Home Meat Peas in a redmond pressure cooker. Pea porridge in a pressure cooker. Pea porridge with vegetables in a slow cooker: an original recipe for a healthy dish

Peas in a redmond pressure cooker. Pea porridge in a pressure cooker. Pea porridge with vegetables in a slow cooker: an original recipe for a healthy dish

Not many housewives cook peas because it sometimes burns, remains tough and sour, and it also takes a long time to cook. Is it worth for these reasons to refuse a rich source of protein, vitamins and trace elements, which serves as the basis for delicious dishes?

How long to cook peas so that they are soft and tasty in different dishes.

How to cook peas.

Peas belong to the legume family, and all members of this family do not cook quickly, so they must be soaked before cooking. Varieties such as "Oregon" and "Idaho" are cooked without soaking, for garnish and in soup - an average of 35 minutes, for mashed potatoes - for an hour. To prepare other varieties without soaking, you need to thoroughly rinse the grains, dip them in cold water, put on a strong fire. After the liquid boils, remove the pot, drain the hot water, rinse the beans, pour in cold water, and put back on the stove. Do this three times, and then leave it on the stove until it starts to boil. How much to cook peas without soaking if there is no time for it? Dry grains can be cooked in an hour and a half.

Tip: Do not add salt while cooking bean dishes, otherwise the grains will not soften. Salt is added before removing the pan from the stove.

What is crushed peas?

Crushed peas - one that is split into two halves. It is ideal for making porridge, mashed potatoes and cutlets, while the whole one is indispensable in soup. How long to cook peas for mashed potatoes? The longer, the better, the main thing is to cook split peas over low heat and preferably in heavy thick-walled dishes.

How to cook pea puree?

Put the soaked beans in a saucepan, rinse and pour with water (for 1 part of the beans 3 parts of the liquid), then put on a slow fire and boil without a lid, avoiding the formation of foam. When the liquid boils, remove the lid and cook the pea puree until tender, until the grains begin to boil. You can use a blender if necessary.

Pea puree using kitchen gadgets.

In order to prepare mashed potatoes, you need to cook peas in a slow cooker in two stages - put the soaked and washed grains in a bowl, pour water 1 to 3, and set the “stewing” program for 2 hours. At the end of the program, add oil and spices, and set the same program for 10 minutes.

To prepare mashed peas in a pressure cooker, you will need soaked peas, water, oil and salt. The grains must be simmered at minimum power for about an hour, then turn off the pressure cooker and do not open the lid for another 10 minutes, then chop the boiled peas with a blender with the addition of oil and spices, and leave for 5 minutes for the mixture to infuse.

How to cook pea soup?

Pea soup is a great lunch option, especially if the beans were cooked with smoked meats. It is very easy to prepare such a soup, and the result will exceed all expectations if you follow the recipe. There are a lot of recipes for this soup of varying complexity.

How to cook pea soup? First of all, rinse the grains, soak them for 40 minutes and put them on low heat at the same time as the meat ingredients. While the base is cooking, you need to chop the vegetables and add them to the boiled broth. For puree soup, frozen green peas are most suitable, which must be chopped in a food processor to the consistency of gruel, and then poured with hot meat broth with seasonings and oil.

How long to cook peas in soup? Dry grains for about an hour and a half, soaked - 40 minutes.

Pea porridge is a great winter dish

Any porridge is useful, but especially pea porridge, because peas are a vegetable analogue of meat in terms of protein content. Any peas are suitable for porridge, but it depends on him how much to cook pea porridge.

In order for the porridge to be tasty and uniform in consistency, a whole or crushed vegetable should be soaked overnight in ice water, and washed in the morning and put to cook on low heat for an hour and a half. It will take 20 minutes to cook frozen peas for porridge.

Tip: to freeze peas yourself, you need to get the beans from the pods, pack them into containers and put them in the freezer. The result is a supply of tasty and healthy side dishes for the winter.

To give a special taste to pea dishes, they are seasoned with turmeric, fennel, coriander and garlic. They also add mushrooms, fried bacon, garlic, onions or mushrooms.

Cooking pea porridge is not difficult if your kitchen has a pressure cooker. Before, when there was no such miraculous technique and you had to cook on the stove, it took a lot of time. With a multi-cooker-pressure cooker, about an hour is enough to get boiled pea puree and enjoy a delicious and hearty lunch.

To prepare pea porridge in a pressure cooker, take the following products.

Peas can be used whole or chopped. When using a pressure cooker, the peas do not need to be soaked in cold water. They are so perfectly boiled to the consistency of mashed potatoes. It is enough to rinse thoroughly in running water so that the water is not cloudy. It is most convenient to place the peas in a colander and rinse with running water.

Pour sunflower or olive oil into the multicooker bowl. Add washed peas, a little salt.

Pour water. Use hot water to speed up the cooking process. Close the lid tightly. Run the stew/beans program. To fully boil the peas, turn on the program for 1 hour.

Reset steam. Open the lid. Add a piece of butter. Stir. At first, pea porridge will be watery, as it cools, it thickens well. You can serve pea porridge cooked in a pressure cooker with meat sauce, fried onions, and bacon.

Pea puree, previously common no less than mashed potatoes, has almost disappeared from the home and public catering menu in our fast-paced time due to long preparation. But you can cook excellent pea puree with smoked meats in just 30 minutes. In this recipe, I'll show you how it's done.

For quick preparation of pea puree, you will need a pressure cooker. In my case, this is the Steba DD1 pressure cooker. If you have such, or a similar, kitchen device, you can easily, in between times, make this forgotten side dish. But we will go further and prepare a full-fledged dish - pea puree with smoked meats.

For 2-3 servings, take:

250 g chopped blanched peas
80-100 grams of any smoked meats
500 ml water
0.5 tsp salt

Of all the types of peas sold in stores, chopped polished is the most common, so there should be no problems with acquiring it.
Any smoked meats - sausage, ham, loin, brisket, boiled pork, chop, bacon, etc. You can also use ham, sausages and sausages.


Smoked meats are cut into small cubes. Pour the washed peas into the pressure cooker pan. You don't need to soak it. I put chopped smoked meats. Salt. Fill with water.

Water can be poured at any temperature. The difference will be only in the time to enter the mode - cold water will boil longer. In Stebe we set the "Soup" mode for 30 minutes at a pressure of 0.7b.

In other pressure cookers, we use modes suitable for time and temperature. We close the lid, valve, and calmly do other things. At the end of cooking, automatically or manually release the pressure, open the lid and see this picture.

Before cooking, it is recommended to soak the peas in water for several hours. On average, this process takes 6-10 hours. An important nuance in this case is pouring peas only with cold water and placing the workpiece away from a gas stove or other sources of potential heat. If you overexpose the peas in water, then it can begin to ferment.

The process of cooking peas in a conventional pan:

  • before cooking, the peas must be thoroughly washed several times and, if necessary, sorted out;
  • in a saucepan, peas are poured with liquid in a ratio of 1: 4 (there should be four times more water);
  • if you pour peas with cold water and put on fire, then the cooking time will be longer (to speed up this process, it is better to put the peas in boiling water);
  • butter or vegetable oil will make the peas softer and slightly speed up the cooking process (you need to add one of the indicated ingredients);
  • in the process of cooking peas, foam may form (this is not a deviation, but it is better to remove the foam with a slotted spoon or spoon);
  • peas are boiled over low or medium heat, and the container is covered with a lid;
  • if during the cooking process the water boils away, then it must be topped up;
  • boiling peas in salt water is not recommended (salt can harden the kernels even though they are ready);
  • You can check the readiness of peas by taste and by changing the structure of the kernels.

Peas should be salted at the end of cooking. You can avoid soaking with baking soda by adding ¼ of a teaspoon at the time of boiling water. You can also cook peas without pre-soaking, but the cooking time in this case can increase significantly. This method is best used only in case of emergency, and in the presence of diseases of the digestive system, it should be abandoned.

The duration of cooking and the process of preparing peas may differ depending on the planned dish. If the ingredient is prepared for porridge, then before cooking it can be chopped in a blender and only then boiled. In order for the peas to be softer, they can be boiled by increasing the cooking time.

The nuances of cooking peas in a pressure cooker:

  • before cooking peas in a pressure cooker, it can be soaked for only two hours;
  • boil peas in this way for 20 minutes, and then leave it to languish for some more time.

The nuances of cooking peas in a slow cooker:

  • before cooking in a slow cooker, peas are also soaked for 1.5-2 hours;
  • peas are boiled in a slow cooker in the “Extinguishing” mode with a timer set for 1.5 hours;
  • you can cook peas in a slow cooker in the "Soup" mode in one hour.

Fresh peas can also be cooked. It is recommended to lay it in boiling water or 10 minutes before the main course is ready. On average, such peas are cooked for no more than 15 minutes, depending on the size of the kernels and their degree of maturity. Young peas are best cooked for no more than 10 minutes. After boiling the kernels, it is recommended to rinse with cold water so that they do not lose their shape.

For some dishes, green peas are used in the form of boiled pods. In this case, the ingredient must first be soaked in water for one hour, and then boiled for several minutes. Readiness can be recognized by the softness of the pods and a slight change in their shade.

How much to cook peas

The average cooking time for peas is 45-60 minutes. If the peas are whole, then it can reach readiness within 1.5 hours, and the divided kernels cook faster. A significant role is played by the variety of peas and the degree of its dryness. Shelf life

Cooking time of peas in different ways:

  • regular saucepan (1.5 or 2 hours);
  • multicooker (1.5 hours);
  • pressure cooker (20 minutes and subsequent languishing will add 10 minutes).

These figures refer to whole peas and are average. If the kernels are too dry and old, then their cooking time may increase, and crushed or split peas are cooked 15 minutes earlier in each of these cases.

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