Home Nutrition Negative calorie. Are there negative calorie foods?

Negative calorie. Are there negative calorie foods?

We bring to your attention a table of products with a negative calorie content. Mostly vegetables and fruits. Their calorie content is minimal, but the body has to spend more calories on their processing than is contained in the product itself. It is on these principles that Tatyana Malakhova's diet is based. It not only takes into account the net calorie content of foods, but also takes into account how many calories the human body spends on their digestion. For example, the calorie content of 100 grams of white cabbage is 28 calories. But the body will spend about 130 calories to digest 100 grams of cabbage. Thus, by eating cabbage, we are not so much gaining as we are losing calories. But there is one important feature - cabbage should not be exposed heat treatment or this processing should be minimal. Below is a table of negative calorie staples. You can independently supplement this table with other low-calorie fruits and vegetables. You can also include mushrooms in your diet for weight loss. The body also spends more calories on their processing than it receives. But mushrooms are not a staple in our diet, and besides, they are not easily digested and absorbed by the body.

Using the products from this table, you can not only eat deliciously, but even spend calories. It is for this reason that these products are not suitable for people with initially low weight or for those who want to get better. But for weight loss - this is an ideal option.

Complete list of negative calorie foods

NameCalorie content, kcal
Apricot 48
Quince 38
cherry plum 30
A pineapple 48
Orange 38
Watermelon 25
Artichoke 28
Basil 27
eggplant 24
Bamboo 10
Barberry 29
Broccoli 28
Cowberry 40
Swede 37
Blueberry 37
Grapefruit 35
Oregano 25
Melon 32
Blackberry 33
Honeysuckle 30
Green tea 0
strawberries 41
Zucchini 27
viburnum 26
White cabbage 28
red cabbage 31
carambola 31
Kiwi 48
Dogwood 44
Strawberry 30
Cranberry 28
Coriander 25
Gooseberry 44
Lime 16
lettuce salad 17
Lemon 24
Lemongrass 11
Green onion 22
Onion 40
Raspberries 41
Mandarin 38
Carrot 33
Cloudberry 31
Mint 49
Sea buckthorn 30
cucumbers 15
Dandelion 45
Papaya 48
Pattison 19
Sweet pepper 25
Chilli 40
Peach 44
Parsley 45
pomelo 32
Rhubarb 16
Radish 20
radish 34
Turnip 28
Rowan 44
Salad 14
Beet 48
Celery 10
Plum 43
Currant 40
Asparagus 20
tomatoes 15
Turnip 28
Pumpkin 28
Dill 40
green beans 32
Cauliflower 29
Chicory 21
zucchini 16
Ramson (garlic) 34
Blueberry 40
Spinach 21
Sorrel 25
Endive 17
Tarragon 25
Apple 46

Quite often in the network and in everyday life you can hear about such a thing as negative calories. There is indeed a list of negative calorie foods, but that doesn't mean that you should only eat them. It is recommended to isolate these foods and make all kinds of diets with them - this will ensure stable weight loss.

The concept of negative calories

The list of negative calorie foods is one of the most discussed topics on women's weight loss forums. There is a general answer to the question of what they are - these are foods that the body needs significantly more calories to digest than they contain. Even cucumbers and berries have a certain energy value, so those people who believe that the list of negative calorie foods contains what we can eat and thereby burn fat are greatly mistaken.

What is the point of negative calories? At proper cooking certain products (with the preservation of all their vitamins, trace elements and other useful components) for all actions associated with chewing, digestion in the stomach and further assimilation, the body will spend a lot of calories - much more than the food originally contained. Nutritionists give useful advice for those who want to lose weight using low-calorie food as a basis. For example, it is useful to keep a special notebook where information about negative calorie foods will regularly be entered: a list, recipes, daily and weekly achievements, and much more.

A great example of a "negative" product is green salad. In order to completely digest 100 g of leaves, you will need at least 200 kilocalories. The product itself contains about 40 kcal. In this case, 160 negative calories are formed. Also, the considered calorie content directly depends on the combination of one product with another. The same lettuce leaves are more difficult (more expensive in calories) to digest without adding vegetable oil than with its inclusion in the dish.

Protein products

To get enough protein in the body and not lose muscle mass, you should eat food. The negative calorie list includes lean varieties meat, poultry (turkey and chicken), fish, certain offal (such as tongue), and shrimp. Animal protein is very important, including for weight loss. For the assimilation of lean chicken breast or boiled beef, you need about 75 kcal (in the meat itself 180). Use lean meat quite energy-intensive, so it must be included in your daily diet. It is also worth considering that the body will work harder when digesting meat and green salad, eaten immediately together than if you eat them separately.

What foods take a lot of energy to digest?

The list of products with a negative calorie content (the name of the products in the "vegetables" group) is as follows:

  • white cabbage and arugula;
  • asparagus and carrots;
  • cauliflower and chili peppers;
  • beets and bell pepper;
  • green beans and radishes;
  • daikon and eggplant;
  • broccoli and onions;
  • zucchini and turnips;
  • zucchini and sorrel;
  • garlic and cucumber;
  • celery and watercress.

Vegetables that are green are especially useful; a lot of energy is spent on them in the process of digestion. Also, the list of products with a negative calorie content includes other representatives of the plant world - fruits and berries:

  • watermelon and tangerine;
  • peach and strawberry;
  • grapefruit and blueberries;
  • raspberry and orange;
  • papaya and cranberries;
  • pineapple and lemon;
  • apple and mango.

It is recommended to add some herbs and spices to the menu. The most common are ginger, coriander, chili, flax and dill seeds, as well as mustard, cumin and cinnamon. High in protein and dietary fiber, mushrooms are also on the list of negative calorie foods. The impact on the body of all of the above products is only positive, of course, with proper preparation and use. For weight loss it is good to include in the diet sea ​​kale containing iodine and many important trace elements.

Negative calorie food rating

Some plant crops use significantly more energy to digest than others on the list of negative calorie foods. The rating is made up of the following:

    Vegetables (all green): broccoli, asparagus, cucumbers, zucchini.

    Herbs: arugula, lettuce, spinach, celery (both leaves and roots), basil, dill.

    Berries: watermelon, blueberries, raspberries, any kind of currant.

    Spices that enhance the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates (especially cinnamon as a sugar substitute).

    Experts advise not to add a large amount of spices and spices to the diet during the diet, as they can help increase appetite. Nutritionists warn that you can not follow constantly. The minimum break between the end of one course and the start of another must be at least two months.


    Some drinks are also on the list of negative calorie foods. The effect on the body of the liquid is invaluable. Useful clean mineral water, daily rate drinking which - at least one and a half liters. The beneficial effect is based on cleansing the body of harmful substances, as well as acquiring the elasticity of the skin. For weight loss, green tea is ideal because it improves metabolism.

    Cooking process

    If you want to cook the above foods, then you must remember that their heat treatment should be minimal in order to preserve fiber and all the useful components in the composition. Ideal - slow stewing, steaming or boiling. Good to combine fresh salads with those main components of dishes that are included in the list of products with a negative calorie content. The opinion of experts on the issue of proper nutrition and consumption is similar in one thing - you cannot ignore proteins and eat only vegetable crops seasoned with a lot of spices. Nutrition should be balanced and carefully thought out. All cooked salads should be dressed lemon juice or a small amount of quality vegetable oil. Yogurt is also not prohibited, but only natural - not factory.

    Expert opinions

    Before moving on, you need to know the opinion of experienced nutritionists and other doctors about negative calorie foods. There is no such food, the digestion of which would take more energy than was originally received. Therefore, many experts classify fat-burning food as a category not with a negative calorie content, but with a minimum one.

    You can stabilize your weight, cleanse your body of everything unnecessary by consuming at least 400 g of various vegetables, fruits, spices and herbs daily with a low level of energy value. Do not use sauces, dairy products as their dressing.

    The daily diet should not be limited to food with a low calorie content. It should act as a mandatory element of a well-composed balanced menu. It is impossible to exclude legumes and all kinds of grains, be sure to cook fish or lean meats, eat chicken and quail eggs. Quickly get rid of hated kilograms will help only proper nutrition. When using only products with a minimum calorie content, it is likely that the weight lost over a certain period of time will return back, and with a healthy diet, metabolism is significantly accelerated, due to which a person steadily loses extra pounds.

    When cooking, do not use margarine or other fats of animal origin. If you do not like the taste of steamed or boiled products, you can bake them with a minimum amount of vegetable oil.

    Common Mistakes

    Many girls, believing that nutrition should be based on eating only greens or vegetables with fruits, can cause irreparable harm to their body. Knowing about the most common dietary mistakes, you can not only get rid of excess weight, but also avoid frequent visits to the doctor. Here are some of them:

      No product on the negative calorie list will work as a complete fat burner without other nutritional ingredients that contain vital nutrients.

      Losing weight, including elements from the considered list in the diet, is possible only by accelerating metabolism and normalizing the digestive tract, and not due to the magical fat-burning properties of vegetables and fruits.


    You can not eat at the same time products with a minimum calorie content with high-calorie foods, hoping that excess weight will not be gained in any case. Extra calories from flour and sweet spinach and broccoli will not be able to burn. Therefore, it is necessary to correctly approach the preparation of the menu.

2 large ripe tomatoes
1 bell pepper


Half a sweet onion
3 cucumbers

1 st. l. balsamic vinegar,
a piece of fresh chili pepper,
2 sprigs of basil
1 garlic clove

Sea salt.

Pour boiling water over the tomatoes and leave for 20 seconds, then pour over cold water and free from the skin. Remove seeds from peppers. Grind 1 tomato, half of the bell pepper, onion, garlic, chili pepper in a blender.
Squeeze juice from two cucumbers, add to mashed potatoes along with vinegar. Salt to taste. Cut the remaining vegetables into small pieces. Finely chop the basil. Mix everything, cool, and when serving, add ice, which, as you remember, makes the body spend extra calories on heating food to 37 degrees.

Vegetable salad with grapefruit

Small grapefruit (or large orange)
half a bulb of fennel
handful of corn lettuce
celery stalk,

A handful of sprouted chickpeas
1 st. l. balsamic vinegar,
a piece ginger root,
coarsely crushed black pepper

A pinch of salt.

Cut the rind off the grapefruit to the pulp. Working on the bowl, cut the slices out of the membranes with a knife. Squeeze the juice from the skeleton into the same bowl. Add grated ginger, vinegar, pepper and salt. Finely chop the fennel and celery. Tear off small roots from the lettuce root. Add everything to the bowl along with the chickpea sprouts, mix well.

Note: Sprouted chickpeas can be bought at the supermarket, or you can soak dried chickpeas yourself. For the first day it will swell well, on the second it will sprout. Very helpful!

Spicy vegetable soup

Small head of broccoli
cabbage different types,
2 celery stalk,

1 small leek,
1 carrot, canned tomatoes,
1 garlic clove
piece of ginger root

Half a lime
a pinch of cayenne pepper
freshly ground black pepper,

Bring a pot with 1.5 liters of water to a boil. Prepare vegetables: peel the carrots, divide the broccoli into inflorescences, cut the stalk into strips. Remove coarse green leaves from the leek, cut the stem into rings, rinse them in a bowl of water (this is done to remove particles of earth and sand that have fallen between the layers). Cut carrots and celery into strips. Load carrots and leeks into boiling, slightly salted water, after another boil, add celery and broccoli stalk, after 3-4 minutes - inflorescences. Cook for 5 minutes, first add white and Brussels sprouts, carrots and leeks, after another boil add celery, cauliflower, broccoli and bell pepper, after 5-7 minutes - tomatoes from a jar along with juice (it is better to remove the skin). Cook for another 5 minutes, add chopped garlic and ginger, squeeze lime juice into the soup, season with cayenne pepper. When serving, add black pepper to taste. From the greens, cilantro is suitable.

White fish with pineapple

300 g cod fillet,
500 g coarsely chopped pineapple pulp

piece of ginger root
1 tsp olive oil,
1 st. l. soy sauce,
half a lemon

1 tsp ground black pepper,
green onion for submission.

Preheat oven to 220°. Squeeze juice from 100 g of pineapple. Cut the fish into large pieces and marinate for 10-15 minutes in a mixture of pineapple juice, olive oil, soy sauce and chopped ginger. Put the fish in a non-stick form, place pieces of pineapple around, sprinkle everything with marinade and sprinkle with black pepper. Bake for 10-15 minutes.

Zucchini carpaccio

Young dense zucchini (zucchini) with a thin skin,
1 st. l. lemon juice
a few drops of extra virgin olive oil

A pinch of fennel seeds
freshly ground pepper mixture
sea ​​salt taste.

Zucchini, without peeling, cut into very thin longitudinal slices (it is better to do this with a vegetable peeler). Lightly salt, sprinkle with fennel seeds, season generously with pepper mixture, drizzle with lemon juice and drizzle olive oil.

Chicken breast with green beans

1 small skinless chicken breast
200 g young green beans and (or) peas (out of season you can take frozen beans and peas),
50 g parsley or parsnip root,

1 tsp white mustard seeds,
1.5 tsp olive oil,
2 tbsp. l. dry sherry (or white wine),
half a lemon

ground white pepper,
coarse salt.

Cut two chicken breast fillets. Season with salt and white pepper. Cut off the stalk of each bean pod, remove the string (if any). Boil beans for 1 minute in salted water. You do not need to do this with young pea pods. If you use frozen beans and peas, they should be scalded with boiling water and thrown into a colander. Cut the parsley root into thin strips. Place a large sheet of parchment paper on a baking sheet. Put the vegetables in the middle, put the chicken breast fillet on them, sprinkle with mustard seeds, pour over with olive oil and wine. Lay a few lemon slices on top. Collect the ends of the parchment at the top, tie with a harsh thread. Send a baking sheet with a bag to the oven, heated to 200-220 °. Bake for 15-20 minutes.

How to strengthen the "negative effect"?

Cold food and drink require more energy to process than warm food. But there is everything cold ... brr!

The body will have to work longer on raw foods than on those that have undergone heat treatment. eat raw vegetables and fruit as much as your digestive tract can handle.

Chew your food thoroughly! “Some people think that if you do not chew a piece of meat or cabbage, but swallow them whole, then the process of digesting food will require large energy costs,” says Rimma Moisenko. “However, if the product is subjected to insufficient mechanical processing in the oral cavity, then it simply will not be partially absorbed. When a person chews a hard carrot or an apple, he spends energy on chewing, and on the formation of saliva and enzymes, and on preparing the gastrointestinal tract and all enzyme-forming systems for work.

Chopped and soft food is digested faster and easier, which means that in our case, roast beef is preferable than a minced meat patty, and a vegetable salad will require more energy from the body than the same vegetables ground in gazpacho. Goodbye mashed soups, hello undercooked grilled beef steak!

We often receive questions about so-called negative calorie foods. Readers ask, is it really possible to make a diet so that with each meal the body will not receive calories, but rather lose them?

For professional advice, we turned to the nutritionist-gastroenterologist Elena Vladimirovna Shapovalova, who successfully practices at the St. Petersburg Center for Individual Dietary Programs IDP on Tavricheskaya 9.

“Such questions,” says Elena Vladimirovna, “are often asked in our center. Let's figure it out. According to women's magazines, negative calorie foods are foods that the body spends more energy to digest and assimilate than it receives. That is, negative calorie foods cause not an increase in calories, but, on the contrary, their deficit. Accordingly, the more such food is present in the diet, the greater the calorie deficit the body will experience, which, in general, does not contradict the concept and goal of any overweight diet.

In fact, no product requires more energy for its absorption than we get from it. After eating, our metabolism, and with them the expenditure of energy, really increases. And in order to digest the food you eat, you will inevitably spend some amount of calories consumed, but in no case more than the food itself contains.

Digesting different foods uses different amounts of calories. Most of the energy (about 30-40% of the energy value of the product) is spent on the assimilation of protein foods: meat, poultry, fish, seafood and dairy products. We spend about 4-7% of their calorie content on the absorption of carbohydrates (bread, potatoes, vegetables), and spend 5-10% on fats.

Cabbage, radishes and cucumbers, often referred to as negative calorie foods, are foods that contain carbohydrates (although there are very few of them) and a lot of fiber. The body does not require any additional energy expenditure for the digestion of fiber, simply because it will not be digested anyway. Therefore, after we have eaten vegetables, we will spend 4-7% of their calories on their assimilation, but not more than 100%.

The main mistake that is made in publications about products with a negative calorie content is the assertion that you can freely and uncontrollably eat whatever your heart desires, supplementing the diet with such “wonderful” foods that will “take away” the calories received.

You should not believe the common misconception that, for example, with celery, you can eat both pastries and chips, and the calories received from pastries will disappear by themselves.

It would be more correct to say that products with a negative calorie content, in fact, do not have a negative, but a minimum calorie content, and really contribute to weight loss, if dominated in the diet.

Low calorie foods include:

- berries: currant, blueberry, blackberry; citrus fruits, watermelon.

- greens such as celery. Its roots contain about five to eight kcal, while the energy value of the leaves is almost zero.

Most vegetables from which you can prepare a variety of salads

- green tea. It is believed that the assimilation of a glass of green tea requires about 60 calories. And, of course, a completely zero-calorie product is ordinary water - it has no calories at all.

- all spices. The important thing is that seasoned food does not require additional salting. If you eat little salt, it means that water does not linger in the body and does not inhibit carbohydrate-fat metabolism.

As a substitute for sugar, a spice such as cinnamon is used. A very successful substitute, given the difference in the calorie content of these products.

However, nutritionists warn their patients against low-calorie diets and negative calorie foods= minimum calorie content.

Ideally, the diet should consist mostly of low-fat foods. energy value but be sure to be supplemented with some more nutritious foods. And, of course, it should be remembered that in order to burn fat, you still need to work your muscles.

As you can see, there are no negative calorie foods, which will neutralize pizza and chips, and even more so destroy your honestly accumulated fats, does not exist in nature. But there are healthy foods, using which, you can significantly reduce the calorie content of the daily diet. And when combined with moderate (or intense) exercise, you can significantly reduce weight without starving.

We thank Elena Vladimirovna and the St. Petersburg Center for Individual Dietary Programs IDP on Tavricheskaya 9 for their help.

Individuals who want to lose weight or watch their weight are interested in products that would allow them not to get fat. Such options exist in nature. These include fruits, vegetables and herbs. Knowledge of these products allows you to balance nutrition and improve well-being. Regular consumption allows you to prolong life and not clog the body with unnecessary substances.

Where do negative calorie foods come from?

The concept of “negative calorie foods” is arbitrary. There are mythical ideas about them. In fact, it is customary to call such substances that:

  • contain a small amount of bound energy;
  • are digested for a long time or improve bowel function;
  • spend more energy on assimilation than they give the body;
  • speed up the metabolism, which creates the effect of rapid weight loss.

There are no such dishes or ingredients that have a calorie with a minus sign. Every food has energy. Negative calorie content is observed in foods that have an average of 25–35 kcal per 100 g. Taking into account this fact, it is necessary to make a diet for those who care about their weight.

Before you actively include useful helpers in your diet, you need to:

  • balance the menu for the intake of protein and other carbohydrates for energy and muscle development;
  • make sure there are no allergies;
  • determine meal times. The recommended number of snacks is 5-6 times a day.

Foods to include in your diet

Foods with a negative calorie content usually belong to the group of vegetables and fruits. Their main advantage is the high content of fiber, which is not absorbed by the body and perfectly cleanses the intestines. These properties are:

  • green vegetables;
  • citrus;
  • some exotic fruits;
  • tuber vegetables.

A table will help to remember and guide these products. Additionally, useful types of berries and greens are included.

On the net, you can find an extended table offering a list of products that will help in the fight against extra pounds. Their list is quite wide. It will not be difficult even for an inexperienced hostess to prepare dishes from the products included in the table.

Negative calorie drinks

Among drinks, there are also those who will take more energy from the body than they will give in return. You can drink them throughout the day in large quantities. If there are no contraindications from the work of different body systems, it is permissible to arrange drinking days. The following list will help you choose the right option:

  • green tea;
  • freshly squeezed juices from grapefruit, beets, carrots, diluted with water;
  • blooming Sally;
  • thyme and mint tea.

Additions of cinnamon (natural) and ginger can enhance the effect of drinks. You need to drink no more than 1.5 liters of such liquids per day. The exception is coffee. It has a negative calorie content, but the drink does not bring much benefit to the body. In this regard, it is better to give preference to other products from the list, for example, herbal infusion.

Ways to maintain and increase negative calories

If vegetables and other negative calorie foods are not properly processed, enzymes or their original structure can be destroyed. This will cause them to lose their valuable properties. It is not recommended to expose them to excessive heat treatment and long-term storage.

In order for the body to spend even more energy on digestion, you can do the following:

  • cool food;
  • add ice to drinks or dishes with a negative calorie content;
  • use without mixing with other substances;
  • consume everything mainly in the morning;
  • slowly ;
  • do not drink the food eaten for 30-40 minutes.

Even the usual additives in the form of oil to vegetable salads or honey to drinks can change the process of assimilation of calories. Steamers or cooking on the grill, in the microwave can improve the taste ready meals without losing their value.

All rules and recommendations are focused on a healthy person. If you have health problems, a tendency to diabetes, you should additionally consult with your doctor. In the absence of allergies, even adding fresh greens to the diet will be a great incentive for the body to burn calories faster. It is important to remember that a serving at each meal, even foods with a negative energy balance, should be no more than 500 grams.

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