Home Nutrition Delicious fish for frying recipe. Prepare directly for frying. Fried flounder in flour and egg

Delicious fish for frying recipe. Prepare directly for frying. Fried flounder in flour and egg

Hello friends! Who doesn't love fried fish? Yes, the one who does not know how to cook it. Read how to properly fry fish in a pan. I have selected some delicious and healthy recipes for you.

River breeds are ideal for frying - crucian carp, river trout, pike, perch, river tilapia, catfish or carp. From the meat of marine species, red fish, flounder, pollock, hake, tilapia, cod, blue whiting are perfect. sea ​​views are less bony, although among the river there are not so bony. For example, tilapia or catfish. In fact, almost any fish can be fried if you know some secrets.

We clean and salt

In the store, the fish is sold with the head or ready-made in the form of a fillet. I like to buy with my head. So it is more likely to determine what freshness. To begin with, the product must be thoroughly washed and cleaned.

  1. If the fish is whole, then cut off the head, cut along the abdomen, gutted. For convenience, you can help yourself with a tablespoon. How to scrape off the offal, especially the dark film. Take special care to remove the gallbladder. Do not damage it, otherwise the taste of the fish will be bitter.
  2. Cut the fins with kitchen scissors.
  3. We remove the scales with a well-sharpened knife. We start cleaning from the tail.
  4. It happens that the surface is covered with a layer of mucus. And no matter how you wash it, it remains. Just rub the carcass with salt and wash again.
  5. You can leave the head in the broth and cook a delicious ear.
  6. If you are making a fillet, then cut the carcass into pieces about 3 cm. This is easier to do if the fish is slightly frozen. So the pieces will turn out even and will not move away from the bone. Sprinkle these pieces with salt. But not too hard. The golden rule is to under-salt. Salted and left for 10-20 minutes, so that the future dish was soaked. For fresh fish, 10 minutes is enough
  7. If the fish is small, it is better to cook it whole. Fins and tail can be left uncut. When fried, they will turn out like chips. Make cross cuts on both sides. Salt the dish, let it brew for 20 minutes. Next, you can put spicy herbs in the abdomen - dill, cilantro.

And now I’ll tell you a secret: it’s easy to get rid of the strong smell of mud (this is typical of river rocks). To do this, soak the pieces in a solution of milk, salt and ground black pepper. Proportions: ¼ cup of milk, half a teaspoon of salt, put a little pepper. This solution should almost cover all the pieces. After 20 minutes, take out the pieces or put them in a colander. It is not necessary to rinse, let the milk drain, or blot the pieces with a napkin. You don't need to salt anymore. Let everyone finish it later, if it seems a little.

Prepare directly for frying

As a breading for fillets or small pieces, any of the following breadings is perfect:

  • Roll in flour. This is the easiest way to breading. Pour flour into a plate, you can add spices and dried herbs for taste. And then roll the pieces of fish. In order not to stain the whole kitchen with flour, resourceful hostesses put the flour into a bag and send the pieces there. It is enough to shake the bag and the fish is already breaded. And the kitchen will remain clean 🙂
  • Breadcrumbs are good. They need to be crushed to a floury state. And here you can add a variety of fillers: cheese, herbs, nuts. The fillet needs to be salted, peppered, and then rolled in breadcrumbs.

  • To prevent the juice from the fish from flowing out, batter is perfect. It's cooked in a different way. The easiest is to take 2 eggs, flour and greens. Take any flour - oatmeal, rice or wheat. Crack 2 eggs in a bowl, mix with a fork. After small portions introduce flour. Should be something like thick sour cream. Add some salt, pepper, ground saffron. And roll the pieces in batter. So the meat will be “sealed” and the juice will not leak out when frying.
  • Another option is to mix 1 egg with 2 tablespoons of milk. First roll the fish in such an egg mixture, and then roll in flour.

fry fish

Now that we have cut and selected the breading, we proceed to frying.

  1. The pan should be hot enough.
  2. Add a simple refined oil. There should be enough of it so that the fish is half immersed in it. Don't worry, it's not much. The dish is not particularly absorbent. But this is the secret to the appearance of an appetizing crust.
  3. Send breaded breaded pieces to a hot surface. The fish is placed in well-heated oil. So the breading will “seal” better.
  4. If you want to achieve a crispy crust, do not close the lid.
  5. The first 5-7 minutes do not turn the fish over. And then the juice will flow out, and the crust will not work. Until a golden crust forms on the bottom, do not turn the piece over.
  6. After gently lift the fish with a wooden spatula. If browned, feel free to turn over. On the other side, fry for 3-5 minutes.
  7. This dish cooks very quickly. Check readiness like this: pierce a piece with a knife. Is the meat soft and easy to move away from the bones? Everything is ready. How much to fry fish in a pan can be determined empirically. Usually it is from 3 to 10 minutes on each side.

If after frying it still seemed to you that the pieces turned out to be too greasy, send the finished pieces to parchment or paper napkin. I always do this when I fry pancakes or cheesecakes 🙂

Fried fish recipes

Fried flounder in flour and egg

There are several basic rules on how to properly fry flounder in a pan. For a medium-sized flounder, we take: 2 eggs, half a tsp. salt, juice of half a lemon, black pepper (2-3 turns of the mill), 100 g flour.

Trim the tail and fins with scissors, clean the scales and gut. When gutting fish, do not damage the gallbladder. Otherwise, the meat will be bitter. Make 5-6 cuts diagonally across the carcass on both sides. Squeeze half a lemon over the flounder, lemon juice removes odor. Dipping the carcass in the stirred eggs, roll in the flour. Season with salt and pepper and place in the skillet.

Put the flounder in a heated dish, always with the dark side and the white belly up. Fry over medium heat for 7 minutes. Flip over and another 5 minutes. So the finished dish will better retain its shape and not fall apart during the frying process. To understand how much to fry flounder in a pan, the resulting golden crust will help you.

Another recipe for fried flounder from Sergey Malakhovskiy:

Carp fried in breadcrumbs with onion and egg

Any fisherman will tell you how to properly fry crucian carp in a pan. In this recipe, we will do without flour. For 5 medium fish, take: 3 medium onions, half a glass of ground breadcrumbs, 3 eggs, sunflower oil for frying, 10 gr of salt.

Prepare carp for frying, gutting, removing gills, cut the backs with a fine mesh, rinse, wipe dry with a paper towel. Rub the salt in evenly, letting it soak in for 5 minutes. Finely chop the onion. Fry it in sunflower oil and leave to cool in a pan, turning off the heat. mix well raw eggs with fried onions. Heat a dry skillet over high heat. Dip the fish in the onion and egg mixture, then roll in the breadcrumbs. Fry the carp on both sides. How much to fry crucian carp in a pan will tell the ruddy color of the dish.

Video recipe for fried carp in sour cream

Pollock fried in batter

Sea fish slightly different in preparation from the river. This is related to physiological characteristics. If you take them into account, it becomes clear how to properly fry pollock in a pan. Sea fish, such as pollock or hake, takes a little longer to cook than river fish, and has a tougher skin.

Ingredients: 700 gr pollock fillet, 2 eggs, 150 gr flour, 150 gr milk, saffron 1 tsp, olive oil; salt and pepper to taste.

Pour the flour into a deep bowl, add salt (half tsp), pepper and 1 tsp to it. saffron. He attaches ready meal great look and scent. Mixing everything thoroughly, gradually add milk and then eggs. Such a liquid batter is better suited for a pan. Transfer the fillet to the batter. Put pieces of pollock in hot oil, which should be at least 1 cm in the pan. How much to fry pollock in the pan can be determined by the hardened and whitened fillet. On average, 7-8 minutes on one side, if the pieces of fish are large. For small ones, it turns out less, only 5 minutes. At this time, the batter will turn into a golden crust.

Another version of fried pollock in the video:

Fish is best cooked on a grill pan. On the surface of such a pan there are special recesses. This keeps the juice inside. Plus - in this dish you need much less oil when cooking. Therefore, the food will be more useful. Read more in the article "

Dry the fish pieces with a paper towel to prevent splattering of oil while frying.

If the scales are difficult to separate, you can lower the fish for a moment in boiling water - the cleaning process will go much faster.

Any ordinary fish in a small amount of oil can be cooked using breadcrumbs in breadcrumbs or flour. After frying, it must be put on a napkin to remove excess fat. In order for the hot oil not to splatter, you need to salt the pan a little, and then lay out the fish.

Here is the recipe for fried fish:



Crucian - 0.5 kg
Cornmeal - 50 g
Salt - 0.5 tsp
Vegetable oil - 50 ml

  • Cooking time: 25 min
  • Fried fish
  • For 2 people
  • 200 kcal per 100 g


It is impossible not to love juicy and fried crucian carp, which was just served to you from a hot frying pan, especially if it is breaded with cornmeal! cook it a fish dish at home it will not be difficult, because crucians are very easy to clean, fry and eat just as quickly!

It is advisable to immediately fry crucian carp with an additive, since this fish looks like seeds - it is impossible to eat it!

To prepare fried carp, prepare necessary products: Purchase or catch live fish, making sure it is fresh.

Clean the carp from the scales and open their belly. Take out the insides very carefully, since there is a bag of bile near the head - it is important not to damage it so that bitterness does not spill out.

Remove the black film from the inside of the abdomen, it is extremely bitter when tasting, and it is better to get rid of it immediately.

Rinse the fish several times in water and cut its surface diagonally without cutting all the way through. Thus, the inside of the fish will be fried and steamed.

Rub the crucian carp with salt both inside and out.

Bread in cornmeal, for lack of which you can use ordinary wheat flour.

Fry crucian carp in vegetable oil until golden brown on both sides.

Serve hot. Fried crucians are insanely delicious, but it is advisable to eat them with bread so that you can get enough faster.

Good appetite!


  • Carp in sour cream in the oven
  • Carp baked in foil
  • Carp in sour cream

Here is another recipe for fried fish:

How to cook fish in a special dough

Many people like to cook fish in dough: it turns out very appetizing, tasty and satisfying. Even children, who do not always like fish, will eat with pleasure in the dough. Such fish turns out to be more tender and juicy than just fried in oil.

You need to have:

For the test you will need:

  • 2/3 cup wheat flour
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil,
  • greenery,
  • 1 fresh cucumber
  • 1 red tomato,
  • 2 chicken eggs,
  • milk,
  • salt.

Dough preparation method

  • Sift flour into a small bowl and mix with salt. We take the eggs, wash them well and break them, separating the whites from the yolks. In a small bowl, beat egg whites until white foam. Add the egg yolks to the flour and dilute with milk. Mix everything well until a homogeneous mass, so that no lumps are obtained. Pour in vegetable oil, mix and leave for 25-30 minutes. Before we start frying, we add proteins to the dough and mix.
  • Preliminary preparation:
  • We take the fish, clean it, take out the insides, if necessary, remove the bones, wash, blot with a napkin, dry, salt a little.
  • We take a deep frying pan, pour vegetable oil, heat it up and then dip the prepared fish into the dough and fry first on one side, then on the other. In this way, you can fry cod, pollock, hake. It turns out unusually tasty when we fry carp belly using this method.
  • Put the finished fish on beautiful dish, decorate with herbs and fresh vegetables. If desired, fish can be served with boiled potatoes with herbs, boiled rice seasoned with butter, and your favorite sauce.

A few more tips (repetition is the mother of learning):

How to fry fish in a pan

If you do not know the basic rules for frying fish, this product can be easily spoiled. All river varieties and some sea varieties are suitable for cooking in a pan: hake, pollock, tilapia, flounder, blue whiting, cod and red fish.

Before frying fish, you need to choose the right pan, breading and oil. The pan should be large, with a thick bottom and a quality coating. But tasty dish Can be cooked in regular cast iron cookware.

It is better to fry this product in vegetable or olive oil, and for juiciness, add a few pieces of butter a few minutes before being ready.

What breading to choose for fish?

The easiest option is to roll pieces of fish in flour. Dried herbs and various spices are also added to the flour plate. Breadcrumbs can also be used as a breading. They are crushed, spices, herbs and cheese are added to taste. The fish is peppered and salted, and then rolled in breadcrumbs.

The batter is prepared for low-fat fillets, cod, pelengas, pike perch, pollock and hake. But this method is not suitable for red fish. To prepare the batter, you will need 2 eggs, 4 tbsp. flour, salt and spices to taste (for example, ground saffron and pepper).

In a deep bowl, you need to break the eggs and beat well, add spices and salt, and then gently pour in the flour. If desired, you can add a few tablespoons of sour cream to the mixture. There should be no lumps in the batter; in terms of consistency, it resembles thick sour cream.

How to fry fish in a pan?

First you need to heat the pan well, pour in the sunflower oil and wait for it to sizzle. Lay out the pieces of meat or fillet and fry on one side for at least 5 minutes to get golden brown.

It is important to remember that you can not cover the pan with a lid. When a crust appears, the fish must be turned over and fried on the other side for 3-5 minutes, putting small pieces of butter on it. Ready meat moves away from the bones well.

Fish can be fried without oil, but first, salt is calcined in a heated frying pan, then it is poured out and pieces or fillets of meat are placed.

I invite everyone to speak in

Fish is one of the main and indispensable foodstuffs of man. Fish has been fried and baked since ancient times, but despite the extreme simplicity of cooking fish in a pan, you should still know a few simple rules on how to fry fish so that it turns out delicious, juicy and crispy. I tell you how delicious fried fish is prepared in a pan.


(4 servings)

  • According to this recipe, you can fry any fish, silver carp, hake, hake, salmon, etc., and it’s suitable as fish fillet, and steaks - fish slices cut across. I have hake in the photo, it's pretty big fish, so it is convenient to cut and fry in slices. If your plans include frying a whole fish, then the main points of this recipe will also be very useful.
  • We clean the fish, gut it, and then wash it under running water. cold water. We remove the black films that give the fish bitterness.
  • We salt the fish on one side and the other. You can sprinkle with ground spices for fish.
  • Dip each piece of fish in flour. What is it for? Firstly, the fish does not stick to the pan (this is in case the pan is ordinary, without a special coating). Secondly, thanks to a thin layer of flour, the fish is obtained with a crispy crust.
  • We take a clean frying pan, it should not contain any old fat or food residues from previous frying.
  • Pour vegetable oil into the pan.
  • A separate question is what kind of fat is better to use for frying fish. Sometimes you can find tips like if you mix sunflower and olive oil, or add butter, margarine, etc., then the fish will have a divine taste. Dietitians and many culinary specialists do not recommend doing this. Different fats have different boiling points, so mixed fats form carcinogens faster, and such fats are more absorbed into foods.
  • In addition, olive oil has a specific taste, and if you or your family are not used to this taste, then even a well-fried fish may seem strange. Therefore, I recommend using ordinary vegetable oil, it is important that it is fresh (fresh from the bottle) and without bitterness. Pour a little so that the oil covers the bottom of the pan.
  • Heat up a frying pan with oil. The oil should sizzle when it gets wet or a drop of water.
  • Put the pieces of fish on a well-heated pan at a small distance from each other. No need to strive to dump all the available fish into the pan, it is better to fry in several stages.
  • We fry the fish over a fairly high heat so that a golden crust forms on its surface faster. This is an important point, because thanks to the fried crust, the fish juice does not flow out, and the fish ends up juicy.
  • If you suddenly see that the fish begins to “release” the juice into the pan, we urgently increase the fire. And the second extreme, if the fire is too strong, the fish will burn, so we carefully monitor the frying process.
  • Fry the fish on one side for 2-3 minutes. The time depends on the thickness of the piece. For a thin fillet, one and a half to two minutes is enough, for a thick steak, 3-4 minutes.
  • When one side is browned, turn the fish over to the other barrel. The second side cooks faster than the first. Do not forget this, otherwise there is a risk of overdrying the fish.
  • Put the fried pieces of fish on napkins or paper towels to absorb excess fat. One minute is enough for this procedure.
  • Serve hot fish fried in a pan, the best side dish is

Fish fried with green butter (No. 526)

Prepare a semi-finished product in the form of a bow or in the form of a figure eight. In the first case, cut the fillet into portions in the form of a rhombus, one per serving, make a cut in the middle along the piece and, inserting one end into it, unscrew the semi-finished product in the form of a bow, sprinkle with salt, pepper, breaded in flour, moisten in a lezon and breaded in white breading.

To obtain a semi-finished product in the form of a figure-eight, cut the fillet into strips 0.8-1 cm thick and 4-5 cm wide (the length of the pieces depends on the mass of servings), breaded in double breading, rolled up in a spiral in the form of a figure-eight, and then chopped with a skewer.

Fry the semi-finished product in deep fat and bring to readiness in the oven.

Cut raw potatoes into cubes, rinse, dry with a cloth, fry in the main way and salt.

cook hot tomato sauce(in one dish for two dishes). Dilute white flour sauté with slightly chilled broth made from fish waste, bring to a boil and boil for 25-30 minutes. Spasser the roots, onion and tomato puree, add to the sauce and cook until the vegetables soften. Strain the sauce, rub, bring to a boil, season to taste with salt, sugar, creamy margarine.

Prepare green butter. To do this, soften the butter, add lemon juice and finely chopped parsley or dill, mix well, mold into a cylinder or rectangle and cool.

On a warmed oval dish or small plate on the side, put fried potatoes, nearby, slightly covering the side dish, is a piece of fried fish. Garnish the fish with lemon and herbs. Separately, in a gravy boat, serve tomato sauce. Pour the melted butter over the fish served on a plate, and put a piece of green butter on the fish served on a platter.

Fish prepared in this way is a type of fried fish and is called colbert fish, or fish fried with green butter.

Pike perch 192/92, wheat flour 6, eggs 1/2 pc., crackers 15, fat 10. Green oil (No. 879): butter 8.5, parsley 2, lemon 0.8 g Garnish (No. 761): potatoes 290/217, fat 15. Sauce (No. 857): fish broth 53, margarine 4.5, wheat flour 3, carrots 5/4, onion 3/2, parsley (root) 2, tomato puree 26, sugar 1. Yield 335.

quality requirements. The taste of fish is moderately salty. The fish is well fried, the color of the crust is golden. Potatoes are soft and crispy. The sauce is slightly sour, fragrant, homogeneous. Dark pink color with glitter.

Fried fish in dough (No. 530)

Cut fillet without skin and bones into cubes 1-1.5 cm thick, 5-6 cm long, put in non-oxidizing dishes, sprinkle with lemon juice or citric acid solution, pour with vegetable oil, sprinkle with parsley, salt and refrigerate for 30 minutes for pickling.

Prepare batter dough. Separate whites from yolks. Grind egg yolks with salt, sugar, dilute with milk, add sifted flour, mix well and pour in vegetable oil. Beat the egg whites until fluffy and add to the dough in 2-3 doses. Using a chef's needle, dip the fish sticks into the dough and immediately put in hot fat (170 ° C). Fry until a golden uniform crust is formed. Remove the fried pieces with a slotted spoon on a sieve, let the fat drain.

Before leaving the fish, put it in the oven for 3-5 minutes. Prepare French fries: wash the most beautiful sprigs of parsley or celery, dry, deep-fry, remove with a slotted spoon on a sieve and let the fat drain.

Prepare mayonnaise sauce with gherkins (tartare). Finely chop the gherkins or peeled pickles and, after squeezing the brine, add to the finished mayonnaise. Season mayonnaise sauce with Southern sauce and stir.

Put a folded linen or paper napkin on an oval dish, and place pieces of fish on it in the form of a well or Christmas tree. Place lemon slices on the sides, and put French fries on or to the side of the fish. To keep the lemon slices stable, you need to cut the skin at one end and tuck it inward. Serve mayonnaise sauce with herbs or gherkins or hot tomato sauce in a gravy boat.

Pike perch 140/67, citric acid 0.2, vegetable oil 4, parsley 3/2, wheat flour 30, milk 30, eggs 3/4 pcs., fat 15. Sauce (No. 887): mayonnaise 37, pickled cucumbers 23, Southern sauce 2. Yield 200.

quality requirements. The taste of the fish is delicate. Pieces of fish are evenly fried, the color is golden. The sauce is spicy and fragrant, the cucumbers are evenly chopped. French fries - dark green with a sheen, crispy.

Fish body (No. 545)

Pass the fillet without skin and bones twice through a meat grinder, combine with white bread soaked in milk (without crusts), add salt, ground pepper, mix well, pass through a meat grinder again, add milk and beat the mass well.

Put the mass in the form of a cake on a wet cloth, put the minced meat in the middle and fold the cake in half, holding the edges of the fabric with your hands, give the product a crescent shape. Release the body from the fabric, dip in the egg and bread in white breading.

For minced meat, sauté finely chopped onions, add boiled porcini mushrooms or champignons and fry with onions. Then mix with ground breadcrumbs, boiled eggs, salt and pepper.

Fry the molded products in deep fat until golden brown and bring to readiness in the oven.

Heat canned green peas, season with butter.

Deep-fried potatoes in cubes. Prepare hot sauce.

On a heated oval dish, beautifully lay the body two pieces per serving, place green peas and potatoes in the concave side of the products, decorate with herbs. Drizzle the body with margarine. Serve the sauce separately in a gravy boat. When serving on a plate, pour the sauce on the side of the body.

Pike perch 135/65 or cod 89/65, milk 25. For minced meat: onion 26/22, fat 4, fresh mushrooms 18/14, eggs 1/6 pcs., crackers 1.5 fat 12, eggs 1 1/6 pieces, crackers 6. Garnish (No. 789): potatoes 97/72, fat 5, green peas 74/48, margarine 2. Sauce (No. 857): fish broth 53, margarine 4.5, wheat flour 3, carrots 5 /4, onion 3/2, parsley (root) 2, tomato puree 26, sugar 1, margarine 5. Yield 300.

quality requirements. Taste - inherent in this type of fish, with a characteristic flavor and aroma fried mushrooms and bow. The color is uniform golden. The consistency is soft, the crust is crispy, the shape of the products is well preserved. The sauce is slightly sour, uniform, dark pink with a sheen.

Sequence of operations. Cut the fish and cut the semi-finished products (first cut into portions, then the sticks, and prepare the cabin from the remaining fish), put the broth from the fish waste to cook, put the fish to marinate; process vegetables, spasser-vat roots, onions and tomato puree for tomato sauce; prepare a mass for the body; prepare tomato sauce; prepare minced meat for the body, prepare white breading, batter dough, prepare potatoes for frying; prepare a semi-finished product, body, fry potatoes; cook green butter, prepare mayonnaise sauce with gherkins, cook onion fries; fry all the semi-finished products and bring to readiness in the oven, heat the green peas; prepare dishes for the release of products.


1. Make flow charts for boiled lamb with vegetables (airishtu), kidneys in Russian, liver stewed in sour cream.

2. Write out the requirement-consignment note.

3. Answer self-test questions.

Questions for self-examination

1. Name the ways of cutting fish for frying in the main way and deep-fried and methods for preparing semi-finished products.

2. Tell the rules for frying fish in the main way and in deep fat.

3. Name the processes that occur when frying fish.

4. Pick up sauces and side dishes for fried fish.

5. What is the significance of bread and liquid introduced into the cutlet mass for the body?

6. How to prepare deep fat and determine the temperature of the fat?

7. Name the order in which you need to deep-fry such semi-finished products as colbert fish, fish in dough, veal, onion, potatoes and greens.

Meat dishes

All types of heat treatment are used to prepare meat dishes.

Boiled meat

Beef, pork, veal and lamb are used to prepare second courses from boiled meat. In addition, various offal, salted and smoked products - corned beef, smoked brisket and loin, ham, as well as sausages - sausages, sausages, sausages are served in boiled form.

In beef carcasses, it is advisable to use the brisket, the hem, the shoulder and sub-shoulder parts, the side and outer parts of the hind leg for cooking. Carcasses of small livestock - shoulder blade and brisket.

The meat is boiled in large pieces weighing from 1.5 to 2 kg, laying in hot water(1 - 1.5 liters of water per 1 kg of meat). Larger pieces are cooked unevenly. When the water boils, the heat is reduced and cooking is continued at a very low boil or no boil at a temperature of 85-90°C. Before boiling, cut the film along the ribs from the inside of the brisket; the pulp of the shoulder blade and hem is rolled up and tied with twine.

40 minutes before the end of cooking, put onions, parsley, celery, carrots, and 30 minutes before the end of cooking, salt the meat. The readiness of the meat is determined by the puncture of the chef's needle, which should freely enter the meat and just as freely exit, the juice flowing from the puncture should be transparent.

Ready meat (beef) is cut into portions across the fiber and released with boiled potatoes, a complex side dish of boiled and poached vegetables, mashed potatoes and sauces sour cream with horseradish or steam. Veal is released with stewed rice, mashed potatoes, vegetables in milk sauce and sauces steam or white with an egg. Served with pork stewed cabbage or mashed potatoes and red sauce with onions and mustard. Lamb is served with boiled potatoes and stewed rice, crumbly buckwheat porridge is poured over meat with broth.

Boiled meat until the holiday is stored in a small amount of broth at a temperature of 50-60 ° C in a container with a closed lid.

Of the by-products, tongues, brains, kidneys, and scars are most often boiled. The tongues are processed, washed, poured with hot water and boiled like meat for second courses. Ready tongues are transferred to cold water for 3-5 minutes and cleaned from the skin. Cut into portions of 2-3 pieces, pour the broth and bring to a boil. Slicing portioned pieces begin with a thin part of the tongue. Serve tongue with mashed potatoes or green peas and red sauces with wine or sour cream with horseradish.

The brains are soaked in cold water to exsanguinate and remove the film. Pour in acidified and salted cold water and boil with the addition of aromatic roots and onions for 20-25 minutes from the moment of boiling. They keep their brains in a decoction.

On vacation, the brains are portioned, boiled champignons or porcini mushrooms, cut into slices, are placed on top and poured with steam or white sauce with an egg.

Beef kidneys are cleaned from films and fat, cut lengthwise and soaked in cold water for 2-3 hours, then poured with cold water and brought to a boil, the broth is drained, then poured again with cold water and boiled for 1-1.5 hours at a low boil .

Ready kidneys are washed and used to prepare the dish “kidneys in Russian”.

The scars are soaked, scalded, cleaned, washed, placed in cold water (3 liters per 1 kg) and boiled for 4-5 hours. Roots, onions, spices are added 30 minutes before the end of cooking. Boiled tripes are used to prepare the dish “trips stewed in white or tomato sauce”.

Sausages or sausages are placed in boiling salted water (15 g of salt per 1 liter of water). For 1 kg of sausages or sausages take 2-3 liters of water. Remove the artificial casing from sausages. When the water boils again, the heating is weakened and the sausages are heated without boiling for 5 minutes, the sausages - 7-10 minutes. Sausages and wieners are served with mashed potatoes, stewed cabbage, crumbly buckwheat porridge, boiled pasta. You can serve red sauce with onion and mustard. specialty 6./restoran.htm - Site with books on... Observation on practical classes on discipline "Information technologies" Work in...

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  • Fish of all breeds is fried in the main way, in a large amount of fat (deep-fried) and on an open fire.

    Small fish are fried whole, sturgeon - in links and portioned pieces without skin, cut from scalded links without cartilage. Scaled and scaleless fish are cut into portions from fillets with skin and bones, from fillets with skin without bones, and for frying in fat - from fillets without skin and bones. Sometimes fish weighing up to 1.5 kg is fried in pieces cut from a non-plastered carcass (round fish). The skin on portioned pieces before breading is cut in two or three places so that the fish does not deform during frying.

    When frying in the main way, the fish is sprinkled with salt, pepper, breaded in flour, in red or white breading. Fat in a frying pan or baking sheet is heated to 150 ° C. Fry the fish first on one side and then on the other side. The fried fish is brought to readiness in the oven. When frying, the temperature inside the pieces rises to 75-85°C. The duration of frying is 10-20 minutes.

    Fried fish is most often served as a side dish with fried potatoes, mashed potatoes, crumbly cereals, less often stewed and boiled vegetables. Salted cucumbers and tomatoes serve as an additional side dish.

    Carp, tench, bream, perch and roach are served with buckwheat porridge. Decorate the dish with parsley or dill. Place a slice of lemon on top of the fish.

    Fried fish can be served natural or with sauce. When served without sauce, it is poured with oil or a piece of butter or green butter is placed on a piece of fish. You can also baste the fish with melted butter and lemon juice.

    Most scaly and scaleless fish are released most often with sauce - tomato, red, tomato with vegetables, tomato with extragon or mayonnaise; serve it separately.

    Carp, tench, perch, bream and roach are served with sour cream sauce, and salmon and sturgeon fish - with tomato sauce or mayonnaise with gherkins.

    Fish fried in Leningrad style. Portion pieces of cod, pike perch, catfish, flounder are fried and served in a portion pan; fried potatoes (in circles) are placed around the fish, and on top - french fries, cut into rings.

    Fish fried with lemon (minière). Melt the butter, add lemon juice or a solution of citric acid, parsley, salt, bring to a boil and pour over the fish fried in the main way. Garnished with fried potatoes.

    Fish fried in fat). Fish fried in a large amount of fat (deep-fried) is called "fish fries". Most often they use pike perch, navaga, sturgeon, halibut, cod, catfish.

    The fish is cut into fillets without skin and bones, cut into portions, breaded in flour, in lezon and white breading and fried in fat heated to 180-190 ° C; frying time 8-12 min. The fried fish is taken out, allowed to drain the fat and roasted in an oven for 5-7 minutes.

    Garnish - fried potatoes (boiled) or potatoes fried in fat (fries), parsley (fries) and a slice of lemon. Serve separately tomato sauces, mayonnaise or mayonnaise with gherkins, etc.

    Pike perch with green butter (colbert). The prepared semi-finished product in the form of a figure eight or a bow is deep-fried, brought to readiness in an oven for 5-7 minutes. Fried fish is garnished with french fries, a circle of green butter is placed on the fish, decorated with dill, a slice of lemon. Tomato sauces, tomato sauces with white wine or mayonnaise are served separately.

    Fish fried in dough (orly). After pickling, fish pieces are shaken off parsley, dipped in dough (battery) and deep-fried for 3-5 minutes. For dough (batter), egg yolks are ground with salt, diluted with milk, pour flour, knead well, adding vegetable oil. Well-beaten proteins are introduced into the dough immediately before frying. Fried fish is placed on a heated dish in the form of a pyramid, parsley greens (fries) and a slice of lemon are placed next to it. Mayonnaise sauce with gherkins or tomato sauce is served separately.

    Fish fried over an open fire (grilled fish). Pike perch, whitefish and other fish that are fried breaded are not marinated, but moistened in melted butter and breaded in white breading. Fresh herring, salmon, whitefish, nelma, white salmon are cut into portions and marinated, and then fried without breading.

    The fish is placed on a grate made of metal rods, heated over burning coals and rubbed with pork fat. Fish pieces are fried first on one side, and then on the other, while dark, strongly fried stripes are obtained on fish pieces. Garnish - fried or boiled potatoes. Non-breaded products are poured with melted butter, and breaded fish is served with mayonnaise sauce with gherkins or tomato sauce. A slice of lemon is placed on the pieces of fish or on the side.

    Currently, grilling devices are widely used, in which fish is fried using IR emitters on skewers or grills.

    Fish fried on a spit. Sturgeon is fried on a spit. To do this, it is cut into portions (without skin and cartilage), which are sprinkled with salt, pepper, strung on skewers and fried over burning coals or in grills. During frying, the fish is moistened with vegetable oil. Garnish fish with green or onion, lemon, sliced, fresh tomatoes(whole) and fried french fries. Onions are cut into rings, and green onions are cut into pieces 4-5 cm long.

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