Home Drinks and cocktails How to grease the buns so that they are ruddy. Golden glitter buns

How to grease the buns so that they are ruddy. Golden glitter buns

Now baking is no longer as popular as in the days of our grandmothers. At the time, it was practically a way to survive. They baked everything: pies, bread, buns. Now it is much easier to buy everything in the nearest supermarket. But there are still young hostesses who are interested in the secrets of cooking and love to cook.

Any bakery must have the following properties:

  • be prepared according to a strict recipe
  • be tasty
  • have a decent look.

The last point is important. Baking should look, if not perfect, then at least appetizing. To do this, the finished baking is lubricated - it takes on a finished look.

With an egg, everything is simple and clear. As a baking grease, it is versatile. You can lubricate with protein, you can with yolk. And you can beat both well together. You can also add milk, sour cream to the egg. You can apply it with a modern silicone brush, created specifically for such cases. Previously, in many families, a shaving brush was used for this purpose. Of course, clean, bought specifically for working with pastries. And even earlier, the quill pen was used.

But then a nuisance happened - there was not a single egg in the refrigerator, everything went into baking (salad / cake / dessert).

Therefore, today we will talk about how to grease pies if there is no egg.

Don't know how to grease pies if there is no egg? Nothing wrong.

I am more than sure that you will find the necessary product in your kitchen. Perhaps not even one.


The easiest way to replace an egg is to brush the finished cake with plain water. This will not add special beauty, but your product will receive a nice gloss. The skin will become soft. What else is needed? For pies and pies sweet stuffing, add sugar to the water.

And another completely non-obvious product that can replace an egg is ordinary sparkling water, the price of which is 15-25 rubles, and it probably costs almost any refrigerator. A very modern and unusual solution.

Vegetable oil

If soda is an original way to replace an egg when baking, then grease vegetable oil trite, but effective. Really…

What product is 100% sure you have in your refrigerator? It is vegetable oil. It will not add gloss to your products, but at worst it will do.

But it is better to use it only for puff pastry.


On the one hand, the method is quite popular, on the other hand, it is often forgotten about.

Strong tea has long been used to lubricate pastries, not as a substitute for an egg, but as an independent recipe.

It will give baked goods a soft golden crust. For sweet pastries you need to add a couple of tablespoons of sugar per glass to tea.

creamy mixture

The creamy mixture is prepared from three components - melted butter, water, and flour. It is necessary to put the oil in a dish convenient for rubbing. Add water. The amount of water is calculated by eye. When flour is added, the consistency of the mixture should turn out to be slightly watery, so that it is convenient to smear the product with a silicone brush.

More, butter can be melted and lubricated like this.

Mayonnaise and sour cream

If the pastries are not sweet, but, for example, with meat stuffing, then the egg can easily be replaced with mayonnaise or sour cream. You only need to apply one thin layer. It's important not to overdo it.

Your ways

Now you know how to grease pies if there is no egg in the refrigerator.

Most culinary discoveries are either accidental or experimental. So perhaps you yourself will come up with something unusual and extraordinary. If you have any ideas please share with us in the comments.

How to grease pies and buns before baking so that they are ruddy

Egg butter mixture
Sour cream
Sweet tea or brew
warm water
Vegetable oil


When they write that pastries need to be lubricated with an egg, novice housewives have a question - what do they lubricate the pies with: protein or yolk? Or a whole egg? Egg white is used for other purposes, for protein glaze, there will be a separate article about this. And pies and buns are smeared with a beaten egg or egg yolk. Beat the egg with a whisk or fork until a light foam appears. If desired, you can add a little sugar or pour in a spoonful of milk, but with the addition of milk, the blush will be paler. If smeared only with yolk, the crust turns out to be very ruddy, brownish, bright, glossy. Usually they make a mixture of the yolk with water or milk, in proportion to one yolk of a spoonful of liquid. The surface will not be so dark, but shiny, glossy, uniform.

Egg and butter mixture

Suitable for any kind of test. The egg is beaten into foam, adding 2 tbsp. l. water and 1 tbsp. l. melted butter. Water and oil are added in several steps, alternately 1 tsp. Immediately after preparation, the glaze is applied to the dough and placed in the oven. To make the crust very bright, make a yolk-oil mixture. In a warm bowl, one yolk is rubbed with a spoonful of soft butter until it melts or until a liquid homogeneous mass is obtained.

Sour cream

Another common question: how to grease pies if there is no egg? You can replace the egg with sour cream, it will give a uniform light golden crust, but there will be almost no gloss. It is better to use sour cream liquid, not very greasy, keeping it for some time at room temperature. For sweet buns and pies, sour cream glaze is made by mixing liquid sour cream with flour and melted butter. The mixture is applied in an even layer and sprinkled with white or brown sugar on top.


Warm milk is used to lubricate any bakery products from any kind of dough, both before baking and after. The crust will be golden-ruddy, thin, moderately shiny, without gloss. For sweet pies and buns, a few pinches of sugar are added to the milk, stirred and applied to the surface before being sent to the oven. Unsweetened pastries can be greased twice - before planting in the oven and about five minutes before readiness.

Strong sweet tea or brew

This type of glazing is used for sweet products. Two tablespoons of sugar are added to half a glass of hot very strong tea or fresh tea leaves, dissolved and allowed to cool to room temperature. Pies and buns are smeared with a concentrated drink before being sent to the oven. As a result, the products acquire a bright intense blush, matte, without gloss.


How to grease a pie for a crust that is soft and not too dark? For this, ordinary drinking water is suitable. It should be moistened or sprinkled with ready-made, but still hot pastries. This is the easiest way to make a pie look delicious. This method can be used if there is no time or desire to prepare a mixture for lubrication, if there is no necessary products or if the hostess simply forgot to treat the surface of the dough just before baking.

In order to get a smooth and shiny crust on the cake, which has a rich color, you should add a little sugar to the water. Such a mixture should be prepared based on the following proportion: one teaspoon of granulated sugar per one tablespoon of drinking water. Sprinkle the cake with this syrup twice: at the end of the proofing of the dough and shortly before the end of cooking.

Chicken egg

How to grease browned pies? The most common and simple product for glazing is egg. In addition, this ingredient can be used regardless of the type of dough used.

Egg glazing requires accuracy in working with it. After all, the mixture that has fallen on a baking sheet can stick pies to it during the baking process.

The baking surface can be greased with either a whole chicken egg or a mixture of this product with water or milk. To achieve the effect of a light crust with a beautiful sheen, you need to beat the protein with the yolk a little with a fork and apply to the dough before cooking.

If you use a mixture of egg and water, you will end up with a glossy surface with a rich color. And in the case when protein and yolk, diluted with milk, are used to lubricate pies, the resulting golden crust will please the hostess with brilliance and softness. The proportion in both cases is the same: for one chicken egg - one teaspoon of liquid.

Egg white

The chicken egg is not always used whole. Often, protein and yolk are used separately for surface treatment of baking. Described below possible options the use of these components.

If you grease the cake with protein, you get a crispy, brittle crust. First, it should be beaten a little with a fork. It is also possible to use a mixture of egg white and a small amount of drinking water. In this case, the baking surface will be hard and shiny.

Egg yolk

How to grease browned pies? Egg yolk will do well with this task. It is when using this product that the crust turns out to be the brightest and most saturated. The yolk is used both in pure form and in mixtures with milk or butter.

If using a whole chicken yolk, fluff it up a little with a fork and apply it to the surface of the dough just before baking. The crust in this case will have a golden color and a unique brightness.

If the cake is smeared with yolk mixed with milk, the color of the baking surface will be less saturated and not so shiny. The crust will become soft. And if you add a little granulated sugar to such a mixture, then the gloss will be removed, only the saturation of the color will remain.

Another interesting frosting option is a mixture of one egg yolk and two tablespoons of softened butter. To prepare it, grind the indicated components with a fork until smooth. Next, you need to apply the resulting mass to the surface of the cake at the end of the dough proofing process. The resulting crust will please the hostess with its softness, golden color and beautiful shine. It is allowed to replace butter with margarine.

Vegetable oil or butter

How to grease pies before baking so that the crust turns out to be unusually soft? To do this, it is better to use oil, both butter and vegetable (sunflower, corn, olive, etc.). The surface of the pies will not shine, but the color will turn out bright.
When baking is made from puff or stretch dough, it is recommended to use vegetable oil to lubricate the surface. The creamy product is more suitable for fresh, yeast or sweet pies. It should be melted and greased on the baking surface when it is ready, but has not had time to cool yet. In addition, butter gives the pies a unique flavor.

Strong tea

How to grease the cake so that there is a ruddy and bright shade of the crust without gloss? In this case, strong tea is perfect for surface treatment. You can use it as an unsweetened infusion, or with the addition of a small amount of sugar. In the second case, the color of the crust will be more intense. To do this, dissolve about 2-3 tablespoons of sugar in 100 milliliters of liquid. With the resulting solution, it is necessary to grease the surface of the dough twice: immediately before baking and a few minutes before the cake is completely ready.

You can also add color saturation with flour. To do this, you need to cook sweet tea add a tablespoon of the indicated product, mix well and grease the surface of the pie with the resulting mass at the end of the dough proofing process.


How to grease the pie if there is no egg? Ordinary milk is also good for glazing. This product will be appropriate for any pastry, regardless of the type of dough used. Milk must be warm. They should grease the surface of the cake a few minutes before the baking is ready.
When using this product for glazing, the crust of the finished culinary product will sparkle deliciously. If the pastries are sweet, then it is recommended to add a little sugar to the milk. In this case, the surface of the cake will not be so glossy, but the color will become more saturated.

Butter with flour

Another interesting option for glazing can be a mixture consisting of butter and flour. It must be prepared in the following way. It is recommended to mix melted butter with a small amount of cold drinking water. After you need to introduce a little flour and grind well until a homogeneous mass is obtained. This glaze is suitable for any test.

If the cake is sweet, it is recommended to add a small amount of sugar to the resulting mixture. This will give the crust a golden hue. It is necessary to treat the baking surface with such glazing immediately before starting cooking. It is allowed to replace butter with margarine.

Sour cream

You can use sour cream as a glaze. For pies with savory filling mayonnaise is allowed. These products are applied to the surface of the dough just before baking. It is important that the layer of sour cream or mayonnaise glaze be very thin.

For surface treatment of sweet cakes, a mixture prepared as follows is well suited. Add a little flour to the sour cream, mix well. Then add melted butter and bring to a homogeneous state. Such glazing should be treated on the surface of the dough after proofing. Sprinkle the top of the cake with a little sugar.


To make homemade cakes even more appetizing appearance frosting must be used. How to grease browned pies? For this, water, a chicken egg, butter or vegetable oil, tea leaves, sour cream or milk in various combinations are used. The appearance of the pies will vary depending on the icing chosen. Lubricate the baking surface with gentle, light movements. An ideal device for this is a special silicone brush. It is soft, easy to use and absolutely does not crush the distanced dough.

To make the finished pastry ruddy and glossy, it is smeared with a beaten chicken egg.

Many housewives use both protein and yolk, and a little sugar is also added to them.

But professional bakers say: in order to achieve the perfect appearance ready pies and pies, you should not use a whole egg, but its components.

Shortbread dough is covered with slightly shaken egg white, and yeast dough is covered with yolk.

Note to housewives: if there are no eggs in the refrigerator, you can use sweet water.

Also, eggs can be replaced with milk, butter or vegetable oil, mayonnaise or sour cream.

When to brush pies and buns with egg yolk

This question is asked by novice housewives and experienced bakers. The end result depends on when and how the baking is greased.

There are several methods, and only experience will tell you which one is more correct.

  • Before putting into the oven.

Many women claim that brush the pies with egg yolk needed before placing the baking sheet in the oven. This option is suitable for baking that cooks quickly.

  • 15 minutes after the start of baking.

It is believed that during this time the crust of the pie has hardened enough so that the yolk does not soak the dough, but remains on the surface. The result is a very ruddy and bright baked goods.

  • A few minutes before it's ready.

This method should be used during the preparation of pies for children. Two to three minutes is enough for the pastries to turn out moderately ruddy and without a hard crust.


How else is an egg used in baking?

Cooking pies, buns, bread is not complete without eggs. They are added to the dough, they also lubricate the surface of baking before baking or during cooking.

What else can eggs be used for?

  1. For making stuffing. The most common combinations are a boiled egg and green onion or rice, boiled yolks and grated baked carrots.
  2. For filling. To big open pie cooked correctly, that is, the dough with the filling at the same time, filling is often used. To do this, beat eggs or only proteins together with milk, cheese, sugar, salt. The resulting mixture is poured over the filling before putting the cake in the oven. A unique recipe is Adjarian khachapuri, when an egg is simply broken into the middle.


Delicious recipes

Pies with green onion and egg

There are several cooking methods: you can bake in the oven or oven, fry. You can also use unleavened, puff or yeast dough as a basis. Most delicious pies are obtained from the dough, for the preparation of which yeast is used.

For test:

  • three eggs;
  • two large spoons of sugar;
  • 500 grams of warm milk;
  • a pack of dry yeast;
  • flour;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 100 g butter.

Add milk, yeast diluted in warm water, 250 grams of flour to beaten eggs with sugar and mix thoroughly. Leave in a warm place for 30 minutes. After - pour in the melted butter and add as much flour as the dough takes. Put away ready dough in a warm room for one hour.

For filling:

  • green onion, finely chopped;
  • boiled chicken eggs (8-10 pieces).


  1. It is necessary to form pies the size of a palm, put them on a baking sheet greased with butter and sprinkled with flour.
  2. Cook at a temperature of 200 degrees for 15 minutes, then remove and brush with egg yolk whipped with sugar.
  3. Leave in the oven for another 10-15 minutes!

Grandma's Egg and Rice Pies

For these pies, you can take the yeast dough from the previous recipe.

For the filling you will need:

  • 200 grams of boiled rice;
  • 5 large chicken eggs;
  • a pinch of salt and black pepper.

You can also add a little fried with onions minced chicken, but in this case, the number of eggs should be reduced. Mix the ingredients thoroughly, adding spices to taste.


  1. From ready dough make small balls, roll them out and put the stuffing in the middle.
  2. Form pies, put them on a baking sheet and grease with yolk.
  3. Baking time 25-35 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees, depending on the features of the oven.

For test:

  • 7 g yeast;
  • half a tablespoon of sugar;
  • one egg;
  • 300 g of warm milk;
  • two tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • 500 g flour;
  • a pinch of salt.

Dough for khachapuri is prepared as follows:

  1. Salt and sugar, one egg, flour and yeast are added to warm milk.
  2. Everything is thoroughly mixed, a large ball is formed, which is placed in a bowl.
  3. The dough covered with a towel is placed in a warm room for one hour.

The filling for khachapuri is hard suluguni cheese with spices and oriental herbs (your choice). It should be grated or finely chopped.


  1. From the finished dough you need to form boats.
  2. Put the cheese in the middle, and grease the edges of the dough with beaten yolk.
  3. Bake for half an hour, then remove the khachapuri from the oven and break one egg into the middle of each.
  4. Cook for another 10-15 minutes.

Bon Appetit!

Homemade cakes should be not only tasty, but also beautiful. An important point in creating a culinary work of art, how to grease pastries? NameWoman will share with you the working secrets of ruddy crust and shine.

What is baked goods lubricated with?

Most popular option coating the dough (absolutely any homemade products - from bread to cookies) - with an egg. Moreover, both a whole slightly beaten (or even a shaken egg) with a small amount of salt or sugar (sometimes without), and one yolk or one protein are used. The yolk gives a more golden color to the baking, and if you use only the protein, the crust is more brittle, more crispy.

The ideal home tool for coating cakes, pies, breads and cookies is a silicone brush. It is very comfortable and soft, does not crush the already distanced dough at all.

The easiest option coatings for the smoothness and shine of pies and bread, if the egg is suddenly over - sweet water. It is used even without lubrication, but by spraying bakery products, distributing a small amount of water from a spray bottle over the baking surface. This can be done after proofing and repeated shortly before the end of baking.

What else can you grease pies, pies and bread before baking, so that it is both beautiful and tasty:

vegetable oil;

Melted butter;


Sour cream or mayonnaise (suitable for pies, only the coating should be a very thin layer).

Purchased pastries do not always impress with both taste and appearance, but if they strike, they are remembered for a long time. When I told a cook I knew about the wonderful Stolle pies at Domodedovo, he shared in response a simple secret the most brilliant and ruddy baked goods. Instead of an egg, you can use sweet and strong black tea. Checked! It works, “tea” homemade pies really can compete with the beauty of Stolle baking.

If suddenly you forgot to grease the pies before baking, then you can shine on them after. Lubricate the finished products immediately after the oven with water (it can be sweetened or not) and, after placing the pies on the wire rack, cover them with a towel on top. If you don’t want to get the towel dirty, then you can “protect” it by laying paper between it and baking.

Another secret from a friend of the housewife: in a beaten egg or milk intended for coating homemade cakes or bread, you can add a little sunny turmeric for more brightness.

Not only a coating, but also a sprinkle

Sprinkling will make your homemade cakes even more beautiful, fragrant and appetizing. Use sesame, cumin, poppy or even coconut flakes, for bread, whole or crushed sunflower or pumpkin seeds are suitable, for oatmeal bread, roasted seeds are a great choice oat flakes. Before sprinkling, baking must be coated.

As soon as you see that the buns are almost ready, you need to open the oven, pull out the baking sheet and brush the buns with a beaten egg so that they shine after baking. For ruddy shiny baking usually use a whipped protein separated from the yolk. It is applied to products before baking. Attention! If the pastry is smeared with a beaten, unseparated egg, then the mixture must be applied thinly, otherwise the pastry will crack and lose its attractiveness. Pies and any pastries can be greased with both protein and yolk, and you can also add shine with other shaving brushes. If you grease the buns with sugar water, then after the syrup dries they will sparkle charmingly.

Baking Grease Recipes

To get glossy pastries, you can grease them before going into the oven. You can use egg white, which must be separated from the yolk and beaten.

The ideal home tool for coating cakes, pies, breads and cookies is a silicone brush. Another secret from a friend of the housewife: in a beaten egg or milk intended for coating homemade cakes or bread, you can add a little sunny turmeric for more brightness. Sprinkling will make your homemade cakes even more beautiful, fragrant and appetizing. Before sprinkling, baking must be coated. I brushed it with egg milk and water.

Add grated cheese to them from the next. oil and crushed garlic. The rolls will turn out fragrant, and even with a tasty, nutritious baked goods.

Egg lubrication

Cakes can be glazed before baking, during baking and after baking. In order for the cake to have an appetizing glossy crust, it must be greased with protein glaze, butter glaze or sweet syrup. Professionals advise mixing 1 egg white with 1 tablespoon of water to get a golden, shiny crust. This frosting is best for savory pies. To make the cake lightly browned, you need to dissolve a little sugar or pounded yolk in milk. Protein glaze should be applied to the cake before or during baking.

In the first case, the pastries will be covered with a yellowish, bright crust with a rich taste. Mix the mixture well, and then you need to grease the rolls with it. If you wish, you can add sugar to the batch, then the coating will have less gloss. Dilute the chickens. an egg can be sour cream, water, sugar. Thus, lubricating pastries is easier than ever.

Ghee is used to soften the surface and give the crumb a pleasant taste, mainly they are smeared with cakes. But for yeast buns and pies, this option is also suitable. There are even more complicated recipes, with unusual additions in the form rice flour, or icing with powdered sugar, but they are more for professionals, and we will use what is available.

By the way, in this case it would be appropriate to take a tea bag instead of a brush and lubricate it. There is another popular recipe for greasing rolls that modern housewives like. Some housewives sweeten the water and begin to grease the rolls with it. The result is a bright, glossy icing on the buns. Vegetable oil will help to realize the desire to bake pies with a soft crust. You can take any kind, be it just sunflower, corn or olive. Lubricate rast. butter not only rolls, but also the rest of pastries made from puff pastry or stretched. But if you decide to give softness to yeast or sweet dough, it is better to grease with vegetable oil in finished form, but when the rolls are still hot. I mix and grease the pastry.

That the pastry will become more ruddy and sweet, it will smell like honey. This is delicious! Thank you. Great ideas! I grease the buns so that they shine with yolk. Previously, I didn’t know how to grease pastries if there was no egg, I started experimenting and this is the list I got. It turns out fragrant, tasty and ruddy. But I have not greased with an egg with sour cream before! I used to grease buns and pies with an egg, but this time I decided to take a chance and greased them with sweet water.

Adding shine to baked pies

To make the crust soft, the pies are smeared with butter. But when to do this depends on the composition of the test. Puff or exhaust grease before baking, and yeast pies and buns after being taken out of the oven while still hot.

Every housewife wants her to get beautiful ruddy pastries. The water will soften the crust and create a mother-of-pearl effect.

How to grease pies-buns before and after baking to give a glossy, uniform surface in color? It is prepared from butter or margarine, water and flour. Soft oil is mixed with a small amount cold water, flour is added and everything is rubbed. You can sprinkle them with sugar directly on the glaze. 8. Lubricate immediately after baking with vegetable oil and cover with a towel.

It can be milk, ordinary water or sour cream, as well as sugar. In addition, an egg, salted and well beaten, will also give your pies a dark gloss. If you mix the egg already with a teaspoon of milk, then gloss will also appear on the pies, and the color crust itself will no longer be so saturated, but closer to golden. If you want the crust of pies or pie to turn out crispy, then process it with only one egg white without other additional components. It will be ruddy, but there will be no gloss on the surface of the pies. To achieve this, you will need to grease the pies with such tea before starting the baking process. Instead of a brush, brush the surface of the cake with a tea bag. By adding flour to tea, the crust on the cake will already be a brighter color, and the surface will turn matte.

There are also those who let the pastry set a little in the oven, only then cover it with whipped yolk. With this option, the dough does not burn, the color of the product becomes saturated and even. You can also add a small amount of butter or warm milk to a beaten egg. The bright color of baking is also achieved by spreading with vegetable or butter. And mayonnaise - for lubrication of unsweetened.

After all, it is from what they are flavored flour products, their final result depends: the pies acquire a blush, become much more appetizing, the crust becomes glossy and very soft. Also, milk, sour cream, water or sugar can be added to it. When baking is smeared with chicken yolk, it acquires a very bright and rich crust. To make the color and gloss more moderate, a little milk is added to the yolk. And if you smear the pastries with sweetened milk, then the color of the crust will be saturated and moderately glossy.

In order for the products you bake to become shiny, even and neat, you need to smear them straight along, with gentle movements of the brush along the top. Such a brush is very convenient to use when it is necessary to apply a liquid mass: it does not scratch the product. Lubrication of pies must be done in a very thin layer. If you lubricate with a thick layer, then the lubricant will flow, leaving smudges. It must be remembered that pies are lubricated solely to give a more beautiful appearance. Enumeration of the lubricant mass applied to the product can interrupt the taste of the finished product.

When the pies are stuck, before going to the oven, they should be given a farewell kiss in the form of icing, i.e. it is necessary to lubricate the top of the products, which will help them become ruddy and appetizing. In order for the sides of yeast pies to sparkle with gloss, before baking, they must be greased with melange - a whipped mixture of protein and yolk. And if you “salt” well with granulated sugar on top, you get a delicious sugar crust.

Real housewives consider it their duty to serve outwardly attractive confectionery, pastries with a fragrant and crispy golden crust. To add density to the crust, add 2 tbsp to the egg or whipped whites. l. warm milk diluted with 1 tsp. Sahara. They will be in the oven for 3 minutes, this time is enough for the pies to brown and shine with a golden crust. Yeast dough loves a rich frosting during baking.

You don't have to expect much from vegetable oil. "Sunburn" will be beautiful and uniform, but not glossy. The haze of buns after such glazing is normal.

The most common and simple glazing of yeast and puff pastry is a chicken egg. It is used whole or just the yolk. For a more moderate color and gloss, the yolk is diluted with milk. To do this, a few minutes before the pies are ready, use a brush to brush their surface with warm milk and place them in the oven again until golden brown. Some housewives dilute a small amount of flour (1 tablespoon) in sweet tea leaves and lubricate products with this liquid glaze.

I used to grease pies only with yolk, but I realized that when water is added, the crust becomes very thin (which is tastier for me), but the gloss remains. The eggs must be fresh, separate the yolk and beat everything thoroughly with a whisk and it is ready to spread the dough with a special pastry brush. And in order for small pies and buns to shine, the yolk must be stirred in a cup, I sometimes add a little water there, it is easier and more evenly smeared and more economical. Everything must be thoroughly beaten with a whisk and grease the top of the rolls or pies with a brush.

You can lubricate with whipped protein. Glazing from tea is used if there is a desire to get a golden crust without gloss. After you take them out of the oven, grease the pies with vegetable oil, if possible, with olive oil. Pies will instantly change and become more appetizing.

On trend:

My house smelled like fresh baked goods again today. I love this fragrance. To feel it stronger, I took fresh ruddy bun and breathed in her scent. She smelled of childhood. And what a blush! To make it so, you can use different methods. Each hostess has her own. Want to know how to grease buns to make them shine? Then I'm ready to reveal all my chips to you.

To make the sides of buns rosy, you need to know how to glaze them. For different test fit different ways, but the egg has always been considered the most versatile lubricant. A little later we will talk about this in more detail, but now there is a more significant question.

First you need to decide when you need to grease the buns, so that you can figure out how to glaze them further.

Can be brushed before or after baking. I think each of you has your own favorite way and reasons, but personally I like the first option the most, but let's look at both.

In order to accurately imagine the expected result, I propose to consider all the options with an example. Today I specially baked buns with different glazing, so that you can see how the rosiness of each method manifests itself.

How to grease the buns before baking to shine?

I kneaded the dough with yeast, since almost all types of glazing are suitable for it. All the buns turned out delicious, but the “tan” of each turned out to be different. So, I greased the products with an egg, sweet tea, an oil mixture, sour cream, warm milk and vegetable oil.


This is the most popular, simple and widely used type of coating for baked goods to give them shine. You need to grease with an egg before baking, so that during heat treatment The cake is golden and appetizing.

An egg is used for lubrication, which is shaken and the surface of the buns is covered with the egg mass. To make baking even rosier, 1 tsp is added to the egg mass. sugar (for one egg). If you want to get a brown blush, then use only the yolk (possible with sugar).

Sweet tea

Sometimes a situation arises when there were no eggs in the refrigerator, and baking needs to be lubricated with something. And a completely logical question: “If there is no egg, how to grease pastries?”

The easiest way is to quickly brew some tea, sweeten it and grease the buns with sweet tea. The blush will be less pronounced than from an egg, but the buns are still delicious and beautiful. Add 1 tsp to half a glass of boiling water. dry tea leaves and 2 tbsp. Sahara. After cooling, you can use.

By the way, this method is also good because it can be lubricated with such tea. lean pastries. Remember, write and use!

Vegetable oil

You don't have to expect much from vegetable oil. "Sunburn" will be beautiful and uniform, but not glossy. The haze of buns after such glazing is normal. But there is one plus - after baking, the products will be soft, so this method is worthy of being remembered today.

By the way, you can lubricate puff and stretch dough with vegetable oil before sending it to the oven. Baking will be beautiful and shiny.

Oil Blend

I often use this glaze if there are no eggs. The pastry is extremely soft and quite ruddy. To prepare the butter mixture. you need 3 tbsp. butter at room temperature, grind with 1 tbsp. water and 1-2 tbsp. flour. You can add 1 tbsp to this oil mass. sugar if the pastries are sweet. If you want a brighter crust color, then you need to add the yolk of one egg.

Grease pastries with butter glaze can be twice: before baking and 5 minutes before readiness.

Sour cream

Here, in general, everything is simple. If there is no egg in the kitchen, but there was some sour cream. then you can safely take and grease pastries with sour cream before baking. The crust is not glossy, but quite beautiful. Sour cream should be liquid enough so that you can easily wield a brush. If the sour cream is too thick, you can warm it up a little or dilute it a little with warm water.

Warm milk

I also use milk for greasing buns quite often. I always have it in my fridge, so I grease it often. We use warm milk for lubrication, as practice shows, it is best to grease pastries with milk 10-15 minutes before they are ready (during baking), since the longer the buns greased with milk are baked in the oven, the darker they will become. And then they might burn out. So milk needs to be handled more delicately so as not to spoil the pastries.

How to grease the buns after baking to shine?

If there were no ingredients for greasing pastries before baking (or you just forgot to do this), then the buns can be lubricated after cooking. How to grease the buns so that they are ruddy?


Immediately after baking, while the buns are still hot, you can grease them with plain water. There will be no glossy surface, but the buns will become more ruddy and soft. This is the most accessible form of baking after cooking, so you can use it on occasion. Accessibility is a big plus, in my opinion.


To make the pastry soft and fragrant, immediately after baking it can be greased with butter. You can melt the butter and grease the buns with a brush, or you can prick a piece on a fork and walk it over the surface of the buns.

After greasing with oil, baked goods should be covered with a towel and left to cool.

sugar syrup

We use this method for sweet pastries. To prepare sugar syrup for lubrication of pastries after cooking, you need 5 tbsp. dissolve sugar in 5 tbsp. water and boil for 1-2 minutes. The sugar mass should be slightly thick, so as not only to soak the hot buns with moisture, but also to make them glossy and shiny.

honey syrup

And this method is suitable for sweet pastries. Lubricate the pastries with honey, which we dissolve in water. We take 3 tbsp. warm water and 3 tbsp. honey. Mix and grease the buns with honey water. In addition to the fact that the pastry will become more ruddy and sweet, it will smell like honey. This is delicious!

This is where we end today. As you can see, there are many options. Now you know how to grease the buns to make them shine. But these I didn’t coat with anything at all and they also turned red thanks to the sugar in yeast dough although the top is a bit firm.

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