Home Food Little whites. Juicy minced meat for belyashi with meat: mastering culinary wisdom. Delicious belyashi in a frying pan

Little whites. Juicy minced meat for belyashi with meat: mastering culinary wisdom. Delicious belyashi in a frying pan

Belyash is a dish Tatar cuisine, which has become very popular in our area due to the fact that we all liked the meat pies fried in oil. For many, belyashi is associated with street cuisine, with tents selling hot pies, pasties and belyashi. An on-the-go lunch. But street whites are also a big surprise, what they are made of, whether the products have expired, whether the dough is stale. There are no guarantees. What to do if you really want to eat belyashi with meat, but do not take risks. It's simple, you need to learn delicious homemade recipes and cook belyashi yourself.

In fact, real Tatar belyash is a big pie that is baked, not fried. And what we are used to eating is closer to pies called peremyachi. But we got so used to calling them whites for so long and so much that it’s most likely impossible to change the habit. I don’t think that whites will suffer from this, they will still remain just as tasty.

Belyashi with meat is difficult to name diet dish, as it is essentially fried in a pan in a large amount of vegetable oil. Almost deep-fried. Therefore, before you cook them, be mentally prepared that the pleasure of whites will cost you many, many calories eaten.

If this doesn’t bother you too much, and you want delicious whites as before, let’s figure out how to cook delicious homemade whites with meat, and what is required for this.

There are several recipes slightly different from each other. It's all about how the dough is kneaded and how the whites themselves are prepared.

First, let's look at how to cook belyashi on yeast dough.

Belyashi with meat on yeast dough, cooking in a pan - a detailed step-by-step recipe with a photo

The most common recipe for making homemade whites with meat is on yeast dough, followed by frying them in boiling oil in a pan. Such belyashi with meat are lush, ruddy and juicy inside. Most of us love just such belyashi. Cooking them is not so difficult, but it will take some time. It's all about the dough, which must be properly kneaded and allowed to rise.

The filling for belyashi can be made from almost any meat, even from a mixture, for example, pork and beef. A one to one ratio is fine. But you can make belyashi with meat from one pork or beef, if you like it more. The main secret in order to make the meat filling juicy, a large amount of onion is used for this, water or broth is added to the minced meat.

But let's talk about everything in order, to learn how to make delicious homemade whites with meat.

We will need:

  • flour - 800-900 grams (no more than 1 kg),
  • pressed yeast (not dry) - 15 grams,
  • water - 1 glass (250 ml),
  • milk - 1 glass,
  • salt - 1 teaspoon,
  • sugar - 1 tablespoon,
  • egg - 1 pc,
  • vegetable oil- 4 tablespoons,
  • chopped meat- 1 kg,
  • onions - 3 pcs,
  • fresh cilantro (optional) - 50 grams,
  • ground black pepper and salt - to taste.


1. The first thing we start doing when preparing any pastry is, of course, the dough. Since the dough for whites with meat is yeast, we first prepare the dough.

Opara is made from yeast with the addition of a small amount of ingredients that will turn on the fermentation process. First we need warm water and sugar.

Break the yeast into pieces in a bowl or ladle, then pour a tablespoon of sugar into them and pour in half the water, about 100 ml. Stir the yeast in the water to dissolve the sugar and the yeast itself. This is called "dissolving" the yeast.

2. Now add 2-3 tablespoons of flour to the same place and stir well until all lumps are dissolved. Should be something like liquid dough. After that, cover the dough with a lid or tighten the bowl with cling film. Leave for 15-20 minutes for the dough to ferment and begin to rise into a lush foamy mass.

3. When the dough comes up, it will increase in volume by one and a half to two times. After that, it can be opened and poured into a bowl or pan, in which we will continue to knead the dough.

4. Add the second half of water, milk and a lightly beaten egg with a fork to the dough (so that the yolk and protein mix). Add a teaspoon of salt there and mix everything well with a tablespoon or spatula.

5. Next, you need to gradually add flour. Literally 150-200 gr. at a time and between each addition, mix the resulting dough until the dry flour in the dough disappears from view. So everything will be better mixed with flour.

It is advisable to sift the flour in advance using a special sieve or do it directly into the bowl with the dough. I usually take a special flour sieve for this and immediately sift it into a dough blank. The flour is saturated with oxygen and thanks to this the dough will be very fluffy, and the whites with meat will eventually come out really airy.

6. The most difficult thing is to guess how much flour will be needed for the dough in advance. Deal in is, that flour case different on quality and humidity. Even air humidity can affect the amount of flour. Therefore, add flour in parts and continue to stir. The maximum amount is 1 kg, you definitely should not put more than this. But until we get closer to this boundary, we interfere further.

At some point, it will become impossible to stir with a spoon due to the density of the dough, then set it aside and continue with your hand. The dough, alas, will stick to your fingers, but this cannot be avoided.

If you have a special combine for kneading dough or a bread maker, then it will be easier for you, since complex work can be entrusted to them. But I trust my hands more, because I can feel the dough, how thick and soft it is, and whether there is enough flour. With experience, this feeling is deposited very deeply in the memory, and even the number of ingredients will not need to be measured, as it happens with many housewives. We know the dough by touch.

7. It is enough to stop kneading when it becomes thick enough to start to peel off the walls and hands and at the same time all the flour from the day of the bowl is mixed in. After that, add 4 tablespoons of vegetable oil directly to the dough. It must be thoroughly mixed so that it is completely dissolved in the dough. This may take about five minutes, then this will make the dough plastic and homogeneous. The dough should mold well and be slightly softer than plasticine.

After that, cover the bowl with a lid or cling film and leave it to rise. The dough should increase in size. Do not put it in a cold place, it is better to leave it at room temperature or a little warmer. Leave it to rise for one and a half or two hours.

8. With a properly prepared dough, whites with meat turn out to be very tasty. After all, the dough is one of its main components.

The risen dough should approximately double in size. This means that good yeast was used and the kneading was done correctly.

9. Remove the dough from the bowl and knead it with your hands on a table or a special silicone mat. So that it does not stick to the table and hands, use vegetable oil, which grease the surface and hands. Do not use flour as this will change the consistency of the dough.

Knead the dough well to squeeze out all the air bubbles from it. When it deflates to its original size, becomes smoother and more pliable, return it to the bowl, cover and let rise one more time. You can skip this step only if you are already in a hurry, for example, before the arrival of guests. But if you have time, then let the dough rise a second time, this will make it tastier and more magnificent.

While the dough rises a second time, you can prepare the filling.

10. For the filling, take minced meat or scroll it yourself. One time is enough. Peel the onion and also scroll through the meat grinder to make the pieces very small. A blender is also suitable for this, you can grind it in it. If you are adding cilantro, then chop it very finely with a knife. Salt will need a teaspoon with a hillock, and half a teaspoon of pepper if you do not like it spicier.

11. Mix meat with onion and spices in a separate bowl until smooth. In order for the whites with meat inside to turn out juicy, you need to make sure that the filling does not turn out to be dry. When you stir the minced meat, pay attention that it is very soft and does not crumble into meat grains. The stuffing should turn out much softer than for ordinary cutlets. For the right consistency, it can be slightly diluted with drinking water or meat broth if you have it. Here, too, you will have to look and feel the consistency, you may need 2-3 tablespoons of water, or maybe a little more. The main thing is to mix the water in the filling well so that it is completely absorbed into the minced meat and does not stand at the bottom of the bowl.

12. When the dough approaches for the second time, you can start sculpting whites with meat. To do this, grease your hands and the surface of the table (mat or baking paper) with vegetable oil, lay out the dough and start dividing it into balls no larger than your palm. Make balls of the same size by eye or divide the dough into halves. That is, the whole piece in half, so each half in half, then each quarter in half and until you reach the desired size of the pieces. I got 12 balls.

13. Prepare a place where you will put ready-made blind whites with meat. It can be a baking sheet, a sheet of baking paper, a large dish. Belyashi should not be in contact so that they do not stick together.

Now we begin to sculpt belyashi. Knead the ball of dough with your fingers to make a cake. Not too thin, while trying to keep the middle thicker. So we will balance the thickness of the dough in the place where we will pinch it to glue it with the opposite side.

Place a heaping heaping tablespoon of filling in the middle of the tortilla.

14. Now you need to bring together the edges of the dough and make it look like a bag. Squeeze them strongly with your fingers so that the dough sticks together and there are no holes left, and the future belyash becomes round. Then flatten the finished belyash to a flatter state.

When frying, the whites puff up again and therefore they should be flatter when raw than the intended finished result. Spread blind whites on a baking sheet or sheet until they are frying.

15. In a deep frying pan, heat the oil to a boil and reduce the heat to less than medium so that the whites do not burn on the outside and bake inside. Place the whites two or three in oil (depending on the diameter of the pan and the size of the whites) and fry them on each side until they are well browned.

Fry them equally on both sides. You can break the first belyash and check if the filling inside is ready, if everything worked out, then the frying temperature is normal. If the meat is damp, then reduce the heat and fry the whites a little longer.

Put the finished whites on a large dish or plate covered with paper towels or napkins so that the excess oil is glassed and absorbed into them. Belyashi with meat is already a rather fatty dish, why add frying oil to it.

Ready belyashi is an excellent hot dish and can replace a whole lunch or dinner. Set the table and eat while they are still warm. Enjoy your meal!

Belyashi on kefir - a recipe for making quick belyashi with meat with kefir dough instead of yeast

The yeast dough is very tasty and the whites with meat from it are simply wonderful, but its biggest minute is the cooking time, considering how long it needs to be kneaded, wait until it rises twice, and before that cook the dough. There is not always a whole day to cook belyashi in a pan. At times like these, this recipe is perfect. fast food- belyashi on kefir. Kefir will serve as the substance that will make the dough for whites airy and fluffy. Instead of yeast fermenting in a warm environment, we will have kefir fermenting.

Very tasty home recipe cooking whites on kefir, see this video. You won’t believe how quickly white meat with such a dough is cooked, and they taste just as good and are fried in the same way in a pan.

Prepare belyashi with meat for your family and for the arrival of guests. Share your successes. Love to cook deliciously and eat deliciously, because we have all the possibilities for this!

A huge hello to everyone! I hasten to please you with the next delicious and lush meat masterpieces fried in a pan. I want to offer you cooking options, no worse than on the market, even many times better, and these are proven, simple recipes they will only help you.

You will learn how to properly and appetizingly cook real Tatar and Uzbek belyashi, learn all the secrets and many useful tips.

And after that, he will often create and conjure in his kitchen. After all, it's great and fun, especially if there is someone to treat with such delicacies.

A very savory homemade option that you will love with its simplicity and lightness. We cook at home in accordance with GOST such crispy and juicy creations that will turn out like in a kiosk in the market, and maybe even better, because they are made with great love and care to give your loved ones your favorite flavor.

We will need:


  • Flour - 3-4 tbsp.
  • Water -1 tbsp.
  • Vegetable oil - 3-4 tablespoons per dough
  • Salt - 0.5 tsp
  • Fresh yeast - 20-30 g
  • Pork - 200 g
  • Beef - 200 g


  • Onions - 2-3 pcs.
  • Water - 50 ml
  • Salt, ground black pepper - optional
  • Vegetable oil for frying

Cooking method:

1. Start the cooking process with the dough. Dissolve yeast in water along with sugar and salt. Let this liquid stand for 4-5 minutes so that everything rises with a “cap”. Then add flour. Stir.

Important! I almost forgot to say that refined vegetable oil is an obligatory ingredient in this batch, it will give high elasticity and elasticity. It will be cool and pleasant to work, believe me.

2. Note the dough without eggs, but it looks very good. Keep it in a bowl and leave to rest aside, cover with a towel.

Important! Rest time must be at least one hour.

3. The second important step in preparing this dish is minced meat. Scroll the pieces of pork and beef in a meat grinder along with onions. You can take a ready-made version, which you can easily buy in our time on the counter in the store.

Important! Better make your own homemade minced meat because it will always be better.

Pepper and salt to your liking, mix well. Oh, and what a smell, by the way, you can add more garlic, it also adds a certain aroma, but this is not for everyone.

Important! For juiciness, add water or milk to the meat. With milk, it's definitely better.

4. When the time is up, knock out the mass and roll it out onto the table. Use your hands to make these balls, how funny and soft they are. When my son saw it, he wanted to play with them) 🙂

Important! Make lumps without using flour. Since vegetable oil is added to the dough, it will not stick much to your hands. It is better to grease the surface of the table with oil.

Press each ball with the phalanges of your fingers and make a cake. Put the stuffing in there.

5. Now form a real belyashik, so cute, like the sun or a flower, don't you think? How to make one like this? Just start pinching the cake in a circle, each time pressing it, making some folds, you need to leave a hole in the center, like in this picture:

This is what should happen, such a magnificent process, the process of creating Uzbek pies.

There are other options for modeling, for example, in Tatar. Have you heard of these? Tatar, different appearance they are definitely good too! How to sculpt such beauties? Here are the step by step steps with pictures:

Do you think it's difficult? Not at all, it's worth trying a couple of times and you can easily learn how to create them yourself.

There is another version of modeling, these are triangular. And which option do you prefer, share your feedback.

6. Well, well, the final action is frying.

Important! The pan should be heated very well with vegetable oil, and then reduce the heat to medium. Lay out such lumps with the hole down. In no case should anything smoke!

7. Fry on both sides until an insanely beautiful crisp.

Important! If you fry with the lid closed, they will be soft but not crispy. Therefore, I prefer to do with the lid open.

8. Well, now one more piece of advice. To remove all the fat, you need to individually get wet on a paper towel. Happy and wonderful eating! Top with greens.

Cooking meat treats like in the market

Probably each of us has been in a situation where we still had to buy food in a stall or in a cafe. Sometimes there are such situations and inevitably we take and buy. By the way, sometimes it’s even tasty if you get a good chef, in general, this video tells all the secrets of making this dish remind you of that breathtaking taste.

Lush belyashiki on kefir

This option is one of the most refined, and most importantly affordable, reminiscent of the smell of childhood. And they remind me of my mother's, so small, but very appetizing and lush, which I gobble up with sour cream in no time.

Although I now cook easily and quickly myself, but still memories from my childhood that always seem better. As well as then in those school years, when I was still a child.

This type of instant cooking, because it is believed that baking on kefir is quite fast and it turns out more airy and tender.

We will need:


  • eggs - 1 pc.
  • kefir - 250 ml
  • dry yeast - 7 g
  • salt - a pinch
  • sugar - 30 g
  • flour -400 g


  • beef (pulp) -150 g
  • pork (not very fatty) - 100 g
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • salt - a pinch
  • vegetable oil for frying - 200 ml

Cooking method:

1. I always start cooking with minced meat. Usually I already have it in the refrigerator ready-made. I take it out and defrost it, and then I bake what I want. If you have pieces of meat, then cut them into small plastics and twist them in a blender or meat grinder. You can add onions to them. Some prefer to chop the onion finely. Salt, if you see that it turned out a bit dry, pour a little water.

2. As for the test. That option is pretty unpretentious. Throw dry yeast, salt and sugar into warm milk and, without interfering, let it stand and “play”, usually 5-10 minutes. Mix, add flour.

Important! It is best to take flour premium or all-purpose flour, sift it through a sieve to saturate with oxygen.

Make a batch, roll up such a lump. Then put it in a bowl and cover with a lid, let stand for about one hour to rise in size.

3. After everything is ready, start sculpting. Make like this original crafts, in the form of a circle.

4. Wrap in any way you like, which you learned about in previous version. You can make open ones with and without a hole inside, i.e. closed.

5. Fry in oil until done on both sides. Such a gourmet turned out on your table, which will certainly call your household for dinner or lunch with its smell.

Interesting! How to fry frozen round treats in a pan? Fry them in a large amount of vegetable oil over low heat.

Yeast dough baked in the oven

Quickly and simply, without standing at the stove and without turning every time, you can build this wonderful dish in the oven, therefore, this type can be attributed to quick cooking. The ingredients and composition are the most common, which you can easily purchase at any supermarket.

You can make these from minced chicken, it doesn’t matter, take what you like. After all, chicken is more tender and not as high-calorie as other types.

We will need:

  • wheat flour of the highest grade - 3 tbsp.
  • minced meat - 350-400 g
  • butter– 40-50 g
  • milk - 1 tbsp.
  • sugar - 1 tsp
  • dry yeast - 1 tsp
  • onion - 2 pcs.
  • egg - 2 pcs.
  • salt

Cooking method:

1. Take the minced meat, if you have meat, then twist it in a meat grinder or using a blender.

Important! You can make this dish from mixed minced meat (beef + pork), or you can make it from chicken, it turns out very tender and fantastically tasty.

Salt and pepper, add grated onion. In principle, if you want more juiciness, you can cut the onion into cubes.

Important! In order to achieve greater juiciness, it is necessary to pour a little vegetable oil on the onion, and “excite” it with your hands, that is, mix well until the juice stands out, and then add it as directed.

Pour milk over ingredients.

Important! Milk should be warm, not hot.

Leave the dough in a warm place to stand for about 10 minutes. After this time, add the remaining flour, butter, which will need to be melted in advance in a water bath or grated on a coarse grater, two eggs and knead with a spoon. Put him to rest in a warm place for an hour.

3. Form small circles about 1 cm thick and 10 cm in diameter. When sculpting, in no case do not cover the table with flour, it must be greased with vegetable oil and formed. Put the filling in the center, and pinch the edges, leaving a hole for the steam to escape.

4. Here's what should work. Put them on a baking sheet greased with vegetable oil. Cover them with a towel or large napkin for 20-30 minutes for proofing.

5. Bake at a temperature of 180 degrees for 30 minutes, or depending on which oven you have, in general, look and navigate by a golden crust, as you see it, then you're done. So that they come out so golden at the exit, brush them with egg yolk 10 minutes before the end of cooking.

These baked and juicy things with onions will turn out, which can be easily served at the table, for example, with currant jelly or milk.

Fried meat pies in a pan

In those moments when we do not have milk in the house, to help young housewives and not only, this instruction comes to the rescue. Which is quite simple and will teach you how to bake or fry at home. So how to do?

We will need:

Cooking method:

1. In water, take it always warm, pour dry yeast, salt and sugar. Leave it like this for about 10-15 minutes, the yeast should rise, some kind of foam will appear, like a cap. Next, add vegetable oil and flour.Mix well.

2. Form a ball and put it to rest for 40 minutes in a warm place, covering it with a tall bowl.

3. After that, let this bun into small pieces, roll in flour. Now, with your hands, make a round cake from each piece, in which you place the filling: minced meat mixed with onions (rub it on a grater), salt and pepper. Wrap any shape, can be made even without a hole in the center, that is, whole, just to speed up the sculpting process.

Important! In order for the pie to be fried better, it is necessary to press it down a little with your hand, as if flattening it, so that the meat lays in a thin layer, then everything will be fried well. Have you ever seen the color of minced meat inside, I'm showing you a picture, just one of the subscribers asked me to post it, the color is so pale and uniform:

4. Fry as usual in a pan with vegetable oil on both sides until cooked. Pan fried ready! It turns out such as in our children's dining room. Well, the saliva is running. Serve with sour cream or any sauce.

love to fry different dishes? Then you might be interested, here is this note:

Recipe with milk and dry yeast

I suggest watching this option in this YouTube video, which will help you understand all the subtleties of this gourmet dish.

Lazy option on kefir with minced meat

When there is no time, but you want to please your beloved household with something interesting, then this lazy option comes to the rescue. In 10-15 minutes you can bake a mountain of gourmets.

We will need:

  • kefir - 200 ml
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • salt - 0.3 tsp
  • soda or baking powder - 1 tsp
  • sugar - a pinch is possible without it
  • flour - 200 g
  • minced meat - 140 g
  • herbs, spices
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • garlic - 1 clove

Cooking method:

1. In kefir, first extinguish the soda, simply by adding it, everything will start to sizzle (or use baking powder). Then add the egg, salt, sugar, beat the mass with a whisk. Sprinkle flour, beat again. The dough should look and feel like thick sour cream. You may have to add a little more, or a little less flour, everything will depend on the size of the egg and on the fat content of kefir.

Important! Instead of kefir, you can take any fermented milk products such as varenets, yogurt, etc., now it has become fashionable to use ayran.

After you have kneaded, add minced meat with finely chopped onion and garlic. Don't forget to salt and pepper. Add your favorite spices like curry and coriander. Stir.

2. Put a spoon into a pan with vegetable oil and fry on both sides. Fragrant and appetizing "creations" fried in oil are ready. Call everyone to the table and treat your loved ones to health!

3. Do not forget that they are fried over low heat with the lid open. And how do you fry with closed? It should also turn out very soft and tender, but not so crispy?

Important! You can fry them not in a frying pan, but in a multicooker bowl, on the “Baking” mode with the lid open. There will be very little splash! By the way, who uses a deep fryer for frying?

How to cook a dish of zucchini with minced meat

Ah, summer ... How great it is, so with it, in season, a favorite vegetable comes to the rescue, from which our Russian people have come up with many options. Meet here he is one of them.

We will need:

  • Zucchini - 2 pcs.
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Salt, ground black pepper
  • Soda - 0.5 tsp
  • Vinegar essence - 1 tsp
  • Minced meat (any) - 250 g
  • Greens - bunch
  • Flour - 3-5 tbsp
  • Vegetable oil for frying

Cooking method:

1. Wash young zucchini, if the skin is hard, then remove it as well. Remove the seeds too, take a grater and grate. Then add the egg, salt and some flour. Flour can be added a little more, or a little less, depending on how juicy the zucchini is. For splendor, you need to extinguish the soda with vinegar and add to this mixture.

Important! The mass should turn out thick, but at the same time should not be very floury.

2. Prepare minced meat, salt and pepper it. Add grated onion.

3. Now heat a frying pan with vegetable oil well and apply the zucchini mixture with a spoon, immediately immediately lay out the filling, evenly distributing it over the surface.

4. Top again with zucchini mixture. Get fast, hastily these are such cool cutlets, you can say pancakes, with meat and zucchini. Oh, yes, fry such pancakes from zucchini as usual on both sides. Enjoy your meal!

Tatar belyash with meat and potatoes

I propose to cook a huge pie in the Tatar version in the oven. Wow, met such a huge one!

We will need:

  • Beef - 600 g
  • Potatoes - 7 pcs.
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Onion - 1-2 pcs.
  • Kefir - 4 tbsp
  • Pepper
  • Margarine - 4 tbsp
  • Baking soda - 1 tsp
  • Vinegar - 1 tsp
  • Flour - 3.5 - 4 tbsp
  • Salt - 1 tsp
  • Butter

Cooking method:

1. In order to bake such a dish, we need to extinguish the soda with vinegar so that there is no unpleasant aftertaste. Melt margarine in microwave oven, and then cool a little, add kefir, slaked soda, salt, eggs to it. Stir.

Important! Since kefir is used, soda can be extinguished in it, but it is more reliable with vinegar, since not so much kefir is used, only 4 tablespoons.

2. Add flour to the resulting mixture and knead the dough. Remember it well with your hands and let it lie down closed (for example, cover it with a towel or a cup) for 20-30 minutes. After roll out into a thin large circle (they need to be made two pieces), the thickness should be small, you need to roll it out so that the thickness is no more than 3 mm.

3. Next, place this circle on a baking dish greased with vegetable oil. Put the filling: pieces of beef, very finely chopped so that they bake well, or scroll the meat in a meat grinder, chopped potatoes with plastics and onions in half rings.

4. Pinch the edges, and put another cake on top, and put in the oven to bake for 40-50 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees. Here is such a fragrant pie without yeast on kefir turned out! Just dumb!

Well, I hope that all the options discussed in this article will definitely come in handy for you. Write your reviews and comments. Share your opinion. Have a great weekend everyone and bye bye!

P.S. Who knows the options choux pastry for this dish? Please write in the comments, share your knowledge and experience.

Belyashi with meat, especially in a fried variation, is not a dish that can be recommended to cook often, but sometimes you can treat yourself and your household to such a tempting and fragrant unsweetened delicacy by preparing it yourself at home.

How to cook belyashi with meat?

Any recipe for belyash with meat involves the simultaneous design of two components - the filling and the dough, the quality of which fully determines the final result and the impression of tasting your favorite dish. In our case, minced meat with onions will be used as filling, and when creating it, certain subtleties of the recipe must be taken into account, without which the minced meat will not be juicy.

Juicy minced meat for belyashi with meat

The classic filling for belyashi with meat should be prepared from lamb, but in our cuisine they often use fatty pork or its mixture with beef. The onion should be exactly half the size of the meat components and it is preferable to chop it with a sharp knife into medium-sized cubes - this is one of the secrets of the juiciness of the filling. Do not use a large amount of spices and seasonings, but add salt and pepper to taste. It will also add juiciness to products with a little ice water, finely crushed ice or chopped raw potatoes added to the filling.


  • fatty pork and beef - 720 g;
  • onion - 360 g;
  • water - 120 ml;
  • salt and pepper.


  1. The meat is ground through a meat grinder.
  2. Onions are peeled and chopped into cubes as small as possible.
  3. Mix the meat component and the onion mass, add salt to the minced meat, pepper and pour in a little ice water or milk.
  4. Before decorating the products, the filling is kept on the shelf of the refrigerator for about thirty minutes.

Belyashi dough with meat

The ideal homemade whites with meat, the recipe of which is verified and balanced, are soft, fluffy and just melt in your mouth. For these properties, properly made dough is the answer. It should not be tight and oversaturated with flour or baking powder. The right flour base is soft, but not viscous, easily kneaded and molded without difficulty. Here is a simple recipe yeast dough, from which you can make delicious belyashi with meat.


  • flour - 620 g;
  • water - 340 ml;
  • fresh yeast- 20 g;
  • granulated sugar - 40 g;
  • salt - 10 g;
  • peasant butter - 35 g.


  1. Yeast, salt and sugar dissolve in water heated to 40 degrees.
  2. The flour is sifted, poured into a bowl in portions and kneaded, adding melted butter at the end.
  3. Leave the container warm for an hour and a half for the contents to approach.
  4. After the mass has doubled in volume, you can proceed to the design of products.

How to sculpt belyashi with meat?

Cooking belyashi with meat is not only making dough and fillings. Products must also be properly molded. In modern cooking, there are two options for the design of blanks - in a closed and open way. Let us further consider the subtleties of modeling closed whites.

  1. The finished flour lump is made out with a sausage five centimeters thick.
  2. Cut it into equal pieces.
  3. Roll each cut into a ball.
  4. Place round blanks on the table for 30 minutes for proofing (for yeast dough).
  5. Knead each ball until a cake is obtained.
  6. Spread a spoonful of filling on top.
  7. Fold the edges of the dough up and pinch them.
  8. Twist the tuck and fold it down.
  9. Lay the blanks seam-side down on a flat surface.
  10. Give them a break and come up warm.
  11. Gently knead the balls that have come up with your fingers until you get a flat cake and immediately lower them into hot oil for frying.

Tatar belyashi with meat are made out a little differently.

The edges of the filled cake are closed at the top, gathering like a frill and leaving a small hole.

Belyashi with meat in a frying pan

Traditionally, products are fried in hot deep fat in a frying pan, in a saucepan or a cauldron. Moreover, the recipe for whites with meat in a pan can be both classic, implemented in compliance with all norms and rules, and noticeably different from those. Next, we will consider variations of the quick preparation of such fried products in a pan, the design of which will significantly save time.

Belyashi with meat - a recipe for kefir

The properties of kefir to increase the splendor of baking and transform its characteristics for the better can be applied in this case. The following instructions outline how to cook belyashi with meat in a pan from quick yeast-free kefir dough. Products are soft, delicate and incredibly fragrant. The filling can be made taking into account the above recommendations, and you will learn the nuances of creating a flour base later.


  • kefir - 245 ml;
  • flour - 480 g;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • granulated sugar - 25 g;
  • salt and soda - 10 g each;
  • refined oil for dough - 40 ml;
  • unflavored frying oil - 360 ml;
  • filling - 500 g.


  1. Kefir is combined with soda and left for ten minutes.
  2. Eggs are beaten, sugar, salt are poured in, oil is poured in and the components are mixed with a whisk.
  3. Pour flour in portions and knead.
  4. The resulting lump is left for thirty minutes under the film.
  5. Cut it into pieces, make out a cake from each.
  6. The filling is placed in the center, the edges are folded up and pinched, leaving a small gap (hole).
  7. Spread the blanks in hot oil with the hole down and fry the products until golden brown on both sides.

Recipe for lazy belyashi with meat on kefir

Lazy belyashi with meat, a very tasty homemade recipe of which is described below, are prepared much faster than classic yeast and even yeast-free ones on kefir. However, they are divinely fragrant, mouth-watering and delicious. Perhaps the only drawback of the products will be the excessive fat content at the exit, which can be reduced by laying them out on a paper towel for a few minutes.


  • kefir - 490 ml;
  • flour - 320 g;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • granulated sugar, salt and soda - 10 g each;
  • refined oil for frying - 180 ml;
  • filling - 330 g.


  1. Kefir is mixed with soda, and after ten minutes salt, sugar, egg and flour are added.
  2. Knead the mass with a whisk so that it comes out with a texture like the basis for fritters.
  3. Heat the vegetable fat in a frying pan, spread the dough into it at some distance with a spoon, and place small flat cakes of minced meat on top.
  4. Pour the filling with a small amount of dough on top and brown the workpieces over medium heat on both sides.

Recipe for belyashi with meat in the oven

One, perhaps, the most significant drawback of fried whites is the excessive fat content of the products at the exit and the not entirely healthy, although very appetizing fried crust. Next, you will learn how to bake belyashi with meat devoid of unwanted greasy gloss in the oven. Such heat treatment products are much more useful than traditional ones. The main thing is to implement it correctly, and then the products will be no worse than classic, fried in oil.

Belyashi with meat - yeast recipe

Products in the oven are soft if the dough is properly prepared. It can be made yeast-free on kefir, following a recipe containing soda, or kneaded with yeast. Next, you will learn how to make belyashi with meat from yeast dough, which, when using quality ingredients, always turns out to be lush, fits perfectly and gives an excellent result.


  • flour - 520 g;
  • milk - 220 ml;
  • dry yeast - 10 g;
  • granulated sugar - 25 g;
  • salt - 10 g;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • butter - 45 g;
  • filling - 950 g.


  1. Yeast, sugar are dissolved in warm milk, a few tablespoons of flour are added, stirred and left for twenty minutes.
  2. Add eggs, salt, melted butter, the remaining flour to the dough and knead.
  3. Approached lump is divided into portions.
  4. Make out whites and let them come up.
  5. Products will be ready after 20 minutes of baking in the oven at 185 degrees.

Belyashi is a very popular pastry.

It is always a pleasure to have a snack with fresh, crispy, juicy belyash.

It is not only tasty, but also satisfying.

Of course, we are not talking about the dubious quality of pastries that are sold on the streets.

How to cook belyashi at home, we’ll talk about this today.

How to cook belyashi at home - the basic principles of cooking

Belyash is fried patty, usually with meat stuffing. Belyashi recipes differ in the way the dough is prepared and the composition of the filling. Previously, dough for belyash was prepared on water or sour milk without yeast. Today belyashi are made from yeast dough, so they turn out appetizing and lush.

Traditionally, the filling is made from ground beef sometimes with the addition of pork. But you can use minced meat from any meat. It is seasoned with spices and salted. To make the filling juicy, add a lot of finely chopped onion or a small amount of water to the minced meat. Everything is thoroughly kneaded by hand and left for a while. Also, the filling for whites can be made from potatoes, cheese, rice or fish.

When the filling is ready, and the dough has come up, proceed to the formation of whites. The dough is divided into pieces and left for another ten minutes to proof. Then each piece is kneaded by hand into a cake. Put the filling in the center and pinch the edges to the center, leaving a small hole in the middle.

Ready-made belyashi are fried in large quantities sunflower oil until browned on both sides.

We have collected best recipes how to cook belyashi at home so that the pastries turn out tasty, lush and juicy.

Recipe 1. How to cook belyashi at home - a classic recipe


flour - four glasses;

milk - 250 ml;

onion - two heads;

active dry yeast - 15 g;

minced meat - half a kilogram;

refined sunflower oil - 100 ml;

granulated sugar - 6 g.

Cooking method

1. We breed yeast in milk, preheating it to 40 C. Then salt, add sugar, stir until the yeast is completely dissolved. Pour in three tablespoons of vegetable oil and an egg, beating it with a fork.

2. Gradually add flour to the resulting mixture and knead not too much hard dough. Cover it with a clean towel and leave for an hour. Then punch down the dough and let it rest for a while.

3. We clean the bulbs and grind it in a blender. Onions, along with spices and salt, add to the minced meat. Pour half a glass of boiled water here and knead thoroughly with your hands. We remove the filling in the refrigerator.

4. Divide the risen dough into small pieces and leave for proofing. Then we knead each ball with our hands into a cake and put the filling in the middle. We wrap the edges to the middle and pinch, leaving a small opening.

5. In a frying pan, bring the vegetable oil almost to a boil, reduce the heat and spread the whites, with the hole down. Fry on both sides until golden brown.

Recipe 2. Belyashi "Homemade"



half a glass of warm water;

dry yeast - a bag;

100 g butter;

milk - a glass;

sugar - tsp.


half a kilogram of mixed minced meat;

spices for minced meat;

large onion;

two cloves of garlic;

150 ml 33% cream;

vegetable oil for frying.

Cooking method

1. Dissolve sugar in warm water and add dry yeast. Stir and leave until a cap appears on the surface.

2. Pour melted butter into warm milk. Salt, add the yeast mixture and mix. Knead smooth, elastic dough, gradually adding flour.

3. Pour two tablespoons of ghee into a deep bowl and spread it over the walls and bottom. We shift the dough into it and roll it in oil. Cover and put in heat for two hours.

4. Peel the garlic cloves and grind them through a garlic press directly into minced meat. Add finely chopped onion and spices to this. Stir, pour in the cream and knead again. Insist minced meat for ten minutes.

5. Knead the dough. Grease your hands with oil and divide it into small balls. Put them on the table and leave for ten minutes. Minced meat is divided by the number of balls of dough.

6. Sprinkle the table with flour, put a piece of dough and knead it into a cake with the palm of your hand. We put the filling in the middle and fasten the dough to the center, leaving the filling open in the middle. We leave the whites for a quarter of an hour.

7. Fry in a deep frying pan, pouring a large amount of oil into it, until golden brown starting from the side with the hole. After frying on both sides, put the whites on the grate.

Recipe 3. How to cook belyashi at home with mushrooms and chicken


kefir or ryazhenka - a glass;

black pepper;

milk - a glass;


three eggs;

champignons - 300 g;

flour - six glasses;

minced chicken- half a kilogram;

soda - 3 g;

vegetable oil - 140 ml.

Cooking method

1. We slightly warm the milk, combine it with kefir and mix. Add three tablespoons of butter, slaked soda and eggs. Beat everything well with a mixer.

2. Now we begin to add flour little by little, without stopping beating the dough. As soon as it becomes thick, start kneading with your hands. We place the dough in a suitable dish, cover it with cling film and leave to approach.

3. We free the bulbs from the husk and chop them as small as possible. Add the onion to the mince.

4. We clean the mushrooms, cut into pieces and fry in vegetable oil. Cool the mushroom fry and add to the minced meat. Mix everything thoroughly.

5. Divide the dough into pieces. We form the palms of each cake, making a small indentation in the middle. We put the filling in it and begin to collect the edges to the middle.

6. Fry the whites in a large amount of well-heated vegetable oil.

Recipe 4. Belyashi with fish



salt - 3 g;

flour - 750 g;

drinking water - a glass;

butter - 100 g;

a bag of yeast;

30 g of granulated sugar.


fillet of any fish - half a kilogram;


black pepper;

50 ml sunflower oil;

flour - 30 g;

vegetable oil for frying.

Cooking method

1. Slightly warmed drinking water is combined with melted butter. Separately, beat the eggs with a fork and add them to the butter-milk mixture. Gradually add flour, after sifting it, and knead a soft, smooth dough. Let him come up a couple of times. Then divide into pieces and leave to proof for another ten minutes.

2. Fish fillet drop into boiling water. Boil it until half cooked. Chop the peeled onion as finely as possible. We spread the chopped onion and sauté it until lightly browned. Sprinkle with flour and fry for a couple more minutes. Twist the fish fillet in a meat grinder and add to minced fish fried onion. Salt it, pepper it and mix.

3. Knead the pieces of dough with your palms into a cake. Put in the middle fish stuffing and pinch to the center of the edge of the dough. Fry the whites in a large amount of hot vegetable oil.

Recipe 5. Belyashi with potatoes and meat in the oven


curdled milk or kefir - one and a half glasses;

flour - five glasses;

two bulbs;

two eggs;

butter or margarine - 200 g;

potatoes - 4 pcs.;

salt - 5 g;

400 g minced meat;

3 g baking soda.

Cooking method

1. Cut margarine or butter into pieces and put in a bowl. Sift half of the flour to it and grind everything with your hands into crumbs. In kefir, add slightly beaten eggs, salt and soda quenched with boiling water. Pour the resulting mixture into crumbs of flour and butter. Gradually add the remaining flour and knead the dough. We put it in a plastic bag and leave it warm for half an hour.

2. Three peeled potatoes. We clean and chop the onion as finely as possible. Add chopped vegetables to minced meat, pepper, salt and knead everything with your hands.

3. Divide the dough into pieces. From each we form a flat cake with our palms and put the filling in the middle and tuck the edges of the dough to the middle. Put the belyashi on a baking sheet and grease them with melted butter. We send them to the oven for forty minutes. We bake at a temperature of 180 C.

Recipe 6. Belyashi according to GOST in a slow cooker


black pepper - 2 g;

336 ml filtered water;

Wheat flour- 534 g;

onion - 113 g;

a bag of dry yeast;

13 g sugar;

700 g of beef;

salt - 16 g;

liter of vegetable oil.

Cooking method

1. Dilute yeast with sugar in warm water. Mix well. Leave for ten minutes to foam on the surface. Add the rest of the ingredients and knead the dough. We leave, covered with a film, to approach. We crush a couple of times.

2. Wash the beef and clean it from veins and films. We cut it into pieces and twist it in a meat grinder. Chop the peeled onions as finely as possible. Add the onion to the minced meat, season everything with pepper and salt. Pour in a little cold water and mix thoroughly.

3. Lubricate the hands and the surface of the table with vegetable oil. Divide the dough into pieces, roll them into balls and leave for a quarter of an hour to approach. Flatten each piece with the palm of your hand into a cake. We put the filling and pinch the dough in the center.

4. Pour a lot of oil into the multicooker container. We warm it up well in the “Baking” or “Frying” mode. We spread the whites in the hot oil and fry them until golden brown on both sides.

Recipe 7. Puff pastry belyashi


half a kilogram of puff pastry;

ground black pepper;

half a kilogram of minced meat;


150 g of hard cheese;


two eggs.

Cooking method

1. We clean vegetables. Chop the onion as finely as possible. Three carrots. Roast chopped vegetables vegetable oil until golden brown, cool and add to minced meat. Here we drive in the egg, pepper, salt and mix until a homogeneous consistency.

2. Puff pastry thaw completely and cut out circles. In half of them, make holes in the center.

3. Put the filling in the center of the circle without a hole. Top with a circle of dough with holes. We fasten the edges of the dough with a fork. Finely chop the cheese and put it in the middle of future whites. Brush the baking surface with the beaten egg.

4. Put the whites on a baking sheet. We bake at a temperature of 180 C for half an hour.

How to cook belyashi at home - tips and tricks

    Belyashi will turn out juicy if you add a small amount of broth or water to the filling.

    Cut the vegetables into the filling as small as possible so that large pieces do not damage the dough.

    Put the finished belyashi in a bowl and cover with a lid so that the pastry does not lose moisture and does not become dry.

    Fry the whites in cast iron pan. Its bottom warms up evenly, and the pies are fried better.

Any hostess can cook homemade whites if she knows little cooking tricks. The techniques are simple, the products are common, and the result impresses both men and even small children.

The main trick, it's the main one

You just need to remember that you can not roll in flour! Why? Because the temperature of deep-frying (oil or mixture of oils heated to a high temperature) is so high that dry flour burns in it. It is simply impossible to use this mixture a second time, and it is difficult to remove smoke in the kitchen even with the help of a hood.

Roll out, rather just form, flat cakes for whites (they also need to be on a surface greased with vegetable oil. It is not necessary to contaminate the countertop for this purpose, you can just take a baking sheet, or a baking sheet, or a silicone mat.

Homemade belyashi: dough preparation

To make tasty, juicy, and most importantly, easy-to-digest fried pies, the dough itself must be appropriate for them - soft, easily shaped, not spreading during baking. at the same time, it forms a golden crust, but does not penetrate inside, does not weigh down the whites.

Dough ingredients for 16-17 whites:

  • yeast - 10 grams of fresh bakery or two bags of 11 grams of dry;
  • sugar - one tablespoon;
  • salt - one teaspoon;
  • vegetable oil (sunflower unrefined) - a quarter cup;
  • chicken egg - one piece;
  • baking flour (in no case do not add pancake) - three glasses;
  • milk of any fat content - one glass.

The dough preparation process


  1. In a small bowl (200 ml) it is necessary to dissolve the yeast in a spoonful of warm water (slightly warmer than palm temperature). It is necessary to stir until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
  2. Pour in a spoonful of sugar.
  3. Add a spoonful of flour.
  4. Pour a quarter cup of lukewarm milk, as hot milk will not allow yeast to grow, and in cold it will develop very slowly.
  5. Mix thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
  6. Put in a warm (possibly on a radiator) place for fifteen minutes.

Follow the development of the mass. It should rise, increasing about three times. The consistency is creamy, without pronounced bubbles, very tender.

  1. In a saucepan (two and a half liters), mix the egg, vegetable oil, salt, warm milk. To stir thoroughly.
  2. Pour in the leaven. Stir gently, try not to break the delicate texture.
  3. Pour flour in portions (in a glass). Mix. Keep track of the state of the mass. Before fermentation, the initial dough should have the consistency of thick sour cream.
  4. Cover with a film (you can use a traditional towel).

After an hour and a half, the mass should double in size.

The dough needs to be kneaded - while the hands should be watered with oil. Take out the dough, put on an oiled surface and divide into 16 pieces. Then form round (if possible) cakes.

Flat cakes can lie up to two hours even uncovered. A thin crust forms on their surface. They increase slightly in volume.

Minced meat recipe for whites

You can prepare the filling for our fried pies from different ingredients. The main rule is their compatibility. Here, for example, juicy classic minced meat for belyashi with meat. Its ingredients:

  • lean pork - 500 grams;
  • a quarter glass of milk;
  • butter - 50 grams;
  • salt - half a teaspoon;
  • pepper - to taste.

Pass the pork through a meat grinder, finely chop the onions, mix, pour in the milk. Chop the butter into small pieces. Mix with the main mass, salt, pepper.

And now minced meat for belyashi with meat is juicy, to which we add chicken. Ingredients:

  • lean pork - 300 grams;
  • chicken (breast pulp) - 250 grams;
  • two small juicy onions;
  • a quarter glass of milk;
  • butter - 50 grams;
  • salt - half a teaspoon;
  • ground black pepper - to taste;
  • curry seasoning - to taste (optional).

Pass the pork through a meat grinder, finely chop the chicken with a knife, finely chop the onions, mix with the chicken, then with the pork. Pour in milk. Chop the butter into small pieces. Mix with the main mass, salt, pepper.

Minced meat for belyashi with meat is juicy: add cabbage. Ingredients:

  • fatty pork - 400 grams;
  • one small juicy onion;
  • fresh White cabbage- 200 grams;
  • chicken egg - an ode piece;
  • salt - half a teaspoon;
  • black pepper - to taste.

Finely chop the cabbage. Mix, knead with your hands for about a minute. Place in the refrigerator for ten minutes. Pass the pork through a meat grinder. Finely chop the onion. Take the cabbage out of the refrigerator. Squeeze. Combine with minced meat and onions. Add egg, salt, pepper. Mix.

Minced meat for belyashi with meat is juicy based on veal. Ingredients:

  • veal (beef is not fried) - 500 grams;
  • two juicy small onions;
  • fat cream (preferably rustic) - 100 grams;
  • salt - a quarter of a teaspoon;
  • a mixture of black and white pepper - to taste.

It is advisable to chop the veal or pass it through a large grate in a meat grinder. Finely chop the onions. Mix with minced meat, add cream, salt, pepper.

But juicy pork minced meat is considered a classic - the result is always predictable, it is impossible to make a mistake.

Shaping and frying whites

Knead the prepared cakes with your hands (no rolling pin needed) into a circle with a diameter of up to 12 mm. Put a ball of minced meat in the center (take a spoon from the main mass and roll it up, you don’t need to do it in advance). Wrap the dough around the stuffing, pinching towards the center, leaving a small hole in the center.

Prepare five or six whites (how many are included in a standard frying pan). Pour a sufficient amount of oil (most often unrefined sunflower oil), 2-3 mm high, into a frying pan with high walls or into a saucepan. Heat up over high heat. The readiness of the oil is determined by the hiss of water drops (they should not crack).

Reduce fire intensity. Gently place whites, hole down. After 2-3 minutes, turn over, and after 2-3 minutes the whites are ready. With the rest of the dough and minced meat, work according to the described scheme. Enjoy your meal!

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