Home desserts Buckwheat porridge with chicken fillet in a slow cooker. Recipe for delicious buckwheat with chicken in a slow cooker Polaris. With the addition of mushrooms

Buckwheat porridge with chicken fillet in a slow cooker. Recipe for delicious buckwheat with chicken in a slow cooker Polaris. With the addition of mushrooms

My grandmother somehow manages to cook buckwheat and chicken at the same time as if it were originally a single porridge. She calls it her signature porridge, adds some tricky seasonings to the cauldron, and it turns out so tasty that I always ate a full plate as a child. Surely Granny has a secret, lost in the depths of a thick cookbook. I now have my own secret: I cook buckwheat with chicken in a slow cooker. I used to fry meat in a pan, and cook porridge in a pot next door, while constantly stirring and checking whether the processes were going well here and there. Now everything is much easier.

  • Chicken fillet - 500 gr
  • Buckwheat - 1 measuring cup
  • Water - 2 measuring cups (take incomplete 3 if you want the buckwheat to boil soft)
  • Vegetable oil - 15 gr
  • Carrot - 1 piece
  • Greenery. You can take onions, sour cream, any spices, everything that you associate chicken with. Today I associated it with laurel, dill and parsley.

You can do everything quite simply: put all the products in a saucepan, and let them gurgle. I did make things a little more difficult though. I run the chicken first. My fillet under the tap, cut it into pieces of medium size.

Then I pour oil into the bowl of the multicooker (I prefer vegetable oil in this case, but cream is also suitable) and immediately put the fillet pieces into it.

After a little thought, I cut the carrots into strips (you can also grate it) and add it to the bowl.

I also add a couple of bay leaves. At this point, I could put chicken spices, onions, salt and pepper and / or pour sour cream over it (as you like), but I decide to do it next time. Now the main thing for me is the emphasis on the taste of the two main components. I close the lid, choose “frying” for half an hour (this is because it is in this mode that my multicooker slowly “swings”. You can set it for 20 minutes or even less), and I go to do other things.

While the chicken is roasting, I wash the buckwheat in cold water.

The chicken will be ready soon. You can add cereal to it.

Pour in water (I prefer to pour boiling water, but this is a matter of taste) and continue to simmer the dish for some more time. I set the “extinguishing” mode (it turns off by itself, and this is more than fine with me). Some multicookers are equipped with a special “buckwheat” button. If you have one, use it of course.

When, after 15 minutes, my porridge was completely ready, I remembered that this symphony of taste was missing one single note: a finely chopped clove of garlic. I don’t know about you, but for me, porridge with chicken and garlic, and with fresh tomatoes, replaces an excellent full dinner.

My first experience of porridge from childhood was a success. True, grandmother's porridge with chicken is very special, you can't argue with that.

Number of servings - 2,

cooking time - 45 minutes + 5 minutes food preparation.

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porridge from an ax))) tasty and satisfying, and in a multi-cuisine really quickly

I cooked porridge twice according to your recipe, it turned out great!

Merchant buckwheat with chicken in a slow cooker turns out crumbly, fragrant and very tasty without any effort. You can use any part of the chicken carcass, not necessarily a clean fillet, drumsticks, wings, legs, etc. will do. Before adding cereals, the meat must be fried together with vegetables and tomato paste - then it will be covered with a light golden brown and retain the juice. I like to cook cereals in a slow cooker - they do not turn into "porridge", the dish does not stick to the bottom, and the porridge is saturated with vegetable and meat flavors.

I recommend frying the grits for a short amount of time along with vegetables and meat before adding boiling water so that it acquires a light fried flavor. You can safely replace tomato paste with tomato juice or chopped fresh tomatoes, pre-washed, scalded in boiling water and peeled.

So let's get everything ready. necessary ingredients for cooking merchant buckwheat with chicken in a slow cooker and start cooking!

Rinse the chicken meat in water, cut off the films. Cut into medium cubes. Turn on the multicooker, pour into the bowl vegetable oil and activate the "Frying" mode for 10 minutes. Put the cuttings in the bowl chicken meat and fry for about 5-6 minutes, salt, pepper and add bay leaves.

At this time, peel the vegetables, rinse and cut into small cubes. Add to the bowl along with the tomato paste, fry for about 2-3 minutes.

Pour the washed buckwheat and fry again for about 1-2 minutes.

Pour in boiling water, activate the “Porridge” or “Cooking” mode on the equipment display for 20 minutes and close the multicooker lid. Now you can do other things for 20 minutes - the technique will do everything for you!

As soon as the multicooker beeps, the merchant's buckwheat with chicken will be ready! The groats are not boiled, grain to grain. Remove the bay leaves - they start to taste bitter after cooking.

Buckwheat with chicken meat is a great combination for a nutritious healthy lunch. It will be possible to make such a dish very quickly and simply, especially if buckwheat with chicken is cooked in a slow cooker.

A treat according to this recipe will turn out not only tasty, but also economical. It will include: 370 g of cereals and the same amount of chicken meat, 2 pcs. carrots and onions, a couple of cloves of garlic, salt, aromatic herbs.

  1. First, chicken pieces are cooked in a miracle - a saucepan in hot oil in the "Frying" program. They must be covered light appetizing crust.
  2. The more vegetables you use, the juicier the dish will be. You can increase the onions and carrots to 3-4 pieces.
  3. Prepared chopped vegetables are sent to the meat. Together, the products are stewed in the "Pilaf" program for 12-15 minutes.
  4. Buckwheat is well washed and placed in a bowl with the rest of the ingredients. Salt the mass, pepper.
  5. Pour in water to cover all the ingredients.
  6. Under a closed lid, the dish is stewed in the same mode for another half an hour.

Chopped garlic is added to the treat about 5 minutes before cooking.

With the addition of mushrooms

It is delicious to cook buckwheat with chicken and with the addition of any mushrooms. If you want to save yourself from lengthy preliminary preparation of products, it is better to take fresh champignons (250 g), and, in addition to them: 280 g of buckwheat, salt, half a liter of any broth, onion, 280 g of chicken fillet, a mixture of peppers to taste.

  1. Mushrooms are washed, peeled and thinly cut with a sharp knife. They cook for 3-4 minutes on any fat in the "Frying" program.
  2. Onion cubes are poured over the mushrooms, and cooking continues for another couple of minutes.
  3. After adding slices of meat, the ingredients need to be fried for another 10-12 minutes.
  4. It remains to thoroughly rinse the buckwheat and pour it into the bowl.
  5. The components are poured with broth, salted and peppered.
  6. The treat will be cooked in the "Cereals / Rice" mode until the end of the program.

Before serving, the dish is decorated with chopped herbs.

Merchant-style buckwheat with chicken

This type of treat was popular even in wealthy manor houses in past centuries. It was served to dear guests and to festive table. The dish contains following products: 1 tbsp. cereals, 2 tbsp. hot drinking water, 420 g chicken fillet, large carrots, 4-5 garlic cloves, salt, 2 large spoons of ketchup, 40 g butter, any dry seasonings.

  1. Small pieces of fillet are fried until golden in the "Baking" program.
  2. Next, chopped vegetables are added to the meat. The carrot is rubbed on a grater, the onion is cut into cubes, and the garlic is passed through a press.
  3. Together, the components are fried for 3-4 minutes.
  4. Washed buckwheat, salt, seasonings are poured into the capacity of the multicooker.
  5. It remains to fill the components with water with ketchup diluted in it.
  6. In the “Pilaf” mode, merchant buckwheat with chicken will be stewed until the end of the program.

Served with assorted pickled vegetables.

With vegetables

Of vegetables with buckwheat, carrots, onions and sweet bell peppers are best combined. All these components are taken in 1 piece. Will also be used: 1.5 tbsp. cereals, 3 large spoons of plain tomato paste or a large juicy tomato, 310 g chicken fillet, salt, a pinch of Italian herbs and granulated garlic.

  1. In the well-heated fat in the "Baking" program, all vegetables are fried in turn. First - chopped onions, then - grated carrots and bell pepper sticks.
  2. When the vegetables are ready, the chicken fillet, cut into large pieces, is sent to them. Together, the ingredients are cooked in the same program for another 5-6 minutes.
  3. It remains to add salt, spices, tomato paste or grated tomato without skin to the container.
  4. Components are poured 2.5 tbsp. hot water.
  5. In the "Extinguishing" mode, the treat will be cooked for 40-45 minutes.

Delicious served with a salad of seasonal vegetables.

With tomato sauce in a slow cooker

If you cook the dish under discussion with fragrant gravy, then it will turn out to be especially tender and tasty. The sauce is best made from vegetables and tomato juice(1 st.). Also taken: sweet red pepper, carrot, salt, onion, 1 chicken fillet and 230 g of buckwheat.

  1. First of all, it is carefully sorted out buckwheat and washed with running water, after which it is laid out in a multicooker bowl.
  2. Small slices of meat fillet are sent on top of buckwheat.
  3. The ingredients are poured with water in proportions of 1: 2.5 and salted to taste.
  4. In the Groats program, the treat languishes under a closed lid for 40 minutes.
  5. For gravy, all vegetables and half of the tomato juice are turned into a smooth puree using a special blender attachment.
  6. Next, the sauce is diluted with the remaining juice.
  7. When almost all the moisture has evaporated from the porridge, it needs to be poured with the resulting gravy for a couple of minutes.

The dish is served hot with homemade bread.

Dietary buckwheat with chicken

Buckwheat porridge with meat can also be made dietary low calorie meal. In this case, it will be prepared from: chicken breast, 1 multi-glass of cereal and 2.5 multi-glasses of water, salt, 70 ml of soy sauce.

  1. The washed buckwheat is immediately laid out in the container of the device, filled with water and salted.
  2. The meat is cut into pieces, poured with sauce and left to marinate for 10-12 minutes.
  3. Next, a special stand for steaming is installed on top of the buckwheat in the multicooker, pieces of meat are placed on it.
  4. The dish will languish in the "Steam Cooking" program for 45 minutes.

A treat is served without additional sauces.

Secrets of cooking in a slow cooker: Polaris, Redmond

Any slow cooker, regardless of model, is suitable for making buckwheat porridge. You just need to be able to choose the right mode for different stages of the process. For example, most devices from Redmond and Polaris have programs for both "Frying" and "Baking". These modes are suitable for roasting meat and vegetables.

For the next stage, the Polaris multicookers are perfect for the “Groats” or “Steaming” program. You can also use the "Extinguishing" mode.

For Redmond multicookers, the “Pilaf” and “Rice / Cereals” programs are well suited for buckwheat porridge. Most of them also have a "Extinguishing" mode.

Time: 80 min.

Servings: 6-8

Difficulty: 3 out of 5

Recipe for buckwheat with chicken in a slow cooker Redmond

Buckwheat is very popular these days, as you can cook such cereals both sweet in the form of porridge and as a side dish. Probably many people know beneficial features buckwheat, which make cereals common, thanks to their unique composition.

And this is not surprising, because such a dish is really saturated with a mass of active substances and trace elements that are necessary for the body and the immune system.

Thanks to the Redmond multicooker, cooking buckwheat with chicken is a pleasure - at the same time, you will get cereals not only as a side dish, but also as the main ingredient.

It turns out crumbly, appetizing and incredibly tasty. It is important to note that meat juice and vegetables do not allow cereals to be dry, which means that you will get full meal, which taste will not be inferior to cooking on the stove or in the oven.

The slow cooker will evenly boil buckwheat and make it soft and nutritious, while vegetables, tomato paste and meat will give it a special taste and aroma.

It is worth noting that such a recipe is very popular these days, because porridge with meat is traditionally served for many holiday dinners - buckwheat with chicken is no exception.

If this dish is made strictly according to the recipe, observing all the proportions of the products, you can cook an excellent meat porridge, which you will not be ashamed to serve as a hot treat to guests.

It is especially good to cook this dish in the Redmond slow cooker for children, because a balanced porridge with meat is what a growing body needs for lunch or dinner.

Thanks to the rich composition of cereals, buckwheat with meat will give the body the vigor and strength that children need so much throughout the day.

It is worth noting that buckwheat in this recipe can be easily replaced with rice - then you will get a fragrant and crumbly pilaf.

Spices and seasonings play an important role in the preparation of meat porridge, so their choice should not be taken lightly.

Vegetables also do not need to be excluded from the dish, because they give the cereal softness and juiciness. Buckwheat with chicken, made in a slow cooker, will turn out even tastier if you add fresh herbs to it.

As mentioned earlier, buckwheat with chicken, which will be cooked in the Redmond slow cooker, does not require a large amount of food, which means that it will be cooked not only quickly, but also inexpensively.

Required Ingredients


Optionally, you can add Italian herbs to the recipe and tomato paste. If you like vegetables, cabbage and bell pepper, which will perfectly saturate the cereal with their juice and make the dish more satisfying and balanced.

Step 1

Defrost the chicken and cut it into small pieces. If desired, you can cook the dish along with the bones, which give the buckwheat extra fat.

Then we put the pieces of meat in a slow cooker, pour in the oil and set the “Frying” mode. It is not necessary to stir the chicken that is fried in the Redmond slow cooker. It is recommended to fry the meat for 10 minutes.

Step 2

We clean the onion, garlic and carrots, then chop. Carrots can be cut into cubes or grated. Garlic can be minced with a garlic press.

Step 3

Add vegetables to the chicken, mix the mass and fry it for 15 minutes in the previously selected mode. It is worth noting that nothing will burn in the slow cooker, so you can not rush to stir the fry.

Step 4

Buckwheat is thoroughly washed and cleaned of small debris. Then spread it to the vegetables, salt and pepper, then pour 2 cups of water. If you want the dish to turn out crumbly, you need to take less liquid.

This recipe should be prepared in a slow cooker on the “Stew” program for 1 hour. After 20 minutes of cooking, you need to open the lid of the multicooker and check the amount of water - if there is little liquid left, add it, and also add food slightly so that they do not turn out fresh.

Important: if you decide to add tomato paste to the dish, less salt and seasonings should be added.

As soon as buckwheat with chicken is cooked, it can be sprinkled with herbs and served. As you can see, making such a dish on your own is quite easy and simple.

Meat porridge is served hot to the table, preferably immediately after cooking, so that the cereal does not lose its juiciness and aroma. You can serve fresh greens, ketchup or adjika, as well as brown bread with the dish.

We invite you to cook delicious buckwheat porridge With chicken fillet and carrots. Cooking in a slow cooker - pressure cooker will not give you any trouble. Your lunch will be hearty and nutritious 🙂

For cooking we need:


  • Buckwheat -2 multi glasses
  • Chicken fillet - 500 g
  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Dill, garlic - 2 cloves, bay leaf
  • Vegetable oil for frying
  • Butter -30 - 40 gr
  • Salt (or chicken Maggi seasoning) to taste
  • Water - 4 multi glasses

Onion lovers add onion instead of garlic.


Sort the buckwheat, wash it. Rinse the chicken fillet, cut into cubes. Peel the carrots, grate on a coarse grater. Chop greens and garlic.

Pour vegetable oil into the bowl of the multicooker, put the chicken fillet. Select the FRY mode and fry the fillet for 10 minutes, remembering to stir.

Then add chopped garlic and carrots to the meat, continue to fry for another 10 minutes.

Mix and fill with water. Add bay leaf, which will give the porridge a special flavor.

Close the multicooker lid and the steam release valve. Select RICE/CEREALS mode. Cooking time is longer (16 minutes). Cook until the end of the regime. At the end of cooking, the RICE/CEREALS mode will switch to the HEAT mode. Leave the finished dish to languish on heating for another 20-30 minutes, the porridge will be more crumbly.

If you are limited by time and are very hungry, or the aroma ready meal makes you want to eat immediately delicious porridge, then feel free to turn off the heating mode, carefully open the steam pressure valve, lay out the dish on plates and enjoy your meal 🙂

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