Home A fish Salted salmon caviar. How to pickle pink salmon caviar at home

Salted salmon caviar. How to pickle pink salmon caviar at home

Pink salmon caviar is a rather expensive delicacy that has several cooking methods. In order for you to choose the right recipe, we suggest reading our article and finding out how to pickle pink salmon caviar at home.

Cooking steps

After acquiring a whole, uncut pink salmon for home salting, for many, the presence of caviar in the fish becomes a pleasant surprise. The salting process of the latter consists of several stages:

  • defrosting and extracting caviar from ovaries (film);
  • selection and preparation of salt marinade.

At the first stage, it is important not to damage the eggs. To do this, pour unpeeled caviar (500 g) with warm water (1 l) with the addition of salt (3 tablespoons) and leave for 1-2 hours.

After that, transfer to a colander and pour over with hot water. The film quickly rolls up and is easily removed, and the grains retain their integrity.

If you overexpose the caviar in hot water, the eggs will harden.

There are recipes for salting caviar in ovaries, but such salting may turn out to be uneven, and the film will still have to be removed before use, so it is more expedient to do this before salting.

Salting pink salmon caviar at home has several cooking technologies. Their main differences are the duration of storage of the finished product and the duration of the salting itself. Let's consider each of them in detail.

Wet salting

This recipe for salting pink salmon caviar, which includes a standard set of components: sugar, water, salt . To prepare 100 g of a sea delicacy, you need to boil 0.25 liters of water and dissolve 10 g of salt and a pinch of sugar (3-5 g) in it.

Cool the brine to 30-40 degrees, pour the caviar. The product must be infused for 2 hours, then it is necessary to drain the liquid. After that, the caviar is ready for use. For taste, you can add spices, squeezed lemon juice, pickled onions, herbs, etc.

This method of cooking caviar is considered the most delicious, but at the same time it takes longer to cook. In addition, it is allowed to store ready-made caviar for only 2 days in an airtight container.

Dry salting

If you want the shelf life of the finished product to be longer than with wet salting, then you should salt the caviar in a dry way. The finished delicacy can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks, which is especially convenient when pickling a large amount of caviar.

So, how to salt red salmon caviar at home using the dry method? To do this, you will need the same ingredients as with wet salting, with the exception of water, instead of it you need to add oil.

For 100 g of caviar, you need 5 g of salt (coarse grinding), the same amount of sugar and half a teaspoon of odorless vegetable oil. All ingredients should be mixed and placed in the refrigerator for 12 hours, after which the caviar will be ready for use.

Quick salting

How to pickle pink salmon caviar, if necessary, so that the product is ready for use after a few hours? Use this salting method, which requires only sugar and salt.

Mix everything slowly and thoroughly and place in the refrigerator. The product will be ready after 4-5 hours, which is especially convenient if guests are expected to arrive or you just don’t want to wait a long time for a long salting of caviar. It is recommended to store the finished delicacy no more than 2 days.

The delicacy will turn out to be much tastier, healthier and cheaper than store-bought counterparts if it is prepared by hand. In our article, we described in detail how to salt pink salmon caviar at home, as you can see, there is nothing complicated in this, so choose the recipe you like and enjoy the delicious delicacy.

If you find caviar in pink salmon, then this article is for you.

We will tell you how to salt pink salmon caviar deliciously so that this valuable product turns out to be tasty, and at the same time all the benefits are preserved.

Salted pink salmon caviar at home is a high-quality natural product.

How to pickle pink salmon caviar at home - the basic principles of cooking

The caviar taken out from the abdomen of pink salmon is laid out in a bowl and poured with hot water. Now add salt and mix. Leave the caviar in the salt solution for a minute.

After that, the caviar must be separated from the films. Do it very carefully. So that the eggs do not burst. This process is quite laborious, but the result is worth it. The eggs are laid out on a plate and washed under the tap at least three times.

Again, pour the caviar with salted boiled water and leave the contents for a quarter of an hour. In this case, it is necessary that the salt crystals are completely dissolved in water.

Repeat the procedure with washing the caviar. Lay it out on paper towels. When they absorb moisture, spread out new towels and shift the caviar on them, level them and leave for five minutes.

Caviar can be salted with dry or quick salting.

Ready pink salmon caviar is transferred to clean small jars, covered with lids and stored in the refrigerator.

Salted caviar can be used to make salads, sandwiches or rolls.

Recipe 1. How to pickle pink salmon caviar at home

500 g pink salmon caviar;

a glass of boiled water;

60 g fine salt;

5 g of granulated sugar.

1. Pour sugar and salt into boiled water. Stir until dry ingredients are completely dissolved.

2. We wash the caviar and separate the eggs from the film. To do this, we put gauze in several layers. We put caviar in it, twist it and rinse it under the tap, constantly stirring, but it is better to do it manually. This, of course, is a more time-consuming process, but you will be sure that all the eggs will remain intact.

3. We shift the caviar to a plate and fill it with saline. We leave for two hours. After the allotted time, we throw the caviar on a sieve and transfer it to a clean glass container. Cover tightly with lids and store in the refrigerator.

Recipe 2. How to deliciously salt pink salmon caviar with olive oil

25 ml olive oil;

55 g coarse salt;

half a liter of purified boiled water.

1. Pour 50 g of coarse salt into a deep bowl. Pour in boiled water and stir lightly.

2. Put pink salmon caviar in a deep container and fill it with hot water. Add a teaspoon of salt, stir and leave for a minute.

3. Now start separating the eggs from the film. This must be done very carefully so that all the eggs remain intact. This process is long and requires patience and perseverance.

4. Put the eggs in a deep plate. Rinse the caviar under the tap at least three times. Pour the caviar with saline and leave for a quarter of an hour.

5. After the allotted time, drain the saline solution and rinse it again.

6. Spread napkins on the table and put caviar on them with a spoon. When the napkins become wet, transfer the caviar from them to the dry napkins and gently flatten. Dry the caviar for another five minutes.

7. Transfer the caviar to a deep bowl, pour a spoonful of olive oil into it and mix. The oil will add shine to the caviar. Transfer to a glass jar and store in the refrigerator. It is advisable to use caviar for three days.

Recipe 3. How tasty salt salmon caviar with dry salting

500 g pink salmon caviar;

30 g of coarse rock salt.

1. At the first stage, we need to remove the caviar from the "bags". To do this, pour water into the pan, lightly salt it, put on fire and bring to a boil. Spread the caviar on a sieve and lower it into boiling water for 20 seconds. Then carefully remove the film, and put the eggs in a deep bowl.

2. Pour the peeled caviar with salt and carefully stir with a wooden spatula, trying to do this so that the eggs remain intact.

3. We lay out the caviar in small glass jars. Top with refined oil. We tightly close the caviar with lids and send it to the refrigerator. Pink salmon caviar salted in this way can be stored for up to two weeks.

Recipe 4. How to deliciously salt pink salmon caviar in a quick way

half a kilogram of pink salmon caviar;

5 g cane sugar;

10 g fine salt.

1. Place pink salmon caviar in a deep plate, fill it with hot purified water and add a little salt. Mix and leave for a minute. Then we drain the water, and separate the eggs from the film and put them in a separate plate. We wash the caviar under the tap at least three times.

2. Pour cane sugar and fine salt into the caviar. Thoroughly, but very carefully, mix the caviar, trying not to damage the eggs. Cover with a smaller plate on top and place a glass of water on top. Leave it like this for five hours.

3. We transfer the finished caviar to a jar, close the lid and store in the refrigerator for no more than two days.

Recipe 5. Lavash rolls with salted pink salmon caviar

150 g sandwich cheese plates;

thin Armenian lavash;

50 g pink salmon caviar;

100 g of red fish.

1. Lay out the Armenian lavash on the table. We lay out sandwich cheese plates around the entire perimeter.

2. Lay out a strip of salted pink salmon caviar along the edge. Then we put thin strips of red fish. We continue to alternate the strips until the end of the pita bread.

3. We twist the pita bread into a roll and wrap it with cling film. We put it in the refrigerator for two hours.

4. After the allotted time, we take out the roll, remove the film and cut it into portions.

Recipe 6. Squid salad and pink salmon caviar

100 g of salted salmon caviar;

200 g crab sticks;

kilogram of squid carcasses.

1. Boil water in a saucepan. Dip the squid carcasses into it and boil for three minutes. Refrigerate and clean them. Cut into small arbitrary pieces.

2. Hard boil eggs. Place them in cold water, then peel and finely crumble.

3. Crab sticks thaw, remove the protective film, cut lengthwise and finely chop. Combine all ingredients in a deep salad bowl, add mayonnaise and mix. Lay pink salmon caviar on top.

Recipe 7. Potato muffins with cream cheese and pink salmon caviar

300 g potatoes;

30 g of salted salmon caviar;

100 g cream cheese;

freshly ground black pepper.

1. Peel the potatoes and boil until soft.

2. Drain the broth, and mash the potatoes with a crush in mashed potatoes. Cool slightly and add sour cream, egg, baking powder and flour. Stir well.

3. Small silicone molds brush with olive oil. Put in them potato mass filling the molds almost to the top.

4. Bake for 20 minutes at 180 C. Remove the finished cupcakes and cool. Lay out on a platter.

5. Using a piping bag, pipe a little cream cheese on top of each cupcake. Lay pink salmon caviar on top.

Recipe 8. Profiteroles with salted salmon caviar and butter

100 g pink salmon caviar;

100 g butter;

250 g wheat flour.

1. Pour the milk into a saucepan, add the butter cut into pieces and bring it to a boil over low heat.

2. Pour the flour little by little into the boiling milk, stirring continuously until all the flour has dispersed. The dough should thicken.

3. Cool the dough slightly and add one egg at a time, stirring thoroughly each time.

4. We form balls with wet hands, the size of Walnut and put them on a baking sheet, brushing it with oil. We leave a distance of two centimeters between the balls.

5. Bake in the oven for half an hour, at a temperature of 180 C. Do not open the oven, otherwise the profiteroles will not rise.

6. Cut off the top of the finished profiteroles. Put a piece in the profiterole butter and salted salmon caviar. Put on a plate and serve as an appetizer.

To make it easier to separate the caviar from the film, put it on a sieve and dip it in boiling water for a few minutes, or pour hot water for a minute.

For salting caviar, it is better to use coarse rock salt.

It is better to separate the caviar from the film manually in order to keep all the eggs intact.

Store home-salted caviar in small glass jars that are hermetically sealed in the refrigerator.

You can serve caviar in a small outlet, or prepare sandwiches or tartlets from it.

How to pickle pink salmon caviar at home and get an excellent delicacy? First of all, this will require high-quality fresh caviar. It can be caught in fish, or simply bought in the market. There is a dry cooking method - for it, you just need to sprinkle the caviar with plenty of salt, mix, and in an hour it will be ready. In this recipe, we will consider the option of wet salting in brine.

salted caviar recipe


1. Remove the caviar from the eggs. Rinse in cold water to remove film residue. The best way to do this is to grind the caviar on a plastic sieve. Throw the caviar on gauze, rinse thoroughly under running water. This will get rid of small particles of sand, yastik, etc.

2. Pour sugar and salt into the water. Boil. Remove from heat and let cool until room temperature. It is impossible to pour caviar with hot brine.

3. Pour the caviar with brine. It must be completely covered with liquid. Leave it in the refrigerator for 10 minutes. This time will be quite enough for the eggs to be well saturated with salt.

4. Transfer the caviar to the container in which it will be stored. The jar must be pre-sterilized for reliable safety of the product.

You need to store the finished caviar no longer than 2 days. It is advisable to use glass containers for this - it is considered the best for preserving useful properties product. If you are going to store the product for longer than 2-3 days, it is better to freeze it. True, after defrosting, a significant part of the nutritional qualities of caviar is lost, but the taste is preserved. In the refrigerator, the product begins to deteriorate after a few days.

If you buy fresh caviar in the market, pay attention to its quality. In a good product, the eggs do not stick together, fall apart easily, have a pleasant smell without foreign impurities.

Our tips will help you figure out how to pickle pink salmon caviar at home quickly and tasty.

Almost everyone loves red caviar, because this delicacy is not only healthy, but also delicious. It happens that having bought pink salmon, caviar is found in it. It is not tasty to eat raw, but it is a pity to throw it away. In this case, such a product can be salted independently. In this case, it turns out to be very tasty, nutritious and healthy. There are many options for salting.

Every housewife in the piggy bank of recipes will surely find very interesting ways. How to pickle pink salmon caviar at home? Here are the most popular recipes.

The benefits of pink salmon caviar

This fish delicacy contains a large amount useful substances: fluorine, iron, zinc, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, sodium, etc. Pink salmon caviar rich in retinol and unsaturated fatty acid Omega-3, as well as vitamins D, B and E. Thanks to vitamin A, hair and skin become healthier, metabolic processes in the body improve, and immunity increases. Omega-3 protects the heart and blood vessels, strengthens joints and bone tissue, and normalizes the functioning of the nervous system.

Before salting pink salmon caviar, it is recommended to clean it from the film. In industrial enterprises, special sieves with small cells are used for this purpose, but at home Normal gauze is fine too. It is folded in several layers, a fish delicacy is placed in it and washed under running water. Caviar is carefully sorted and mixed so that it is thus cleared of the film. As a result of this, the film remains in gauze, and the eggs are intact.

You can also clean the product with a colander, the holes in which should be such that eggs can hardly fit into them. As a result, the delicacy will be cleaned, leaving the film in a colander.

Classic salting

First, they begin to cook brine, which is composition rich in spices and salt in which the delicacy will be salted. Boil two glasses of water, add one teaspoon of sugar and two teaspoons of salt to it. The finished brine should cool slightly and then pour the prepared caviar into it. It can not be salted for a long time, a maximum of an hour or two. Then the delicacy is filtered and laid out in jars. Pink salmon caviar salted in this way is stored for only a few days.

Dry salting

For such a recipe you will need:

First, the caviar should be removed from the "bags". To this end, the delicacy is put in a colander and dipped in boiling salt water for a few seconds. Then the eggs are sifted through a sieve, helping to separate the remaining film from this product.

Spread the caviar in a container and add salt. wooden spoon begin to mix it thoroughly so as not to damage it. Then it is laid out in jars, sealed tightly and put in the refrigerator. If there is such a desire, then a small amount of refined vegetable oil is added to each jar. This improves the taste of the product and extends its shelf life. You can store such a delicacy for no more than two weeks.

Quick salting

To do this, take:

  • pink salmon caviar - 0.5 kg;
  • sugar - 1 tsp;
  • salt - 2 tsp

Salted caviar in this way can be enjoyed in a few hours. To salt this delicacy, the prepared delicacy is sprinkled with salt and sugar and mixed very gently. Then they press down with a load (for this they take a plate and put a glass of water on it). The finished product should be stored for no more than two days.

Salting with spices

The following recipe allows you to salt the delicacy using various spices. To cook brine, you need to prepare a strong salt solution. The water should be so salty that a medium-sized potato does not sink, but floats. In such a solution put a few peas of black pepper and bay leaves. The finished composition is brought to a boil and cooled to room temperature. The washed delicacy is lowered into the brine and left for a day. Then the caviar is filtered and poured with vegetable oil.

Express salting with lemon juice

Take: half a kilo of caviar, a tablespoon of salt, lemon, 100 grams of sunflower oil, herbs, half a teaspoon of ground white pepper.

Purified delicacy put on a large plate, pour pepper, salt, pour lemon juice and sunflower oil. The plate is covered with a lid and left for 2 hours in the refrigerator. It is recommended to serve such a delicacy with fresh herbs sprinkled on top.

White pepper has a delicate aroma and delicate taste. Can be, both in the form of a powder, and peas.

How to store pink salmon caviar?

To keep the delicacy as long as possible, add a spoon sunflower or olive oil, odorless. After that, the container is closed and placed in the refrigerator. As a result, the product can be stored for up to two weeks. If oil is not added, then its shelf life is only two days.

In this way, salted salmon caviar at home is delicious treat, which can be used for salads, in the form of sandwiches, it decorates any dishes. Red fish caviar is not stored for a long time, so it is recommended to use it immediately after cooking.

Homemade red caviar is a real delicacy! How to salt pink salmon caviar at home and secure a wonderful delicacy for the holidays - red caviar? There is nothing difficult in this! No wonder it is called - five-minute caviar! Now, not gutted fish is sold in stores, and many houses find that they have caught caviar in pink salmon. How to salt it - like a joy, like - a problem. Salt it in brine according to our simple recipe! And you can cook homemade red caviar and! As they say, two in one. Salting caviar is not at all troublesome and does not require special skills, the main success is pink salmon with caviar, and you can do the rest yourself according to our recipe with a photo.


  • pink salmon caviar
  • 2.5 table. heaping tablespoons of coarse salt
  • 2 teaspoons spoons of sugar
  • 250 ml water
  • Vegetable oil

Recipe for salting pink salmon caviar at home:

Salting red salmon caviar is usually done with brine, a concentrated solution of salt and sugar in water.

1. First, we prepare a solution for salting - brine.

Put salt into boiling water

add sugar,

mix well, let cool to room temperature.

How to separate pink salmon caviar and quickly salt

While the solution is cooling, we need to process the caviar, i.e. rid her of the film on which she actually rests (yastyki), so that all the eggs are separate.

You can also add salt along with the films, but then the end result will not please you very much - red caviar will not be as beautiful and tasty as you are used to.

1. Carefully remove caviar from pink salmon:

2. We separate the eggs from the films using a coarse mesh, a colander with large holes (the eggs pass through the holes without bursting) or a sieve.

An urban dweller in the European part of Russia, who rarely comes across pink salmon with caviar, is unlikely to have a special net, but a badminton racket (with fishing line) can be found in every home. And this is the perfect choice! Wash the racket net thoroughly, preferably with a sponge and dishwashing liquid, rinse the net well in water, if you want, you can pour boiling water over it, but then be sure to wait until it cools down.

We install a plate under the racket.

3. Separate the eggs with the help of a badminton grid, putting the eggs down - to the grid, with the film - up, slightly pressing and moving the eggs left and right, the eggs will fall into the cells of the grid and fall directly into the plate.

It turns out here is such a magnificent caviar mass:

4. Salt solution (brine) must be carefully drained and filtered, because. Coarse salt usually contains many stones.

Gently pour brine into a plate with caviar. Leave the caviar in this solution for 5-7-10 minutes. The exposure time depends on your taste preferences and the size of the eggs: the smaller they are, the less time they need to salt.

In my experience, 5 minutes for salting pink salmon caviar is enough. Please note that after standing in the refrigerator overnight, the caviar becomes even more salty.

Now we need to separate the caviar from the solution. We put gauze, folded in half, into a colander, and pour the solution with caviar there, wait for the water to drain.

We shift the caviar into a suitable container - glass jar with a lid or a small salad bowl. Pour vegetable refined oil on top, a little.

A simple brine recipe for salting pink salmon caviar at home

There is another recipe for brine for salting red caviar.

In principle, you can not put sugar - before we made it without sugar, brine was cooked only with salt and without any proportions. And this way is good too. The bottom line is that the salt concentration is determined using raw potatoes. Potatoes should be cut into strips (like a roast).

We need only one straw - we throw it into the saline solution, if it lies at the bottom, then we add more salt until it floats. But with this method, a very concentrated salt solution is obtained and red caviar should be kept in such a solution for no more than 5 minutes, otherwise it will be sooo salty! This is the famous red caviar - five minutes. Delicious - amazing!

Homemade red caviar can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 2-3 days.

If you are lucky and you have 2-3 pink salmon caught with caviar. Salt red caviar according to our recipe all! Leave some for food now, and the rest can be divided into small portions and frozen. There is only one condition - you can defrost it only once and eat it. The taste remains the same and it can be stored in the freezer for a long time. But most often there is not much caviar and all caviar is eaten in one sitting.

That's all! Ready amazingly delicious and healthy delicacy- Red caviar! Treat your loved ones with delicious homemade red caviar!

This wonderful delicacy will delight us on New Year's Eve!

And finally the most important

How to choose pink salmon with caviar - how to distinguish a female from a male - video

In this video, the most important thing for the buyer is how to choose female pink salmon in the store and bring home not only a delicious fish, but also a real delicacy - red caviar. And all this at the price of fish and not at the cosmic prices of red caviar in a jar.

Look carefully and use this knowledge, salt pink salmon and delicious caviar, please your loved ones and loved ones

Dear friends! I sincerely congratulate you on the upcoming New Year 2016!

May it be healthy, peaceful and happy for you and your loved ones! Love and prosperity to you!

Cook according to site recipes Tasty food various dishes for breakfast, lunch and dinner, on holidays and weekdays, with love and care!

Happy New Year!

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