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Losing weight with a skipping rope - do you know anything about it? Most people understand that it is problematic to bring the body into the desired shape without exercise, and regularly visit a fitness center, gym It does not always work. An ordinary jump rope will help to solve this problem. It will allow you to lose weight quickly, tighten your body without taking up much space, without requiring special conditions for training. In this article you will find instructions on how to lose weight with a skipping rope at home.

Skipping efficiency

Can you lose weight by jumping rope? Yes, the effectiveness of classes is higher than from a diet, running, swimming. The effectiveness of skipping is confirmed by the fact that 200 kcal is burned in 15 minutes. Even at an average pace of exercise, gradual fat burning occurs.

The jump rope is an excellent cardio simulator that allows you to normalize the work of the cardiovascular system and respiratory organs.

Skipping - get healthy and lose weight with a skipping rope

Jumping allows you to:

  • lose weight
  • pump up, tone muscles;
  • tighten the skin, reduce the appearance of cellulite;
  • get rid of toxins;
  • develop flexibility, endurance, coordination of movements.

Confirm the effectiveness of the jump rope in the fight against excess weight and consumer reviews. A case is known when a person jumped for 13 hours / day and lost 60 kg in 6 months, adhering to a normal diet.

Jump rope - an easy way to achieve harmony

How much do you need to practice?

How much do you need to jump rope to lose weight. The frequency of execution, the intensity of exercises depend on the number of extra pounds. If necessary, you can lose weight in a week, but you will need to exercise for a long time and often.

Jumping rope at an intense pace of training increases blood pressure, heart rate, so you should not strive to lose weight quickly.

The duration, frequency of jumps is selected individually, focusing on the physiological characteristics of the body. The first week of training should consist of short 5-minute workouts so as not to overload the body. Before classes, they do a warm-up - 5-10 squats, bends, rotations of the elbows, shoulders, hands. You should start with simple jumps, performing them not too high and fast, and most importantly, correctly. Gradually increase the pace and height.

On the first day of classes, it is enough to complete 100 jumps. With each subsequent day of the first week, the number of jumps is increased by 50, the second - by 100.

To track the effectiveness of the program, you can weigh yourself daily before and after training, and enter the results in a table.

From the second week, high jumps, figure eight, scissors, double jumps, body stretching exercises are introduced, combining them with basic ones. Weight loss at this time is hardly noticeable, but the effect of weight loss is cumulative. After a two-week period, there are already improvements in the weight plan.

Do not think that if you jump more often and faster, then fat, calories will burn more. A pronounced, lasting result from training will provide regular exercise, rational nutrition.

What loses weight first?

When doing skipping, as well as running, the whole body loses weight. First, they lose volumes of the sides, stomach, then hips, legs. Minimally noticeable weight loss in the arm area.

Fat burning during jumping does not always occur evenly throughout the body. It is unlikely that it will be possible to lose weight aimingly - it is better to seek help from a trainer to select a suitable training program.

Will help to remove the stomach?

Skipping contributes to overall weight loss, maintaining body tone, but there are certain exercises that allow you to remove the stomach.

Exercise 1. Sit comfortably on the floor. One leg is bent at the knee, the foot steps on the rope folded four times, the second is straightened. The back is gradually tilted back. When it touches the floor, the bent leg is pulled to the chest with a cord. After that, the exercise is repeated from the starting point.

An example of an exercise with a rope lying down

Exercise 2. Stand up, feet shoulder-width apart. The folded cord is held in two hands, raised up, making inclinations to the right and left.

Incline with a jump rope standing

Exercise 3 Sit on the floor with your legs straight. The inventory folded four times is held in front of them in their hands, trying to reach the toes of their toes with it.

Repeat each of these exercises 20-30 times - until you feel a burning sensation in the abdomen.

Abdominal muscle training

What about legs?

During skipping, the legs not only decrease in volume, but become toned, trained, and acquire a beautiful shape. The following exercises will allow you to correct the volume of the legs:

  • basic jumps;
  • movement to the side, back;
  • running in place, moving forward;
  • double jumps.

Note: the choice of exercises for slimming legs is arbitrary. It is recommended to start with simple jumps, gradually moving to a run.

Muscles that the jump rope trains

Skip program for 30 days

Experts say that when jumping rope, fat deposits begin to be burned after half an hour of intense jumping. Depending on the problem, an individual training program for weight loss is being developed.

Schedule for the first two weeks

The first 1-2 weeks of the load should be small. Jumps are performed every other day, alternating with rest 1:1. Approximate sequence:

  • 10 minutes of basic jumps;
  • slopes with a rope back and forth, to the sides (at least 3 minutes each);
  • 10-minute jumps in the opposite direction;
  • exercises for the abs;
  • alternating jumps for 5 minutes on each leg.

Schedule for 3-4 weeks of training

During this period, jumps should prevail over intermediate exercises. Sample workout program:

  • 15 minute base jumps;
  • exercises for tightening the muscles of the legs, buttocks (10-15 min.);
  • 10-minute double jumps;
  • abdominal exercises (10-15 min.);
  • 15 minute single jumps.

The average person cannot complete more than 100 jumps/minute. This indicator should be your guideline.

Beginners can break down the number of jumps into stages by doing sets of 30, 50, and 20 jumps.

Monthly skipping program for weight loss based on the number of jumps / day

How to jump rope to lose weight?

At the initial stage of skipping, it is recommended to start in sets of 5 minutes, gradually increasing the training time to half an hour. After getting used to, the duration of the jumps is increased to an hour, performing 4-5 approaches during this time.

On speed days, emphasis should be placed on the speed of the exercises, the rest of the time they pay attention to the duration of the exercises.

An example of the sequence in which to perform jumping rope for weight loss in the table

The benefits of skipping rope for weight loss

During skipping, most of the muscles of the body are trained. But if your task is not to pump up muscles, but to lose weight, you need to jump using a certain technology. Trainers have developed effective and simple rope exercises.

For these purposes, even the usual basic exercises are used. The video will tell about the main methods of weight loss with the help of skipping:

But in addition to the classic exercises with a skipping rope for weight loss, there are more diverse intensive courses. How to lose 8 kg in 2 weeks of skipping - video:

The choice of training equipment

In order for skipping to be comfortable and effective, it is important to choose the right rope for weight loss. The product happens:

    • ordinary, consisting of a cord and handles;
    • with a special weighting agent that increases the load;
    • equipped with a counter-fixer of the number of jumps;
    • with a system for measuring the number of calories burned.

The standard rope diameter is 8 mm. It is chosen, focusing on their own growth, ease of use.

This table will help you choose the right length of stock.

How does jumping affect the body?

Marina: I have been skipping for a month. I jump every evening, devoting half an hour to the lesson, in total I perform about 1500 jumps. Helped me lose weight? During this time, she lost 3 kg without denying herself her favorite food. After 3 weeks of training, the volume of the hips decreased by 5 cm, the body tightened, built.

Photos of Marina before and after a month of skipping

Ksenia: Two months ago I decided to jump rope, the feedback on these exercises is only positive. I practiced regularly, doing 2000 jumps/day. The body tightened, the sides decreased.

Photo of Ksenia before and after skipping


To lose weight, bring the body into tone will allow skipping. Armed with the knowledge from our article, perseverance and determination, you can start losing weight with a jump rope. Regular exercise will allow you to get rid of extra pounds, reduce the appearance of cellulite, become slimmer, improve heart rate, normalize breathing, and cheer you up.

How to jump rope correctly? Specially designed programs will help in this. Their intensity, content depends on the individual indicators of a person.

How much should you jump? For each person, this indicator will be different. On average, it is realistic to lose 3-5 kg ​​per month, but there are intensive programs that allow you to lose 8 kg in 14 days.

Skipping is used as an independent set of exercises, combined with other activities. A balanced diet will improve the effect of classes.

Want to learn how to jump rope but don't know where to start? Today we will tell beginners how to start jumping rope correctly.

Today, we're going to take a deep dive into the basics, as well as touch on the challenges that many of us face. Be sure to read this article to learn the technique and then you can jump rope to lose weight or increase stamina.

What length of rope do I need?

First, let's figure out which jump rope you need to purchase. Well, let's talk about the main thing.

When choosing a rope, namely when measuring its length, you need to stand in the middle and pull it up under your armpits.

The handles of the rope should reach the level of the nipples; upper chest.

As a rule, you take a rope that is almost a meter longer than your height. I am 1.90cm so my rope should be about 2.80cm long.

It is very important. The length of the rope must be chosen exactly according to height, otherwise exercises with it will do you no good, but harm.

If you're looking for a good, solid jump rope, then Crossope's dream rope is what you need, although you can use any, really.

Regular jump rope workouts

As a beginner, you probably think “Up, up” when jumping rope. My feet are off the ground to a height of no more than 2-5 cm. My knees are slightly bent to make the jump softer and not injure the joints. My elbows are close to my body and my arms are at my sides. All the work is done by the wrists.

Common mistakes when jumping rope

We got quite a lot of feedback from people doing "double jump rope". They spin the rope twice in 1 jump. We refer to such jumps as common mistakes.

It's better not to try this type of jumping. It may be easier for you to start with "double jumps", but you can't start with them! Otherwise, it will be more difficult for you to force yourself to perform the usual "single" jumps. Is this point clear?

I want you to start your training with single rope jumps. One two three four. One two three four. Stick to this rhythm and get used to counting. Count each rotation of the rope at a time.

Compose jump rope

The following may seem a little difficult at first, but let's try to put together jump rope. I want you to try the pause jumps. Just jump a count of times and pause. Pause, jump. It's clear?

Okay. Now let's move on to two jumps.

Hold the rope taut and then do two one-two jumps. Just one, two, pause. "One, two," pause. Great guys. This is what you get.

Now, I want us to move on to three jumps. "One, two, three" and pause. "One, two, three" and pause. This trains your mind to associate one jump with one swing of the rope, not two.

This is extremely important if you want to learn how to jump quickly, as well as perform various tricks on it and generally look like a ninja.

Rope jump height

Next, I want you to watch your jump height. It should be no more than 2.5 - 5 cm from the ground. Many people jump too high when they start jumping. This can cause a split shin, as well as pain in the knees and ankles. Guys, remember, this is not necessary.

Perform jump rope correctly. In fact, they are even more useful than running. Guys, the only place where you need to jump higher off the ground is in "double jumps" or other tricks where you have to loop the rope more than once in one jump.

Otherwise, no more than 5 cm from the ground or, in extremely rare cases, a little higher. If you have your knees bent and you land softly on the balls of your feet, then you can jump rope longer without any pain.

Correct hand position

Guys, I want to talk to you about hands. Many people hold their arms tight when they start jumping rope (as shown in this video).

This keeps your rope loose as you spin, which forces your shoulders to work overtime. Due to the fact that the rope is not stretched, your forearms and wrists stop working.

In such cases, I like to use the baseball analogy. When the server throws the ball with a straight hand, first of all, his throw will be weak, and possibly not accurate. But it's another matter if he arches his wrist back. Moreover, the throw will be much faster if he bends his arm at the elbow.

The same can be said about jumping rope. You won't be able to jump fast and keep the rope taut if your arms are tense. You must rotate your arms correctly along with your forearms.

Press the elbows to the body. Let your forearms and wrists do all the work. Make sure the rope is taut as you spin. This will allow you to jump faster and perform more tricks.

All attention should be focused on the wrists

The most important thing a beginner should focus on when jumping rope is the wrists. Watch the video so you can see this little wrist range of motion. Just imagine that your wrist is a ball bearing that spins the rope.

So the rope will be stretched. As you can see in the video, I'm jumping rope super fast, while seeming to spend a minimum of effort. All the work is done by my wrists. My wrists work like a ball bearing. My arms are bent at 90 degrees to keep the rope taut.

Let's put it all together

For beginners, it is very important not to resort to training 5-6 times a week, as guys who want to build endurance do. And also like many of the already advanced athletes. But in the beginning, I highly recommend training for 4 weeks, 2-3 workouts per week. You should have at least 1 or 2 days of rest between workouts to prevent joint pain as well as a shin splint.

The jump rope is able to cope with a terrible monster called "overweight". Jumping rope is just as good as running in a stadium or riding a bike. Regular jump rope exercises will help you lose those hated kilograms. After all, jump rope contributes to the rapid burning of calories.

Intensive and regular exercises with a rope will give the desired effect.

The jump rope is a versatile trainer at a ridiculous cost. It trains a variety of muscle groups, strengthens general tone body, fills the blood with oxygen and develops the respiratory system.

The jump rope, in principle, has no restrictions for its operation. But it is worth remembering that everything well has its drawbacks - contraindications:

  1. If you have joint problems.
  2. If you have problems with blood pressure, constant jumps.
  3. If your overweight exceeds the ideal by 15-20 kg.
  4. If you have just left the table.
  5. If you have heart problems.
  6. If you are experiencing a headache.

If there is one of the contraindications, you should consult a specialist before classes. Otherwise, you will not make yourself better, but only aggravate the situation.

Rope choice

  1. Take the rope in your hands and place it in the middle of your leg.
  2. Pull the handles up along the body.
  3. When the rope is fully stretched, look at the handles, they should be at shoulder level or slightly higher.

So that the jump rope is not a real hell for you, it must be matched to your height. By no means longer or shorter.

How to choose a rope for height

When choosing a rope, you should focus on its purpose and length.

Height in centimeters - the length of the rope in centimeters.

  • 152cm=210cm
  • 152-167cm=250cm
  • 167-183cm=280cm
  • 183 cm and above=310 cm

Thanks to two methods, you can easily choose a rope for your height.

In specialized stores, there is a huge selection of different jump ropes:

  1. Electronic jump rope. This smart jump rope can count the number of jumps. The counter is in the handle.
  2. Weighted rope. This is a jump rope with a weight of rope or handles. More suitable for boxers.
  3. Speed ​​rope. This is a jump rope that allows you to achieve up to five to six rotations per second. Jumping on such a rope roughly corresponds in terms of sports load to a three-kilometer cross.

For people who have never been involved in the rope, the first and third versions of the rope are most suitable.

Rope exercise is perfect for burning fat

The right choice of clothes for classes

For sports, it is important to choose comfortable clothes, you should be comfortable.

  1. It is most convenient to jump in things that fit the body. It is better not to wear ruffles, bows and the like, because extra items will interfere with you. It is best to practice in a simple T-shirt or T-shirt, in sweatpants or leggings.
  2. Girls need to choose the right bra so that their breasts do not sag or stretch marks appear due to jumping.
  3. If you are comfortable jumping without shoes, then jump. If you prefer sneakers, then choose soft and well-fixed ankle shoes.

List of muscles that work while jumping

  • Calf muscles.
  • Back muscles.
  • Shoulder girdle.
  • Muscles of the arms, hands.
  • Abdominal Press.
  • Gluteal muscles.

How much to jump rope for weight loss? Table of activities for the week

  1. First day. Morning and evening workouts for 15 minutes.
  2. Second day. Morning workout 16 minutes. Evening workout 15 minutes.
  3. Third day. Morning and evening workouts for 16 minutes.
  4. Fourth day. Morning workout 17 minutes. Evening workout 16 minutes.
  5. Fifth day. Morning and evening workouts for 17 minutes.
  6. Sixth day. Morning workout 18 minutes. Evening workout 17 minutes.
  7. Seventh day. Morning and evening training for 18 minutes.
  8. The algorithm is simple. You can easily extend the schedule yourself.

The main thing is to monitor your condition and feeling, if you feel very tired from training, then do not increase the load for several days. When you can overcome fatigue, then gradually increase the load.

How to jump rope correctly?

There are several stages of learning:

  • Simple jumps in one place.
  • Uniform rotation of the rope.
  • Combining the first paragraph with the second.

First you need to learn how to push off and land with one toe. Try to imitate a skipping rope. Try to jump as hard as possible at least 80 jumps per minute, provided that your health permits. Gradually pick up the pace. When you can perform 100 jumps per minute without stopping, you can start working with the rope.

Exercises for weight loss

In order for the jump rope to help you lose weight, you need daily proper workouts, and you don’t need to come up with excuses for yourself. Workouts should be long enough

An hour of exercise burns up to 800 calories. But an unprepared person cannot do this, so you need to start from fifteen minutes. And further on the rise.

It is very important to listen to your health during and after training. If you feel that you have chosen the most acceptable option for yourself, then you should not increase the load.

Physical activity is the main tool for burning fat

It should be remembered that classes with a skipping rope will help you only if the duration of the lesson is at least thirty minutes a day.

Rope exercises

Before training, you need to warm up. You can run a little. Bend over and sit down several times. After warming up, start exercising. Start jumping at a slow pace, then increase the pace later.

  1. Jumping on two legs. Classic way.
  2. Jumping with change of legs: jumping on the right leg, jumping on the left leg.
  3. Jumping imitating running. Alternate change of legs.
  4. Jumping backwards.
  5. Jumping with crossing rope.
  6. Doy jump. During the turn, have time to jump twice.
  7. Side jumps. Jump left, jump right.

A few minutes before the end of the workout, you should slow down to normalize the heart rate. Gradually stopping. When you stop, walk in place for a while until your heartbeat and pulse return to normal. After they have returned to normal, the training is over.

The time allotted for jumping is of no small importance.

Proper and effective weight loss

With increasing loads, the body will get stronger and get used to the given exercises. Therefore, you need to increase the load. Using a jump rope as a weight loss simulator, it will not be difficult for you to constantly increase the load.

Ways to make your workout harder

  1. While jumping on one leg, you can throw the other leg forward, then change legs.
  2. jumping the classic way, pull your knees to your chest.

The first fruits of your training, if done correctly, you will see in a month, after constant training.

Losing weight with a jump rope is not a myth, but a reality. But it is worth remembering that if you are going to lose weight with a jump rope, then everything must be done wisely. And do not start on an unprepared body to practice for an hour. This can be hazardous to health. Use the table for the weekly session. Also, if you do not limit yourself in food, but eat everything that is not nailed down, in huge quantities 24 hours a day, then no jump rope will help you. Tune in to lose weight with a skipping rope. Good luck to you in this difficult field, and good plumb lines!

The problem of weight loss will be solved if you include exercises with a rope for weight loss in your workout: the result will appear quickly, financial investments are not needed, it is easy to learn the technique. This method of bringing the body into an athletic form is available to people of any age. The main plus is that the simulator does not require financial costs, and you can practice anywhere, and choose the right time.

Is it possible to lose weight by jumping rope

Active physical exercises help to lose weight, tighten the skin, get rid of fat in problem areas - on the thighs, "ears", hips, abdomen. Rope jumping - a good option. An affordable type of training will allow you to lose weight painlessly. By choosing the right equipment, you get an intense type of training: large loads are completed in a short period of time.

During exercise, the body expends energy, getting it from fat on the abdomen, arms, thighs, etc. Rope exercises for weight loss help to achieve the desired effect. This type of aerobic exercise trains the heart muscle and speeds up the metabolism, the process of weight loss is smooth. A prerequisite is to adhere to a balanced diet. The athlete's diet should include proteins, fats, carbohydrates in the right proportions.

Jump rope for weight loss

This is an equipment for sports that is well known to adults and children. Simple, inexpensive, compact, it is considered highly effective in the fight against extra pounds, body fat. In addition, the jump rope, as the children call it, is a budget option for those who want to find a slender figure. There are many types and subtypes of equipment, they are designed for different heights, loads and types of training. What types of jump ropes are there, how to choose the right model, focusing on your goals?

How to choose

Sports equipment must meet certain requirements:

  • Size. For growth below 170 cm, it is worth purchasing an inventory 2.5 meters long. For people taller, products with a length of 2.7 meters or more are suitable.
  • Core. To make it convenient to jump, it is advisable to choose an option with a dense core. The leading option is with a metal wire covered with a rubber sheath.
  • Mobility. A model with an electronic counter is good for tracking calories burned. During training, he himself will count the number of jumps and calories burned.

Types of jump ropes

In order for training to give results and bring pleasure, you need to determine which type is right for you. By choosing the type of inventory, it is easy to make classes much more effective. There are several types:

  1. Leather. The skipping gear will help increase the load on the upper body with a leather cord and weighted handles.
  2. With electronic counter. A counter is mounted in the handles, electronic (shows the amount of rotations and calories expended) or mechanical (counts the speed of the rope).
  3. Weighted. By weight bypass all other species. Weights are inserted into the handles, which allow you to increase the force tension on the muscles of the hands during jumps.
  4. High-speed. This type gives a greater load on the heart muscle due to the high speed of rotation. With a sufficient level of preparation and proper exercise, the result of skipping will be tantamount to a long run. It is easier to twist such a rope around you than analogues.

The benefits of jumping

By doing skipping exercises, you will lose weight, but not only. You can get other positive effects:

  • improved coordination of movements;
  • pumping up the muscles of the arms, legs and abs;
  • increasing the endurance of the body;
  • getting rid of cellulite in problem areas;
  • improvement of mood and general well-being;
  • breathing training;
  • creating relief in the legs and body;
  • improvement of motility of the gastrointestinal tract.

How many calories are burned

Skipping is suitable for women, men, children, teenagers. Equipment training is equivalent to a long run or active walking up the stairs for 30 minutes. It is believed that 7-10 calories are spent per 100 jumps, so a 15-20 minute workout is suitable for beginner athletes - it will burn about 150-200 calories. For those who have been exercising for more than a month, the 45-minute one is over 600 calories at a time.

How to jump rope for weight loss

The first stage of physical exercise is warming up. This will help to avoid injuries, damage and sprains. An articular warm-up of the whole body is carried out: starting from the neck, moving lower to the arms, body and ending with the muscles of the legs. Everything, now you can start jumping, changing the pace and exercises. After the end of an aerobic workout, a hitch is important: the muscles will stretch, become elastic, and the pain the next day after the workout will not be so strong.

Execution technique

Knowing how to jump correctly will help you avoid unwanted injuries. There is a special execution technique:

  1. Start your workout at a moderate pace. Movements should be moderately active in order to allow the body to warm up and prepare for more serious stress.
  2. Rotations occur due to the wrists, the elbows do not work in the exercises, they must be firmly pressed to the body.
  3. Land on your toes, not your entire foot. You will avoid injury, pain during exercise.
  4. The gaze during the lesson is directed forward, straight ahead.
  5. Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth.

How much to jump rope

The amount of time it takes for people to see results varies greatly. Some may notice the effect in a week, and for other people, a month is not enough to lose more than 1-2 kg. All this depends on the individual characteristics of the organism, as well as on the starting weight of the person. It is known that 2-3 regular workouts per week will be the best option for a gradual (not sharp!) Weight loss.

Jump rope exercises for weight loss

How to lose weight with a jump rope and what loads should be performed in order to remove excess volume from the buttocks, thighs, abdomen and arms? Performing and alternating sets of exercises, you can achieve the best result very quickly. There are several exercises that are suitable for each muscle group:

  • normal jumps;
  • jumping back and forth - on the first jump you jump back, on the next - forward;
  • jumping to the sides - first move to the right, on the next jump - to the left;
  • double jump - for each turn you need to have time to make two bounces.

For the stomach

The following are considered effective exercises for reducing belly fat and elsewhere:

  • Double scroll. During the jump, the hands make a double scroll of the rope.
  • Jumping with legs forward. It is necessary to put your legs forward, straining and straightening them at the knees as much as possible.

For thighs and buttocks

In order to make attractive and embossed buttocks, there are special exercise systems. They are suitable for the fat burning process and will help remove excess deposits from the thighs. Such exercises include:

  • Alternate change of legs with lunges. Having made one jump, you should immediately put your foot forward, simulating a lunge. The gluteal muscles are included in the work and the emphasis is on them.
  • Jumping scissors. Jump up, pushing and placing alternately the left and right legs crosswise.

For legs

Using this system of exercises, it will be possible to strengthen the legs. They will take on a relief form and will attract the envious and admiring glances of women and men:

  • Jumping on different legs. In this exercise, you need to jump on one leg, changing legs. One jump - one leg, the next jump - the other.
  • Run in place. You need to tear off your legs one by one, raise your knees as high as possible. Imagine that you are running down a road or climbing a wall.

Skipping for beginners

For beginners, it is best to use the interval technique. She looks like this:

  • Week 1. Wellness gymnastics goes like this: 1 minute - jumping, 2 minutes - rest. You need to do about 3-4 approaches. In each interval of movement there will be from 5 to 25 jumps.
  • 2 weeks. Rest should be reduced to 1 minute. The technique will look like this: a minute of rest - a minute of jumping.
  • Gradually, the load and speed should be increased, it is recommended to jump without interruption at a high pace.

Rope weight loss program - table

A person is capable of doing about 100 jumps per minute. For beginners, doing 3-4 sets a day will be enough. You should train regularly, 2-3 times a week. Below is a table for increasing the load per month for people at an entry level. By training according to this scheme, you will improve your well-being, see the results much faster:


  • pregnancy;
  • period of menstruation;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • migraine;
  • obesity (if a person's weight is 1.5-2 times higher than normal);
  • joint problems;
  • asthma;
  • kidney failure;
  • problems with the back and spine;
  • prolapse of the uterus.

It is forbidden to perform the program immediately after eating: it should take about an hour before you can start jumping. If during the exercise you suddenly experience pain in the knee, abdomen, heart or shortness of breath, you must immediately stop the exercise. With prolonged pain, it is recommended to consult a doctor (therapist, orthopedist, neurologist).


Fat burning jump rope workout

Benefits of jumping rope

Jump rope fitness

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