Home Fish Goulash from chicken hearts in a slow cooker. Chicken hearts in a slow cooker: simple recipes with photos. Chicken hearts in a slow cooker with sour cream - video

Goulash from chicken hearts in a slow cooker. Chicken hearts in a slow cooker: simple recipes with photos. Chicken hearts in a slow cooker with sour cream - video

Time: 60 min.

Servings: 4-6

Difficulty: 3 out of 5

A simple recipe for cooking chicken hearts in a Redmond slow cooker

For many housewives, chicken hearts are a favorite offal, from which incredibly tasty, as well as hearty dishes are obtained. You can use this product to create delicious salads, pates, as well as simple second courses. We recommend that you familiarize yourself as simply Redmond.

You can buy offal both frozen and chilled. Of course, fresh hearts are preferable, but if there is only a frozen product, it is worth defrosting it correctly. Put the hearts in a bowl, leave them to defrost in the refrigerator, this is the only way they will retain their usefulness, turn out juicy and incredibly tasty after cooking.

Immediately before use, the hearts should be thoroughly rinsed, after which you can start cooking in the chosen way.

Many housewives are faced with the question: how to cook chicken hearts so that all family members will like them. In fact, there are many options, do not be afraid to experiment if you know the secrets of cooking a popular offal.

  • You can cook hearts not only with the addition of sour cream or homemade yogurt, ketchup or tomato paste is perfect for this purpose.
  • Do not forget about spices, ginger will be an ideal addition to offal. It can be used both fresh and in powder form.
  • The dish will taste great if you marinate the main ingredient in soy sauce or vinegar, it will take only 30 minutes.
  • Preparing hearts for further heat treatment is quite simple: cut each one lengthwise, remove existing clots and rinse thoroughly.
  • The dish will acquire a special piquant taste if you add a few cloves of chopped garlic to the creamy sauce during cooking.
  • Mushrooms and vegetables can be a great addition to chicken hearts. A simple, affordable product can be easily converted into a restaurant-style dish.

Unfortunately, not many people know about the beneficial properties of this product, it is rich in vitamins and trace elements necessary for the normal functioning of the human body, namely:

  • gr.B vitamins - normalize metabolic processes, the production of certain enzymes, as well as hormones, ensure the full functioning of all organs and systems;
  • vit. A - maintains eye health, increases the immune defense of the body, is responsible for the strength of bone tissue;
  • vit. PP - prevents the development of skin ailments, normalizes blood circulation, provides a boost of energy;
  • Cu (copper), Fe (iron) and Mg (magnesium) - the main participants in the process of hematopoiesis, maintain a normal level of hemoglobin;
  • phosphorus (P) - maintains the strength of bone and connective tissue;
  • potassium (K) - ensures the normal functioning of the central nervous system.

The balanced vitamin and mineral composition of this product allows the body to recover from injuries or surgical interventions.

Chicken hearts must be present in the diet of physically active people and those who adhere to the basics of proper nutrition, because their regular use is a kind of prevention of the development of serious cardiovascular diseases.


hearts - 500 gr.
Champignons - 500 gr.
Carrot - 2 pcs.
Onion - 2 pcs.
Sour cream 20% - 200 gr.

Step 1

Rinse the offal under running water, then put it inside a multi-cooker bowl greased with vegetable oil. Select the "Extinguishing" program for 1 hour.

Step 2

After 20 min. open the lid and add the carrots, cut into thin half rings.

Step 3

Peel the onion, cut into small cubes, send to the contents of the multicooker.

Step 4

After some time, check the extinguishing process. If there is not enough liquid, pour in ½ cup of water.

Approximately 20 min. before the end of the stew, add finely chopped champignons, as well as the required amount of sour cream.

Step 5

After cooking is completed, you can open the slow cooker and lay out a fragrant and very appetizing dish on plates.

Cooking offal dishes often takes less time than working with meat or poultry, especially when you use a slow cooker. However, even here it is not without difficulties. How much to stew chicken hearts and how to fry them? What do they go best with and how to serve them?

How to cook chicken hearts in a slow cooker

The algorithm of work often does not change, no matter how you decide to serve this offal - fried, stewed, boiled or baked. It is only important to properly clean, put in the bowl and cook by setting the timer. But before you think about what to cook from chicken hearts and what side dish to serve them with, you need to study some points of working with them:

  • How to clean chicken hearts? Rinse several times, sort through, remove blood clots and long fibers, trim fat if you want a healthy diet meal.
  • Trick from professionals: put the hearts in warm water for half an hour - blood clots will come out on their own.
  • Some recipes (for example, salads) require you to cut the hearts in half vertically at the end and rinse them again.

Stewed in sour cream

If you need to save time and effort, as well as in the absence of a large number of products, professionals advise putting out chicken hearts in a slow cooker. Due to sour cream, they will turn out to be very tender, and while the offal is being processed by this miracle device, you will prepare a simple side dish. For a quick meal you will need:

  • chicken hearts - 500 g;
  • low-fat sour cream - 220 g;
  • wheat or rice flour - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • butter - 10 g.


  1. Clean the offal according to the algorithm discussed above, leave it in cold water.
  2. Chop the onion in half rings, dip with butter in the multicooker bowl. Set the "Baking" mode, do not close the lid.
  3. Put the hearts in the same place and, without changing the mode, cook for 15 minutes. Turn them over periodically with a Teflon spatula. Cover with a lid, change the mode to "Extinguishing". Set the timer to 40 minutes.
  4. Pour in sour cream, add flour, mix, leave chicken hearts to languish for another 10 minutes, at the end add greens.

With buckwheat and mushrooms in a creamy sauce

An exquisite French dish, among the components of which there is always white wine, and the sauce is prepared on the basis of the most delicate heavy cream. Buckwheat can be removed if desired. Dishes of chicken hearts in cream sound great with long pasta - linguine, spaghetti. For 2 servings you will need:

  • chicken hearts - 200 g;
  • dry white wine - 50 ml;
  • cream 20-25% - 180 ml;
  • dry black pepper - 1/4 tsp;
  • white mushrooms - 300 g;
  • buckwheat - 80 g;
  • butter - 15 g.


  1. Cut coarsely washed mushrooms, put in a slow cooker with butter. On the "Baking" mode without a lid, fry until crusty.
  2. Throw the peeled hearts and cereals. Pour 140 ml more water than buckwheat. Cover with a lid, set the "Porridge" mode. On some multicookers, you can choose "Pilaf".
  3. After 40 minutes, pour in the cream and wine, season with pepper. Continuing to simmer the dish, wait another 10 minutes.

With rice and vegetables

Chicken hearts prepared according to this recipe in a slow cooker have an unusual sweet and sour taste and spicy notes, and the dish itself is very similar to pilaf, only in the diet version, since there is no fatty meat. List of basic components:

  • brown rice - 110 g;
  • chicken hearts - 240 g;
  • olive oil - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • carrots - 1 pc;
  • soy sauce - 50 ml;
  • pineapple juice - 100 ml;
  • sweet pepper - 1 pc.;
  • a mixture of dry peppers - 1 tsp;
  • saffron - 1/2 tsp


  1. Peel the offal, cut into quarters lengthwise, pour with a mixture of soy sauce and pineapple juice with pepper.
  2. Rinse rice, chop carrots and peppers. Dilute saffron with warm water (200 ml).
  3. Pour rice into a slow cooker, pour in water (2 times more than cereals), add diluted saffron. In the "Pilaf" mode, steam for 35 minutes.
  4. Add carrots, peppers, hearts, pour in olive oil. Set "Extinguishing", cook for 15 minutes.
  5. Shortly before cooking, add the marinade from the sauce with juice.

With macaroni and cheese

For such a dish, it is recommended to take short dense varieties of pasta: fusilli, farfalle. In order to create a special taste and density, professionals recommend working with soft and hard types of cheese. A savory nutritious dish is obtained from the following set of products:

  • short paste - 100 g;
  • chicken hearts - 300 g;
  • processed cheese - 40 g;
  • hard or semi-hard cheese - 30 g;
  • red onion - 1 pc.;
  • oregano - 1/4 tsp;
  • paprika - 1 tsp


  1. Chopped onions and coarsely chopped hearts pour boiled water so that it barely covers the food. Simmer in the "Extinguishing" mode for 10 minutes without a lid.
  2. Cut the soft cheese, put it in a slow cooker, wait until it mixes with the rest of the ingredients.
  3. Pour the pasta and spices, add a little water (no need to cover the pasta), close the lid. Mode "Cooking" or softer "Extinguishing", timer for 30 minutes.
  4. If the cooked pasta is too firm, extend the time by 10 minutes by adding a little more water.

How to stew with potatoes in tomato sauce

The algorithm of actions is similar to the basic recipe with sour cream, the only difference is in the ingredients that turn it into goulash:

  • chicken hearts - 250 g;
  • tomato paste - 70 g;
  • flour - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • any ground pepper - 1/4 tsp;
  • young potatoes - 3-4 pcs.;
  • olive oil - 1 tbsp. l.


  1. Mix the peeled chicken hearts in a slow cooker with tomato paste and ground pepper, leave for 5-7 minutes.
  2. Add olive oil and flour. Mode - "Baking", timer - 10 minutes.
  3. Chop the potatoes into cubes, add to the rest of the ingredients, add water. Change the mode to "stewing" or leave "baking", cook for 40-50 minutes.

Chicken heart soup in a slow cooker

Making first courses with this offal is even easier than second courses. Everything that chicken hearts are useful for is best preserved only when cooked. For maximum benefit for the figure and the digestive system, cook a thick soup with chicken hearts in a slow cooker according to Dukan using the following recipe:

  • chicken hearts - 340 g;
  • garlic cloves - 2 pcs.;
  • salt, paprika - to taste;
  • rice noodles - 30 g;
  • rosemary - 1/2 tsp;
  • cumin - 1/2 tsp;
  • tomatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • skimmed milk - 200 ml.


  1. Pour washed, peeled hearts with milk, leave in the cold for half an hour. Scald tomatoes, peel, crush. Break the noodle.
  2. Transfer chicken hearts to a slow cooker, pour water (1.5 l), add tomatoes, chopped garlic. On the "Soup" or "Cooking" mode, keep under the lid for 15 minutes.
  3. Add noodles and seasonings. Without changing the mode, cook for 15 minutes.

Video recipes for cooking chicken hearts in a slow cooker

After reviewing the videos from this section, you will not only learn a few more interesting recipes, but also understand the features of working with multicookers of different brands: Redmond, Polaris, Panasonic. Professionals will tell you how the modes are replaced, how to vary the cooking time depending on the power of the device. All the subtleties and features of the work are shown in the basic recipes, the products for which can be found in every refrigerator and which are easily complemented by any side dish. Having mastered these technologies, you will be able to create recipes with hearts on your own.

How to cook deliciously in a Redmond slow cooker



Chicken hearts, although they are considered offal, are nevertheless very nutritious and, if cooked properly, can become a real delicacy. Now I will introduce you to just such a recipe. We will cook chicken hearts stewed in sour cream in a slow cooker.

This product is inexpensive, and at the same time very valuable. Like not so long ago. Hearts are usually sold frozen, in packs of half a kilo. They belong to the by-products of the first category, that is, of very high quality, and are rich in essential amino acids and B vitamins. They are recommended for use with low hemoglobin.

We all know that the heart is a muscle, and therefore, in fact, meat. True, in our broilers it is all swollen with fat. Poor chickens! Remember, the same thing can happen to your heart if you eat to satiety and hardly move, like our chickens on a chicken farm!

However, we digress a little from the topic. So, chicken hearts themselves are quite tough, and you have to try hard to make them really tasty. There are a wide variety of recipes for their preparation: chicken hearts are boiled, fried, baked, cooked in batter ... But it seems to me that our today's recipe - hearts stewed in sour cream - is one of the most successful. Well, let's get started.

  1. 500 grams of chicken hearts
  2. 2 onions
  3. Sour cream 4 - 5 tablespoons
  4. Vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons
  5. Salt is less than a teaspoon

We will take chicken hearts out of the freezer in advance and set them to defrost at room temperature. If there is no time, you can use the microwave and defrost in it.

We wash chicken hearts under the tap. We process them: cut off excess fat, tubes, cut along and remove blood clots. Rinse the finished hearts again, put them in a colander and let the water drain.

To prepare stewed hearts, peel the onions. Let's cut it into cubes.

Pour three tablespoons of vegetable oil into the bowl, turn on the frying mode. Put the chopped onion into the heated oil and fry it for 5-10 minutes. Onions can be fried lightly until transparent, then 5 minutes is enough, or you can do it harder.

We turn off the frying mode, since it is not necessary to fry the hearts, otherwise they will become hard and rubbery. To make the hearts soft, we will cook them in the stewing mode.

Add chicken hearts to the fried onion, mix. Pour salt, mix and spread sour cream. Cream can be used instead of sour cream. Again, mix everything well with a plastic spatula, close the lid.

We set the extinguishing program for half an hour.

As soon as the signal sounds, the chicken hearts are cooked. Open the lid, stir and serve on plates.

Chicken hearts stewed in sour cream turned out very soft, you can eat. They can be served with boiled pasta, vegetables or mashed potatoes. Enjoy your meal!

You can see all the details of cooking in the video recipe for making stewed hearts in sour cream in the Redmond slow cooker.

A dish made from chicken hearts can surprise any gourmet. Hearts have a delicate pleasant taste and go well with any side dish or vegetable salad. Cooking hearts will not take much trouble and time.
In addition to taste, chicken hearts contain a lot of useful and nutritious substances. They contain vitamins A, B, D, E, magnesium, iron, potassium, zinc.

Eating this offal has a beneficial effect on the digestive system, stimulates the functioning of the heart organs, and helps to reduce blood cholesterol levels.

Meals are considered dietary. 100 grams of the finished product contains about 170 calories. This fact will please people who adhere to a diet and proper nutrition.

Before proceeding to cooking, there are a few important points to consider:

  • If the product has been frozen, it must be allowed to thaw on its own. It is advisable not to speed up the defrosting process: you do not need to use a microwave oven or put a frozen bag of hearts in hot water. From such methods, the taste properties of hearts deteriorate, along with water, part of the juice is lost.
  • Hearts are pre-washed under cold water, cleaned of fatty streaks, cutting them off. If there are vessels, blood clots on the product, they are also removed. You can cut each heart into halves, but you should not make very small pieces.
  • Hearts perfectly tolerate heat treatment in a slow cooker. The cooking time of the product is 35-45 minutes in the “Stew” or “Baking” mode.
  • For cooking, you can use carrots, onions, spices as desired. These ingredients will add juiciness to the finished product, make its taste more saturated. Often used for stewing sour cream, cream, tomato paste or mayonnaise sauces. Hearts are perfect for potatoes, pasta, rice.

Chicken hearts in a slow cooker - a classic recipe

  • Hearts, 500 g;
  • Medium carrot;
  • Medium bulb;
  • Tomato paste, st.l.;
  • Water for extinguishing;

Pour frying oil into the multicooker and heat it up. At this time, vegetables are cut and sautéed in oil. Prepared hearts are added to the contents of the multicooker, fried a little, spices, tomato paste are added, the mixture is poured with water and the lid is closed. The dish is prepared for an average of 40 minutes in the “Extinguishing” mode. At the end of time, they try the heart: it should be soft and juicy.

Chicken hearts in sour cream sauce

Ingredients used (for 4 servings):

  • Chicken hearts, 500 g;
  • Medium carrot;
  • Medium bulb;
  • A glass of sour cream 20%;
  • Spices to taste.

In a slow cooker, vegetables are pre-fried, chopped hearts are added and fried for 10 minutes. Then sour cream is added to the contents, a little water is added so that the dish does not burn, and left to stew for 40 minutes. At the end of cooking, the dish is salted and peppered. Sour cream gives the hearts a special tenderness and creamy taste. The dish can be served with vegetables or buckwheat porridge.

Cooking hearts with potatoes

Ingredients used (for 4 servings):

  • Chicken hearts, 500 g;
  • Medium carrot;
  • Medium bulb;
  • 3-4 large potatoes;
  • 2 tbsp fat cream;
  • 1 tbsp tomato paste;
  • Seasonings as desired.

The vegetables used are cut into medium cubes, placed in a slow cooker. Chopped hearts are added on top and the contents are poured with a liter of water. In the "Extinguishing" mode, a dish is cooked for an hour. At the end, add the necessary seasonings and salt, sprinkle with chopped parsley and dill.

Chicken hearts with rice

Ingredients used (for 4 servings):

  • Chicken hearts, 500 g;
  • Rice long, 300-350 g;
  • Medium carrot;
  • Medium bulb;
  • ½ cup sour cream 10%;
  • Chopped garlic.

Pour oil into the container of the multicooker and fry the chopped vegetables until half cooked. Prepared hearts are laid out to passivated carrots and onions, sour cream is poured. Pour the washed rice on top and pour the contents with 2 cups of water. If there is not enough water, you can add another glass. Stew for 40 minutes, first try the rice for readiness. When the rice is crumbly and soft, the heating is stopped and the dish is allowed to brew for another 20-30 minutes.

Braised hearts with pasta

Ingredients used (for 4 servings):

  • Chicken hearts, 500 g;
  • Bulb, 1pc;
  • Pasta (feathers, spirals), 500 g;
  • Spices as desired.

Hearts and chopped onions are sautéed with butter, then covered with a lid and stewed for 20 minutes. Add pasta, pour 2 cups of water and set the "Baking" mode. Withstand 20 minutes, monitor the readiness of pasta. After the time has elapsed, the slow cooker is turned off, spices are added and the lid is closed so that the dish is infused and has a brighter rich taste.

Delicate hearts in cream

Ingredients used (for 4 servings):

  • Chicken hearts, 500 g;
  • Medium carrot;
  • Medium bulb;
  • A glass of cream 20%;
  • Butter, 100 g;
  • Spices to taste (black pepper, dried garlic, herbs).

Melt the butter, add the cream and bring the sauce until smooth. Vegetables and hearts are introduced into the resulting mixture, mixed and covered with a lid for 30 minutes. At the end of cooking add garlic, herbs. Boiled potatoes or steamed rice can serve as a side dish.

Stewed hearts with cabbage

Ingredients used (for 4 servings):

  • Chicken hearts, 500 g;
  • Medium head of cabbage;
  • Small bulb;
  • A teaspoon of tomato paste.

Add oil to the slow cooker, lightly fry the hearts with onions. Cabbage is chopped with a grater or knife, intensively crushed, introduced to the contents. Pour a glass of water, close the lid and simmer the dish for 40 minutes. After that, the multicooker is turned off, but the lid is kept closed for another 30 minutes.

Hearts with buckwheat and mushrooms

Ingredients used (for 4 servings):

  • Chicken hearts, 500 g;
  • Champignons, 300 g;
  • Buckwheat, 300 g;
  • Medium bulb;
  • Butter, 100 g.

Mushrooms are fried with finely chopped onions in butter, hearts are introduced. Pour the washed buckwheat groats, add half a liter of water and turn on the "Extinguishing" mode. Cooking time is 40 minutes. Stir the contents, salt and pepper. Then the finished dish is allowed to cool slightly and after an hour it is served at the table.

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