Home Product Ratings Evaluation of the quality of bakery products. Organoleptic assessment of bread Organoleptic assessment of bread

Evaluation of the quality of bakery products. Organoleptic assessment of bread Organoleptic assessment of bread

Russian Academy of Culinary Arts and Baking Arts.

Department of Commodity Science


Completed by: student of the T-205 group Ivanov S.S.

Checked by: teacher Rubleva M.A.


General concepts of food quality……………..………………...4

Acquaintance with the quality of rye, rye-wheat and wheat bread……………………………………………………………………………….7

Organoleptic evaluation according to the requirements of GOST…………………………..10

Food Safety……………………………………………….12



Topic: Organoleptic evaluation of the quality of rye, rye-wheat and wheat bread.

The purpose of the lesson: To get acquainted with the basics of conducting an organoleptic quality assessment of the quality of rye, rye-wheat and wheat bread.

1. Acquaintance with the concept of "organoleptic" assessment of food quality.

2. Carrying out an organoleptic quality assessment.

3. Conclusion based on the results of the organoleptic evaluation of the quality of products.

General concepts of food quality.

The quality of food products is a set of properties that reflect the ability of the product to provide organoleptic characteristics, the body's need for nutrients, its safety for health, reliability during manufacture and storage.

The quality of a product is determined by a set of properties that determine its suitability to satisfy certain human needs in accordance with the purpose. Sensory or organoleptic methods based on the analysis of the sensations of the human senses are widely used to assess the consumer merits of food products.

Under the organoleptic evaluation of the quality of food and taste products understand the general methods of evaluation, in which information about the quality of food is perceived through the human senses. Organoleptic analysis is based on the application of scientifically based methods and conditions that guarantee the accuracy and reproducibility of the results.

Organoleptic properties are the properties of objects that are evaluated by the human senses (taste, smell, texture, color, appearance, etc.). Organoleptic analysis of food and taste products is carried out through tastings, i.e. studies carried out with the help of the sense organs of a specialist - a taster without the use of measuring instruments.

Quality indicators determined by vision:

appearance - the general visual sensation produced by the product;

form - a combination of geometric properties (proportions) of the product;

color - the impression caused by a light pulse, determined by the dominant light wavelength and intensity;

gloss - the ability of a product to reflect most of the rays falling on its surface, depending on the smoothness of the surface of the product;

transparency - a property of liquid products, determined by the degree of light transmission through a layer of liquid of a certain thickness.

Quality indicators determined using deep touch (pressure):

consistency - a property of the product, due to its viscosity and determined by the degree of deformation during pressing;

density - a property of the resistance of the product to pressure;

elasticity - the ability of the product to return to its original shape after the cessation of local pressure, not exceeding a critical value (elasticity limit).

Quality indicators determined by smell:

smell - an impression that occurs when the olfactory receptors are excited, determined qualitatively and quantitatively;

aroma - a pleasant natural characteristic smell of the feedstock (milk, fruits, spices, etc.);

"bouquet" - a pleasant developing aroma under the influence of complex processes that occur during maturation, fermentation and fermentation (for example, the "bouquet" of aged wine).

Quality indicators determined in the oral cavity:

juiciness - the impression of touch produced by the juices of the product during chewing (for example, the product is juicy, low juicy, dryish, dry);

uniformity - the impression of touch produced by the particle size of the product (homogeneity of the chocolate mass, candy fillings);

consistency - touch associated with the density, stickiness of the product, pressure force; it is felt when the product is distributed on the tongue (consistency is liquid, syrupy, thick, dense);

fibrous - the impression caused by fibers that resist chewing the product, which can be felt qualitatively and quantitatively (for example, meat with thin fibers);

crumbling - the property of a solid product to crumble when biting and chewing, due to a weak degree of adhesion between particles;

tenderness - a conditional term, evaluated as the resistance that a product has when chewing (for example, a soft apple, a crispy cucumber, tender meat);

astringency - a sense of touch caused by the fact that the inner surface of the oral cavity is contracted and dryness appears in the mouth;

taste - a feeling that occurs when the receptors are excited and is determined both qualitatively (sweet, salty, sour, bitter) and quantitatively (taste intensity);

flavor, or deliciousness, is a complex impression of taste, smell and touch during the distribution of the product in the oral cavity, determined both qualitatively and quantitatively.

To evaluate some products, specific features are used that are not shown in the classification given.

The organoleptic indicators of products are non-measurable, the values ​​of which cannot be expressed in physical scales. Characterization of taste, smell, texture and other sensory features is given in qualitative descriptions. To convert quality into quantity, non-dimensional scales are used in peer review: usually in points, less often in fractions of a unit or percentage.

The point scale is an ordered set of numbers and qualitative characteristics that are brought into line with the evaluated objects according to the attribute being determined.

The scoring scale serves to assign a quantitative assessment to objects, which is a measure of the expression of the qualitative level of a feature. The scale is characterized by a range, or score, which is understood as the number of quality levels included in the scale, in other words, the number of evaluation points does not always coincide with the number of points, since the scores can be divided into shares (1.1-1.5-1.7 points, etc.) or not all points may be used in the assessment (5.10, 15, 20-50 points, etc.). For example, a scale with the highest score of five points with a 0.5-point gradation has the same range as a scale with the highest score of 10 points and a gradation of 1 point, and similarly a scale with a maximum score of 100 points and a gradation of 10 points. If these scoring scales do not use 0, then they all have the same range with 10 quality levels.

When developing scoring scales, the gradation of the scale is determined depending on the nature of the task, the quality of the experts, the required accuracy of the results and the possibility of a verbal description of the characteristics of the qualitative levels.

For expert assessment of product quality, it is recommended to use scales with an odd number of quality levels, more often point scales are used that have three, five, seven, nine quality gradations, which may or may not coincide with the number of points.

Acquaintance with the quality of rye, rye-wheat and wheat bread.

The organoleptic indicators of bread include: appearance (the nature of the surface, color and condition of the crust, its thickness, the absence or presence of peeling of the crust from the crumb and the shape of the product), the condition of the crumb (freshness, bakedness, no signs of unmixed dough, the nature of the porosity and elasticity of the crumb) , taste, smell, the presence of a crunch from mineral impurities, diseases of bread. A 30-point scale for the organoleptic evaluation of bread quality is used. (Table 1.)

Table 1.

30-point scale for organoleptic evaluation of bread quality.


Significance coefficients of indicators

Quality assessment, points









state of the crumb








Appearance is characterized by the shape, surface condition, thickness and color of the crust and is determined by inspection.

Form must be regular, not vague, without lateral protrusions Defects in shape: depression of the lateral and lower crust, crumb protrusions, compressed shape, spreading upper crust, cracks Large cracks are cracks that pass through the entire upper crust in one or more directions and have a width of more than 1 cm

Large breaks are considered to be breaks that cover the entire length of one of the sides of the pan bread or more than half the circumference of the hearth bread and have a width of more than 1 cm in the pan and more than 2 cm in the hearth.

Surface should be even for products made from high-quality flour and slightly rough for products made from wholemeal flour. Surface defects - ruptures of the upper and side crusts, dark-colored blisters on the upper crust, bumpy surface with swellings and cracks.

The thickness of the peel in products is allowed no more than 4 mm. Skin defects: too thick, thin or uneven in thickness, dirty.

The color of the crust should be uniform, from pale yellow to dark brown, may be glossy. Defects: burnt, unevenly colored.

state of the crumbproducts are evaluated by their bakedness, promyss, porosity, elasticity and freshness. The crumb should be well baked, not sticky and not moist to the touch.

The porosity should be uniform, without voids and signs of hardening (non-porous mass). When characterizing the porosity of bread, attention is paid to the size of the pores (small, large, medium) and the thickness of the walls of the pores (thin-walled, medium-thick, thick-walled).

The elasticity of the bread must be good. After light pressure with your fingers, the crumb should take its original shape. If the crumb is deformed a little, then it is characterized as "dense" or "compacted". A crumb that is pressed in and quickly recovers without leaving a mark as "very elastic". If the crumb does not recover its original structure after removal of the load (depression remains), then it is rated as "inelastic" or "insufficiently elastic". Defects: wet, sticky, dry and crumbling crumb, its breaks and peeling, the presence of hardening or non-mixing (lumps of dry flour or other inclusions).

Taste and smell should be characteristic of the taste of the product, without foreign tastes and odors. When chewing bread, there should not be a crunch on the teeth from the presence of mineral impurities. Defects in taste and smell: lack of taste and smell characteristic of the product, insipid, musty, bitter, salty taste, foreign aftertastes.

Organoleptic evaluation according to the requirements of GOST.

Organoleptic assessment of the quality of bread and bakery products is carried out in accordance with the requirements of GOST according to three indicators

Group I - indicators of appearance,

Group II - indicators of the state of the crumb,

Group III - taste and smell.

Bread must be produced from the names and mass of flour in accordance with the GOST 27845-88 recipe. Permissible deviations downward from the established mass of one product at the end of the maximum holding period at the enterprise after removal from the furnace should not exceed 3.0% of the mass of an individual product and 2.5% of the average weight of 10 products.

According to organoleptic indicators, bread must meet the following requirements:

Appearance and shape:

Molded - corresponding to the bread form in which baking was made, with a slightly convex upper crust, without side bulges.

Hearth - Round, oval or oblong - oval, not vague, without impressions.

Surface. Without large cracks and undermining, with or without pins or cuts in accordance with the technological instructions; with longitudinal reliefs and a circular relief - a rim along the edge. Allowed: flouriness for hearth bread, the presence of a seam from the divider - stacker for pan bread, small bubbles, insignificant wrinkling for road bread in the package.

Color. From light yellow to dark brown. Allowed: whitishness for wheat bread from wholemeal flour; small spots of more intense color. Lighter color in the incisions.

Crumb state:

Bakedness. Baked, not moist to the touch. Elastic, after light pressure with your fingers, the crumb should take its original shape.

Promes. Without lumps and traces of non-message.

Porosity. Developed without voids and seals.

Taste. Peculiar to this type of product, without foreign taste.

Smell. Peculiar to this type of product, without foreign smell.


Large cracks are considered to be those that pass through the entire upper crust in one or more directions and have a width of more than 1 cm.

Large explosions are considered to be those covering the entire length of one of the sides of the bread or more than half the circumference of the hearth bread and having a width of more than 1 cm. in tin bread and more than 2cm. in hearth bread.

Food safety.

Food safety is a state of reasonable confidence that food products, under normal conditions of their use, are not harmful and do not pose a danger to the health of present and future generations, determined by the compliance of food products with the requirements of sanitary rules and regulations, and hygienic standards.

Food safety is one of the most important hygiene concerns. This problem has become relevant in the last 15-20 years, this is due to the fact that in our consumer market there is a massive supply of foreign food products, production technologies, storage and sale conditions are changing; new technologies are being introduced, new types of chemicals are being used, their amount added to food is increasing; of particular danger is the contamination of food due to environmental problems of the environment.

According to foreign scientists, 30-80% of pollution enters the human body with food.

Currently, in the developed countries of the West, the Codex Alimentarius is in force, which is a set of legislative acts on the composition, properties and quality of food products. To ensure guaranteed food safety, a hazard analysis system for critical control points (HACCP) has been created and is operating at processing enterprises in industrialized countries, which provides a quality control system in the production of food products according to the level of risk criteria. This critical point hazard analysis system is also referred to as product safety technology.

Various food hazards are grouped into several groups. The risk assessment in each group includes three main criteria: severity, frequency of occurrence and time of onset of a negative effect. The severity of the hazard characterizes the type of effect caused, ranging from mild and temporary discomfort to more serious but reversible consequences; or irreversible consequences, including death. The frequency of occurrence indicates the number of occurrences or intensity of occurrence of a given effect. Hazard onset time reflects the time of occurrence of the effect from the moment of exposure to the hazard to the immediate onset of the effect.

The types of hazards are unequal in terms of risk, being distributed into groups - from maximum to minimum risk:

1) dangers of microbial and viral origin;

2) dangers associated with a lack or excess of nutrients in the human diet;

3) dangers associated with contamination of food products from the environment with foreign compounds;

4) hazards of natural origin, due to the peculiarities of the chemical composition of natural raw materials;

5) dangers associated with social toxicants: smoking, alcohol, drugs;

6) the dangers of food additives used in the technology of food production.

In the Russian Federation, taking into account international and domestic experience in food ecology, on the basis of the Federal Law "On the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population" of March 30, 1999 No. 52-FZ and the regulation on state sanitary and epidemiological regulation, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 24 July 2000 No. 554, the sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations "Hygienic requirements for the safety and nutritional value of food products SanPiN" were put into effect.

Excerpts from "Hygienic requirements for the safety and nutritional value of food SanPiN".

Food products must satisfy the physiological needs of a person in the necessary substances and energy, meet the requirements usually imposed on food products in terms of organoleptic and physico-chemical parameters and comply with the requirements established by regulatory documents for the permissible content of chemical, radioactive, biologically active substances and their compounds, microorganisms and other biological organisms that pose a threat to the health of current and future generations.


Table 2

Index, product group


Permissible levels, mg/kg, no more


1.4.7. Bread, bakery products and sweets

Toxic elements:









Mycotoxins, pesticides

according to clause 1.4.4





microbiological indicators

Index, product group

QMAFAnM, CFU/g, not

Product weight (g), in which are not allowed

Molds, cfu/g, not



BGKP (coli-forms)

S. aureus

Bacteria of the genus Proteus

Pathogenic, including salmonella

more Bakery products (including pies, pancakes)

1 10 3


Organoleptic assessment of the quality of bread and bakery products should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of GOST. The organoleptic indicators of bread include: appearance (the nature of the surface, color and condition of the crust, its thickness, the absence or presence of peeling of the crust from the crumb and the shape of the product), the condition of the crumb (freshness, bakedness, no signs of unmixed dough, the nature of the porosity and elasticity of the crumb) , taste, smell, the presence of a crunch from mineral impurities, diseases of bread.

Organoleptic assessment of the quality of food products allows you to identify discrepancies and qualitatively carry out the rejection. Thus, to prevent low-quality products from entering the consumer's table. In this work, a study was made of the quality of bread in terms of organoleptic indicators. Inadmissible and permissible inconsistencies in terms of organoleptic indicators are listed. The regulatory and legal framework, documentation on ensuring the safety of the population with food products, in particular bakery products, has been studied.


Hygienic requirements for food safety and nutritional value SanPiN

GOST 27845-88

Timofeeva V.A. Merchandising of food products M, Phoenix, 2013

Methodological instructions for the performance of work.

The hygienic assessment of bread is given on the basis of an organoleptic examination and determination of moisture, porosity and acidity. In necessary cases, a microbiological analysis of bread is carried out and poisonous and foreign inclusions are determined in it.

Organoleptic indicators of bread

The surface of the bread should be smooth, without cracks and tears, swelling, burnt places, foreign inclusions. It is not allowed for the top crust to lag behind the crumb. The thickness of the crusts should be no more than 0.5 cm. If the upper crust is very thin and lags behind the crumb, then the oven temperature was too high, the crust formed quickly, and gases (carbon dioxide, water vapor and alcohol) when expanding in a heated space, trying to escape outside, lifted the top crust. Conversely, a thick crust and the presence of temper (a layer of undercooked dough near the bottom crust) are signs of insufficient oven temperature. The color of the crust should be uniform, brown-brown for rye bread, light or dark yellow for wheat. The crumb in the section should be homogeneous (there should be no lumps of unmixed dough or old bread), finely porous and, when lightly pressed with a finger, should quickly return to its original shape. The taste should be pleasant, without bitterness and foreign taste. When chewing, there should be no crunch on the teeth and mineral impurities.

The smell of bread should be pleasant, fragrant, characteristic of this type of bread. A musty smell is a sign of the poor quality of the flour from which the bread is baked.

Porosity definitions

The porosity of bread is an indicator of the quality of bread baking and the quality of the flour from which it is baked. The porosity of bread improves the organoleptic properties of bread and promotes better absorption of nutrients. Porosity is understood as the ratio of the pore volume of the crumb to the total volume of the bread crumb, expressed as a percentage.

To determine the porosity of bread, Zhuravlev's device is used, which consists of the following parts: a metal cylinder with a pointed end on one side; wooden sleeve; wooden or metal tray with a transverse wall.

A piece 7-8 cm long is cut out of the middle of the bread, a recess is made from its crumb with the cylinder of the device (with a rotational movement, having previously lubricated its sharp edge with vegetable oil). The cylinder filled with crumb is placed on the tray so that its rim enters the slot in the tray. Then the bread crumb is pushed out of the cylinder by about 1 cm and cut off at the edge of the cylinder with a sharp knife. The cut piece is removed, and the remaining cylinder is pushed out with a sleeve to the wall of the tray and cut off at the very rim of the cylinder. The crumb volume of the cylinder is 27 cm 3 .

To determine the porosity of wheat bread, 3 are made, and for rye bread and bread from a mixture of flour, 4 cylindrical recesses. The prepared recesses are simultaneously weighed and the porosity is calculated by the formula:

X is the desired percentage of porosity,

B is the total volume of bread cuts,

a is the weight of the notches in grams,

b - density of non-porous mass.

The density of the non-porous mass (b) is taken for rye bread, wheat bread from wholemeal flour and rye-wheat - 1.21; wheat of the second grade - 1.26, wheat of the highest and first grade - 1.31.

An organoleptic evaluation is carried out to establish the compliance of the organoleptic indicators of product quality with the requirements of regulatory and technical documentation. Organoleptic assessment is carried out to determine the indicators of appearance, color, taste, aroma, texture, etc. through the senses. A tasting committee of at least five people is created on the basis of the selection of tasters, taking into account their individual sensitivity and ability to establish specific differences in color, taste, smell, and aroma.

With the organoleptic method, the quality of bread is assessed using the human senses: sight, smell, taste, touch, hearing.

The following parameters of cookies are determined by the organoleptic method: appearance, state of packaging, markings, shape, surface condition, color, taste, smell, texture, fractured appearance. The organoleptic method is characterized by simplicity and speed of determination, but it is subjective, which makes the quality assessment inaccurate. In addition, the organoleptic method does not give a complete picture of the quality of cookies, their chemical composition, the presence or absence of harmful substances. In the process of tasting, with the help of the senses, not only the taste is determined, but also the appearance, smell, color, texture of the product.

According to organoleptic indicators, rye, rye-wheat and wheat-rye bread must meet the requirements specified in Table 6

Name of indicator



shape: hearth

Rounded, oval or oblong-oval, not vague, without impressions, with slightly pointed ends of Minsk bread


Corresponding to the bread form in which the pastries were made, without side overflows



With gloss at Borodino bread; smooth, without large cracks and undermining in other types of bread; with the presence of cumin or anise in rye brewed bread, coriander, cumin or anise in Borodino bread; the presence of a seam from the divider-stacker is allowed


No major breakdowns. With gloss in Minsk and Riga bread, rough in other types of bread; pricks, cracks, flouriness of the upper and lower crusts are allowed. For baked "Viru" bread, one transverse cut is allowed at both ends or pins. It is not allowed to peel off the crust from the crumb in pan and hearth bread

Dark brown for Borodino bread; light brown to dark brown for other types of bread

Crumb state:


Baked, not sticky, not wet to the touch, elastic. After light pressure with your fingers, the crumb should take its original shape. Choux bread has a slightly sticky crumb

Without lumps and traces of unmixed


Developed, without voids and seals. For custard bread, the crumb is slightly compacted

Peculiar to this type of product, without foreign taste. The table, Moscow region, Riga and baked bread "Viru" has a slightly sour-sweet

At Borodino bread - sweetish

Peculiar to this type of product, without foreign smell.

At rye brewed bread, Moscow, Borodino, Minsk, Riga, pecked "Viru" - with a light aroma of cumin, anise or coriander


  • 1. Large cracks are considered to be those that pass through the entire upper crust in one or more directions and have a width of more than 1 cm.
  • 2. Large breaks are considered to be those covering the entire length of one of the sides of the pan bread or more than half the circumference of the hearth bread and having a width of more than 1 cm in the pan bread and more than 2 cm in the hearth bread.
  • 3. It is allowed to produce round-shaped Minsk bread when it is produced on complex-mechanized lines equipped with round-shaped dough piece transplanters.

To determine the organoleptic quality indicators of rye-wheat bread, we took two samples from the same manufacturer:

  • 1. Rye-wheat bread "Korenskoy" shaped in a package, manufacturer of JSC "Kurskkhleb", Russia, Kursk, st. Dmitrova, 100. (TU 9113-001-00348097-05)
  • 2. Bread rye-wheat "Capital" shaped in the package, manufacturer JSC "Kurskkhleb", Russia, Kursk, st. Dmitrova, 100. (GOST 26984-86)

The study of organoleptic indicators of the quality of cookies is presented in (Appendix 1).

On the basis of the tasting map, an analysis of the arithmetic mean and standard deviation was carried out. The results of the analysis were drawn up in the form of a protocol of the tasting commission (Appendix 2).

The results of the tasting assessment of rye-wheat bread "Korenskoy" shaped in the package (TU 9113-001-00348097-05).


Average mark.



Taste and smell

state of the crumb

Sum of points

The results of the tasting assessment of rye-wheat bread "Capital" shaped in the package (GOST 26984-86)


Average mark.



Taste and smell

state of the crumb

Sum of points

The results of the tasting assessment showed that rye-wheat bread "Stolichny" shaped in the package, produced by OJSC Kurskkhleb, Russia, Kursk, st. Dmitrova, 100. (GOST 26984-86) Since it had an appearance corresponding to the bread form in which baking was carried out, without side overflows, the crumb was baked, not sticky, elastic, without lumps and traces of mess. Taste corresponding to this type of product without extraneous odors.

To determine the organoleptic quality indicators of rye bread, we took two samples from the same manufacturer:

  • 1. Rye bread "Custard" shaped in a package, manufacturer of JSC "Kurskkhleb", Russia, Kursk, st. Dmitrova, 100. (GOST 2077-84)
  • 2. Rye bread "Moskovsky" shaped in the package, manufacturer of OJSC "Kurskkhleb", Russia, Kursk, st. Dmitrova, 100. (GOST 2077-84)

The study of organoleptic indicators of biscuit quality is presented in (Appendix 3).

Based on the tasting map, an analysis of the arithmetic mean and standard deviation was carried out. The results of the analysis were drawn up in the form of a protocol of the tasting commission (Appendix 4).

Rye bread "Custard" shaped in the package, manufacturer of OJSC "Kurskkhleb", Russia, Kursk, st. Dmitrova, 100. (GOST 2077-84)


Average mark.



Taste and smell

state of the crumb

Sum of points

Rye bread "Moskovsky" shaped in the package, manufacturer of OJSC "Kurskkhleb", Russia, Kursk, st. Dmitrova, 100. (GOST 2077-84)

The results of the tasting evaluation showed that the highest score was given to rye bread "Custard" shaped bread in a package, produced by OJSC Kurskkhleb, Russia, Kursk, st. Dmitrova, 100. (GOST 2077-84)

Since it had an appearance corresponding to the bread form in which baking was made, without lateral overflows, the crumb was baked, not sticky, elastic, without lumps and traces of the mess. Taste corresponding to this type of product without extraneous odors.

The quality of bread, like any food product, is a complex concept, covering a number of its features. The consumer first of all pays attention to organoleptic properties - appearance, taste and aroma, freshness. The merchandiser should evaluate the quality much more broadly, he also needs to know the nutritional value and safety, storage stability, storage conditions and terms. The quality of bread, as well as the main methods of quality assessment, are regulated by relevant standards.

The quality of bread is evaluated by organoleptic and physico-chemical parameters.

Organoleptic indicators are determined during inspection and tasting of bread and bakery products.

Appearance primarily determined by the shape of the product. It must be correct, corresponding to this type of bread. Hearth products should not be blurry, have side overflows. For most hearth products, priskis are not allowed, from which molding of the crumb easily begins. Molded products have a somewhat convex upper crust without lateral sagging. Products that are wrinkled or deformed due to careless handling of bread are not allowed to be sold.

Product surface must be smooth, shiny, without large cracks and undermining, not contaminated.

Coloration of crusts should be uniform, not pale or burnt.

For many types of products, the thickness of the crusts is also standardized (for rye and rye-wheat - up to 3-4 mm, wheat - up to 1.5-3 mm).

state of the crumb - an important indicator of the quality of bread. Bread of good quality has a uniform fine thin-walled porosity, without voids and signs of hardening (unloosened areas of the crumb). There are no foreign inclusions in it in the form of unmixed lumps of flour or accidentally caught objects (wood chips, scraps of twine, etc.). The crumb of fresh bread is soft, well-baked, not sticky and not wet to the touch, elastic, after light pressure with a finger, it returns to its original shape. Stale bread becomes hard and crumbly.

Taste and aroma bread should be pleasant, corresponding to this type of product.

Physical and chemical quality indicators characterize the strict observance of the recipe and the conduct of the technological process by bakery enterprises. For most. products such indicators are humidity, acidity and porosity. In improved and rich products, the content of fat and sugar is additionally determined.

Humidity set by the standards at a certain, optimal level for a given product, depends on the strength of the flour and the recipe of the bread, and to a certain extent is related to the nutritional value, since with an increase in humidity, the proportion of nutrients

substances are reduced. The moisture content of bread is (in%): for simple and improved wheat bread - 42-48, for rich products - 34-42; for bread made from rye flour - 45-51.

Acidity to some extent characterizes the taste of bread. Not enough and too sour bread tastes bad. The acidity of bread (as well as flour) is expressed in Neumann degrees (°H) and is (in °H):. for products made from wheat varietal flour - 2-5; from rye - 6-12.

Porosity of bread shows the percentage of pore volume to the total volume of the crumb. Its digestibility is related to the porosity of bread. Well loosened bread with a uniform fine thin-walled porosity is easily chewed and soaked in digestive juices and therefore more fully absorbed. Wheat bread from high-quality flour has a porosity of 60-75%, from rye - 46-60%.

In improved and rich products, the content is normalized fat and sugar compliance is guaranteed by the supplier. In disputable cases, these indicators are determined by appropriate methods. Downward deviations are allowed for fat by no more than 0.5-1%, for sugar - by 1-2%.

The difference in varieties of rye and wheat bread is due to the type (yield) of flour taken for baking it. Depending on the method of baking, bread can be molded, i.e. baked in forms or hearth, baked on baking sheets.

The surface of the bread should be smooth, without large cracks and tears. Large cracks are considered to be more than 1 cm wide, passing through the entire upper crust in one or more directions.

The color of the bread should be uniform, brown-brown with some sheen of the top and side crust in hearth bread and the top crust in pan bread. Burnt crusts are not allowed, as well as their excessive pallor. The transition from the crust to the crumb should be gradual, peeling of the crust from the crumb is not allowed.

The shape of the bread must be correct, not vague, not crumpled, without side sags and other defects. The thickness of the upper crust is allowed no more than 3-4 mm. For hearth bread, the lower crust is no more than 5 mm, for tin bread - no more than 3 mm.

The taste of bread should be moderately sour, not oversalted, without signs of bitterness or foreign taste, without a crunch on the teeth from mineral impurities. The smell of bread should be characteristic of this type and variety without extraneous shades.

The state of the crumb is taken into account by the degree of baking, the intensity and uniformity of kneading dough, porosity and elasticity. The bread should be well baked, not sticky, not moist to the touch, without lumps and traces of unmixed, evenly porous. The presence of voids and hardening is not allowed in the crumb, i.e. dense, watery, non-porous areas, usually located near the bottom crust. The crumb should be sufficiently elastic, not crumbly, not stale. With light pressure with your finger - quickly take the original shape.

Determination of the porosity of bread. Cut out from the crumb 1 cube with a volume of 27 cm 3, with sides of 3 cm (the cut cube is the volume of bread along with air. After that, the cube is divided into several parts (recommended 16), from which dense balls with a diameter of 1 cm are made, squeezing them well until possible dense destruction of the pores and the displacement of air from them.Thus, the volume of bread without air is obtained.

Then the balls prepared from one cube are lowered into a narrow graduated cylinder with divisions up to 0.5 cm, filled to a certain division with vegetable oil. By increasing the level of oil in the vessel, the volume of a compressed cube of bread (without air) is judged. In order to determine the volume of pores occupied by air in a taken cube of bread, the second volume of bread obtained without air is subtracted from the initial volume of bread with air 27 cm 3 and the difference is expressed as a percentage.

Example: Assume that after dipping compressed bread balls made from a 27 cm 3 cube of bread into oil, the oil level in the cylinder rises from the 25th division to the 40th, i.e. for 15 divisions. Therefore, the volume of pores in bread is 27-15=12 cm 3 , therefore the desired bread porosity will be equal to 12 ∙ 100: 27 = 44.4%

The result obtained is compared with the sanitary and hygienic requirements for the porosity of bread:

bread made from wheat flour, premium - 70-72%;

first grade - 65-68%;

second grade - 63-65%;

rye-wheat bread, hearth bread - 47%;

shaped - 50%;

bread made from rye flour, peeled - 49-50%;

seeded - 55-57%

The defeat of bread by mold, potato disease and pigment-forming bacteria. Moldy bread. The crumb is mainly affected by mold. Molding of bread is observed at high humidity and its storage in adverse conditions (in dark, poorly ventilated rooms). The molding process is caused by the development of fungi Penicillium glaucum (green mold), Mycog mucedo (capitate mold), etc.

When molding, the chemical composition of bread changes and substances with an unpleasant odor are formed. Bread affected by mold is not allowed to be used for food purposes.

Potato (viscous) disease. The defeat of bread occurs as a result of the development and vital activity in it of bacteria from the Mecentericum group, which are constantly present on potatoes. The causative agents of potato disease are widespread in the external environment and easily get into flour and dough. They contain heat-resistant spores that can even withstand the temperature of baking bread.

Potato disease mainly affects wheat bread with high humidity and high acidity when stored in cramped, hot, poorly ventilated warehouses, usually in the hot season. Rye bread is not affected by potato disease due to its high acidity. The crumb of the affected bread is a sticky, viscous, dirty-brown mass that emits a specific smell of rotting fruit. This liquefied mass contains water-soluble starch hydrolysis products (dextrin, sugar) and protein breakdown products (peptoses, albumoses, etc.).

Bread infected with potato disease is unfit for human consumption.

The defeat of bread by pigment-forming bacteria manifests itself in the form of mucous bright red spots caused by the vital activity of the pigment-forming microbe B.prodigiosus, known as the miraculous stick, on wheat flour products. The development of bacteria occurs in cramped, humid, hot rooms. Changes in bread are not harmful, however, due to the unusual coloring, such bread is not used for food.

Hygienic examination of canned food . Evaluation of canned food is carried out in accordance with SanPiN and GOST 13534-89 "Canned meat"; 50105-92 "Canned food and fish preserves".

Canned food, depending on the method of preservation, is produced as true canned food and as conserves. True canned food is a sterile food product in a hermetically sealed container, sterilized in special autoclaves. Preserves - non-sterile food products (sprats, herring, etc.), filled with marinade or spicy brine and hermetically sealed in jars. There are no product sterility requirements for condoms. They can be stored for a short time and only in the cold.

Canned food can be meat, fish, vegetable, meat and vegetable, fruit. The contents of cans must correspond to the name indicated on the label. Canned food and preserves are available in tin or glass containers.

During the sanitary examination of canned food, the state of the container is established and the quality of the contents of the cans is examined in accordance with the requirements for this type of canned food.

External inspection of cans: note the condition of the label, the content of the inscription on the label, the presence of visible defects in the shape of the can, the violation of tightness, rust spots, the state of the seam, the content of prints on the lid and bottom of the can.

The imprints indicate: 1) the number of production - two digits (up to the ninth digit in front of 0); 2) month of production - two digits (up to the ninth digit in front of 0); 3) year of production - the last two digits; 4) shift number - one digit; 5) assortment number 1-3 digits. For canned food of the highest grade, the letter "B" is added to it; 6) system index - 1-2 letters: A - meat industry, P - fish industry, K - fruit and vegetable farming, U.S. - consumer cooperation, M.S. - Agricultural production, LH - forestry; 7) manufacturer's number - 1-3 digits. The imprint can be given entirely in two lines on the lid or on the lid in two lines with the date of production and shift number and assortment number, and on the bottom with the system index and company number.

131088 or on cover 131088

and on the bottom A 151
Canned food was produced on October 13, 1988 in 1 shift with assortment number 183 by the meat industry enterprise 151.

During an external examination of the cans, attention is paid to the condition of the bottoms: to the presence of their swelling (bombing). The bombing can have a different origin: a) microbial (due to the formation of gases by microorganisms - hydrogen sulfide, methane, ammonia, carbon dioxide); b) physical due to heating, freezing of the product or overfilling the can, as well as its deformation; c) chemical, caused by swelling of the bottoms due to the formation of hydrogen as a result of the action of canning filling acids on the metal covering the can.

The data of the external examination of the can are entered in the analysis protocol, after which the can is examined for the tightness of the package using the arbitration and simplified method.

A simplified method: the jar is freed from the label, wiped off the lubricating layer of petroleum jelly, tied with twine and immersed in water preheated to boiling. The amount of water should be 4 times the volume of the jar. The water should completely cover the jar immersed in it. The temperature of the water after immersing the jar in it drops, it must be maintained at a level not lower than 85 ° C. The jar is kept in hot water for 5-7 minutes.

Air bubbles appear on the surface of the water if the seal of the package of canned food is violated.

Hygienic examination of fruits and vegetables

Hygienic examination is subject to fresh and freshly frozen vegetables, dried vegetables, potatoes, fruits, berries and mushrooms, juices, drinks and vegetable, fruit, berry, salted and pickled vegetables, salted and pickled mushrooms.

The evaluation of these products is carried out in accordance with
Sanitary rules and norms SanPiN

Research of fresh vegetables, fruits and berries
for their nitrate content
. The content of nitrates is one of the important indicators characterizing the ecological and hygienic safety of food of plant origin.

The reason for the increase in the content of nitrates in these products is, as a rule, the excessive use of nitrogen fertilizers in agriculture, as a result of which the level of nitrates in soil, surface and ground waters increases, from where they enter food and feed agricultural products. In addition, nitrates are used as
food additives, for example, in sausage production, where their overdose is possible. It is also known about the possibility of using nitrates to falsify food products, as they help accelerate the ripening, in particular, melons (watermelons, melons, etc.)

A significant accumulation of nitrates in water and food products can cause methemoglobinemia in children and a number of diseases in farm animals. Nitrates can combine with amines and amides to form
carcinogenic effects of nitrosamines and nitrosamides.

The accumulation of nitrates in plant products occurs with varying intensity. So, with the same content in the soil - 80 mg / kg, they can be found in melons in quantities of 100-140 mg / kg, tomatoes - 115 mg / kg, cucumbers - 120 mg / kg, potatoes - 220 mg / kg. kg, cabbage - 280 mg/kg, beets - 420 mg/kg.

To determine the content of nitrates in food
various methods can be used. The method for determining the content of nitrates in fruit and vegetable products is set out in MU 5048-89. However, at present, express control using the MORION device is most widely used, although this device gives a rather large error (about 20%).

Practical work "Hygienic examination of the nutritional value and good quality of food products."

Assignment to students:

In accordance with the methods specified in the general provisions of the topic, conduct a hygienic examination of the nutritional value and good quality of food products: milk, meat, bread, fish, canned food.

Lesson topic: Medical and sanitary control over the catering of medical institutions

The value of studying the topic: consists in the implementation of knowledge and skills in conducting medical and sanitary control over the catering of medical institutions in the professional activities of a doctor, as well as in preparing students for future life.

Purpose of the lesson:

a) The purpose of studying the topic: familiarization of students with the principles of planning the catering units of medical institutions, sanitary requirements for interior decoration of premises, equipment and inventory, sanitary and hygienic requirements for the organization of the catering unit, contraindications for admission to work at food enterprises.

b) The learning goal of the lesson: students must learn to evaluate the design of the catering unit, the degree of sufficiency in equipping the catering unit, the rejection of ready-made meals in the catering unit and identify violations in the operating mode of the catering unit that can lead to food poisoning.

Educational tasks of studying the topic:

o development of preventive thinking among students;

o development of hygienic and ecological culture of students.

Topic study plan:

End of work -

This topic belongs to:

Hygienic and ecological Nutritional adequacy

for Health and Social Development.. State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education..

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