Home Vegetables Benefits of dried fruit compote

Benefits of dried fruit compote

The benefits and harms of dried fruits and compote from them for the human body, types of drying, their beneficial properties and use in traditional medicine, on the site we will tell you how to choose dried fruits correctly, how to use it most effectively for health.

What are dried fruits, their types

Dried fruits- dried fruits, sometimes berries, the moisture in them remains no more than 20%, the best healthy substitute for sweets and other sweets. These are the fruits of berries and fruits, which lend themselves to special methods of drying under the influence of UV rays or in specially designated areas.

Dried fruits have been very popular since ancient times. Then the women went to the forest and collected everything that could be eaten, and the men got the meat on the hunt. Therefore, the discoverers of such useful product as a dried fruit can rightfully be considered women.

Today, dried fruits are very popular all over the world. Children and adults love them. Often find their application in diet food and diet of people leading a healthy lifestyle.

Compote- the most common type of drink, which is prepared from dried fruits and berries. However, when exposed to heat, dried fruits lose many useful properties. Therefore, it is better to use them for breakfast with oatmeal (in ready porridge put the right amount of your favorite dried fruit). Thus, all useful substances will be preserved in them.

There are a lot of fruits that, with the help of a certain drying, are turned into dried fruits. But the most popular today are:

  1. dried apricots,
  2. raisin,
  3. prunes,
  4. dried fruits, pears,
  5. fig,
  6. dates and a lot of other fruits and berries.

Less common, but they can also be found in large supermarkets and markets - dried and dried cherries, cranberries, mangoes, melons, bananas, persimmons, barberries, rose hips, hawthorn, candied fruits from kiwi, ginger, watermelon and orange peels.

There are also dried fruits:

  • - whole. They are dried without taking out the seeds.
  • - half. The fruits are cut into two parts, the stone is removed and dried.
  • - cut into small pieces.

Composition and calorie content of dried fruits

Most dried fruits are rich in vitamins, minerals, amino acids and trace elements, which are certainly beneficial for the body. For example, glucose, fructose, vitamins of groups B, A, R.

Often, when dried fruits are processed with special vapors (which are used to increase the shelf life of the product), the vitamin C contained in them is destroyed.

The vitamins found in dried fruits and berries include: potassium, magnesium, iodine, calcium, phosphorus, sodium and iron.

The calorie content of dried fruits, of course, is higher than that of a fresh juicy (filled with water) fruit, but the concentration of useful substances and medicinal properties is an order of magnitude higher. To console those who are losing weight, let me remind you that we usually eat dried fruits in much smaller quantities.

Here, for example, the calorie content per 100 g of the product of the most common drying is quite high, as we can see, everything fluctuates between 200 and 300 kcal. So with obesity and diabetes, it is better not to abuse dried fruits.

Dried apricots 215 kcal

Raisins 264 kcal

Prunes 231 kcal

Figs 257 kcal

Dates 274 kcal

S. apples 231 kcal

S. pears 249 kcal

Kumquat 284 kcal

Useful properties of dried fruits

No wonder there is an opinion that dried fruits are a storehouse of useful substances. They strengthen our immunity, give energy, protect against premature aging, improve performance and mood. Each fruit or berry has a number of useful medicinal properties.

  1. For example, dry fruits also have a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract, helping the stomach to digest food. They also fight constipation well and help to remove toxins and toxic substances from the body. Drying pears and plums are good for our pancreas. Pear also strengthens blood vessels, is necessary for the work of the heart, acts as a natural antibiotic.
  2. in turn, it is very useful for the cardiovascular system, improves the condition of the skin and hair.
  3. For the normal functioning of the thyroid gland, dried fruit will be of great benefit -. In addition, figs are the leader in the amount of fiber, improve digestion, metabolism, contain folic acid, which makes it very useful during pregnancy. Serves as a prophylaxis of tumor-like formations.
  4. are also very beneficial for human health. Especially with seasonal colds and severe headaches. Dates are often recommended for lactating women to enhance lactation. Good for heart disease and for raising the body's defenses. They have an antipyretic effect.
  5. experts recommend for bronchitis and the presence of a strong dry cough. The use of regular dried grapes will have a great effect on the condition nervous system, vision, dental health, useful for anemia.
  6. Apple drying is good for digestion, lowers cholesterol levels, due to a decent iron content, it is in demand for anemia.
  7. Dried - helps the circulatory system, normalizes blood clotting, prevents thrombosis.
  8. in dry form, you can often find it on the shelves than a ripened tasty fresh fruit, it is useful for the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular, nervous and immune systems, improves the condition of the skin and hair.
  9. Dried slices regulate bowel function, help with reduced immunity, kidney stones, pathologies of the cardiovascular and nervous systems.

Despite all the useful medicinal properties dried fruits, you need to be careful when using them. Before you put fruits in breakfast or just eat them, you need to soak them in warm water, then rinse thoroughly several times.

Unscrupulous manufacturers often process them sulfur dioxide for a more attractive appearance, and to extend the shelf life of the product.

The use of dried fruits in traditional medicine

Traditional medicine in stock healthy recipes has one using dried fruit. This is a mixture of dried apricots and raisins, which has a general strengthening effect on the body and is especially useful in autumn and winter.

When the risk of catching a cold is increased. To prepare this healthy mix of dried fruits, you need to take:

  • - raisins 200 grams.
  • - dried apricots 200 grams.
  • - 200 grams of peeled.
  • - 250 grams of liquid honey.

Pour all dry ingredients into a large bowl for easy mixing. Then pour everything with honey and transfer to a jar for storage. Such a vitamin bomb is just a godsend for the whole family. It can be used by adults and children from 3 years of age.

In addition to general strengthening properties, this mixture has a positive effect on the work of the heart, gastrointestinal tract, prevents hypovitaminosis and saturates the body. useful vitamins and minerals.

Harm of dried fruits

With normal use, without a hint of fanaticism, dried fruits are not harmful to health. However, if you dig deeper, harm can lurk in any product. Dried fruits are no exception. Especially if you pay attention to how they prepare for the sale stage.

Often, instead of natural drying, entrepreneurs treat fruits and berries with chemicals. Under the influence of which dried fruits acquire an alluring shine, aroma and taste. Can they be useful after that?

With many studies, experts have concluded that most of the chemicals used to process dried fruits remain on their surface. Therefore, before eating them, it is necessary to soak with warm water and rinse well. Thus, the risk of harm to health will be significantly reduced.

How to choose dried fruits correctly, storage

When choosing dates, dried apricots, prunes, figs and other dried fruits, you need to know some of the nuances. For example, in bazaars, where they are sold in boxes, and where it is possible to see well appearance dried fruits, you need to choose the most nondescript. In this case, purity and attractiveness speaks of harmfulness. You can wash dried fruits from dust at home. But protecting your health is much more important!

You need to be careful with boxes with too shiny, smooth and soft fruit. Such fruits and berries may not have been dried in a natural way, and were amenable to chemical processing.

Prunes, for example, if they are too shiny, may have been soaked in low-quality oil or glycerin. This is done in order to give the product a shine and keep it as long as possible.

Sometimes sellers at the bazaar allow you to try dates or dried apricots. If they have a sugary sweetness, this indicates that the dried fruits were dried in a gas or gasoline oven.

Because drying fruits and berries in the sun is a very long and laborious process. Moreover, there is a possibility of losses in the sale. What kind of business owner benefits from this? During such drying, the fruits are saturated with toxins and no soaking in water will help! You need to choose dried fruits that have a natural sweetness.

If you want to buy high-quality dried fruits, you need to give preference to fruits with a stone and a stalk. Particular attention should be paid to the integrity of the fruit. If they are cracked, there is a possibility that harmful bacteria can grow inside.

How to take dried fruits

You can use dried fruits as an independent sweetness, and as an addition to your favorite breakfast. Also often dried apricots, raisins and prunes are added to pastries. They give it a special taste and aroma.

In order not to overdo it, and bring only benefits to the body, you need to measure the rate of dried fruits per day with your own handful. For example, take dried apricots, dates and prunes. Count each fruit 5-7 pieces. and take them in a handful. If it is almost full or full, this indicates that the correct portion of dried fruit is in the hands.

As for taking it separately, prunes are often used for problems with the gastrointestinal tract, including with. Before taking, the fruits must be crushed with a meat grinder and mixed with honey. Take one teaspoon before dinner.

Prunes are no less useful for. Only in this case it must be mixed with walnuts, dried apricots and raisins. Consume a tablespoon per day. The course is 10-15 days.

Dates are very useful for nervous tension. They need to be soaked in hot water. Remove the bones after 30 minutes. Crush with a blender and pour boiling water. Leave to infuse for 1 hour.

Dried fruit compote - benefits and harms, calories

Compote is the same decoction of dried fruits, designed to give all the nutrients to the water and in this form to saturate our bodies with vitamins and minerals.

The main benefit of dried fruit compote is to raise our immunity in winter, when there are no fresh vegetables or they are expensive. Dry compotes also normalize the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, eliminate constipation, and stimulate metabolism.

The useful properties of dried fruit compote repeat the same properties of the main types of dried fruits and berries that you put in the drink you are preparing.

For all its benefits, compote is quite high-calorie, 60 kcal per 100 ml and this is without sugar or honey, so you should not get carried away with obesity.

Compote is usually cooked for a short time - about 20 minutes, then it is left to infuse.

It can cause allergic reactions in children, so it is necessary to start giving a drink, for example, only from dried apples, then add a pear, raisins. Or even cook it from only one type of dried fruit.

Harm can be caused by poorly washed raw materials (preservatives and chemicals remain on the surface) or an initially selected low-quality product.

Can pregnant and lactating dried fruits

Dried fruits are definitely useful for pregnant and lactating mothers. One should use them in the case when there are no contraindications. And when dried fruits are 100% safe. That is, bought from a trusted seller.

Everyone knows that nursing mothers often follow a diet so as not to harm the baby and not cause bloating. In such cases, nutrition often needs additional vitamins. Dried fruits will become a lifesaver for such mothers. After all, you can cook a uzvar out of them, and put it in oatmeal. Delicious, and most importantly, healthy!

Before using any product, you should study its strengths and weaknesses. Learn more about dried fruits: their benefits and harms are ambiguous, so you need to understand all the pros and cons. It is easy to figure out how dried apricots are useful for women during pregnancy, whether the use of dried fruits on a diet and diabetes is allowed.

Useful properties and contraindications of dried fruits

Fruits that have been dried using a special technology are called dried fruits. As a result of a laborious process, the water from the fruit evaporates. Inside the product, a high concentration of nutrients is preserved that have a beneficial effect on body functions:

  • vitamins (A, B, PP);
  • minerals (potassium, magnesium, iron, sodium, calcium, phosphorus);
  • cellulose;
  • carbohydrates;
  • sugar (glucose, fructose).

In addition to the benefits to the body, the use of dried fruits has some contraindications. Elevated glucose levels are dangerous for people who have diabetes. Allergy sufferers should consult their doctor before using a particular product. Unlike fresh varieties, dried ones have a higher calorie content. This should be considered by people who are on a diet.


Due to the huge amount of dietary fiber, this product has proven to be an excellent remedy for constipation, helping to cleanse the body of accumulated toxins. What is useful prunes for women? The increased content of calcium and magnesium makes the berry an assistant in the fight against heart disease. With stagnant processes in the gallbladder and bladder in pregnant women, you can not do without healing dried fruits.

dried apricots

A small orange fruit retains all the nutrients that apricots are rich in. A few dried fruits a day will help improve intestinal motility. With regular use, heart problems decrease, the level of hemoglobin in the blood increases. Dried apricots during pregnancy will help the future mother's kidneys work properly, removing excess fluid from the body.

dried apples

A huge amount of iron is the main usefulness of these dried fruits. The necessary element affects the hematopoietic functions of the human body. Unlike fresh fruits, the destruction of the substance does not occur so rapidly. Therefore, with proper storage, all elements will remain until the end of winter. By enriching the diet with dried apples, you protect yourself from the negative effects of the environment and bad ecology.


With a weakened body and after a serious illness, dried fruits will help relieve fatigue, speed up recovery, and activate the work of internal organs (heart, kidneys, liver, stomach). The increased content of vitamins makes the small, nondescript date a tasty addition to improve the condition of the skin, hair, and vision. With increased mental stress, it is recommended to eat a few things a day.


Apricot fruits that have been dried along with the pit are called apricots. The most useful dried fruits are those whose shell integrity has not been violated. They have more nutritional value. It is customary to dry dried apricots until cooked on the branches of trees, which preserves the vitamins in a concentrated form. Eating such fruits increases the body's resistance to diseases, improves the functioning of the heart muscle and the gastrointestinal tract. The possibility of developing cancer is also reduced.

dried cherries

Useful substances that are so rich fresh cherry, have been preserved in large quantities in the dried product. Small berries are used in the treatment of heart disease and anemia. The bactericidal properties of the pulp help with wound healing, therapy and for the prevention of tumors. Eat dried fruits when losing weight. Unlike other types of dried fruits, cherries are low in calories, therefore they are actively used in diet menu with weight loss.


A small dried fruit contains 15% more nutrients than a fresh one. Dried fruits during pregnancy improve the condition of the cardiovascular system, kidneys, and have a slight laxative effect. For colds, tonsillitis, inflammation of the gums, a decoction of dried fruits is used as a rinse in complex treatment. With increased blood pressure the use of figs relieves symptoms, normalizes the heart rhythm.

Calorie content of dried fruits

Eat dried fruits wisely: their benefits and harms lie in high calorie high in glucose and carbohydrates. If you do not want the appearance of extra pounds, then you can not eat them in handfuls all day. They are less harmful than confectionery, however, the average energy content must be monitored (kcal per 100 g):

  • pitted fruits - 300;
  • dried fruits with a whole shell - 250;
  • apples - 200;
  • cherry - 60.

Benefits of dried fruit compote

If you are tired of chewing on hard fruits, then you can make a great drink. The benefits and harms of compote from dried apples, dried apricots, prunes cherries have been known since antiquity. Optimal recipes are being invented to reduce the negative impact to zero. An increased amount of vitamins and minerals will allow enriching the body with the missing elements in winter. However, if the product is abused, diarrhea and allergic reactions are possible. Don't forget the high calorie content.

Video: the harm and benefits of dried fruits for the body

What you need to know for those who love dried fruits: their benefits and harms lie in the subtleties technological process. How to distinguish the right fruit from the harmful? There are a number of signs by which you can distinguish a low-quality product from a useful one. Protect your health from the negative effects of chemicals. About this and simple recipes cooking healing delicacies at home, see a short video.

"And the compote?!" the parasite and alcoholic Fedya is surprised in the well-known film Operation Y.

And after receiving a glass of refreshing drink, pours half and, adding vodka, turns it into alcoholic cocktail.

But it was not in vain that compote was an obligatory dessert in those days.

It was not only a very tasty and well refreshing drink.

Knots and compotes are exceptionally healthy.

Compote: composition and methods of preparation

For the preparation of compotes, dried fruits and berries, frozen and, of course, fresh are used. To begin with, put a pot of water on the fire, bring to a boil and add sugar, the amount of which depends on the sweetness of the berries and fruits from which the drink is prepared. After the sugar has dissolved, sugar syrup you can add spicy spices and even wine, and then place the fruit. It is useful to replace sugar with honey. In order to preserve as many vitamins as possible, it is not recommended to boil the compote for a long time, and it is even better to remove some ingredients from the fire immediately. Just a few minutes to hold in boiling syrup:




Then the pan is removed from the heat and the drink is allowed to brew. In the same way, a healthy compote of dried fruits is prepared, which are thoroughly washed beforehand. Dried fruits can also be placed in a thermos and poured with strong boiling water. True, in this case, they should brew for at least 8 hours.

To preserve the vitamin, rich in taste and color, immediately turn off the fire, after adding to boiling syrup:

citrus fruits;






For beautiful design drink, soft varieties of berries and fruits can be decomposed into prepared containers and pour boiling syrup. This method of preparing compote is also suitable when using frozen foods.

Drink compote pre-strained and chilled.

Compote: what are the benefits for the body?

Healthy compote is an excellent substitute for all store-bought juices and drinks. The latter do not contain any vitamins, which are usually advertised so loudly, and their sugar content is so high that their daily use threatens the development of diabetes. The health benefits of compotes prepared at home are incomparable. They not only quench thirst deliciously, they enrich the body with the most important vitamins and minerals:

peach and apricot compotes have a beneficial effect on the work of the heart, nervous system and maintain visual acuity;

Compotes from cranberries, viburnum and currants will strengthen the immune system;

Apple-pear drink will cleanse the body of toxins;

Compote, with the addition of raspberries, is an excellent restorative and slightly antipyretic agent for seasonal colds;

Plum compote will produce a mild laxative effect.

What can we say about compotes from dried fruits, which in the cold season are able to fill the body's need for vitamins, iodine and iron.

Compote: what is the harm to health?

Sweet compotes, first of all, are harmful to those who have diabetes. And even if sugar is not added to the drink, fruits and berries contain sucrose to a large extent. And therefore, with diabetes, it is better to refuse compotes, so as not to cause unwanted harm to your body.

With increased acidity in the stomach, compotes can play the role of an additional irritant. This will lead to heartburn and disruption of the gastrointestinal tract. After all, berries and many fruits, even after heat treatment retain vitamin C.

Urolithiasis, kidney problems and a tendency to edema also indicate the need to carefully approach the choice of diet. Compotes in this case should be drunk with extreme caution and in small quantities.

Features of dried fruit compote: benefits and harms

Calorie content of 100 g of dried fruit compote is equal to 60 kcal. And we are talking about a drink without added sugar. Dried fruit compote contains natural sugars and does not contain fats and proteins. B vitamins, as well as sodium, potassium and iron are part of this healthy drink. Dried fruits for making healthy compotes should be stored in tightly closed containers, away from sources of moisture, light and excessive heat. Before preparing the drink, dried fruits are washed well or even soaked for several hours (which is not at all necessary).

The benefits of such compotes are based on their composition:

Dried apricots - optimizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract;

Prunes - effectively cleanses the body of toxic substances and increases the level of hemoglobin;

Apples - peel;

Pear - contributes to the normalization of intracranial pressure;

Raisins - normalizes bowel function, fights diarrhea, strengthens blood vessels.

Dried fruit compote is incredibly useful for poisoning and in the treatment colds.

However, compote can harm the body if a person suffers from problems associated with the work of the stomach and intestines. With increased acidity and existing ulcers, assorted dried fruits can cause an exacerbation of painful symptoms and indigestion. In addition, with elevated blood sugar levels, drinking such a drink is contraindicated, since it is itself oversaturated with sugars. This, by the way, is a contraindication for those who are trying to lose weight or are prone to obesity.

Features of apple compote: benefits and harms

Calorie apple compote 85 kcal per 100 gr. The drink contains vitamins B, A, C, magnesium, iron and folic acid. Useful properties of apple compote will help in the treatment of arthritis, inflamed joints, diseases of the intestines, kidneys, liver, Bladder. Apple compote is good for health during the fight against excess weight. He quickly recovers strength after exhausting physical exertion. Increases the level of hemoglobin. Symptoms of low stomach acid can be eliminated by drinking apple compote.

Harmful apple compote during periods of exacerbations, pancreatitis, gastritis and ulcers.

Cherry compote features: benefits and harms

For 100 g of cherry compote 99 kcal. This drink is rich in vitamins A, B, C, E, PP, iron, magnesium, beta-carotene.

Due to the high content of magnesium and iron, cherry compote It is recognized as the healthiest drink that can significantly increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood. Cherry compote is good to drink in the summer. It perfectly quenches thirst. And among other things, such a refreshing healthy cherry drink awakens the appetite. Therefore, cherry compote is so useful for a growing child's body.

With increased acidity of the stomach and existing problems with the gastrointestinal tract, the use of compote should be minimized in order to avoid harm from it. And with pronounced exacerbations after a glass of cherry compote, it is better to completely abandon this drink.

Compote for children: useful or harmful?

Children are very fond of delicious juices and various carbonated drinks. But it is much more useful for the child's body to drink natural homemade compote. By palatability it is in no way inferior to store-bought drinks, but its benefits are simply invaluable.

Homemade compotes are easy and quick to prepare. Their benefits to the body can be regulated by the berries and fruits used for cooking. In addition, the sugar content is also completely controlled in the process of preparing a drinkable dessert. Compotes will help support the children's body in the season of colds and colds. In the process of treatment, berry compotes give their vitamins and help to recover faster. And finally, it's just very tasty and perfectly quenches thirst.

Compotes actively awaken the appetite. Therefore, parents whose children are always difficult to feed can resort to this small useful secret.

However, under special circumstances, compotes can harm the child's body:

Increased acidity of the stomach;



Diseases of the urinary tract and kidneys.

Strawberries in compote can provoke an allergy in a child. At the same time, it does not matter at all whether they used it fresh or as part of an assortment of dried fruits.

Compotes: tasty and healthy

Useful compotes prepared from all berries and fruits that are eaten. Adding sugar to a drink is not an integral part of making the drink. The French were the first to taste this delicious and healthy dessert. Although initially it looked more like fruit puree, which, by the way, is still prepared in many restaurants in France.

In the usual perception, compote is a light, tasty, refreshing drink with its coolness. But you can also drink it warm. It can be consumed along with the pulp. Berries taken to make compote can be poured with boiling fruit syrup, resulting in a very tasty fruit and berry compote.

Healthy compote can be prepared all year round. Not only dried fruits, but also frozen berries and fruits can always be prepared in advance. In addition, you can stock up on compote by preserving it in sterilized jars. In this form, compote can be stored for several years without losing its useful properties. Then, even in the most severe frost, you can easily enjoy a natural vitamin drink. Or complement any festive table with a chilled healthy drink.

Some people forget about the very delicious drink kindergartens and schools. On sometimes you can meet families in which they cook and drink dried fruit compote with pleasure, the benefits or harms of it for some are a big mystery. Let's talk about what is more in such compote, but besides its benefits, I also want to tell you how to choose the right dried fruits for compote and how to cook it so that there are a lot of vitamins.

Not everyone and not always has the opportunity to prepare dried fruits themselves, so you have to buy them in the store. But the quality of such blanks is sometimes doubtful, there is no need to talk about the benefits. In this case, you just need to choose the right one.

Dried fruit compote, benefits

You can only talk about the benefits if you know the composition of the mixture of dried fruits. After all, the benefits of the drink are provided by dried fruits, in which no more than 20% of water remains after drying.

At home, of course, we try to dry fruits and berries according to all the rules. We choose fruits that are not treated with chemicals, clean and healthy. We carry out the drying itself according to the rules, so that later mold does not appear or moth does not start.

One can speak with confidence about the benefits of such a compote, it can be given even to babies in the first months of life.

Composition of dried fruit compote

Each fruit enriches the drink with its vitamins and fills it with useful content. A standard set of dried fruits for compote usually contains:

  • Vitamins C, PP, the whole group B
  • Iron
  • Sodium
  • Potassium

There are no carbohydrates and proteins in compote, but there are many organic acids that are useful to us. Dried fruit compote cannot be called dietary product, 60 kcal per hundred grams is quite a lot. We usually choose fruits for the compote mixture according to taste or from what is available.

  • Plum
  • Apples
  • Dried apricots
  • Prunes
  • Strawberry
  • Peaches
  • Raspberries
  • Cherry

We dry these fruits and berries more often than others for compotes, but sometimes we use exotic fruits, trying to diversify the amount of useful substances.

Benefits of dried fruit compote

Here, too, everything depends on the collection of fruits. most great benefit you can consider the warm aroma of the drink, uplifting on a dull winter evening, memories, the taste of childhood, the smell of summer, the warmth of sunny days.

If your compote kit contains dried apricots with prunes, and I'm just sure that they are there, then after such a compote you will not have problems with digestion, and also, hemoglobin will always be at a good level.

And if you add dried plums to the mixture of dried fruits, you can quickly cleanse the blood of bad cholesterol and other substances that are completely unnecessary to you.

Of course, the benefits of dried fruit compote will only be felt if you drink it constantly. By the way, in this way, you can generally refuse complex vitamin supplements from the pharmacy.

If you are constantly in a state of stress, you have nervous breakdowns, or you suddenly feel sadness and despondency, depression is your usual state, then add dried bananas to the mixture. They will cheer you up, make your taste for life rich and bright.

Bananas in compote will help athletes restore their strength after heavy loads, if you are not even an athlete, but you have work related to stress or weight lifting, then this version of compote is also for you.

When a dried pear is present in the compote mixture, you will know that your body will be cleansed of toxins and heavy metals, it will also help to deal with problems in the liver and kidneys.

Dried figs will make your memory stronger and brain activity stronger. Yes, it will also help solve problems with the thyroid gland, and it will raise your mood significantly.

Do you know that with simple compote cooked from dried fruits can strengthen the heart, improve the activity of the circulatory system? It is enough to just introduce raisins into it, which will also help fight puffiness, because it has a mild diuretic effect.

More often use dried grapes, pears and apples for compote, because they help to overcome the blues on cold days, replenish the missing light of the sun, and enhance metabolic processes.

I want to tell you more about one magical berry, if you have the opportunity to collect it in the forest or maybe buy it in the market. I'm talking about wild strawberries. Dry some berries and add to compote, dry directly with ponytails, they also have a lot of useful things. The flavor and richness of vitamin C you won't get anywhere else. You will constantly feel cheerful and your mood will be upbeat.

Dried fruit compote for a child

Such a drink is not as terrible an allergic reaction as brewed from fresh raw materials, so dried fruit compote for babies is the most suitable alternative to juices or plain water.

I gave it to my children from the age of three months. Of course, she didn’t start right away, from a bottle, gradually, she gave a few drops on the tongue, it was hilarious how the baby tries a new taste.

Yes, I gradually introduced components for compote, at first it was apples, raisins and dried apricots, a week later prunes were added, then a pear and so on. You do not need to enter several components at once, if an allergy suddenly happens, you will not specifically know what happened to it.

Dried fruit compote for a nursing mother

Often such a question arises, is it possible to compote from dried fruits when feeding a child? It is not possible, but very necessary, because at this time a woman lacks a lot of microelements, and compote will help to enrich the body in sufficient quantities.

It helps to increase lactation, increase the calcium that is so necessary at this time. Every second mother at this time, hemoglobin usually drops very much. But dried fruit compote will help raise it without taking medications with iron, which, by the way, very often cause constipation. And the compote just adjusts the entire work of the digestive tract gently and quickly.

Advice from my personal experience, when cooking compote, add some dates there, they will help to quickly restore strength and add energy, relieve fatigue attacks and headaches.

Dried fruit compote, how to cook correctly

Of course, we all know that during heat treatment, the bulk of the vitamins disappear and instead of a healthy drink, we get just a drink. To prevent this from happening, I will tell you how I cook compote myself, by the way, from my home-grown dried fruits. I think many will no longer ask how much to cook dried fruit compote.

For cooking delicious compote for every liter of water you need to take one hundred grams of dried fruits. And no sugar! Then honey can be added to the cooled drink if desired.

First, dried fruits must be washed very well, if they are very dirty, from the store, then pour for a few minutes hot water and then rinse under a tap.

We put the prepared dried fruits in a saucepan, but not aluminum, aluminum will quickly oxidize due to fruit acids. Pour in water and bring to a boil. just let the water boil with a key and immediately turn off the gas. We close the saucepan, wrap it in something warm and put it in a warm place to infuse for about ten hours.

Dried fruits from compote are very popular with children, so you should not throw them away after making compote.

Dried fruit compote, harm

Honestly, I don’t know a case when such a useful compote harmed someone. It can be drunk to diabetics, babies and their mothers. Rather, it can cause harm due to low-quality fruits or some component can cause allergies.

To avoid any trouble, you need to either prepare a drink from homemade dried fruits or learn how to choose them correctly in the store.

How to choose dried fruits

Try to always buy dried fruits that are not packaged, especially in opaque packages. Let them be loose.

  1. Take a piece of dried fruit in your hands and then look at what is left on your fingers.
  2. Smell the fruit mixture, only a slightly sour smell is allowed, no mustiness or mold.
  3. The color of dried fruit should be only slightly darker than natural.

Dried fruit compote, benefits and harms, video

Compote is an extraordinary drink. It is able to bring digestion back to normal, saturate the body with vitamins and quench thirst even in the most intense heat. A feature of dried fruit compote is that it can have a differentiated effect depending on the composition of this drink.

So compote with prunes can act as a mild laxative, and pear - on the contrary, it will fix a little.

Composition and calorie content of dried fruit compote

The benefits of dried fruit compote are unchanged regardless of the composition of its components, since it is this drink that retains a huge amount of vitamins and microelements.

Some believe that compote is a fairly high-calorie product due to the large amount of sugar used in cooking. There is some truth in this, but only if you drink several cups at a time and if you like to add more sugar.

According to classic recipe about 150 g of sugar per 1 liter of water is added to the compote. If you cook it without the addition of artificial sweeteners, the calorie content will be 60 kcal per 100 g of drink. Of these, it will contain 0.8 g of proteins and 14.2 g of carbohydrates.

Benefits of dried fruit compote

Dried fruit compote is most often brewed in winter and spring, when the supply of fresh fruit has already run out. Of course, today you can find fresh fruits in supermarkets all year round, but uzvar is very popular with housewives and cooks. There are several reasons for this.

Firstly, it has a special rich taste that cannot be replaced by any other drink.

Secondly, the quality of fresh fruit in winter and spring often leaves much to be desired. They store a lot of nitrates that will not benefit any adult, not to mention the children's body.

But here you should remember certain features of dried fruits. It's one question if you prepare them yourself in the summer, and quite another if you buy them in a store.

The fact is that in the production of dried fruits to give a better aesthetic presentation and to extend the shelf life unscrupulous manufacturers fruits are treated with sulfur dioxide, which contains the preservative E202. Beware of these dried fruits. They have an off-natural smell, and when soaked, they will give a yellowish or orange color to the water.

Useful compote of dried fruits ugly and shriveled. It was they who, most likely, were dried correctly, without the addition of unnecessary substances.

What fruits are really useful?

The answer is simple. For each person everything is individual. If you have problems with constipation or inactive digestion, compote with a high content of raisins, prunes and apricots will help you.

Dried apricots also help to restore vision and iron deficiency in the blood.

If a child has an upset stomach, then pear compote will regulate his stool well.

Also sweet compote very well helps with increasing acetone in the body. Often this is due to high temperatures. That is why pediatricians prescribe frequent, plentiful sweet fortified drinks during illness.

An ideal drink for losing weight will be compote from dried

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