Home Soups What is dried fruit compote useful for, a step-by-step recipe with a photo. Dried fruit compote benefit or harm

What is dried fruit compote useful for, a step-by-step recipe with a photo. Dried fruit compote benefit or harm

How much does dried fruit compote cost ( average price for 1 liter)?

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Many residents of our latitudes have known about the unique beneficial properties of dried fruit compote since childhood. Indeed, in almost all schools and kindergartens in the Russian Federation, as well as in the countries of the former USSR, dried fruit compote is considered one of the most popular drinks. It is worth noting that it is no coincidence that dried fruit compote is used in the diet of baby food.

Composition of dried fruit compote

Due to its distinctive properties, dried fruit compote has a positive effect on the growing body. In addition, vitamins, mineral compounds and other biologically active substances that are part of dried fruit compote help to maintain many vital systems in the human body.

The main component in the compote of dried fruits are dried berries or fruits. Dried fruits are fruits and berries dehydrated by drying, which contain more than 20% moisture. Dried fruits are made both by natural methods, i.e. drying under direct sunlight, and in special industrial dryers.

It should be noted that the calorie content of dried fruit compote depends primarily on the type of dried fruit that was used to make the drink, and also the amount of sugar. However, the average calorie content of dried fruit compote is usually 60 kcal. The most useful type of dried fruit compote is a drink made using natural honey.

Benefits of dried fruit compote

As mentioned earlier, the benefits of dried fruit compote are explained by the vitamin and mineral composition of the drink. Since dried fruits are enriched with vitamins A, B, as well as minerals of iron, magnesium, potassium and calcium, as well as sodium and magnesium, the drink also contains a significant amount of the above-mentioned beneficial compounds. Doctors and nutritionists use the benefits of compote from dried fruits in the dietary, as well as therapeutic nutrition menu.

Harm of dried fruit compote

Among the minuses of the drink, one can note the harm of compote with dried fruits for the human body, which is due to the content of a large amount of sugar in the product. In addition, dried fruit compote can cause harm if the drink was made from poor-quality or spoiled raw materials.

However, a properly prepared and preferably at home dried fruit compote will bring invaluable benefits to the health of all family members. In addition, dried fruit compote will help saturate the body with useful compounds of natural origin that are indispensable for the normal life process.

Calorie content of dried fruit compote 60 kcal

The energy value of dried fruit compote (The ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - bzhu).

Dried fruit compote is very versatile. After all, you can buy dried fruits at absolutely any time of the year, besides, their cost is quite low, so you can afford such compote at least every day. In addition, the taste properties of this compote are very pleasing, because it has a very specific, but very interesting taste and perfectly quenches thirst. True, you can often hear talk about what dried fruit compote brings to the body more, benefit or harm? And in general, what properties does this drink, which is pleasant for year-round use, have?

Is dried fruit compote healthy?

To begin with, it is worth saying in general about the benefits. Without exception, all dried fruits have a positive effect on the functioning of the immune system, so compote from them is very useful in autumn and winter, when the consumption of fresh fruits is significantly reduced. And regular use of dried fruit compote will increase the resistance of the immune system to colds and viral diseases. Also, such a compote will be very useful for problems with the genitourinary system.

To talk exactly about the benefits that dried fruit compote will bring, it is worth analyzing its components separately.

  1. Dried apricots improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, help in the fight against extra pounds and increase the efficiency of the body.
  2. Dried cherries increase the content of hemoglobin in the blood.
  3. Apples and pears improve mood, so they will be great helpers in the fight against depression and fatigue. In addition, these dried fruits reduce blood pressure and improve metabolism.
  4. Dried peach helps in the breakdown of fats and also relieves the discomfort of rheumatism.
  5. Prunes, like cherries, perfectly increase hemoglobin and remove all toxins and harmful substances from the body.
  6. Raisins enrich the body with potassium and normalize the functioning of the nervous system.
  7. Raspberries increase and help well with colds.

Useful properties of dried fruit compote will depend entirely on what kind of dried fruits you add to it. Therefore, it is advisable to study the benefits of dried fruits and mix them, based on what you would like to get from compote.

It should be borne in mind that one hundred dried fruit compote is very saturated with both kilocalories and a lot of beneficial vitamins and elements. Therefore, it should be consumed in moderation so as not to cause an allergic reaction. In addition, it is necessary to carefully select the dried fruits themselves, because the properties of the drink directly depend on their quality.

It is impossible not to note the benefits of using dried fruit compote during pregnancy. The main thing is not to get too carried away with the drink and drink it not too often.

Mankind has known dried fruits for a very long time. When cooked properly, they are even more beneficial than fresh fruit. Although in dried fruits the content of vitamin C is significantly lower than in fresh, all other useful substances, which are by no means few, are preserved in full. For example, boron, potassium, copper, iron, calcium in dried fruits are much higher than the same elements in fresh fruits. Dried fruit compote is usually made from dried apricots, raisins, prunes and figs. It is their huge beneficial properties that are transferred to compote, thanks to which it becomes the most useful vitamin drink.

Benefits of dried fruit compote

Dried fruits become very popular in the winter season, when the immune system needs to be supported in every possible way, and fresh fruits are not available or are already useless. The composition of dried fruits includes a large amount of pectins, which stimulate digestive and metabolic processes, improve intestinal motility. They absorb and remove from the body all radioactive substances, pesticides, ions and salts of heavy metals. Dried fruits have the ability to lower cholesterol levels in the body, are an excellent prevention of atherosclerosis. To improve health and maintain it at the required level, nutritionists advise eating at least 2 kilograms of “drying” throughout the year. All components of dried fruit compote have their own useful properties. Prunes contribute to the rapid restoration of the biological balance in the body, improves metabolic processes, and neutralizes the effects of free radicals. This is an excellent disinfectant for the digestive tract, a catalyst for digestion. It is indispensable in the diet of those suffering from constipation and hemorrhoids.

Dried fruits have long been known to mankind. At proper preparation, the benefits of them will even surpass fresh fruit. True, the content of vitamin C in dried fruits is slightly less, but all other useful substances are preserved unchanged. They contain even more boron, potassium, calcium, copper, iron than fresh ones.

Why dried fruits are useful, how to properly prepare healthy compote from them, I will tell you on our website www.site, in the article “Dried fruit compote benefits, how to cook”.

So what are the benefits of dried fruits?

It's just a storehouse of vitamins and other healthy substances. It is especially useful to use them in winter, when there are few fresh vegetables and fruits that are good for health on the shelves. Therefore, dried fruits become a real help in maintaining immunity.

Dried fruits remove harmful cholesterol from the body, prevent the development of atherosclerosis. To maintain health at an appropriate level, nutritionists recommend consuming up to 2 kg. dried fruits per year.

Dried fruits are usually used to make delicious, healthy compote. It necessarily includes - prunes, dried apricots, raisins and figs. Let's see what the benefits of each of them are:


Quickly restores biological balance, normalizes metabolism, has the ability to destroy free radicals. It disinfects the gastrointestinal tract, speeds up the digestion process. For those who suffer from constipation, hemorrhoids, it is simply irreplaceable.

Dried apricots

Dried apricots are halves of apricots dried in the sun. Dried apricots are indispensable for those who suffer from heart disease, especially for patients with arrhythmia, angina pectoris. It contains a lot of potassium, so it is very useful for people with insufficient blood circulation and those who suffer from edema. Dried apricots should be eaten by those who are recovering from a heart attack, stroke, and those who take diuretics.


It is useful to include it in the diet of excitable people with shattered nervous system. Scientists have proven that raisins protect nerve cells from exhaustion. The boron contained in it saves our teeth from stomatitis, and bones from osteoporosis. Therefore, it should be consumed by the elderly and children.

In addition, raisins activate the brain, restore memory, and are very useful for the normal functioning of the stomach and intestines. Black varieties of dried grapes are very useful for hematopoiesis, as they contain a very rare element, rubidium. Thanks to him, raisins cleanse blood vessels from atherosclerotic plaques. Raisins are also used to treat coughs.


As you can see, all the ingredients for making delicious useful compote from dried fruits, are extremely useful for humans. Only when you buy dry fruits in the market or in a store, wash them thoroughly under running water, and then pour boiling water over them. Because when drying, they are often treated with various "chemistry".

How to make dried fruit compote?

Since childhood, we have all known the taste of this drink, especially those who attended kindergarten in Soviet time. Chilled compote removes thirst well. Therefore, it is very pleasant to drink it both in summer and in winter.

For cooking delicious compote you will need 2 liters. water, 500 g dried fruits, 0.5 tbsp. sugar (can be replaced with honey), citric acid on the tip of a knife.

How to cook:

Sort dry fruits, remove spoiled or moldy ones. Rinse under running water, pour over with boiling water. Pour in 2 liters. warm water, leave for an hour. Soak the raisins separately. Now place them in a saucepan, cover with water where they were soaked, just leave the raisins for now.

Boil the compote, add sugar or honey, cook over low heat for 20 minutes. Shortly before cooking, put the raisins and citric acid. Everything, compote is ready! Now let it stand for a while and you can drink. If you prefer to drink the drink chilled, let the compote cool and put it in the refrigerator.

There will be no harmful effects from the drink (just don’t drink too cold - take care of your throat), but the benefits of dried fruit compote are simply invaluable, especially in winter. Be healthy!

Our most popular drink is dried fruit compote, benefit or harm, what is more in homemade compote and how it affects our body, disputes do not subside all the time. The thing is that many different dried fruits and berries can be used to make healthy compote, they can be prepared at home, or purchased in a store. The quality of the latter is sometimes questionable. Therefore, today we will talk not only about the benefits of compote, but also how to choose the right dried fruits in order to cook it without harm to our health.

Dried fruit compote - benefits and properties

In general, the properties of compote are completely dependent on its composition. For its preparation, dried fruits and berries are used, in which the composition of water is not more than 20%. The components are dried either naturally, in a warm, dry and well-ventilated place, or in special industrial dryers.

Of course, there is more confidence in dried fruits prepared at home. After all, for ourselves we try to prepare them according to all the rules, avoiding unnecessary inclusions, mold or improper drying.

Composition of dried fruit compote

Most often, we use dried fruits in the winter season, when natural vitamins are in short supply. For such a vitamin compote, they usually use:

  • Apples
  • Peaches
  • dried apricots
  • Prunes
  • Plum
  • cherry
  • raspberries
  • strawberries

The composition may vary depending on your desire, because each ingredient enriches the drink with its own properties. The larger the set of components, the richer the composition:

  • Sodium
  • Potassium
  • Iron
  • Vitamins C, PP, group B

Dried fruit compote contains organic acids and vegetable sugars, it does not contain proteins and carbohydrates, but it is quite high in calories due to the sugar content, about 60 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Benefits of dried fruit compote

Well, firstly, the fact that it will warm you on a cold winter day and cheer you up with a fruity aroma, reminiscent of summer.

Those who often drink compote usually do not know problems with the work of the gastrointestinal tract. Its normal work is provided by dried apricots with prunes, in addition, they also increase hemoglobin well.

Dried plum, which is part of the compote, will help remove all harmful substances from the body and purify the blood.

Grapes, apples and pears will saturate the body with useful trace elements, help you survive the blues associated with a lack of sunlight in winter, and put your metabolism in order.

Raisins in compote are an excellent remedy for edema. It has a good effect on the circulatory system and in particular strengthens the heart muscle.

Add dried figs to the compote and you will always be in a good mood, and your thyroid gland will always be in perfect order. In addition, figs improve brain activity and strengthen memory.

Dried pear in compote will remove toxins and even heavy metals from the body, it is useful for various diseases of the kidneys and liver.

Bananas in compote is a relief from depression. This overseas fruit is always available to us, it is very useful for heavy physical exertion, severe overwork, nervous strain, heart problems and chronic depression.

Add blueberries to the compote, this berry is known for returning sharp vision and is very useful for anemia.

If you cook compote, which will include strawberries, especially wild ones, you will get a fragrant drink so rich in vitamin C that you can forget about seasonal colds. Strawberries are very useful for coughs and sore throats.

Dried fruit compote for babies

Dried fruit compote is less allergic than a drink made from fresh fruits and berries. Therefore, it is given to drink to children, starting from 3 months. Compote helps to increase the level of iron in the blood of a child and saturate the body with such necessary vitamins and minerals, in addition, prunes, which are part of the compote, will reduce the risk of constipation.

To give a drink you need to start with half a teaspoon, gradually increasing the daily portion to 100 ml.

Dried fruit compote while breastfeeding

It is advisable for nursing mothers to include dried fruit compote in their diet, because it will saturate the body, which at this time suffers from a lack of many trace elements.

It will contribute to the regulation of normal stool, generally adjust the work of the digestive tract. It will increase hemoglobin, most often lowered after childbirth.

Raisins in compote will very well increase lactation and enrich the body of a young mother with potassium and calcium.

If dates are included in the composition of dried fruits, then the body of a young mother will recover faster after childbirth, energy will appear and fatigue will decrease, headaches will disappear.

Dried fruit compote - harm

There is no need to talk about the dangers of this wonderful drink, because it is recommended for infants, diabetics, and nursing mothers.

The only harm that a drink can bring is associated with the use of low-quality products. In the industry, dried fruits are often treated with chemicals to increase their shelf life. so it's best to reduce the risks and cook compote from your own cooked products.

Sometimes some berries included in the compote can cause allergies in babies, you just need to be careful.

Diabetics need to drink compote without sugar or sweeten it with honey. Honey must be added to a drink that has cooled below 60 degrees so that it does not lose its valuable qualities.

How to cook dried fruit compote correctly

In order for the compote to have as many useful substances and vitamins as possible, it must be cooked in a way quick boil. To do this, take 300 grams of fruit mixture, rinse well several times, sort through and fill with 3 liters of water. Bring to a boil, turn off and immediately wrap the pan in something warm. In this form, leave to infuse for 10 hours.

Such compote without sugar and with preserved vitamins will be useful for both children and adults.

How to choose dried fruits for compote

It is best to purchase dried fruits without packaging, so you can see their quality and be able to assess the correctness of drying and storage.

  1. Dried fruits should be light in color, close to natural, fresh fruits.
  2. They should not be glued together in lumps, but in bulk.
  3. The smell should be slightly sour, fresh, no musty smell.
  4. Dried fruits must be clean, rub a piece dried apple in your hands and see what trace of it remains.
Dried fruit compote, benefits and harms, how to cook dried fruit compote, video

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