Home Salads and appetizers Horse meat: the benefits and harms of valuable meat. What are the beneficial properties of horse meat and can it be harmful. Horse meat - useful properties of meat and an indicator of its calorie content

Horse meat: the benefits and harms of valuable meat. What are the beneficial properties of horse meat and can it be harmful. Horse meat - useful properties of meat and an indicator of its calorie content

Horse meat is treated ambiguously all over the world - different peoples of the world have completely different attitudes towards horse meat. For example, for the Japanese, horse meat is a rather expensive delicacy. But the inhabitants of Israel and other Jews are forbidden to eat this product. In Central Asia, from time immemorial, horse meat has been one of the main types of meat (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, etc.).

It should be noted that the meat of horses does not have a very pleasant aroma, besides, it is tough. However, if it is properly prepared with a few certain spices, it is possible to obtain good tasting dietary meat food.


In many ways, the taste of horse meat and the composition of meat depends on the age of the horse, as well as the conditions of its maintenance. If horses for a long time kept in captivity, the product will end up being "loose". That is why pasture cattle breeding is more developed in the world.

The best and most delicious is the meat of a foal (the age of the animal does not exceed 1 year). Below is the composition (per 100 g):

  • water - 72.6 g,
  • ash - 1 g,
  • proteins - 21.4 g,
  • fats - 4.6 g.

Comparing horse meat with other types of meat (beef, pork, lamb), it becomes clear that it has the most high-quality protein (meaning a protein that is balanced in amino acids). Thus, meat is much better absorbed by the body (compared to beef - several times faster).

Vitamins in meat:

  • group B
  • PP, E

Micro and macro elements:

  • manganese - 19 mcg,
  • phosphorus - 221 mg,
  • magnesium - 24 mg,
  • iron - 3.8 mg,
  • zinc - 2.9 mg,
  • potassium - 360 mg,
  • copper - 144 mcg,
  • sodium - 53 mg,
  • selenium - 10.1 mcg.

In addition, horse meat has a minimum amount of cholesterol and a high level of organic acids, which, according to nutritionists, is a big plus for meat, since metabolic processes improve with daily intake.

Meat calories

Fat in horse meat is unevenly distributed. Most of all it is in the ribs and peritoneum. In these parts, the calorie content is high: about 500 kcal per 100 g. As for the other parts, there is about 5 times less fat: only 133 kcal per 100 g of meat.

Beneficial features

Since ancient times, horse meat has been used by peoples who have developed nomadic cattle breeding. Horse meat, even when cold, has a warming property, and also gives vigor. Horse meat is also used in the production baby food as one of the first types of meat that should be given to babies.

Horse meat is digested in the body in 3-4 hours and has an anti-sclerotic effect. Doctors recommend eating it in order to improve the functioning of the digestive system and the condition of the intestines.

Application in medicine

According to doctors, horse meat is very useful product and it can be used as a treatment for various diseases. Today, horse meat is part of various therapeutic dietary rations. We list the main advantages of horse meat:

  • As mentioned above, lowering blood cholesterol. Moreover, due to the presence of organic acids, meat can be used in the treatment of vascular and heart diseases.
  • A number of scientific studies have shown that horse meat can minimize radioactive effects on the body, as well as neutralize the negative effects after chemotherapy.
  • Products from horse meat recommended for young children.
  • Good choleretic effect. Horse meat will help restore the body after diseases such as jaundice and biliary dyskinesia.
  • It increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood, which means that with the help of meat you can treat anemia and other similar diseases.
  • Application in cosmetology
  • Use in the treatment of burns, as well as frostbite


There are no special contraindications. However, horse meat should not be abused, as with excessive intake of meat, there is a risk of developing diabetes, osteoporosis and hypertension.

Horse meat is used by nutritionists in various nutrition systems: both for therapeutic and prophylactic action and for weight loss. The relatively low percentage of fats and carbohydrates, as well as the rapid assimilation by the body, make horse meat attractive in terms of nutrition - it is quite possible to replace beef with horse meat.

Consider the most popular diet based on horse meat:

  • Morning: boiled rice (without vegetable oil, salt and seasonings), tea without sugar and boiled meat (180-200 g)
  • Day: horse meat goulash (250-300 g), vegetable salad, tea without sugar or natural juice
  • Evening: boiled horse meat (100-120 g), vegetable salad and unsweetened tea
  • An hour before bedtime: a glass of kefir

  • Morning: water porridge (oatmeal or whole grains), boiled horse meat (100-120 g), 1 fruit (apple or pear)
  • Day: horse meat stew (200 g), some fruit (except banana and grapes), herbal tea
  • Evening: horse meat stew again (200 g) with bran or rye bread, cucumber and tomato salad, herbal tea
  • Before bed: a little cottage cheese

As you can see, the diet is quite strict. It is best to observe it for no more than 12-14 days, alternating the menus presented above. It is also recommended to take multivitamins throughout the entire course of nutrition and drink plenty of pure non-carbonated water. According to the reviews of those who have lost weight, you can lose from 3-4 to 7-8 kg of excess weight.

Horse meat is the edible meat of horses. There is an opinion that it is very tough, has an unpleasant taste and smell, but this is not so. High-quality fresh horse meat is very tasty and has a lot of useful properties.

As a rule, specially bred young horses are slaughtered for meat. (at the age of 2-3 years), however, often older individuals culled from the main herd are also used for these purposes. Horse meat is used for culinary purposes both as an independent product and as an ingredient in some sausages. (especially - servelats).

History and geography

Since ancient times, horse meat has been the most important ( and sometimes the main) part of the diet of nomadic Asian peoples, mainly living in the territory of modern Mongolia, Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan. This is primarily due to the peculiarities of the "meat" rearing of horses. The fact is that an indispensable condition for obtaining tasty, nutritious horse meat is grazing, stall keeping is allowed only for a short (about 15 days) fattening. Longer keeping horses in stalls leads to a sharp deterioration in the taste and texture of meat.

At the same time, the nutritional value of horse meat is very dependent on the climate and geography of the area. For example, in Europe, "meat" breeding of horses is beneficial only in Hungary. And in Japan, horse meat has long been considered a real delicacy and is very expensive. This is due precisely to the lack of pastures suitable for growing horses in the right quantities.

Today, horse meat is still widely eaten in Central Asia as an independent product. In European countries, it is mainly used as an ingredient in various kinds of sausages and servlets. However, in some countries, horse meat is taboo. So, it is not eaten either in the UK or in the USA. Of the English-speaking countries, this meat is consumed only in Canada. They do not eat it in India and Brazil, as well as in Spain ( despite the fact that this country is actively exporting this product).

In the Arab region, it is possible to eat horse meat, but it is not recommended, for Jews, horse meat is forbidden for religious reasons. It is worth noting that the Catholic Church does not welcome the consumption of horse meat. In Russia, horses are raised for meat mainly in Altai and Bashkiria.

Species and varieties

Horse meat is divided according to the age of the horses from which it is obtained:
Foal. The meat of foals under one year old ( the best is the product obtained from 9-10-month-old individuals). Such meat is softer and more tender, with a rich specific aroma, and its fat layer has a very light, almost white color. The color of the meat is quite dark.

Actually horse meat. Meat from adults (2-3 years) horses. It is tougher and denser, the fat layer has an intense yellow color. (main distinguishing feature), and the horse meat itself is much darker, almost crimson.

In cooking, both foal and horse meat are used, and horse meat needs a longer processing, as it is much tougher.

Beneficial features

Horse meat is distinguished by a high protein content, its calorie content is approximately 187 kcal / 100 g in raw form and 293 kcal / 100 g in fried. Among all types of meat, it is horse meat that holds the record for the amount of complete proteins ( about 25%) and water ( about 70%). It is also rich in molybdenum, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, sodium, copper, magnesium and iron. There is a lot of thiamine, amino acids, organic acids in horsemeat ( more than beef), nicotinamide and riboflavin. Among the vitamins, it is worth highlighting the B group, vitamins PP, E and A.

Useful properties of horse meat:
Warming effect when consumed cold (which is why horse meat is often called "camping food");
Activation of metabolism;
Normalization of the liver;
Rapid absorption by the body;
Hypoallergenicity (horse meat is recommended even for baby food);
Improvement of the digestive tract;
Improving the composition of the intestinal microflora;
Anti-sclerotic action (due to low cholesterol).

Excessive consumption of horse meat can lead to overweight ( Still, this meat is quite high in calories.). In addition, it can provoke the development of diseases of the heart, blood vessels and digestive organs due to the high fat content in the product.

Taste qualities

Horse meat has a special, specific taste. Fresh meat has a fairly dense texture, and the younger the horse, the more tender it is. The surface of the product should be shiny and slightly damp. The most tender and refined is the meat of foals that have not reached the age of one, it is softer and has a more pronounced aroma with herbal notes.

Wherein taste qualities and the composition of the meat is highly dependent on which part of the carcass it is taken from. So, the rib part is the most high-calorie, since fat in horses is deposited mainly on the ribs and abdomen. In addition, with age, the amount of water in horse meat decreases and the fat content increases.

Application in cooking

Horse meat is widely used in cooking. As an additional ingredient, it is added to sausages and servlets ( including raw smoked) to give a spicy flavor and a more elastic texture. V national cuisine Central Asian peoples, it is the main ( often the only) type of meat and acts as an independent product.

You can cook horse meat different ways. As a rule, it is fried, stewed, boiled ( about 2 hours) or pickled (in vinegar or hot sauces) . In Central Asia, this meat is often dried, because in this form it is stored much longer. (about 3 months). Soups are also made from horse meat, it is twisted into minced meat and used to make cutlets and meatballs. This meat goes well with all sorts of vegetables, potatoes and cereal dishes.

In addition, sausages are made from horse meat. (in the southern regions of France), deep-fried dishes (in Switzerland) and some types of pasta (in Italy).

Horse meat - is one of the cleanest, leanest, high-calorie and healthy meat products. Horse meat has a rather specific smell and herbal taste. It is recommended to eat horses no older than three years of age. But the most useful and tasty meat is from a young ten-month-old stallion. Horse meat differs from foal meat in the color of fat. Stallions have pink or white fat, and yellow horses.

horse meat properties

Horse meat has dietary properties, thanks to which it quite easily passes the process of assimilation in the human body. One hundred grams of horse meat contains one hundred and sixty-seven calories and zero carbohydrates. It contains the most protein compared to the meat of other animals whose meat is eaten. There are also many useful substances and vitamins. This is the percentage of sodium, potassium, iron, amino acids, phosphorus, copper, thiamine and many others. Horse meat has another valuable property: it contains a substance capable of neutralizing the effects of radiation. Horse fat is able to remove bile from the body, therefore, due to its properties, horse meat is recommended for jaundice. Horse fat is good for the liver.

The benefits of horse meat

Horse meat is famous for its low content of allergenic amino acids and a variety of heavy compounds, so it is useful for people with allergies.

The low fat content allows horsemeat to be consumed while dieting. The high water content in meat allows food to be digested faster by the body. Even beef meat is incomparable to horse meat. The composition of horse fat is more similar to the composition vegetable oils, therefore, the percentage of cholesterol is very low in it and the choleretic effect is very well established. By eating horse meat, the body receives high-quality protein, and useful substances normalize the metabolic process in the body. It has also been proven that horse meat improves potency.

Horse fat is widely used in cosmetology for masks.

In case of frostbite or burns, horse fat is smeared on the affected part of the body. It has a soothing effect on the skin and relieves pain sensations.

The use of horse meat

Raw products that are obtained from the slaughter of a horse are quite valuable objects in the field of medicine. It is often used in diet therapy, atherosclerosis, hepatitis, pancreatitis, obesity and metabolic disorders. Anti-lymorocyte serum, necessary in the process of transplantation of internal organs and tissues, is extracted from horse meat. Horse gastric juice has also found its use in medicine, and pregnant mares have genodotropin, which stimulates the maturation of the female egg.

Increased protein, taste and smell, excellent morphological composition and dietary value, low production costs and minimal cost are the reasons for the high percentage of popularity among the population.

Horse meat is a hypoallergenic product. It contains a large amount of vitamins B and E groups. Therefore, thanks to this feature, horse meat is able to improve blood circulation in those who constantly use it. Patients with anemia are recommended to include it in their regular diet.

Harm horse meat

If certain storage conditions and processing technologies are not observed, horse meat is quite dangerous for eating.

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The benefits and harms of horse meat are well known to representatives of South Asian nomadic peoples and residents of the northern regions of Russia. The meat of mares, geldings is part of national dishes, which are served both raw and prepared in various ways: from boiling to stewing, salting and use as semi-finished products. At various ways serving, the quantitative composition of useful biologically active substances in meat changes. Prepare horse meat competently, saving beneficial features product, easy.

The chemical composition of horse meat

Horse meat is a dietary low-fat meat obtained by slaughtering mares, geldings that have reached the age of 1-2 years (the meat of individuals older than 3 years has distinctive properties). The product has the following unique composition:

  • macronutrients (calcium, potassium, sulfur, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium);
  • trace elements (copper, manganese, cobalt, iron);
  • vitamins (B1, B2, E, PP).

In terms of taste characteristics, composition and calorie content, the product in question is superior to some other types of meat (lamb, pork, beef).

It is advisable to eat horse meat 2-3 times a week in the following portions: 120-150 g - the weight of the finished portion for an adult and 50-70 g - a portion for a child and an elderly person.

Important! Horse meat is a source of purines, so it is not recommended for people suffering from gout or high levels of uric acid.

Nutritional value and calorie content of horse meat

Horse meat is considered a lean product, with a low energy value. This indicator varies with different methods of preparing the final dish.

The calorie content of boiled-smoked sausages made from horse meat is equal to 349 kcal, and basturma - to 239 kcal.

The benefits of horse meat for the human body

Horse meat is a low-fat, easily digestible product that can be consumed even by people with diseases of the digestive tract. Due to the high water content (70%), the horse slaughter product is easily digested, so it can be consumed not only by adults, but also by children and the elderly.

Horse meat is indicated for persons whose activities are associated with high physical exertion (for example, athletes, miners), active mental activity, employees of enterprises and residents of areas with a high radiation background. It would be useful to include mares and geldings in meat for people during the period of postoperative recovery, rehabilitation, in order to prevent injuries (especially in the elderly).

For adults

The beneficial properties of horse meat for adults, as well as for children, are determined by the composition of the product and are:

  1. No negative impact on the vascular system (low cholesterol).
  2. Stimulates the absorption of sugar, so horse meat is useful in diabetes.
  3. Normalization of metabolic processes. The presence of a high concentration of vitamin B 1 in the product puts it in a leading position in the ranking of "metabolism boosters". Therefore, the meat of geldings and mares is useful for losing weight.
  4. Improving potency, so horse meat is useful for men.
  5. beneficial effect on nervous system. The trace elements that make up the product have a positive effect on nerve cells, helping to eliminate somnological disorders (insomnia, anxiety).
  6. Strengthening the protective functions of the human body. The content of vitamin E in meat helps to increase the body's resistance to infections and viruses.
  7. Improving the state of connective tissue in the human body.
  8. Improving the outflow of pancreatic secretions. The fat is rich in vegetable fats, therefore, horse meat is useful for pancreatitis, liver diseases and biliary dyskinesia (use with the permission of the attending physician).
  9. Improving the state of the hematopoietic system and blood composition, due to the content of iron. The product is intended for use by people suffering from anemia.
  10. Strengthening the heart muscle and normalizing the work of the heart.

This is only a small part of the useful properties of horse meat, which allows you to put it in high positions in the Healthy Meat Products rating.

For kids

Horse meat practically does not contain allergens, so this product is allowed for use by children (even with allergies), but only after consulting a pediatrician. The benefits of horse meat for children:

  1. Immunity boost.
  2. Acceleration of bone tissue regeneration, due to the high content of phosphorus.
  3. Compensation for the lack of protein in the body during the period of active growth.
  4. Warming effect (when cold horsemeat is consumed).
  5. Combating the consequences of radiation exposure.

In the absence of contraindications, the pediatrician allows the introduction of the product into complementary foods for a child who has reached 6 months. The initial portion - no more than 5 g. In the absence of allergic reactions, the portion size gradually increases.

Important! Do not introduce complementary foods without consulting your pediatrician. If an allergic reaction occurs, notify the medical facility immediately.

Is it possible to eat horse meat for pregnant and lactating women

Permission to consume horse meat for women who are carrying or nursing a child can only be given by a doctor observing the expectant mother and her child. Although this product is hypoallergenic and has a lot of positive properties, it can also be harmful in large quantities and if the preparation rules are not followed.

Pregnant and lactating women are most often allowed to use boiled, stewed horse meat, since such meat is soft, rich in macro- and microelements, vitamins and does not irritate the walls of the digestive tract.

Important! If the doctor allows the specified product, he himself sets the norms and frequency of horse meat consumption for women, the benefits of which do not harm the baby.

The use of horse meat for weight loss

During the period of weight loss, it is possible and even necessary to consume horse meat, as it dietary product, rich in macro- and microelements, vitamins, animal fats. The main thing is to know the rules of preparation and features of use.

To lose about 5 kg of excess weight, it is enough to adhere to the following diet for 7-10 days:

How to cook horse meat deliciously

Raw meat is quite tough, so it is better to eat it boiled (when cooked, it becomes soft, like pickling and soaking). Cooking meat is simple: put the washed piece in boiling, salted water and cook for about 3 hours.

Important! In the process of preparing the product, it is imperative to remove fat from the surface of the boiling broth. The benefits of horse meat broth have not been proven, so it is better not to use it, as examples of gastrointestinal disorders are known.

Stewed horse meat goes well with carrots, garlic, bell pepper, celery, turnips, onions, tomatoes. By mixing the ingredients and adding spices (rosemary, salt, pepper), you can get an excellent vegetable stew with meat - a dish that will not leave indifferent even gourmet gourmets.

Horse meat harm and contraindications

This product may be contaminated with pathogenic microorganisms (Trichinella, Salmonella). To protect yourself from this kind of microflora, it is enough:

  • choose only fresh, high-quality meat (purchase from trusted persons and check the pieces for signs of mustiness);
  • subject the product to heat treatment before use.

The meat of geldings and mares should be taken with caution by people with increased secretion of bile acids, due to the choleretic effect.

Dried horsemeat should also be used with caution, especially for people with kidney, heart failure, prone to obesity. This product contains a large amount of salt (sodium chloride).

How to choose and store horse meat

The benefits of horse meat are preserved only when only a fresh product is used in the cooking process, the distinguishing features of which are: crimson color, shiny, moist surface, elastic texture. Signs of stale horse meat include: discoloration (brownish or grayish), mucus on the surface, Strong smell and staining of fatty layers in yellow.

Important! Fresh meat can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 4 days. The use of a freezer during storage extends its shelf life (at temperatures from -12 to -17 ° C - up to six months, not higher than -18 ° C - up to 10 months).


The benefits and harms of horse meat, familiar to the peoples of the South Asian and northern parts of the Eurasian continent, are adopted by many peoples. The positive qualities of the product are: rich mineral composition, easy digestibility, the ability to increase immunity, normalize metabolism, improve the state of the hematopoietic system, and regenerate bone tissue. The disadvantages of meat include: rigidity, requiring mandatory heat treatment, with the additional destruction of pathogens, the product is a source of purines that provoke the development of gout.

As eaten, horse meat is most widespread in the Caucasus and Central Asia. Nevertheless, it remains a fact that in ancient times, the Russians used exclusively horse meat in the manufacture of sausages. Therefore, in our area, the benefits and harms of horse meat are not something indefinite, but, on the contrary, a topic that has long been well studied.

First of all, the use of horse meat lies in the fact that this meat contains a large amount of complete, high-quality protein, which is best balanced in terms of amino acid composition. Thanks to this, horse meat is rightfully considered dietary meat. Experts say that the assimilation of horse meat in the body occurs about eight times faster than the assimilation of beef.

According to nutritionists, the benefits of horse meat are that the fats contained in it are something between animal and vegetable fats. When eating horse meat, a choleretic effect is manifested. Due to its ability to lower blood cholesterol, horse meat is an excellent product for regulating metabolic processes in the body, and low fat content makes it quite suitable for weight loss diets.

Horse meat contains in its composition a lot of vitamins and microelements, among which vitamin A and iron are especially distinguished. There are also studies that suggest that the benefits of horse meat can be manifested in helping to neutralize harmful effects and radiation. In addition, even the ancient nomads claimed that the skin of horse meat, when eaten, affects the improvement of potency.

It is no secret that in many ways the benefits of horse meat are reflected in the special properties of horse fat. It is often recommended to use horse meat after jaundice in order to restore liver function. And besides, the fat itself is used as a component of various cosmetics, used to prepare medicines for colds and as a healing ointment for frostbite and burns.

Horse meat is hypoallergenic, and in addition, it contains a high content of vitamins, E and group B. Due to this feature, horse meat is useful in improving blood circulation after eating it. There are horse meat dishes, if possible, recommended to patients suffering from anemia.

However, despite the incredible amount useful qualities, horse meat is not a popular product. And there are several reasons for this. There are very few carbohydrates in horsemeat, no more than one percent. Such an environment is quite favorable for the reproduction of all kinds of bacteria, and the meat itself is poorly stored.

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