon".
Cold snacks from red fish are always in demand on any table. Perfect for wine drinks and beer. Helpful Hints on registration a simple dish can be viewed on the internet.

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