Home Preparations for the winter Pink salmon caviar how to salt at home recipes. How to salt salmon caviar at home

Pink salmon caviar how to salt at home recipes. How to salt salmon caviar at home

Pink salmon caviar is the favorite so-called red caviar in the budget version, we buy it in jars in the store and by no means cheap. With the successful purchase of pink salmon with caviar in the store, you can cook the delicacy yourself at home. Moreover, pink salmon caviar is not very suitable for other types of cooking; when frying, caviar becomes white and hard.

How to salt pink salmon caviar - cooking principles

How to clean pink salmon caviar from films

  1. First of all, we free the caviar from the film bag. At fish factories, caviar is divided by rubbing it through a special large sieve, but this is impossible at home.
  2. We fold the gauze in several layers, make a bag out of it, lay out the pink salmon caviar (with a film) and rinse with water. At the same time, twist the caviar in the bag in all directions, at the end of washing, all excess films will remain on the bag, and pink salmon caviar will be crumbly and ready for salting.
  3. You can separate the films in another way - put the pink salmon caviar on the board and scrape off the eggs with the blunt side of the knife.
  4. Some housewives, in order to remove films from caviar, beat it with a fork in a bowl.
  5. Another option is to hold a bag of pink salmon caviar under hot water, while gently rolling it in your palms, as a result of which the film will stick to the gauze.
  6. In some versions, pink salmon caviar is salted with a film. This is for an amateur.

Salting pink salmon caviar - sequence

  1. The main rule for salting caviar is to exclude any interaction with water before the salting process begins.
  2. First of all, we release the caviar from the film bag, as described above.
  3. Next, we proceed directly to salting the caviar. There are two salting recipes - with brine and dry salting. Brine is a saturated saline solution with spices.
  4. Cooking brine: put 2 tablespoons of salt and 2 teaspoons of sugar in 1 glass of water. Add spices as desired and to taste. Boil the solution until the salt and sugar are completely dissolved. Let it cool down (to room temperature).
  5. Pour pink salmon caviar with brine and leave in this solution for 1 hour.
  6. Drain the solution and wash the caviar under running water, throw it on a sieve. Ready pink salmon caviar is not stored for a long time - up to two days.

How to deliciously salt pink salmon caviar in a saline solution

  1. For 1 kilogram of caviar, 4 liters of solution are needed. Pour the appropriate amount of water into the pan and dilute a kilogram of salt in it. We put the pan on the fire and boil for about 8 minutes. All the salt dissolves, and the sediment remains at the bottom of the pan.
  2. Let the solution cool to room temperature and carefully pour pink salmon caviar into it, but do not pour out the sediment. Keep the caviar in the solution for about 10 minutes. To keep the finished caviar for more than 2 days, increase the time to 25 minutes.
  3. Drain everything from the pan into gauze and let the remaining solution drain.
  4. Add a teaspoon of vegetable oil to the already cooked caviar, this is necessary so that the caviar does not stick together. Put it in a jar and refrigerate for 2-3 hours.
  5. Transfer the caviar to a sterilized jar, close it and refrigerate for 5 hours.

How to quickly salt pink salmon caviar at home - a recipe for dry salting

  1. We prepare a mixture of sugar and salt, observing the following proportion: for one part of sugar, two parts of salt.
  2. We put pink salmon caviar in glass, porcelain or faience dishes. Pour in the prepared mixture of sugar and salt, mix thoroughly.
  3. We press the caviar on top with a saucer, and put some kind of load on it. For example, a glass of water.
  4. After five or six hours, the caviar is ready. Its shelf life is the same - no more than two days.
  5. Use ready-made caviar in sandwiches or pancakes with caviar.

Video with a recipe for salting pink salmon caviar

Whatever diet lovers and fans of asceticism may say, caviar on the table is a sign of good taste, especially when the table is festive. But if black caviar is a symbol of a luxurious Russian feast, then red caviar is a sign of economic prosperity in the family. Meanwhile, even on prosperity, you can save a lot if you do some things yourself. For example, salt the same red caviar at home. Let's study.

How to choose red fish for salting caviar

Red caviar at home begins with choosing the right fish in the store. For our purposes, we need fish with red meat, from salmon, such as trout, salmon or pink salmon. We need a non-gutted carcass of a female of any size, in which there will definitely be caviar (and it will be in any, because such fish is caught only when it goes to spawn).

Distinguishing a female from a male is not a problem. The fact is that the female salmon ... is “more feminine”: she has a rounder outline, a more delicate and soft color and a short rounded head. No points and a predatory look (like a male). If you choose for the first time, following these instructions, try to do it yourself, and then consult with the seller. You will see that your opinions are likely to coincide.

How to pickle red caviar at home correctly

Since you bought frozen fish, thaw it. It is recommended to do this in a natural mode, that is, first transfer from the glacier (freezer) to the refrigerator, and then let it thaw at room temperature.

The process of salting caviar itself consists of two stages of action. First you need to clean the caviar from the film in which it is located, and then place it in a salt marinade, that is, salt it. Each stage has its own subtleties. Let's start with cleansing.

Cleansing caviar from ovaries

Caviar is in two film bags (oves) - you need to get rid of them. The work is painstaking, but necessary. This must be done very carefully so as not to damage the caviar itself. (Unless there is another goal).

Carefully separate the caviar from the film with your hands.

Next, place the caviar in a bowl and fill with cold water. With a wooden stick, we begin to mix intensively in one direction. Periodically we take the stick out of the water and remove the remnants of the film, which are very well wound on a wooden skewer. Thus, we will clean the red caviar from the film with sufficient quality.

And now cover the colander with gauze, folded in half, and throw caviar on it. And let the liquid drain.
Next, we will move the caviar in a colander over dry gauze. Small particles of film and crushed eggs will stick to the fabric.

Cooking salt marinade - brine

For brine we need water, salt and sugar. How much water to take? I take so much that it completely covers the caviar, that is, about twice the volume of the caviar.

How much salt and sugar? For a glass of water - 2 tablespoons of salt and 2 teaspoons of sugar. This is if "according to science." The folk way of determining the correct salt concentration is also quite popular: in the amount of water that will be used in the preparation of the solution, place fresh egg. And start adding salt. As soon as the egg has surfaced, stop - there is enough salt for red caviar.

So let's get the marinade ready.. Pour salt and sugar into the water and boil. Then we cool the water a little, because we don’t need boiling water, but to “enough for a finger.”

Salt red caviar

Fill the caviar with brine and leave ... How long? I leave it for 20 minutes, because I need the caviar to stand in the refrigerator for 2-3 days (more is still impossible). If you intend to serve it to the table immediately, 7 minutes is enough.

We recline the caviar on gauze and let it dry. It can dry up to 2 hours. Then transfer to sterilized jars lubricated with olive oil. And put it in the fridge.
Caviar is ready for use in 3 hours.

Methods for salting pink salmon caviar.

Caviar - delicious and healthy delicacy which is loved by many people. Almost no feast is complete without sandwiches with red caviar. For Shrovetide, many people cook pancakes with a delicacy. In this article we will tell you how to pickle caviar yourself.

There are a lot of options for cleaning pink salmon caviar. The caviar of this fish is quite large. Cleaning is done not just like that, but for practical reasons. The fact is that the particles of yastyk add bitterness to the product.

Methods for cleaning from the yastyk:

  • Sieve. Choose a sieve with a large grain size. The cells in diameter should be slightly larger than the eggs themselves. Just put the product on a sieve, and gently pressing, skip the caviar. The grains will be in a bowl, and the film on the sieve.
  • Gauze. Boil water in a saucepan. Wrap the caviar in the ovaries in gauze and dip in boiling water for a couple of minutes. Remove product from boiling water and immerse in cold water. After that, the film can be easily removed from the caviar.
  • Mixer. Put the semi-finished products in a container and immerse the mixer in it. Turn on the device at the minimum speed. Soon the yastik will simply wrap around the blades of the nozzle.

This is done quite simply. You can generally combine the cleaning of the yastyk with washing.


  • Cut the caviar in the ovary into 4 parts and immerse in a pot of boiling brine
  • The brine contains 1 tablespoon of salt per 1000 ml of water.
  • Turn off the heat and stir gently with a whisk
  • All films will remain in the water. Remove them carefully
  • Caviar does not need to be washed

There are several options for salting caviar:

  • In yastiks. With this method, the product is not cleaned from the film, but directly salted in it.
  • Purified product. Before salting, the film is removed and the caviar is stored in jars.


  • Yastyki with caviar


  • This recipe is suitable if there is no time for salting at all.
  • Put the product directly in the ovary into a container and completely cover with salt
  • After 30 minutes, the product is washed and gently rubbed through a sieve.
  • To prevent the delicacy from drying out, a little sunflower oil is introduced.
  • There is such a product is desirable immediately

A simple pickling option. This is a classic recipe that is used in production.


  • Yastyki with caviar


  • If there is a lot of product, then wipe it very carefully through a sieve or badminton racket
  • Rinse with cold water
  • Prepare a very strong salt solution. To do this, boil water and add salt until it ceases to dissolve.
  • You can check the strength of the liquid with a peeled potato tuber
  • Immerse it in the solution, if it floats, then there is enough salt
  • Cool the liquid to a temperature of 80 ° C and pour in all the peeled grains
  • After 7-10 minutes, lay out the gauze and pour all the product on it
  • Gently pull the corners and hang over the container for 8-11 hours
  • Do not overexpose, otherwise the delicacy will turn out dry
  • Pour the product into jars and add a little sunflower oil

Recipe with sugar. There is no mustard.


  • 500 g of product
  • 250 ml water
  • 65 g salt
  • 7 g granulated sugar


  • Carefully remove the product from the film and pour onto cheesecloth
  • Rinse several times under running water
  • After that, boil water and add dry ingredients
  • After complete dissolution of the crystals, turn off the heat
  • Pour the grains with a solution of room temperature and leave for 2 hours
  • After a while, pour on a sieve, and wait until the solution drains
  • Enter vegetable oil and arrange in jars

This method does not involve the use of brine. Significantly saves time.


  • 10 g salt
  • 20 ml oil
  • 500 g caviar


  • Separate the grains from the film in any convenient way
  • Then rinse thoroughly and lay on the floor liter jar grain
  • Add salt and stir. Enter the oil and stir again
  • Close jars with lids and refrigerate
  • You can taste the product in a day

Initially, this recipe is used in large industries. The method is simple and allows you to store the product up to 10 days.


  • 500 g caviar
  • 1000 ml water
  • Butter


  • Clean the product from the films and pour into the basin. Rinse thoroughly several times
  • Put water on fire and bring to a boil
  • Add peeled potatoes and salt
  • When the root crop floats, remove it and stop adding salt.
  • Cool the liquid and pour the grains
  • If you plan to eat the product immediately, then 7 minutes is enough.
  • If you go to store caviar for a long time, then keep it in a brine for 15 minutes
  • After that, drain the solution and leave on a sieve
  • Spread a thin layer of caviar on paper towels
  • After drying, pour the delicacy into jars and add a little oil

How to salt pink salmon caviar according to GOST?

A delicacy made from frozen caviar is of a slightly lower quality than fresh caviar. The eggs are quite fragile.


  • 500 g caviar
  • 1000 ml water
  • 100 g salt
  • 20 g sugar
  • Butter


  • Defrost fish before cooking. This is done ahead of time in the fridge.
  • To do this, the fish is transferred to a bowl and left for 6-8 hours in the refrigerator.
  • The film is then removed.
  • Prepare a solution of dry ingredients and water
  • Pour the grains with a solution with a temperature of 40 ° C and leave for a third of an hour
  • Drain the liquid and pour the caviar on gauze in a thin layer
  • Leave to dry and transfer to jars
  • Pour in oil and seal the container

Red caviar is a very tasty and healthy delicacy. Therefore, if you come across a fish with caviar, do not miss the chance to pickle the delicacy.

VIDEO: Salting caviar

Red caviar is everyone's favorite delicacy. If pink salmon with caviar is available, then there is no need to rush to fry it, bake it, and even more so boil it. When frying, the film that covers the eggs becomes hard, which greatly spoils the taste and idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe caviar. The most delicious caviar this fish is salty. Salting pink salmon caviar is not so difficult at home. This will allow you to please yourself and family members with a delicious delicacy. How to salt salmon caviar is described below.

Before you salt the caviar, you need to take it out. It is located in two cavities separated by a film, which are called ovaries. This film needs to be removed. To do this, put the caviar in gauze and rinse it very thoroughly under running water, turning it from side to side. After that, the film should remain in gauze, and the eggs will become clean. Many people clean caviar by immersing it first in boiling water for a few seconds, and then in cold water. Then the film must be separated by hand from each egg. Before you salt the caviar, you need to do one of the above operations, although this requires patience. It is very important.

The ambassador is carried out directly in two ways: with and without brine. Brine is a very rich and concentrated saline solution that is boiled in water with the addition of various spices. The solution is ready for use, cooled to room temperature. You can also salt caviar without using brine, using salt and other components.

Before salting pink salmon caviar, you should know that it can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than two days. So this circumstance must be taken into account in advance. The first salting method is with brine.

Ingredients: caviar, water, sugar, salt, spices (optional). First, brine is boiled in proportions: two tablespoons of salt without a slide are taken for 1 glass of water, as well as two teaspoons of sugar. Cook until the ingredients are completely dissolved, then cool to room temperature. Caviar, previously prepared, pour this solution and leave for one hour or a little longer. After that, it is necessary to wash the delicacy under running water and discard with a sieve so that excess water drains. Everything, the delicacy is ready. It should not be forgotten that the product can be enjoyed for only two days.

The second, easier way, is how to salt pink salmon caviar. Ingredients: sugar, salt and, of course, caviar. First, two parts of salt and one part of sugar must be thoroughly mixed. Caviar must be placed in a glass, porcelain or faience container, and then sprinkled with a sugar-salt composition and mixed very thoroughly. Next, a small oppression is placed on the caviar. For example, a plate (saucer), and on it - a glass (jar) of water. After about five hours, you can already do delicious sandwiches. Before salting pink salmon caviar in the second way, it is necessary to calculate the time, based on the fact that its shelf life is only two days. Pink salmon caviar is nutritious and rich useful substances A wonderful treat that the whole family will love.

When you cut the fish, make a shallow, long incision in the belly. You will see the caviar immediately, it is protected by a film shell. Eggs hidden in bags are also called ovaries. If you accidentally damage the film with a knife, then the caviar immediately acquires a bitter taste. Through the incision you made, remove the egg bags and place on a plate. Rinse the film under cold water. The pressure should not be large, otherwise the eggs will burst.

Now you need to separate the caviar from the films. The best option is to do this before salting, although there are ways when already salted caviar has to be cleaned of films, but this will be more difficult. Here are a few ways to get the eggs out of the bags:

  • gauze method. Take a piece of gauze, fold it 2 times, and place the bags inside. Turn on the water and rinse the gauze under the stream, constantly stirring the eggs with your fingers. Do not press on the contents of the gauze, rinse gently;
  • using a sieve. If you have a fine sieve at home, put eggs on it and rub it so that the film itself leaves and remains in the holes of the sieve;
  • fork. Place the caviar in a bowl, add warm water and soak for a couple of minutes. Then take a fork and clean the eggs from the films with rotational movements in the water;
  • in brine. Prepare the brine: take 2 tablespoons per liter of water. salt. Put the yastiks into the hot water and stir them with a fork. Leave the ovaries for 5-10 minutes. Then drain the contents of the cup through a colander and rinse with water;
  • fast way. If you have a mixer at home with a special whisk for kneading dough, then it will come in handy. Turn on the device in the network and bring the ovaries to the whisk. The film will remain on the nozzle, and it will take only a few seconds to clean.

After any cleaning method, be sure to rinse the eggs under running water to remove any remaining film. Rinse the peeled caviar 2-3 times. Then spread the product on a plate covered with napkins and leave to dry a little. You can put the product on paper towels, they will quickly absorb water.

Classic salting of pink salmon caviar

The most common salting method is sometimes called wet. You will need to prepare a brine - brine. The delicacy is strengthened in 2-3 hours.


  • 200-220 g of caviar;
  • salt - 2 tsp;
  • ½ tsp granulated sugar;
  • glass of water.

How to cook:

Rinse the caviar cleaned from the film and let it dry on napkins. Pour water into a saucepan, bring it to a boil and turn off the heat. Dissolve salt and sugar in hot water. The brine should be with a temperature of 25-27 degrees.

Pour the not completely cooled brine into a cup. Put the eggs in there. Leave the product to settle for 2 hours.

When the time has passed, separate the caviar from the brine through gauze. The water must drain completely. Transfer the product to a jar and store in the refrigerator. You can try after a couple of hours, so that the caviar cools a little.

On a note!

Do not take iodized or coarse salt for salting.

How to quickly and tasty pickle pink salmon caviar at home

If you have no time to spend time cooking the brine, then we suggest salting the caviar using the quick method. The brine is not needed.


  • 200 g of caviar;
  • 1.5 tbsp salt;
  • ½ tsp granulated sugar.

How to cook:

Transfer the prepared product, already peeled from the film, into a cup. Sprinkle it with sugar and salt, stir so that all the eggs are covered with the mixture.

Cover the bowl with a lid, and then put the cup in the refrigerator. Salting time will take 5 hours. It is not necessary to wash the eggs from salt. The sample can be removed immediately after the time has elapsed.

How to pickle pink salmon caviar with vegetable oil

For sandwiches, a recipe with butter is great. The caviar turns out beautiful with a glossy sheen, you immediately want to try it.


  • caviar - 150-200 g;
  • tsp salt with a slide;
  • ½ tsp granulated sugar;
  • st.l. vegetable oil.

How to cook:

Remove the eggs from the pink salmon, free them from the films and dry. Take a clean jar, put the product in it.

Pour salt with granulated sugar into a jar, stir with a teaspoon. Pour the contents of the jar on top vegetable oil, stir again. Close the jar with a lid, put it in a cool place for 6-8 hours, you can remove it at night.

Spread caviar on sandwiches in the morning butter, it turns out very tasty. Bon Appetit!


If there is no glass jar at home, take Plastic container but only with a sealed lid.

How to salt caviar with lemon juice

Lemon juice will give the eggs a pleasant refreshing note and enhance taste qualities. The recipe calls for white pepper, if you can't find it, you can add black.


  • 300-350 g pink salmon caviar;
  • st.l. salt;
  • 3 tbsp vegetable oil;
  • half a lemon;
  • ½ tsp white pepper;
  • greens as desired.

How to cook:

Put the caviar grains on a plate and sprinkle them on top with pepper and salt. Pour in vegetable oil.

Collect lemon juice in a tablespoon, add it to a bowl with caviar, stir the contents.

Cover the bowl with a lid or plate. Put the caviar in the refrigerator for 2 hours.

You can add finely chopped greens to the finished product, for example, dill with parsley. Greens with caviar will look impressive because of the contrast in color. Serve food at the table.

Royal salting of caviar

Want to try unusual way salted caviar? Then memorize the recipe with onions and cream. Unusual combination ingredients gives the product a delicate aftertaste.


  • 200 g of red caviar;
  • small head of onion;
  • 5 tbsp natural cream with a fat content of 20%;
  • tsp salt;
  • a pinch of pepper.

How to cook:

Transfer the eggs to a deep bowl. Finely chop the onion, mix with the grains. Sprinkle the contents of the cup with salt and pepper.

Drizzle the eggs with cream. Stir the grains gently so that they do not burst, but are completely in the cream.

Leave the eggs to sit in the cup for a couple of hours. Put the bowl in the refrigerator, cover with a plate on top. Transfer the finished product to a beautiful transparent jar and serve. Guests will definitely appreciate the unusual interpretation of serving dishes.

Salting pink salmon caviar for long-term storage

Caviar can be stored not only for a couple of days, but also for a longer time if it is salted correctly. It is necessary to take a more concentrated solution of salt and water, then the eggs will be salted better.


  • 3 liters of water;
  • 500 g of caviar;
  • kg of table salt;
  • 3 tbsp vegetable oil.

How to cook:

Place water in a saucepan over medium heat, bring to a boil. Turn off the heat after boiling. Pour salt into boiling water, stir so that it completely dissolves.

Transfer the caviar to warm salt water and leave for 20 minutes. If you like the product saltier, then increase the time to half an hour.

Then take a plastic sieve and drain the brine. Do not shake the sieve so as not to damage the grains. When all the water has drained, place the caviar on a paper towel. Leave it for a couple of hours to dry.

When the eggs are slightly dry from moisture, transfer them to a storage container, add oils for a glossy shine and put the jar in the refrigerator. You can try the product as soon as it cools a little.

On a note!

The saltier the caviar turns out, the longer it will lie.

Dry salted salmon caviar

It is not necessary to fill the product with brine, you can salt it fast way. All you need is some salt and oil.


  • 200 g of caviar;
  • st.l. salt with a slide;
  • 2 tsp vegetable oil.

How to cook:

Put the eggs in a clean, dry cup, sprinkle them with salt, mix with a wooden spatula.

Take a clean sterilized small jar and transfer the product there. Pour the oil into the jar, shake it a little so that it is distributed throughout the volume, and close the lid.

Put the jar in the refrigerator, you can try its contents after 4-5 hours.

How to salt frozen fish caviar

If you have started cutting frozen fish, then the caviar inside will also be frozen. You can salt it, the taste will not differ at all from the product bought in the store, and you will save decent money.


  • 200-250 g of frozen pink salmon caviar;
  • 3 tbsp salt;
  • 500 ml of water;
  • st.l. olive oil.

How to cook:

It is difficult to clean frozen fish eggs by hand, so either wait until they melt or put them in hot water for 7-8 minutes. Remove the film from the eggs, it will come off well after warm water.

Heat the water and put the indicated amount of salt into it. Dip the caviar into the brine, leave to settle for 25-30 minutes. Drain the grains in a colander to drain the brine. They do not need to be rinsed with clean water.

Shift salty product in a jar, drizzle with olive oil. If olive oil is not at home, take the usual vegetable.


Do not defrost caviar in the microwave or in very hot water, it will cook.

Salting of pink salmon caviar in accordance with GOST

Try to salt the caviar according to GOST, this is the product that is sold on store shelves. The eggs may be brackish, this is normal. Otherwise, add less salt.


  • 1 liter of water;
  • salt (a few tablespoons);
  • oil - 2 tablespoons;
  • caviar - 500 g;
  • a couple of peeled potatoes.

How to cook:

The method is remarkable in that it does not have a strictly specified amount of salt in the composition, you need to add salt until the potatoes float.

Fill a saucepan with a liter of water and place on the stove. Turn on the heat, bring to a boil, then immediately remove the pan from the stove.

Place potatoes in hot water and add salt little by little. As soon as the potatoes float, there is enough salt, take out the root crop, you will no longer need it. Lay the eggs in the brine and soak for 15 minutes.

Strain the mixture of caviar and brine through a sieve or cheesecloth folded in several layers.

Prepare a dry towel, spread the grains on it in one layer, leave for 2-3 hours. When the caviar dries, transfer the product to a jar, pour in the oils and mix. You can take a sample immediately after salting, bon appetit!


If the caviar seems a little salty to you, take a sieve and rinse the caviar under clean water. After washing, the eggs must be dried. Excess salt will be removed from them.

How and where to store salted caviar

When you haven’t eaten all the treat at a time, or you got too much of it, the question arises: is it possible to store caviar for a long time? It is possible, but only under certain conditions. The product is stored only in a cool place where the temperature does not rise above 6 degrees. You can put caviar in the refrigerator, cellar, basement, take it out to the glazed balcony. Under such conditions, the player is able not to change her taste from 4 to 10 days. It is impossible to leave the delicacy at room temperature, it quickly deteriorates, and its taste will change already on the second or third day.

Before storing, prepare a jar with a lid. Wash the container with soda, steam or bake at high temperature in the oven. The cleaner the jar is, the longer the caviar will lie. Always close the lid tightly before storing the jar so that air cannot enter the container. If you leave the caviar uncovered, it winds up, and subsequently quickly dries out and absorbs the aroma of other products that lie next to it.

Red caviar can be frozen, which allows you to significantly extend its storage up to six months. Both salted and unsalted caviar are frozen. It is necessary to defrost a salty product only in a natural way so that the eggs are not damaged. The shelf life of frozen caviar is from six months to a year.

If you are lucky - you got pink salmon with caviar, be sure to take a moment, salt it according to any described method. Properly prepared product will be even tastier than store-bought, so go for it. There is no doubt about the caviar salted with your own hands: it is definitely fresh and natural.

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